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Peter Pan Step into Reading (Step into Reading)

by RH Disney

Children ages 4-6 can follow Peter, Wendy, and Tinker Bell's adventures as they battle Captain Hook and the Never Land pirates in this Step into Reading adaptation of the beloved Disney animated film Peter Pan.

Peter Pan y Wendy

by J.M. Barrie

Uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura, en una nueva edición adaptada y con ilustraciones de Mónica Cencerrado. Wendy, John y Michael se embarcan en un viaje por el país de Nunca Jamás junto a Peter Pan, Campanilla y los niños perdidos. Allí vivirán emocionantes aventuras: tratados con los Pieles Rojas, baños con las sirenas y, por supuesto, batallas contra el malvado Garfio y su banda de piratas.

Peter Pan's Shadows in the Literary Imagination (Children's Literature and Culture)

by Kirsten Stirling

This book is a literary analysis of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan in all its different versions -- key rewritings, dramatisations, prequels, and sequels -- and includes a synthesis of the main critical interpretations of the text over its history. A comprehensive and intelligent study of the Peter Pan phenomenon, this study discusses the book’s complicated textual history, exploring its origins in the Harlequinade theatrical tradition and British pantomime in the nineteenth century. Stirling investigates potential textual and extra-textual sources for Peter Pan, the critical tendency to seek sources in Barrie’s own biography, and the proliferation of prequels and sequels aiming to explain, contextualize, or close off, Barrie’s exploration of the imagination. The sources considered include Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson’s Starcatchers trilogy, Régis Loisel’s six-part Peter Pan graphic novel in French (1990-2004), Andrew Birkin’s The Lost Boys series, the films Hook (1991), Peter Pan (2003) and Finding Neverland (2004), and Geraldine McCaughrean’s "official sequel" Peter Pan in Scarlet (2006), among others.

Peter Powers and the League of Lying Lizards! (Peter Powers #4)

by Brandon T. Snider Dave Bardin Kent Clark

If you like the Avengers, Justice League, or The Incredibles, then you'll love this family of superheroes! This new chapter book series is perfect for reluctant readers.Everyone in Peter Power's family has super awesome superpowers--except Peter. All he can do is make ice cubes and freeze stuff. But when Peter fibs to his teacher, the lies begin to snowball. Before he has time to tell the truth, Boulder City encounters earthquakes and a friendly group of lizard people! But soon, the lizard people reveal their lying colors and take over the town. Now, it's up to Peter and his super-powered family to save their hometown. Will they be able to defeat the League of Lizards' giant Gila monster, or will they be stomped flat? Peter Power and the League of Lying Lizards is the fourth chapter book in a new series of exciting stories about a young boy who has some rather crummy superpowers. Each story is full of humor, action, and fun, but the charm can be found in the heartfelt message about the power of family, friends, and having confidence. ©2017 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Peter Powers and the Sinister Snowman Showdown! (Peter Powers #5)

by Brandon T. Snider Dave Bardin Kent Clark

If you like the Avengers, Justice League, or The Incredibles, then you'll love this family of superheroes! This new chapter book series is perfect for reluctant readers.Join Peter Powers (the boy with not-to-super powers) and his friends for an exciting HOLIDAY-themed story of action, adventure, and... evil snowmen?! Everyone in Peter Powers's family has super awesome superpowers--except Peter. All he can do is make ice cubes and freeze stuff. But it's his favorite time of year, so who cares?! There's nothing like the holidays to put people in a good mood! But after Mr. Powers vanishes without a trace, other things in Boulder City start to disappear too. Now, it's up to Peter and his best friends, Chloe and Sandro, to search out who has a sinister heart of ice. Can the trio face the army of snowmen alone, or will the holidays be ruined for everyone?Peter Powers and the Sinister Snowman Showdown! is the fifth chapter book in a new series of exciting stories about a young boy who has some rather crummy superpowers. Each story is full of humor, action, and fun, but the charm can be found in the heartfelt message about the power of family, friends, and having confidence. (And look for a dastardly cameo by Santa's dark counterpart... Krampus!)©2017 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Peter Powers and the Swashbuckling Sky Pirates! (Peter Powers #6)

by Dave Bardin Kent Clark

If you like the Avengers, Justice League, or The Incredibles, then you'll love this family of superheroes! This new chapter book series is perfect for reluctant readers.Everyone in Peter Powers's family has super awesome superpowers. His dad controls fire with his mind, and his mom can fly. His big brother makes copies of himself, and his little sister is super-strong. And his baby brother even turns invisible! But all Peter can do is--this is really embarrassing--make ice cubes with his fingertips. That's why Peter's been working hard to improve his ice talents and is more powerful than ever. But when a group of sky pirates come to town, they steal everyone's abilities-including Peter's. Without superpowers, Peter is about to discover whether he's as cool as he thought he was or if he was letting his powers define him. Can he help his family, save his friends, and battle the diabolical sky pirates-or is his goose cooked? Featuring an extra-special power-packed final chapter that will shock readers!Peter Powers and the Swashbuckling Sky Pirates! is the sixth chapter book in a new series of exciting stories about a young boy who has some rather crummy superpowers. Each story is full of humor, action, and fun, but the charm can be found in the heartfelt message about the power of family, friends, and having confidence. ©2017 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Peter the Pen

by Christine Helmling

Peter is a whiteboard marker pen who sits on the shelf of the teacher’s whiteboard easel. He is alone and, at night, he often hears the chatter and giggles of the felt pens in a container on the children’s table. He longs to join them. But how can he? Peter is very lonely. One night something very magical happens, something Peter never ever dreamt would happen.

Peter y Wendy: Edicion Del Centenario (Coleccion Cuentos Universales)

by J. M. Barrie

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Todos los niños crecen, menos uno.» Poco imaginaba J.M. Barrie cuando escribió la obra de teatro Peter Pan que un siglo más tarde el mito del niño que no quería crecer seguiría cautivando a jóvenes y mayores por igual. Publicada años más tarde como novela bajo el título de Peter y Wendy, su universo es omnipresente en el imaginario colectivo. Barrie apela a nuestros sueños de infancia con una dulzura y un genio imaginativo capaces de llevarnos de la risa al llanto en pocas páginas. La vida del autor, marcada por la muerte de su hermano, está presente en todo momento. Él mismo confesaría que su más profundo deseo hubiera sido recuperar los años felices de su infancia, y que su más célebre personaje era una personificación de tales anhelos. Esta cuidada edición introducida y anotada por Silvia Herreros de Tejada, especialista en J.M. Barrie, es la mejor oportunidad para dejarse llevar por la fantasía del país de Nunca Jamás.

Pete's Dragon (Little Golden Book)

by RH Disney

Disney's classic story of an orphan and his pet dragon will delight children ages 2 to 5. This Little Golden Book retelling of Disney Pete's Dragon was first published in 1977.

Petit Diamant et la Montagne Solitaire

by Julie Boissy Valerie Pike

Petit Diamant, le dragon solitaire, est coincé dans une grotte avec une fée chauve-souris attrapeuse de rêves, Petite Brindille. Mais il veut tout de même tirer profit de cette mauvaise situation. Lorsqu’il perd ses écailles, elles se transforment en rubis. Le petit dragon plein d’entrain ne s’intègre pas aux autres dragons, tous plus cupides les uns que les autres, et sa famille lui manque. Petit Diamant s’envole alors vers les terres inconnues qui entourent sa grotte. Au cours de son aventure, il rencontre d’autres dragons, comme Étincel, un dragon guerrier intelligent et rusé qui vit dans une caverne au fond de l’océan ; Furie la collectionneuse d’or, dont le repaire est près d’un volcan endormi ; et la fille de Furie, Améthyste, petite dragonne à deux têtes qui incarne le meilleur et le pire d’un dragon. Malheureusement, Petit Diamant ne trouve pas l’amitié qu’il veut tant. Mais un jour, Princesse Pénélope, qui vit au bas de la Montagne Solitaire, dans le château du Contentement, s’aventure dans son repaire à la recherche du grand amour. Ils deviennent alors amis et vivent de nombreuses aventures ensemble. Petit Diamant donne un collier de rubis magiques à Pénélope. Les lecteurs prendront grand plaisir à découvrir les aventures de Petit Diamant et Pénélope. Sur leur route, ils rencontreront des fées et se retrouveront au beau milieu d’un épique combat de dragons mêlant cupidité et revanche et menaçant de détruire le royaume de Pénélope. Petit Diamant finira-t-il par gagner et rétablir la paix au sein des villageois ? Trouvera-t-il son âme sœur et vaincra-t-il ainsi sa solitude ?

Petit Diamant le dragon et la princesse enchantée

by Valerie Pike

La sournoise reine Malvainia découvre que le prince Valentin vient d’avoir une fille. Toujours pleine de rage, elle manigance de se venger contre le royaume de Nosmir pour obtenir tous les rubis. Par pure méchanceté et par soif d’avidité, Etincel l’aide à kidnapper la princesse enchantée du château du Contentement. Etincel veut aussi se venger et s’envole avec Mortimer, le vautour de la reine. Le héros, Petit Diamant le dragon, part avec une équipe de sauvetage pour retrouver Genevieve, le bébé volé. Petit Diamant au cœur chaleureux se montre plus malin que les dragons maléfiques. Par des rebondissements interminables, la méchante Reine et Etincel apprennent qu’il y a un lourd tribut à payer pour leurs mauvaises actions.

Petit Diamant, le dragon, la Vallée des Rubis

by Valerie Pike Agnes Ruiz

Il y avait le souffle d’un dragon, au sommet d’une Montagne Solitaire. C’était un jeune dragon appelé Petit Diamant. C’était le seul dragon au monde capable de produire des rubis à partir de ses écailles. Chaque fois qu’il faisait ses écailles rouges ou quand il pleurait, des rubis tombaient sur le sol. Petit Diamant devait préserver son trésor de rubis des dragons envieux, ce qui l’obligeait à rester dans sa grotte. Il avait des pointes toxiques indigo sur sa queue. Une fois par an, sa mère, Queue Noire, revenait de Lapen pour prendre les rubis qui remplissaient la grotte de Petit Diamant pour les mettre en sécurité dans la Vallée des Rubis. La Vallée était une zone de terre basse entre les montagnes. Lapen, niché parmi les plus hautes montagnes du monde, était le lieu de naissance de Petit Diamant. C’est là que vivait la famille de sa mère. Queue Noire effaçait les traces derrière elle lorsqu’elle volait haut vers le repaire caché de Petit Diamant. Les rubis brillaient d’une teinte rouge vif qui pouvait être vue de très loin. Petit Diamant savait que sa mère viendrait les chercher. Elle n’était pas venue la semaine précédente. La princesse Pénélope pourrait trouver des gemmes rouges au bas de la Montagne Solitaire. Elle devait bientôt se marier au prince Valentin. Le grand mariage du courageux Valentin et de la belle Pénélope se dérouleraient plus tard ce jour-là et Petit Diamant voulait y assister avec sa mère. De son repaire près d’un volcan inactif, Furie, la collectionneuse d’or repéra la lueur des rubis. Furie était une dragonne avide qui convoitait les bijoux précieux et les objets brillants par-dessus tout. Son lit était fait d’or et de trésors qu’elle avait volés. Elle reposait sur d’innombrables pièces d’or. Elle avait des ailes de chauve-souris pleine d’écailles vert forêt et des griffes puissantes. Sa longue queue se terminait par une

Petorix the Winged Slicer: Special 24 (Beast Quest #123)

by Adam Blade

Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!When Tom's adversary Ria steals an old boot from King Hugo's palace it turns out she has a shocking plan. She uses a powerful magic stone circle to travel back in time, planning to stop Tom's ancestor Tanner from succeeding in his battle against Petorix the Winged Slicer. If she manages to change the course of history, Tom himself will never have been born! Tom and Elenna must follow Ria into the past, defeat Petorix and save Tanner before Tom himself vanishes completely ...If you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Petra K and the Blackhearts

by M. Henderson Ellis

Welcome to Pava, a city where miniaturized show-dragons are pitted against each other in secret, forbidden tournaments, and magic has been outlawed by a cruel child dictator. Here lives Petra K, the daughter of a shut-in mother, who becomes the master of a dragonka everyone wants to get their hands on. In a complicated world of sorceresses, gypsies, child gangs, and secret police, Petra K needs to decide whom to trust, and whom to betray in order to keep herself and her pet safe. But revolution is in the air, and she too is caught up in its pull. Only the Blackhearts, a gang of orphan children, dare to defy the new dictator's rule, selling potions to survive. Along with the Blackhearts, Petra K faces a murderous pack of mechanical dragonka, a phantom secret agent--and, most harrowing, her own weaknesses. Will the Blackhearts' adventures and courage inspire the terrified population to rise up again, and return Pava to a place of prosperity, where dragonka run free?Petra K and the Blackhearts is the first thrilling book of a trilogy by M. Henderson Ellis, whose previous novel Booklist called "a wild, manic ride . . . thoroughly enjoyable."From the Trade Paperback edition.

Petra's Ghost

by C.S. O'Cinneide

A man's pilgrimage becomes something from his darkest nightmares when secrets arise and ghosts haunt his path. A woman has vanished on the Camino de Santiago, the ancient five-hundred-mile pilgrimage that crosses northern Spain. Daniel, an Irish expat, walks the lonely trail carrying his wife, Petra’s, ashes, along with the damning secret of how she really died. When he teams up to walk with vibrant California girl Ginny, she seems like the perfect antidote for his grieving heart. But a nightmare figure begins to stalk them, and Daniel's mind starts to unravel from the horror of things he cannot explain. Unexpected twists and turns echo the path of the ancient trail they walk upon. The lines begin to blur between reality and madness, between truth and the lies we tell ourselves.

The Petrified Planet

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A super computer asked to answer the question "what is time?" freezes Earth and everything on it in a single moment in time.

The Petrified Planet

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A super computer asked to answer the question "what is time?" freezes Earth and everything on it in a single moment in time.

Petrodor (Trial of Blood and Steel #2)

by Joel Shepherd

Book two in the quartet A Trial of Blood & Steel picks up the story of the brave and independent heroine, Sasha, now living in the port city of Petrodor. Away from the hills of her Lenayin homeland, Sasha is making a new life in the dark alleys and wealthy houses of Petrodor. An influential trading centre, Petrodor holds the key to preventing the coming war between Lenayin and the mighty Bacosh. Together with her old mentor Kessligh, Sasha attempts to navigate the political intrigues of the port city and find a way to stop the war. It is the serrin, the beautiful but dangerous people from beyond the Bacosh, who will be the pivotal point in this struggle. How much can Sasha trust her old serrin friend Errollyn? And how much can she trust herself?

Petrok the Stone Warrior: Series 31 Book 4 (Beast Quest #1131)

by Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba's Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. In the final part of this Quest, brave Nolan and his companion, Marilla, find themselves deep in a jungle where the mighty stone-fisted gorilla Petrok proves a fearsome foe!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don't miss out!

Petronella and the Janjilons (Petronella Ser. #2)

by Cheryl Bentley

“...the story was well done, Petronella a good strong female lead.A fun and exciting tale of mischief and the resulting troubles, of problem solving and the outcome of working toward a goal.”Linda Barrett, Bookseller, USALoved this book - engaged with it straight away - especially liked Betty. Delightful book. Well recommended. Lorraine Baker, Bookseller, Wales"... a great book for reluctant readers ... A good fantasy read with good vs. evil" Ann Klausing, Books-a-Million"There are three witches, a hidden school and a lot of evil in this story. You'll meet characters that will surprise you and the ending is great. Ms. Bentley does not write boring books. I can see a young one reading this book more than once. Maybe they can even write a story of their own..." Jo Ann Hakola, The Book Faerie“What happens next? You’ll have to jump on this fast moving fairy tale thriller to find out!” Bill Baker, Maine, USA. “When I finished reading Petronella and the Janjilons, the first thing that came into my mind was, ‘I need to read more Nancy Drew.’ I kind of felt that it’s somehow like Nancy Drew.“Its contents are really action-packed. The writing is really alive and the author somehow connected with me through her writing.”Teenage reviewer, Philippines The bookThe Janjilons are not what they seem. They look like a type of monkey but they are really children. How did they turn into Janjilons? And could it happen to anyone?Behind this mystery is someone evil, Judge Ormerod who wants to be the next Duke of Westshire. With the help of three weird sisters, he has to rid the land of clever children from being an obstacle to him. The Janjilons work for him as the three sisters mete out punishment and keep them locked up.Petronella starts to look into these strange happenings. But time is running out because when the Judge no longer needs the Janjilons, they will be destroyed.

Petronella & The Trogot (Petronella Ser. #1)

by Cheryl Bentley

Petronella moves to Charis Cottage hidden in the thick dark woods at the bottom of a track on the outskirts of Fort Willow. Everything is perfect. Except for one thing. Since she moved an enormous black tree has appeared in her back garden in the shape of a giant with a big black circle on the ground under it. Petronella finds out it is a deep pit and is terrified to go near its ridge. But one night...How is the tree linked to:- The creepy night-time visits by the Hooded Horseman?- The boy ghost, Percy, Petronella finds in her bed one night?- The invasion of ghosts of the ancient Strincas population all over Fort Willow?Reviews"Kids will like this. Girls will like it for romance and boys will like it for the scare factor.""Full of ghosts and ghoulies, this is an imaginative tale."“This was presented as a supernatural chiller and I must admit…it was a fantastic and unique read for MG and YA readers. I do think that the author showed wonderful imagination in creating this world and these characters.”“Petronella & the Trogot is introduced as a supernatural chiller. People who lived almost 1,200 years ago, members of the Strincas civilization, start appearing and living in modern day Fort Willow. Needless to say the Strincas resurrection scares (off) many modern day citizens. If that were not enough, Bentley adds a hooded horseman (think Legend of Sleepy Hollow) and a black, evil monster tree in Petronella’s back yard.In Part 1 one you get to know Petronella ‒ our protagonist, modern day Fort Willow inhabitants, the Strincas, and the evil Lord Fortesque. In Part 2 Petronella and Percy, a Strinca, investigate the tree and find themselves on a journey. Their journey is similar to Dante’s Inferno with a modern twist... In Petronella & the Trogot, you know who all the offenders are. I enjoyed reading the novel.”

The Petrovitch Trilogy (Samuil Petrovitch)

by Simon Morden

Welcome to the Metrozone - post-apocalyptic London of the future. While the rest of Britain has devolved to anarchy, the M25 cordon protects a decaying city filled with homeless refugees, street gangs, exiled yakuza, crooked cops and mad cults. And something else; something new and dangerous. Enter Samuil Petrovitch: a Russian émigré with a smart mouth, a dodgy heart and a dodgier past. He's brilliant, friendless, cocky and - armed only with a genius-level intellect, prototype cyberware and a prodigious vocabulary of Russian swear words - might just be most unlikely champion a city has ever had. Welcome to the future. Mind the gap. This omnibus edition contains EQUATIONS OF LIFE, THEORIES OF FLIGHT and DEGREES OF FREEDOM

The Petrovitch Trilogy: An omnibus edition

by Simon Morden

Welcome to the Metrozone - post-apocalyptic London of the future. Whilst the rest of Britain has devolved to anarchy, the M25 cordon protects a decaying city filled with homeless refugees, street gangs, exiled yakuza, crooked cops and mad cults. And something else; something new and dangerous. Enter Samuil Petrovitch: a Russian émigré with a smart mouth, a dodgy heart and a dodgier past. He's brilliant, friendless, cocky and - armed only with a genius-level intellect, prototype cyberware and a prodigious vocabulary of Russian swear words - might just be most unlikely champion a city has ever had. Welcome to the future. Mind the gap. This omnibus edition contains Equations of Life, Theories of Flight and Degrees of Freedom.

The Petting Zoos

by K.S. Covert

In a virus-fearing world, skin hunger can drive you crazy — and human petting zoos can return you to yourself. Ten years after the deadly virus nicknamed Henny Penny, the world has largely recovered — there’s an interim government as well as law and order, and life is returning to normal for the greatly reduced population. But despite effective vaccines, the law still requires people to wear protective masks and gloves at all times in public, and many still fear a resurgence of the virus. On top of this, people who haven’t been touched in years are going crazy from skin hunger.Lily has lived in fearful isolation for ten years, afraid to rejoin the world. But a return-to-work order and an invitation to go to a petting zoo — a highly illegal club where people go to touch and be touched — start to bring her back to life.A post-apocalyptic sex adventure and a woman’s journey of self-discovery, The Petting Zoos is an erotic love story for an age of extreme caution, in which the value of safety itself is questioned.

Petty Magic: Being the Memoirs and Confessions of Miss Evelyn Harbinger, Temptress and Troublemaker

by Camille Deangelis

Evelyn Harbinger is a heck of a lot older than she looks. At 149 years of age, Eve can still iron out the wrinkles on a Saturday night, turning heads and taking more than phone numbers as the foxy, dark-haired girl she used to be. She and her sisters have spent the better part of their lives using their powers for only the highest good--Eve herself spied for the Allies in Paris and Berlin--but in their golden years, the beldames are free to enjoy themselves however they please. When Eve meets Justin at her favorite curiosity shop, though, her games are over. Justin looks and acts uncannily like Jonah, her partner on the most dangerous mission of her career--and the great love of her life. Experts in espionage, Eve and Jonah gave up their one chance at happiness to advance the Allied cause, and no man has measured up ever since. Justin is unsuspecting but equally smitten, and Eve is much too headstrong to listen to the common-sense warnings of her coven. Meanwhile, another beldame has accused Eve's sister Helena of killing her own husband sixty years before, and Eve, disguised as her younger self, spends more and more time with Justin to take her mind off the growing pile of evidence that suggests her sister isn't the pure-hearted matriarch she appears to be. Eve knows her family has every reason to disapprove and that falling in love with an ordinary man can only end in despair, but she can't give up the boy who might be Jonah--because this time, she just might be able to keep him. A delightfully romantic adventure set between a supernatural version of present-day New York City and the epic backdrop of World War II, Petty Magic proves that the real fun starts when beldames and mortal men dare to fall in love.

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