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by Scott Mackay

All life on Earth is held hostage by a desperate and ruthless alien race in this “hard-hitting apocalyptic thriller” from award-winning author Scott Mackay (Booklist).The Tarsalans came to Earth hoping to settle on the planet alongside a sympathetic human race. But after years of delicate negotiations, their patience reaches the breaking point and they decide to make their case for immigration terrifyingly clear—by enveloping the planet in a green sphere which blocks out all sunlight.Without energy from the sun, the Earth—and every living thing on it—is doomed.Soon, civilization breaks down as the instinct for individual survival shreds humanity’s common bonds. It appears mankind may destroy itself even before the Phytosphere does.The only hope against catastrophe lies in the troubled connection between two brothers—one stranded at a lunar base on the moon, the other trapped on the dying Earth…“Deftly juggling hard sci-fi and a bleak tale of post-apocalyptic survival” Scott Mackay once again offers an electrifying sci-fi tale of “high-tech intrigue and old-fashioned suspense” (Publishers Weekly).

Pi in the Sky

by Wendy Mass

Joss is the seventh son of the Supreme Overlord of the Universe, and all he gets to do is deliver pies. That's right: pies. Of course these pies actually hold the secrets of the universe between their buttery crusts, but they're still pies.Joss comes from a family of overachievers, and is happy to let his older brothers shine. But when Earth suddenly disappears, Joss is tasked with the not-so-simple job of bringing it back. With the help of an outspoken girl from Earth named Annika, Joss embarks on the adventure of a lifetime and learns that the universe is an even stranger place than he'd imagined.

Pia the Penguin Fairy: The Ocean Fairies Book 3 (Rainbow Magic #3)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up. Rachel and Kirsty are visiting Kirsty's grandmother when they are whisked away to Fairyland for the yearly Ocean Gala. Here, Shannon the Ocean Fairy plays her Magical Golden Conch Shell to ensure that the seas and oceans remain peaceful and ordered for the year ahead. Everything is going well - until Jack Frost snatches the conch shell and breaks it into seven pieces. Rachel and Kirsty, along with the Ocean Fairies, must get the pieces back before chaos takes over the oceans! 'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' Read all seven fairy adventures in the Ocean Fairies set! Ally the Dolphin Fairy; Amelie the Seal Fairy; Pia the Penguin Fairy; Tess the Sea Turtle Fairy; Stephanie the Starfish Fairy; Whitney the Whale Fairy and Courtney the Clownfish Fairy. If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Pianeta Paradiso

by Tomas Alva Andrei

Pianeta Paradiso è una raccolta di storie scritte da Tomas Alva Andrei, che mettono in luce la natura umana. In questa raccolta troveremo storie che appartengono sia al genere fantastico che a quello fantascientifico. Nelle parole dell'autore, si osserva una realtà che porta a profonde emozioni. In molte delle storie l'apocalisse o la fine del mondo è trattata come una trama centrale. Il ruolo della natura, il significato della vita e il lutto con la morte sono argomenti frequenti nelle pagine di questo libro, così come il viaggio attraverso lo spazio e l'esilio terrestre.

Pianeta robot: Dicevano che lì non ci fosse nessuno (Cronache del contatto #1)

by Louis Edward Rosas

In preparazione alla prima missione con equipaggio su Marte, l’ultimo rover robotico della NASA, il Rover Minerario di Marte, è stato inviato sul Pianeta Rosso per ispezionare le potenziali zone di atterraggio. Quando qualcosa di preoccupante viene catturato dalla telecamera del rover, si scatena una serie di eventi inquietanti che coinvolgerà il dottor Wayne Parsons e il suo piccolo team al Jet Propulsion Laboratory, eventi che metteranno in pericolo sia la missione che le loro vite. L’autore di American Mishima, Louis Edward Rosas, presenta questo racconto basato su intrighi, scienza e una sinistra campagna per sopprimere la verità, sollevando dei dubbi sul fatto che siamo veramente soli nell’universo.

El Piasa

by María Victoria Madruga Flores Richard Stooker

En 1973, los primeros exploradores europeos en recorrer el río Mississippi vieron en lo más alto de los escarpados riscos la pintura de un enorme monstruo alado ¿De dónde vendrá?¿Por qué alguien hizo el esfuerzo y corrió el riesgo de pintar eso en el acantilado? Los indios les contaron la aterradora historia de una criatura semejante a un dragón que se comía a los hombres, y de cómo un valiente jefe lo mató.Esta historia corta histórica fantástica, sobre el dragón nativo americano, publicada previamente en la revista Fantastic en diciembre de 1975, no ha estado disponible desde entonces... Hasta ahora.Sabemos que historias y leyendas sobre dragones de Europa y Asia se remontan a miles de años. ¿Tomó como presas tal criatura a personas justo al norte de la actual St. Louis? ¿Un dragón en América del Norte?Los exploradores franceses Pere Marquette y Joliet remaron sus canoas por el Padre de las Aguas, los primeros europeos en viajar por el centro del continente recién descubierto de América del Norte.Vieron la pintura.¿Por qué algún artista indio no identificado arriesgó su vida por crearla? Los acantilados perpendiculares se elevan a ciento de metros del río. Otros indios deberían haber bajado al artista en una cuerda desde la parte superior, y el dibujante colgaba por encima de las rocas de la orilla del río mientras trabajaba.Canoas de indios guerreros pasaron a los exploradores en el río. A medida que se aproximaban a la pintura del monstruo volador parecido a un dragón, le dispararon flechas.Una gran pérdida de buenas flechas, porque se rompían o rebotaban con la roca caliza blanca del acantilado y caían al río.¿Qué es lo que asustaba tanto a los indios?Si quieres averiguarlo, desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón de compra. ¡Comienza a leer hoy mismo!

Pick a Crime

by Richard Smith

Going straight meant crooked planning. He'd never make it unless he somehow managed to...

Pick a Crime

by Richard R. Smith

Going straight meant crooked planning. He'd never make it unless he somehow managed to Pick a Crime.

Picking Up A Goblin For Father: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xin Yue

Abominable bat spirit actually beat me back to the original form even the magic can not use up i was put in a vase by this little boy although i am a spider but i do not like the dark at all especially such a small space not only can not move and even breathing difficulties the bad boy even put a bottle cap

Picking up Speed (Superhuman)

by Raelyn Drake

Natalie has never been a fast runner. She's only on the track team because her sister, a varsity runner, put in a good word with the coach. So Natalie's shocked when her speed suddenly increases on her sixteenth birthday. Soon she can run faster than humanly possible! But the more races she wins, the more arrogant she becomes. With this new attitude taking a toll on her relationship with her best friend on the team as well as her sister, Natalie must decide if the super speed is really worth it.

Picking Up the Ghost

by Tone Milazzo

“African magic and folklore color this unusual coming-of-age story” as a teenage boy faces a haunting journey after hearing of his estranged father’s death (Publishers Weekly). It isn’t easy living in the dying city of St. Jude, Mississippi. But when a letter informs fourteen-year-old Cinque Williams of the passing of the father he never met, he suddenly comes face to face with the struggles he’s always avoided: his incomplete past and uncertain future. That’s when the strange hand reaches down through his dreams to snatch away his heart. A curse meant for his father condemns Cinque to a slow death even as it opens his eyes to the strange otherworld around him. With help from the ghost Willy T, an enigmatic White Woman named Iku, an African Loa, and a devious shape-shifter, Cinque gathers the tools to confront the ghost of his dead father. But he will learn that sometimes too much knowledge can be dangerous—and the people he trusts most are those poised to betray him.

Pickle Pie (Cyberpink #1)

by George Saoulidis

Scorre sangue rosa. Rollerblade incontra Glow in un racconto sportivo da bagno di sangue. Quando un armaiolo in rovina finisce per ottenere la proprietà di una giocatrice di jugger decide di buttarsi in pista. Ma riuscirà almeno a guadagnarci qualcosa non sapendo nulla del gioco e del mondo schifoso che ci gira attorno? Quando gli avversari giocano sporco in campo e la popolarità del gioco cresce con il crescere degli infortuni e delle morti? Volete vedere il gioco sanguinolento del Cyberpunk? Volete incontrare Pickle Pie? Allora leggete questa eccitante storia dove regna la popolarità e dove scorre sangue tinto di rosa. Questo è il libro 1 della serie Cyberpink. AVVERTENZA. “Pickle Pie” parla di: abuso di droghe, scarsa inibizione, parolacce in più lingue, ortografia britannica, correttezza politica europea, una tonnellata di materiale fornito nel sistema metrico, sangue rosa, sangue rosso, sangue secco,, adorazione dei corpi di divinità modificate, riferimenti al maschio e parti del corpo femminile, alcool, abusi, omicidi per lo sport, omicidi a pagamento, tentati omicidi, fanatici lascivi direttamente da 4chan, poliamore, gangster, schiavitù (non la tipologia sexy di schiavitù), transumanesimo, citazioni errate di Doctor Who, personaggi LGBT , diversità, consumo di cetriolini in grandi quantità, consumo di ouzo in grandi quantità, cose di poco valore, scene in bagno (Hitchcock sarebbe orgoglioso) e la storia di un eroe che sta solo cercando di fare la cosa giusta pur lamentandosene.

Pickles vs. the Zombies (Tails from the Apocalypse)

by Angela Misri

Winner of the 22nd Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award - English Fiction The comfortable life of Pickles, the calico housecat, is turned upside down when humans succumb to a zombie apocalypse. She doesn’t know where her “pet” – human child Connor – has gone, only that there are zombies everywhere. Determined to find Connor, Pickles sets off with her cat friends and a streetwise raccoon, exploring a world she has only seen through a window. Fending off human zombies, street cats from the wrong side of the track, and a fearsome gang of chipmunks, Pickles and her crew search for remnants of human society.

Pickles vs. the Zombies (Tails from the Apocalypse)

by Angela Misri

Winner of the 22nd Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award - English Fiction The comfortable life of Pickles, the calico housecat, is turned upside down when humans succumb to a zombie apocalypse. She doesn’t know where her “pet” – human child Connor – has gone, only that there are zombies everywhere. Determined to find Connor, Pickles sets off with her cat friends and a streetwise raccoon, exploring a world she has only seen through a window. Fending off human zombies, street cats from the wrong side of the track, and a fearsome gang of chipmunks, Pickles and her crew search for remnants of human society.

Pickman's Model

by H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.

Picnic On Nearside

by John Varley

A set of short stories including stories of a talking bomb, an asteroid vacation land, murder at a settlement where all the inhabitants are identical, a man enjoying his second childhood, a living black hole, and others.

Picnic on Paradise: Past Master / Picnic On Paradise / Nova / Emphyrio (Macdonald Science Fiction Ser.)

by Joanna Russ

A new kind of sci-fi heroine, the tough-as-nails Alyx, is introduced in this Nebula Award finalist that Poul Anderson called an “extraordinary” novel. Set in a semi-utopian world, Joanna Russ’s groundbreaking debut novel is the story of Alyx, a female soldier, survival guide, and agent of the Trans-Temporal Authority. Displaced in time from her ancient Greece, Alyx is tasked with safely leading a group of pampered human vacationers—including some unconventional nuns and a detached teenager known as the Machine—across an uninhabited scenic terrain to a relief station. But the journey proves more challenging than anticipated as they confront one another’s failings; the physical dangers of an icy, hostile wilderness; and Alyx’s own personal demons. Long before the kick-ass heroines of current science fiction and fantasy, Russ unapologetically introduced readers to a short, strong, middle-aged (for her world/time) woman of twenty-six who knows how to survive but struggles with the emotional nuances of her charges and the confusion of her own mixed feelings. With iconic characters like Alyx, Russ “four decades ago helped deliver science fiction into the hands of the most alien creatures the genre had yet seen—women . . . [and] helped inaugurate the now flourishing tradition of feminist science fiction” (The New York Times).


by Robert A. Metzger

Robert Metzger writes classic hard SF but he does so in a way that emphasizes excitement and adventure and which shows the science in a way that makes it accessible and fascinating. In PICOVERSE, a team of physicists in 2007 is trying to develop fusion power via a new development in plasma physics, a Sonomak, but accidentally stumbles on a method to create new, smaller-than-usual universes, which they call picoverses. These replicate everything in our universe but on a smaller scale.A disastrous test of the Sonomak machine shakes things up and a new project director, previously unknown to the group, is appointed. Alexandra has her own secret priorities and one of them is to escape from her superiors into one of the picoverses. To do this, she needs the researchers to execute her plan. Unfortunately, things go amiss and the team finds itself stuck in a picoverse duplicating 1920s Earth, but with its own version of a Sonomak, vacuum tubes and all. Among the local team are Werner Heisenberg and Albert Einstein.As the pace of the story accelerates, the original team races from one picoverse to another, trying to return to their home base and thwart Alexandra's plans. In a clash of alternate realities, the fate of Earth and the entire universe hangs in the balance. Cosmic rabbits need to be pulled from alternate universe hats before this tale comes to a satisfying--and scientifically rigorous--end.

The Pictish Child (Tartan Magic #1)

by Jane Yolen

A web of evil Scottish magic entangles 3 children American twins Jennifer and Peter love spending time with their grandmother in Scotland, especially because their sweet and loving Gran is a witch. A trip to meet Gran's coven provides some unexpected surprises when a woman presents the twins' little sister, Molly, with an ancient talisman. The relic leads the children to a frightened Pictish girl from the 9th century who has fled through time to escape a terrible evil. Jennifer, Peter, and Molly will have to join forces with Gran's friends to defeat a bearer of bad magic and help a time traveler return to her rightful past. In this delightfully atmospheric and imaginative novel, acclaimed fantasist Jane Yolen enthralls readers of all ages with a tale rich in wonder, surprise, and enchanted adventure. The Pictish Child is the 2nd Tartan Magic book, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order. This ebook features an illustrated personal history of Jane Yolen including rare images from the author's personal collection.

The Picture of Dorian Gray: And The Decay Of Lying (Classics To Go #309)

by Oscar Wilde

Packaged in handsome and affordable trade editions, Clydesdale Classics is a new series of essential literary works. From the musings of literary geniuses like Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to the striking personal narrative of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, this new series is a comprehensive collection of our literary history through the words of the exceptional few.The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece and lone novel, has endured as a significant piece of literature partly due to its philosophical nature and artful prose, and partly because of the stir it caused upon its initial publication. Published originally in 1890 in Lippincott’s Magazine, The Picture of Dorian Gray—often deemed by Wilde’s contemporaries to be “indecent”—tells the story of an attractive young man eponymous with the title who desires to be eternally young. Dorian is the subject of a portrait by a painter named Basil Hallward, who deems Gray’s beauty to be inconceivably great. Rather than having to age himself, young and egotistical Dorian longs for the painting to age instead so that he can remain young and beautiful. When he sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth—a concept Wilde derived from the German legend of Faust—Dorian begins a life of vice and debauchery with its sole aim being pleasure. Meanwhile, the painting documents each of his sins within its appearance. When Dorian confronts the painting again with Hallward, a slew of unfortunate events unfold.Abundant with rich, philosophical themes and commentary, The Picture of Dorian Gray is a classic tale that warns its readers of the dangers that come with narcissism, self-indulgence, and ignorance.

Picture Perfect: Book 12 (Secret Princesses #12)

by Rosie Banks

A gorgeous new series about magical princesses and best friends. Best friends Charlotte and Mia can't bear it when Charlotte's family moves far away. But when they become trainee Secret Princesses they begin an amazing adventure together - and they can see each other whenever they like!Mean Princess Poison has cast a spell on four of the Secret Princesses and made them forget all about their magic. Can the girls break Princess Poison's spell and grant a wish for another girl just like them?

Picture Perfect #13

by Angela Swan Sue Bentley Andrew Farley

Orla is very excited about entering the local photo competition - especially since it's her chance to show that she can be as good at something as her sister. When she forgets to even take the lens cap off the camera, though, it isn't a good sign! But when little chocolate-brown kitten Flame comes into the picture, it looks like Orla's dreams of winning the competition might just come true . . .

Pictures at 11

by Norman Spinrad

It's just another sleazy, smoggy day at KLAX: But today is anything but normal. Green Army Commandos is what they call themselves. They're violent ecoterrorists, they're armed to the teeth, and they haven't just taken over the station - they're hijacking the news itself. The Bad News Is they've wired themselves and the station with enough high explosives to blow a significant hole in the planet they're trying to save - and they're ready to do it unless their entirely impossible demands are met. The Good News Is the KLAX Action News Team has an exclusive on the most explosive story of the decade - their own kidnapping - and the ratings are going through the roof.

Pictures at 11

by Norman Spinrad

It's just another sleazy, smoggy day at KLAX: But today is anything but normal. Green Army Commandos is what they call themselves. They're violent ecoterrorists, they're armed to the teeth, and they haven't just taken over the station - they're hijacking the news itself. The Bad News Is they've wired themselves and the station with enough high explosives to blow a significant hole in the planet they're trying to save - and they're ready to do it unless their entirely impossible demands are met. The Good News Is the KLAX Action News Team has an exclusive on the most explosive story of the decade - their own kidnapping - and the ratings are going through the roof.

Pictures from an Institution: A Comedy (Phoenix Fiction Ser.)

by Randall Jarrell

Beneath the unassuming surface of a progressive women’s college lurks a world of intellectual pride and pomposity awaiting devastation by the pens of two brilliant and appalling wits. Randall Jarrell’s classic novel was originally published to overwhelming critical acclaim in 1954, forging a new standard for campus satire—and instantly yielding comparisons to Dorothy Parker’s razor-sharp barbs. Like his fictional nemesis, Jarrell cuts through the earnest conversations at Benton College—mischievously, but with mischief nowhere more wicked than when crusading against the vitriolic heroine herself. “A most literate account of a group of most literate people by a writer of power. . . . A delight of true understanding.”—Wallace Stevens “I’m greatly impressed by the real fun, the incisive satire, the closeness of observation, and in the end by a kind of sympathy and human warmth. It’s a remarkable book.”—Robert Penn Warren “Move over Dorothy Parker. Pictures . . . is less a novel than a series of poisonous portraits, set pieces, and endlessly quotable put-downs. Read it less for plot than sharp satire, Jarrell’s forte.”—Mary Welp “One of the wittiest books of modern times.”—New York Times “[T]he father of the modern campus novel, and the wittiest of them all. Extraordinary to think that ‘political correctness’ was so deliciously dissected 50 years ago.”—Noel Malcolm, Sunday Telegraph “A sustained exhibition of wit in the great tradition. . . . Immensely and very devastatingly shrewd.”—Edmund Fuller, Saturday Review “[A] work of fiction, and a dizzying and brilliant work of social and literary criticism. Not only ‘a unique and serious joke-book,’ as Lowell called it, but also a meditation made up of epigrams.”—Michael Wood

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