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Piel de emergencia

by N.K. Jemisin

Un planeta destruido. Una única misión. Vuelve N.K. Jemisin, la autora superventas de la aclamada Trilogía de La Tierra Fragmentada con un subversivo relato que superará todas tus expectativas. Premio Hugo 2020 a mejor novela corta Después de que sus ancestros huyeran del planeta siglos atrás, un explorador regresa a una Tierra colapsada por el cambio climático con el objetivo de reunir información. Antes de su partida, recibe un claro aviso: en el antiguo planeta únicamente encontrará muerte y destrucción. Sin embargo, en su viaje descubrirá que sus ancestros, los mejores representantes de la antigua sociedad, no han sido los únicos supervivientes y el explorador pronto se verá obligado a cuestionar las órdenes recibidas. «La escritora de fantasía y ciencia ficción más célebre de su generación... Jemisin da la impresión de ser capaz de todo.»The New York Times Reseñas:«Podría decirse que es la escritora de ficción especulativa más importante de su generación... Es así de buena.»John Scalzi «La escritora de fantasía y ciencia ficción más célebre de su generación... Jemisin da la impresión de ser capaz de todo.»The New York Times «La autora de fantasía más extraordinaria de nuestros tiempos.»Wired «Jemisin es una auténtica maestra.»Publishers Weekly «Una de las voces más eminentes entre los nuevos autores de fantasía épica.»

La piel de las sirenas

by Natasha Bowen

Las olas de cambio están llegando. ¿Estás preparado? Esta es la historia de un gran amor, un amor que amenazará a los mundos y enfurecerá a los dioses. Esta es una historia que cambiará la historia. Una forma de sobrevivir. Una forma de servir. Una forma de ahorrar. Una historia de amor épica impregnada de la mitología de África occidental.

La piel del lobo

by Morgan James Ashlyn Kane María Del Osorio

A las nueve de la mañana del día posterior al entierro de su padre, Ezra Jones ya sabía que ese iba a ser un mal día. Se levantó con resaca, dolorido y cubierto de sangre. Y entonces las cosas empeoran: el atractivo y despótico Callum Dawson se presenta en su puerta asegurando que Ezra ha sido mordido por un hombre lobo, y que por lo tanto, ahora es uno de ellos. Ezra intenta mostrarse escéptico, pero la evidencia es difícil de ignorar. Ezra no dispone de demasiado tiempo para acostumbrarse a las normas que Callum le impone como alfa, o a la reacción de su cuerpo ante la actitud dominante de este, mientras trabaja afanosamente para el Centro de Control de Enfermedades en un intento de encontrar el origen de la epidemia que afecta a la comunidad de licántropos. Cuando la tensión sexual entre ambos termina por explotar, Ezra apenas tiene tiempo de disfrutarlo, porque una nueva amenaza se cierne sobre ellos. Alguien quiere utilizar a Ezra para sus propios fines oscuros y hará cualquier cosa para conseguirlo.

La piel en la que ella está: Libro 2 de la serie de Lindi Parker, Shifter Shield (La serie Shifter Shield #2)

by Margo Bond Collins

Capturar al asesino que acechaba a la comunidad de metamorfos debería haberle valido a la serpiente Lindi Parker y a su nuevo novio, el metamorfo Kade Nevala, unas vacaciones. En vez de eso, se ganaron una cesta de bebés lamia y un montón de problemas. Algunos metamorfos piensan que no se debería dejar viva a ninguna lamia. De hecho, una facción de metamorfos liderada por una manada de hombres lobo en particular está decidida a acabar con Lindi como sea. Kade y Lindi deben usar todas sus habilidades para asegurarse de que las lamias no vuelvan a desaparecer. Pero ganar podría costarles todo. A los fans de Ilona Andrews, Faith Hunter y K.F. Breene les encantará la combinación de fantasía urbana y romance paranormal en la segunda entrega de la serie Shifter Shield de Lindi Parker!

La piel fría

by Albert Sánchez Piñol

Un fenómeno literario y la revelación de un autor «imparable de verdad» (Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, La Vanguardia). «Una novela fantástica, a medio camino de Conrad y Lovecraft [...]. Al mismo tiempo, fascina y da qué pensar.»Babelia A comienzos del siglo XX un prófugo de la resistencia irlandesa llega a una pequeña isla del Atlántico Sur para realizar mediciones meteorológicas durante un año. Allí solamente encontrará una cabaña y un faro habitado por un personaje intratable y hermético. Pero lo peor llega durante la noche, cuando los dos habitantes de la isla se ven asediados por extrañas criaturas procedentes del océano. Sometidos a una tensión extrema y conscientes de la titánica lucha que deben sostener para vencer la amenaza, descubren que convivir con lo desconocido es la única salida posible para sobrevivir. Ganadora de los premios Ojo Crítico y Llibreter de narrativa, La piel fría es una novela trepidante y claustrofóbica sobre el miedo y el deseo, que muestra una verdad perturbadora: el único monstruo invencible es aquel que produce la propia mente. * Ganador de los premios Ojo Crítico y Llibreter de narrativa.* Traducida a 37 lenguas.* Más de 800.000 ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo. La crítica ha dicho:«Me persigue después de haberlo leído. Un libro espléndido.»Enrique Vila-Matas «Una soberbia novela [...] que defiende la literatura con mayúsculas: la que aún es capaz de atrapar al lector desde la primera línea.»Care Santos, El Cultural «Debo destacar La piel fría por su fría y al mismo tiempo sobrecogedora fantasía insólita.»Pere Gimferrer «Se ha dicho que una nueva generación de narradores está aterrizando en las letras catalanas, renovándolas con fuerza imparable [...]. Hoy por hoy el imparable de verdad es Sánchez Piñol.»Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, La Vanguardia «Un sueño febril con una lógica interna aun más convincente que la de los Cantos de Maldoror. Lo devoré.»Charlie Hebdo «Una obra absolutamente imprescindible de un escritor que se revela en el siglo XXI.»Carme Riera «Una especie de Robinson Crusoe visto a través de un cristal oscuro. Fascinante. Sorprende su impacto emocional.»Kirkus Reviews «El ritmo vertiginoso atrapa, y su historia, construida con gran habilidad, mantiene la intriga hasta el final.»Der Spiegel «Simplemente, un libro excelente.»Simon Baker, The Spectator «Es un relato trepidante y claustrofóbico sobre el miedo y el deseo.»MÍA «Una historia que nos trae ecos de Lovecraft, pero también de Conrad o Stevenson. Una historia que nos atrapa desde un primer momento y nos hace disfrutar de la lectura como cuando aún jóvenes, disfrutábamos con Verne, Cooper, London y tantos otros.»Ramón Clavijo, Diario de Jerez

The Pier Falls: And Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries Ser.)

by Mark Haddon

From Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, A Spot of Bother, and The Red House, nine dazzling stories diverse in style but united in emotional powerThe tales in Mark Haddon's lyrical and uncompromising new collection take many forms--Victorian adventure story, science fiction, morality tale, contemporary realism--but they all showcase his virtuoso gifts as a stylist and the deep well of empathy that made his three bestselling novels so compelling. The characters here are often isolated physically or estranged from their families, yet they yearn for connection. In aggregate the stories become a meditation on the essential aloneness of the human condition but also on the connections, however tenuous and imperfect, that link people to one another. In the title story, an unnamed narrator describes with cool precision a catastrophe that strikes a seaside town, both tearing lives apart and bringing them together. In the prizewinning story "The Gun," a boy's life is marked by the afternoon he encounters a semiautomatic pistol belonging to his friend's older brother; in "The Island," a Greek princess is abandoned on an island by her abductor; in "The Boys Who Left Home to Learn Fear," a group of adventurers travel deep into the Amazonian jungle but discover the gravest danger lurking among their own number; and in "The Woodpecker and the Wolf," a woman wonders whether she has chosen to travel to Mars only to escape the entanglement of human relationships back here on Earth. Drawing inventively from history, myth, folktales, and modern life, The Pier Falls showcases Haddon's immense gifts of invention and penetrating insight.From the Hardcover edition.

The Pier Falls and Other Stories

by Mark Haddon

Mark Haddon, author of international bestsellers The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and A Spot of Bother, returns with a collection of unsparing short stories.In the prize-winning story "The Gun," a man's life is marked by a single afternoon and a rusty .45; in "The Island," a mythical princess is abandoned on an island in the midst of war; in "The Boys Who Left Home to Learn Fear," a cadre of sheltered artistocrats sets out to find adventure in a foreign land and finds the gravest dangers among themselves. These are but some of the men and women who fill this searingly imaginitive and emotionally taut collection of short stories, weaving through time and space to showcase Mark Haddon's incredible versatility. Yet the collection achieves a sum that is greater than its parts, proving itself a meditation not only on isolation and loneliness but also on the tenuous and unseen connections that link individuals to each other, often despite themselves. In its titular story, the narrator describes with fluid precision a catastrophe that will collectively define its victims as much as it will disperse them--and brilliantly lays bare the reader's appetite for spectactle alongside its characters'. Cut with lean prose and drawing inventively from history, myth, fairy tales and, above all, the deep well of empathy that made his three novels so compelling, The Pier Falls reveals a previously unseen side of the celebrated author.From the Hardcover edition.

Pierce's Choice

by Lynn Tyler

There is a kidnapper on the loose and his target is tiger Omegas! With danger around every corner, Pierce and Gavin will need to work together in a race against time to find the one responsible before it's too late. Pierce's Choice is a hot, shifter romance sure to keep you turning the pages of Book 5 in Lynn Tyler's Pack Mates series.After having been removed from his parents' home for his own safety, Pierce Nevitt has lived his entire life at someone else's whim. The tiger Omega has been protected and coddled from the outside world, denied the one thing he wants more than anything: Gavin.Gavin Jackson ran away from Pierce, terrified of getting too attached, only to discover it was too late. Freshly graduated, he's been assigned as one of Pierce's bodyguards when he is moved to Smooth Rock Falls.Now, someone is trying to kidnap Omegas, and the two of them need to figure out who and why before their newly re-kindled love is torn apart forever in Lynn Tyler's newest addition to the bestselling Pack Mates series.Content Notes: Hot, Anal Play, Anal Intercourse, GLBT, M/M, Paranormal, Shifters, Wolves, Other Weres


by Linda Gaboriau Larry Tremblay

Three tales spin a web of suspense, impending violence and tragedy that haunt the sleek façade of a city.

Pies de barro (Mundodisco #Volumen 19)

by Terry Pratchett

Una historia de intriga en Mundodisco: dos asesinatos inexplicables, un largo envenenamiento y bastantes pistas falsas. Alguien está asesinando a ancianitos inofensivos en Ankh-Morpork y la Guardia de la Ciudad quiere saber quién es. También quiere saber otras muchas cosas, como quién está envenenando lentamente al patricio y dejando la ciudad sin gobierno. Y cómo lo hace. Y por qué los gólems se comportan de forma tan extraña últimammente. Y por qué todas las malditas pistas apuntan en la dirección equivocada. Y lo más inquietante de todo: cómo es posible que Nobby Nobbs (que necesita papeles firmados para demostrar que es un ser humano) esté recibiendo invitaciones para las fiestas más selectas d de la ciudad. Todo un reto para el comandante Sam Vimes y su tropa multiétnica de la Guardia de Ankh-Morpork, en una historia de intriga con la que Pratchett demuestra una vez más que las investigaciones policiales en el Mundodisco siempre deparan más de una sorpresa. Reseña:«Terry Pratchett es tremendamente divertido. Es sabio. Tiene estilo.»Sunday Telegraph

Pies de barro (Mundodisco #19)

by Terry Pratchett

Alguien está asesinando a ancianitos inofensivos en Ankh-Morpork y la Guardia de la Ciudad quiere saber quién es. También quiere saber otras muchas cosas, como quién está envenenando lentamente al patricio y dejando la ciudad sin gobierno. Y cómo lo hace. Y por qué los gólems se comportan de forma tan extraña últimammente. Y por qué todas las malditas pistas apuntan en la dirección equivocada. Y lo más inquietante de todo: cómo es posible que Nobby Nobbs (que necesita papeles firmados para demostrar que es un ser humano) esté recibiendo invitaciones para las fiestas más selectas d de la ciudad. Todo un reto para el comandante Sam Vimes y su tropa multiétnica de la Guardia de Ankh-Morpork, en una historia de intriga con la que Pratchett demuestra una vez más que las investigaciones policiales en el Mundo disco siempre deparan más de una sorpresa.

Pietra di Drago

by Brian Rathbone Annalisa Lovat

Le leggende diventano realtà Pietra di Drago è il Terzo Libro della trilogia epic fantasy: L’Alba del Potere. Attaccata alla vita, Catrin Volker lotta per recuperare la forza mentre i suoi avversari vanno alla ricerca di un potere ancora più grande. Nemici antichi la minacciano mentre vengono alla luce alleanze dimenticate. La serie epic fantasy per ragazzi il Mondo di Godsland include: La trilogia L’Alba del Potere L’Araldo Pericolo Ereditato Pietra di Drago La trilogia L’Equilibrio del Potere Reggente Selvaggio Regale la trilogia I Reperti del Potere The Fifth Magic Dragonhold The Seventh Magic

Piggie Pie!

by Margie Palatini

Gritch the witch flies to Old MacDonald's farm for some pigs to make a piggie pie, but when she arrives she can't find a single porker.

Pigs: A Novel

by Johanna Stoberock

A dark, dystopian novel from the author of City of Ghosts.Four children live on an island that serves as the repository for all the world&’s garbage. Trash arrives, the children sort it, and then they feed it to a herd of insatiable pigs: a perfect system. But when a barrel washes ashore with a boy inside, the children must decide whether he is more of the world&’s detritus, meant to be fed to the pigs, or whether he is one of them. Written in exquisitely wrought prose, Pigs asks questions about community, environmental responsibility, and the possibility of innocence.*Featured on TODAY with Hoda and Jenna, as recommended by Read With Jenna book club author Megha Majumdar*&“A lyrical, enthralling, and dark-inflected allegory, equal parts Italo Calvino, Angela Carter, and Lord of the Flies.&” —Jonathan Lethem, award-winning author of The Arrest&“Powerful, metaphorical, as fantastical as it is true . . . a masterpiece. Stoberock scrutinizes mankind&’s failure to tend to our planet, our children, and our fellow man, and the result is a terrifying, tremendous book, its darkness lit in unpredictable ways by campfires of compassion and hope. What a wise, searing novel for the twenty-first century.&” —Sharma Shields, author of The Cassandra &“Pigs looks unflinchingly at some of the scariest parts of our world—a changing climate, an ocean full of garbage, and us, the fragile animals. Yet within this, there is tremendous beauty and grace—Johanna Stoberock has written a kind of love song to survival, to life itself.&”—Ramona Ausubel, author of Awayland

Pigs Don't Fly: But Dragons Do... (Unexpected Dragon #1)

by Mary Brown

"I was a huge lump of grease, wobbling from foot to foot like ill-set aspic," confesses Summerdai, the heroine of this improbable charmer with the equally improbable title. Because of her girth, the 17-year-old Summer was passed over to replace her mother as the town prostitute. Equipped with a few supplies, a small dowry and a rather ugly ring left by her mysterious father, she sets out. But the ring is actually a bit of unicorn horn that warns her of danger and, most importantly, allows her to communicate with animals. In quick succession she picks up a ratty dog; a badly used horse; a starved turtle; a wounded pigeon; a man who lost both sight and memory after a bump on the head; and a rather curious little pig with tiny bat wings. The seven of them head south to look for the homes of horse, pigeon and man, during which Summer gains much self-confidence and loses much weight while the small pig/bat gets larger, wiser, more mysterious and more lovable. Funny, moving and always unpredictable, Brown's ( The Unlikely Ones ) incredible journey may disappoint readers looking for established genre formulas but for those more adventurous and independent sorts, it is a find.

The Pike River Phantom

by Betty Ren Wright

A vengeful ghost haunts a small town—until two cousins confront her—in this &“fast-paced, entertaining&” story (School Library Journal). While thirteen-year-old Rachel dreams of becoming Pike River&’s Sunbonnet Queen, her cousin Charlie Hocking dreams of leaving. But both dreams are threatened by the presence of a fierce old lady who lives just outside of town. At first Charlie is more puzzled than frightened by the fact that the woman looks younger each time he sees her. But gradually, he realizes she&’s a phantom, a mad ghost who is eerily involved with the Sunbonnet Queen contest. When she threatens Rachel, Charlie decides to stay in Pike River, for a while at least. It&’s a wise decision, for with the help of an unexpected ally he saves Rachel&’s life on a Fourth of July morning the Hockings will never forget.

Pilar Ramirez and the Curse of San Zenon (Pilar Ramirez Duology #2)

by Julian Randall

The Land of Stories meets Dominican culture and mythology come to life in Julian Randall's Pilar Ramirez and the Curse of San Zenon, the action-packed fantasy duology finale—for fans of the Tristan Strong series and Amari and the Night Brothers.After being magically transported to the mythical island of Zafa and rescuing her long captive cousin Natasha, Pilar is back in Chicago . . . and hiding the shocking truths about Zafa and Natasha being alive. So, when she and her family are invited on a trip to Santo Domingo, Pilar welcomes the distraction and the chance to see the Dominican Republic for the first time.But when Ciguapa and close friend Carmen magically appears in the DR searching for help, Pilar is soon on the hunt for the escaped demon El Baca and his mysterious new ally. Now, with a cursed storm gathering over the island to resurrect an ancient enemy, Pilar will have to harness her newfound bruja powers if she has any hope of saving her own world, Zafa, and most importantly her family before the clock runs out and ushers in a new era of evil.

Pilar Ramirez and the Escape from Zafa (Pilar Ramirez Duology #1)

by Julian Randall

The Land of Stories meets Dominican myths and legends come to life in Pilar Ramirez and the Escape from Zafa, a blockbuster contemporary middle-grade fantasy duology starter from Julian Randall. Fans of Tristan Strong and The Storm Runner, here is your next obsession. <p><p> Twelve-year-old Pilar Violeta “Purp” Ramirez’s world is changing, and she doesn’t care for it one bit. Her Chicago neighborhood is gentrifying and her chores have doubled since her sister, Lorena, left for college. The only constant is Abuela and Mami’s code of silence around her cousin Natasha—who vanished in the Dominican Republic fifty years ago during the Trujillo dictatorship. <p><p> When Pilar hears that Lorena’s professor studies such disappearances, she hops on the next train to dig deeper into her family's mystery. After snooping around the professor's empty office, she discovers a folder with her cousin’s name on it . . . and gets sucked into the blank page within. She lands on Zafa, an island swarming with coconut-shaped demons, butterfly shapeshifters, and a sinister magical prison where her cousin is being held captive. Pilar will have to go toe-to-toe with the fearsome Dominican boogeyman, El Cuco, if she has any hope of freeing Natasha and getting back home.

Pilate's Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire

by Antoinette May

A daughter of privilege in the most powerful empire the world has ever known, Claudia has a unique and disturbing "gift": her dreams have an uncanny way of coming true. As a rebellious child seated beside the tyrannical Roman Emperor Tiberius, she first spies the powerful gladiator who will ultimately be her one true passion. Yet it is the ambitious magistrate Pontius Pilate who intrigues the impressionable young woman she becomes, and Claudia finds her way into his arms by means of a mysterious ancient magic. Pilate is her grand destiny, leading her to Judaea and plunging her into a seething cauldron of open rebellion. But following her friend Miriam of Magdala's confession of her ecstatic love for a charismatic religious radical, Claudia begins to experience terrifying visions—horrific premonitions of war, injustice, untold devastation and damnation . . . and the crucifixion of a divine martyr whom she must do everything in her power to save.

Pile of Bones

by Bailey Cunningham

In one world, they're ordinary university students. In another world, they are a company of heroes in a place of magic and myth called Anfractus... The Cree called the area Oscana, "pile of bones," a fertile hunting ground where game abounded. The white settlers changed that to Wascana. And centuries later, it became Wascana Park, a wooded retreat in the midst of the urban sprawl of Regina. For a select few, who stay in the park until midnight, the land reverts into a magical kingdom, populated by heroes and monsters. They become warriors, bards, archers, gladiators. In the city called Anfractus, they live out a real-life role playing game. All harmless fun--until they find themselves in the middle of an assassination plot which threatens to upset the balance of everything. Politics are changing, and old borders are about to disappear. The magic of Anfractus is bleeding into the real world--an incursion far more dangerous than the students suspect. Only they know what is happening--and only they can stop it...

Pileaus: Symphony No. 1 (World of Pileaus)

by Scott Colby, Max Gladstone

Otherworldly Fae kidnapping mortal musicians to satisfy their strange desires. An innocent girl who can read people's secrets. A skyship pilot drawn out to sea by a song only she can hear. A pregnant mother protecting her child with the help of friendly forest spirits. These are the stories of Pileaus, a world of music, magic, and endless mystery.While the Empire expands, the bards scheme, and the ethereal Fae play their immortal games, life goes on in countless ways. What is the essence of a land but its people, as their small parts weave together to form a beautiful symphony?


by Sara Douglass

In this massive series now drawing to a close, Ms. Douglass imagines a world where three races, demons and men from the future all figure. This is the fifth of six books.

Pilgrim: A Novel

by Timothy Findley

On April 17, 1912—ironically, only two days after the sinking of the Titanic—a figure known only as Pilgrim tries to commit suicide by hanging himself from a tree. When he is found five hours later, his heart miraculously begins to beat again. Pilgrim, it seems, can never die. Escorted by his beloved friend, Lady Symbol Quartermaine, Pilgrim is admitted to the famous Burgholzu Psychiatrist Clinic In Zurichm, where he will begin a battle of psyche and soul with Carl Jung, the self-professed mystical scientist of the unconscious Slowly, Jung coaxes Pilgrim to tell his astonishing story—one that seemingly spans 4,000 years and includes such historical figures as Leonardo da Vinci and Henry James. But is Pilgrim delusional? Are these his memories merely dreams...or is his immortal existence truly a miracle.

The Pilgrim Project

by Hank Searls

Written as science fiction in 1964, this is the story of a secret project to send one man to the moon instead of three. The race to the moon with the Russians is tight and sending one man might help the americans gain the advantage. A colonel is ready to go, but there's another reluctant candidate, astronaut civilian steve Lawrence. Which will be chosen, and will the project be approved or quashed? How does the situation effect the friends and families of the astronauts? How will the president weigh political and moral questions when deciding whether to allow this dangerous mission to proceed? THE PILGRIM PROJECT explres all these issues in a suspenseful and heart-touching narrative which might now be viewed as alternate history. The book was the basis of Robert Altman's film "Countdown."


by Kim Fielding

Fiscal analyst Mike Carlson is good with spreadsheets and baseball stats. He doesn't believe in fate, true love, or fantasy. But then a fertility goddess whisks him away to another world. A promise has been broken, and if Mike is ever to return to California--and his comfortable if lonely life--he must complete a pilgrimage to the shrines of a death goddess. A humiliating event convinces Mike to hire a guard to accompany him, and hunky Goran is handy enough with a sword, if a little too liberal with his ale. A man with no home and no family, Goran is deeper than he first appears. As Mike learns more about Goran, his disbelief wavers and his goals become less clear. Contending with feuding gods, the challenges of the journey, and his growing attraction to Goran, Mike faces a puzzle far harder to solve than simple rows of numbers.

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