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Sangue e Acqua

by Luisa Ercolano K. Matthew

Victoria si aspettava un appuntamento, ma non di uscire con un vampiro. Gettata in un mondo dove le creature mitologiche esistono, deve imparare ad adattarsi, quando tutti la vorrebbero morta. Trova un improbabile amico e compagno in un lupo solitario e sexy, che la prende sotto la sua ala e cerca di insegnarle ad essere un vampiro. Con l'assassino di Victoria ancora a piede libero e il pericolo ad ogni angolo, riuscirà a superare lo stadio di novellina? Primo Incontro Nemici e Amici Novellina Un Addio

Sangue e Água

by K. Matthew

Victoria estava procurando por um encontro quente, mas ela não esperava pegar um vampiro. Mergulhada em um mundo onde existem criaturas míticas, Victoria tem que aprender a se adaptar quando todos ao redor parecem querer sua morte. Ela encontra um amigo e companheiro improvável em um lobo solitário sexy que a toma sob sua asa e tenta ensiná-la a ser uma vampira adequada. Com o assassino de Victoria ainda em movimento e o perigo ameaçando se aproximar de todos os lados, ela conseguirá passar de uma novata? Sangue e Água é composto pelos seguintes episódios publicados anteriormente: Primeiro encontro Inimigos e Amigos Novatos Um Adeus Distante

Sangue e Água - Inimigos e Amigos

by K. Matthew Leonardo Magalhães

"Ódio nao é um padrão. É uma escolha." Cuidar de um vampiro machucado é difícil, especialmente quando se está sangrando em profusão. Numa tentativa de salvar ambas as vidas, Seth deixa Victoria sozinha no apartamento dele e se refugia com um velho amigo. Mas velhos amigos trazem velhas lembranças, e Seth se vê refletindo sobre momentos importantes do passado, desde quando o melhor amigo dele morreu até um encontro desconfortável com o Alto Conselho dos Vampiros, que mudou a percepção dele em relação aos vampiros e à vida.

Sangue e Água - Novata

by K. Matthew

Ser uma vampira iniciante é difícil, especialmente quando você quer comer tudo com compulsão. Chegou a hora da primeira alimentação de Victoria, e Harlow decidiu ensiná-la a ser uma vampira adequada. Mas o que um lobisomem poderia saber sobre ser uma vampira?

Sangue e Água - Primeiro Encontro

by K. Matthew Deise Costa

Nunca confie em um estranho. Isso foi o que os pais de Victoria tinham ensinado a ela. As pessoas tentarão te machucar e tirar vantagem de você se puderem. Se ela tivesse dado ouvido a esse conselho, ela talvez não tivesse acabado em uma poça de seu próprio sangue, seus olhos abertos, congelados em terror, o castanho escuro desbotado e gélido, partindo para a morte.

Sangue e Pó

by David Hijón Nayra Tavares

Após anos de dúvidas, de suposições e falatórios, por fim se conhecerá a verdade. Antes daqueles dias, aconteceram diversas disputas e guerras, mas no fim, se alcançava algo parecido com a paz, ou ao menos os habitantes de Gaia acreditavam nisso. No entanto, iludido aquele que acredita que a paz durará para sempre, pois a natureza do ser humano é tentar dominar uns aos outros. Só alguém parecia não acreditar no que seus olhos viam naquele momento, o que tanto desejou e almejou. Era a pessoa que segurava as páginas que com tanto afinco tinham procurado, aquele no qual estavam destinados tais escritos. Certamente era seu autor que tinha desejado que essas páginas chegassem às mãos daquele que as segurava agora. Ao menos esse tinha sido o propósito de alguém adorado por muitos e odiado por tantos. Muito tempo esperaram as pessoas de Gaia para saber a verdade, ainda que fosse só uma parte dela. E finalmente conseguiram, pois nas mãos de Indúrinel estava a história de uma vida e de muitas mortes. Uma história cheia de aventuras, viagens, batalhas, amor e traições que prenderá o leitor desde a primeira página. Você se atreve a descobrir o segredo atrás das Portas do Conhecimento?

Sangue e Vischio

by E. J. Stevens

Le festività sono peggio della luna piena per far impazzire la gente. A Harborsmouth, dove molti degli abitanti sono vampiri non morti o mostruose creature fatate, la combinazione può dimostrarsi letale. Ivy Granger, investigatrice privata psichica, torna sulle strade di Harborsmouth in questa aggiunta alla serie urban fantasy bestseller. Le festività sono l’Inferno, un’affermazione che si consolida quando un certo avvocato demoniaco torna con delle informazioni su una serie di sanguinosi delitti. Cinque abitanti di Harborsmouth sono stati uccisi, e tutte le vittime avevano una cosa in comune: erano esseri fatati. Chiunque stia uccidendo le fate deve essere fermato, ma si lascia dietro un solo indizio: un rametto di vischio che galleggia in una pozza del sangue della vittima. Le feste sono appena diventate interessanti. Peccato che questo caso potrebbe far impazzire Ivy prima di Capodanno. Cavolo, sarebbe già fortunata a sopravvivere al Natale. Sangue e vischio è un romanzo breve della serie di Ivy Granger (Ivy Granger, Detective Psichica n.1.5). Il mondo di Ivy Granger, che comprende le serie Ivy Granger Detective Psichica e La Gilda dei Cacciatori, è pieno di azione, mistero, magia, humour nero, strani personaggi, vampiri succhiasangue, demoni lascivi, gargoyle sarcastici, mutaforma sexy, streghe lunatiche, fate psicotiche ed eroine irriverenti. La serie Ivy Granger ha vinto numerosi premi, incluso il BTS Red Carpet Award come Miglior Romanzo, il PRG Reviewer's Choice Award come Miglior Romanzo Fantasy Paranormale e Miglior Romanzo Urban Fantasy, ed è stata finalista come Miglior Serie Urban Fantasy.

Sangue por Sangue: A Guerra da Vingança

by K. L. Gee Tom Wright Tomás Manuel dos Santos Domingues Simões

Num mundo onde homens e mulheres podem teleportar-se ao utilizar o ar, a terra e a água.... Raptado quando era bebé, Hakon foi criado pelos Terra, um povo fortalecido pela terra em si. Sendo considerados seres piores que bestas, os guerreiros com garras nas mãos planearam uma vingança contra os Alem, o povo do ar, por lhes terem invadido o seu território há séculos atrás. Hakon cresceu sabendo que eram um príncipe Alem, mesmo nutrindo um amor pela família que o educou. Enquanto Hakon busca a paz entre os dois povos em guerra, a sua irmã Kara remove o disfarce de criada para revelar ser uma Princesa. Tudo o que ela conhece, incluindo a sua relação com aqueles que ela considerava amigos, mudou. Tanto Kara como Hakon procuram trazer a paz perante estes conflitos violentos sobre a terra, antes que tudo o que eles amavam se destrua à sua frente.

Sangue Vital

by T. H. Morris

Esse livro é um trabalho de ficção. Nomes, personagens, lugares, e incidentes são o produto da imaginação do autor ou são usados ficticiamente. Quaisquer semelhanças com eventos reais, locais, ou pessoas, vivas ou mortas, é pura coincidência.  Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desse livro poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida por quaiquer formas ou meios, eletrônicos ou mecânicos, incluindo fotocópia, gravação, ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento e recuperação de informações, sem a permissão do autor.

Sanity & Tallulah (Sanity & Tallulah #1)

by Molly Brooks

Sanity Jones and Tallulah Vega are best friends on Wilnick, the dilapidated space station they call home at the end of the galaxy. So naturally, when gifted scientist Sanity uses her lab skills and energy allowance to create a definitely-illegal-but-impossibly-cute three-headed kitten, she has to show Tallulah. But Princess, Sparkle, Destroyer of Worlds is a bit of a handful, and it isn't long before the kitten escapes to wreak havoc on the space station. The girls will have to turn Wilnick upside down to find her, but not before causing the whole place to evacuate! Can they save their home before it's too late?Readers will be over the moon for this rollicking space adventure by debut author Molly Brooks.

Santa, Bring My Baby Back (Rock'n'Rolla Hotel Series #3)

by Cheryl Harper

A bride abandoned at the altar . . . just in time for Christmas? 'Tis the season for second chances at Cheryl Harper's Elvis-themed Rock'n'Rolla Hotel.After trying and failing at acting, modeling, dog grooming, and a dozen other jobs, Grace Andersen thought for sure she'd nail marrying a rich man. But dumped in a hotel chapel and strapped for cash, Grace needs a miracle—and a job.If it were up to Charlie McMinn, Grace would be a married lady by now. Officiating weddings in gold lamé and a rock star pompadour may not have been his idea of getting into the holiday spirit, but with a gorgeous bride asking for his help, Charlie doesn't mind sticking around his mother's hotel a few more days. Especially if it means getting Grace settled …Grace isn't sure what to think of sexy, rugged Charlie, except that she can't deny the attraction between them, or how good it feels to finally fit in somewhere. Is she ready to give a certain place—and a certain someone—a real chance? Or will she abandon a true Christmas miracle?

by Russell Hicks Matt Cubberly

A Christmas tale for the modern age, complete with automation and a company-wide hack. Can the elves save Christmas in time?

The Santa Contest

by Linda Ford

[from the back cover] NICK THOUGHT NOTHING WOULD EVER GET HIM IN A SLEIGH AGAIN. Nick doesn't want to be Santa. The sleigh makes him nauseous. The reindeer make him sneeze. And he's afraid of heights. But then some long-lost cousins come to town and challenge Nick's family for the right to run Santa Claus, Inc. Nick has to win a contest of sleigh-flying skill or his prank-pulling bully of a cousin will be the next Santa Claus. Can Nick win the Santa showdown? This is a fun read if you believe in Christmas but don't believe in Santa Claus. There are four more books in this comical series and they're all in the Bookshare collection. Look for Santa Claus, Inc., Santa S.O.S., The Santa Solution, and The Santa Season.

The Santa Emergency

by Nell Iris

“I have a Santa emergency and I desperately need your help.”Sigge isn’t exactly a grinch when it comes to Christmas, but he’s not a fan of the holiday either. So when his new neighbor Kristian shows up in a panic, begging him to help by donning a Santa suit, Sigge’s gut reaction is to say no. But Kristian is cute and funny, rendering Sigge powerless against his heartfelt plea -- especially after a promise of spending more time together -- so he agrees.The instant connection deepens as they share mulled wine and conversation as easy as breathing. But is it just holiday magic swirling in the air, or is it something real? Something that will last into the new year and beyond?

Santa Grint (The Time Police)

by Jodi Taylor

Expect Christmas chaos in this year's festive short story from Jodi Taylor, set in the world of the Time Police for the first time.It all begins when the Time Police hold their first Children's Christmas Party. Their most dangerous mission yet . . .No good deed ever goes unpunished. Lt Grint succumbs to his softer side and soon lives to regret it. The combination of bubble universes, candy floss, a small boy, a toad named Mr Fluffy, Mount Fanboten, £6.5 million, and a love-struck Officer Lockland are all hard enough to believe, but imagine a situation so dire that only Officer Parrish can save the aforementioned Grint from a lengthy stay in prison. At least, he can - but will he?And, most unlikely of all, has Commander Hay's long-suffering adjutant finally experienced the first faint stirrings of romance? Is such a thing even possible?(P) 2022 Headline Publishing Group Ltd

Santa Grint (The Time Police)

by Jodi Taylor

Pre-order a brand new TIME POLICE short story from million-copy bestselling author of THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S.It all begins when the Time Police hold their first Children's Christmas Party. Their most dangerous mission yet . . .No good deed ever goes unpunished. Lt Grint succumbs to his softer side and soon lives to regret it. The combination of bubble universes, candy floss, a small boy, a toad named Mr Fluffy, Mount Fanboten, £6.5 million, and a love-struck Officer Lockland are all hard enough to believe, but imagine a situation so dire that only Officer Parrish can save the aforementioned Grint from a lengthy stay in prison. At least, he can - but will he?And, most unlikely of all, has Commander Hay's long-suffering adjutant finally experienced the first faint stirrings of romance? Is such a thing even possible? Readers love the Time Police: 'This got five stars only because I couldn't give it six!''I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much reading a book''I am always gutted when I finish a Jodi Taylor book as I know I will have to wait for the next one''Joyous, breakneck-speed adventures''Lots more in this series please''This book is BRILLIANT''Brilliantly conceived and flawlessly written'

Santa Grint (The Time Police)

by Jodi Taylor

Pre-order a brand new TIME POLICE short story from million-copy bestselling author of THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S.It all begins when the Time Police hold their first Children's Christmas Party. Their most dangerous mission yet . . .No good deed ever goes unpunished. Lt Grint succumbs to his softer side and soon lives to regret it. The combination of bubble universes, candy floss, a small boy, a toad named Mr Fluffy, Mount Fanboten, £6.5 million, and a love-struck Officer Lockland are all hard enough to believe, but imagine a situation so dire that only Officer Parrish can save the aforementioned Grint from a lengthy stay in prison. At least, he can - but will he?And, most unlikely of all, has Commander Hay's long-suffering adjutant finally experienced the first faint stirrings of romance? Is such a thing even possible? Readers love the Time Police: 'This got five stars only because I couldn't give it six!''I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much reading a book''I am always gutted when I finish a Jodi Taylor book as I know I will have to wait for the next one''Joyous, breakneck-speed adventures''Lots more in this series please''This book is BRILLIANT''Brilliantly conceived and flawlessly written'

Santa Olivia

by Jacqueline Carey

Lushly written with rich and vivid characters, SANTA OLIVIA is Jacqueline Carey's take on comic book superheroes and the classic werewolf myth. Loup Garron was born and raised in Santa Olivia, an isolated, disenfranchised town next to a US military base inside a DMZ buffer zone between Texas and Mexico . A fugitive "Wolf-Man" who had a love affair with a local woman, Loup's father was one of a group of men genetically-manipulated and used by the US government as a weapon. The "Wolf-Men" were engineered to have superhuman strength, speed, sensory capability, stamina, and a total lack of fear, and Loup, named for and sharing her father's wolf-like qualities, is marked as an outsider. After her mother dies, Loup goes to live among the misfit orphans at the parish church, where they seethe from the injustices visited upon the locals by the soldiers. Eventually, the orphans find an outlet for their frustrations: They form a vigilante group to support Loup Garron who, costumed as their patron saint, Santa Olivia, uses her special abilities to avenge the town. Aware that she could lose her freedom, and possibly her life, Loup is determined to fight to redress the wrongs her community has suffered. And like the reincarnation of their patron saint, she will bring hope to all of Santa Olivia.

The Santa Season

by Linda Ford

[from the back cover] "To get home safe Nick and Marcia need a grand slam of a plan. Ever since Nick and Marcia found out that their grandfather is Santa Claus, their lives have been anything but ho-hum. So, when Nick brings home a strange contraption from the North Pole workshop, he should know it will be trouble. With one accidental pull of a lever, Nick and Marcia hurtle back through time. They find out that things are different in the 1800s, but even though there isn't indoor plumbing, there is still baseball... and Santa. If only there were an easy way home." All of Nick and Marcia's funny and exciting adventures as Santa's grandchildren are in the other four books in this series and you'll find them in the Bookshare library. They are: Santa Claus, Inc., Santa S.O.S., The Santa Solution and The Santa Contest

The Santaroga Barrier

by Frank Herbert

Santaroga seemed to be nothing more than a prosperous farm community. But there was something . . . different . . . about Santaroga.Santaroga had no juvenile delinquency, or any crime at all. Outsiders found no house for sale or rent in this valley, and no one ever moved out. No one bought cigarettes in Santaroga. No cheese, wine, beer or produce from outside the valley could be sold there. The list went on and on and grew stranger and stranger.Maybe Santaroga was the last outpost of American individualism. Maybe they were just a bunch of religious kooks. . . .Or maybe there was something extraordinary at work in Santaroga. Something far more disturbing than anyone could imagine.

Santa's Christmas Eve Blues

by Douglas Lindsay

In this wonderful bitesize slice of yuletide magic, the very future of Christmas is in doubt. It's Christmas Eve, but just at the moment when he should be putting on his red suit and checking his beard for snowy whiteness, Santa is sitting in his underwear, drinking hot chocolate and singing the blues. Fortunately, anyone who thinks that Christmas can no longer be left in the hands of little people in green outfits, is about to be proved wrong. With fabulous characters and madcap rhymes, SANTA'S CHRISTMAS EVE BLUES is set to become a seasonal favourite with young and old for generations to come. SANTA'S CHRISTMAS EVE BLUES is a 5000-word short story. A cute little story with more than a disturbing truth about what Christmas has become. -- Not The Baseball Pitcher PRAISE FOR DOUGLAS LINDSAY: very nicely plotted, thickly laced with dark humour, with a little bit of everything thrown in - drama, intrigue, humour, mystery, tension, romance . . . my read of the year so far. ? The View From The Blue House on WE ARE THE HANGED MAN funny, dark, miserable, engrossing and as surprising as a Chippendale chair in the middle of an IKEA store. ? I Meant To Read That on THE UNBURIED DEAD Gloriously over the top, very bloody and very, very funny. ? Daily Telegraph on THE BARBER SURGEON'S HAIRSHIRT Lindsay's burlesque thrills offer no sex, no drugs, no desperation to be cool. Just straightforward adult story; fantastic plot, classic timing and gleeful delight in the grotesque. With more talent than Irvine Welsh could dream of, Lindsay has crafted a macabre masterpiece where content lives up to style. ? What's On on THE BARBER SURGEON'S HAIRSHIRT This chilling black comedy unfolds at dizzying speed. . . an impressive debut novel. ? Sunday Mirror on THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON This is pitch-black comedy spun from the finest writing. Fantastic plot, unforgettable scenes and plenty of twisted belly laughs. ? New Woman on THE LONG MIDNIGHT OF BARNEY THOMSON

Santa's Little Helper (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #5)

by Cathy East Dubowski

Sabrina's down in the dumps. Everyone else has the holiday spirit... even Libby Chessler! Sabrina's aunts Hilda and Zelda, are trying to give her a happy holiday but their best spells fall flat. And Harvey seems so busy and secretive. Is he giving her the brush-off for Christmas? Sabrina decides to give him the ultimate Christmas gift: Elvis' voice for the holiday concert. What a disaster! Suddenly Harvey's a chic magnet and Sabrina's out in the cold. Then, when she volunteers to take Jenny's place as Santa's elf, Santa and the presents disappear! It will take a miracle-or a teenage witch-to save this Christmas. But can Sabrina succeed and keep her secret safe?

Santa's Puppy

by Catherine Hapka

Homeward Bound meets Elf in this heartwarming tale for the whole family. Can Chris, Holly, and Ivy help Santa's dog Peppermint Bark jingle all the way home to the North Pole before Christmas Day ends?For 364 days of the year, Santa and his best friend, Peppermint Bark, are inseparable. Santa's fluffy white dog helps herd the reindeer, keep tabs on the elves, and check the list—twice. But though Peppermint Bark asks every Christmas, he never gets to join Santa on his sleigh ride around the world. Until the dog decides to stow away . . .When eight- and eleven-year-old Chris and Holly Kerstman discover a small white dog wedged in their chimney on Christmas morning, they can't imagine where he came from, until he tells them. Peppermint Bark is unlike any dog they and Holly's best friend, Ivy, have ever met: His breath smells of mint, faint jingle bells can be heard when he wags his tail, and he can talk! He tells the kids all about his secret sleigh ride and how he got accidentally left behind on their rooftop, but when it comes to answering the question of how he'll get home to the North Pole, Peppermint Bark is stumped. It's up to the kids to work together to get Peppermint Bark home before the last magical portal to the North Pole closes at midnight on Christmas Day. A Christmas tale with enough heartwarming moments and heart-pounding action to entertain the entire family this holiday!

Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future

by Mike Resnick

They say his father was a comet and his mother a cosmic wind, that he juggles planets as if they were feathers and wrestles with black holes just to work up an appetite. They say he never sleeps, and that his eyes burn brighter than a nova, and that his shout can level mountains. They call him Santiago.

Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future (The Santiago Saga)

by Mike Resnick

When you&’re the most wanted man alive, your legend never dies. An adventure of interplanetary law and disorder from the multiple Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author. Santiago is a legend, known far and wide across the galaxy as the greatest killer and thief alive. He&’s the subject of songs, the faceless wanted poster on the wall, the bogeyman that parents name to scare their children into behaving. And he&’s the target of every bounty hunter in the universe. Sebastian Nightingale Cain has quite the reputation himself. Known as the Songbird, he&’s a former revolutionary who has killed hundreds of criminals for the right price. But one has always eluded him: Santiago. Now, Cain has gotten a lead on the elusive outlaw, and it&’s too hard to resist. In a race against a rival bounty hunter, Cain&’s quest will take him to the far-flung Frontier planets, where he&’ll encounter aliens and evangelists, journalists and cyborgs—all of whom have a stake in finding or protecting Santiago. But unraveling the threads of Santiago&’s life might get Cain tangled up in something far bigger than he ever imagined . . . &“This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-duplicated stories that ensnare you in such a wondrous universe that you never, ever want to leave. It will spawn a half dozen sequels and two dozen or more imitators that will feed on our enrapture . . . but there will be only one Santiago.&” —The Evening Sun

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