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La Segunda Revolución. Ellos y nosotros. (La Segunda Revolución #Volumen 2)

by Costa Alcalá

Después de la Revolución, Aura y Dominio desaparecieron de Nylert. Las ocho Familias restantes vivieron en paz. Pero ahora Dominio ha vuelto. Y solo unos pocos están preparados para lo que va a suceder. <P><P> #SegundaRevolución En cuanto pone un pie en los terrenos del Liceo, Vincula Aura para comprobar si sus temores se han hecho realidad, si él también ha llegado. Él, Ascot Indrasil, el Heredero al trono, que la engañó fingiendo ser su amigo pero que en realidad es un monstruo. O Dominio, que viene a ser lo mismo. <P> Al menos los Aura del pasado se tenían los unos a los otros en la corte pero ahora ella no sabe en quién confiar. No puede confiar en su familia, porque su madre estaría encantada al descubrir que aún quedan Indrasil con vida. <P> Ni en muchos de sus conocidos: otros Aura que, como ella, se esconden bajo identidades falsas. Revelar la existencia del Heredero a los suyos podríavolverse en su contra. Así que solo le queda vigilar al Heredero, descubrir qué pretende y, si puede, detenerlo.

La Segunda Revolución. Heredero (La Segunda Revolución #1)

by Costa Alcalá

Antes de la Revolución había diez Familias, una para cada poder. Ahora solo quedan ocho. Aura desapareció. De Dominio, la Familia Imperial, solo queda un mal recuerdo. #SegundaRevolución IX Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas a la mejor novela nacional perteneciente a saga. Casi veinte años después, los estudiantes del Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd se entrenan para proteger con su magia a una sociedad que hace años que vive en paz. Pero cuando la sombra de Dominio vuelve a acechar al país, un grupo de estudiantes tendrá que enfrentarse a los secretos del pasado... sin revelar los suyos. «Por su mundo exquisitamente trabajado y original, su estilo lleno de intriga y tensión, y unos personajes que se salen de cualquier arquetipo.»Premios El Templo de las Mil Puertas 2018 Reseña:«Llevaba una racha de lecturas bastante mediocre y ya echaba en falta un libro de esos que no te dejan despegarte... no sabía que lo que estaba esperando, sin saberlo, era La segunda revolución. Me ha encantado.»Fiebre Lectora En los blogs...«O Dios mío, pedazo de sorpresa me llevé con esta novela. Otro tipo de fantasía que nunca había visto en la que magia y tecnología se entrelazan, una trama que mezcla desde de truculentos asesinatos y guerras hasta problemáticas de instituto. Una primera parte de saga que me ha encantado y que se merece estar, por supuesto, en el Top 2.»Sebas G. Mouret, El coleccionista de Mundos

La segunda vida de Bree Tanner (Saga Crepúsculo #Volumen)

by Stephenie Meyer

«Desconecté el cerebro. Era el momento de cazar. Respiré profundamente y atraje el aroma de la sangre del interior de los humanos allá abajo. A quién ibas a dar caza era el tipo de decisión que tenías que tomar antes de olfatear a tu presa.» La segunda vida de Bree Tanner es la fascinante historia de este vampiro y del lado más oscuro del mundo en el que habita. La novela recrea el nacimiento del nuevo ejército de vampiros que tiene como única misión ir al encuentro de la indefensa Bella Swan y de la indestructible familia Cullen. «Esta novela ha sido para mí una sorpresa tan grande como para todo el mundo. Cuando comencé a trabajar en ella, mi idea era hacer un simple ejercicio que me ayudara a examinar el otro lado de Eclipse, que se estaba editando en ese momento. Mientras escribía esta pequeña historia, se me ocurrió que podría incluirla en mi web como regalo para todos los fans. Después, una vez que empecé a trabajar en Saga Crepúsculo: la Guía Oficial de Fans, pensé que sería un buen material para este libro. Finalmente, la historia del nuevo vampiro se hizo tan extensa que se convirtió en una novela.»Stephenie Meyer Bree Tanner no solo es una figura prominente en Eclipse (Saga Crepúsculo 3), sino que también lo es en la película basada en este volumen de la saga, producida por Summit Entretainment. «Stephenie Meyer fue muy generosa permitiéndome leer el extracto de esta novela mientras preparábamos la película», dice el director David Slade. «Disfruté a fondo de esta novela, que además nos sirvió como fuente de inspiración para encontrar las localizaciones de las escenas y comenzar el rodaje. Creo que los fans van a deleitarse con el nacimiento de un vampiro, sus fascinantes características y su propia historia.» La «Saga Crepúsculo», en la que se incluyen los títulos Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse, Amanecer, La segunda vida de Bree Tanner y la Guía ilustrada oficial, ha vendido ya cerca de 155 millones de copias en todo el mundo y más de 3 millones de ejemplares solo en España.

Segunda Visão (Hollows Ground #1)

by J. A. Culican

USA TODAY e INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING SERIES por J.A. Culican   Quando se trata da morte, prever é acreditar. Mirella pode profetizar a morte de quem quer que ela veja. Ela passa seus dias trancafiada em seu apartamento, evitando as pessoas e o dom que ela considera uma maldição. Até que, em uma visão devastante, ela vê a morte de um menino pequeno. Só ela pode ajudar. Só ela pode salvá-lo. Este sentimento de urgência força ela a deixar seu apartamente e sair para o mundo que ela sempre ignorou. Encontrar o lindo Luka, um Sombra, muda o mundo de Mirella. Ele é encantador, até mesmo mágico, e a leva para uma cidade subterrânea escondida embaixo de Atlanta, povoada por empatas, telepatas, videntes e pessoas com dons como o dela. Ainda assim, nada é como parece. Uma guerra secreta envolve os Sombres a os Fantasmas, um grupo mortal de feiticeiros que desejam dominaro o mundo. Presa entre os dois grupos perigosos, Mirella deve escolher entre lutar ao lado de Luka ou acreditar no aviso de Talon, um Fantasma elegante e perigoso, que desperta algo dentro dela como nunca antes. Se Ella escolher o lado errado, então todos os seres mágicos irão perecer.

Segunda Visión: Hollows Ground, Libro 1 (Hollows Ground #1)

by J. A. Culican

Sólo ella puede ayudar. Sólo ella puede salvarlo. Esta urgencia la obliga a salir de su apartamento hacia un mundo al que ha rechazado. Al conocer al apuesto Luka, una Sombra, el mundo de Mirela cambia. Él es encantador, incluso mágico, y la llevará hasta una ciudad subterránea oculta debajo de Atlanta, poblada por empáticos, telépatas, videntes y otras personas con dones al igual que ella. Sin embargo, nada es lo que parece. Una guerra secreta se libra entre las Sombras y los Espectros, un mortífero grupo de hechiceros que buscan apoderarse del mundo. Atrapada en medio de esas dos poderosas fuerzas, Mirela debe escoger entre luchar en el bando de Luka o creer en las advertencias de Talon, un guapo y peligroso Espectro que enciende una chispa dentro de ella como nunca antes había sucedido. Si Ela elige el bando equivocado, podría significar el fin de todos los seres mágicos.


by James Erich

In Viking Age Iceland, where boys are expected to grow into strong farmers and skilled warriors, there is little place for a sickly twelve-year-old boy like Kol until he catches the eye of a seið-woman--a sorceress--and becomes her apprentice. Kol travels to the sorceress's home, where her grandson, Thorbrand, takes Kol under his wing. Before long Kol discovers something else about himself that is different--something else that sets him apart as unmanly: Kol has fallen in love with another boy. But the world is changing in ways that threaten those who practice the ancient arts. As Kol's new life takes him across the Norse lands, he finds that a new religion is sweeping through them, and King Olaf Tryggvason is hunting down and executing sorcerers. When a decades-old feud forces Thorbrand to choose between Kol and his duty to his kinsman, Kol finds himself cast adrift with only the cryptic messages of an ancient goddess to guide him to his destiny--and possibly to his death. Honorable Mention: Best Gay Debut Novel/Book Honorable Mention: Best LGBT Young Adult / Coming of Age

Seif: Nouvelles de science-fiction

by Petra Starkova

Vous vous demandez ce que cela fait d’avoir rendez-vous avec votre propre destin lors de votre pause déjeuner ? Et qu’arrive-t-il aux enfants que l’on laisse à l’hôtel pour enfants ? Vous retrouverez ce qui nous attend dans un avenir proche, si les réseaux sociaux se développent comme ils l’ont fait jusqu’à présent, comme peut-être la fin du monde, et beaucoup d’autres choses, dans le recueil d’histoires de Petra Štarkovà, accompagnées de courts commentaires de l’autrice elle-même.

Seif: short sci-fi stories (Short ebook stories #1)

by Petra Starkova

The ebook SEIF contains my sci-fi short stories and was released in the Czech Republic independently, without the involvement of a publisher, on March 1, 2021. It includes my older sci-fi short stories that were previously published in magazines and anthologies.

Los seis fugitivos: Generación uno#2. (Los nuevos legados de Lorien #Volumen 2)

by Pittacus Lore

El segundo libro de la nueva y trepidante serie Los nuevos legados de Lorien. Unos buscan instruir. Otros, destruir. ¿Quién prevalecerá? Taylor Cook fue una de los primeros estudiantes en llegar a la Academia y, tras su secuestro, sus amigos se saltaron todas las reglas para salvarla. En el proceso, descubrieron una comunidad secreta responsable de la desaparición de un elevado número de adolescentes con poderes. Una asociación con oscuras raíces en el pasado de los lóricos, recursos desconocidos e, incluso, un topo en la propia escuela. Ahora, esos amigos, a quienes los demás estudiantes han bautizado como Los seis fugitivos, deberán trabajar juntos para acabar con este misterioso grupo. Pero la fundación tiene sus propios planes y Los seis fugitivos están en su punto de mira...

The Seismic Seven

by Katie Slivensky

This action-packed, science-infused adventure from the critically acclaimed author of The Countdown Conspiracy follows a group of seven kids racing to save the world from a deadly supervolcano. Perfect for fans of Chris Grabenstein and Peter Lerangis.Brianna Dobson has been chosen to work with world-renowned geologist Dr. Grier in Yellowstone National Park for the summer, and she couldn’t be more excited!But then Dr. Grier tells her and the other kids on the project the real reason she’s invited them to Yellowstone: A massive supervolcano in the park is about to erupt—and if they can’t stop it, Earth will be plunged into an endless winter, and civilization will be destroyed.Bri and her new friends are ready and willing to help stop the eruption, but unexpected dangers threaten to foil their efforts. Will the Seismic Seven be able to defy nature and save the world?

Seize couchers de soleil

by Thang Dao

Kristoff Boyadzhiev et sa femme menaient une vie simple, jusqu’à ce qu’il fût soudain diagnostiqué d’un cancer en phase terminale et qu’il lui restât deux semaines à vivre. Luttant contre la nouvelle et contre un ressentiment longtemps caché contre la plupart de l’humanité, il entra en collision avec un gangster des rues doté de superpouvoirs et fut tué – seulement pour découvrir qu’il disposait de son propre superpouvoir. Revivre et revivre de nouveau en prenant par inadvertance la vie et le pouvoir des autres qui l’entouraient au moment de sa mort, Kristoff est torture entre l’espoir de mourir un meilleur homme et l’utilisation de sa nouvelle capacité à troubler de sombres secrets de famille, avant que le cancer ne le tue pour la dernière fois. Son pouvoir, et la traînée de corps laissée derrière lui dans sa descente aux enfers, attira l’attention d’un inspecteur de la police de Seattle, qui enquêtait sur des évènements étranges dans toute la ville. Une agence gouvernementale secrète chercha également à capturer Kristoff et d’autres comme lui, dans l’espoir d’exploiter ou de guérir leurs pouvoirs. Kristoff voulait être le héros qu’il avait promis d’être à sa femme, à la fin, mais avant cela il avait besoin de connaître toute la vérité sur son passé, quel qu’en fût le coût. Avec tant d’autres au travers de son chemin, ce coût pourrait être trop élevé, à mourir sans honneur ; et avec deux semaines qui lui restaient, il n’avait pas le temps de choisir.

Seize The Night: New Tales Of Vampiric Terror (The Dark-Hunter World #7)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Valerius isn't a popular Dark-Hunter - he's a Roman, which means that the largely Greek Hunters have a major grudge against him and his civilization for superceding them. To make things worse, he's very conscious of his aristocratic background and breeding. So it serves him right when he runs into Tabitha Devereaux. She's sassy, sexy, and completely unwilling to take him seriously. (Not to mention Tabitha is also the sister-in-law of Kyrian, a former Dark-Hunter and Val's mortal enemy.) What Tabitha does take seriously is hunting and killing vampires-and soon she and Val have to grapple with the deadliest of all Daimons - one who's managed to come back from the dead, and one who holds a serious grudge against both of them. To win against evil, Val will have to loosen up, learn to trust, and put everything on the line to protect a man he hates and a woman who drives him nuts.

Seize The Story: A Handbook for Teens Who Like to Write

by Victoria Hanley

This guide for teens is written in an encouraging, sympathetic, inspirational tone. The book's b&w layout has been made visually appealing for teens with chapter-opening fantasy illustrations and quotations from famous authors and others, plus frequent headings, tip boxes, brief exercise suggestions, and many examples from the work of published YA writers. Coverage encompasses voice and style, creating characters, setting, dialogue, plot, point of view, and getting past writer's block. The book includes one-page interviews with 19 YA authors, plus a section in which this book's author answers questions about her writing process. Hanley has written YA novels. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Seize the Fire

by Laura Kinsale

A scoundrel is transformed by the love of an innocent princess in this historical romance by the New York Times–bestselling author of Flowers from the Storm. Summoned to rule the tiny nation of Oriens, Princess Olympia St. Leger appoints the most celebrated man in England to escort her: recently retired war hero Capt. Sheridan Drake. Easily frightened, she is vastly relieved to have Captain Drake&’s help—until she discovers he&’s a scoundrel without a drop of honor in his body. In fact, nothing would make her happier than to forget him. Except she cannot seem to get his deep, stirring gaze out of her head . . . Sheridan has no patience for hero worshipers; war is a game of survival, not gallant deeds. But Olympia, who comes to him with plump cheeks and eyes full of expectation, has money, something of which he is in great need. And though Olympia is impossibly naive, for reasons he can&’t fathom, she touches him in some obscure, half-forgotten place, until the thought of losing her becomes even more impossible. Set in Georgian England, Seize the Fire is another exciting tale from the author of For My Lady&’s Heart, whose work has been praised by Julia Quinn as &“unfailingly brilliant and beautiful.&”

Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror (Dark-hunter Novels Ser. #6)

by Charlaine Harris Scott Smith John Ajvide Lindqvist

A blockbuster anthology of original, blood-curdling vampire fiction from New York Times bestselling and award-winning authors, including Charlaine Harris, whose novels were adapted into HBO’s hit show True Blood, and Scott Smith, publishing his first work since The Ruins.Before being transformed into romantic heroes and soft, emotional antiheroes, vampires were figures of overwhelming terror. Now, from some of the biggest names in horror and dark fiction, comes this stellar collection of short stories that make vampires frightening once again. Edited by New York Times bestselling author Christopher Golden and featuring all-new stories from such contributors as Charlaine Harris, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Scott Smith, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Michael Kortya, Kelley Armstrong, Brian Keene, David Wellington, Seanan McGuire, and Tim Lebbon, Seize the Night is old-school vampire fiction at its finest.

Seize the Night (Dark-Hunter, Book #6)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Hail Glorious Reader:<P><P> I was born the noble son of a legendary Roman senator. I was led through the ancient world as a general, until a brutal betrayal caused me to bargain my soul. Now I'm an immortal Dark-Hunter, bound to protect mankind from the evil scourge that haunts it. Over the centuries, I've seen many terrifying things: plagues, pestilence, disco music...<P> And now Tabitha Devereaux. A human, she has trained hers to fight vampires every bit as capably as any Dark-Hunter. Idiosyncratic and off-beat, she is my personal bane--and yet she beguiles me. There are only two small problems. She happens to be the twin of my mortal enemy's wife. More than that, Tabitha and her sister are being stalked by a power that will rest until everyone she holds dear is dead. Unlike my Dark-Hunter brethren, I rely on no one but my gift. They spurned me and I turned my back on them. But the only reason to save Tabitha and her family is to find some way to bridge a one thousand-year-old feud. They say opposites attract, but can they stay together when in the end the Fates conspire to keep them apart? Then again, the Fates have never dealt with the likes of Tabitha Devereaux before. They're going to be in for quite a fight....<P> --Valerius Magus

Seize the Night: An unputdownable thriller of suspense and danger (Moonlight Bay Trilogy)

by Dean Koontz

Children are disappearing one by one... Seize the Night is the brilliant second thriller in Dean Koontz's Moonlight Bay trilogy, following the acclaimed bestseller Fear Nothing. Perfect for fans of Richard Laymon and Harlan Coben. 'Dean Koontz has always boldly gone where no other fiction writer has even considered going before. As ever, the writing is fluid, the dynamic taunt and the relationships between the characters compulsive' - The Times One by one, the children of Moonlight Bay are disappearing. No one knows if they are dead or alive.Christopher Snow, suffering from the rare disorder xeroderma pigmentosum, has glimpsed the dark and torrid secrets of the small-town community where he has spent his entire life. And only he has the key to the truth - a truth that could only exist in the genetic chaos of Moonlight Bay. What readers are saying about Seize the Night: 'Koontz has a way of reaching out to you and dragging you into your weirdest and wildest dreams and nightmares, making them a reality''Koontz's character build-up is so real, so seemingly effortless, that you just take his characters for granted as your own friends''A shockingly strange novel yet it was made real by the artistic and imaginative writing of Dean Koontz'

Sekret Machines Book 1: Chasing Shadows

by Tom Delonge Aj Hartley

For those who know... that something is going on... The witnesses are legion, scattered across the world and dotted through history, people who looked up and saw something impossible lighting up the night sky. What those objects were, where they came from, and who--or what--might be inside them is the subject of fierce debate and equally fierce mockery, so that most who glimpsed them came to wish they hadn't. Most, but not everyone. Among those who know what they've seen, and--like the toll of a bell that can't be unrung--are forever changed by it, are a pilot, an heiress, a journalist, and a prisoner of war. From the waning days of the 20th century's final great war to the fraught fields of Afghanistan to the otherworldly secrets hidden amid Nevada's dusty neverlands--the truth that is out there will propel each of them into a labyrinth of otherworldly technology and the competing aims of those who might seek to prevent--or harness--these beings of unfathomable power. Because, as it turns out, we are not the only ones who can invent and build...and destroy. Featuring actual events and other truths drawn from sources within the military and intelligence community, Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley offer a tale at once terrifying, fantastical, and perhaps all too real. Though it is, of course, a work of... fiction?

Select (The Select #1)

by Marit Weisenberg

A modern-day Romeo and Juliet with a supernatural twist that will appeal to fans of Ally Condie (Matched) and Kiera Cass (The Selection). Julia Jaynes has the perfect life. The perfect family. The perfect destiny. The daughter of a billionaire investor in Austin, Texas, it looks like Julia has it all. But there's something rotten beneath the surface‒dangerous secrets her father is keeping; abilities she was never meant to have; and an elite society of highly evolved people who care nothing for the rest of humanity. So when Julia accidentally jeopardizes the delicate anonymity of her people, she's banished to the one place meant to make her feel inferior: public high school. Julia's goal is to lay low and blend in. Then she meets him‒John Ford. He’s popular, quiet, intense, and strangely compelling. Then Julia discovers she can read his mind and her world expands. Their forbidden love is powerful enough to break the conditioning that has kept Julia in the cold grip of her manipulative father. For the first time, Julia develops a sense of self and questions her restrictive upbringing and her family prejudices. She must decide how she will define herself—and whom she will betray. “. . . a mighty twist at the end to look forward to.” –Kirkus Reviews “. . . the perfect combination between sci-fi and YA literature.” – A reviewer at NetGalley “. . . unique, fast-paced, intriguing and interesting.” –A reviewer at NetGalley “I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the Twilight series and paranormal romance.” –A reviewer at NetGalley “Brilliant plot.” –A reviewer at NetGalley

Select Few (The Select #2)

by Marit Weisenberg

After rejecting the cult-like influence of her father's family, Julia moves into a fancy hotel in downtown Austin. But she finds herself alone except for her boyfriend, John--and her fears. Once again she's suppressing her abilities, afraid her family will come for John when they find out he's been developing abilities of his own in her presence. The FBI is also keeping a close eye on Julia hoping she can lead them to her father, Novak, as he's wanted for questioning in his former assistant's death.With tensions high, Julia and John agree to go separate ways for the summer, paving the way for Julia to reunite with Angus, fellow outcast. Together they set out on a road trip to California to find Julia's mom and a way into Novak's secret underground world. Along the way Julia will learn the Puri perhaps aren't the only humans evolving into something different. . . and that maybe she's the leader her people have needed all along.

Selected Nonfiction, 1962-2007

by J. G. Ballard

J. G. Ballard&’s collected nonfiction from 1962 to 2007, mapping the cultural obsessions, experiences, and insights of one of the most original minds of his generation.J. G. Ballard was a colossal figure in English literature and an imaginative force of the twentieth century. Alongside seminal novels—from the notorious Crash (1973) to the semi-autobiographical Empire of the Sun (1984)—Ballard was a sought-after reviewer and commentator, publishing journalism, memoir, and cultural criticism in a variety of forms. The Selected Nonfiction of J. G. Ballard collects the most significant short nonfiction of Ballard&’s fifty-year career, extending the range of the only previous collection of his nonfiction, A User&’s Guide to the Millennium (1996), which selected essays and reviews published between 1962 and 1995.A decade on from Ballard&’s death in 2009, a new generation of readers needs a new collection. In the period following A User&’s Guide, Ballard&’s writing addressed 9/11, British politics from New Labour onward, and what he termed &“the rise of soft fascism&”—a diagnosis that maintains its relevance amid a shift toward right populism in European and US politics. Beautifully edited by Ballard scholar and novelist Mark Blacklock, this volume includes Ballard&’s editorials and manifestos; commentaries on his own work; commentaries on the work of others; reviews; and more. Above all, it makes the case for the currency of Ballard&’s work at a contemporary juncture at which so many of his diagnoses concerning the media and politics have become apparent.

Selected Stories: Fantasy

by Kevin J. Anderson

Award-winning, #1 international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson has published nearly 150 books, which have appeared in 30 languages worldwide, in genres ranging from science fiction, epic fantasy, humorous horror, gritty suspense, steampunk, and mystery. He has published over half a million words of short fiction, the best of which are gathered in this multi-volume series. This volume features Anderson’s wide-ranging imagination in the fantasy genre. You will read of obsessed sea captains, shape shifters, enchanted loincloths, bumbling knights in shining armor, ghosts haunting Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, a homeless mother and a troll under a bridge, Captain Nemo and his Nautilus, H.G. Wells’s Martians, and a very strange Wisconsin small town. These tales showcase the breadth of Anderson’s talent with a variety of works, written solo or with collaborators including Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Sarah A. Hoyt, Neil Peart from legendary rock band Rush, and his wife Rebecca Moesta.

Selected Stories

by Fritz Leiber

Fritz Leiber's work bridges the gap between the pulp era of H. P. Lovecraft and the paperback era of P. K. Dick, and arguably is as influential as both these authors. From a historical context, Leiber, in fact, knew both of the authors, and his work can be seen as a bridge connecting the many different flavors of genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Edited by award-winning editors Jonathan Strahan and Charles Brown, this new collection of the grand master's fiction covers all facets of his work, and features an Introduction by Neil Gaiman and an Afterword by Michael Chabon.

Selected Stories

by Theodore Sturgeon

Wondrous, horrifying, achingly human: The best short stories by &“one of the greatest writers of science fiction and fantasy who ever lived&” (Stephen King). One of science fiction&’s most beloved trailblazers, Hugo and Nebula–Award winning author Theodore Sturgeon wrote novels and short fiction that inspired and amazed readers and critics alike. In Selected Stories, thirteen of Sturgeon&’s very best tales have been gathered into one collection: Here are stories of love and darkness, transcendence and obsession, alien contact and human interaction. In the devastating wake of a nuclear holocaust, an actress performs her swan song before a small audience of survivors. A machine is possessed and intent upon destruction. Humankind&’s place in the vast cosmos is explored, as is the strange humanity of evil. In the author&’s acclaimed story &“The Man Who Lost the Sea,&” a life is reconstructed in bizarre shattered fragments. And in &“Slow Sculpture,&” Sturgeon&’s award-winning classic, a breast cancer patient surrenders to a healer&’s most unorthodox methods. Lyrical, often witty, frequently provocative, and always surprising, Selected Stories covers a wide range of human and inhuman emotion and experience, deftly traversing the borders between science fiction, dark fantasy, and horror. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Theodore Sturgeon including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the University of Kansas&’s Kenneth Spencer Research Library and the author&’s estate, among other sources.

Selected Stories of H. G. Wells

by Ursula K. Le Guin H. G. Wells

Le Guin's selection of twenty-six stories showcases Well's genius and reintroduces readers to his singular talent for making the unbelievable seem utterly plausible.

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