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Septimus Heap, Book Four: 9 Copy Flr (Septimus Heap #4)

by Angie Sage Mark Zug

There's trouble at the Castle, and it's all because Merrin Meredith has returned with Darke plans for Septimus. More trouble awaits Septimus and Jenna in the form of Tertius Fume, the ghost of the very first Chief Hermetic Scribe, who is determined to send Septimus on a deadly Queste. But Septimus and Jenna have other plans--they are headed for the mysterious House of Foryx, a place where all Time meets and the place where they fervently hope they will be able to find Nicko and Snorri, who were trapped back in time in physik. But how will Septimus escape the Queste?Queste, like all the books in the Septimus Heap series, is filled with nonstop action, humor, and fantastical adventure as Septimus continues his journey of Magykal self-discovery.

Septimus Heap, Book Three: Physik (Septimus Heap #3)

by Angie Sage Mark Zug

When Silas Heap unSeals a forgotten room in the Palace, he releases the ghost of a Queen who lived five hundred years earlier. Queen Etheldredda is as awful in death as she was in life, and she's still up to no good. Her diabolical plan to give herself everlasting life requires Jenna's compliance, Septimus's disappearance, and the talents of her son, Marcellus Pye, a famous Alchemist and Physician. And if Queen Etheldredda's plot involves Jenna and Septimus, then it will surely involve Nicko, Alther Mella, Marcia Overstrand, Beetle, Stanley, Sarah, Silas, Spit Fyre, Aunt Zelda, and all of the other wacky, wonderful characters that made magyk and flyte so memorable.With heart-stopping action and a dash of humor, Angie Sage continues the fantastical journey of Septimus Heap.

Septimus Heap Complete Collection

by Angie Sage

Fantasy adventure at its best! This collection contains all seven books in the New York Times bestselling Septimus Heap series. Also included are The Magykal Papers, a wonderful full-color compendium of extras such as maps, guides, and journals, and The Darke Toad, a 96-page novella packed with the action, humor, and magic that make this series perfect for fans of Fablehaven or Harry Potter.The series follows the adventures of Septimus Heap, who, as a seventh son of a seventh son, has magical powers. After he becomes the apprentice of the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Marcia Overstrand, he starts his studies for seven years and a day to become an Ordinary Wizard (or maybe an ExtraOrdinary?). His adventures take place in a fictional world full of secrets and mysteries, a world where rats are messengers and can speak, a world where spells are common and where the dark forces are trying to penetrate.Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren, Darke, and Fyre are the enchanting and humorous adventures of Septimus Heap and his friends in this magical world.

Septimus y el fuego eterno (Septimus #7)

by Angie Sage

Cuando todo parece tranquilo para Septimus y sus amigos, y Jenna se prepara para ser la próxima reina, un gran peligro se cierne sobre el castillo: el poderoso anillo de las dos caras ha sido robado y se ha iniciado un proceso de regresión. Los Magos Oscuros, derrotados en el pasado, han vuelto y se convierten de nuevo en una temible amenaza...Para poner fin a este aterrador proceso, Septimus y Jenna deberán destruir el anillo, y solo lo conseguirán con la ayuda de la maga extraordinaria, el maestro alquimista y el poder del fuego alquímico. Si todos permanecen unidos podrán vencer a la Magia Oscura de una vez por todas.

Septimus y el hechizo imposible (Septimus #Volumen 2)

by Angie Sage

Simon Heap, hermano de Septimus, practica la magia negra y quiere vengarse de Septimus. Ha transcurrido casi un año desde que Septimus descubrió quién era. Ahora, ya como aprendiz de la Maga Extraordinaria, Marcia Overstrand, practica todo tipo de conjuros y hechizos, mientras su hermana Jenna se acostumbra poco a poco a su nueva vida de princesa. Sin embargo, tras este escenario tan maravilloso se esconde una seria amenaza: Simon, el hermano mayor de los Heap, que en la primera parte traicionó a su familia para poder convertirse en aprendiz del mago extraordinario, no acepta a Septimus y quiere ocupar su lugar. En todo este tiempo, ha estado practicando la magia negra y ha conseguido un hechizo único: el Flyte, que le permite volar a una velocidad y con un poder inmenso, y que según toda la comunidad mágica, había desaparecido porque el último alquimista lo había arrojado al horno. ¿Quiere esto decir que el hechizo no se quemó? Si es así, ¿por qué lo ha conseguido Simon?

Septimus y el último alquimista (Septimus #Volumen 3)

by Angie Sage

Una nueva aventura para niños y niñas que combina dosis de acción con la cotidianeidad del mundo mágico y toques de humor. Las aguas andan revueltas en el entorno a Septimus. Una extraña enfermedad está azotando la ciudad, y el fantasma de la reina Ehteldredda, que murió hace más de 500 años, acaba de aparecer y no deja de ordenar y de criticar. Simon, el hemano de Septimus, ha desaparecido y eso no puede ser una buena noticia. Además de todo esto, un alquimista, Marcellus, ha vuelto para llevarse a Septimus porque lo quiere convertir en su aprendiz. Según parece, todo esto ya estaba previsto, o al menos así lo ha escrito el propio Septimus, ¡solo quinientos años antes!

Sepulchre (Languedoc #2)

by Kate Mosse

In 1891, young Léonie Vernier and her brother arrive at the home of their widowed aunt in Rennes-le-Bains, in southwest France. <P><P>But nothing is as Léonie had imagined. Their aunt is young, willowy, and beautiful, and the estate is a subject of local superstition. Villagers claim that Léonie's late uncle died after summoning a demon from the old Visigoth sepulchre on its grounds... More than a century later, Meredith Martin, an American graduate student, arrives in Rennes-le- Bains while researching the life of Claude Debussy. Haunted by a Tarot reading she had in Paris-and possessing the mysterious deck of cards-she checks into a grand old hotel built on the site of a famous mountain estate destroyed by fire in 1896. There, the pack of Tarot cards and a piece of 19th-century music known as Sepulchre 1891 hold the key to her fate-just as they did to the fate of Léonie Vernier.


by Kate Mosse

La novela que cambiará tu destino. Lo dicen las cartas. En Rennes-les-Bains, un conocido pueblecito del sur de Francia, las leyendas sobre seres extraños corren de boca en boca. Pero ¿hablamos sólo de rumores populares? Algo maligno se ha despertado... las notas de una pieza de Debussy salen de un antiguo sepulcro y los fantasmas del pasado bailan a su ritmo. Todo comienza con una tirada de cartas del Tarot, que marcará los destinos de Léonie y Meredith, dos mujeres que conviven en dos siglos diferentes... Dos destinos que son uno, lo dicen las cartas. Música, amores desafortunados, asesinatos, persecuciones, esoterismo y autores malditos tejen los entresijos de esta fascinante novela, en la que dentro de su sepulcro encontraremos las respuestas que sus protagonistas persiguen, y que marcarán los caminos que han de seguir sus vidas.

Sepulcro de canciones (Flash Relatos #Volumen)

by Orson Scott Card

Con Sepulcro de canciones, Orson Scott Card demuestra una maestría narrativa poco común. Es, sin duda alguna, uno de sus mejores relatos. «Que siguiera viviendo me parecía una crueldad inimaginable. Que lograra ser relativamente feliz, una favorita de las enfermeras, me parecía incomprensible. Quizá fuera porque no tenía otra cosa que hacer. Una persona sin brazos ni piernas no tiene muchos modos de matarse.» Elaine tiene cinco años cuando, a causa de un accidente de tráfico, queda huérfana y sin extremidades. Ya con quince, e ingresada en un sanatorio, recibe visitas regulares de su psiquiatra, con quien acaba estableciendo una relación especial. A él es a quien confiesa que de noche, mientras sueña, contacta con Anansa, una nave con consciencia que viaja por el espacio y que pretende cambiar su lugar por el de la joven. ¿Será real o solo fruto de la mente de Elaine? ¿Querrá esta intercambiar su capacidad de sentir por la movilidad que le ofrece la nave? Un relato apasionante sobre el amor, la amistad, los límites del cuerpo humano y las fronteras de la mente.

Sequel of Dragon Oath: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Yi MuYouZi

Buddha said: "The Eight Tribes of Heaven Dragon, Man and Man, all see the Dragon Lady become Buddha." As for the gods, the dragons, the yakshas, the kanda, the asura, the garuda, and the mandara. After the Dragon and Heaven, the most tragic one was Carrolo, because he was Yue Fei's embodiment. Carrolo was a kind of giant bird with all kinds of solemn and precious colors on its wings. Legend has it that Yue Fei was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc, and Jia Luo was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc. When its life ended, the dragons vomited poison and were no longer able to eat. As a result, Garuda flew up and down seven times before finally dying on top of the Vajra Mountain. The complicated plot, ups and downs, locked in a clumsy work, all of this is in the "Heavenly Dragon's Eight Postscript." [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter] Close]

Sequel of Dragon Oath: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Yi MuYouZi

Buddha said: "The Eight Tribes of Heaven Dragon, Man and Man, all see the Dragon Lady become Buddha." As for the gods, the dragons, the yakshas, the kanda, the asura, the garuda, and the mandara. After the Dragon and Heaven, the most tragic one was Carrolo, because he was Yue Fei's embodiment. Carrolo was a kind of giant bird with all kinds of solemn and precious colors on its wings. Legend has it that Yue Fei was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc, and Jia Luo was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc. When its life ended, the dragons vomited poison and were no longer able to eat. As a result, Garuda flew up and down seven times before finally dying on top of the Vajra Mountain. The complicated plot, ups and downs, locked in a clumsy work, all of this is in the "Heavenly Dragon's Eight Postscript." [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter] Close]

Sequel of Dragon Oath: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Yi MuYouZi

Buddha said: "The Eight Tribes of Heaven Dragon, Man and Man, all see the Dragon Lady become Buddha." As for the gods, the dragons, the yakshas, the kanda, the asura, the garuda, and the mandara. After the Dragon and Heaven, the most tragic one was Carrolo, because he was Yue Fei's embodiment. Carrolo was a kind of giant bird with all kinds of solemn and precious colors on its wings. Legend has it that Yue Fei was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc, and Jia Luo was the reincarnation of the Golden Winged Roc. When its life ended, the dragons vomited poison and were no longer able to eat. As a result, Garuda flew up and down seven times before finally dying on top of the Vajra Mountain. The complicated plot, ups and downs, locked in a clumsy work, all of this is in the "Heavenly Dragon's Eight Postscript." [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter] Close]

Será el Amor (Cuentos entrelazados #2)

by Sandra Sookoo

Será el Amor de Sandra Sookoo (Segunda entrega de la serie Cuentos Entrelazados) La fuerza más poderosa del mundo es el amor. Lady Christiana Tremaine vive en el reino de Vesance, pero cuando su padre vuelve a casarse, su madrastra, Lady Tremaine, le quita todo lo que le corresponde por estatus y la degrada a la posición de doncella, obligándola a responder al ultrajante apodo de Cenicienta. Aunque su monótona vida es horrible, conserva la esperanza de que sus circunstancias cambien, sobre todo cuando recuerda el baile con el príncipe que le robó el corazón. Un encuentro casual con ese mismo hombre fortalece su determinación para cambiar... si consigue sobrevivir a las maquinaciones mortales de esa mujer. Alto August Henry Ferdinand Lansdowne, el Príncipe Encantador de Annanvale, lleva buscando a la mujer que puso su mundo del revés y huyó de él a medianoche, tras perder una zapatilla de cristal. Pese a la maldición que padece, que le obliga a transformarse cada noche en lobo, mantiene la fe en que la mujer que está destinado a amar pase por alto su infortunio. Cuando la encuentra, comienza un cortejo poco convencional y se enamora aún más profundamente de ella, pero su relación romántica está plagada de obstáculos. Cuando la madrastra de Christiana la encierra en una torre alta y encantada, Henry acude en su ayuda, pero cuando Lady Tremaine se entera de sus intrigas para escapar, tiende una trampa al noble príncipe y abandona a Cenicienta a un negro destino, porque la malvada mujer desea poder por encima de todo. Pero mientras hay amor, hay esperanza. La atribulada pareja tendrá que luchar duramente para conseguir su final feliz. Suerte y un poco de magia es todo cuanto necesitan para ganar.

Será la Magia (Cuentos Entrelazados, 1 #1)

by Sandra Sookoo

La forma de magia más poderosa es la libre voluntad. Averell Woode es la hija de un cazador, protegida de los males del mundo por un árbol encantado. Aunque es experta en todo lo relacionado con el bosque, anhela una vida más allá de los árboles. Un encuentro casual con un extraño parece la oportunidad perfecta para echar a volar, y se enamora del encanto del hombre, en especial cuando una aventura emocionante llama a su puerta. Devon James Quinn Lansdowne, príncipe soltero de Annanvale, intenta evitar cualquier cosa que se parezca a la vida de palacio. No le interesa la intriga ni la política y prefiere correr libremente por el bosque, sobre todo bajo su forma de lobo. Maldecido para transformarse en bestia cada noche, no está buscando una relación romántica, pero cuando el destino pone en su camino a una mujer que le apunta con una flecha, se muestra más que dispuesto a cambiar de parecer. Cuando Averell recibe un ultimátum por parte de una reina malvada: matar al Príncipe Encantador de Annanvale o enfrentarse a su propia muerte, se pregunta si el destino no es nada más que magia negra. Quinn no puede permitir que eso ocurra, porque Encantador es su hermano mayor, pero ¿cómo puede abandonar una vida por otra? Poco antes de la medianoche y durante un baile en palacio, ambos tienen que tomar una decisión. Si la suerte, o la magia, está de su parte, todos, hasta el amor, sobrevivirán.

Serafín, el escritor y la bruja

by Claudia Piñeiro

Un 31 de octubre, noche de brujas, Serafín, la bruja Amanda y Felipe posan su mirada sobre la misma estrella. Su brillo mágico hace que los destinos se crucen y se unan para siempre. A Serafín le encantan los cuentos de brujas. Es un poco tímido y como es nuevo en el barrio, aún no tiene muchos amigos. Amanda Amancay es una bruja tan particular que no encaja entre sus compañeras. Felipe Echeñique escribe biografías, pero hace tiempo que perdió la motivación. Por suerte, hay noches en las que pasan cosas muy maravillosas, y cuando los tres posaron sus miradas sobre aquella estrella brillante, sus vidas cambiaron por completo.

Serafina and the Splintered Heart (Serafina #3)

by Robert Beatty

Something has happened to Serafina. She has awoken into a darkness she does not understand, scarred from a terrible battle, only to find that life at Biltmore Estate has changed in unimaginable ways. Old friends do unthinkable things and enemies seem all around. <p><p> A mysterious threat moves towards Biltmore, a force without a name, bringing with it violent storms and flooding that stands to uproot everything in its path. Serafina must uncover the truth about what has happened to her and find a way to harness her strange new powers before it's too late. <p> With only days to achieve the impossible, Serafina fights to reclaim herself as the Guardian of Biltmore, friend of Braeden, daughter of her Pa, and heroine of the Blue Ridge Mountains and all the folk and creatures that call it home. <p> In the epic third installment of Robert Beatty's #1 bestselling series, Serafina takes her rightful place among literary champions as she battles fiercely to defend all she loves and become everything that she is meant to be.

Seraph: The Guardian Angel

by James Hicks

In this epic fantasy, humans and demons fight the ultimate war between good and evil. Ever since Lucifer fell from grace during the Great Rebellion, a need to regain power over all souls burned like mad within him. In the Kingdom of Darkness, he has the damned on his side. But his goal will not be achieved in Hell. It will not be won by invading Heaven. The war begins on Earth with the Chosen Ones. In New York, mild-mannered accountant John Summers finds his life irrevocably changed overnight. He&’s imbued with powers he can&’t explain, and struggling with forces he can&’t contain. Possessed, he can only fight. But it&’s given his life purpose. In Kansas, the widowed Andrea Lewis-Rose lives a quiet life. More than anything she wants a child. Her dreams are about to come true. Her nightmares, too. Unbeknownst to Andrea, she has been picked by Satan to bear his seed. Now, as two strangers become bound in a devilish conspiracy, and the hierarchy of Hell begins to shift, John and Andrea must come together as a force of goodness to outrun, outwit, and outlast their dark destiny.

Seraph of Sorrow

by Maryjanice Davidson Anthony Alongi

Half weredragon. Half beaststalker. All heart. View our feature on MaryJanice Davidson and Anthony Alongi's Seraph of Sorrow. Slowly coming into her own, Jennifer Scales just may be the bridge to bring the two warring sides of her family together--provided she can survive learning the most ancient skills of dragonkind.


by Michele Hauf

Winter, 1433 - and Jeanne d'Arc's ashes still glow. . . ; In the battle between Good and Evil, the Black Knight's sword fells enemies with silent grace. The Knight has sworn that fallen angel Lucifer de Morte and his cruel brotherhood will pay for their reign of terror over France - and over the d'Ange family, where nearly all have died a terrible death. All but one. . . ;Yet the Knight's hard-won battles and dented armor hide a larger secret. For he is actually Seraphim d'Ange. She is traveling to de Morte's demesnes, executing his demon henchmen along the way. Now, aided by Baldwin, a family retainer, and San Juste, a mysterious stranger, Sera grows closer and closer to her final target. Yet little does she know that there is one more aspect of power she herself holds. . . . ;

Seraphim (Children of Erikkson #2)

by E. M. Wright

The Black Castle was only the beginning… Having narrowly escaped enslavement at the hands of the Black Castle, Taryn and Emmett find themselves houseguests of the strangely familiar Lord Erikkson. His claims of benevolence, however, ring hollow amid suspicions of an ulterior motive. Lord Erikkson calls Taryn “Sedition” and says she was built to lead a biomaton rebellion, yet she has no desire to fulfill this role. But rumors of a mysterious assassin biomaton abound, and with the treatment of biomatons laid bare, Taryn must choose between enslavement and risking her life to become the leader her creator intended. Further complicating matters, Emmett is grappling with sightlessness, and Ace has gone missing, leaving Taryn to juggle caring for her friends with an impossible choice. When Lord Erikkson offers to help one of them in return, she is hard-pressed to refuse to pick up his sword. Becoming Sedition will mean Taryn must fight to earn every scrap of respect and power needed to achieve her goals. And indeed, the price of freedom is very steep.

Seraphim: 266613336 Wings

by Mamoru Oshii Satoshi Kon

Two of the most acclaimed anime directors of all time, Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell), and Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue) came together to create a manga: Seraphim: 266613336 Wings. Written by Oshii and drawn by Kon, Seraphim is the story of a future Earth devastated by the "Angel Plague," a pandemic that induces apocalyptic visions in the afflicted, even as it ossifies their bodies into dead, seraphic forms. A cult-ridden, army-backed medical unit journeys into the heart of a dying Asian city accompanied by Sera, a mysterious girl linked to the phenomenon itself. Have they come here to kill or cure--and is the Angel Plague a withered branch on the tree of life, or somehow a new flowering of existence?


by Philippe Fix

From Hans Christian Andersen award-winning author Philippe Fix, a dazzling portrait of a dreamy optimist filling Paris with ingenious gadgets, toys, and magical contraptions.Seraphin, dreaming of gardens full of birdsongs, sunny avenues, and flowers, works as a ticket seller in a metro station underground. One day, after being scolded by the stationmaster for trying to save a butterfly that had flown into the station by accident, he learns that he has inherited an old, dilapidated house. Overjoyed by the possibilities, he and his friend Plume set about building the house of their dreams, and much more besides! Philippe Fix's illustrations, cinematic in their scope, have enchanted children since their 1967 début. In a fresh translation, Seraphin now allows a new generation to experience the wonder and inventive spectacle of the original.


by Rachel Hartman

A new vision of knights, dragons, and the fair maiden caught in between . . . Four decades of peace have done little to ease the mistrust between humans and dragons in the kingdom of Goredd. Folding themselves into human shape, dragons attend court as ambassadors, and lend their rational, mathematical minds to universities as scholars and teachers. As the treaty's anniversary draws near, however, tensions are high. Seraphina has reason to fear both sides. An unusually gifted musician, she joins the court just as a member of the royal family is murdered. While a sinister plot to destroy the peace is uncovered, Seraphina struggles to protect the secret behind her musical gift, one so terrible that its discovery could mean her very life. Seraphina's tortuous journey to self-acceptance will make a magical, indelible impression on its readers.

Seraphs: A Rogue Mage Novel

by Faith Hunter

Living among humans in a post- apocalyptic ice age, neomage Thorn St. Croix is a source of both fear and fascination for the people of Mineral City?and now she faces her ultimate test. Deep under the snow-covered mountains beyond the village, an imprisoned fallen seraph desperately needs her help. There, hidden in the hellhole, the armies of Darkness assemble to ensure this subterranean rescue will be Thorn?s final descent?

Seraphs (Rogue Mage #3)

by Faith Hunter

Living among humans in a post- apocalyptic ice age, neomage Thorn St. Croix is a source of both fear and fascination for the people of Mineral City-and now she faces her ultimate test. Deep under the snow-covered mountains beyond the village, an imprisoned fallen seraph desperately needs her help. There, hidden in the hellhole, the armies of Darkness assemble to ensure this subterranean rescue will be Thorn's final descent . . .

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