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Tentacle and Wing

by Sarah Porter

Twelve-year-old Ada is a Chimera, born with human and animal DNA thanks to a genetic experiment gone wrong. Because being a “kime” is believed to be contagious, she has kept her condition—complete with infrared vision—hidden. But a surprise test outs her, and Ada is shipped off to a quarantined school for kimes.There Ada meets kids of many different shapes, stripes, and appendages, such as a girl with dragonfly wings and a seal-boy. As she adjusts to her new life, Ada senses that the facility is keeping a secret that could upend everything the world knows about Chimeras. But will someone put a stop to her efforts to uncover the truth?

Tentacle Kitty: Tales Around the Teacup

by John Merritt Raena Merritt

The world according to Tentacle Kitty!Join "The Pink One" and friends as the whole tentacle kitty gang regales us with tales of action and adventure over tea! From hunting down cotton candy mice, to pirate hijinks, and mega convention run ins, this tome features stories for all readers, told only as a Tentacle Kitty can!From the creators of Tentacle Kitty John and Raena Merritt, joined by artist Jean-Claudio Vinci, this is Tentacle Kitty: Tales Around the Teacup! You will not want to miss this tentacled anthology!

Tentada por um vampiro (Corações Imortais de São Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco é um músico talentoso - e um vampiro. Ele está participando de uma vida solteira em São Francisco, tocando com a sua banda no Club Royal para fim de semana ... até que ele conheça uma mulher humana que não pode resistir. O cheiro do sangue de Magdalena o deixa completamente desfeito, e ele começa a se questionar. Magdalena De la Rosa e sua melhor amiga mudaram-se recentemente para São Francisco. Ela começou um novo trabalho e está morando em um lindo apartamento. Tudo é apenas o jeito que ela imagina ... até que acaba em uma boate de alta escala e de repente é levada pelos pés pelo sexy como o vocalista principal da banda house. A tentação que eles podem fazer é resistir a um futuro que eles nunca imaginaram enquanto a chia entre os dois até que uma ameaça do passado retornasse para os chamados estragos em suas vidas. O amor deles é superar uma realidade? Cian deveria fazer para manter Madalena segura?

Tentada por un vampiro (Corazones inmortales de San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco es un músico talentoso y un vampiro. Está contento viviendo la vida de soltero en San Francisco, tocando con su banda en el Club Royal cada fin de semana... hasta que conoce a una mujer humana a la que no puede resistirse. El aroma de la sangre de Magdalena lo ha deshecho por completo, y comienza a cuestionar su feliz existencia cuando su deseo por ella crece fuera de control. Magdalena De la Rosa y su mejor amiga se mudaron recientemente a San Francisco. Ella comenzó un nuevo trabajo y está viviendo en un hermoso apartamento. Todo es exactamente como ella lo imaginó... hasta que termina en una discoteca de alto nivel y de repente se deja llevar por el sexy cantante principal de la banda. Una tentación a la que no pueden resistirse les lleva a un futuro que nunca imaginaron mientras la pasión chisporrotea entre los dos hasta que una amenaza del pasado de Cian vuelva a causar estragos en sus vidas. ¿Su amor superará la realidad de lo que Cian debe hacer para mantener a Magdalena a salvo?

Tentata da un vampiro (Cuori Immortali di San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco è un musicista di talento - e un vampiro. È soddisfatto della sua vita da single a San Francisco, dove suona col suo gruppo al Club Royal tutti i fine settimana... finché non incontra una donna umana alla quale non sa resistere. Completamente soggiogato dall’odore del sangue di Magdalena, quando il desiderio per lei cresce in modo incontrollabile comincia a mettere in discussione la propria felice esistenza. Magdalena De la Rosa si è da poco trasferita a San Francisco con la sua migliore amica. Ha intrapreso un nuovo lavoro e abita in uno stupendo appartamento. Tutto va proprio come immaginava... finché non finisce in un nightclub esclusivo e all’improvviso perde la testa per il cantante della band locale, tremendamente sexy. Una tentazione alla quale non riescono a resistere li porta a un futuro che non avevano mai immaginato e la passione tra i due fa scintille finché dal passato di Cian fa ritorno una minaccia che getta nel caos le loro vite. Il loro amore saprà sopportare quello che Cian sarà costretto a fare per salvare Magdalena?

Tenté par un Vampire: Un vampire, une romance rock star (Cœurs immortels de San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco est un musicien talentueux et un vampire. Il se contente de vivre sa vie de célibataire à San Francisco, jouant avec son groupe au Club Royal chaque week-end… jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre une femme humaine à laquelle il ne peut résister. L'odeur du sang de Magdalena l'a complètement défait, et il commence à remettre en question son heureux existence quand son désir pour elle devient incontrôlable. Magdalena De la Rosa et sa meilleure amie ont récemment déménagé à San Francisco. Elle a commencé un nouveau travail et vit dans un magnifique appartement. Tout est exactement comme elle l'avait imaginé... jusqu'à ce qu'elle se retrouve dans une boîte de nuit haut de gamme et qu'elle soit soudainement emportée par le chanteur sexy du groupe house. Une tentation à laquelle ils ne peuvent résister mène à un avenir qu'ils n'auraient jamais imaginé alors que la passion grésille entre les deux jusqu'à ce qu'une menace du passé de Cian revienne faire des ravages dans leur vie. Leur amour l'emportera-t-il sur la réalité de ce que Cian doit faire pour protéger Magdalena?

The Tenth City (Land of Elyon #3)

by Patrick Carman

Alexa travels across the seas with her companions to rescue her friend, Yipes, who has been kidnapped by Grindall. To rescue Yipes, she will have to battle Abaddon, Grindall's evil master.

The Tenth Planet

by Edmund Cooper

The Dag Hammarskjold takes off from Woomera, Australia for the new human settlement on Mars. Planet Earth is being eaten away by uncontrollable pollution, starvation and disease. Its life expectancy is nil. This is the last spaceship, its passengers the last people on earth with any hope. But it is never to reach its objective. Five thousand years later its captain wakes up to a new world undiscovered in his time and to a bitter experience he must fight alone.

The Tenth Planet

by Edmond Hamilton

Captain Future meets Captain Future...The two men stood facing each other.One man was tall and impressive. His red hair, his self-assured manner, the global ring he wore on his finger, left no question in the minds of viewers that he was the man he said he was - the man known the Solar System over as Captain Future.The other man was tall too, but fierce looking, with a wild black beard and a scarred face. They called him Blackbeard and believed he was a space pirate, although the main claimed he didn't remember who he was. Not even he suspected that he might be the real Captain Future...

Tenth Planet (Tenth Planet #1)

by Dean Wesley Smith Kristine Kathryn Rusch

A geologist discovers a patern of catastrophe bands in the earth geologic record. When he realizes that were due for another major band and the apearance of a previously unseen dark planet enters the endges of the solar shystem, the world prepares. Have we evolved enough in the past two thousand years to survive the encounter, or will the infamus dark cloud swallow civilization yet again?

The Tenth Power (Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy, Book #3)

by Kate Constable

Having lost her magical powers of chantment, eighteen-year-old Calwyn searches for the missing half of the broken Wheel of the Tenth Power with the hope of stopping the plague and endless winter that have fallen on her world.

Teradil: The Age of Darkness (Teradil: The Age Of Darkness Ser.)

by David Richard Corkill

A young prince must find the strength to lead his kingdom in battle against a terrifying enemy in this supernatural fantasy adventure.The kingdom of Teradil is celebrating its five-hundred-year anniversary with food and games, a lively dance, and a dazzling fireworks display. Yet, what Prince Rylan looks forward to most is seeing the girl he loves, Princess Emma of Austonia, whom he has not spoken to in four years. Emma remains confined to a tower where her royal parents believe she will be safe from worldly influences. Meanwhile, a force of evil unlike any they could imagine lies in wait, threatening to destroy Teradil’s long tradition of peace.Soon Teradil is under attack, and Rylan must assume the crown. Together with a loyal Resistance, he must save his kingdom from a terrible fate. But first he must find within himself the strength and resolve to lead.


by Greg Egan

As a young boy, Prabir Suresh lives with his parents and sister on an otherwise uninhabited island in a remote part of the Indonesian peninsula. Prabir names it Teranesia, populating it with imaginary creatures even stranger than the evolutionarily puzzling butterflies that his parents are studying. Civil war strikes, orphaning Prabir and his sister. Eighteen years later, rumours of bizarre new species of plants and animals being discovered in the peninsula that was their childhood home draw Prabir's sister back to the island - Prabir cannot bear for her to have gone out alone and he follows, persuading a pharmaceutical researcher to take him along as a guide.


by Greg Egan

As a young boy, Prabir Suresh lives with his parents and sister on an otherwise uninhabited island in a remote part of the Indonesian peninsula. Prabir names it Teranesia, populating it with imaginary creatures even stranger than the evolutionarily puzzling butterflies that his parents are studying. Civil war strikes, orphaning Prabir and his sister. Eighteen years later, rumours of bizarre new species of plants and animals being discovered in the peninsula that was their childhood home draw Prabir's sister back to the island - Prabir cannot bear for her to have gone out alone and he follows, persuading a pharmaceutical researcher to take him along as a guide.


by Greg Egan

Terceira Escolhida

by W. J. May Laura Mansur

Como você escolhe entre vida, amor e o futuro? Você não pode. Rob sumiu e Rouge desmaiou. Caleb acaba de dizer a ela que Rob foi levado para a morte. Ah sim, e Rouge está grávida. Espere, o que? Rouge é a Sétima Marca, Michael é um guardião já morto. Como ele poderia engravidá-la? O Alto e talvez Caleb estã ainda mais determinados em parar Rouge e a abominação crescendo em sua barriga. Na fuga de Caleb e do Alto Conselho, na missão de salvar Rob, e ao mesmo tempo tentando parar o anjo das trevas que Rouge convocou - O Time precisa descobrir qual é o Poder dos Três antes que Bentos mate todos eles. Porém, há uma pegadinha: se eles forem atrás do anjo das trevas e matá-lo, todos com o sangue de anjo morrerá. Se eles matarem Bentos, há um rumor de que todos os seus descendentes morrerão exceto a próxima Sétima Marca. Quando tudo parece perdido, haverá alguma chance de esperança para o futuro? Descubra no último volume da Saga dos Segredos Escondidos, TERCEIRA ESCOLHIDA. ...ou será que esse é o último volume?

La tercera puerta

by Laura Martino Gómez

Una historia de princesas nada convencional. Me llamo Alicia. Vivo encerrada en mi castillo preguntándome quién asesinó a mi hermana pequeña. <P><P>Mientras, los que creen que estoy maldita me esquivan igual que se esquiva a un gato agresivo. <P><P>Una noche, sin embargo, recibo la inesperada visita de un raptor que me abre las puertas a una nueva vida, donde las calles y lo que hay bajo ellas pueden ser un hogar, aunque esté plagado de peligros.

Terciel & Elinor (Old Kingdom)

by Garth Nix

Bestselling novelist Garth Nix returns to the Old Kingdom for the never-before-told love story of Sabriel’s parents, Terciel and Elinor, and the charter magic that brought them together—and threatened to tear them apart. A long-awaited prequel to a classic fantasy series.In the Old Kingdom, a land of ancient and often terrible magics, eighteen year-old orphan Terciel learns the art of necromancy from his great-aunt Tizanael. But not to raise the Dead, rather to lay them to rest. He is the Abhorsen-in-Waiting, and Tizanael is the Abhorsen, the latest in a long line of people whose task it is to make sure the Dead do not return to Life.Across the Wall in Ancelstierre, a steam-age country where magic usually does not work, nineteen year-old Elinor lives a secluded life. Her only friends an old governess and an even older groom who was once a famous circus performer. Her mother is a tyrant, who is feared by all despite her sickness and impending death . . . but perhaps there is even more to fear from that.Elinor does not know she is deeply connected to the Old Kingdom, nor that magic can sometimes come across the Wall, until a plot by an ancient enemy of the Abhorsens brings Terciel and Tizanael to Ancelstierre. In a single day of fire and death and loss, Elinor finds herself set on a path which will take her into the Old Kingdom, into Terciel’s life, and will embroil her in the struggle of the Abhorsens against the Dead who will not stay dead.“One of the greatest living fantasy writers. I will never get enough of the Old Kingdom.” —Sarah J. Maas, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Teresa of the New World

by Sharman Apt Russell

From the bestselling author of An Obsession with Butterflies comes a magical story of America in the time of the conquistadors. In 1528, the real-life conquistador Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked in the New World where he lived for eight years as a slave, trader, and shaman. In this lyrical weaving of history and myth, the adventurer takes his young daughter Teresa from her home in Texas to walk westward into the setting sun, their travels accompanied by miracles--visions and prophecies. But when Teresa reaches the outposts of New Spain, life is not what her father had promised. As a kitchen servant in the household of a Spanish official, Teresa grows up estranged from the magic she knew as a child, when she could speak to the earth and listen to animals. When a new epidemic of measles devastates the area, the sixteen-year-old sets off on her own journey, befriending a Mayan were-jaguar who cannot control his shape-shifting and a warhorse abandoned by his Spanish owner. Now Teresa moves through a land stalked by Plague: smallpox as well as measles, typhus, and scarlet fever. Soon it becomes clear that Teresa and her friends are being manipulated and driven by forces they do not understand. To save herself and others, Teresa will find herself listening again to the earth, sinking underground, swimming through limestone and fossil, opening to the power of root and stone. As she searches for her place in the New World, she will travel farther and deeper than she had ever imagined. Rich in historical detail and scope, Teresa of the New World takes you into the dreamscape of the sixteenth-century American Southwest.

Teri the Trampolining Fairy: The After School Sports Fairies Book 1 (Rainbow Magic #4)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls. Everyone is very excited for the opening of the Tippington Leisure Centre! Teri the Trampolining Fairy is full of bounce, until Jack Frost steals her magical item. Can Rachel and Kirsty help Teri defeat him and put back the spring in her step?'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comRead all four fairy adventures in the After-School Sports Fairies set! Teri the Trampolining Fairy; Bonnie the Bike-riding Fairy; Rita the Rollerskating Fairy; Callie the Climbing Fairy.If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Terminal Alliance (Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse #1)

by Jim C. Hines

In his hilarious new sci-fi series, Jim C. Hines introduces the unlikely heroes that may just save the galaxy: a crew of space janitors.The Krakau came to Earth to invite humanity into a growing alliance of sentient species. However, they happened to arrive after a mutated plague wiped out half the planet, turned the rest into shambling, near-unstoppable animals, and basically destroyed human civilization. You know—your standard apocalypse. The Krakau’s first impulse was to turn around and go home. (After all, it’s hard to have diplomatic relations with mindless savages who eat your diplomats.) Their second impulse was to try to fix us. Now, a century later, human beings might not be what they once were, but at least they’re no longer trying to eat everyone. Mostly. Marion “Mops” Adamopoulos is surprisingly bright (for a human). As a Lieutenant on the Earth Mercenary Corps Ship Pufferfish, she’s in charge of the Shipboard Hygiene and Sanitation team. When a bioweapon attack wipes out the Krakau command crew and reverts the rest of the humans to their feral state, only Mops and her team are left with their minds intact.Escaping the attacking aliens—not to mention her shambling crewmates—is only the beginning. Sure, Mops and her team of space janitors and plumbers can clean the ship as well as anyone, but flying the damn thing is another matter. As they struggle to keep the Pufferfish functioning and find a cure for their crew, they stumble onto a conspiracy that could threaten the entire alliance… a conspiracy born from the truth of what happened on Earth all those years ago. Jim C. Hines has proven himself a master of humorous fantasy with his Jig the Goblin novels, and has turned the usual fantasy tropes sideways and upside down with his Princess and his Magic Ex Libris series. With Terminal Alliance, the debut novel in his humorous military science fiction series, Jim takes us into a brand-new universe of entertainment certain to appeal to fans of both Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett.

Terminal Boredom: Stories

by Izumi Suzuki

Named a Most Anticipated Book of 2021 by Thrillist, The Millions, Frieze, and Metropolis JapanThe first English language publication of the work of Izumi Suzuki, a legend of Japanese science fiction and a countercultural iconAt turns nonchalantly hip and charmingly deranged, Suzuki's singular slant on speculative fiction would be echoed in countless later works, from Margaret Atwood and Harumi Murakami, to Black Mirror and Ex Machina. In these darkly playful and punky stories, the fantastical elements are always earthed by the universal pettiness of strife between the sexes, and the gritty reality of life on the lower rungs, whatever planet that ladder might be on.Translated by Polly Barton, Sam Bett, David Boyd, Daniel Joseph, Aiko Masubuchi, and Helen O'Horan.

The Terminal Experiment

by Robert J. Sawyer

Dr. Peter Hobson has created three electronic simulations of his own personality. But they all have escaped from Hobson's computer into the web-and one of them is a killer.<P><P> Nebula Award Winner.

Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction

by Scott Bukatman

Scott Bukatman's Terminal Identity--referring to both the site of the termination of the conventional "subject" and the birth of a new subjectivity constructed at the computer terminal or television screen--puts to rest any lingering doubts of the significance of science fiction in contemporary cultural studies. Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge, both of the history of science fiction narrative from its earliest origins, and of cultural theory and philosophy, Bukatman redefines the nature of human identity in the Information Age. Drawing on a wide range of contemporary theories of the postmodern--including Fredric Jameson, Donna Haraway, and Jean Baudrillard--Bukatman begins with the proposition that Western culture is suffering a crisis brought on by advanced electronic technologies. Then in a series of chapters richly supported by analyses of literary texts, visual arts, film, video, television, comics, computer games, and graphics, Bukatman takes the reader on an odyssey that traces the postmodern subject from its current crisis, through its close encounters with technology, and finally to new self-recognition. This new "virtual subject," as Bukatman defines it, situates the human and the technological as coexistent, codependent, and mutally defining.Synthesizing the most provocative theories of postmodern culture with a truly encyclopedic treatment of the relevant media, this volume sets a new standard in the study of science fiction--a category that itself may be redefined in light of this work. Bukatman not only offers the most detailed map to date of the intellectual terrain of postmodern technology studies--he arrives at new frontiers, providing a propitious launching point for further inquiries into the relationship of electronic technology and culture.

Terminal Man (Charnwood Large Print Ser.)

by Michael Crichton

From the bestselling author of Jurassic Park, Timeline, and Sphere comes a neurological thriller about the dangers of cutting-edge medical experimentation. Harry Benson suffers from violent seizures. So violent that he often blackouts when they take hold. Shortly after severely beating two men during an episode, the police escort Benson to a Los Angeles hospital for treatment. There, Dr. Roger McPherson, head of the prestigious Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, is convinced he can cure Benson with an experimental procedure that would place electrodes deep in his brain's pleasure centers, effectively short-circuiting Harry's seizures with pulses of bliss. The surgery is successful, but while Benson is in recovery, he discovers how to trigger the pulses himself. To make matters worse his violent impulses have only grown, and he soon escapes the hospital with a deadly agenda. . .

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