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by Connie Furnari

When Zelda wakes up, after losing a duel in magic, she finds herself in a body that isn’t hers. She doesn’t have blond hair anymore, they are black with some purple locks; she is wearing new-gothic clothes, not her usual faded jeans. Sheila, who had been her best friend, decided to swap their lives with a spell. While she’s immobilized, waiting to die, Zelda remembers the day when her powers appeared: the day of her sixteenth birthday. Only a few weeks before, she didn’t know that she would find herself fighting against Salem’s black magic in order to save the mortal boy she loved. Zelda is an urban fantasy tale that recalls the light and magical style of the fairy tales; the story alternates tender moments, action and bravery. It’s the experience of a girl like many others, a little clumsy but with a good heart, who finds out how difficult it is to grow up, with or without magical powers.

Zen and the Art of Vampires

by Katie Macalister

Is it possible to love two vampires at the same time? View our feature on Katie MacAlister’s Zen and the Art of Vampires. Pushing forty and alone, Pia Thomason heads to Europe on a singles tour, hoping to find romance. What she finds are two very handsome, very mysterious, and very undead men. And she learns that where vampires are concerned, love isn’t the only thing at stake. .

The Zen Gun

by Barrington J. Bayley

Pout, the chimera, half-man, half-ape, was incorporated into one of the plants or vice versa. He was jammed into a squatting position, while the stems, entering at his buttocks, merged with his legs, his arms and his torso, emerging at knees, elbows, and through his abdomen and thorax. A large, yellow-petalled flower seemed to frame his face.It was his face that rivetted Ikematsu's attention, while the chimera squirmed in dumb distress, glaring with huge piteous eyes. For in that face, set into it as if set in pudding, was the zen gun. The gun was his face, or a part of it. The barrel pointed straight out in place of a nose... the stock merged with and disappeared into Pout's pendulous mouth. Ikematsu leaned toward the chimera. "How you loved your toy! Now it is truly yours!"

The Zen Gun

by Barrington J. Bayley

Pout, the chimera, half-man, half-ape, was incorporated into one of the plants or vice versa. He was jammed into a squatting position, while the stems, entering at his buttocks, merged with his legs, his arms and his torso, emerging at knees, elbows, and through his abdomen and thorax. A large, yellow-petalled flower seemed to frame his face. It was his face that rivetted Ikematsu's attention, while the chimera squirmed in dumb distress, glaring with huge piteous eyes. For in that face, set into it as if set in pudding, was the zen gun. The gun was his face, or a part of it. The barrel pointed straight out in place of a nose... the stock merged with and disappeared into Pout's pendulous mouth. Ikematsu leaned toward the chimera. "How you loved your toy! Now it is truly yours!"

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity

by Ray Bradbury

"Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a land mine. The land mine is me. After the explosion, I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces back together. Now, it's your turn. Jump! Zest. Gusto. Curiosity. These are the qualities every writer must have, as well as a spirit of adventure. In this exuberant book, the incomparable Ray Bradbury shares the wisdom, experience, and excitement of a lifetime of writing. Here are practical tips on the art of writing from a master of the craft-everything from finding original ideas to developing your own voice and style-as well as the inside story of Bradbury's own remarkable career as a prolific author of novels, stories, poems, films, and plays. Zen in the Art Of Writing is more than just a how-to manual for the would-be writer: it is a celebration of the act of writing itself that will delight, impassion, and inspire the writer in you. In it, Bradbury encourages us to follow the unique path of our instincts and enthusiasms to the place where our inner genius dwells, and he shows that success as a writer depends on how well you know one subject: your own life.

The Zen of R2-D2: Ancient Wisdom from a Galaxy Far, Far Away

by Matthew Bortolin

Entertaining and engaging, this new follow-up to Wisdom&’s bestseller The Dharma of Star Wars stands on its own and will captivate a broad audience with the Star Wars story from a Buddhist perspective.Did you ever wonder why R2-D2 is: Always calm and cool under pressure, The key to the rebellion&’s survival, The one who never fails to save the day? Could it be because he&’s secretly a Zen master? Discover your inner R2—and the truth about who you really are! This delightful and illuminating romp unfolds in the form of a fictional dialogue between the author—a die-hard Star Wars devotee with a deep connection to Zen—and two cosplayers dressed as C-3PO and R2-D2 who insist on being called by their character names. Along the way, you&’ll come to see what everyone&’s favorite astromech can teach us about peace, happiness, and life&’s true meaning.


by Greg Egan

Set in a near future Iran (where the theocracy has been overthrown, but where Muslim religion still dominates the culture), an Arab/Muslim focused MMORG gaming companies cutting edge AI software might hold the key achieving "uploaded consciousness." Martin is an Australian journalist who covered uprising and overthrow of the Iranian theocracy, and has since "gone native" with a Iranian wife and child. As tragedy strikes his multi-cultural family, Martin struggles to maintain his place in his adapted culture, and to provide for his child. Zendigi explores what it means to be human, and the lengths one will go to in order to provide for ones children. This emotional roller coaster explores a non-Western-European near future that both challenges ideas of global mono-culture and emphasizes the humanity we all share.


by Greg Egan

Nasim is a young computer scientist, hoping to work on the Human Connectome Project: a plan to map every neural connection in the human brain. But funding for the project is cancelled, and Nasim ends up devoting her career to Zendegi, a computerised virtual world used by millions of people.Fifteen years later, a revived Connectome Project has published a map of the brain. Zendegi is facing fierce competition from its rivals, and Nasim decides to exploit the map to fill the virtual world with better Proxies: the bit-players that bring its crowd scenes to life. As controversy rages over the nature and rights of the Proxies, a friend with terminal cancer begs Nasim to make a Proxy of him, so some part of him will survive to help raise his orphaned son. But Zendegi is about to become a battlefield ...


by Greg Egan

Nasim is a young computer scientist, hoping to work on the Human Connectome Project: a plan to map every neural connection in the human brain. But funding for the project is cancelled, and Nasim ends up devoting her career to Zendegi, a computerised virtual world used by millions of people.Fifteen years later, a revived Connectome Project has published a map of the brain. Zendegi is facing fierce competition from its rivals, and Nasim decides to exploit the map to fill the virtual world with better Proxies: the bit-players that bring its crowd scenes to life. As controversy rages over the nature and rights of the Proxies, a friend with terminal cancer begs Nasim to make a Proxy of him, so some part of him will survive to help raise his orphaned son. But Zendegi is about to become a battlefield ...

Zendikar: In the Teeth of Akoum

by Robert B. Wintermute

Lurking in the space between the aether and the physical plane, there is a great evil waiting to emerge. Zendikar is a land of danger and adventure, a world of deadly risks and priceless rewards. It is also a prison to one of the most deadly species known to the Multiverse: the dreaded Eldrazi. When our story opens, part of the mystical containment spell that has kept the Eldrazi captive for millennia has been breached. The brood lineage, the Eldrazi minions, have been released and are poring over th...

Zênite: O Projeto Intercessão: Livro Um (O Projeto Intercessão #1)

by Arshad Ahsanuddin

E se você pudesse mudar a história? E se alguém já tivesse? Aterrado após uma tentativa de resgate em órbita terrestre, o comandante Martin Atkins, da Marinha da Confederação, é abordado pelo Interscission Project, um consórcio de empresas civis à beira de aperfeiçoar a tecnologia para viajar para outra estrela. Apesar de suas dúvidas, a chance de voltar ao lugar do piloto é grande demais, e ele convence seu melhor amigo e colega de equipe, Charles Davenport, a deixar as forças armadas temporariamente e se juntar a ele como parte da tripulação do Zenith, a humanidade. primeira nave estelar. Edward Harlen é um jovem engenheiro brilhante e um participante importante na construção do Zenith para tirar proveito da tecnologia não testada da unidade de espaço dobrável. Mas Edward tem sua própria agenda para ingressar no projeto e uma pontuação amargamente pessoal para acertar com seu chefe, Trevor Sutton, uma vingança da qual Trevor é totalmente ignorante. Mas quando a irmã de Edward, Stella, entra em cena e consegue garantir uma posição no projeto, toda a trama cuidadosa de Edward fica perturbada, e ela pode significar a queda não apenas de seus planos de vingança, mas de toda a missão Zenith. A centelha de atração entre Edward e Martin é uma complicação que Edward não pode pagar, mas da qual ele não pode deixar de ir. Pois Edward conhece o segredo no coração do Interscission Project, o potencial oculto da tecnologia que em mãos erradas pode se tornar a arma definitiva do assassino: a capacidade de reescrever a história, não apenas uma vez, mas muitas vezes. À medida que um inimigo invisível se move para destruí-los, e a contagem de corpos se multiplica, Martin e Edward devem escolher se permitirão que a possibilidade do amor desafie seus destinos, ou então pegarão em armas em uma guerra para controlar o máximo possível. poder antigo e terrível no universo.


by Julie Bertagna

In this compelling sequel to "Exodus", the search for a future remains a terrifying fight for survival. Sixteen-year-old Mara and her ship of refugees are tracking the North Star in search of land in the mountains of Greenland to call home. A Gypsea boy named Tuck soon becomes inextricably linked to their fate.

Zenith (The Androma Saga #1)

by Lindsay Cummings Sasha Alsberg

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“A whirlwind, out-of-this-galaxy adventure!”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas“ZENITH is a spectacularly stunning, whirlwind adventure with a race-against-the-clock plot and strong as hell female characters.” —Buzzfeed“Epic, mesmerizing and heart stopping.”—Danielle Paige, New York Times bestselling authorFrom #1 New York Times bestselling author duo Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings comes the first book in The Androma Saga, an action-packed thrill ride of adventure, intrigue and steamy star-crossed romance.Known across the galaxy as the Bloody Baroness, Captain Androma Racella and her motley crew of space-bound privateers roam the Mirabel galaxy on the glass starship Marauder, taking what mercenary work they can find to stay alive.When a routine job goes awry, the Marauder’s all-girl crew find themselves placed at the mercy of a dangerous bounty hunter from Andi’s past. Coerced into a life-threatening mission, and straight into the path of a shadowy ruler bent on revenge, Andi and her crew will either restore order to the ship—or start a war that will devour worlds.“A dark and complex sci-fi drama.”—School Library Journal

The Zenith Angle

by Bruce Sterling

Like his peers William Gibson and Neal Stephenson, bestselling author Bruce Sterling writes cutting-edge speculative fiction firmly rooted in today’s reality. Now in The Zenith Angle, he has created a timely thriller about an information-age security expert caught up in America’s escalating war on terror. Infowar. Cybercombat. Digital security and techno-terror. It’s how nations and networks secretly battle, now and into the future. And for Derek “Van” Vandeveer, pioneering computer wizard, a new ...


by John Glasby Paul Lorraine

To the crew of the Exploratory Ship Canopus, outward bound on the first intergalactic voyage to the flaring suns of mighty Andromeda, the evil whisperings that spilled out from the nebula into deep space came as a warning. This was something far beyond their previous experience. Nor were they the only ones to come under the malignant influence of the alien intelligence. In the empty, murmuring void, virtually half-way between the two galaxies of stars, a solitary sun streaked away from Andromeda, dragging its lonely, ammonia-laden planet with it. And it was here that the explorers first gained their glimpse of the black horror that lay straddled across the intergalactic darkness. Something that had being. Something that existed where it seemed impossible that anything could.It fell on Klau-Telph, the only non-Terran on board the Canopus, to finally track down and destroy the inhuman monster that threatened to drive the inhabitants of a trillion planets over the red edge of madness. Not until it was done did he find that the hidden reason behind the insidious whisperings was not what it seemed. In fact, it was something that even he, with his strange double mind, had never thought possible...


by John Glasby Paul Lorraine

To the crew of the Exploratory Ship Canopus, outward bound on the first intergalactic voyage to the flaring suns of mighty Andromeda, the evil whisperings that spilled out from the nebula into deep space came as a warning. This was something far beyond their previous experience. Nor were they the only ones to come under the malignant influence of the alien intelligence. In the empty, murmuring void, virtually half-way between the two galaxies of stars, a solitary sun streaked away from Andromeda, dragging its lonely, ammonia-laden planet with it. And it was here that the explorers first gained their glimpse of the black horror that lay straddled across the intergalactic darkness. Something that had being. Something that existed where it seemed impossible that anything could. It fell on Klau-Telph, the only non-Terran on board the Canopus, to finally track down and destroy the inhuman monster that threatened to drive the inhabitants of a trillion planets over the red edge of madness. Not until it was done did he find that the hidden reason behind the insidious whisperings was not what it seemed. In fact, it was something that even he, with his strange double mind, had never thought possible...

Zenith Dream

by F. T. Lukens

in the Broken Moon series finale, Ren, a technopathic star host in search of his lost brother, wakes from life-threatening injuries to discover his love, Asher, has returned to his position with the Phoenix Corps. Aboard the private trading ship, the Star Stream, the crew informs Ren the draconian Corps leaders believe hes dead. No longer hunted for his powers, he has an opportunity to disappear, but Ren is determined to fix his mistakes. He convinces the crew to join him for one last dangerous mission: Find Asher, free his brother Liam, and escape the Corps reach forever. But a war is brewing between two formidable armies, and Ren is drawn into the conflict. With friends by his side, Ren must make a choice, and it will affect the future of his found family--and the whole star cluster--forever.

Zenith - El Proyecto Interescisión: primer libro

by Arshad Ahsanuddin Carlos Bermejo Pérez

¿Y si pudieras cambiar la historia? ¿Y si alguien ya lo hubiera hecho? Obligado a quedarse en tierra después de que un intento de rescate en la órbita terrestre saliera mal, el comandante Martin Atkins de la Marina Confederada recibe una oferta del Proyecto Interescisión, un consorcio de corporaciones civiles que está a punto de perfeccionar la tecnología que permitirá viajar a otro sistema estelar. A pesar de sus reticencias, la oportunidad de volver a sentarse en el asiento del piloto de una nave es demasiado tentadora como para dejarla pasar y convence a su mejor amigo y compañero de tripulación, Charles Davenport, para que deje por un tiempo el ejército y se una a él a bordo de la Zenith, la primera nave estelar creada por la humanidad. Edward Harlen es un joven ingeniero brillante y una de las piezas clave en la construcción de la Zenith y la instalación del innovador reactor de plegado espacio-temporal. Sin embargo, Edward tiene sus propios motivos para unirse al proyecto. Tiene una deuda pendiente con su jefe, Trevor Sutton, una sed de venganza que su superior desconoce. Cuando la hermana de Edward, Stella, entra en escena y se asegura un puesto en el proyecto, todo el plan que había elaborado meticulosamente se desmorona. Stella podría arruinar no solo el ardid de Edward, sino toda la misión de la Zenith. Para complicarlo todo, la chispa de atracción que salta entre Edward y Martin es algo que no se puede permitir, pero que tampoco puede ignorar. Edward sabe el secreto que se esconde tras el Proyecto Interescisión; el potencial oculto de una tecnología que, en las manos equivocadas, podría convertirse en el arma definitiva: la habilidad de volver a escribir la historia, no solo una vez, sino todas las que se desee. Cuando un enemigo oculto se pone en marcha para destruirles y la lista de víctimas se multiplica, Martin y Edward tendrán que elegir entre dejar que el amor dicte sus destinos o alzarse en a

Zenn Scarlett

by Christian Schoon

Zenn Scarlett is a bright, determined, occasionally a-little-too-smart-for-her-own-good 17-year-old girl training hard to become an exoveterinarian. That means she's specializing in the treatment of exotic alien life forms, mostly large and generally dangerous. Her novice year of training at the Ciscan Cloister Exovet Clinic on Mars will find her working with alien patients from whalehounds the size of a hay barn to a baby Kiran Sunkiller, a colossal floating creature that will grow up to carry a whole sky-city on its back.But after a series of inexplicable animal escapes from the school and other near-disasters, the Cloister is in real danger of being shut down by a group of alien-hating officials. If that happens, Zenn knows only too well the grim fate awaiting the creatures she loves.Now, she must unravel the baffling events plaguing her school, before someone is hurt or killed, before everything she cares about is ripped away from her and her family forever. To solve this mystery - and live to tell about it - Zenn will have to put her new exovet skills to work in ways she never imagined, and in the process learn just how powerful compassion and empathy can be.

Zenn Scarlett

by Christian Schoon

Zenn Scarlett is a bright, determined, occasionally a-little-too-smart-for-her-own-good 17-year-old girl training hard to become an exoveterinarian. That means she's specializing in the treatment of exotic alien life forms, mostly large and generally dangerous. Her novice year of training at the Ciscan Cloister Exovet Clinic on Mars will find her working with alien patients from whalehounds the size of a hay barn to a baby Kiran Sunkiller, a colossal floating creature that will grow up to carry a whole sky-city on its back.But after a series of inexplicable animal escapes from the school and other near-disasters, the Cloister is in real danger of being shut down by a group of alien-hating officials. If that happens, Zenn knows only too well the grim fate awaiting the creatures she loves.Now, she must unravel the baffling events plaguing her school, before someone is hurt or killed, before everything she cares about is ripped away from her and her family forever. To solve this mystery - and live to tell about it - Zenn will have to put her new exovet skills to work in ways she never imagined, and in the process learn just how powerful compassion and empathy can be.

Zenon Kar: Spaceball Star (Zenon, Girl of 21st Century #2)

by Marilyn Sadler Roger Bollen

Meet Zenon, a futuristic fifth grader who lives in a space station high above Earth. Her humorous stories are all reality-based, so kids can identify with her situations. In book #2, Zenon is thrilled when she makes the spaceball team! Unfortunately, she's not so good at it. But does that mean she should quit? Created by past recipients of the IRA Classroom Choice Award.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Zenya: The Dumarest Saga Book 11

by E. C. Tubb

Earls Dumarest's quest for his homeland - the legendary planet Earth - had been long and dangerous. Trekking across the galactic wastelands of the Milky Way, he had been pursued and hindered at every step by the deadly Cyclan. Now, just as his search seems to be nearing its close, Dumarest is once again side-tracked - forced to lead an army for Zenya in the deadly feuds of the alien planet of Paiyar . . . (First published 1974)

Zenya: The Dumarest Saga Book 11 (DUMAREST SAGA)

by E.C. Tubb

Earls Dumarest's quest for his homeland - the legendary planet Earth - had been long and dangerous. Trekking across the galactic wastelands of the Milky Way, he had been pursued and hindered at every step by the deadly Cyclan.Now, just as his search seems to be nearing its close, Dumarest is once again side-tracked - forced to lead an army for Zenya in the deadly feuds of the alien planet of Paiyar . . .(First published 1974)

Zepha the Monster Squid (Beast Quest, Book #7)

by Adam Blade

When Tom defeated Epos the Winged Flame, he thought his "Beast Quest" was over. He was wrong. The Dark Wizard Malvel has returned with new Beasts and a new plan to destroy the kingdom of Avantia. And this time, each beast hides a piece of the legendary Golden Armor - armor that once belonged to Tom's father Taladon. Desperate for knowledge about his mysterious father and determined to finish his quest, Tom heads west, where Cepha the Giant Squid threatens the seas. But his arrival on the western shore brings back memories of his encounter with Sepron the Sea Serpent, an encounter he barely survived...

The Zephyr Conspiracy (Level Up)

by Israel Keats

In a virtual reality treasure hunt game, a gamer named Gadget is a steampunk pirate looking for her captain's lost treasure—a mysterious mechanical device. If she can find the scattered pieces that make up the device, she'll be released from the game. But the further she gets into it, the more Gadget worries she's in over her head. In a game where it's hard to know who's a real person and who's a non-player character, can Gadget trust anyone?

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