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Yesterday's Magic

by Pamela F. Service

WHEN HEATHER MCKENNA is kidnapped by the sorceress Morgan LeFay, it is up to Heather’s friend Welly and the wizard Merlin (yes, that Merlin), to rescue her. Set 500 years in the future, following a nuclear devastation, the technological world has ground to a halt, but magic is beginning to take hold again. And the powerful icons of myth are starting to fight over control of the world. From the Russian witch Baba Yaga, to the native American trickster god, Raven, the most ancient magical forces are beginning to awaken, and they have very different ideas about the future of the earth. This riveting sequel to Tomorrow’s Magic continues Merlin and Arthur’s quest to reunite the world. From the Hardcover edition.

Yesterday's Men

by George Turner

An experiment recreating the mind-set of World War II escalates into an actual battleground between native revolutionaries and space colonists bent on subverting the power of the central government. In the midst of this turmoil, a physically enhanced agent questions his upbringing and training.

Yesterday's Men

by George Turner

An experiment recreating the mind-set of World War II escalates into an actual battleground between native revolutionaries and space colonists bent on subverting the power of the central government. In the midst of this turmoil, a physically enhanced agent questions his upbringing and training.

Yesterday's Promise

by Teresa George

Time travel romance spanning the 1990s back to the Civil War.

Yesterday's Son: The Entropy Effect; The Covenant Of The Crown; Yesterday's Son; The Idic Epidemic (Star Trek: The Original Series #11)

by A.C. Crispin

The Romulans attack the planet Gateway, where Federation scientists are studying the Guardian of Forever -- the mysterious portal to the past. The Starship Enterprise must protect the Guardian -- or destroy it. But Spock has already used the portal to journey to the past. On the planet Sarpedion, 5,000 years ago, Spock knew a beautiful, primitive woman. Now he has gone back to meet his son!

Yesterday's Sun: A Novel

by Amanda Brooke

Yesterday’s Sun, a poignant debut novel from British author Amanda Brooke, finds a young woman having to choose between her own life and the life of her future child.When newly married Holly and her husband Tom move into a charming old manor house in the English countryside, she couldn’t have predicted that a mystical moondial would change her life—and her destiny.In the style of Jodi Picoult, with memorable characters, and tender, warm, prose, Yesterday’s Sun is a brilliant, suspenseful tale of free will versus fate; a heart-wrenching story of family and the risks we take to break from the past.

Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures

by Ray Bradbury

The visionary science fiction author of Fahrenheit 451 shares his imaginative visions of the future in this collection of musings and memoirs. Combining a series of recollections alongside his personal contemplation about the future, protean master of storytelling Ray Bradbury outlines his thoughts on the state of the world—how the past and present are reflected in society, technology, art, literature, and popular culture—as well as the need for creative thinkers to be the architects of the future. In this extraordinary collection of essays, poetry, and philosophical reflection, readers glimpse inside the mind of one of the twentieth century&’s most celebrated and prolific authors. Bradbury reveals the creative sparks that led to some of his most well-known and enthralling stories, along with the influences on his journey to becoming a prominent figure in modern literature. Part journal, part commentary, these writings are an exploration and celebration of a dreamer whose ideas had no bounds.

YesterMorrow (TimeTripper #1)

by Stefan Petrucha

Teenager and genius Harry Keller discovers an alternate dimension he calls "A-Time," in which he can see and affect events in the past, present, and future.

Yesterworld (Down World Ser. #2)

by Rebecca Phelps

In the sequel to Down World, Marina is lured back through the doors by a mysterious man.“Time after time I come back to this cold brick door. Sealed, as it has been for over a year now, as I know it must remain forever. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I know I can never open the door to Yesterday again. I can never have Kieren back. Never talk to Brady about the things we saw under the lake all those months ago. And never tell my brother Robbie how my heart broke every day that he was trapped in the abyss lurking behind those immovable bricks.Maybe I come to this room the way some people visit gravestones. The three doors are all I have left of my loved ones now. The rough, hard rectangles and their merciless mortar, staring back at me. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.And me in the waiting room.To open any of these doors is to open a pathway to death. I know this. And yet, they call to me.”Eighteen months have passed since Marina O’Connell first discovered the doors, and her life changed forever. She’s a senior now. And she’s living in a plane of reality with her stepmom and her dad, while Robbie and her mom are in Oregon. She and her best friend Christy are making plans for college. They’re crushing on Mr. Martel, the new history teacher. He’s young enough to inspire them to take the subject seriously, but there’s more to him than good looks. He isn’t who he seems, and when he confronts Marina with the secret they both share, she realizes that she can’t, or won’t, turn away from the doors that have been calling out to her for months.

Yet Another Dreadful Fairy Book (Those Dreadful Fairy Books)

by Jon Etter

War is coming to Elfame! The uneasy truce between the Seelie Court and the Sluagh Horde is in trouble as nobles on both sides push King Julius and Queen Modthryth to attack while amongst the common fairy folk the Brother/Sisterhood of Afflicted and Repressed Fairies (B.A.R.F.) plans a revolution.The one chance Elfame may have to maintain the peace is a fairy raid organized by Prince Beow of the Sluagh and Princess Viola of the Seelie. But when the two are kidnapped, it's up to Shade, Ginch, and the Professor to save them and prevent the fairy lands from descending into chaos. Can a junior librarian and a pair of con artists stop a civil war? (Seems like a pretty tall order.) Will Elfame see a final, epic showdown between the Seelie and Sluagh? (Well, this is the third book in a fantasy series, so it's kind of required, but then again this is also dreadful fantasy series, so...?) Will Quacksworth and Etter finally get along? (The Magic 8-Ball says, "Outlook not so good."

Yeux de hiboux (LE HIBOU NOIR #1)

by Pet TorreS

PROLOGUE Otto est un garçon qui a éta élevé par son oncle Jefferson, devenu orphelin après la perte de ses parents alors qu'il n'avait que sept ans. Il avait beaucoup de difficultés à l'école dans toutes les matières. Tous les ans, il évitait le redoublement de justesse. Son oncle était un homme solitaire et passait beaucoup de temps à lire des livres scientifiques. Un jour, il avait décidé de faire des recherches sur les hiboux. Il a découvert qu'ils étaient le symbole de la sagesse, qu'ils étaient aussi sages que n'importe quel génie de la Terre. Après avoir fait cette découverte, Jefferson décida de faire une expérience risquée, qui impliquera un hibou et son propre neveu, Otto.



Una joven chilena es obligada por las milicias de México a realizar misiones de espionaje cibernético En un mundo dominado por la tecnología, en una fecha indeterminada, Mariana #una asesina a sueldo y drogadicta# es obligada por la milicia mexicana a infiltrarse en una peligrosa organización de instituciones biológicas, entre ellas Ygdrasil: una red que administra los destinos y la energía de la civilización. Mariana será obligada a experimentar toda clase de peligros (reales y espirituales) y se enfrentará a los diversos poderes. En esta aventura, Mariana es asistida por Ghunter, un soldado alemán muerto en la Segunda Guerra y, posteriormente, rescatada por Reache, un selknam que representa el sistema inmunológico del cosmos (una fuerza que repara o asiste las amenazas de la realidad).

Yggdrasil Station

by Damien Broderick

In medical student August Seebeck's world, almost identical to ours, there are eleven months in a year. None of them is the month of August-until now, when the young orphan stumbles into the true, infinite universe, and becomes a Player in the Game of Worlds. And step by deranged step he meets his siblings: Avril, Decius, Jan, Jules, Maybelline, Septimus/Septima who is both male and female, Toby, the others. And outside his family, glorious, brilliant Lune, also a Player, is quickly his lover, with dreadful secrets of her own.These diverse warriors of the multiverse confront the terrible K-machines, who detest and slaughter humans... but then are the Seebeck family really human? What are these silver symbols engraved into their flesh? What is the true nature of the unending, unfolding cosmos, a meta-reality built from ontological computation, Lune's doctoral specialty? And how can August slay the looming Jabberwock using only the Sun-blazing Vorpal implant in his hand? What final transformation awaits the multiverse at Yggdrasil Station, at the death and dawn of spacetime, where all the heroes die and live again? In this astounding helter-skelter two-part novel, the answers to such questions emerge along a twisting path that will not set you free until you sit with August at a great thirteen-sided table and learn his destiny, and perhaps your own.

Yggdrasil Station

by Damien Broderick

In medical student August Seebeck's world, almost identical to ours, there are eleven months in a year. None of them is the month of August-until now, when the young orphan stumbles into the true, infinite universe, and becomes a Player in the Game of Worlds. And step by deranged step he meets his siblings: Avril, Decius, Jan, Jules, Maybelline, Septimus/Septima who is both male and female, Toby, the others. And outside his family, glorious, brilliant Lune, also a Player, is quickly his lover, with dreadful secrets of her own.These diverse warriors of the multiverse confront the terrible K-machines, who detest and slaughter humans... but then are the Seebeck family really human? What are these silver symbols engraved into their flesh? What is the true nature of the unending, unfolding cosmos, a meta-reality built from ontological computation, Lune's doctoral specialty? And how can August slay the looming Jabberwock using only the Sun-blazing Vorpal implant in his hand? What final transformation awaits the multiverse at Yggdrasil Station, at the death and dawn of spacetime, where all the heroes die and live again? In this astounding helter-skelter two-part novel, the answers to such questions emerge along a twisting path that will not set you free until you sit with August at a great thirteen-sided table and learn his destiny, and perhaps your own.

The Yggyssey: How Iggy Wondered What Happened to All the Ghosts, Found Out Where They Went, and Went There

by Daniel Pinkwater

In the mid-1950s, Yggdrasil Birnbaum and her friends, Seamus and Neddie, journey to Old New Hackensack, which is on another plane, to try to learn why ghosts are disappearing from the Birnbaum's hotel and other Hollywood, California, locations.

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

by Michael Chabon

For sixty years Jewish refugees and their descendants have prospered in the Federal District of Sitka, a "temporary" safe haven created in the wake of the Holocaust and the shocking 1948 collapse of the fledgling state of Israel. The Jews of the Sitka District have created their own little world in the Alaskan panhandle, a vibrant and complex frontier city that moves to the music of Yiddish. But now the District is set to revert to Alaskan control, and their dream is coming to an end. Homicide detective Meyer Landsman of the District Police has enough problems without worrying about the upcoming Reversion. His life is a shambles, his marriage a wreck, his career a disaster. And in the cheap hotel where Landsman has washed up, someone has just committed a murder-right under his nose. When he begins to investigate the killing of his neighbor, a former chess prodigy, word comes down from on high that the case is to be dropped immediately, and Landsman finds himself contending with all the powerful forces of faith, obsession, evil, and salvation that are his heritage. At once a gripping whodunit, a love story, and an exploration of the mysteries of exile and redemption, The Yiddish Policemen's Union is a novel only Michael Chabon could have written.

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

by Michael Chabon

For sixty years Jewish refugees and their descendants have prospered in the Federal District of Sitka, a "temporary" safe haven created in the wake of the Holocaust and the shocking 1948 collapse of the fledgling state of Israel. The Jews of the Sitka District have created their own little world in the Alaskan panhandle, a vibrant and complex frontier city that moves to the music of Yiddish. But now the District is set to revert to Alaskan control, and their dream is coming to an end. Homicide detective Meyer Landsman of the District Police has enough problems without worrying about the upcoming Reversion. His life is a shambles, his marriage a wreck, his career a disaster. And in the cheap hotel where Landsman has washed up, someone has just committed a murder--right under his nose. When he begins to investigate the killing of his neighbor, a former chess prodigy, word comes down from on high that the case is to be dropped immediately, and Landsman finds himself contending with all the powerful forces of faith, obsession, evil, and salvation that are his heritage.At once a gripping whodunit, a love story, and an exploration of the mysteries of exile and redemption, The Yiddish Policemen's Union is a novel only Michael Chabon could have written.

La Yihad Butleriana (Leyendas de Dune #Volumen 1)

by Brian Herbert

A partir de ahora, la leyenda se hace realidad. El universo creado por Frank Herbert en su aclamada serie Dune, seguida por millones de lectores en todo el mundo, se amplía para descubrirnos, por primera vez, el episodio que le dio origen. Diez mil años antes del nacimiento de Paul Atreides, del derrocamiento de un imperio, los últimos humanos libres se rebelaron contra el dominio de las poderosas máquinas que los habían esclavizado. En Dune, la Yihad Butleriana se revela la historia de Serena Butler, la mujer que prendió la llama de esa rebelión. Se destapa la traición que convertiría en enemigos mortales a la Casa Atreides y la Casa Harkonnen. Se desvelan los orígenes de la hermandad Bene Gesserit, de los doctores Suk, de la Orden de los Mentat y la Cofradía Espacial. Y aparece un planeta olvidado, Arrakis, donde acaba de descubrirse la melange, la especia que puede cambiar el destino de miles de planetas... Reseña:«Los seguidores de Dune querrán profundizar en esta nueva saga y los nuevos lectores se verán tentados a abordar la magnífica serie original.»Kirkus Reviews

Yin: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang. What was Yang? What was yin? Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings. The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 2 (Volume #2)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang. What was Yang? What was yin? Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings. The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang.What was Yang? What was yin?Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings.The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang.What was Yang? What was yin?Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings.The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 8 (Volume 8 #8)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang.What was Yang? What was yin?Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings.The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 10 (Volume 10 #10)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang.What was Yang? What was yin?Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings.The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

Yin: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Xi NianXiaoMeng

Since ancient times, there has been the Dao of dual cultivation of yin and yang.What was Yang? What was yin?Entering the land of warmth and gentleness, taste the wine of longevity. Possessing a fire Gu of another kind, indulging in different kinds of amorous feelings.The youngster that came out of the Full Moon Mountain Range had stepped into the realm of wonderful things. And see how he overturned rivers and seas, Yin and Yang!

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