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Cacciatore e preda (I Mutaforma #4)

by Ernesto Pavan M. D. Grimm

I Mutaforma: Volume 4L'orfano Hunter Landon desidera una famiglia che lo ami senza condizioni. Quando viene adottato dai Cavalieri, un'organizzazione dedita a distruggere i mutaforma, Hunter è felice, ma la loro ideologia non lo convince. Finalmente, nel corso di un rito di passaggio durante il quale dovrebbe uccidere il suo primo nemico, Hunter scopre la verità: conosce Glenn Lightfoot, un mutaforma cervide, e ha l'occasione di fargli molte domande. Glenn odia i Cavalieri e teme per la sicurezza del proprio branco, avendone proprio uno così vicino. Dopotutto, quell'organizzazione ha fatto del male alla sua famiglia in passato. Questa è, però, l'occasione per convertire un nemico, e l'istinto gli dice che Hunter non lo tradirà. Presto Hunter vede i cavalieri per ciò che sono realmente, dei mostri, e quando il tempo per la sua prova scade, decide di allontanarsi dal branco del mutaforma per proteggerlo. Ma Glenn non permetterà che la crudeltà dei Cavalieri gli faccia perdere l'uomo che ha imparato ad amare e rispettare.


by Silvia Stefani W. J. May

Solo la morte potrebbe fermarla ora "The Daughters of Darkness" (le figlie delle Tenebre) è una serie di quattro eroine che potrebbero o no conoscersi, ma che tutte hanno lo stesso padre, Vlad Montour. La cacciatrice ora diventa la preda Victoria è una cacciatrice vampira, una delle ultime della sua specie. È il meglio del meglio. Quando scopre che uno dei suoi bersagli è effettivamente sua sorella, la lascia andare, solo per ritrovarsi così dalla parte sbagliata rispetto al consiglio. Costretta a dimostrare il suo valore, va a caccia del suo prossimo bersaglio, un lupo mannaro. Ferita e affamata, è obbligata a fare ciò che deve per sopravvivere. Le sue azioni provocano l'ira dell'antico consiglio, ritrovandosi così a essere l'unica cosa che aveva sempre disprezzato. La Preda. Tori non ha altra scelta e scappa. Ha deluso il consiglio, attaccato e ucciso un anziano e ora, Vlad, il suo terribile padre, è determinato a trovarla. Quando i segreti del passato vengono a galla, si ritroverà a un bivio. Incerta sulla giusta strada da percorrere, dovrà affidarsi ad altre creature soprannaturali e lasciarsi guidare, cosa che non aveva mai permesso prima. Obbligata a combattere contro altri cacciatori vampiri, viene messa all'angolo e l'unico modo per uscirne è combattere, o morire provandoci. ***Questa è una serie pensata per un pubblico adulto e contiene scene per lettori maggiori di sedici anni***


by Alan Dean Foster

A guilt-ridden Earth had turned Cachalot over to the few surviving cetaceans as a perpetual refuge - a planet whose surface was one great ocean, where the remnants of the whales, porpoises and dolphins could pursue their lives and perhaps even the development of an intelligence even greater than man's. Humans on Cachalot were strictly confined to a few islands and the floating towns, prospering from the wealth of its sea. The cetaceans seemed to have forgiven the thousands of years of terror and slaughter they had suffered - some had even befriended selected humans.But something was destroying the towns of Cachalot - leaving no clues...or survivors.

Cache from Outer Space

by Philip Jose Farmer

Benoni Rider set out across the unexplored desert of a future America to prove himself a man and find a new land for his people. The task at first seemed merely exceedingly hard - and then it began to seem entirely impossible. Because all he had to do was join a barbaric army, become a bodyguard for a queen, act as another nation's emissary to his own, lead an army into battle against the wild men of the north, and manage somehow to get back to Fiiniks with the secret of the CACHE FROM OUTER SPACE. That last was the secret that, if learned, could enable any of the barbarian nations of that devastated future to control the rest of the world . . . or annihilate it all over again!

Cada día

by David Levithan

La poderosa y asombrosamente original novela de Levithan explora las complejidades del primer amor de una manera única que cautivará. Cada mañana, A despierta en el cuerpo y la vida de una persona diferente. Nunca hay aviso previo de dónde ocurrirá o quién será el elegido. Pero A ya se ha hecho a la idea de ello, incluso tiene una serie de normas que sigue para vivir: nunca involucrarse. Pasar desapercibido. No interferir. Todo está bien hasta la mañana en la que A se despierta en el cuerpo de Justin y conoce a la novia de este, Rihannon. A partir de ese momento, las normas a través de las cuales se ha guiado siempre dejan de tener sentido. Porque, finalmente, A ha encontrado a alguien con quien de verdad quiere estar... un día, y otro, y el día de después.

Cadaver and Queen

by Alisa Kwitney

<p>Frankenstein meets Marissa Meyer’s Cinder in this tightly paced historical thriller packed with secrets, betrayal and steamy romance. <p>When Elizabeth Lavenza enrolled at Ingold as its first female medical student, she knew she wouldn’t have an easy time. From class demands to being an outsider among her male cohorts, she’ll have to go above and beyond to prove herself. <p>So when she stumbles across what appears to be a faulty Bio-Mechanical—one of the mechanized cadavers created to service the school—she jumps at the chance to fix it and get ahead in the program. Only this Bio-Mechanical isn’t like the others. This one seems to have thoughts, feelings…and self-awareness. <p>Soon Elizabeth realizes that it is Victor Frankenstein—a former student who died under mysterious circumstances. Suddenly Elizabeth finds herself entwined in his dark secrets, ones he might have been murdered to keep buried.</p>

Cadáver exquisito: Premio Clarín Novela 2017

by Agustina Bazterrica

A causa de un virus mortal que afecta a los animales y contagia a los seres humanos, el mundo se ha convertido en un lugar gris, escéptico e inhóspito, y la sociedad se divide entre aquellos que comen y aquellos que son comidos. El Premio Clarín 2017 fue otorgado a esta novela mayor, una sólida y escalofriante pesadilla futurista en la que el canibalismo es legitimado en gran parte del mundo a causa de un virus que afecta a los animales y resulta mortal para los seres humanos. ¿Qué resto de humanismo puede caber cuando los cuerpos de los muertos son cremados para evitar su consumo? ¿En qué lugar queda el vínculo con el otro si, de verdad, somos lo que comemos? En esta despiadada distopía -tan brutal como sutil, tan alegórica como realista-, Agustina Bazterrica inspira, con el poder explosivo de la ficción, sensaciones y debates de suma actualidad.

Cadáver exquisito (Mapa de las lenguas #Volumen)

by Agustina Bazterrica

Premio Clarín de Novela, Ladies of Horror Fiction Award, uno de los mejores libros de ciencia ficción, fantasía o terror del 2020 según The Washington Post y finalista de los Goodreads Choice Awards Con más de 200.000 lectores en todo el mundo, traducido a 23 idiomas y derechos audiovisuales vendidos Una despiadada distopía en la que Agustina Bazterrica inspira, con el poder explosivo de la ficción, debates de suma actualidad La súbita aparición de un virus letal que ataca a los animales modifica de manera irreversible el mundo: desde las fieras hasta las mascotas deben ser sistemáticamente sacrificadas, y su carne ya no puede ser consumida. Los gobiernos enfrentan la situación con una decisión drástica: legalizando la cría, reproducción, matanza y procesamiento de carne humana. El canibalismo es ley y la sociedad ha quedado dividida en dos grupos: los que comen y los que son comidos. Marcos Tejo, encargado general del frigorífico Krieg, separado de su esposa y a cargo de su padre, es un oscuro burócrata. El día en que recibe como regalo una mujer criada para el consumo, las tentaciones lo transforman en una conciencia peligrosa de pliegues truculentos que lo llevará a transgredir las nuevas normas hasta límites que la sociedad desconoce. ¿Qué resto de humanidad cabe cuando los muertos son cremados para evitar su consumo? ¿Quién es el otro si, de verdad, somos lo que comemos? Reseña:«Novela mayor, cuya acción transcurre en el interior de una atmósfera densa e hipnótica en la que el lector queda atrapado desde las primeras líneas como si fuera uno de sus personajes».Juan José Millás «Horriblemente eficaz. […] Esta provocativa novela maneja con maestría un cuchillo de doble filo».The Guardian«Desde las primeras palabras de la segunda novela de la novelista argentina Agustina Bazterrica, Cadáver exquisito, el lector ya es el ganado de la fila, tambaleándose, primordialmente consciente de que este libro es una carnicería, y nada de lo que suceda a continuación va a ser bonito».New York Times Book Review «¿A qué precio es viable un mundo sin animales? Esa es la pregunta que se hace la autora argentina Agustina Bazterrica. [...] Con un arte perfectamente calibrado con la ironía, [ella] presenta un asombroso retrato de una humanidad dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa para satisfacerse, incluso a expensas de sí misma».Le Monde «Una expresión mordaz y sin concesiones de lo que ocurre a diario en nuestra sociedad».La Nación «Con un lenguaje directo y despojado, Cadáver exquisito incursiona en los mecanismos siniestros de una sociedad distópica y caníbal. Las imágenes, tanto repulsivas como fascinantes, recuerdan por momentos a los cuadros violentos de Francis Bacon. La novela rodea al lector con una sensación de amenaza al volver visibles algunas prácticas oscuras y normalizadas de la vida actual».Pedro Mairal «Escrita con lenguaje minimalista, de alta precisión, Cadáver exquisito es una fábula impactante sobre la crueldad entre los seres humanos, aunque no desprovista de poesía».Clarín «Punzante historia caníbal. [...] Hay una verbalización incisiva e impiadosa de lo que sucede en la sociedad [...]. No hay eufemismos en Cadáver exquisito».Mª José R. Murguiondo, La Nación«Bazterrica delinea un lenguaje dúctil, universal; capaz de condensar el terror, el drama, la empatía y la desesperanza».Marvel Aguilera, Revista Kunst

Caden's Comet (The Sun Dragon #4)

by Annabelle Jay

The Sun Dragon: Book FourBefore King Roland ruled over Earth, four dragon kingdoms fought over the plentiful planet: Ice Dragons, Sun Dragons, Earth Dragons, and Bone Dragons. One day a young dragon named Prince Grian slipped aboard the Sun Dragon ship and traveled to Earth, while on that same day, an Earth Dragon named Caden snuck away from his village. The two met and fell in love, but both were killed in battle. The Artists, creators of the universe, were furious about the death of these true loves. As punishment, they erased the Sun Dragon race, banished the Bone Dragons to Draman, and put the Ice Dragons in the North Pole, where they could not harm the Earth Dragons. The Artists declared that the dragons would remain cursed until the true love between Grian and Caden was born again and they reunited all dragons in peace and harmony. Years later Prince Grian is reborn, and it is up to him and his godparent, Skelly, to find his soulmate on Earth. But with the head of the Earth Dragon Protection Society, or EDPS, trying to kill him, reuniting with the love of his life seems impossible. Will Grian be able to find his match before the EDPS finds him? And if he finds Caden, will it be the true love of the prophecy?

The Cadet of Tildor

by Alex Lidell

Tamora Pierce meets George R. R. Martin in this smart, political, medieval fantasy-thriller. There is a new king on the throne of Tildor. Currents of political unrest sweep the country as two warring crime families seek power, angling to exploit the young Crown's inexperience. At the Academy of Tildor, the training ground for elite soldiers, Cadet Renee de Winter struggles to keep up with her male peers. But when her mentor, a notorious commander recalled from active duty to teach at the Academy, is kidnapped to fight in illegal gladiator games, Renee and her best friend Alec find themselves thrust into a world rife with crime, sorting through a maze of political intrigue, and struggling to resolve what they want, what is legal, and what is right. .

Cadono le Stelle: Trilogia di Sedici Tramonti - Libro Tre

by Mark Gardner Cindy Vaskova

Andy Kitz ha osservato una serie di strani eventi, e adesso sa che il mondo è pieno di persone con i superpoteri. Avendo lavorato con alcuni super, compreso un ex delinquente di strada in cerca di redenzione, lui vuole aiutare coloro che proteggerebbero la città e che fermerebbero chiunque, con i poteri o no, volesse fare del male agli innocenti. Ma adesso lui è uno dei pochi a sapere che l’agenzia governativa segreta guidata dal Dott. Jacob Globe non sta soltanto cercando di eliminare poteri pericolosi, ma sta catturando i super per studiarli con lo scopo di riuscire a imparare come dare e togliere i poteri a volontà. Ci sono super con poteri che vanno al di là della comprensione, e le macchinazioni di Globe potrebbero causare vittime che lui non può sperare di controllare. Il mondo assiste alle conseguenze della lotta super contro non-super, e la città di Seattle si ritrova nel mezzo di un fuoco incrociato tra fazioni che credono che il loro modo sia l’unico modo per andare avanti. Ma in un’epoca nella quale i vicini di casa ricorrono alla denuncia di attività sospette per risolvere le loro dispute, Seattle è una polveriera in attesa di una scintilla. Quello che succede a Seattle avrà ripercussioni durature in tutto il mondo.

Caduceus Wild

by Ward Moore

Medarchy. It finally happened. The medical establishment has taken over the civilized world. Orwell's Big Brother is a doctor, and there is a prescription for everyone... usually thanatization or "modification." The all-powerful high court of Medics will decide. The primitive operations and drugs of an earlier culture have been replaced by more sophisticated methods and controls. The population at large, described as Patients, willingly observe the codes of behavior set by the ruling Medics. It is a strange and cold world, still evolving from the devastation of ancient bacteria aerosols. All that is visible, from architecture to transportation, has been newly created by the Medical technologists. The minds and bodies of the citizens are on "hold." Nothing must encroach on the Public Health. Every facet of life has been measured and made safe. But there are a few escapees, dissidents, deviants. The "Abnormals." This is the story of three of them. . . As the author explains in a note, this book is a substantial expansion and re-write of a 1959 magazine serial of the same name, by Ward Moore, Robert Bradford, and Jean Ariss.

Caesar: The Life Story Of A Panda-leopard

by Patrick O'Brian

"O'Brian was only 15 when [Caesar] was published, but he already possessed an instinct for deft plotting and uncomplicated narrative."—The New York Times A stark tale encompassing the cruelty and beauty of the natural world, and a clear demonstration of the storytelling gift that would later flower in the Aubrey/Maturin series. When he was fourteen years old and beset by chronic ill health, Patrick O'Brian began creating his first fictional character. "I did it in my bedroom, and a little when I should have been doing my homework," he confessed in a note on the original dust-jacket. Caesar tells the picaresque, enchanting, and quite bloodthirsty story of a creature whose father is a giant panda and whose mother is a snow leopard. Through the eyes and voice of this fabulous creature, we learn of his life as a cub, his first hunting exploits, his first encounters with man, his capture and taming. Caesar was published in 1930, three months after O'Brian's fifteenth birthday, but the dry wit and unsentimental precision O'Brian readers savor in the Aubrey/Maturin series is already in evidence. The book combines Stephen Maturin's fascination and encyclopedic knowledge of natural history with the narrative charm of Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. It was published in England and the United States, and in translation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Japan. Reviews hailed the author as the "boy-Thoreau." "We can see here a true storyteller in the making....a gripping narrative, which holds the reader's attention and never flags."—The Spectator

Caesar's Bicycle (The Timeline Wars #3)

by John Barnes

In an alternate Roman Empire, the ultimate battle is being waged for domination of the multiverse in the epic conclusion of the war for a million EarthsThere are a million different Earths across an infinite number of timelines—and every one of them is in peril.John Barnes&’s ingenious science fiction saga the Timeline Wars reaches a breathtaking climax in Caesar&’s Bicycle as former Pittsburgh private investigator–turned–Crux Op agent Mark Strang pursues the alien Closer enemy to a new battleground: an alternate ancient Rome of Caesar and Pompey.Strang&’s investigation into the disappearance of a fellow ATN operative has carried him along a new timeline to a Roman Empire at once strikingly similar and remarkably different from the one recalled in history books on his own Earth. What he discovers is a world in the process of radical transformation through the introduction of new technologies, centuries before their time, by both sides in the war for the multiverse—enemy Closers and ATN alike. And this time, Strang&’s mission carries a new urgency, for the timelines are becoming dangerously unstable and mysteriously starting to close. To prevent the total enslavement of every one of the million Earths, Strang himself will now have to make history. But by ensuring that an infamous assassination actually does take place, Mark Strang could be condemning himself to the most horrible death the Romans ever devised.

Caesar's Column

by Ignatius Donnelly

The book is a plea, and a striking one. Its plot is bold, its language is forceful, and the great uprising is given with terrible vividness.

Cafe At The Edge Of The Moon (Early Reader)

by Francesca Simon

Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.Janey is fed up of being told what to do by her mum and dad. So she jets off to the cafe at the edge of the moon where she can do anything she likes - eating pudding first, splashing in puddles and racing a dinosaur.

Cafe At The Edge Of The Moon

by Francesca Simon Pete Williamson

Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.Janey is fed up of being told what to do by her mum and dad. So she jets off to the cafe at the edge of the moon where she can do anything she likes - eating pudding first, splashing in puddles and racing a dinosaur.

El café de los gatos

by Rosa Cabezaolías

Julia, Iván y sus mascotas, una historia de amistad, aventuras y superación. Julia, de trece años, se muda a vivir al Madrid de los Austrias donde sus padres van a montar una cafetería. <P><P>Al cambiar de barrio, tiene que hacerlo también de instituto, por lo que todo es nuevo para ella, excepto Iván, al que conoció de pequeña. <P><P>En el barrio empiezan a producirse desapariciones de perros. Julia, que tiene el poder de convertirse en gata, junto con Iván, resolverá el misterio. Para ello pasarán aventuras y peligros en el barrio y en los túneles secretos que esconde.

The Cage

by Megan Shepherd

The Maze Runner meets Scott Westerfeld in this gripping new series about teens held captive in a human zoo by an otherworldly race. From Megan Shepherd, the acclaimed author of The Madman's Daughter trilogy.When Cora Mason wakes in a desert, she doesn't know where she is or who put her there. As she explores, she finds an impossible mix of environments--tundra next to desert, farm next to jungle, and a strangely empty town cobbled together from different cultures--all watched over by eerie black windows. And she isn't alone.Four other teenagers have also been taken: a beautiful model, a tattooed smuggler, a secretive genius, and an army brat who seems to know too much about Cora's past. None of them have a clue as to what happened, and all of them have secrets. As the unlikely group struggles for leadership, they slowly start to trust each other. But when their mysterious jailer--a handsome young guard called Cassian--appears, they realize that their captivity is more terrifying than they could ever imagine: Their captors aren't from Earth. And they have taken the five teenagers for an otherworldly zoo--where the exhibits are humans.As a forbidden attraction develops between Cora and Cassian, she realizes that her best chance of escape might be in the arms of her own jailer--though that would mean leaving the others behind. Can Cora manage to save herself and her companions? And if so . . . what world lies beyond the walls of their cage?

A Cage Of Crimson

by K. F. Breene

Of all the people in the world, why her? It was supposed to be easy: find the drug maker. Find her, and drag her back to the dragons to deal with. She deserves death for what she's done. For someone like Weston, the best alpha in the world, the one who shuts people up just by walking in the room, it would've been. Until he learns what she is... Finding a fated mate is nearly impossible. Very few are able to do it. But the call of their bond is unmistakable. Against all odds, and in the worst situation imaginable, he's found his true mate. Her. Worse? If there could be anything worse than a true mate that has brought the world to its knees - she doesn't seem to realize what she is. Her animal is suppressed. Locked away, leaving her nearly without magic. She doesn't know what the feeling is, and she doesn't care. She claims innocence. She thinks he's the villain in this story, and she aims to kill him before he destroys her. It doesn't change his duty. He must bring her in, nature be damned. Regardless of how much it hurts, he'll resist the sweet taste of her lips and the heaven between her thighs. She must pay for what she's done. He just hopes he doesn't die inside for the part he's forced to play in the destruction of his true mate.

The Cage of Dark Hours (The Five Penalties #2)

by Marina Lostetter

The Cage of Dark Hours is the second novel in the epic fantasy trilogy from acclaimed author Marina Lostetter, where the defeat of a serial killer back from the dead has pulled the mask off the myths and magics of a fantastical city.Krona and her Regulators survived their encounter with Charbon, the long-dead serial killer who returned to their city, but the illusions of their world were shattered forever.Allied with an old friend they will battle the elite who have ruled their world with deception, cold steel, and tight control of the magic that could threaten their power, while also confronting beasts from beyond the foggy barrier that binds their world. Now they must follow every thread to uncover the truth behind the Thalo, once thought of as only a children's tale, who are the quiet, creeping puppet masters of their world.The Five Penalties Series:The Helm of MidnightThe Cage of Dark HoursThe Teeth of DawnAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Cage of Dreams (City of Nightmares)

by Rebecca Schaeffer

Chaos reigns over the City of Newham in the thrilling conclusion to the City of Nightmares duology, by critically acclaimed author Rebecca Shaeffer.All nightmares begin as dreams.Nineteen-year-old Ness used to be terrified of Nightmares - people who'd turned into their worst fears while they slept. Now, after two assassination attempts, an explosion, and a bargain with a demon, she's finally free of her terror. But Nightmares aren't the only dangerous thing in Newham. And Ness still has to reckon with her other fears - including her fear of mortality. It's easy to die in Newham, but hard to live. So when the monster responsible for creating Nightmares asks her for a favour, she agrees - as long as he will turn her into an indestructible Nightmare of her choice in exchange, so she can finally feel safe. Soon things spiral out of control. Now, Ness is in the crosshairs of enemies old and new, and this time, she can't run from her problems. If she wants to survive, she's going to have to conquer the most difficult enemy of all: herself.(P)2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Cage of Dreams (City of Nightmares)

by Rebecca Schaeffer

Chaos reigns over the City of Newham in the thrilling conclusion to the City of Nightmares duology, by critically acclaimed author Rebecca Schaeffer. All nightmares begin as dreams. Nineteen-year-old Ness used to be terrified of Nightmares - people who'd turned into their worst fears while they slept. Now, after two assassination attempts, an explosion, and a bargain with a demon, she's finally free of her terror. But Nightmares aren't the only dangerous thing in Newham. And Ness still has to reckon with her other fears - including her fear of mortality. It's easy to die in Newham, but hard to live. So when the monster responsible for creating Nightmares asks her for a favour, she agrees - as long as he will turn her into an indestructible Nightmare of her choice in exchange, so she can finally feel safe. Soon things spiral out of control. Ness finds herself in the crosshairs of enemies old and new, and this time, she can't run from her problems. If she wants to survive, she's going to have to conquer the most difficult enemy of all: herself.

Cage of Dreams

by Rebecca Schaeffer

In this thrilling sequel and conclusion to the City of Nightmares duology, which has been praised as "so much fun readers will stay up all night to finish it" (Kirkus, starred review), Ness is forced to make a twisted deal with the Nightmare Phantom—only to find herself embroiled in the explosive fallout of the agreement when a botched assassination attempt unleashes chaos into the City of Newham.Nineteen-year-old Ness used to have a vehement terror of Nightmares—people who’d been turned into their worst fears while they slept. Through two assassination attempts, an explosion, and a faustian bargain with a dream demon, she’s finally working through those fears.Unfortunately, Nightmares aren’t the only dangerous thing in Newham. Working at a speakeasy where gunfights are common and death is a regular occurrence, Ness is forced to reckon with all her other fears—including her fear of mortality. It’s easy to die in Newham, but it’s hard to live.So when the Nightmare Phantom—the monster that turns people into Nightmares—shows up, asking her another favor, she agrees, but only if he turns her into a Nightmare. One of her own choosing, something bullet proof and strong and able to live without fear.But when Ness’s attempt to fulfill the bargain goes wrong, things start to spiral out of control. Now, Ness is in the crosshairs of enemies old and new, and this time, she can’t run from her problems. If she wants to survive, she’s going to have to conquer the most difficult enemy of all: herself

The Cage of Zeus (The Cage of Zeus Series)

by Sayuri Ueda

The future of sex and the future of terrorism collide. The Rounds are humans with sex organs of both genders. Artificially created to test the limits of the human body in space, they are now a minority, despised and hunted by the terrorist group Vessel of Life. Aboard Jupiter-I, a space station orbiting the gas giant that shares its name, the Rounds have created their own society with a radically different view of gender and of life itself. Security chief Shirosaki keeps the peace between the Rounds and the typically gendered "Monaurals," but when a terrorist strike hits the station, the balance of power and tolerance is at risk...and an entire people is targeted for genocide.

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