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Captured Heart

by Heather Mccollum

Fleeing with only her bow, horse, enormous pet wolf, and the cryptic clues hidden in her mother's medicine journal, healer Meg Boswell gallops north towards freedom, running from the man who falsely accused her mother of witchcraft. Cursed with magical healing abilities, Meg knows that if she's captured, she will die like her mother-atop a blazing witch's pyre. Winter winds rip across the Highlands, pressing Chief Caden Macbain forward in his desperate plan to save his clan. He's not above using an innocent woman to bargain for peace if it keeps his clan from starving. But Meg isn't who Caden thinks she is, and when she kills a man to save the clan, he must choose between duty and her life. For although he captured her to force a peace, Meg's strength and courage have captured Caden's heart.

Capturer l'ours: Une aventure de transformateurs milliardaires

by Bruno Aj Tipton

Un transformateur d’ours milliardaire est effrayé de laisser son travail derrière lui. Une transformatrice lapine en contrôle qui veut que tout le monde s’amuse à sa façon. Perdu sur une île tropicale, peuvent-ils sauver chacun d’eux? L’Alpha Toby Toleri a passé sa vie entière à assurer la sécurité financière de son clan. Lorsqu’il gagne des vacances dans les tropiques avec une belle étrangère, ses difficultés à se déconnecter les mettent en danger. Suivant des orages torrentiels, des créatures mortelles, et un terrain dangereux qui se profile de tous côtés, est-ce que Toby peut sauver la fille de ses rêves avant qu’il ne soit trop tard? Jadyn Hopper est une thérapeute holistique qui pense qu’elle a tout compris. Lorsqu’elle gagne un voyage à l’hôtel avec Toby, elle le pousse à apprécier les merveilles de la nature à ses conditions. Mais lorsque son périple de randonnée bien intentionnée se finit avec cette paire perdue dans la jungle, elle doit réévaluer que le si beau Toby peut avoir à offrir plus qu’il ne semblait le laisser paraître. Capturer l’ours est une romance paranormale distincte de la série des “Jeux de transformateurs d’ours”, sise dans un monde contemporain rempli de merveilles inattendues, de magie et de suspense. Si vous aimez les romances torrides, les transformateurs musclés, et les liaisons sous les tropiques, vous adorerez le livre d’AJ Tipton à couper le souffle.

Capturing Angels

by V.C. Andrews

V.C. Andrews, queen of Gothic fiction for twenty-five years, explores a new genre in her women’s fiction debut—available exclusively as an eBook. A young mother struggles to keep her marriage together in the wake of her daughter’s kidnapping…and to keep hope of her return alive. Grace is the doting mother of Mary, an angelic five-year-old who charms everyone around her. But in one tragic moment at a local shopping mall, Grace looks down to discover that Mary is no longer at her side…and can&’t be found anywhere. She and her husband wait by the phone for a ransom demand that never comes. For months Grace believes that Mary is somewhere, alive and safe, waiting to come home to her—but as her family and friends give up hope, Grace&’s marriage begins to crumble. Only one detective, Sam Abraham, shares her determination to find Mary…but could his motives be less than altruistic? As Sam and Mary work together to track Mary&’s disappearance, they discover clues that this was more than a random kidnapping—and that Mary may have been special to more than just her mother…

Cara – Ghost Girl at a Spooky Wedding (Cara the Ghost Girl #3)

by Ralf Leuther

A teachers' wedding that’ll give you the creeps It's a very special day. Not only are Jonathan's teachers getting married, they're having a Halloween wedding. The students are all allowed to come in spooky costumes! Jonathan's best friend, Cara, the glowing green ghost girl, is the only one who doesn't have to dress up for a change. But then some nasty ghost pranks plunge the celebration into chaos. Together with vampire girl Varella, Jonathan and Cara are hot on the heels of the culprit when suddenly the bride disappears from her own wedding.

Cara – Ghost Girl on a Class Trip: A school trip full of spooky adventures (Cara the Ghost Girl #3)

by Ralf Leuther

Jonathan is hugely excited. He’s about to go on a class trip to an old castle. And the best part: his glowing green friend Cara, the ghost girl, is coming too! What with their disorganised teacher Mr Bierbacher and Cara’s ghost pranks, it’s going to be great fun. But it soon becomes clear that the castle is haunted! What Jonathan can’t grasp is that the person who’s most afraid is Cara! What kind of ghoulish spectre can make even a ghost girl scared?

Cara – Ghost Girls are Green: An exciting and fun adventure with a nine-year-old boy and a Berlin ghost girl (Cara the Ghost Girl #3)

by Ralf Leuther

Glowing green and bold as brass, Cara the ghost girl gives Jonathan's life a shake-up! She teaches Jonathan's nasty classmates a lesson with her pranks, and the child-hating caretaker of his apartment building, Mrs Krakenhuber, also gets a taste of Caras ghostly powers. With his new green friend, Jonathan finally gets to have fun again, and the move to Berlin turns out to be not so bad. But then Cara suddenly loses her powers, and Jonathan must do everything he can to help her…

Cara – Le ragazze fantasma sono verdi: Le ragazze fantasma sono verdi

by Ralf Leuther

Ha la pelle verde e luminosa, un gran bel caratterino e niente peli sulla lingua: è Cara, la ragazza fantasma che ha messo sottosopra la vita di Jonathan! Con i suoi scherzi spiritosi e un po’ impertinenti difende l’amico dalle cattiverie dei compagni di classe e dà del filo da torcere anche alla signora Polpostorto, l’amministratrice del condominio che detesta i bambini. Con la sua nuova amica verde, Jonathan finalmente si diverte e riesce ad affrontare con più leggerezza la nuova vita a Berlino. Un giorno, però, Cara perde improvvisamente i suoi poteri e Jonathan dovrà fare tutto il possibile per salvarla...

Cara – Ragazza fantasma in gita scolastica (Cara #3)

by Ralf Leuther

Jonathan è entusiasta, perché sta per andare in gita scolastica in un antico castello e la cosa più bella è che ci sarà anche Cara, la sua amica verde, la ragazza fantasma! Con il caotico insegnante Panzabirra e gli scherzi di Cara ci sarà sicuramente da divertirsi. A un certo punto, però, si scoprirà che il castello è infestato, ma ciò che sgomenterà davvero Jonathan è che ad aver più paura è proprio Cara! Che specie di spettro raccapricciante può terrorizzare persino una ragazza fantasma?

Cara. Chica Fantasma en una Excursión Escolar

by Ralf Leuther

Jonathan está muy emocionado. Se va de excursión con sus compañeros del colegio a un viejo castillo. ¡Y lo mejor es que su amiga verde brillante Cara, la chica fantasma, estará allí! Con el incrédulo profesor, el Sr. Bierbacher y las bromas fantasmales de Cara, va a ser muy divertido. Pero pronto queda claro que el castillo está embrujado. Lo que da que pensar a Jonathan: ¡La que más miedo tiene es Cara! ¿Qué clase de fantasma aterrador puede ser, que incluso una chica fantasma tiene miedo?

La cara oscura de la luna (Cazadores Oscuros #Volumen 10)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Décima entrega de la serie de vampiros que ha revolucionado el género: los «Cazadores Oscuros» de Sherrilyn Kenyon. Susan Michaels había sido una periodista reconocida, con varios premios en su haber, hasta que un escándalo arruinó su carrera. Ahora trabaja en un pequeño diario sensacionalista de Seattle, cubriendo las noticias más inverosímiles. Aunque está sobre la pista de una historia que podría redimirla... Ravyn Kontis nació en un mundo de predadores. Cuatro siglos atrás había sido traicionado por quienes más amaba; perdió a su familia, su honor y su vida, y se convirtió en un Cazador Oscuro. Desde entonces, más letal de lo que jamás había sido, ha luchado en solitario. Sin embargo, si quiere salvar a la humanidad, debe confiar a una mujer el secreto que podría destruirle. En el mundo de los Cazadores Oscuros la vida siempre es un peligro. Pero nunca tanto como ahora, cuando una mortal podría aniquilar el mundo con solo contar una historia. La pregunta es: ¿lo hará?

La cara oscura de la luna (Cazadores Oscuros #10)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Susan Michaels había sido una periodista reconocida, con varios premios en su haber, hasta que un escándalo arruinó su carrera. Ahora trabaja en un pequeño diario sensacionalista de Seattle, cubriendo las noticias más inverosímiles. Aunque está sobre la pista de una historia que podría redimirla...Ravyn Kontis nació en un mundo de predadores. Cuatro siglos atrás había sido traicionado por quienes más amaba; perdió a su familia, su honor y su vida, y se convirtió en un Cazador Oscuro. Desde entonces, más letal de lo que jamás había sido, ha luchado en solitario. Sin embargo, si quiere salvar a la humanidad, debe confiar a una mujer el secreto que podría destruirle.En el mundo de los Cazadores Oscuros la vida siempre es un peligro. Pero nunca tanto como ahora, cuando una mortal podría aniquilar el mundo con solo contar una historia. La pregunta es: ¿lo hará?

Cara the Coding Fairy: Special (Rainbow Magic #1)

by Daisy Meadows

Three stories in one! Join Rachel and Kirsty for a magical adventure with another fairy friend in this bestselling and much-loved series for girls aged 5 and up!Join Kirsty, Rachel and Cara for a brand-new fairy adventure!Best friends Rachel and Kirsty are very excited to be going to a coding convention! They can't wait to start building their own programmes and apps. But naughty Jack Frost has other plans - to steal the magic of coding for himself!'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Caradoc of the North Wind: Book 4 (Destiny's Path #4)

by Allan Frewin Jones

HOW FAR CAN THE BONDS OF LOYALTY BE STRETCHED?As the war with the Saxons reaches its darkest hour, Branwen is taking on 'suicidal' missions. Disaster strikes, and a valued friend suffers a devastating injury, testing the loyalty of her band of followers to the limit. Branwen must trust in the power of her destiny more than ever - and when she discovers her greatest ally has entered a secret alliance with her greatest enemy, she decides enough is enough. But a deadly trap awaits, and Branwen finds herself the prized prisoner of a man half-blinded by a thirst for revenge ...

Cara's Twaalf

by Debbie Verschueren Chantel Seabrook

Opgegroeid in een uithoek van de provincie Crowthorne, wordt Cara's lot bezegeld door een systeem dat ze veracht en een godin waar ze niet meer in gelooft. Wanneer duidelijk wordt dat de troonopvolger van Elbia in ongenade is gevallen in de ogen van de godin, wordt Cara door haar bloedlijn verplicht de plaats van haar nicht in te nemen als wettelijke erfgenaam. Een man uit elke twaalf provincies wordt gekozen door de koninklijke raad om hun leven en zwaard te wijden aan de toekomstige koningin als haar consorten. Uit deze mannen, moet Cara de toekomstige koning van Elbia kiezen. Voordat ze in staat is plaats te nemen op de troon, moeten Cara en haar Twaalf iedere provincie bezoeken en een heilige ceremonie uitvoeren, een ritueel waardoor Cara alles in vraag stelt wat ze dacht te kennen. Cara beseft al snel dat niet alle mannen die hadden gezworen haar te beschermen, zijn wie ze lijken, en dat er mensen zijn die haar willen gebruiken als middel om macht te verkrijgen. Cara's Twaalf is een verfrissend, romantisch fantasieverhaal over mooie vrouwen en onverschrokken strijders in een middeleeuws tijdperk.

Cara's Twelve - Il Trono di Elbia

by Stefania Parente Chantel Seabrook

Cresciuta nella provincia sperduta di Crowthorne, Cara scopre che il suo destino è legato a un sistema che disprezza e a una dea in cui non crede più. Quando diventa chiaro che l’erede al trono di Elbia è caduta in disgrazia agli occhi della dea, a Cara, per i suoi legami di sangue, viene ordinato di prendere il posto di sua cugina come erede legittima. Un uomo da ognuna delle dodici province viene scelto dal consiglio reale per consacrare la propria vita e la propria spada come campione e consorte della futura regina. Tra questi uomini Cara deve scegliere il futuro re di Elbia. Prima che possa sedersi sul trono, Cara e i suoi Dodici consorti devono visitare ogni provincia e celebrare una cerimonia sacra, che le farà mettere in discussione tutto ciò che pensava fosse reale. Cara presto capisce che non tutti gli uomini che hanno giurato di proteggerla sono quello che sembrano e che ci sono quelli che la vorrebbero usare come strumento per ottenere il potere. Cara’s Twelve – Il trono di Elbia è una storia di giovani fanciulle e guerrieri senza paura in una terra medievale, una ventata d’aria fresca nel panorama del fantasy romance

Caras Zwölf

by Chantel Seabrook Eva Markert, Christina Löw

Aufgewachsen in der rückständigen Provinz Crowthorne, muss Cara eines Tages feststellen, dass ihr Schicksal von einem System bestimmt wird, das ihr verhasst ist, und von einer Göttin, an die sie schon lange nicht mehr glaubt. Da die Thronerbin von Elbia keine Gnade vor den Augen der Göttin findet, wird Cara als Nächste in der Abstammungslinie dazu erkoren, den Platz ihrer Cousine in der Thronfolge einzunehmen. Aus den zwölf Provinzen kürt der königliche Rat zwölf Beschützer und Gefährten, die der zukünftigen Königin ihr Leben und ihr Schwert weihen. Unter diesen Männern soll Cara ihren Gemahl, den König von Elbia, auswählen. Bevor sie den Thron besteigen kann, müssen sie und ihre Zwölf jede Provinz besuchen und eine heilige Zeremonie durchführen, bei der Caras bisheriges Weltbild völlig auf den Kopf gestellt wird. Bald merkt sie auch, dass sie nicht jedem ihrer Beschützer trauen kann. Einige wären sogar bereit, sie aus Machtgier als Mittel zum Zweck zu benutzen. „Caras Zwölf“ ist eine erfrischend andere, romantische Fantasygeschichte über holde Maiden und furchtlose Krieger in einem Land des Mittelalters.

Caraval: The mesmerising Sunday Times bestseller (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

'If you ever wondered how it would feel to step into a living dream, here's your ticket' - Stacey LeeWelcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend. Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.***************PRAISE FOR CARAVAL'Impressive, original, wondrous' - USA Today'Spellbinding' - US Weekly'Magnificent' Publishers Weekly'The Hunger Games meets The Night Circus' - Entertainment Weekly'I lost myself in this world' - Sabaa Tahir'Beautifully written' - Renée Ahdieh'Shimmers with magic' - Marie Rutkoski

Caraval (Caraval #1)

by Stephanie Garber

<P>Whatever you've heard about Caraval, it doesn't compare to the reality. It's more than just a game or a performance. It's the closest you'll ever find to magic in this world . . . <P>Welcome, welcome to Caraval—Stephanie Garber’s sweeping tale of two sisters who escape their ruthless father when they enter the dangerous intrigue of a legendary game. <P>Scarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett’s father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval, the far-away, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show, are over. <P>But this year, Scarlett’s long-dreamt of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show. Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval’s mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season’s Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner. <P>Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But she nevertheless becomes enmeshed in a game of love, heartbreak, and magic with the other players in the game. And whether Caraval is real or not, she must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over, a dangerous domino effect of consequences is set off, and her sister disappears forever. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Caraval (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

Welcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems. Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.<p><p>Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.<p><p>When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend. Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.

The Caraval Complete Trilogy (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

'If you ever wondered how it would feel to step into a living dream, here's your ticket' - Stacey LeeWelcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend.Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.***************PRAISE FOR THE CARAVAL SERIES'Impressive, original, wondrous' - USA Today'Spellbinding' - US Weekly'Magnificent' Publishers Weekly'The Hunger Games meets The Night Circus' - Entertainment Weekly'I lost myself in this world' - Sabaa Tahir'Beautifully written' - Renée Ahdieh'Shimmers with magic' - Marie Rutkoski

A Caravan of Camels

by Christopher Robbins

Did you know elephants have parades, camels have caravans, and porcupines have prickles? From a shoal of aardvarks to a zeal of zebras, kids can learn the names of animal groups in this adorable padded board book. With bright, trendy illustrations and plenty of hidden puns, A Caravan of Camels showcases punny animal families of all kinds from A to Z. Whether it’s a smack, a barrel, or a zeal, it's a family!

Carbide Tipped Pens: Seventeen Tales of Hard Science Fiction

by Ben Bova and Eric Choi

Seventeen hard science fiction tales by today's top authorsHard science fiction is the literature of change, rigorously examining the impact-both beneficial and dangerous-of science and technology on humanity, the future, and the cosmos. As science advances, expanding our knowledge of the universe, astounding new frontiers in storytelling open up as well.In Carbide Tipped Pens, over a dozen of today's most creative imaginations explore these frontiers, carrying on the grand tradition of such legendary masters as Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and John W. Campbell, while bringing hard science fiction into the 21st century by extrapolating from the latest scientific developments and discoveries. Ranging from ancient China to the outer reaches of the solar system, this outstanding collection of original stories, written by an international roster of authors, finds wonder, terror, and gripping human drama in topics as diverse as space exploration, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, climate change, alternate history, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, interplanetary war, and even the future of baseball. From tattoos that treat allergies to hazardous missions to Mars and beyond, from the end of the world to the farthest limits of human invention, Carbide Tipped Pens turns startling new ideas into state-of-the art science fiction.Includes short stories by Ben Bova, Gregory Benford, Robert Reed, Aliette de Bodard, Jack McDevitt, Howard Hendrix, Daniel H. Wilson, and many others!At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Carbide Tipped Pens: 17 Tales of Hard Science Fiction

by Ben Bova Eric Choi

[From the dust jacket:] "Seventeen hard science fiction stories by today's top authors. Hard science fiction is the literature of change, rigorously examining the impact--both beneficial and dangerous--of science and technology on humanity, the future, and the cosmos. As science advances, expanding our knowledge of the universe, astounding new frontiers in storytelling open up as well. In Carbide Tipped Pens, more than a dozen of today's most creative imaginations explore these frontiers, carrying on the grand tradition of such legendary masters as Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, and John W. Campbell, while bringing hard science fiction into the twenty-first century by extrapolating from the latest scientific developments and discoveries. Ranging from ancient China to the outer reaches of the solar system, this outstanding collection of stories, written by an international roster of authors, finds wonder, terror, and gripping human drama in topics as diverse as space exploration, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, climate change, alternate history, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, interplanetary war, and even the future of baseball. From tattoos that treat allergies to hazardous missions to Mars and beyond, from the end of the world to the furthest limits of human invention, Carbide Tipped Pens turns startling new ideas into state-of-the-art science fiction. Includes stories by Doug Beason, Gregory Benford, Aliette de Bodard, Ben Bova, Eric Choi, David DeGraff, Carl Frederick, Nancy Fulda, Howard Hendrix, Liu Cixin (translated by Ken Liu), Jack McDevitt, Leah Petersen & Gabrielle Harbowy, Robert Reed, Kate Story, Dirk Strasser, Jean-Louis Trudel, and Daniel H. Wilson!"

The Carbon Diaries 2015

by Saci Lloyd

It's the year 2015, a time when global warning has begun to ravage the environment. In response, the United Kingdom becomes the first country to mandate carbon rationing -- a well-intentioned plan that goes tragically awry. This story of one girl's attempt to stay grounded in a world where disaster has become the norm is told in short diary entries.

The Carbon Diaries 2017

by Saci Lloyd

In this riveting sequel to the hit eco-thriller The Carbon Diaries 2015, Laura Brown, now a college student in London, chronicles the struggle England faces as the government tightens its grip on carbon rations. As perceptive and compulsively readable as its prequel, this book raises provocative moral questions for today's young adults.

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