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Above the Line: Living and Leading with Heart
by Stephen Klemich Mara KlemichA leadership consultant and neuropsychologist identify the universal habits of the heart and mind—the keys to unlocking our true potential, creating our best selves and eliminating behavior patterns that hold us back. Why is it so hard for leaders to coach employees who are struggling? Why do we repeat the same mistakes and negative behaviors? Common wisdom says you always have a choice in how you react or respond. But, as corporate consultant Stephen Klemich and clinical psychologist Mara Klemich contend, until you recognize why you make choices, and how the heart and the brain work together to shape your behavior, you can’t change long-ingrained patterns and discover your best self.The Klemichs have developed a model backed by extensive research and data, and paired it with character-led personal development, to help you answer the "Why?" and eliminate behavior that is “below the line.” In Above the Line, they argue that that the quality of your life flows from the attitudes of your heart. Offering wise, compassionate, and practical advice, this book explores the deep, fundamental drivers of human behavior that exist within your heart—the seat of your character. It reveals that all of these behaviors can be explained by four principles—humility, love, pride, and fear—which influence every facet of your life, for better or for worse.We are all designed for greatness, but so often our best self is pitted against our worst. The pressures of life are pulling our character below the line while our authentic self is drawing us to live above the line. When you fully understand that the four principles are at the root of your behavior, you can begin the journey to become your best self and navigate life more effectively and successfully. Filled with proven strategies, Above the Line will create lasting changes in your behavior and improve your life personally and professionally—so you can make a positive impact on the world around you.
Above the Noise: My Story of Chasing Calm
by DeMar DeRozan Dave ZarumFrom one of the most outspoken and respected NBA athletes comes a groundbreaking and remarkable memoir chronicling a very public struggle with depression, in the hopes that other people will not suffer alone“As men, and especially Black men, we don’t talk about our mental health enough. We struggle to admit when things aren’t okay, even when it’s obvious to everybody around us. I’ve seen how toxic that can become. I’ve experienced it myself, keeping everything under wraps until your head and heart are full of fire and rage.” Six-time NBA All-Star DeMar DeRozan has been called a “basketball savant” (ESPN) and “the best closer in the NBA” (GQ). But when he went public with his depression, it sparked a conversation that reached far beyond the court. By speaking out and breaking the stigma of mental illness, he added a new, seldom-heard voice to the mental health dialogue: that of a successful Black male athlete, openly naming his pain and advocating for others to do the same.Now it’s time to tell the full story. Born and raised in Compton, DeRozan was no stranger to hardship—he grew up in poverty and lost friends to gang violence. Practising in worn-out school gyms and community centres, fuelled by hunger and a desire to prove himself, he began to rise. But doubts followed. In Above the Noise, DeRozan opens up about both his proudest triumphs and the times he felt so weighed down he couldn’t get out of bed. He reflects on what it took to make a name for himself in a new country after getting drafted by the Toronto Raptors. He recounts the pressure of playing with veteran athletes as a twenty-year-old rookie, and the pain of losing role models. And he reveals what it felt like to be traded away from the team that he wanted to play with for the rest of his career.From a scared, angry kid to a confident father of five, DeRozan traces his journey to basketball stardom and the forces that honed him into the player—and the slowly healing person—he is today. His memoir will encourage anyone who has ever felt alone in their struggles and inspire people to rise above the noise and speak their truth.
Abraza a la niña que fuiste: Sana las heridas del pasado y reconecta con tu interior
by Marta Segrelles«Este libro es un bálsamo para las heridas del alma», María Esclapez, autora de Me quiero, te quiero y Tú eres tu lugar seguro Descubre el poder sanador de abrazar a la niña que fuiste ¿Qué tiene que ver mi infancia con las cosas que siento ahora? ¿De qué manera mis experiencias en esos años se relacionan con mi malestar actual? Y, sobre todo, ¿cómo puedo sanar las heridas del pasado que todavía cargo en el presente? Si alguna vez te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas, la respuesta está en tu niña interior. Marta Segrelles, psicóloga referente en el trabajo del trauma y en la terapia con la niña interior, te acompaña en un viaje de autodescubrimiento al pasado. En este libro encontrarás las herramientas necesarias para acompañar a la niña que todavía vive dentro de ti y ser hoy la adulta que te habría gustado tener a tu lado ayer.«Antes de comenzar mi terapia y trabajar con mi niña interior, estaba enfadada y triste conmigo misma. No me sentía una buena adulta, lo que para mí implicaba hacerlo todo bien, no tener dudas y no sentir nunca incomodidad.»Durante el proceso de reparar heridas, he aprendido a identificar lo que siento y a regularlo mejor para darme aquello que necesito; a acompañarme y acercarme cada vez más a esa niña que fui, siendo la adulta que necesité... »Pero todoesto te lo quiero contar en detalle, para que tú también puedas conocerte mejor, reconectar con tu niña interior y transformar tu presente. Empecemos juntas». Marta Segrelles Porque nunca hubo nada malo en ti. ¿Qué encontrarás en este libro? -Relatos personales basados en casos reales de consulta y experiencias de la autora -Materiales gráficos, esquemas e ilustraciones para facilitar la comprensión de los conceptos -Ejercicios prácticos y sencillos para reflexionar sobre las experiencias adversas (incluso aquellas que parecen olvidadas) de la infancia y reconectar con tu niña interior
Abraza lo que no pudo ser / Embrace Your Almost: Encuentra claridad y alegría en lo que casi no llegó a ser, lo que no fue y lo desconocido
by Jordan Lee DooleyDe parte de la autora bestseller de Cada día es tuyo, una guía sin complicaciones para conseguir la vida que anhelas, aun cuando las cosas no se den según lo planeado. Jordan Lee Dooley sabe de primera mano lo devastador que puede ser casi alcanzar una meta, casi cumplir un sueño y casi estar donde deseas estar, justo para quedarte a un paso de lograrlo o ver cómo todo se desmorona en el último momento. Los sueños interrumpidos, retrasados o incluso aparentemente destruidos tienen una forma de hacernos reconsiderar todo. Pero quizá reconsiderar sueños no siempre sea lo peor. En esos momentos tienes la oportunidad de detenerte y meditar qué es lo que más te importa, así como redefinir tu clase de éxito en un mundo que te dice constantemente qué deberías querer o hacer. Aunque no lo creas, es posible cultivar una vida que realmente te guste y una en la que puedas tener éxito, justo en el punto medio entre donde empezaste y donde esperabas estar. Descubre: • La pregunta más importante que puedes hacerte al momento de establecer metas y hacer planes. • Pasos prácticos para seguir adelante cuando tus planes no salgan como esperabas. • Cómo precisar las metas correctas para ti (y cuáles no lo son). • Qué hacer cuando los sueños parecen cumplirse para todos menos para ti. • Las inesperadas ganancias que pueden surgir de un dolor indeseado. • Cómo saber cuándo es momento de dejar ir un sueño... y qué hacer con el espacio que deja. La vida está llena de interrupciones inesperadas, de momentos “casi, pero todavía no”, de incertidumbre y de espera. Por difíciles que puedan ser tales experiencias, también ofrecen una invitación única para alinear tus sueños y tus metas con lo que más te importa. Aprende cómo obtener una mayor claridad sobre lo que en verdad quieres, por qué lo quieres y cómo empezar a buscarlo.
Abraza tus partes rotas: Conócete, acéptate, sánate
by María RosAtrévete a mirar adentro para conocerte, entenderte y, así, sanar tus heridas y tus partes rotas. «María te enseña y te abraza con cada palabra de este libro; disfrutar de su elegancia y su ternura en estas páginas me parece un lujo». —Lorena Gascón, @lapsicologajaputa Desde que nacemos, nos enseñan que tenemos que sonreír, ser fuertes, sentirnos felices y poder con todo. Nos dicen que no tengamos miedo, no estemos tristes y no nos mostremos vulnerables. Entonces ¿por qué nos sorprende que, ya adultos, no sepamos relacionarnos de una forma sana con nuestras emociones? ¿Por qué nos extraña tener tanto miedo a lo que sentimos, no saber cómo procesar un duelo o cómo enfrentarnos a una situación estresante? Para sanar las heridas internas y superar procesos como la ansiedad o la depresión, necesitamos entender que la vida no va de estar siempre alegres, necesitamos aprender a mirar adentro y a curar aquello que se ha roto. La psicóloga María Ros, nos invita a parar y observar, con una mirada comprensiva, cada una de nuestras heridas, pues solo desde ahí podremos empezar a cerrarlas. Abraza tus partes rotas nos muestra el camino para conocernos, entendernos y sanarnos, con conciencia y compasión, sin juzgarnos. Reseñas:«Abraza tus partes rotas nos ayuda a mandar a la mierda la capa de Superman y Superwoman, para que por fin podamos permitirnos ser vulnerables, y nos da herramientas para ser amables con todo lo que nos encontramos en el camino hacia nosotros mismos. María te enseña y te abraza con cada palabra de este libro; disfrutar de su elegancia y suternura en estas páginas me parece un lujo».Lorena Gascón, @lapsicologajaputa, psicóloga y autora de Querido cerebro, ¿qué coño quieres de mí? «María nos invita a hacer un muy necesario viaje al interior que, conociéndola, no estará exento de sensibilidad; una sensibilidad más que necesaria para abrazar las emociones incómodas y aquellas partes que nos resultan más difíciles de mirar».Montse Cazcarra, @montsecazcarrapsicologia, psicóloga y autora de Amor sano, amor del bueno«Este libro es una bocanada de aire fresco hacia el autoconocimiento y autocuidado que todos necesitamos: mirarnos con amor y vernos a nosotros mismos como nuestros mejores amigos. Somos afortunados por poder leer las palabras de María, una persona, psicóloga y escritora 10 que, en línea con el concepto japonés meraki, hace todas las cosas con amor, poniendo el alma en ello».Inés María Romero Barrio, psicóloga y fundadora de Livera @livera.es
Abrazar el éxito
by Adriana MacíasConmovedor libro en el que Adriana Macías cuenta cómo pese a las dificultades que le impuso la vida logró tener éxito y alcanzar sus metas. Adriana Macías, autora de La fuerza de un guerrero, presenta en su autobiografía la historia de alguien que transformó la adversidad en un camino de superación constante. El caso de Adriana Macías es un claro ejemplo de superación, tenacidad, fuerza de voluntad y capacidad de lucha. Este emotivo testimonio no sólo nos habla de los problemas que enfrentó por haber nacido sin brazos, sino también de la forma en que logró convertirse en una abogada notable y una conferencista extraordinaria. Abrazar el éxito, expone en forma conmovedora, pero también amena y divertida, el punto de vista de una mujer, que a pesar de los inconvenientes, alcanza sus objetivos diariamente y se fija nuevas metas.
Abrazar hasta el último aliento: Perder el miedo a la muerte de un ser querido desde el amor, la compasión y el cuidado
by Miriam Israel«Abrazar hasta el último aliento es una muy necesitada orientación y enseñanza para quienes deben enfrentar estos momentos tan difíciles y delicados en la vida familiar, cuando un ser querido está en la etapa final de su existencia.» -Marcelo Rittner A lo largo de nuestra vida afrontaremos, de forma inevitable, la pérdida de la gente que amamos. Sin embargo, la despedida sigue siendo un paso decisivo que no siempre sabemos dar correctamente, pues el miedo y el desconocimiento generan muchas dudas que suelen quedar sin respuesta: ¿Cómo podemos brindarle una buena calidad devida hasta el último momento? ¿Qué hacer para aliviar las complicaciones que se presentan al final del camino? ¿Cuáles son las palabras adecuadas para despedirnos? En este libro, Miriam Israel comparte algunas anécdotas personales y otras que ha recopilado durante los años en que ha impartido terapias paliativias para ayudarnos a responder esas dudas, evitar la culpa y el remordimiento, prevenir el desgaste físico, emocional y material de la familia, y superar el miedo, la negación y la ira para despedir a nuestros seres queridos desde el amor, el perdón y la compasión. En resumen, para ayudarnos a entender mejor la muerte y estar listos para recibirla.
Un abrazo al corazón
by Adriana Páramo MoguelReflexiona tu vida sin prejuicios y verdades ocultas. ¿Has estado triste por mucho tiempo? ¿Sigues recordando una traición que te hicieron hace muchos años? ¿Sientes que has postergado todas tus metas? ¿Vas como un barco a la deriva? <p><p>Lo primero que debes saber es que no eres la única persona que ha experimentado estos sentimientos. La tristeza, envidia, rencor, y pereza pueden desgastarnos e impedirnos vivir de forma placentera. Aquí encontraras las cápsulas con las que la autora brinda un abrazo a nuestro corazón y se acerca a nosotros para reflexionar sobre la vida, sin prejuicios ni verdades ocultas. <p> En estas páginas, la autora conversa con la misma cercanía con la que hablaría amigo entrañable con quien ha convivido toda la vida.
Ábrete a lo inesperado (Outrageous Openness Spanish Edition): Deja que lo divino te guíe
by Tosha SilverNow available in Spanish. A collection of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine's intervention in our lives, Outrageous Openness teaches how to live purposefully and in line with what the Divine already has in store for each of us.We all have at our fingertips the touch of the Divine in our lives. Learning to trust in this Divine guidance brings peace as well as faith that everything happens for a reason. After twenty-five years spent giving nearly 30,000 consultations to people from all over the world, Tosha Silver realized that everyone had similar concerns: "How do I stop worrying? How can I know that things will work out? How can I feel safe?" and often, "Why do I feel so alone?" or "Who am I really?" Even individuals with years of spiritual practice often felt besieged by confusion, fear, or worry. Despite meditating, chanting, or practicing yoga, they didn't always have the practical tools for aligning with the Divine every day. Outrageous Openness provides just that: techniques to create a relaxed, trusting openness to answers as they spontaneously arise. Being open to the Divine's intervention has the power to change our lives, and Outrageous Openness teaches us how to trust in the Divine, a Force of Love that can help guide each of us in the most intimate and practical ways--if only we knew how to invite it in. At its heart, Outrageous Openness--a simple, delightful book of anecdotes, observations and fresh perspectives--opens the door to a profound truth. By allowing the Divine to lead the way, we can finally put down the heavy load of fervent hopes and fears and opinions about how things are supposed to be, just let them be, and delight in the spectacular show that is our life.
Abrir en caso de apocalipsis: Guía rápida para reconstruir la civilización
by Lewis Dartnell"Una mirada fascinante a los principios básicos de las principales tecnologías que sostienen la sociedad contemporánea" Wall Street Jounal Una pandemia incontrolable, el impacto de un meteorito, o quizá una guerra nuclear; por el motivo que sea, el mundo que conocemos ha desaparecido y los escasos supervivientes deben comenzar de cero. ¿Cuáles son los conocimientos fundamentales necesarios para reconstruir nuestra civilización? Tras recoger lo poco lo poco que queda, ¿cómo se puede empezar a producir lo esencial? ¿Cómo cultivar alimentos, generar electricidad, preparar medicinas o extraer metal de las rocas? ¿Se puede evitar una nueva edad oscura y aprovechar los atajos para conseguir de nuevo el desarrollo? La vida en las sociedades contemporáneas nos han desconectado de los procesos básicos que nos sostienen, así como de las elegantes premisas científicas que permiten aprender las cosas por uno mismo. "Abrir en caso de apocalipsis" es un viaje de exploración, un libro que explica todo lo que hay que saber acerca de todo lo que nos rodea. Una guía rápida para reiniciar la civilización que transformará nuestra comprensión del mundo, y nos ayudará cuando este ya no exista.
An Absolute Gentleman: A Novel
by Kinder KinderA spine–chilling first novel loosely based on the author's real–life relationship with a convicted murderer, An Absolute Gentleman delves, with subtlety and tremendous psychological insight, into a serial killer's mind.Meet Arthur Bloom: charming guy, small–town English professor, struggling writer, and occasional murderer. In this beautifully articulated debut novel, R. M. Kinder brilliantly channels Arthur's voice to reveal the aberrant thought processes of a surprisingly sympathetic serial killer. Horror arises as it does in real life, in brief hints and disclosures that gradually reveal the complex nature of an all–too–human narrator.
Absolute Surrender
by Andrew Murray"My Lord, O King, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have." Words of absolute surrender with which every child of God ought to yield himself to his Father. If our hearts are willing for that, there is no end to what God will do for us, and to the blessing God will bestow.'How many times have you left a prayer meeting or revival service determined to dedicate every area of your life to God, only to feel frustrated and defeated a few days later? We all want to be absolutely surrendered to God, and yet we hardly dare utter the words. We don't exactly know how. Andrew Murray clearly and simply explains full surrender to God and shows the way to a victorious life in Him.
Absolute Surrender
by Andrew Murray'My Lord, O King, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have.'Words of absolute surrender with which every child of God ought to yield himself to his Father. If our hearts are willing for that, there is no end to what God will do for us, and to the blessing God will bestow.'How many times have you left a prayer meeting or revival service determined to dedicate every area of your life to God, only to feel frustrated and defeated a few days later? We all want to be absolutely surrendered to God, and yet we hardly dare utter the words. We don't exactly know how.Andrew Murray clearly and simply explains full surrender to God and shows the way to a victorious life in Him.
Absolute Tao
by Osho Osho International FoundationMoving beyond the usual interpretations of this classic Chinese text -- that of using it as an indicator of what to do next or attempting to predict the future -- Osho is using the Tao Te Ching as Lao Tzu intended: to ignite the flame of individual awareness and insight.His commentaries on these seven verses burn through every idea we may hold about ourselves until we can see with the same crystal clear light as Lao Tzu.
Absolute Yoga: Top Yoga Postures
by Pílula DigitalWith the rush and stress of everyday life, it has become increasingly common to seek out physical activities that PROVIDE A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE. The practice of YOGA is an example of this, as it HELPS us CONNECT with ourselves in a SIMPLE and FUNCTIONAL way. If you've tried other exercises or sports but haven't adapted, taking up YOGA could be a GOOD SOLUTION. After all, as well as being a low-impact effort, it can be done in the COMFORT of your own home. Check out this book for the MAIN YOGA POSTURES that will help you lose WEIGHT, reduce STRESS and increase your FLEXIBILITY; giving you more FLEXIBILITY and quality of life.
Absolutely Should-Less: The Secret to Living the Stress-Free Life You Deserve
by Damon L. JacobsImagine a day in which you wake up, get out of bed, and go about your daily business without a single should getting in the way of how you feel about yourself, your appearance, other people, or the world around you. Absolutely Should-less invites you into such a fascinating world, and offers you seven proven steps toward a much happier and peaceful living. If you have ever experienced any stress or sadness from looking in the mirror and telling yourself you should lose weight, make more money, think smarter, look better, or be any different from who you are today, then you are suffering the consequences of devastating should's, and this is the right book for you. It may not change every aspect of your life, but it will change your mind about every aspect of your life.
An Absorbing Errand: How Artists and Craftsmen Make Their Way to Mastery
by Janna Malamud SmithAn Absorbing Errand uses stories of artists' lives, personal anecdotes, and insights from the author's work as a psychotherapist to examine the psychological obstacles that prevent people from staying with, and relishing, the process of art-making. Each chapter is devoted to a problem intrinsic to the creative process and illustrates how these very obstacles, once understood, can become prime sources of the energy that actually fuels the mastery of art-making.Ultimately, An Absorbing Errand provides a philosophical, historical, and analytical look at the creative impulse and how certain artists from a wide field mastered their craft. From Julia Child to Charlie Chaplin, Lady Gaga to Michael Jackson, famous painters to established writers, Smith shows us how each overcame the obstacles they faced in the pursuit of their creative visions.Many people carry within their hearts an aching sense that they have something they want to express through art; or that they will not feel complete until they've brought out some hidden part of themselves. Yet they cannot begin to do the work of bringing their creative idea into the world. Or, maybe they've begun over and over, but they can't stay with their labor long enough to finish it. An Absorbing Errand is a supportive companion, an enlightened and compassionate ballast, a guide for anyone who has ever picked up a pencil to write, or a paint brush to paint, or any tool -from chisel to loom- to pursue any serious craft, and then put it down again frustrated, discouraged, and unable to continue.An Absorbing Errand is unlike any book about creating art of any kind, and aspiring and working artists alike will find it both original and invaluable.
Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth
by Deepak ChopraAn enlightening guide to success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty, offering practical advice on how to cultivate a sense of abundance in times of fear and insecurity, from New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra&“To attain wealth of the lasting kind, the kind that gives your life meaning, value, and sustenance, base your daily existence on the generosity of spirit.&”—Deepak ChopraMany of us live and operate from a mind-set of lack, scarcity, and limitation. We focus on what we don&’t have—financial security, confidence, an intimate relationship—which keeps us feeling insecure and inadequate. We think &“if only I could have those things, I could be happy.&” But measuring wealth by money or material possessions leaves us feeling drained and spiritually empty. Constantly striving for more often means our ego is driving our thoughts, actions, and reactions, which prevents us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance, and fulfillment. Yet, there is an inner path to prosperity and wealth that, once charted and explored, provides access to the great riches of the universe and life&’s unbounded possibilities.In Abundance, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra illuminates this road to success and wholeness, helping readers tap into a deeper sense of awareness to become agents of change in their own lives. Mixing ancient teachings and spiritual practices with the wisdom he&’s garnered over four decades as the leading figure in mind-body medicine, Deepak demonstrates how to transcend self-generated feelings of limitation and fear in order to experience true abundance in all aspects of life. To do so, he offers a seven-step plan along with meditations and mindfulness techniques to help you focus and direct your attention, energy, and intuition so you can experience stability, affluence, insight, creativity, love, and true power.
The Abundance Book
by John Randolph PriceConsciousness is the key to life, and nothing is impossible, including the manifestation of unlimited wealth.
The Abundance Book
by John Randolph PriceIn this newly revised version of John Randolph Price’s international bestseller, he draws from personal experience to demonstrate that consciousness is the key to life, and that truly, nothing is impossible—and that includes the manifestation of unlimited wealth and financial independence!In this enlightening yet very practical book, John provides a road map to the Land of Affluence within each one of us.Also included is an audio download link to THE 40-DAY PROSPERITY PLAN, which will expand your consciousness and help you create a more abundant life!
Abundance Decrees (1 #3)
by Vicente S. Moreno R.You have to believe or burst. there is no silence that the cosmos does not understand, nor sadness that he does not know. there is no love he ignores, no tears he doesn't value. the cosmos blesses the hands of those who open this message, it also illuminates the eyes of those who read it.
The Abundance Mind-Set: Success Starts Here
by Joel OsteenGo beyond the ordinary and break out into the extraordinary life God designed for you through a mentality of abundance with help from #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen!We all have a vision of our lives and ourselves. What does your picture look like? Do you see yourself rising higher, overcoming obstacles, and living an abundant life? Or do you have a picture of yourself struggling, defeated, addicted, overweight, and never getting good breaks? The pictures you allow in your mind will determine what kind of life you live.God's dream for your life is that you would be blessed in such a way that you could be a blessing to others. Dare to have a big vision for an abundant life, and trust God to bring it to pass. Through The Abundance Mind-Set, Joel can help you change your defeatist mind-set so that one day soon, instead of just having a dream, you'll be living the dream. Your vision will become reality.
Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today
by Lisa Nichols Janet SwitzerThe New York Times–bestselling author and life coach shares her journey from scarcity to abundance in this inspiring memoir and self-help guide. Twenty years ago, Lisa Nichols was a single mother dependent on public assistance and jumping from one dead end job to the next. Determined to break out of the defeatist mindset, negative behavior, and bad habits that were holding her back from success, she resolved to change her life. Today, she leads the life of her dreams.In Abundance Now, this icon in the field of personal transformation shares her secrets to creating a life that is rich in every way possible. Focusing on the 4 E’s—Enrichment, Enchantment, Engagement, Endowment—Nichols identifies the framework upon which a fulfilled existence is built. Abundance Now offers provocative lessons, actionable plans, and real-life case-studies. It makes clear what we must do every day to attract abundance, how to act as if we are already leading abundant lives, and how to open the door to a life of richness in our work, our relationships, our finances, and in our view of ourselves.
The Abundance of Less: Lessons in Simple Living from Rural Japan
by Andy CouturierAndy Couturier captures the texture of sustainable lives well lived in these ten profiles of ordinary—yet exceptional—men and women who left behind mainstream existences in urban Japan to live surrounded by the luxuries of nature, art, friends, delicious food, and an abundance of time. Drawing on traditional Eastern spiritual wisdom and culture, these pioneers describe the profound personal transformations they underwent as they escaped the stress, consumerism, busyness, and dependence on technology of modern life. This intimate and evocative book tells of their fulfilling lives as artists, philosophers, and farmers who rely on themselves for happiness and sustenance. By inviting readers to enter into the essence of these individuals’ days, Couturier shows us how we too can bring more meaning and richness to our own lives.
The Abundance Project: 40 Days to More Wealth, Health, Love, and Happiness
by Derek RydallFrom the author of the acclaimed book Emergence comes a step-by-step guide to design and create abundance in any area of life, including money, time, love, creativity, and more.The Abundance Project is about having more than enough in every area of your life—more than enough money, time, love, creativity, happiness—regardless of the circumstances you’ve been through or are currently facing. This may sound like wishful thinking, but once you understand what you’re really made of, and what the source of real abundance is, you will increase your capacity and unleash your divine inheritance. Built on universal, proven principles, The Abundance Project breaks you out of the unsustainable buying/consuming loop created by the mindset that fulfillment comes from outside ourselves. Instead, Derek Rydall—international life coach and integrative therapist—shows you that the infinite-sum reserve that’s already in you will provide all that you need. Rydall teaches the laws of giving and circulation that will release the channels of abundance-creating energy in your life through his Seven Gifts that Give You Everything; he will help you identify Abundance Blind Spots and Shadows that get in the way; and he walks you through the step-by-step Abundance Boot Camp so you can design and master the life you’ve envisioned. The Abundance Project is a way of living that turns life from transactional to transformational.