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Abundancia de los Ángeles: Revelaciones de los 12 Árcángeles sobre la riqueza verdadera
by Belinda J. Womack• Comparte 63 visualizaciones curativas para transformar el miedo, resolver deudas y volverse receptivo a la generosidad infinita del universo• Aprende a aprovechar los colores cantores del Sol Central que se reflejan en tus chakras y eleva tu vibración para atraer riqueza, no solo financiera, sino cualquier cosa que necesites recibir de la Fuente para sentirte seguro, feliz, saludable y libre• Ofrece prácticas nocturnas para apoyar tu transformación en un receptáculo de todas las bendiciones de la fuente, así como prácticas avanzadas para transformar el sufrimientoLos doce Arcángeles te invitan personalmente a recibir todo lo que deseas de la fuente, en especial la felicidad verdadera que a menudo parece estar fuera de tu alcance. Tu alma tiene la guía clara y las herramientas para ayudarte a pasar de la escasez a la abundancia y atraer riqueza y sanación. Los Arcángeles te mostrarán cómo hacerlo.A través de Belinda Womack, quien ha sido un canal para los doce Arcángeles durante más de 30 años, los Ángeles explican que la raíz del problema detrás de nuestra falta de abundancia es el miedo a no tener suficiente. Sus sesenta y cuatro visualizaciones curativas, los Ángeles te guían para disolver las profundas capas subconscientes de culpa y vergüenza que te mantienen atrapado en una falta de riqueza inducida por el miedo, y así volverte receptivo a la generosidad infinita del universo. Leer las visualizaciones de los doce Arcángeles, con intención, te ayuda a conectarte con los colores del canto y el amor puro del sol central reflejado en tus chakras. Las visualizaciones elevan la vibración de tus pensamientos, sentimientos y creencias para atraer riqueza, no solo financiera, sino todo lo que necesitas recibir de la fuente para sentirte seguro, feliz, saludable y libre.Los doce Arcángeles comparten lecciones sobre la relación entre el dinero y la ley divina, incluyendo cómo cultivar tu jardín de intuición y creatividad, y cómo resolver deudas financieras con comprensión y amor. Ofrecen prácticas nocturnas que apoyan tu transformación a un receptáculo de todas las bendiciones de la fuente. También ofrecen prácticas avanzadas sobre cómo aprovechar tu poder innato para transformar el sufrimiento.Al conectar con el cuidado ilimitado y los &“bolsillos profundos&” de tu alma para transformar las luchas financieras y eliminar las dudas, los doce Arcángeles muestran que la vida sigue mejorando cuando dejas espacio para el vasto flujo de genio creativo y abundancia que proviene del universo a través del divino femenino.
Abundant Grace: 40 Days of Walking in the Goodness of God: A Devotional
by Will Kassner Courtney KassnerFrom the creators of Crew + Co. comes a gorgeous 40-day devotional resource that will inspire reflection and encourage Christian creatives to make Scripture reading a daily practice in their lives.Abundant Grace, the debut devotional from Crew + Co. founders Courtney and Will Kassner, invites creative believers to meditate on and engage with Scripture daily, with devotions that are accessible, beautifully designed, and deeply encouraging. Divided into three parts—Knowing God's Grace, Trusting God's Grace, and Showing God's Grace—this forty-day devotional guides you in recognizing the small moments of grace around you and teaches you how to cultivate a grace-filled perspective in even the busiest lifestyle.Each of the forty days pairs a full-color hand-lettered Bible verse with a thoughtful devotion that closes with either a prayer or a reflection question for helping you recognize how God&’s grace works in your normal, everyday life.
Abundant Living: 364 Daily Devotions
by E. Stanley JonesThe business of life is to live and to live well. But in this day and age we know almost everything about life except how to live it. We can dissect life and explain its parts and then fail to put it together again in such a way that it becomes a coordinated, harmonious whole. Through the vibrant writings of E. Stanley Jones, discover not only how God desires more for us than we could ever think or imagine but how He freely gives us that abundant life. Abundant Living, the sequel to Victorious Living, continues the journey toward extraordinary life through the power of trusting God and His Word. Written in 1942 by one of the greatest Christian leaders of the day, experience this classic devotional with a new forward by Leonard Sweet
Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace
by Jan JohnsonWhich activities give you energy and connect you with God? Do you know what behaviors are life-draining for you, separating you from God? Simplicity is about choosing the engaging, relational life we were meant to live. It means shedding obligation and pretension. It means spending time energy money in ways that help us become clear-headed. It means being intentional about what we do and how we live. These choices allow God's power to move through us and bless others as we have space to do good. In each chapter Jan Johnson provides small experiments with simplicity as well as questions for discussion or reflection to get you started. Come and discover the unhurried rhythms of grace.
Abuso e espancamento: de vítima a vitoriosa
by Crystal Mary Lindsey Bianca Ferreira de OliveiraComo ela poderia viver? O medo constantemente a tomava! E ainda sim, como ela continuaria? Se sentia presa! Vivia em constante medo de fazer com que seu esposo ficasse com raiva. Uma garota inocente carente por atenção encontra um belo homem. Desejando que ele preenchesse o vazio de sua vida, ela está disposta a fazer de tudo por ele. Em sua inocência ela acredita que isso o fará ama-la. Seus sentimentos por ela são PODER e DESEJO, não AMOR! Este homem era um narcisista e para permanecer fiel a ele, ela constantemente sofre – traição completa – sendo usada e abusada. Um aborto aos dezesseis anos Um casamento com um homem que só se importa com ele Divergências culturais – medo e vergonha são usados para controla-la. Violência física: batidas, e espancamento nos primeiros sete anos. Controle mental: ele somente a olhava de certo modo e ela congelava. Confiança em si mesma e seu valor sumiram dando lugar a ansiedade e medo. Abuso espiritual: Nenhuma liberdade espiritual. Ela era perseguida e ridicularizada por sua crença em Deus. Ela testemunhou o abuso de seus filhos e quando tentava pará-lo, ele se virava a ela. Ela estava ciente da descrença de seu marido. Nesta história você ouvirá como uma garota solitária cai em uma rede onde parece não haver escape. Este era um tempo no qual problemas em casa não eram falados então ela não fazia ideia para onde correr. Ela também temia contar as autoridades por medo de punição. A sabedoria de Deus diz: “Não vos prendais a um jugo desigual com os infiéis; porque, que sociedade tem a justiça com a injustiça? E que comunhão tem a luz com as trevas?” (2 Coríntios 6:14). Passando por machucados e vergonha, a autora espera que escrevendo a sua história ajude a evitar que outros venham cair em situações semelhantes. Embora, hoje seja uma época diferente com mais educação e discussão, abusos ainda acontecem e as mulheres permanecem
El abuso verbal en las relaciones: Como reconocerlo y como responder
by Patricia EvansEn esta tercera edicion totalmente ampliada y actualizada del clasico exito de ventas, conoceras por que el abuso verbal esta mas extendido que nunca y como puedes lidiar con el. Tendras mas respuestas para reconocer el abuso cuando sucede, para responder a los abusadores de forma segura y adecuada, y lo que es mas importante, llevar una vida mas sana y mas feliz. En dos capitulos totalmente nuevos, Evans revela las situaciones de estres exterior que conducen al aumento del abuso verbal, y te muestra como puedes mitigar sus efectos devastadores en tus relaciones. Evans tambien resume los niveles de abuso que caracterizan este tipo de comportamiento, desde sutiles e insidiosas humillaciones que pueden erosionar tu autoestima hasta las rabietas con insultos, gritos y amenazas que pueden derivar en abuso fisico. A partir de cientos de situaciones reales sufridas por personas reales como tu, Evans ofrece estrategias, ejemplos de situaciones y planes de accion disenados para ayudarte a lidiar con el abuso y con el abusador. Esta nueva edicion oportuna de El abuso verbal en las relaciones te permitira reconocer y responder al abuso verbal, un paso crucial a la vez.
Acabando Com A Fome Emocional: Dicas e Estratégias Para Acabar a Fome Emocional em 30 Dias
by The BlokeheadEsta publicação tem a intenção de oferecer material útil e informativo. Não objetiva diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou previnir qualquer problema ou condição de saúde, muito menos substituir a recomendação de um médico. Nenhuma ação deve ser tomada exclusivamente sobre o que for lido neste livro. Sempre consulte seu médico ou profissional da saúde qualificado tratando-se de qualquer questão considerando sua saúde.
Acabe com a fadiga crônica: obtenha de volta sua vida
by Rosana Vargas Tradutora Lisa GibsonReceber o diagnóstico de SFC pode ser devastador, isso porque há mais perguntas do que respostas sobre essa síndrome. Ela ainda é um mistério para a comunidade médica e por isso é chamada de síndrome. Por isso o diagnóstico é feito normalmente por processo de eliminação e pode até mesmo se tornar um termo geral para sua condição quando os profissionais da saúde não descobrem o que mais pode estar errado. Deste modo, infelizmente muitos podem passar anos ou a vida com esse diagnóstico misterioso enquanto os médicos não esgotarem todas as demais possibilidades. SFC é ainda um enigma para a comunidade da saúde e as pessoas que sofrem por essa condição podem ser percebidas pelos outros como preguiçosas, fracas ou hipocondríacas Quero parabenizá-lo por dar o primeiro passo para melhorar sua vida e realmente descobrir como lidar melhor com os sintomas da fadiga crônica. Entender a doença ou a enfermidade pode trazer novas esperanças e abordagens. Em desespero, gastei rios de dinheiro fora do meu orçamento tentando navegar em um oceano de tratamento de saúde e buscando desvendar as respostas. Isso pode ser muito caro e desgastante. Não desejo que passe por isso.
Academic Branding: A Step-by-Step Guide to Increased Visibility, Authority, and Income
by Sheena HowardBecome a thought leader in your postgraduate field—and make money while doing so, with this step-by-step guide from an academic who has been there.Academic Branding gives academics and scholars the tools and strategies they need to position themselves outside of academia so they can reach the masses and make an impact—without the expense of a publicist. With the practices in this book, readers will build a powerful brand, become a public intellectual, and grow their audience with guidance from Sheena C. Howard, PhD. She&’s been where you are now, and she&’s ready to help you grow beyond what you imagine. With Dr. Howard&’s unique and thorough approach to success in the age of social media, you&’ll learn how to:Reframe the way you think about self-promotionIdentify your brand archetype and create a brand statementReach an audience beyond academia Build multiple revenue streamsGet your ideas (and content) to spreadCreate a movement around your expertise Land major media spots and speaking engagements In a world where anyone who is savvy online can turn themselves into a subject matter expert, it&’s important that we lift up and amplify the voices of actual subject matter experts. This guide will teach you how to reach the audience that needs your expertise most, building a brand and achieving financial freedom along the way.
The Academic Job Search Handbook, Fifth Edition
by Jennifer S. Furlong Julia Miller Vick Rosanne LurieThe Academic Job Search Handbook is the comprehensive guide to finding a faculty position in any discipline. Building on the groundbreaking success and unique offerings of earlier volumes, the fifth edition presents insightful new content on aspects of the search at all stages. Beginning with an overview of academic careers and institutional structures, it moves step by step through the application process, from establishing relationships with advisors, positioning oneself in the market, learning about job openings, preparing CVs, cover letters, and other application materials, to negotiating offers. Of great value are the sixty new sample documents from a diverse spectrum of successful applicants. The handbook includes a search timetable, appendices of career resources, and a full sample application package. This fifth edition features new or updated sections on issues of current interest, such as job search concerns for pregnant or international candidates, the use of social media strategies to address CV gaps, and difficulties faced by dual-career couples. The chapter on alternatives to faculty jobs has been expanded and presents sample résumés of PhDs who found nonfaculty positions. For more than twenty years, The Academic Job Search Handbook has assisted job seekers in all academic disciplines in the search for faculty positions at different kinds of institutions from research-focused universities to community colleges. Current faculty who used the book themselves recommend it to their own students and postdocs. The many new first-person narratives provide insight into issues and situations candidates may encounter such as applying for an international job, combining parenting with an academic career, going from an administrative job to a faculty position, and seeking faculty positions as a same-sex couple.
Accelerated Learning: How To Learn Any Skill Or Subject, Double Your Reading Speed and Develop Laser Sharpe Memory - Instantly
by James HortonDo you find learning difficult? Do you struggle with poor memory, distractions, and interruptions, consumed by procrastination and wandering mind? Do you ever wish you could get really good at something quickly, smoothly and effortlessly?Or maybe you hate to study? Do you find it slow and boring? Would you like to read faster and get more out of your study sessions? If you answered YES to any of those questions then you need to read this book.
Accept, Reflect, Commit: Your First Steps to Addiction Recovery (The Adams Recovery Center series #2)
by Adams Recovery CenterAre you mired in active addiction and struggling to find a way out? Are you concerned for a loved one whose life is being controlled by drugs or alcohol? Accept, Reflect, Commit: Your First Steps to Addiction Recovery offers the resource you need to prepare for treatment, choose the right recovery program, and successfully achieve and sustain sobriety. Based on expert clinical experience, Accept, Reflect, Commit gets readers ready for the recovery journey, enabling them to take inventory of their lives and start thinking about concepts such as: *Trusting the process *The victim mentality *People-pleasing *Forgiveness With reflection questions and room for written responses, Accept, Reflect, Commit is a practical guidebook to help you or someone you love make the first steps toward health, hope, and healing.
Accept This Gift
by Vaughan Frances Walsh RogerSince 1976, the channeled writings of A Course in Miracles have touched millions of readers, seekers, and students of self-development. The widely regarded spiritual and psychological scholars Frances Vaughan, Ph. D. , and Roger Walsh, M. D. , Ph. D. , distilled the most poignant passages from the Course in their beloved volume Accept This Gift-now returned to print in this Tarcher Cornerstone Edition. This slender, immensely powerful book provides the perfect gleanings for anyone at any level of interest in A Course in Miracles. .
Acceptance: Create Change and Move Forward
by Padraig O'MorainIn this wise and practical book, psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher Padraig O'Morain explains how practising acceptance can help us find happiness. It can be difficult to make peace with things that happen to you and affect your situation. Undesired events can knock us for six, leaving us harbouring resentment, anger and frustration. These negative emotions can affect us deeply and be difficult to shift. Acknowledging these feelings and learning how to accept what has happened - even if you do not agree with it - can be life-changing.In Acceptance you will discover how to stop brooding on what happened in the past and free yourself up to focus on more positive feelings. Using an approach derived from his years of experience, Padraig introduces us to the power of acceptance through a range of themes including accepting uncertainty, acceptance in relationships, climate emotions and acceptance and gratitude. The path towards acceptance is not always straightforward, but ultimately it will help you get unstuck and move on with your life. Find out more in the stories, case studies and practical exercises in this thoughtful book and discover how to lighten the load you have been carrying.
Acceptance: Create Change and Move Forward
by Padraig O'MorainIn this wise and practical book, psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher Padraig O'Morain explains how practising acceptance can help us find happiness. It can be difficult to make peace with things that happen to you and affect your situation. Undesired events can knock us for six, leaving us harbouring resentment, anger and frustration. These negative emotions can affect us deeply and be difficult to shift. Acknowledging these feelings and learning how to accept what has happened - even if you do not agree with it - can be life-changing.In Acceptance you will discover how to stop brooding on what happened in the past and free yourself up to focus on more positive feelings. Using an approach derived from his years of experience, Padraig introduces us to the power of acceptance through a range of themes including accepting uncertainty, acceptance in relationships, climate emotions and acceptance and gratitude. The path towards acceptance is not always straightforward, but ultimately it will help you get unstuck and move on with your life. Find out more in the stories, case studies and practical exercises in this thoughtful book and discover how to lighten the load you have been carrying.
Acceptance: Create Change and Move Forward
by Padraig O'MorainAcceptance is about accepting the truth of a negative moment, without resistance. It is a foundation for transformation and a path to freedom.Anxiety, pain and illness, unpleasant encounters with people, low self-esteem, conditions such as long Covid-19 - these are issues that can become part of our lives without consuming our whole lives. Unhappiness and resentment can eat away at us when we ruminate and overthink a moment however big or small, but acceptance can give us our lives back even if it cannot give back something we have lost. This isn't an audiobook about dropping all negativity - it's about experiencing feelings such as anxiety, regret and anger and relating to them in a way that doesn't allow them to take over our lives. We can each go through a process where we no longer fight against the burdening knowledge that something has happened.As a psychotherapist, trained counsellor and mindfulness teacher with over 25 years' experience, Padraig O'Morain has created an 'acceptance toolbox' in his new book. Acceptance includes mindfulness practices, thoughts from practitioners of acceptance, ideas from CBT and more.(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Acceptance and Commitment Skills for Perfectionism and High-Achieving Behaviors: Do Things Your Way, Be Yourself, and Live a Purposeful Life
by Patricia E. Zurita OnaThis book is essential for those who are prone to high-achieving, self-starting, and perfectionistic actions; people who relentlessly, persistently, and determinedly pursue their dreams, goals, and aspirations; people who hold their high standards, principles, and values close to their heart. Chapter by chapter, you will learn acceptance and commitment skills to harness the power of perfectionism and high-achieving behaviors while living the life you want to live. You will learn how to be yourself, keep your fears in perspective, and do meaningful things without dwelling for hours on the different ways to make things right, postponing things because they aren’t ready, struggling for days with rumination, anxiety and stress, or wrestling periodically with harsh criticisms. This book will show you how you can give your best, work hard, and push yourself when you deeply care about things without sacrificing your well-being, hurting your relationships, or compromising your health. You will learn when to engage in high-achieving actions in an effective, life-expansive, and skillful way. You will develop a new workable relationship with all those narratives about not being good enough and treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and caring. Most importantly, you will find that you can be yourself without losing yourself.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Relief: How to Evolve Your Relationship with Your Mind
by Rachel Willimott LCSWFind anxiety relief with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques Whether you've just been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or you've lived with it for years, you know how pervasive the symptoms can be in your everyday life. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Relief is filled with scientifically supported methods and strategies for managing your anxiety so you can mindfully accept and take action against your emotions. With a wealth of experience treating anxiety patients using ACT, licensed clinical social worker Rachel Willimott will walk you through the six processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: cognitive defusion, acceptance, contacting the present, the observing self, values, and committed action. For each process, you'll learn the reasoning behind the method, straightforward techniques for practicing it, what others' experiences are like, misconceptions, and mindfulness exercises and journal prompts for anxiety relief. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Relief includes: Anxiety 101—Learn more about anxiety disorders and the mind-body connection. An intro to ACT—Explore the origins and core concepts of ACT and the benefits of using ACT to manage anxiety. ACT in practice—Read case studies and the real-life experiences of patients using ACT for anxiety relief so you can see it in practice. Take your life back with evidence-based strategies and techniques to help you achieve anxiety relief.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Depression: Moving Beyond Depression, Embracing Your Values, and Living with Purpose
by Elizabeth Weiss PsyDMove beyond depression and embrace healing Seeing past depression can be difficult, but proven strategies like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can help you discover a path forward. Reclaim your happiness with this workbook's guided practices, prompts, and exercises that help you highlight mindfulness and reach acceptance. Understanding depression—Examine your relationship with depression and how it manifests in your life by learning to recognize emotions, stressors, and symptoms. Proven practices for lasting happiness—Discover ACT exercises that inspire mindfulness and reduce depression, such as Word Swap, More Than Words, Remote Control, and many more. Cultivate a healthier lifestyle—Stay grounded with expert guidance on how a healthy diet, good sleep, and building strong relationships can make for a happier life. Create opportunities for a more content and productive life with this ACT therapy workbook.
Acceptance Therapy
by R. W. Alley Lisa O EngelhardtFor those who have trouble letting go, for those who struggle to reconcile themselves to life's brokeness, here is a delightful, inspiring, liberating guide to spiritual and psychological wellness and serenity!
Accepting Greatness: Planning for Success on Your College Journey
by Adetokunbo FatokeAccepting Greatness Planning for Success on Your College Journey First Edition
Accepting Myself the Way I Am: learning to go your own way
by Osho Osho International FoundationWe have lost touch with who we are and how we want to live. It started at birth. From birth we are molded according to the beliefs and ideals of others, and our own potential is ignored. It needs immense courage to go your own way, leaving the crowd behind. The moment you do it you are taking responsibility for your life in your own hands. Osho reminds us that it is a step worth taking.
Access 97 Expert Solutions
by Stan LeszynskiQue's Access 97 Expert Solutions is more than a unique tutorial--it's truly a handbook, covering important topics you won't find in any other book. Beyond creating queries, forms, and reports, discover how to combine Access objects into an expert solution. This book shows you how Access application experts work--their standards, philosophies, and techniques--and how you can apply this knowledge to your own development efforts.
Access Now! Behind the Line: The Keys to Unlimited Possibilities
by Christopher Ivan FranklinIt's time for career-minded individuals to get beyond whatever imaginary line they're standing behind and live out their own success stories.Christopher Franklin is the founder and CEO of Titan Financial Services, Inc., one of the leading African American-owned financial management firms in the sports industry. Today, he's at the top, managing the financial assets of the rich and famous, and lecturing on wealth management all around the country. But, his road to success was not easy. Coming from a modest upbringing in a small West Virginia town, Franklin encountered plenty of roadblocks along the way. He has managed to change roadblocks to opportunities that have made him a star in his field. In Access Now, Behind the Line, Franklin shares the keys to unlimited possibilities and opportunities--all those things he wishes someone would have told him "way back when."
The Accident
by Julia Stone'I loved everything about this book. The main character.....wow!' NetGalley Reviewer, FIVE STARSThrown together by fate. Entwined by lies...The police ruled it as misadventure. A young woman falling from a bridge onto Janice Thomason's car was not an act of suicide or murder, it's just an accident. But for Janice, it feels like fate has thrown them together.As a genealogist, Janice is used to tracking down clues - is even a little obsessive, one might say... The police know so little about the Jane Doe that fell on her car that she decides to start her own investigation into the victim and the people she knew. Surely someone must be to blame?Sometimes the only way to uncover the truth is to lie... and for Janice, living a lie comes all too easily.A gripping psychological thriller for fans of Amanda Robson and Shari Lapena.