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Fostering Emotional Well-being in the Classroom

by Randy M. Page Tana S. Page

"the text addresses the issues facing today's school-age youth, [and]it...[provides]specific tools and skills that can help them [parents and teachers] make a difference.

Fotografia di animali domestici: come avviare un business

by Kyle Richards Laura Albini

Non è mai stato facile trovare successo e felicità in un mestiere che offre infinite possibilità di crescita e tanto divertimento. La fotografia di animali domestici è la risposta che stai cercando! Chi non vorrebbe avere le libertà artistiche della fotografia e il divertimento che fa bene al cuore derivato dal fatto di lavorare con i migliori amici di tutti, cioè gli animali? Immagina che sia il tuo lavoro quotidiano! "Fotografia di animali domestici: come avviare un business" è il tuo manuale per iniziare, per fare quello che ami e divertirti da matti! Le persone stravedono per i loro animali domestici! Chiedi a chiunque e ti dirà che i suoi animali domestici sono membri della famiglia, non bestie. Ogni famiglia vorrebbe avere belle foto dei suoi cari per mostrarle e conservarle. Non c'è momento migliore di questo per trovare un mestiere che ami e trarre vantaggio dallo scoppiettante mondo degli animali. "Fotografia di animali domestici: come avviare un business" ti guiderà lungo il cammino per trasformarti da amante di animali domestici in capo del tuo redditizio business fotografico in pochissimo tempo! Il processo è suddiviso in semplici passi creati in modo da essere adatti a tutti, a prescindere dall'esperienza in ambito commerciale. "Fotografia di animali domestici: come avviare un business" ti consente di avere tutto a portata di mano: la tua attività, i grandi guadagni, l'ambiente di lavoro rilassante e i clienti che ti adorano! Spezza la vecchia routine che ti sta logorando e segui il tuo cuore verso il successo. La più grande opportunità della tua vita sta aspettando di essere liberata dalle pagine di questo inestimabile libro.

Found: Triumph Over Fear With Grace and Gratitude: The Michelle Corrao Story

by Michelle Corrao Emily Sutherland

An Indiana woman shares the story of her abduction, assault, faith, and survival in this inspiring autobiography.Though her name was not divulged, viewers would learn that she was hit over the head near the entrance of her home, abducted, sexually assaulted, and forced into the trunk of her own car. News cameras would capture footage of Michelle’s personal items strewn across the lawn around her home and along the wooded area behind a local restaurant. The community would breathe a sigh of relief after learning that she had somehow survived and that the assailants had been caught, ending a string of similar crimes. But there is so much more to the story.The events of September 12, 1996 would change the entire course of Michelle’s life. In the days that followed, she couldn’t imagine how she could ever live a normal, happy life and she certainly never wanted to talk about it. Found is the story of how her life was forever impacted by the compassionate heroism of an off-duty police officer, the patient and powerful love of her greatest ally, and the answer to a desperate prayer during what she believed were her dying moments. Within Found, Michelle shares this story with immense gratitude for every little miracle that would happen along the way and empower her to become a voice for others who need to know they, too, can survive whatever unexpected turns life may bring.Praise for Found“A woman of great faith faces the most difficult situation anyone can face, including impending loss of life, and is saved by a miraculous intervention. . . . Michelle Corrao’s story is a compelling story of faith, courage, and resilience.” —Neil Moore, ED.D., Fort Wayne Chief of Police (Ret.) FBI-LEEDA“Found is a powerful testimony by a courageous woman who has turned pain into power through an unimaginable ordeal. Michelle Corrao’s story will encourage anyone who has been victimized, robbed of hope, and facing death. She is an incredible role model for survivors who are determined to not simply survive but go on to thrive through helping other survivors.” —Casey Gwinn, President, Alliance for Hope International

Found: A Memoir

by Jennifer Lauck

Found is Jennifer Lauck's sequel to her New York Times bestseller Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found. More than one woman's search for her biological parents, Found is a story of loss, adjustment, and survival. Lauck's investigation into her own troubled past leads her to research that shows the profound trauma undergone by infants when they're separated from their birth mothers-a finding that provides a framework for her writing as well as her life.Though Lauck's story is centered around her search for her birth mother, it's also about her quest to overcome her displacement, her desire to please and fit in, and her lack of a sense of self-all issues she attributes to having been adopted, and also to having lost her adoptive parents at the early age of nine. Throughout her thirties and early forties, she tries to overcome her struggles by becoming a mother and by pursuing a spiritual path she hopes will lead to wholeness, but she discovers that the elusive peace she has been seeking can only come through investigating-and coming to terms with-her past.Found is a powerful story of belonging, connectedness, and personal truths, in which Lauck lays bare the experience of a woman searching for her identity. Her assertions about mother and child will be a comfort to some in the adoptive community, and distressing to others; but her primary motive is to offer another perspective, and to give voice to the adoptive children who may be having trouble making sense of their own experience.

Found: God's Peace

by John Macarthur Jr.

In Found: God's Peace, trusted pastor and teacher John MacArthur tackles this vital question head-on. Throughout the book, MacArthur shares principles to help you overcome uncertainty, defeat worry, and experience true freedom from anxiety. As Pastor John MacArthur writes, the key to worry-free living is to replace worry with prayer, right thinking, and action. Here he draws on rich biblical truths to show us how.

Found: A Daughter's Journey Home

by Tatum O'Neal

Academy Award winner Tatum O’Neal continues her inspiring true-life story begun in the 2004 New York Times bestseller A Paper Life with Found: A Daughter’s Journey Home—a moving memoir of discovery and reconciliation. In Found, the star of “Paper Moon,” TV’s “Rescue Me,” and the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) docuseries “Ryan and Tatum: The O’Neals” shares her hard-won insights on recovery, forgiveness, and the healing power of love.

Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success

by James Allen

In Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success James Allen shows us where to begin if we are to find Happiness and Success. This simple guide will help you find the correct mind-set to begin to change your life for the better. This little book has inspired millions. "It is wise to know what comes first, and what to do first. To begin anything in the middle or at the end is to make a muddle of it." -James Allen

Foundations and Practice of Healing Touch

by Joel G. Anderson Lisa C. Anselme Laura K. Hart

<P>Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, heart-centered, biofield (energy) therapy.<P> Gentle, intentional touch assists in balancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. <P>This text serves as a thorough introduction to the foundations and practice of Healing Touch to students and novices, as well as a reference and starting point for additional study for practitioners and instructors.

Foundations in Personal Finance

by Dave Ramsey

Guide to personal finance

Foundations of Family Resource Management

by Elizabeth B. Goldsmith

Foundations of Family Resource Management uses the lenses of consumer science, management, and economics, and beyond to help students make intelligent decisions about resources, time, and energies at the individual and family level. It has a strong interdisciplinary, global, and multicultural focus. This sixth edition brings in new material on millennials, delayed marriage, household composition, neuroscience, behavioral economics, sustainable consumption, technology, and handling crises. It has been updated in line with the latest census data and academic literature. The text contains lots of features to support student learning, including chapter summaries, "Did You Know?" questions, glossary of key terms, examples and cases, critical thinking activities, and review questions for discussion and reflection. Lecture slides and an instructor manual are available as digital supplements. This textbook meets the standards and criteria for the Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) designation of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) and will be suitable for resource management courses in family and consumer science, human ecology, and human environmental science programs.

Foundations of Reiki Ryoho: A Manual of Shoden and Okuden

by Nicholas Pearson

A comprehensive guide to the first and second degrees of Usui Reiki Ryoho as well as Reiki’s history and Western evolution • Details hand positions, self-healing exercises, spiritual development meditations, and the Japanese Reiki techniques introduced in the first degree, shoden, and the second degree, okuden • Provides a thorough introduction to the five levels of byosen, the energetic mechanism used to scan an individual’s energy field and locate areas of disharmony • Examines the core teachings of Reiki founder Usui Mikao and offers a new comprehensive exploration of Reiki’s history and evolution • Explores tools and techniques adapted by Western lineages, such as working with crystals and the chakras Bridging Eastern and Western lineages to reclaim Reiki’s roots as both a healing art and a spiritual practice, Nicholas Pearson offers a new comprehensive exploration of Reiki’s history and evolution, the foundations of Usui Reiki Ryoho theory and practice, and the original techniques and modern tools of both the first degree, shoden, and second degree, okuden. He explores the etymology of key Reiki terminology and presents a complete discussion of the origins of the symbols used in the second degree, providing new historical, cultural, and spiritual context. He examines the core teachings of Reiki founder Usui Mikao, who taught that Reiki Ryoho enacted healing at the soul level, as well as insights from other important Reiki masters such as Hawayo Takata. Explaining what Reiki is and how it heals, the author outlines the six core characteristics that all varieties of Reiki share, including initiations and the Five Precepts. He details effective hand positions, self-healing exercises, spiritual development meditations, and the Japanese Reiki techniques introduced in first degree and second degree practice. He also explores a number of other techniques that have been adapted by Western lineages, such as aura sweeping, chakra tune-ups, and charging and programming crystals with Reiki. He provides a thorough introduction to the five levels of byosen, the energetic mechanism used to scan an individual’s energy field and locate areas of disharmony, allowing you to increase your ability to sense centers of toxic imbalance as well as begin dislodging them, thereby increasing the effectiveness of Reiki treatment. Offering Reiki tools to transform your life from the inside out, Pearson shows how Reiki Ryoho is a healing system that focuses on the inner and spiritual aspects of your being first, allowing you to polish the heart so it reflects the shining light of the soul.

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days

by Jessica Livingston

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days is a collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies about what happened in the very earliest days. These people are celebrities now.

Founding Leadership: Lessons on Business & Personal Leadership From the Men Who Brought You the American Revolution

by Brent Taylor

What would Washington (or Jefferson or Hamilton) do? Practical leadership lessons from the eighteenth century that you can use today. To many, the leaders of the American Revolution are distant men of myth—stoic, heroic, and unknowable. People take for granted that these men were brilliant, but rarely ask why. What distinguished them from their fellow citizens, both then and now? What can they teach about leadership, and about realizing both career and personal goals? Founding Leadership reveals the human side of these “marble men,” examining the words, deeds, and personal qualities that allowed Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, and others to achieve their utopian aims. Historian Brent Taylor demonstrates that effective leadership requires more than perseverance and a laundry list of how-to steps. It requires leaders to conceive visions greater than themselves, then communicate those visions in ways that inspire, persuade, and motivate others. In examining historical episodes both famous and obscure, Taylor uncovers the light and dark sides of power, including the motivations behind Benedict Arnold’s infamous betrayal. Through these fascinating studies, you can become more attuned to America’s past and—most importantly—to your own leadership potential.

The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book

by Miguel Ruiz

The 4 Agreements: Be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best.

Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change

by John Hagee

Inspired by NASA projections and recorded history, Pastor John Hagee reveals direct connections between four upcoming blood-moon eclipses and what they portend for Israel and all of humankind. Hagee divides the book into three sections. In Section 1, he explains the importance of Israel; in Section 2, he discusses the current distressed state of the world, expounds on the Gospel message of salvation, and describes his view of the Rapture; and in section 3, he elucidates upon the Blood Moons of the past and present and shows their relationship to the Jewish Biblical feasts of Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. Throughout the book, Hagee encourages his readers to attend fervently to the signs in the heavens and to become ready for the events of the future. For those readers interested in Biblical prophecy and in end-time discussions, they should read this book to learn about the current thinking that is espoused by some Christians and by some Messianic Jews and Gentiles.

The Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom

by Rod Stryker

"Desire is here to stay. The challenge we all face, and which I intend to guide you through, is to learn how to take into account the full measure of who you are and use the positive force of all four of your soul's desires to lead you to your best life."--Rod StrykerAccording to ancient Yogic tradition, your soul has four distinct desires: * The desire for purpose, the drive to become who you are meant to be* The desire for the means (money, security, health) to prosper in this world* The desire for pleasures like intimacy, beauty, and love* The desire for spiritual fulfillment and lasting freedom Learning to honor these four desires is the key to happiness, and to a complete and balanced life. But how can you discern what will truly satisfy your desires? How can you increase your capacity to achieve them? What if your desires seem to conflict with one another? Is it really possible to live a spiritual life while also wanting material pleasures and success?For more than three decades, master teacher Rod Stryker has taught yoga in the context of its deepest philosophy. His course, called The Yoga of FulfillmentTM, has helped thousands recognize their soul's call to greatness and to achieve their dreams. Now, in this wise and richly practical book, he has distilled those broad teachings into a roadmap for becoming the person you were meant to be. It is filled with revealing true stories, provocative exercises, and practices for unlocking your inner guidance. And even if you've never done a yoga pose, you can follow this step-by-step process to: * discover your soul's unique purpose--the one you came into this world to fulfill.* recognize the goal(s) you need to focus on at any given time and enliven your capacity to reach them. * overcome self-defeating ideas and behavior.* recruit your deepest energies and strengthen your resolve to meet any challenge.* learn to live with joy at every stage of your growth. The Four Desires is nothing less than a complete path toward living your best life possible--a life that is rich in meaning and in means, a life that attracts and emanates happiness, a life that is your unique gift to yourself and the world.From the Hardcover edition.

Four Elements

by John O'Donohue

Reflections on nature

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English

by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

In simple and straightforward language, Bhante Gunaratana shares the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness and how we can use these principles to improve our daily lives, deepen our mindfulness, and move closer to our spiritual goals. Based on the classic Satipatthana Sutta, one of the most succinct yet rich explanations of meditation, Bhante's presentation is nonetheless thoroughly modern. The Satipatthana Sutta has become the basis of all mindfulness meditation, and Bhante unveils it to the reader in his trademark "plain English" style. Contemplating the Four Foundations of Mindfulness--mindfulness of the body, of feelings, of the mind, and of phenomena themselves--is recommended for all practitioners. Newcomers will find The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English lays a strong groundwork for mindfulness practice and gives them all they need to get started right away, and old hands will find rich subtleties and insights to help consolidate and clarify what they may have begun to see for themselves. People at every state of the spiritual path will benefit from reading this book.

The Four Gifts

by Joseph Bradley

By all rights, Father Joseph Bradley should be dead. If past usage of beer, marijuana, and cocaine didn't do the trick, then certainly heart failure should have. Instead, by the grace of God, he is alive, clean, sober, and a functioning Catholic priest with another man's heart beating in his chest. But it came at a huge cost. While Joe was in his late teens, his father died suddenly. The loss was devastating and Joe's emotional desolation found escapist bliss in a beer bottle and cocaine vial, and he pledged irrevocable devotion to both. The slide into the abyss was ugly, and Joe finally sought help because there was nowhere else to go--which led him to serve others as a Catholic priest. The day of Joe's ordination, an old friend came to the mass and announced for all to hear, "Well, now I can say I've seen a miracle." Joe functioned for fifteen years as a sober priest before his heart gave out from the same heart disease that killed his father. But another miracle came his way, and he was blessed with a new heart--a gracious gift from a family during the most painful moment of their lives. Joe has been granted the blessing of four gifts: faith, sobriety, a new heart, and a fulfilling ministry. As Father Joe says, "Gratitude inspired this book. I owe it to people who helped rescue me from alcohol and drugs, and I owe it to my heart donor for giving me yet another chance at life."

The Four Gifts of Anxiety

by Sherianna Boyle

Unlock anxiety's powerful gifts! It's time to break free from the tight grip of anxiety and live the life you've always wanted. The Four Gifts of Anxiety shows you how to tap into the power of your anxiety and reveal its gifts of resiliency, hope, empathy, and purpose. Filled with exercises, meditations, and reflection prompts, this book teaches you how to access these positive attributes and the inner strengths that have been hiding behind your symptoms. Each chapter illuminates your gifts and helps you better understand your anxious feelings, so that you can take charge of any situation rather than fearing your future. By viewing your worries in this new and empowering perspective, you will find peace and be able to embrace the person you were meant to be. Complete with real-life stories from others who transformed their outlook, The Four Gifts of Anxiety helps you develop a healthier way of thinking, harness your inner power, and finally reclaim your life.

The Four Gifts of Anxiety: Embrace the Power of Your Anxiety and Transform Your Life

by Sherianna Boyle

Unlock anxiety's powerful gifts!It's time to break free from the tight grip of anxiety and live the life you've always wanted. The Four Gifts of Anxiety shows you how to tap into the power of your anxiety and reveal its gifts of resiliency, hope, empathy, and purpose. Filled with exercises, meditations, and reflection prompts, this book teaches you how to access these positive attributes and the inner strengths that have been hiding behind your symptoms. Each chapter illuminates your gifts and helps you better understand your anxious feelings, so that you can take charge of any situation rather than fearing your future. By viewing your worries in this new and empowering perspective, you will find peace and be able to embrace the person you were meant to be.Complete with real-life stories from others who transformed their outlook, The Four Gifts of Anxiety helps you develop a healthier way of thinking, harness your inner power, and finally reclaim your life.

Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive: Embrace the Science of Sensitivity, Heal Anxiety and Relationships, and Connect Deeply with Your World

by Courtney Marchesani

Utilize the science of sensitivity to help you maximize your gifts of empath, intuition, vision, and expression.Are you often told that you are too sensitive? Can you intuit things before they happen? Are you an introvert who cares deeply about the people and places around you?Using a new and specialized framework for understanding empaths and sensitive individuals, integrative health coach Courtney Marchesani demystifies the science of sensitivity to help you maximize your gifts of empathy, intuition, vision, and expression. Her insightful sensitivity quiz will help you to recognize where your strengths lie, while her Mind-Body Method will help you to heal from the past and current trauma affecting your sensory processing and employ coping skills to manage what can be an overwhelming onslaught of intense emotions and sensations.Allow your sensory intelligence to shine and relish your profound ability to connect with the world by recognizing and honoring your unique gift of sensitivity.

The Four Hundred Years: From Malachi to Matthew

by Harry Ironside

With the publication of The Four Hundred Years Silent Years in 1914, author Henry A. Ironside himself stated that he “sought to trace the history to the same people through the years of waiting that elapsed from the time when the voice of inspiration ceased until the heavens resounded with the glad announcement of ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men,’ thus heralding Messiah’s long-promised advent.“It will be observed that my object has been, not merely to give a chronological outline of events, or a series of biographical sketches, but to trace throughout lessons and warnings for any who today, as those in the days of Nehemiah, have sought to return to and obey the word of God, in separation from the infidelity and apostasy of the times. Such are exposed to similar dangers—though of a spiritual character—as those which confronted the Jews. From their history we may therefore obtain valuable suggestions, and by carefully considering the causes of their failures, be preserved from falling into the same snares.“History repeats itself in manifold ways, and he who is wise will not despise its instruction. ‘Happy is the man that feareth alway;’ for he who thinks he stands, is the one who is exhorted to take heed lest he fall.”

The Four Insights: Wisdom, Power, And Grace Of The Earthkeepers

by Alberto Villoldo

The Four Insights are the wisdom teachings that have been protected by secret societies of Earthkeepers, the medicine men and women of the Americas. The Insights state that all creation-humans, whales, and even stars-is made from light manifest through the power of intention. The Earthkeepers mastered the Insights, and used them to heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow new bodies that age and heal differently. Mastery of the Insights allows you to reinform your DNA and participate consciously in your biological, emotional, and spiritual evolution. According to the prophecies of the Maya, Hopi, and Inka Earthkeepers, we're at a turning point in human history, when a new species of human will give birth to itself. We're going to take a quantum leap into what we're becoming and will no longer be Homo sapiens but Homo luminouos. The Four Insights reveal ancient technologies we can practice for becoming beings of light with the ability to perceive the energy and vibration that make up the physical universe at a much higher level.

The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio

by William J. Bernstein

Sound, sensible advice from a hero to frustrated investors everywhere, The Four Pillars of Investing gives investors the tools they need to construct top-returning portfolios­­--without the help of a financial adviser. In a relaxed, nonthreatening style, Dr. Bernstein provides a distinctive blend of market history, investing theory, and behavioral finance, one designed to help every investor become more self-sufficient and make better-informed investment decisions. The 4 Pillars of Investing explains how any investor can build a solid foundation for investing by focusing on four essential lessons, each building upon the other. Containing all of the tools needed to achieve investing success, without the help of a financial advisor, it presents: Practical investing advice based on fascinating history lessons from the market; Exercises to determine risk tolerance as an investor; An easy-to-understand explanation of risk and reward in the capital markets.

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