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Showing 14,201 through 14,225 of 36,695 results

Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals

by Steven Stein Paul Bartone

Learn to embrace the 3 C's of psychological hardiness to overcome stress and increase personal growth Life is full of questions. How you answer these questions can determine which path your life takes. Think about how many questions you are faced with every day. It can be overwhelming. From the mundane to the profound, questions help you navigate everything from your daily routine to your career choices and relationships. Sometimes, asking the right question is just as important as the answer: What do you want out of life? Is it financial success? A loving family? Career achievement? Maybe you are coping with a serious illness. Whatever your goal may be, you have undoubtedly encountered barriers that slow your progress. One of the biggest of these barriers is stress. Scientific research has found that your ability to resist the damaging effects of stress—your hardiness—can reduce stress-related illness and strengthen your ability to thrive under pressure. Hardiness, written by respected clinical and research psychologists, will help develop your psychological hardiness which, in turn, enables you to enjoy more of life’s rewards. Mastering the 3 C’s of hardiness—commitment, control, and challenge—is essential to increasing hardiness and responding effectively to stressful situations. This invaluable guide provides exercises and activities, based on 30 years of research, specifically designed to increase your hardiness in all areas of your personal and professional life. This book will help you: Understand how hardiness is assessed to evaluate and improve your response to stress Unlock your new potential made possible by a better understanding of hardiness Examine real-life examples and case studies of psychological hardiness Increase your engagement in the surrounding world Capitalize on opportunities for your personal growth Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals can help you move toward becoming healthier, more self-actualized, and increasingly satisfied with your life and future.

The Hardness Factor: How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age

by Steven Lamm Gerald Secor Couzens

Hard is good, harder is better -- for your health, your libido, your life. Such is the provocative premise behind Dr. Steven Lamm's The Hardness Factor, a groundbreaking book that will change the way men live and love. The Hardness Factor measures male health through the quality of an erection -- perhaps the greatest male motivator for better living (more so than fear of cancer, heart attack, or stroke). The Hardness Factor asks, Can men be hard and in shape for sex their entire lives? The answer is, absolutely. Here for the first time are scientific, evidence-based regimens -- emphasizing nutrition, supplements, and exercise -- to increase erectile quality. By following the programs in The Hardness Factor, you willimprove overall health;produce stronger, harder, and longer-lasting erections;increase strength, fitness, flexibility, and vitality;restore self-confidence; andachieve maximum sexual gratification with your partner.A renowned New York clinician, bestselling author, and a favorite expert on the television show The View, Dr. Lamm offers straight talk for men of all ages in "The Four-Day Insurance Policy," which can provide a quick fix for that upcoming Saturday night (or any other dating emergency), and the more detailed "Six-Week Hardness Factor Program," which will improve a man's sex drive, stamina, hardness, and, most of all, health. This comprehensive guide also includes numerous recipes created by acclaimed chef Waldy Malouf, aimed at promoting nutritional health and jump-starting the libido.After following The Hardness Factor, you will not only achieve optimal health and sexual fitness but also understand why the penis is the best barometer of a man's health.

Hardship and Happiness

by Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BCE-65 CE) was a Roman Stoic philosopher, dramatist, statesman, and advisor to the emperor Nero, all during the Silver Age of Latin literature. The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca is a fresh and compelling series of new English-language translations of his works in eight accessible volumes. Edited by Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi Bartsch, and Martha C. Nussbaum, this engaging collection helps restore Seneca--whose works have been highly praised by modern authors from Desiderius Erasmus to Ralph Waldo Emerson--to his rightful place among the classical writers most widely studied in the humanities. Hardship and Happiness collects a range of essays intended to instruct, from consolations--works that offer comfort to someone who has suffered a personal loss--to pieces on how to achieve happiness or tranquility in the face of a difficult world. Expertly translated, the essays will be read and used by undergraduate philosophy students and experienced scholars alike.

Hardwired to Heaven

by Joan Cerio

What kind of life do you desire? What do you want to be, to achieve, to become?You already know that your thoughts create your reality. But what creates the thoughts that create that reality? Not your mind; not your brain; not your will - it's your heart.Your heart is the key to all you wish to create, to all you would every aspect of your heart's desire. And Doorway to the Divine is the key that unlocks not only the mysteries of the heart, but its magic as well.Let this engaging, informative and surprising journey into the quantum physics, biology, and metaphysics of consciousness, creative energy, and the heart introduce you to the sacred coordinate within your heart and show you how you can access its energy to live your heart's desire."Once freed, the heart knows no limits. It creates unceasingly, doing the bidding of your god self. The phrase 'As I think, so I am,' is true, but only after your thoughts pass through your sacred coordinate - your doorway to the divine."

Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence

by Rick Hanson

Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences but slowly from the good ones. You can change this. Hardwiring Happiness lays out a simple method that uses the hidden power of everyday experiences to build new neural structures full of happiness, love, confidence, and peace. Dr. Hanson's four steps build strengths into your brain-- balancing its ancient negativity bias--making contentment and a powerful sense of resilience the new normal. In mere minutes each day, we can transform our brains into refuges and power centers of calm and happiness.From the Hardcover edition.

The Harm Reduction Gap: Helping Individuals Left Behind by Conventional Drug Prevention and Abstinence-only Addiction Treatment

by Sheila P. Vakharia

This long-awaited book teaches how harm reduction can be a safety net for people with substance use disorders that our current addiction treatment rejects, abandons, and leaves behind. Harm reduction is an approach to helping people who engage in high-risk activities to develop the skills and strategies to keep them and their communities safe. This can include the provision of sterile equipment, low-threshold and low-barrier care, and the acceptance of non-abstinence goals in treatment. In this novel guide, Dr. Vakharia discusses the shortcomings of the dominant “Just Say No” drug prevention messages and abstinence-only treatment approaches, introduces harm reduction strategies and technologies borne from people who use drugs themselves, and suggests various policy options available as alternatives to the current policies that criminalize drugs, drug-using equipment, and the settings in which people use drugs. The final chapter calls on the reader to destigmatize drug use and support efforts to reform our drug policies. By highlighting the large gap in our current approach to substance use – the harm reduction gap – this book is the first step for those interested in learning more about the limitations of our current approach to drug use and how to support local efforts to ensure people who use drugs and their communities can stay safe.

Harmonia no Casamento

by Dada Bhagwan

Ao longo da vida, mesmo em lares felizes, é natural encontrar problemas no casamento. Mas, para alguns, pode-se dizer que o relacionamento entre marido e mulher é a própria definição de conflito! No livro "Harmony in Marriage" (Harmonia no casamento), Gnani Purush (personificação do autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan fornece dicas de relacionamento espiritual relacionadas à manutenção de um casamento harmonioso. Ele oferece conselhos sobre casamento em resposta a perguntas como: "Como resolver conflitos em meu casamento?", "Como me adaptar ao meu parceiro de casamento?" e até mesmo "Como salvar um casamento?" Param Pujya Dadashri também oferece orientação matrimonial na forma de habilidades espirituais de resolução de conflitos e estratégias de resolução de conflitos. Seus ensinamentos sobre a resolução de conflitos nos relacionamentos familiares são oferecidos no contexto dos desafios comuns e cotidianos do casamento. Em meio à grande quantidade de livros espirituais disponíveis atualmente, este livro será um recurso inestimável.

Harmonic Wealth

by James Arthur Ray

Are you ready to transform your current thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions? Are you ready to shatter the illusion that it's not "spiritual" to want a fit body or financial wealth? Are you ready to create outrageous results in every single area of your life?You're in the right place.Harmonic Wealth will propel you to where you want to go. This practical, results-based book will help you to push beyond your self-imposed limitations and show you how to get past all the reasons you think you can't have what you want.Struggling to know what you want? That doesn't mean you're not perfect, it just means you're ready for a shift. And that's exactly why you picked up this book.The result of more than twenty years of study and practical application by World Thought Leader and featured expert for The Secret, James Ray's Harmonic Wealth is based on extensive study of ancient wisdom traditions, cutting-edge findings in quantum physics and other scientific fields, not to mention years of hands-on, hard-won experience. Let this sought-after teacher show you what he's discovered about the secrets of attracting more than you've ever thought possible.Learn how to: Heighten your creativity, intelligence, intuition, and mental functioning. Deepen your personal relationships and ramp up your ability to attract the people you want in your life. Achieve financial freedom. Maximize your health and energy, and amplify your physical strength. Free yourself from unconscious limitations. Vanquish the fears that have kept you stuck, kept you from knowing and owning that you deserve the best.If you've been having trouble with the Law of Attraction, you'll quickly learn the missing keys. Harmonic Wealth will reveal the formula for success in the Five Pillars: financial, relational, mental, physical, and spiritual. You'll see why having anything less than success in all of Five Pillars will never bring you true wealth, and you'll learn how to go 3 for 3 . . . how to have your thoughts, feelings, and actions working together in complete alignment. With these factors firing together, you'll create everything you desire and deserve.Harmonic Wealth encourages you to get real and get creative about how to achieve your goals . . . and then walks you step by step through the blueprint for their attainment. Stop playing it safe. Stop living in fear. Start living in harmony right now, and know that everything you want is within your reach.

Harmonie in der Ehe

by Dada Bhagwan

Im Laufe des Lebens ist es auch in glücklichen Haushalten natürlich, dass man Eheprobleme erlebt. Aber für einige kann man sagen, dass die Beziehung zwischen Ehemann und Ehefrau der Definition eines Konfliktes entspricht! Im Buch “Harmonie in der Ehe” gibt der Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan (Verkörperung des Wissens über das Selbst) Tipps für eine spirituelle Beziehung, um eine harmonische Ehe zu führen. Er bietet Tipps für Ehepartner als Antwort auf Fragen wie: “Wie kann ich Konflikte in der Partnerschaft lösen?”, “Wie kann ich mich meinem Ehepartner anpassen?” und auch: “Wie kann ich eine Ehe retten?” Param Pujya Dadashri gibt Anleitungen für die Ehe in Form von spirituellen Konfliktlösungsfähigkeiten und Konfliktlösestrategien. Seine Lehren zur Lösung von Konflikten in familiären Beziehungen werden im Kontext alltäglicher ehelichen Herausforderungen angeboten. Unter den unzähligen spirituellen Büchern, die heute zur Verfügung stehen, wird dieses Buch eine unschätzbare Ressource sein.

Harmony In Marriage

by Dada Bhagwan

Over the course of life, even in happy homes, it is only natural to encounter marriage problems. But, for some, the husband and wife relationship can be said to be the very definition of conflict!In the book “Harmony in Marriage”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual relationship tips related to maintaining a harmonious marriage. He offers marriage advice in answer to such questions as: “How to resolve conflict in my marriage?”, “How to adjust to my marriage partner?”, and even, “How to save a marriage?” Param Pujya Dadashri also provides marriage guidance in the form of spiritual conflict resolution skills and conflict resolution strategies. His teachings on resolving conflict in family relationships is offered in the context of common and everyday marriage challenges. In the myriad of spiritual books available today, this book will prove an invaluable resource.

Harness Astrology's Bad Boy

by Hazel Dixon-Cooper Bridgett Walther

Don't let your life be bullied by Pluto. Discover how to domesticate astrology's bad boy and master the transition into the Pluto era.Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in transit in Capricorn through 2024, awakening a tidal force of change. The last time we saw this combination, the world felt the impact in the Revolutionary War that birthed America. In this wickedly funny guidebook, world-renowned astrologers Hazel Dixon-Cooper and Cathleen Bridgett Walther are here to show you how to use this unique time to overcome fear, guilt, regret, and self-punishment, and find your place in the cosmos. Their in-your-face advice and step-by-step instructions will help you unlock the heroic part of your soul and flourish in every aspect of your life. Pluto's transit in Capricorn presents all of us with a series of cosmic wakeup calls--bringing a unique opportunity to overcome our most difficult and ingrained traits. Begin now with Harness Astrology's Bad Boy, and you will emerge this Pluto transit stronger, wiser, and more in control of your life than ever before.

Harness Your Dark Side

by Al Galves

Do you ever wonder why you made a wrong decision or why you feel badly about being angry, jealous or anxious? Do you have a need for constant affirmation and approval from others? Is there something lurking beneath the surface that influences your actions?Harness Your Dark Side shows the ways in which an individual can confront and harness the negative drives, deep-rooted beliefs and troubled feelings that make up his or her dark side, and simmer beneath the surface. Coming face-to-face with these fearful and scary parts of our character and by utilizing them in positive ways, we will ultimately find a more satisfying and healthy balance of mind and body.Al Galves, Ph.D. skillfully shows by using psychological research, self-help exercises, proven strategies and therapeutic case studies how to channel negative emotions and energy into positives. Harness Your Dark Side provides the keys to living well by teaching you how to be aware of all the emotions that you are experiencing - the good and the bad - and using them to live, love and express yourself.

Harry Tiebout: The Collected Writings

by Anonymous

This collection of writings by Harry Tiebout, one of the first psychiatrists to describe alcoholism as a disease, are seminal documents in the history, treatment, and understanding of alcoholism.One of the first psychiatrists to describe alcoholism as a disease rather than a moral failing or criminal activity, Harry M. Tiebout was also one of the first to wholeheartedly endorse Alcoholics Anonymous as an effective force in the struggle against compulsive drinking. This volume brings together, for the first time, some of Tiebout's most influential writings. Many of these pieces--from explorations of the therapeutic approach to alcoholism to instructive discussions of the act of surrender so crucial to recovery--are seminal documents in the history, treatment, and understanding of alcoholism. Together, they represent the significant contribution of one man to the countless lives shaken by alcoholism and steadied with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous, psychiatric intervention, and the foresight and commitment of doctors like Harry Tiebout.

Harvard Business Review Leadership & Strategy Boxed Set (5 Books)

by John P. Kotter Harvard Business Review W. Chan Kim Clayton M. Christensen Renée A. Mauborgne

The key concepts every manager and aspiring leader must know-from strategy and disruptive innovation to financial intelligence and change management-from bestselling Harvard Business Review authors. Build your professional library, and advance your career with these five timeless, ground-breaking business classics. Includes Financial Intelligence, Revised Edition; The Innovator's Dilemma; Leading Change; Playing to Win; and Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition.

The Harvard Business Review Manager's Handbook: The 17 Skills Leaders Need to Stand Out

by Harvard Business Review

The one primer you need to develop your managerial and leadership skills.Whether you're a new manager or looking to have more influence in your current management role, the challenges you face come in all shapes and sizes-a direct report's anxious questions, your boss's last-minute assignment of an important presentation, or a blank business case staring you in the face. To reach your full potential in these situations, you need to master a new set of business and personal skills.Packed with step-by-step advice and wisdom from Harvard Business Review's management archive, the HBR Manager's Handbook provides best practices on topics from understanding key financial statements and the fundamentals of strategy to emotional intelligence and building your employees' trust. The book's brief sections allow you to home in quickly on the solutions you need right away-or take a deeper dive if you need more context.Keep this comprehensive guide with you throughout your career and be a more impactful leader in your organization.In the HBR Manager's Handbook you'll find:- Step-by-step guidance through common managerial tasks- Short sections and chapters that you can turn to quickly as a need arises- Self-assessments throughout- Exercises and templates to help you practice and apply the concepts in the book- Concise explanations of the latest research and thinking on important management skills from Harvard Business Review experts such as Dan Goleman, Clayton Christensen, John Kotter, and Michael Porter- Real-life stories from working managers- Recaps and action items at the end of each chapter that allow you to reinforce or review the ideas quicklyThe skills covered in the book include:- Transitioning into a leadership role- Building trust and credibility- Developing emotional intelligence- Becoming a person of influence- Developing yourself as a leader- Giving effective feedback- Leading teams- Fostering creativity- Mastering the basics of strategy- Learning to use financial tools- Developing a business case

The Harvard Business Review Manager's Handbook: The 17 Skills Leaders Need to Stand Out

by Harvard Business Review

The one primer you need to develop your managerial and leadership skills.Whether you're a new manager or looking to have more influence in your current management role, the challenges you face come in all shapes and sizes-a direct report's anxious questions, your boss's last-minute assignment of an important presentation, or a blank business case staring you in the face. To reach your full potential in these situations, you need to master a new set of business and personal skills.Packed with step-by-step advice and wisdom from Harvard Business Review's management archive, the HBR Manager's Handbook provides best practices on topics from understanding key financial statements and the fundamentals of strategy to emotional intelligence and building your employees' trust. The book's brief sections allow you to home in quickly on the solutions you need right away-or take a deeper dive if you need more context.Keep this comprehensive guide with you throughout your career and be a more impactful leader in your organization.In the HBR Manager's Handbook you'll find:- Step-by-step guidance through common managerial tasks- Short sections and chapters that you can turn to quickly as a need arises- Self-assessments throughout- Exercises and templates to help you practice and apply the concepts in the book- Concise explanations of the latest research and thinking on important management skills from Harvard Business Review experts such as Dan Goleman, Clayton Christensen, John Kotter, and Michael Porter- Real-life stories from working managers- Recaps and action items at the end of each chapter that allow you to reinforce or review the ideas quicklyThe skills covered in the book include:- Transitioning into a leadership role- Building trust and credibility- Developing emotional intelligence- Becoming a person of influence- Developing yourself as a leader- Giving effective feedback- Leading teams- Fostering creativity- Mastering the basics of strategy- Learning to use financial tools- Developing a business case

The Harvard Business School Guide to Finding Your Next Job

by Robert S. Gardella

Offers a road map for planning and conducting your search for the job. This book covers the elements of the job search process - from creating a resume to dealing with emotional side of job loss, from choosing references to staying motivated, and from using various search strategies to negotiate job offers.

Has dejado tu Primer Amor: Primer Amor

by DR Pensacola H Jefferson

Estoy agradecida por la sabiduría de Dios al permitirme pasar por momentos difíciles para que pueda aprender a DEPENDER DE su Espíritu Santo que mora en mí, ¡el cual ME AYUDA siempre!. Dios a veces te lleva al desierto para darte un trago de agua. Los lugares desiertos me ayudan a aprender que puedo DEPENDER DEL Espíritu Santo que mora en mí para que me dé el poder para HACER la obra de la fe. Sin momentos de debilidad o prueba, nunca sabrías realmente cómo Dios te ha dado el Espíritu Santo que mora en ti como una garantía de que vas a SUPERAR lo que sea que estés pasando, ¡no importa cuánto tiempo, finalmente tendrás la VICTORIA! No te rindas. Sigue dependiendo de su AMOR a través de la habilitación de su Espíritu Santo.

Hasta Un Ángel Tiene Algo De Diablo

by Debbie Ford

Acaba con tu autodestrucciÓn y vive la vida autÉntica y plena que siempre soÑaste Hasta un Ángel tiene algo de diablo saca a la luz los impulsos poderosos y, con frecuencia, ocultos que tienen influencia sobre nuestras decisiones cotidianas. Los titulares estÁn llenos de historias de gente buena que se ha descarriado. Estas historias desdichadas se han convertido en una obsesiÓn nacional. Sin embargo otros tantos incontables actos de autodestrucciÓn ocurren en nuestras familias, en nuestras comunidades y dentro de nuestro cÍrculo de amigos. A pesar de las buenas intenciones, "la gente buena" hace cosas muy malas—a menudo sin comprender por quÉ. La autora bestseller del New York Times, Debbie Ford, nos guÍa al centro mismo de la dualidad que sin saberlo funciona en cada uno de nosotros: la fuerza que nos compele a vivir segÚn nuestros valores y la fuerza que nos frena, sabotea nuestros esfuerzos y nos lleva una y otra vez a tomar malas decisiones. Con este libro, Ford nos abre nuevos caminos al ayudarnos a reconocer las mÁscaras que usamos para protegernos y encubrirnos, permitiÉndonos ir mÁs allÁ de la superficie, despertar de la negaciÓn y convertirnos en la persona que siempre quisimos ser.

Hasta el último suspiro / Until The Last Sigh: Encontrar su propósito en la Tierra le ayudará a sacarle el máximo a sus días en ella

by Edwin Castro

¿Para qué existo? ¿Alguna vez se ha hecho esta pregunta? Todos nosotros luchamos por conocer nuestro propósito en la vida, pero muchas veces nos conformamos con vivir a medias. ¡Qué diferente sería si viviéramos cada segundo enfocados en aquello por lo que fuimos creados! En su libro Hasta el último suspiro Edwin Castro comparte los principios de vida que le ayudarán a identificar su propósito en la Tierra y a dejar a un lado aquello a lo que no ha sido llamado. Usted será animado a: ¡Identificar el tercer día más importante de su existencia Encontrar su propósito Poner en marcha su plan de vida ¡y mucho más! El día en el que usted nació fue un día histórico, lo crea o no. Descubra el porqué.

Hasta la unidad

by Francis Chan

La unidad de la iglesia no es algo opcional. Aunque los cristianos valoran la teología y aprecian la santidad, muchos de ellos no quieren nada que ver con la unidad de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, Dios tiene alta estima por las tres cosas. Por tanto, debe haber una manera de terminar con las divisiones que entristecen al Espíritu Santo sin sacrificar la verdad ni abrazar el pecado. En medio de un mundo que se fragmenta en sus conflictos, la Novia de Cristo debe promover el amor hasta que alcancemos la integridad de la unidad que trae avivamiento. Hasta la unidad nos muestra que: • A Dios le aflige la división en la Iglesia, por eso no podemos permanecer indiferentes • La unidad requiere un nivel de humildad que solo posibilita el Espíritu • El poder y el testimonio de la Iglesia dependen de nuestra unidad • La unidad tiene un costo, pero implica una gran bendición Que Dios levante un ejército de personas llenas del Espíritu Santo en todas las denominaciones, deseosas de luchar por la unidad con toda humildad y mansedumbre.

Hasta que ruja el León: Firmes en la batalla por la verdad

by Miguel Núñez

En Hasta que ruja el León, el Dr. Miguel Núñez proporciona un análisis bíblico, teológico y práctico de un tema clave para todo creyente: la guerra espiritual. Cada día se libra una batalla en nuestro interior por el dominio de nuestra mente. Dios quiere que le amemos con todo nuestro corazón, alma, fuerza y mente, mientras que Satanás quiere nuestra mente porque sabe que si la conquista, habrá conquistado nuestro estilo de vida. Este tira y afloja afecta cómo percibimos el mundo que nos rodea, nuestro ministerio, nuestra salud mental, nuestras relaciones y, lo que es más importante, nuestra relación con Dios.En Hasta que ruja el León, el Dr. Miguel Núñez desvela uno de los temas más incomprendidos y malinterpretados del cristianismo. Utilizando varios ejemplos clave de las Escrituras, desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis, este libro proporciona un análisis bíblico, teológico y práctico para entender...Qué es la guerra espiritualCómo se entiendeCómo combatirlaEn definitiva, se te retará a ver que la única arma ofensiva de la armadura de Dios es la espada del Espíritu, que es la Palabra de Dios.Ha llegado el momento de vestir la armadura de Dios, mantenerte firme y asegurarte la victoria sobre el continuo asalto de Satanás en tu vida. Solo nos queda mantenernos firmes en la verdad, hasta que el León de la tribu de Judá ruja y lleve a cabo el juicio final de Satanás y todos sus aliados.Not Until the Lion RoarsIn Not Until the Lion Roars, Dr. Miguel Nuñez provides a biblical, theological, and practical analysis of a key topic that is of key importance to every believer: spiritual warfare. Gain a more complete understanding of what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare and how and where this war is being waged so that you can fight back based on the Truth: The Word of God.Every single day a battle is being waged within us for mastery of our mind. God wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, while Satan wants our mind because he knows that if he conquers it, he will have conquered our lifestyle. This tug of war affects how we perceive the world around us, our ministry, mental health, relationships, and, most importantly, our relationship with God.In Not Until the Lion Roars, Dr. Miguel Nuñez uncovers one of the most widely misunderstood and misinterpreted topics in Christianity. Using several key examples from Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, this book provides a biblical, theological, and practical analysis for understanding...What spiritual warfare isHow it is understoodHow to fight itUltimately, you will be challenged to see that the only offensive weapon in the armor of God is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.It is time to wear the armor of God, stand firm, and secure victory over Satan&’s on-going assault in your life. It only remains for us to stand firm in the truth, until the Lion of the tribe of Judah roars and brings about the final judgment of Satan and all his allies.

Hatch, Leap, Soar: Your 3-Steps to Total Fulfillment, Real Success and True Happiness

by Latoyia Dennis

Become Who You Were Always Meant To BeReaders of The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins or Believe Bigger by Marshawn Evans Daniels will love Hatch Leap Soar.Transform into your best self. Transformation is at the heart of Hatch Leap Soar, which reveals principles to help you become your best self. LaToyia Dennis likens the process to that of a baby bird inside an egg, ready to… Hatch. Before you can begin to change and start realizing your potential, you are in your comfort zone inside your shell. When you begin the process of hatching, you're defying the norm, pressing past your fears and breaking free.Discover real freedom. Once you've hatched, you can see possibilities. You are now open to achieving your goals, to being who you want to be. You start to think, "Oh my gosh, as soon as I get out of here I can do this," because now you can see it. But in order to get out of your shell, you have to make a... Leap. This could be a leap in a completely different direction than you've ever gone before. You have to move out of your current position, out of whatever comfort zone or shell you are in. In Hatch Leap Soar, LaToyia shows you just how important it is to believe that you are better freed from your shell than you are stuck inside.Reach true success. In order to reach your full potential, you must move toward it. Things won’t come to you if you're sitting in your shell. Opportunities and change won’t happen if you are standing still. You have to leap or jump or move forward. A bird never learns to fly by staying in the nest. A bird has to leap out to learn to… Soar. And Hatch Leap Soar will teach you how to do just that. Once you learn to soar, you can fly high and free. You can reach your potential.Hatch Leap Soar is the ultimate self-help and motivational book for women everywhere who are asking themselves, "Who am I?" After reading this book, you will:Build confidenceLive a life of true freedom and successLove who you are

The Hathor Material: Messages from an Ascended Civilization

by Tom Kenyon Virginia Essene

The material you are about to read comes from a most unusual source-- a group of interdimensional beings known collectively as the Hathors. These beings claim to exist in the fourth dimension of our Universe. They are our elder brothers and sisters in consciousness, and they have been involved with mankind for millennia.

Haunted Objects: Stories of Ghosts on Your Shelf

by Christopher Balzano Tim Weisberg

A Haunted Past Can an object really be haunted? The answer is a resounding YES. Discover for yourself in this eerie, spine-chilling, and alarming collection of true tales and classic stories of possessed possessions. Unearthed by veteran ghost hunters Christopher Balzano and Tim Weisberg, each page of Haunted Objects reveals unsettling accounts of unexplained paranormal activity surrounding everyday items. From dolls to rings, these innocent looking items have disturbing tales to tell. You'll never look at chairs, dresses, paintings, and the common items in your home the same way again.

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