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The Air Traveler's Survival Guide: The Plane Truth from 35,000 Feet
by A. Frank StewardFrom the Book Jacket: Air travel may be crazy on the ground for passengers, but what's it really like at 35,000 feet for the cabin crew? How safe, for example, are you when you fly? Is airport security as good as they claim? Why are you more susceptible to the effects of alcoholic beverages at 35,000 feet? How common is the "Mile High Club"? Do the South Americans and Scandinavians behave differently in the air? A very Frank Steward answers these questions and countless more in The Air Traveler's Survival Guide, exposing all the warts and blemishes of air travel. You encounter a kaleidoscope of personalities and experiences, including an "enterprising stowaway rat, a woman who discarded all of her clothes, a passenger with a one-way ticket to death, a widow with her husband's ashes, a child who cuts the hair of a sleeping passenger, crew members' fertility problems, itchy and riotous layovers, and mass food poisoning 90 minutes from the nearest airport! Tucked among the 68 stories in The Air Traveler's Survival Guide is a trunkload of tips and advice on how to make the best of air travel, including: What to put in your carry-on bag How to upgrade your seat How to fly standby and save bundles of money How to decipher what crew members say How to minimize the effects of jet lag * How to select a hotel room in which you can sleep Appropriately dedicated to "the people who smile and thank you for your trash," this eye-opening book puts a whole new face on the travel industry. You will laugh and cry and at times grimace, but you'll also discover a rich tapestry of people who populate those crammed seats, crowded aisles, and tiny restrooms. While a lot may go wrong with air travel on the ground and in the air, when you travel with A. Frank Steward, you'll see through the eyes of the cabin crew what air travel is all about - transporting interesting, and often very demanding, strangers from one destination to another.
Airbnb Secrets: Earn $5000 A Month Posting Your Pad
by Sebastian RitterLooking to make some extra cash by renting out that spare room? Or maybe you want to dive into a full-on investment property! Making money through property rentals has never been more accessible and this guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get started, how to be successful, and how to set yourself apart from the rest.
Airless Spaces
by Shulamith FirestoneShulamith Firestone has long been important to feminists' understanding of social institutions, injustices, and struggles. Airless Spaces adds to our understanding of an institution and experience we too often refuse to examine: hospitals for the mentally ill and mental illness itself. In a series of stark and riveting short stories, Firestone recounts the lives of those who move in and out of hospitals, rely on government, medical, and other social assistance for their survival, and fail or refuse to eke out lives recognizably "normal."
Ajuda Espiritual para o Sucesso de Seu Negócio
by Sesan OguntadeAjuda espiritual para o sucesso de seus negócios por Sesan Oguntade Como os cristãos podem administrar negócios lucrativos sem quebrar as regras de Deus Como obter apoio espiritual e suporte para ter sucesso nos negócios Ajuda espiritual para o sucesso de seu negócioVocê quer aprender como aproveitar sua espiritualidade cristã para estabelecer ou colocar seu negócio no caminho do crescimento e do desenvolvimento? Os empreendedores cristãos e os proprietários de pequenas empresas cristãs estão agora percebendo a utilidade de seu cristianismo para o sucesso de seus negócios. Você não precisa ficar de fora dessa revolução atual nem ficar no escuro em relação a esse desenvolvimento positivo. Você pode confiar fortemente em sua espiritualidade cristã para iniciar e administrar negócios bem-sucedidos. Todos os homens e reis ricos que conheci e investiguei mencionam o fato de que a riqueza é espiritual. Essa é uma verdade básica sobre este tópico e sobre a Terra onde habitamos como seres humanos. Se a riqueza é espiritual, então os negócios, que são a principal plataforma de produção de riqueza, também são espirituais. De fato, tudo é espiritual e o espiritual controla o físico. Aqueles que encontraram uma maneira de manipular ou usar os recursos espirituais em seu benefício realmente obtiveram o máximo de benefícios e vantagem sobre os que não usaram os recursos espírituais.
Al azar de los días: ¿Qué hace que la vida merezca la pena?
by Françoise HéritierFrançoise Héritier comparte con nosotros su amor por las palabras y su gusto por la vida. Un gran talento, una lección de vida. <P><P>Como ya hiciera en la exitosa La sal de la vida, la autora encadena impresiones sobre su propia vida, recuerdos vívidos y reales que constituyen un testimonio empírico y sensorial. <P><P>Una experiencia de lectura poco habitual, fluida y honesta. Un libro profundo y sencillo a la vez, vitalista pero también melancólico, una lectura muy intensa, que nos ayuda a descubrir las cosas que realmente merecen la pena y nos invita a buscar los momentos que han conformado nuestra vida.
Al Este - Una novela
by Peri Hoskins"...en una palabra: extraordinario.” V. Scipione, Agente Literario norteamericano. "Su forma de escribir es magnífica… Si hay algún escritor que me recuerde a Hoskins, ese sería John Steinbeck. Pero en vez del norte de California y el Valle de Salinas, descubrimos Australia y Nueva Zelanda.” - R. Simmons, de Readers’ Favorite. "... El resultado es una historia en la carretera donde se producen descubrimientos y conexiones entre personas, elevándolas a un nuevo nivel de introspección y crecimiento, de forma que ‘Al Este’ se convierte en una novela altamente recomendable para lectores a los que les gustan las historias introspectivas y las aventuras, y a los que consideran la experiencia de viajar por carretera como un estímulo a la hora de tomar decisiones.” - D. Donovan, Crítico autorizado, Midwest Book Review "Este es un libro que termina haciendo que me cuestione mi propia vida y hacia dónde se dirige- que me haga preguntarme cómo podría yo cambiar mi rutina por algo mucho más excitante.” - Christine Frayling, Asociación de libreros de Nueva Zelanda. "Qué captura tan extraordinaria de una humanidad desnuda y sin adulterar, con todos sus matices, sus luces y sus sombras. Lo leí en muy poco tiempo, no podía dejar de hacerlo… De verdad, de verdad que disfruté de la lectura muchísimo.” - Teresa Herleth Lleva una vida ordenada. Trabaja duro. Paga tus impuestos. Poda tu césped. Sé un buen ciudadano. Vince Osbourne ha llevado una vida ordenada durante treinta años. Ya es hora de ponerse en marcha. Frente a él se encuentra el enorme continente australiano, un futuro incierto y un pasado sin resolver. Al tiempo que recorre los enormes y cambiantes paisajes del país, Vince aprende a apreciar su belleza, sus peligros y, sobre todo, a sus gentes. Encuentros con jóvenes amantes, viejos amigos, bellas mujeres, aborígenes, un pescador sin rumbo por el desierto y un vapuleado ex
Al final, lo único que pasa es que todo pasa
by Núria Jordà«Al principio fue duro, no paraba de pensar por qué me había tenido que pasar a mí. Pero con el tiempo he aprendido a sacar la parte positiva a todo» La protagonista de esta historia tenía apenas veintiún años cuando le detectaron un tumor en la carótida izquierda que cambió su vida para siempre. Al diagnóstico le siguieron muchas pruebas, un baipás, una delicada operación para extirparle el tumor y otra demoledora noticia al despertar: tenía disfagia -un trastorno poco conocido que impide tragar.A partir de entonces, Núria tuvo que (re)aprenderlo casi todo: a beber agua, a convivir con la enfermedad, a compartir su historia con miles de personas a través de una pantalla y a sacar fuerzas de donde no las hay. Este libro es una lección sobre cómo convertir la debilidad en fortaleza y la angustia en esperanza. Es una invitación a ser más empáticos y a buscar el lado positivo de las adversidades incluso cuando la vida se hace muy cuesta arriba. En la vida todo es temporal y a pequeños pasos se pueden construir grandes cosas.
Al igual que yo, tú puedes manifestar tus sueños– Quinta parte
by D. S. PaisTécnicas de manifestación Tabla de contenido 1. Técnica de manifestación – Ciclo de gratitud. 2. Técnica de manifestación – Divertirse. 3. Técnica de manifestación – Alineación Continua. 4. Técnica de manifestación – Meditar y Actuar 5. Técnica de manifestación – Ser Un Nuevo Yo. 6. Técnica de manifestación – Sentirse Bien. 7. Técnica de manifestación – Soñar Despierto. 8. Técnica de manifestación – Sentimientos. 9. Técnica de manifestación – Pensamientos No Resistivos. 10. Técnica de manifestación – Juegos. 11. Técnica de manifestación – Sentir lo Manifestado.
Al otro lado de la luna
by Asma ElferkoussMe guiaron para escribir “Al otro lado de la luna”. Palabras que brotaron de la fuente, cristalinas, me permitieron verme en el hielo, transportarme más allá de lo que podría haber creído sobre mí y el mundo que me rodea. Me permitieron cruzar el océano del abismo, enfrentar mis propios límites, las barreras que involuntariamente construí para protegerme de mi verdadera naturaleza. Si te sientes preparado para sumergirte en lo más profundo de ti mismo, dispuesto a viajar más allá del espacio-tiempo, dispuesto a embarcarte en una nueva perspectiva de vida y perspectivas, entonces este libro también estará preparado para darte la bienvenida y acompañarte en la aventura.
Al tre mi butto
by Magali Dubreuil-Bourguet***UNA STORIA DI CONFINATI CHE SCONFINANO E TI FA SENTIRE BENE**** ****PRONTI A SALTARE?**** "La persona più insignificante ai nostri occhi oggi, da un giorno all’altro può diventare la nostra più bella ragione di vita. Si tratta solo di lasciargliene la possibilità, un secondo, un minuto, un giorno per un’eternità. Forse ci passiamo davanti tutti i giorni sena nemmeno accorgercene, finché lui o lei ci salvano la vita… Nina e Raph, vicini di casa che però non si sono mai incontrati. Quando due giovani adulti diversi in tutto, un incosciente e una tuttofobica si ritrovano confinati in un palazzo di Tolosa, si domeranno o si ammazzeranno? La nostra zona di sicurezza può diventare in ogni momento molto incerta: tocca a noi capirne i motivi, imparare, talvolta disimparare da se stessi o dagli altri.”
The Aladdin Factor
by Jack CanfieldAnything is possible...if you dare to ask!Personal happiness. Creative fulfillment. Professional success. Freedom from fear--and a new promise of joy that's yours for the asking.We have the ability at our fingertips to achieve these things. It's the Aladdin Factor: the magical wellspring of confidence, desire--and the willingness to ask--that allows us to make wishes come true. Now bestselling motivational authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen introduce us to the Aladdin Factor--and help us put it into effect in our own lives.The Aladdin Factor helps us by pinpointing the major stumbling blocks to asking--and teaching simple techniques to overcome them. With inspirational stories about people who have succeeded by asking for what they want, this book shows us how to turn our lives around--no matter what kind of obstacles we face. And with this knowledge, we can reap the riches of a truly well-lived life--a treasure that comes not from an enchanted lamp, but from the heart.
Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Mind [5th Revised Edition]
by George SeaverThe definitive biography of one of the titans of our time, together with a full appreciation of his revolutionary thought and writings, is now revised to include new materials on the eighth decade of Dr. Schweitzer's life and work at Lambaréné.The book tells two exciting stories: the outward events of Schweitzer's life--his childhood in Alsace, his career in Strasbourg, his organ studies and recitals, his decision to become a medical missionary in Africa, and his long labors there; and a review of his great intellectual and spiritual contributions--his upsetting of Biblical criticism, his profound insights into Christ, St. Paul, Bach and Goethe, his philosophy of civilization and reverence for life."Seaver's book is without equal in opening to us simply and clearly a view of the life and mind of Schweitzer of Lambaréné, Africa, Europe and the World."--Christian Century"Mark this down as a great biography of a man whom many regard as our greatest living contemporary."--Living Church"Step by step Seaver leads the reader to look at life with Schweitzer, in order to understand his attitude toward Greek eudaemonism, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and finally the building up of his affirmation [Reverence for Life]...Those of us who seek to understand the meaning of Schweitzer's life and thought and 'realized fellowship with the living Christ's must master this tiny book, so filled with spiritual reality."--EDWARD H. HUME"Dr. Seaver's excellent work should appeal not only to Schweitzer's many admires, but to those anxious to find a way out of the baffling labyrinth of current world conditions."--Christian Century"This swift yet fundamental survey of one whole trend in the intellectual life of man is a remarkable piece of work. It proves that Schweitzer is one of the great thinkers of our time."--JOHN HAYNES HOLMES
Alcanza la victoria financiera
by Tony EvansTony Evans ayudará a los lectores a descubrir las respuestas a los problemas de la vida diaria al mostrarles que Dios tiene un propósito con su dinero. Evans explica que todo lo que pensamos que nos pertenece, en realidad, le pertenece a Dios. Y cuando pensamos en "nuestro" dinero de esa manera, podemos aprender a ser buenos mayordomos, o administradores, de lo que Él nos ha confiado. Alcanza la victoria financiera presenta meticulosamente cómo deberíamos abordar el tema vital del dinero. No dudes en leer este libro práctico y conciso.
Alcanza tus sueños: Cómo Proponerse Metas Y Lograrlas
by Helios HerreraComo un mago, Helios Herrera nos enseña en una forma clara, directa, sin ambages ni retorcimientos literarios, de qué manera podemos convertir nuestros sueños en realidad. ¿Qué clase de sueños? Aquellos que coinciden con los objetivos de la vida de cualquier persona que desea triunfar.Alcanza tus sueños es una guía elemental para llegar a la meta anhelada. El autor nos dice cómo, pero de nosotros depende llegar a la meta sin perdernos en el camino. El primer paso consiste en abrir el libro y comenzar a leerlo. Si en las primeras páginas decides cerrarlo, guardarlo o regalarlo, ya es asunto tuyo. Aprovecha como los más de dos millones y medio de personas que se han renovado con los cursos y conferencias de Helios. La decisión está en tus manos.
Alchemical Healing: A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine
by Nicki ScullyCombines shamanism, alchemy, and energy medicine to create a unique healing modality• Explores how to turn the base substance of who you are--the dark mystery of your subconscious--into the alchemical gold of knowledge and enlightenment• Includes techniques of distant healing and working with power animals and plant, mineral, and elemental spirits• Shows how to utilize the Universal Life Force to reawaken inherent healing abilitiesAlchemical Healing brings together innovative techniques of shamanism and energetic healing with the principles of alchemy, creating a practical form of physical healing, therapeutic counseling, and spiritual growth. The author provides ways to integrate spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to retrieve knowledge, and to influence physical reality in order to achieve healing and transformation. With simple directions, readers are guided through attunements and empowerments that access the Universal Life Force energy and a five-element system for healing themselves and others. They learn powerful techniques, such as psychic surgery, distant healing, and how to work with power animals and plant, mineral, and elemental spirit guides. Alchemical Healing presents a sacred journey into the most profound principles and mysteries of creation. It offers both an art form and a spiritual path that develops one’s ability to co-create the future with the wisdom of the spirit world.
Alchemical Psychology
by Thom F. CavalliAlchemical practices have been reborn in our contemporary world under the rubric of Jungianism, transpersonal psychology, or depth psychology. But in Alchemical Psychology, Thom F. Cavalli, Ph. D. , takes us directly to the source--and on a wonderful adventure into the true nature of our hearts and minds. In a book that sparkles with verve, life, and practicality, Dr. Cavalli explains how alchemy was one of humankind's earliest efforts to transform the nature of consciousness. What little-known or underground arts did alchemists practice in pursuit of self-transformation--and how can they enrich us today? Using the same practices that he employs with patients, Dr. Cavalli offers readers a plethora of personal exercises that, among other things, enables them to "type" themselves according to ancient alchemical identifiers of nature and personality. He then provides practices that can help free them from the grip of familiar problems and foster true personal growth. Beautifully illustrated with medieval prints from the alchemical tradition, Alchemical Psychology gives readers both a richer understanding of their own natures and of the traditions on which many of our modern therapies are based. .
The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho (Plus Ser.)
by Paulo Coelho<P> Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. The Alchemist is such a book. With over a million and a half copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has already established itself as a modern classic, universally admired. Paulo Coelho's charming fable, now available in English for the first time, will enchant and inspire an even wider audience of readers for generations to come. <P>The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. <P>The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories have done, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>
The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho Alan R. Clarke"My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky." Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams." Every few decades a book is published that changes the lives of its readers forever. The Alchemist is such a book. With over a million and a half copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has already established itself as a modern classic, universally admired. Paulo Coelho's charming fable, now available in English for the first time, will enchant and inspire an even wider audience of readers for generations to come. The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories have done, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all, following our dreams.
The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel (Plus Ser.)
by Paulo CoelhoAndalusian shepherd boy Santiago travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemist, all of whom point Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasure found within.Since its first printing The Alchemist has been translated into seventy-one languages and sold forty million copies worldwide, establishing itself as a modern classic that will enchant and inspire readers for generations to come. Beautifully rendered, The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel is a must have for any collector's library.Acclaimed illustrator Daniel Sampere brings Paulo Coelho's classic to new life in this gorgeously illustrated graphic novel adaptation.
The Alchemist’s Journey: An Old System For A New Age
by Glennie KindredIn this account of 12 months in her life, much-loved author Glennie Kindred explores the powerful fusion of alchemy with the eight Celtic festivals, and shows us how to tap in to the natural energy of transformation inherent in the earth's cycles. Full of practical ideas to encourage us to be open to the power of transformation, and written in an inspiring and accessible style, this book brings the ancient alchemical processes into a fresh, clear light. Glennie shows us how each season is an opportunity to develop, adapt, and experience ourselves in a new way. This inspires us to unlock the love that brings healing to ourselves and our relationship to the earth. She reveals how we can find this true alchemical gold and become a powerful force for positive change in the world.
Alchemy: A Brief History of Western Hermeticism
by Cherry Gilchrist'Packed with strange stories and shiny nuggets of information, Alchemy: the Great Work is erudite but reads very clearly. But what I admire about it most is how enlightening and enlivening it is.' - Jonathan BlackAlchemy is the art of transformation. At its simplest, the alchemist turns base metals into gold. However this is only one dimension of alchemy - at a more sophisticated level the alchemist's 'base metal' is symbolic of himself that needs to be worked upon and the 'gold' produced is the alchemist himself in his or her quest to perfect his own nature. In short, true alchemy is a discipline involving physical, physiological and spiritual work aimed at producing wholeness and enlightenment. From the origins of alchemy, both reputed and documented, Cherry Gilchrist's lively and sympathetic narrative takes the reader from the alchemical interests of the ancient Egyptians to the flowering of alchemy in the seventeenth century. She also elucidates the complexities of alchemical symbolism and examines the ways in which alchemy has developed in the twentieth century.With an introduction by Jonathan Black
The Alchemy of Freedom: The Philosophers' Stone and the Secrets of Existence
by A. H. AlmaasWell-known spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas uses the metaphor of the mysterious philosopher's stone to discuss a tremendous liberating power that leads to endless enlightenment. For millennia alchemists sought the philosophers’ stone, the miracle substance believed to be the key to all the secrets of existence. The quest was fueled by some of the prime questions of human existence: What am I? Why am I here? How has this world come to be?A. H. Almaas shows that the tremendous liberating power of the mysterious philosophers’ stone is closer to us than we realize. In fact, it is the true nature of all reality—in all times and all places, without being limited to being anything in particular. Through the philosophers’ stone, real transformation can happen, our consciousness can become free, and we can open to all the possibilities of reality. Almaas discusses the factors that are involved in igniting the catalytic property of the philosophers’ stone and then begins to unpack the properties of true nature when it is free of constraints. Finally, we are left with the revelation that true nature is endlessly knowable, and yet nothing we can know or say about it exhausts its mystery and power. The result is a new understanding of what liberation and practice are—and a view of what it’s like when seeking ceases and life becomes a process of continual discovery. We begin to appreciate that the freedom of reality expressed in the complete and fulfilled life all human beings seek—and few find—is actually the simplicity of the ordinary.
The Alchemy of Stones: Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones for Healing and Transformation
by Robert Simmons• Reveals that those who love and work with crystals and stones have been intuitively following the path of spiritual alchemy • Provides meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage of the alchemical transformation process as well as other tools and techniques • Includes an illustrated dictionary summarizing the spiritual qualities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones The Alchemy of Stones presents an inspired breakthrough in Robert Simmons&’ thirty-five year career of exploring and revealing the spiritual qualities and potentials of minerals, crystals, and gemstones. This holistic, Earth-based framework for understanding stones and their energies initiates readers into an alchemical worldview that leads to spiritual healing, transformation, and transcendence. Engaging readers step by step, Simmons provides guidance on discovering and harnessing the three human powers of intention, attention, and imagination, each a crucial component for meeting and working in harmony with the energies of the Stone Beings. Simmons also introduces us to the Divine Feminine intelligence known as Sophia, or Wisdom. The Stone Beings are her emissaries, and through relating and co-creating with them, the healing and redemption of ourselves and the Earth becomes a reality. Offering an illustrated dictionary of the spiritual qualities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones, Simmons also explores in depth what he calls the Four Cornerstones of the Alchemy of Stones: Moldavite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, and Rosophia. He discusses the stages of alchemical transformation and provides meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage. He also explores how to work with stone mandalas, crystal body layouts, gemstone elixirs, and Orgonite energy devices and details powerful techniques for working with stones. Woven throughout are Simmons&’ personal stories of the pivotal mystical experiences that triggered his capacity to feel stone energies and led him to develop his relationship with the stones, revealing how this work can open minds and awaken hearts. Lavishly illustrated, The Alchemy of Stones is an invitation to a journey of enlightenment, transformation, and spiritual metamorphosis aligned with the path of our living, conscious Earth.
The Alchemy of Voice
by Stewart PearceOffering straightforward and highly effective techniques to those seeking personal healing, this manual provides ways in which the power of people's voices can improve and enhance their lives. Identifying sound as the center of creation and an individual's unique signature note-the song of the soul-that unifies the mind, body, and spirit, this important tome urges readers to rediscover this inner sound and move onto the path of healing and the hope of creative fulfillment. Exercises to achieve peace and harmony, boost self-confidence, and add color and passion to self-expression help seekers reach their potent, powerful, and most importantly, their personal sound.
The Alchemy of Your Dreams: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Art of Lucid Dreaming and Interpretation
by Athena LazUnlock the power of your dreams to lead you on the ultimate journey of self-discovery and personal growth.Roughly one-third of our lives is spent sleeping. We know that time spent asleep is vital for rest and rejuvenation, but what if this time could be used for something more? What if our dreams really are telling us something? Psychologist Athena Laz has dedicated her career to uncovering the wisdom of our dreams and revolutionising what it means to be in touch with ourselves and the universe.Packed with expert-level exercises and step-by-step instructions, The Alchemy of Your Dreams teaches readers how to interpret their dreams and how to lucid-dream in order to achieve more in their waking lives. From improved mental wellbeing to enhanced spirituality, this modern guide provides a roadmap to:- Decoding your dreams to uncover their innate guidance.- Learning the power of lucid dreaming.- Rekindling the connection to your unconscious and subconscious mind through your dreams. - Understanding the specific dream figures and symbols that appear in your dreams.- Exploring the world of consciousness and gaining clarity on who you really are.- Unleashing creativity and overcoming past pain for greater wellbeing.For anyone who has ever felt that their dreams have true meaning, this book provides the exact tools needed to unravel their symbolism, harness their power and level-up our lives.