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Showing 17,126 through 17,150 of 36,712 results

The Intellectual Devotional: Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Roam Confidently with the Culture d Class (The Intellectual Devotional Series)

by David S. Kidder Noah D. Oppenheim

This daily digest of intellectual challenge and learning will arouse curiosity, refresh knowledge, expand horizons, and keep the mind sharpMillions of Americans keep bedside books of prayer and meditative reflection—collections of daily passages to stimulate spiritual thought and advancement. <P><P>The Intellectual Devotional is a secular version of the same—a collection of 365 short lessons that will inspire and invigorate the reader every day of the year. Each daily digest of wisdom is drawn from one of seven fields of knowledge: history, literature, philosophy, mathematics and science, religion, fine arts, and music. Impress your friends by explaining Plato's Cave Allegory, pepper your cocktail party conversation with opera terms, and unlock the mystery of how batteries work. <P>Daily readings range from important passages in literature to basic principles of physics, from pivotal events in history to images of famous paintings with accompanying analysis. The book's goal is to refresh knowledge we've forgotten, make new discoveries, and exercise modes of thinking that are ordinarily neglected once our school days are behind us. <P>Offering an escape from the daily grind to contemplate higher things, The Intellectual Devotional is a great way to awaken in the morning or to revitalize one's mind before retiring in the evening.

Intelligence émotionnelle: Apprenez à tirer le meilleur parti de vos émotions

by Juan Moises de la Serna Sophie Martin

S’il y a un sujet dont on a beaucoup parlé ces dernières années dans le domaine de la psychologie, c’est l’intelligence émotionnelle (IE), d’abord comme un des développements de l’étude des émotions humaines et leurs implications dans la vie, et devant acquérir par la suite un rôle de premier ordre dans des champs aussi importants que l’éducation ou l’entreprise, en raison des bénéfices observés aussi bien sur l’efficacité que sur le plaisir de vivre chez les personnes qui travaillent leur IE. Dans cet ouvrage, nous aborderons les plus récentes investigations concernant l’IE, nous parlerons de sa définition et de ses conséquences, mais nous verrons surtout comment la mettre en pratique dans notre vie quotidienne afin d’en obtenir les plus grands bienfaits possible. En terminant ce livre, développer votre intelligence émotionnelle vous apparaîtra comme une démarche indispensable.

The Intelligent Body: Reversing Chronic Fatigue And Pain From The Inside Out

by Kyle L. Davies

Exercises and strategies for long-term emotional well-being in the face of physical difficulties. Why are we seeing growing numbers of people suffering from debilitating chronic symptoms of pain, fatigue, inflammation and cognitive impairment that medicine is failing to resolve? A new paradigm is needed where we understand the mind and body as an interconnected flowing system. This paradigm embraces the self-healing, self-correcting, and self-creating natures of our connected mind-body system. Physical symptoms are simply a sign of disharmony and energetic imbalance, a “tap on the shoulder” from our intelligent body that is trying to get our attention. This “tap” on the shoulder can become debilitating symptoms over time. When we pay attention, and understand this communication, we can take the steps to facilitate our own self-healing. This book explains the origins of chronic symptoms and outlines the road to recovery. Readers are offered life-changing principles and practices to regain harmony in their lives and bodies, whether they suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, trauma, depression, or anxiety. It explains how we can learn to heal ourselves from the inside out by reconceptualizing the relationships among our bodies, minds, and emotions, embracing the full importance of the mind-body connection, and tapping our natural restorative capacities. Here, readers will find ways to maximize the connections between optimum health, peace of mind, and fulfilling life experiences, all emerging when we are aligned with our “true self.”

The Intelligent Conversationalist: 31 Cheat Sheets That Will Show You How to Talk to Anyone About Anything, Anytime

by Imogen Lloyd Webber

Have you ever been at a cocktail party when all of a sudden you feel like an outsider in the conversation because you have absolutely no idea what the person is talking about? You're standing around with a glass of wine and someone starts talking about how the stock market did that day leading to the career highs of Ben Bernanke and the best way to short a stock. You stand there completely silent because you know nothing about the stock market, let alone the history of economics. You're being pushed to the outside edge of the pack and there's no way to reach gracefully for your iPhone and Google. Fear not: Imogen Lloyd Webber is on a mission to make everyone as conversationally nimble as she has learned to be as a cable news pundit. Her solution: get a few cheat sheets and study up. Remember cheat sheets, those slips of paper filled with facts? As Imogen might say "Google is good, but a cheat sheet is forever..." In eight cheat sheets, Imogen takes you through the facts that come up in most conversations: the English language, math/economics, religion, history, politics, geography, biology and culture. From the history of money to who signed The Magna Carta, Imogen shows you how to get back in a conversation, win any argument and most importantly, how to pivot out of a tough conversational bind. Imogen Lloyd Webber's The Intelligent Conversationalist will help you talk with anyone about anything anytime.

Intelligent Guide to the Sixth Sense

by Heidi Sawyer

The Sixth Sense is the incredible hidden power of intuition we all have within us. Heidi Sawyer, who has guided hundreds of people to awakening to their sixth sense, reveals her own personal journey to awaken her psychic potential.Through the lessons Heidi taught herself, she explains incredible extrasensory skills that you too can learn, which will offer great advantages to you and those close to you. Through concise and clear advice, Heidi Sawyer demonstrates that you can cultivate your Sixth Sense by:• recognising the signs that your abilities are opening • learning how to live your life with your psychic frequency turned on• coping with opposition, and finding like-minded people• using her top ten tips to develop powerful psychic awareness.The Intelligent Guide to the Sixth Sense is the ultimate guidebook to beginning your psychic journey. Please note: This is a new edition of the book previously published under the title Why My Mother Didn't Want Me to Be a Psychic.

Intelligent Leadership: What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential

by John Mattone

In today's business environment, leaders at all levels are facing enormous challenges when it comes to achieving and sustaining breakthrough operating results. Globalization, economic change, more stringent regulation, and tougher governance make realizing shareholder value increasingly difficult. Leadership Intelligence is written for leaders who want to become more effective, strategic, operationally focused, and balanced. It is for leaders who are striving to take control of their destiny and become the best they can be. In this groundbreaking book, leadership coach John Mattone - recently named to the "guru radar" by the prestigious Thinkers50 - taps into his years of experience working with high-achieving professionals to give readers a roadmap for developing and mastering their executive maturity. Supplying three unique tools - the Wheel of Leadership Success, Map of Leadership Maturity, and the Leadership Enneagram - the book helps readers calibrate their abilities so they can simultaneously focus on their strengths and address their weaknesses. The goal is to improve key tactical competencies (such as critical andstrategic thinking, decision-making, talent and team leadership, and communication) and integrate them with equally important inner traits like values, character, and beliefs in order to achieve their leadership potential. Featuring best practices, authoritative research, practical assessments, and enlightening examples of both good and bad leadership, this book equips readers with the knowledge, skills, and passion theyneed to become the leaders they were meant to be.

The Intelligent Optimist's Guide to Life

by Jurriaan Kamp

The world isn't coming to an end, contrary to what you may have heard. But the media's near-exclusive focus on conflict and disaster means that the progress and everyday acts of brilliance taking place across the globe go unnoticed. Jurriaan Kamp shows that optimism--intelligent optimism, not a rose-colored-glasses brand of wishful thinking--is good for not only your mind but your body too. He details a whole host of health problems that can actually be linked to pessimism. Moreover, there is good reason for optimism: Kamp proves that on the whole we're living longer, becoming smarter, working less, and growing richer. Not only that, democracy is on the rise, and violence is declining. This book will help you tune out the media's focus on sensationalism and negativity and turn on your natural optimism so you'll drop into a "real world" that's richer than you ever imagined.

An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy

by Roger Scruton

"Philosophy's the 'love of wisdom', can be approached in two ways: by doing it, or by studying how it has been done," so writes the eminent philosopher Roger Scruton. In this user-friendly book, he chooses to introduce philosophy by doing it. Taking the discipline beyond theory and "intellectualism," he presents it in an empirical, accessible, and practical light. The result is not a history of the field but a vivid, energetic, and personal account to guide the reader making his or her own venture into philosophy. Addressing a range of subjects from freedom, God, reality, and morality, to sex, music, and history, Scruton argues philosophy's relevance not just to intellectual questions, but to contemporary life. .

Intelligent Safety: How to Protect Your Connected Family from Big Cybercrime

by Hari Ravichandran

Turn the tables on cybercriminals. Keep your loved ones safe. We live much of our personal and professional lives online, but fraudsters and hackers have made the internet dangerous. Cyberattacks are the US&’s fastest growing crime: consumers lost more than $6.9 billion to fraud in 2021, up more than 50% from 2020; financial losses from online theft surpassed losses from home theft; 1 in 10 people become identity theft victims annually, including more than 1 million children. So how do we keep our kids, parents, colleagues, and selves safe against organized cybercriminals with their increasingly advanced tools?Intelligent Safety: How to Protect Your Connected Family from Big Cybercrime teaches how we can put our families&’ online safety on autopilot and regain our peace of mind. It provides families with the tools and knowledge they need to create a personalized, proactive defense against cybercriminals. From identifying the risks of your teen&’s secret online life to safeguarding your family finances to defending the vulnerabilities of your aging parents, Intelligent Safety is the last guide you&’ll need to beat cyber predators at their own game.

Intelligenza di un genio

by James Morcan Lance Morcan Augusto Celentano

Intelligenza di un genio: Tecniche segrete e tecnologie per aumentare il QI di James Morcan, Lance Morcan Il trattato definitivo sui metodi di apprendimento accelerato. Scritto da James Morcan e Lance Morcan, autori di romanzi, registi e ricercatori indipendenti, con la prefazione dell’illustre scienziato giapponese Takaaki Musha, "Intelligenza di un genio" sfata il mito che geni si nasce e non si diventa. Svela come, nella maggior parte dei casi, l’intelligenza superiore alla media sia acquisita attraverso tecniche cognitive superiori o tecnologie di stimolazione cerebrale. Tra i geni più noti di cui si parla c’è il fondatore della Apple Steve Jobs che, a 19 anni, cominciò a praticare un’antica disciplina in grado di attivare parti precedentemente dormienti del suo cervello; Albert Einstein che arrivò alla straordinaria teoria della relatività usando un raro metodo per accedere al subconscio; Kim Peek (il vero Rain Man) capace di leggere qualsiasi libro in cinque minuti e comprenderlo per intero; il genio della matematica indiano Srinivasa Ramanujan che, pur non avendo ricevuto nessuna istruzione, creò formule straordinarie sbalordendo il mondo accademico; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart che compose intere opere in uno stato di alterazione mentale. Tra le scoperte che vengono rivelate ai lettori ci sono anche le onde cerebrali comuni nei geni e i vari sistemi per indurre tali onde; tecniche mentali che l'élite mondiale e le celebrità usano in silenzio per elaborare informazioni durante il sonno o in mondi virtuali; sostanze chimiche che studenti e intellettuali in tutto il mondo adoperano per potenziare al massimo il cervello, e tecnologie all’avanguardia che importanti uomini d’affari e atleti professionisti impiegano per ottenere un vantaggio mentale sui concorrenti.

Intelligenza Emozionale: Apprendi a trarre il massimo dalle tue Emozioni

by Benvegnu' Loredana Juan Moises de la Serna

In questo e-book si sono esposte in maniera semplice e chiara le principali teorie a sostegno dell’Intelligenza Emozionale , la sua definizione ed i benefici sociali apportati al praticarla,segnalando le possibili problematiche causate dal mancato sviluppo di quest’ultima grazie all’esposizione delle recenti investigazioni in merito, per poter permettere al lettore una visione globale ed aggiornata dell’argomento.

Intensa-mente: Recetas psicológicas sencillas para superar el día a día

by Sònia Cervantes

A través de metáforas y estrategias psicológicas útiles para tu día a día, la autora te facilita las herramientas necesarias para comprenderte más a ti y a los demás, para huir de maquillajes de la realidad, de la evitación del sufrimiento así como para afrontar las dificultades en tu vida. Un baño de realidad y optimismo sin caer en un empacho y sobredosis de positividad. Eres capaz de sonreír las veinticuatro horas del día? ¿Te molesta que te digan «no estés triste» cuando realmente estás sufriendo? ¿Eres consciente en las estrategias psicológicas erróneas que pones en marcha cada día? ¿Sabes cómo ayudar a esa persona que quieres y que lo está pasando mal? Este libro pretende acercarte a los inconvenientes de tu día a día y de tu mente sin disfrazar la realidad. A nadie le gusta estar mal, por supuesto, y todos queremos ser felices en nuestras vidas pero olvidamos que, en ocasiones, no es la realidad sinotu mente o las estrategias que pones en marcha quienes te lo impiden.

Intention: 10 ways to live purposefully

by Dani Sullivan

Simplify your life.Manifest your desires.Live with intention.Are you ready to live more purposefully?Live each day with foresight, concentrating on your goals and the tangible steps you can take to reach them. Through quick, constructive exercises, inspirational quotes, journaling activities and reflective practices, this ten-step programme is the perfect guide to living with clarity.

Intention: 10 ways to live purposefully

by Dani Sullivan

Simplify your life.Manifest your desires.Live with intention.Are you ready to live more purposefully?Live each day with foresight, concentrating on your goals and the tangible steps you can take to reach them. Through quick, constructive exercises, inspirational quotes, journaling activities and reflective practices, this ten-step programme is the perfect guide to living with clarity.

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas Business Alchemy Limited

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.PRAISE FOR Intention:"It is a joy to find a life-changing book that is so clearly and beautifully written. Andrew Wallas distils decades of clinical practice with wisdom and a deceptively light touch. The overall message is strong. We are each responsible for our own path to happiness, and Intention is the inspiring guidebook that can help us to find it." - Georgia Coleridge, author of The Chakra Project PRAISE FOR ANDREW WALLAS:"Intention is a superpower which when used correctly aligns us to our purpose and helps fulfil our heart's work. Andrew Wallas elegantly and generously shows us how. His approach is simple, yet it is not easy - but boy is it worth it." Emma Cannon, fertility and women's health expert, acupuncturist and author of Fertile "Andrew holds the space for you to reconnect with your inner wisdom. His skill is that he is intuitive but practical." - Financial Times, How To Spend It"Fast-tracked healing" - Vogue "Andrew Wallas has a gift for transforming stuck energy and releasing you from negative patterns" - Tatler"With easy charm and 30 years' experience as a psychotherapist, Andrew Wallas helps clients remove the obstacles standing in their way"- Vanity Fair "He has an uncanny ability to sense emotional blocks and asks penetrating questions that unearth destructive patterns of behaviour" - The Daily Mail"Amazingly honest. Incredibly insightful. For any blocks you need to uncover to be able to create the life you want - visit the Wizard" - Tanya, business woman"I have met many "spiritual" healers, guides and psychics over the years. However, none of them have managed to explain to me in terms that I understand how I can effectively blend the real or human world with this spiritual calling that I feel. I believe that I have found in you my guru / teacher that can really help me navigate this exciting journey" - Gavin, businessman

Intention: How to tap into the most underrated power in the universe

by Andrew Wallas Business Alchemy Limited

Intention is the seed of all change and it is the creative power that fulfils our dreams. An intention contains the DNA of manifestation and it is therefore the key to creating the life you want. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and so the only way to shift reality is to start with what is inside us.According to research, 92% of new year resolutions fail by the end of the year. The only way to reverse this trend is to go deeper.This powerful book guides you through a process of practical self-enquiry that gets to the true heart of your intentions for this life. You will weed out the obstacles in the way of your wishes, such as limiting self-beliefs and the stories you currently tell about yourself. You will plant the seeds of intention with a sense of true clarity and infinite possibility, and then water them with your daily actions and care. And then all that needs to be done is to trust in the outcome and allow your intentions to grow.Intention is for anyone who wishes to align their life with their innermost wishes and tap into the most underrated power in the universe.PRAISE FOR Intention:"It is a joy to find a life-changing book that is so clearly and beautifully written. Andrew Wallas distils decades of clinical practice with wisdom and a deceptively light touch. The overall message is strong. We are each responsible for our own path to happiness, and Intention is the inspiring guidebook that can help us to find it." - Georgia Coleridge, author of The Chakra Project PRAISE FOR ANDREW WALLAS:"Intention is a superpower which when used correctly aligns us to our purpose and helps fulfil our heart's work. Andrew Wallas elegantly and generously shows us how. His approach is simple, yet it is not easy - but boy is it worth it." Emma Cannon, fertility and women's health expert, acupuncturist and author of Fertile "Andrew holds the space for you to reconnect with your inner wisdom. His skill is that he is intuitive but practical." - Financial Times, How To Spend It"Fast-tracked healing" - Vogue "Andrew Wallas has a gift for transforming stuck energy and releasing you from negative patterns" - Tatler"With easy charm and 30 years' experience as a psychotherapist, Andrew Wallas helps clients remove the obstacles standing in their way"- Vanity Fair "He has an uncanny ability to sense emotional blocks and asks penetrating questions that unearth destructive patterns of behaviour" - The Daily Mail"Amazingly honest. Incredibly insightful. For any blocks you need to uncover to be able to create the life you want - visit the Wizard" - Tanya, business woman"I have met many "spiritual" healers, guides and psychics over the years. However, none of them have managed to explain to me in terms that I understand how I can effectively blend the real or human world with this spiritual calling that I feel. I believe that I have found in you my guru / teacher that can really help me navigate this exciting journey" - Gavin, businessman

The Intention Imperative: 3 Essential Changes That Will Make You a Successful Leader Today

by Mark Sanborn

Today’s leaders often lack clarity and therefore the ability to execute, leaving their organizations mired in the status quo. Renowned leadership expert Mark Sanborn demystifies the essential elements of great leadership and provides a formula for leaders to achieve breakthrough success.Culture, inspiration, and emotion--these are the three new imperatives of the intentional leader. They’re the focus of consistent action that a leader must take daily to lead powerfully in the world that is, not the world that was. While every company will approach these three imperatives differently, they’re the backbone of a successful company, and they’re the essential elements of intentional leadership.The Intention Imperative explains how five very different businesses use clarity of purpose and consistent action to achieve extraordinary success in their given fields. Using their practices as examples, Sanborn shows how they’ve harnessed the three imperatives and how it’s possible to improve your own business by adopting their practices. The larger points of intentional leadership, intentional leaders, and their place in the current world are explained, giving readers the opportunity to spot the parallels in real-world examples. In addition, readers willDiscover why motivation isn’t enough today, and why employees need inspiration to deliver great resultsBuild a culture that powers the right actions and creates the right resultsMake a shift in thinking, to design and deliver positive emotions for customersLearn how other organizations have applied intentional leadership principles and achieved breakthrough results

Intentional Faith: Aligning Your Life with the Heart of God

by Allen Jackson

Megachurch pastor Allen Jackson invites readers on a 100-day adventure of experiencing God through ten biblical practices that will reignite their faith and transform their lives. Many Christians experience low points in their faith, times when their spiritual lives have grown cold, stagnant, or routine. They feel frustrated and desperate to reconnect with God. Yet encouragement alone is not enough. We need God's power to bring transformation, and we need specific tools and a focused intent to know the Lord. Drawing upon years of pastoral ministry and his own experience, Allen Jackson has developed a 100-day plan to reinvigorate a believer's life, organized around ten declarations of intent, including:I Intend to Grow Spiritually,I Intend to Read the GospelsI Intend to Pray DailyI Intend to Honor God in My Home, andI Intend to Work with Integrity.A simple investment of twenty minutes a day will create an unstoppable momentum in readers' lives. Their hearts are opened to new possibilities with God where his purposes unfold and where the fruit of his rewards are found.

Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters

by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, helps readers take the first steps to living a life that matters in INTENTIONAL LIVING. We all have a longing to be significant. We want to make a contribution, to be a part of something noble and purposeful. But many people wrongly believe significance is unattainable. They worry that it's too big for them to achieve. That they have to have an amazing idea, be a certain age, have a lot of money, or be powerful or famous to make a real difference.The good news is that none of those things is necessary for you to achieve significance and create a lasting legacy. The only thing you need to achieve significance is to be intentional. And to do that, all you need to do is start. You can't make an impact sitting still and doing nothing. Every major accomplishment that's ever been achieved started with a first step. Sometimes it's hard; other times it's easy, but no matter what, you have to do it if you want to get anywhere in life.In INTENTIONAL LIVING, John Maxwell will help you take that first step, and the ones that follow, on your personal path through a life that matters.

Intentional Mindset: Developing Mental Toughness and a Killer Instinct

by Dave Anderson

Some people seem to be born with a mental makeup that predestines them for success. But anyone can master their mindset. Dave Anderson shows you how. In Intentional Mindset, LearnToLead founder Dave Anderson shows you how to purposefully develop both killer instinct and mental toughness by cultivating and strengthening ten specific traits. The author of 15 books and host of the popular podcast The Game Changer Life, Dave's guidance has impacted readers and listeners in more than 145 countries. Now, he shares a unique blueprint for developing the mindset you need to succeed, presenting foundational strategies for intentionally developing and strengthening what he calls the ACCREDITED traits: attitude, competitiveness, character, rigor, effort, discipline, intelligence, tenacity, energy, and drive. Throughout the book, readers will follow the progress of three "case studies." The frustrations, progress, and victories of "Fred," "Frank," and "Frances" will replace the sterile or academic approach so common in personal development books with a more readable, personal, and actionable experience. What's more, Anderson provides an optional 70-day follow-up course to integrate the book's lessons into one's daily routine and accelerate results. All materials for this course, including a downloadable workbook and 70 supporting videos—one for each day—are provided at no cost at Intentional Mindset is a true game changer—a book that gives you the tools to shape your future by shaping your mind.

Intentional Relationships: How to Work and Succeed with Others

by Ken Tucker

Every day, our actions are structured by our relationships. Whether it be through family ties, a shared workspace, a favorite hobby, or some other repeated interaction, we are constantly building relationships. But do we ever stop to consider why we are in a relationship with a particular person? How can we make important relationships stronger? And how can we avoid unhealthy relationships? From Fortune 500 consultant Ken Tucker, Intentional Relationships answers these questions and more in a surprising, life-changing, and career-enhancing way. Recognize and celebrate the most valuable connections in your life by practicing Intentional Relationships.

Intentional Walk: An Inside Look at the Faith That Drives the St. Louis Cardinals

by Rob Rains

An inside look at the faith that guides the all-stars.The St. Louis Cardinals have long been one of the most successful franchises in the major leagues. They have won 11 World Series titles and some of the most famous players in the history of the game have worn the storied “Birds on the Bat” uniform.While that on-field success has been well documented, Intentional Walk is the first book which goes beyond the story of what happens on the field to take an in-depth look at the men inside the Cardinal uniforms, and examine how their strong Christian faith is one of the driving forces behind their success.Intentional Walk features the stories of Adam Wainwright, David Freese, Lance Berkman, Matt Holliday, Carlos Beltran, Jason Motte and other members of the 2012 Cardinals, written as those players and the rest of the team tried to repeat the 2011 world championship. The book talks about how they became Christians and offers their testimony about what it means for them to have God play such a prominent role in their lives.Playing for first-year manager Mike Matheny, a strong Christian as well, these men talk about their success and failure, about the challenges that come from playing baseball at the highest level, and how thankful and blessed they are to have that God-given ability. In the end, however, what is far more important to them is their life-long relationship they have established with Jesus Christ.

Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation

by Finnian Kelly

Discover the transformative power of Intentionality—a feelings-first approach to living and leadershipDo you want to fully reconnect with yourself and reclaim your power?To unlock a world of infinite possibilities, adopt the mantra at the heart of this growing movement—prioritize feelings over outcomes.Using lessons learned from creating and selling multimillion-dollar companies and overcoming upheaval in his own life, Finnian Kelly shares his step-by-step process for manifesting Intentionality into success. Through combining both scientific and spiritual principles, Finnian leads you through the five key intentions, including actionable steps and targeted breathing exercises you can incorporate into your everyday life. Through this process, you will:· Learn the core makeup of your emotional operating system· Let go of social conditioning· Master your built-in superpower of breath· Recode your mind· Elevate your consciousnessIntentionality is more than just a concept—it's a profound shift in consciousness that will enable you to truly feel and experience more of what life has to offer.

Interação social: Supere a ansiedade social e aprenda técnicas fundamentais de conversação.

by Karine C. Sarah Goldberg

Tendo problemas com a interação social? Sentindo-se dominado pela ansiedade social? A solução está em suas mãos. Eu era assim como você: eu sofria de ansiedade social extrema e boa parte do problema estava relacionada ao fato de eu não ter as técnicas fundamentais para uma conversa e para superar a ansiedade. Eu consegui aprender essas técnicas e agora tenho o suficiente para conversar pelo resto da minha vida, além disso, estau aproveitado muito a minha vida muito mais! Neste livro você aprenderá: 1. O que é ansiedade social e quais são os sintomas. 2. Como é viver com ansiedade social. 3. Passos para se recuperar de um transtorno de ansiedade 4. Maneiras fáceis de construir habilidades que são fundamentais para uma conversa 5. Recursos disponíveis para superar a ansiedade social.

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