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Izzy & Lenore: Two Dogs, An Unexpected Journey, And Me

by Jon Katz

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Jon Katz's Going Home.In his previous books, New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz introduced us to the delightful menagerie at Bedlam Farm, including Izzy, the unforgettable border collie rescue. Now, in Izzy & Lenore, Katz delves deeper into his connection with the beautiful, once-abandoned dog, learning yet again about the unexpected places animals can take us. Affectionate and intuitive, Izzy is unlike any dog Katz has encountered, and the two undertake a journey Katz could not have imagined without the arrival of a new companion: a spirited, bright-eyed black Labrador puppy named Lenore. As trained hospice volunteers visiting homes and nursing facilities in upstate New York, Katz and Izzy bring comfort and canine companionship to people who most need it. An eighty-year-old Alzheimer's patient smiles for the first time in months when she feels Izzy's soft fur. A retired logger joyfully remembers his own beloved dog when he sees Izzy. As Izzy bonds with patients and Katz focuses on their families, the author begins to come to terms with his own life, discovering dark realities he has never confronted. Meanwhile, Lenore-quickly dubbed the Hound of Love-arrives at Bedlam. Her genial personality and boundless capacity for affection steer Katz out of the shadows, rekindle his love of working with dogs, and restore his connection to the farm and the animals and people around him. Humorous and deeply moving, Izzy & Lenore is a story of a man confronting his past, embracing the blessings of his current life, and rediscovering the meaning of friendship, family, and faith. Katz shares an uplifting tale of love, compassion, and the rich and complex relationships between dogs and their humans.

Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams

by Jack Canfield D. D. Watkins

Long before he was the cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield was a master motivator, teacher, and a self-esteem trainer. In his latest book, Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction, the man known internationally as America's Success Coach helps readers apply the principles of the famed Law of Attraction to their lives.Canfield covers all areas of life -- from career and creative pursuits to health, financial prosperity and winning relationships -- and guides readers to understand how the Law of Attraction works in their lives through reprogram-minded, interactive prescription. In addition Canfield discusses: · How not to let life 'happen' to you, but to be a pro-active agent in your destiny · Orchestrating positive changes to make yourself a magnet to the Law of Attraction · Connecting your bundle of intelligent energy for optimum, life-changing results.and much more

The Jacobs Foundation Series on Adolescence: Self-Regulation in Adolescence

by Oettingen, Gabriele and Gollwitzer, Peter M. Gabriele Oettingen Peter M. Gollwitzer

During the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents face a unique set of challenges that accompany increased independence and responsibility. This volume combines cutting-edge research in the field of adolescence and the field of motivation and self-regulation to shed new light on these challenges and the self-regulation tools that could most effectively address them. Leading scholars discuss general principles of the adolescent period across a wide variety of areas, including interpersonal relationships, health and achievement. Their interdisciplinary approach covers perspectives from history, anthropology and primatology, as well as numerous subdisciplines of psychology - developmental, educational, social, clinical, motivational, cognitive and neuropsychological. Self-Regulation in Adolescence stresses practical applications, making it a valuable resource not only for scholars, but also for adolescents and their family members, teachers, social workers and health professionals who seek to support them. It presents useful strategies that adolescents can adopt themselves and raises important questions for future research.

Jagat Karta Kaun?: जगत कर्ता कौन?

by Dada Bhagwan

अनादी कल से जगत की वास्तविकता जानने की मनुष्य की लालसा है मगर वह सही जान नहीं पाया है| मुख्यत: वास्तविकता में मैं कौन हूँ, इस जगत को चलाने वाला कौन है तथा इस जगत का रचयिता कौन है, यह जानना है| प्रस्तुत संकलन में सच्चा कर्ता कौन है, यह रहस्य खुल्ला किया गया है| आमतौर पर अच्छा हुआ तो ‘मैंने किया” मान लेता है और बुरा हुआ तो दूसरे पर आक्षेप देता है कि ‘इसने बिगाड़ दिया|’ नहीं तो ‘मेरी ग्रह दशा बिगड़ गयी है’बोलेगा या तो ‘भगवान् ने किया’ ऐसा भी आक्षेप दे देता है| यह सब रोंग मान्यताएं हैं| भगवांन क्या पक्षपात करने वाला है कि आपका नुकसान करे? यह दुनिया किसने बनाई? अगर बनाने वाला होता तो उसको किसने बनाया? फिर उसको भी किसने बनाया? याने उसका अंत ही नहीं है| और दूसरा यह भी प्रश्न पैदा होता है कि दुनिया उसको बनानी ही थी, तो फिर ऐसी कैसी दुनिया बनाई कि जिसमे सभी दुखी हैं? किसी को भी सुख नहीं है? उसकी मज़ा और अपनी सजा, यह कैसा न्याय?! इस काल में करता सम्बन्धी का सिद्धांत पहली बार विश्व को यथार्थ स्वरुप में परम पूज्य दादा भगवान् ने दिया है और वह यह है कि इस दुनिया में कोई स्वतंत्र कर्ता नहीं है| इस दुनिया को रचने वाला या चलाने वाला कोई भी नहीं है| यह जगत चलता है, वह साइंटिफिक सरकमस्टेन्शियल एविडेंस से चलता है| जिसको परम पूज्य दादाश्री ‘व्यवस्थित शक्ति’ कहते हैं| जगत में कोई भी स्वतंत्र करता नहीं है, मगर, सब नैमितिक कर्ता हैं, सभी निमित हैं| गीता में भी भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को कहा था कि, "हे! अर्जुन! तू इस युद्ध में निमित मात्र है, तू युद्ध का कर्ता नहीं है| प्रस्तुत पुस्तिका में करता का रहस्य परम पूज्य दादाश्री की सादी, सरल भाषा में दिल में उतर जाए, इस तरह से समझाया गया है|

Jagat Karta Kaun?: जगत कर्ता कोण?

by Dada Bhagwan

अनादि काळापासून जगाची वास्तविकता जाणण्यासाठी मनुष्य प्रयत्नशील आहे. परंतु तो खरे काय ते जाणू शकलेला नाही. मुख्यतः वास्तविकतेत, ‘मी कोण आहे ? या जगाला चालविणारा कोण आहे? तसेच जगाचा रचनाकार कोण आहे ?’ हे जाणून घ्यायला हवे. प्रस्तुत संकलनात खरा कर्ता कोण आहे, हे रहस्य उघड केले आहे. सामान्यतः काही चांगले झाले तर ‘मी केले’ असे तो मानतो आणि वाईट झाले तर दुसऱ्यावर आक्षेप घेतो की ‘त्याने बिघडविले.’ नाही तर ‘माझी ग्रहदशा बिघडली आहे’ असे बोलतो, किंवा ‘देवाने केले’ असा आरोप पण करतो. या सर्व राँग बिलीफस् (चुकीच्या मान्यता) आहेत. देव काय असा पक्षपात करणारा आहे का, की तो आपले नुकसान करील ? हे जग कोणी बनविले ? जर कोणी बनविणारा असेल तर मग त्याला कोणी बनविले? मग त्या बनविणाऱ्याला कोणी बनविले ? म्हणजे या गोष्टीचा अंतच नाही. आणि दुसरा असाही प्रश्न पडतो की, जर त्याला जग बनवायचेच होते तर त्याने असे जग का बनविले की ज्यात सर्व दुःखीच आहेत ? कोणीच सुखी नाही ? म्हणजे त्याची मौज आणि आमची शिक्षा, हा कसला न्याय? या काळात कर्त्या संबंधीचा सिद्धांत पहिल्यांदाच विश्वाला यथार्थपणे परम पूज्य दादा भगवानांनी दिला आहे, आणि तो असा आहे की जगात कोणीही स्वतंत्र कर्ता नाही. या जगाला रचणारा किंवा चालविणारा कोणीही नाही. हे जग सायंटिफिक सरकमस्टेन्शियल एविडन्सने चालत आहे. ज्याला परम पूज्य दादाश्री ‘व्यवस्थित शक्ती’ असे म्हणतात. जगात कोणीही स्वतंत्र कर्ता नाही, परंतु सगळे नैमित्तिक कर्ता आहेत, सगळे निमित्त आहेत. गीतेत पण श्रीकृष्णाने अर्जुनाला सांगितले होते, हे अर्जुना! तू युद्धात निमित्तमात्र आहेस, तू युद्धाचा कर्ता नाहीस. प्रस्तुत पुस्तिकेत कर्ता कोण, याचे रहस्य परम पूज्य दादाश्रींनी साध्या सरळ भाषेत, हृदयात उतरेल अशा प्रकारे समजावून सांगितले आहे.

Jaguar Woman

by Lynn Andrews

Lynn V. Andrews takes the reader with her as she goes on inward journeys with the help of the Sisterhood of the Shields, and relates the stories of others. Join her as she is initiated into the Sisterhood and creates her own shield, which will show her the nature of her spiritual path (Spirit Woman). Follow her to the Yucatan, where the medicine wheel leads her, and she is faced with the terrifying reality of the butterfly tree (Jaguar Woman). Enter the Dreamtime with her, where she emerges in medieval England as Catherine, and encounters the Grandmother, who offers to show Andrews how to make her life one of goodness, power, adventure, and love (The Woman of Wyrrd). Not all these stories describe the author's own spiritual experiences. Meet Sin Coraz-n, an initiate into the Sisterhood, whose husband abandons her. She nearly succumbs to her inner dark power and unleashes her rage on men and the Sisterhood (Dark Sister). Andrews also writes about the elder women of the Sisterhood: their loves, their lives, their losses (Tree of Dreams). Andrews shows us how to channel our own spiritual and intellectual energy and balance the need for love with the desire for power (Love and Power). She takes the reader on numerous spiritual journeys that inevitably uplift.

Jamás moriremos

by Deepak Chopra

"En Jamás moriremos el Dr. Chopra nos ofrece el beneficio de su singular experiencia en la vida, desde la práctica de la medicina en la sala de urgencias hasta sus aventuras en la metafísica oriental. Este libro es inspirador, reconfortante y bien informado. Presenta información convincente sobre la supervivencia a la muerte corporal, mientas nos muestra el sendero hacia la alegría y la vastedad, y el descubrimiento de quienes somos en realidad, que es mucho más que sólo un cuerpo físico." -RUSSELL TARG, médico y autor de The End of Suffering. "Chopra ilumina de manera brillante una maravillosa variedad de experiencias extraordinarias, documentadas por científicos e ingenieros, y teje con ellos un tapiz que incluye diferentes tradiciones religiosas al agruparlas, compararlas y analizarlas. Este empirismo radical se inscribe en la tradición de William James y tiene un éxito hermoso, como el de James, al arrojar la 'carga de la prueba' a los materialistas reduccionistas, a quienes por varias décadas, mientras afirmaban hablar en nombre de la ciencia, se les ha permitido ignorar la base misma de la ciencia: los hechos. Chopra compara a continuación esas experiencias e información con algunas de las metáforas con las que nosotros, en el mundo de la ciencia, nos divertimos e impresionamos a las masas. Deepak ha dejado caer el mallete y ha exigido que los materialistas reduccionistas asuman la carga de la prueba. Yo puedo predecir con confianza que lo más que harán es tratar de ignorarlo." -RUSTUM ROY, profesor de la Universidad Estatal de Pensilvania, Universidad Estatal de Arizona y Universidad de Arizona; elegido como miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias o de Ingeniería de los Estados Unidos, Suecia, Japón, Rusia e India. "Con sabiduría profunda y claridad, Deepak Chopra revela una impresionante perspectiva caleidoscópica sobre las posibilidades infinitas en el campo de Akasha. Uno puede identifi carse fácilmente con la experiencia personal en el ciclo de la vida cotidiana, cristalizada en forma de historias. Cada cultura, religión e individuo puede acceder al sendero espiritual de su elección en esta obra notable donde 'el amor, la verdad, la compasión, el nacimiento y la muerte son iguales' y la eternidad es AHORA." -HERMANA JUDIAN BREITENBACH, R. N., Orden católica de las siervas pobres de Jesucristo, Centro Namaste para la Educación Holística, La Porte, Indianápolis. "Una exploración asombrosa y convincente acerca de lo que es nuestra próxima vida. Deepak Chopra nos lleva del dogma religioso a la verdad espiritual. Jamás moriremos nos permite darnos cuenta de que todos pertenecemos a una fe y somos participantes integrales de un plan divino. Nos transladamos de manera colectiva en nuestra conciencia hacia el esplendor espiritual en esta vida y en el más allá. Las preguntas exteriores encuentran respuesta y las convicciones interiores encuentran su confirmación en este gran libro, del que estoy muy agradecido." -TOM ZENDER, presidente del Consejo para el Liderazgo en Unidad; miembro

James: Tired, Tested, Torn, and Full of Faith (InScribed Collection)

by Micah Maddox

Live full of faith through hard timesDo you ever feel like you can&’t take one more thing? You&’re on the edge. Your nerves are shot. Your mind is done. Your body is tired, and your emotions are a mess. If you could gather yourself for even a moment you might explode at the reality of all you&’ve been through. In the face of the fears, frustrations, and failures of this world, we have a choice. We can sit and stare at the life we live and hope something changes. Or we can rise up and walk in faith.In this Bible study, author and speaker Micah Maddox walks you through the book of James and compares the teaching of James with what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew and the wisdom of Solomon we find in Proverbs. When we discover the themes of what a faith-filled life looked like before, during, and after the time of Christ, we see how Scripture points us to honor God in an active life of faith.This five-week study will help you to:Revisit the foundation of your faithLook to God first in hard situationsDiscover faith isn&’t a list of do&’s and don&’tsMove from a place of struggle to a place of comfortGain a fresh perspective on how to live full of faith when feeling tired and testedIncludes historical and biblical background insight and questions for reflection.InScribed is a collection of studies that lead women to not just survive but thrive by encouraging them to immerse themselves in the Word of God.

The Jan de Vries Guide to Health and Vitality

by Jan de Vries

This helpful and informative new publication by world-renowned alternative health guru Jan de Vries is a straightforward and constructive guide to maintaining good health by natural means. Packed full of useful tips and revealing new case studies, the book covers a wide range of issues and offers advice on how to: keep fit and healthy; give up common addictions such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and sugar; prevent allergies; enjoy exercise and maintain a healthy digestive system. Jan de Vries also suggests natural ways to cultivate healthy skin, hair and nails, relieve stress and boost the immune system. He also provides some important new information on dealing with Alzheimer's disease. Added to these tips, there is further advice on how to standardise sleeping patterns, ways to achieve optimum sexuality and fertility, and the best means of obtaining an overall sense of health, happiness and vitality in the long term.

A Jane Austen Devotional

by Thomas Nelson

A beautiful devotional, brimming with the wit and wisdom of Jane Austen and the timeless truths of Scripture. The works of Jane Austen can transport a reader to a world that exudes beauty, peace, wisdom, wit, and love. Captivating audiences for 200 years, the works of Jane Austen continue to capture today’s readers in droves.This daily devotional includes short excerpts from the Austen classics, and a devotional thought and Scripture that meaningfully translates to women’s daily lives. Offering temporary transport to a simple and peaceful place, women will love taking a moment to revel in the beauty and truth of a Scripture paired with excerpts from Northanger Abbey, Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Persuasion, Mansfield Park,and Emma.

The Jane Austen Rules

by Sinead Murphy

What Would Jane Do?What's a strong, independent-minded woman supposed to do in a world of insipid dating guides? Sinéad Murphy responds by asking: Who has more time-tested secrets than Jane Austen, whose novels continue to captivate us almost two hundred years later?Whether you can recite paragraphs from Pride and Prejudice or just admired Colin Firth in his wet shirt, the romance of Jane Austen's world is one you'll never forget. Does love like that even exist today? Yes, it does . . .If you look closely at the women of Jane Austen's books, as the witty scholar Sinéad Murphy has, you'll discover Austen's countless tips for finding the right leading man, navigating the ups and downs of courtship, and building a happy, independent life for yourself.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Jane Austen's Guide to Thrift

by Susan Jones Kathleen Anderson

Embrace your inner Jane and find a new way of life in thrift! Jane Austen knew that wealth and grandeur had little to do with happiness, and that fashionable new dresses and reticules to impress Mr. Darcy simply were not the path to fulfillment--especially when one accrues debt in the process. It's as true today as it was then . . . Whether you have a fortune or not, you're well advised to make the most of your income--and save for your future. Now, using the timeless wisdom and example of Jane Austen's memorable heroines, this book offers everything the modern lady needs to know about: *Clever investing *Keeping up appearances on a budget *Giving and receiving graciously *Finding treasures at flea markets and church rummage sales *Planning a party that only looks extravagant *And more Jane Austen's Guide to Thrift shows how to make your circumstances significantly less reduced, and how to live a life of elegent economy and joyful generosity--whether you've as much as Emma Woodhouse or as little as Miss Bates.

Jane Fonda: In Her Own Words (In Their Own Words)

by Amanda Gibson and Kelsey Dame

Get inside the head of Jane Fonda: actress, political activist, environmentalist, philanthropist, and creator of an unlikely fitness empire that captivated the country beginning in the 1980s. This collection of quotes has been curated from Jane Fonda’s numerous public statements—interviews, books, social media posts, television appearances, and more. It’s a comprehensive picture of her legacy and her impact on American popular culture. Fonda began her career in the public eye as a model before taking up acting and bursting onto the scene as a stage actress in New York in the 1950s. She transitioned to film work in the 60s and skyrocketed to global prominence through her performance as the title character in Barbarella (1968). While she continued to headline in major motion pictures through the 70s and into the 80s, she became just as well known for the political activism she pursued in the late 60s and early 70s, most notably in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam era. In an effort to fund some of her activist efforts, she launched a second career in fitness. Fonda built a multi-million dollar aerobics exercise empire, starting with the release of Jane Fonda’s Workout Book (1981), which was a national bestseller, and quickly followed by her popular exercise video, Jane Fonda’s Workout, which was the top-selling VHS tape for a number of years. She went on to film more than 20 other workout videos, which collectively sold more than 17 million copies worldwide. She took a brief hiatus from acting throughout the 90s, during which time she founded several philanthropic organizations, including the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power and Potential, the Fonda Family Foundation, and the Jane Fonda Foundation. Her foundations make charitable donations to a number of causes including reproductive services, education, human services, and the environment. Fonda eventually returned to acting in the early 2000s, capturing a new generation of fans through her work in film and on popular television series including The Newsroom and the contemporary Netflix hit series Grace and Frankie. She has continued to do activist work, particularly in opposing the Iraq War and supporting environmental causes. Now, for the first time, you can find Jane Fonda’s most inspirational, thought-provoking quotes in one place.

Jane's Jam: Inspiration to Create Your Super Awesome Life

by Jane Enright

“Enright’s upbeat energy comes through on every page of this book and strikes a tone that many readers will find inspiring and encouraging, particularly if they’re experiencing tough times.” —Kirkus ReviewsA 2023 Eric Hoffer Grand Prize finalist, Jane's Jam leads readers through a fresh, thought-provoking playbook approach to creating new beginnings after seeming endings—finding good during and after handling unexpected change. Packed with timely, uplifting, practical strategies for overcoming obstacles in our lives and increasing outside-in thinking, mindfulness, and gratitude, Jane's Jam can help you develop a healthy mindset, respond more positively to and thrive during unwanted change, and inspire choices that create joy, happiness, and the super awesome life you deserve!

The Janitor:How an Unexpected Friendship Transformed a CEO and His Company

by Ray Hilbert Todd Hopkins

Do you ever find yourself losing sight of the important things in life-work and stress can become overwhelming at times. Such is the situation where CEO Roger Kimbrough finds himself in this business parable. The Janitor was inspired by Todd Hopkins's personal experiences of interviewing overqualified retired businessmen for evening shift janitorial positions. Todd's applicants consistently would say they simply needed something to do. In this fable, janitor Bob Tidwell helps Roger to reevaluate how he is leading his business and his life. Bob's counsel is based upon six principles that Todd and coauthor Ray Hilbert discovered have the most impact on succeeding in business while holding together a personal life. Their insightful advice is delivered in a real-to-life story that inspires you to find greater fulfillment in your life. Like so many CEOs in the corner office, still working when the janitor arrives to do the nightly cleaning, Roger is having a difficult and stressful evening when he spills his guts to the older janitor. As their relationship develops, Bob, a retired businessman, promises help that will turn Roger's business and personal life around. The story follows not only their weekly meetings at the office but also the application of each principle: Recharge vs. Discharge View Family as a Blessing, Not a Responsibility Pray, Don't Pout Pass It Around Don't Spend, Invest! Leave a Legacy The Janitor's message will capture your mind and heart; stimulate meaningful, lasting life-changes; and show you how to influence your family, neighbors, and coworkers while experiencing business and life to the fullest. "Take a few minutes and devour this little book by Todd Hopkins and Ray Hilbert. It's going to be a motivational classic, and you'll be in on the first wave of inspired readers." - Pat Williams, Senior Vice President, Orlando Magic; and Author, The Warrior Within

The January Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)

by Noel Streatfeild

A treasury of inspiration for every January baby...Find out why you might give your January baby a name to do with wolves, what is meant by a gift of snowdrops wrapped in moss, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Richard II, A. A. Milne, or Mozart?Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.

The Japanese Art of Living Seasonally: An invitation to celebrate every day

by Natalie Leon

Written by Japanologist Natalie Leon, this beautiful guide unlocks the secrets of Japan's seasonal culture to help you relish the seasons wherever you are.Relish every day with the secrets of Japan&’s seasonal cultureIn traditional Japanese culture, people eat, sleep and wear the seasons, from kimono motifs to petal-shaped sweets, and festivals dedicated to nature&’s spectacular displays. This mindful celebration of nature leads to a deep awareness of the seasons, called kisetsukan.This book reveals the hidden depths of kisetsukan, and how its concepts can transform your life. Discover: Shun, eating what is fresh and bountiful. Preserve edible flowers to use in homemade sweets, or taste the spring with &“seven herb&” porridge.Mottainai, zero-waste living. Learn about boro boro, visible mending that honours the history of a cherished garment, or wrap gifts in sustainable, seasonal fabrics.Kadō, the Way of Flowers. Learn the rules of ikebana and arrange flowers according to the seasons, or throw a cherry blossom-viewing party.Momijigari, the ritual of leaf hunting. Explore local nature with &“forest bathing&”, or learn simple ways to bring the outside inside. This treasure trove of folktales, recipes and activities is an invitation to celebrate each day, for increased creativity, harmony and happiness.

The Japanese Guide to Healthy Drinking: Advice from a Saké-loving Doctor on How Alcohol Can Be Good for You

by Kaori Haishi Dr Shinichi Asabe

'People in Japan take their drink seriously. But alcohol is seriously bad for you. This book will tell you how to hold your drink - without dying from the consequences'HENRY GEE, Senior Editor, Nature, and author of The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution'Drinking can be one of life's great pleasures, but it can also be very harmful and dangerous. Here is a sensible, science-driven, and thought-provoking look at both the pluses and minuses of alcohol as well as tips on how to hopefully enjoy your favourite tipple in a safer way. Kanpai!'BRIAN ASHCRAFT, author of The Japanese Saké Bible and Japanese Whisky 'A refreshingly honest look at booze and how to get the best out of it. I can definitely drink to that.'HELEN McGINN, author of The Knackered Mother's Wine ClubALCOHOL CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU!In this uniquely Japanese mix of quirky fun and hard science, alcohol is revealed not as a poison, but as the best of all medicines . . . up to a point. If we drink healthily, drinkers need never give up what we love. Kaori Haishi is a journalist and the director of the Japan Saké Association; Dr Shinichi Asabe is a liver specialist who likes a drink. Kaori Haishi interviewed a line-up of twenty-five booze-loving physicians, including Japan's leading expert on throwing up, a sleep specialist on how nightcaps can cause depression and a professor on how drinking too much beer can prevent the secretion of testosterone. Now, with Dr Asabe's expert medical help, she has written this book. Universally relevant information about the effects of wines, beers and spirits on the human body is delivered with clarity and precision, backed up by plentiful footnotes citing the latest academic research. The unfailingly amusing Haishi has particularly empathetic advice for women, including the merits of saké as a miracle skin-care product. The book explores all sorts of issues, such as:Bitter Medicine - how beer can help to prevent dementia.Shakes on a Plane - is in-flight drinking dangerous?Mellow Yellow - checking the colour of your pee.Snack Attacks - secrets for avoiding weight gain.And that perennial mystery . . . how do the French get away with it?

The Japanese Guide to Healthy Drinking: Advice from a Saké-loving Doctor on How Alcohol Can Be Good for You

by Kaori Haishi Shinichi Dr Shinichi Asabe Shinichi Asabe

'People in Japan take their drink seriously. But alcohol is seriously bad for you. This book will tell you how to hold your drink - without dying from the consequences'HENRY GEE, Senior Editor, Nature, and author of The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution'Drinking can be one of life's great pleasures, but it can also be very harmful and dangerous. Here is a sensible, science-driven, and thought-provoking look at both the pluses and minuses of alcohol as well as tips on how to hopefully enjoy your favourite tipple in a safer way. Kanpai!'BRIAN ASHCRAFT, author of The Japanese Saké Bible and Japanese Whisky'A refreshingly honest look at booze and how to get the best out of it. I can definitely drink to that.'HELEN McGINN, author of The Knackered Mother's Wine ClubALCOHOL CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU!In this uniquely Japanese mix of quirky fun and hard science, alcohol is revealed not as a poison, but as the best of all medicines . . . up to a point. If we drink healthily, drinkers need never give up what we love. Kaori Haishi is a journalist and the director of the Japan Saké Association; Dr Shinichi Asabe is a liver specialist who likes a drink. Kaori Haishi interviewed a line-up of twenty-five booze-loving physicians, including Japan's leading expert on throwing up, a sleep specialist on how nightcaps can cause depression and a professor on how drinking too much beer can prevent the secretion of testosterone. Now, with Dr Asabe's expert medical help, she has written this book. Universally relevant information about the effects of wines, beers and spirits on the human body is delivered with clarity and precision, backed up by plentiful footnotes citing the latest academic research. The unfailingly amusing Haishi has particularly empathetic advice for women, including the merits of saké as a miracle skin-care product. The book explores all sorts of issues, such as:Bitter Medicine - how beer can help to prevent dementia.Shakes on a Plane - is in-flight drinking dangerous?Mellow Yellow - checking the colour of your pee.Snack Attacks - secrets for avoiding weight gain.And that perennial mystery . . . how do the French get away with it?

Japanese Secrets to Beautiful Skin & Weight Control

by Lucille Craft Grace Maeda

This book is written just for you. It is based on the simple and natural principle that diet and bathing are the most important factors in creatinghealthy, beautiful skin and a general feeling of well-being. And once your skin glows and you feel full of energy and enthusiasm, you are well on the way to realizing your complete beauty potential. How would you rate your physical condition and appearance? Are you satisfied with the way you are, or would you say there is room for improvement? Do you feel frustrated because it is difficult to find the time-much less the e n e r g y - t o give attention to health and beauty maintenance? In today's fast-paced world, time for personal care and relaxation is often forgotten, yet the price of neglect is too high to pay. Your eating habits, beauty routines, and techniques for managing stress allneed to be as simple, streamlined, and effective as possible. To meet this need, the Maeda Program combines the best of Western medical knowledge with tried-and-true Japanese methods to create an easy-to-follow routine ideal for today's busy woman.

A Japanese View of Nature: The World of Living Things by Kinji Imanishi (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)

by Kinji Imanishi

Although Seibutsu no Sekai (The World of Living Things), the seminal 1941 work of Kinji Imanishi, had an enormous impact in Japan, both on scholars and on the general public, very little is known about it in the English-speaking world. This book makes the complete text available in English for the first time and provides an extensive introduction and notes to set the work in context. Imanishi's work, based on a very wide knowledge of science and the natural world, puts forward a distinctive view of nature and how it should be studied. Imanishi's work is particularly important as a background to ecology, primatology and human social evolution theory in Japan. Imanishi's views on these subjects are extremely interesting because he formulated an approach to viewing nature which challenged the usual international ideas of the time, and which foreshadow approaches that have currency today.

Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen

by Naomi Moriyama William Doyle

Over the past 40 years, millions of people have participated in the most massive de facto longevity and anti-obesity experiment of all time. They have discovered how to conquer obesity and live longer than everyone else on earth. And now, for the first time ever, they are about to share their secrets with you. JAPANESE WOMEN DON'T GET OLD is based on a fascinating health trend: as the US, the UK and Europe suffer an obesity epidemic that is injuring millions of people, the Japanese people are enjoying the greatest health and longevity in the world - and the lowest obesity rates of any industrialised nation. This is the first book to reveal the secrets of Japanese home cooking and the diet and lifestyle secrets of the Land of Immortal Women: Japan. It is written by Japanese expert Naomi Moriyama, who was born and raised in Tokyo. The book is poised to capitalise on the Western world's concern over obesity and health and fitness, as well as its growing interest in Japanese pop culture and Japanese food.

Japaneseness: A Guide to Values and Virtues

by Yoji Yamakuse

This book looks at the core life concepts and shared values that historically and culturally define the quality of "being Japanese. " Among these are reverence, love of nature, group loyalty, hierarchical respect, passion for detail, belief in learning, formality, and acceptance of change. How can Western analogues of these Japanese virtues help us improve our own societies and cultivate inner strength, mindfulness, and long-lasting relationships at home and the workplace? This stimulating exploration of an alternative ethics and humanism is a provocative workbook for "decluttering the spirit. " Yoji Yamakuse is a Tokyo-based consultant on personnel management, staff training, and development of joint projects in cross-cultural environments.

Je Ghadle Toch Nyay: जे घडले तोच न्याय

by Dada Bhagwan

निसर्गाच्या न्यायाला जर तुम्ही ह्या प्रकारे समजलात की “जे घडले तोच न्याय” तर तुम्ही ह्या संसारातून मुक्त होऊन जाल. लोक जीवनात न्याय आणि मुक्ती एकत्र शोधतात. ही पूर्ण विरोधाभासाची स्थिती आहे. हे दोन्ही तुम्हाला एकत्र मिळूच शकत नाहीत. प्रश्नांचा अंत आल्यावरच मुक्तीची सुरुवात होते. "अक्रम विज्ञानात" सर्व प्रश्नांचा अंत येतो, म्हणून हा खूपच सरळ मार्ग आहे. दादाश्रींचा हा मौल्यवान शोध आहे की निसर्ग कधीही अन्यायी झालेला नाही. जग हे न्यायस्वरूपच आहे. जे घडले तो न्यायच आहे. निसर्ग काही व्यक्ती किंवा देव नाही की ज्याच्यावर कोणाची सत्ता चालू शकेल. निसर्ग म्हणजे "साइंटिफिक सर्कम्स्टॅन्शियल एव्हिडेन्स”. कितीतरी संयोग (योगायोग) एकत्र आले की मग कार्य होते. दादाश्रींच्या ह्या संकलनात "जे घडले तोच न्याय" चे विज्ञान प्रस्तुत केले आहे. ह्या सूत्राचा जीवनात जेवढा उपयोग होईल, तेवढीच शांती वाढेल.

Je suis arrivé! Bon, Presque!: 101 Découvertes et Révélations Rencontrées Sur la Voie Sacrée de Qui Sait Quoi

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

La voie vers une vie éveillée n’est pas tracée directement en face de nous. Ça n’apparaît pas miraculeusement par magie du jour au lendemain, ou après une réalisation spirituelle unique. La voie du Dr. Rosie Kuhn, psychologue et coach transformationnel n’est pas différente. Sa voie avait commencé à travers un engagement pour explorer la frontière extérieure de l’épanouissement et c’est devenu qui sait quoi. Alors que Dr. Rosie avançait vers l’éveil, plusieurs découvertes et révélations ont jalonné son parcours. Grâce à une conviction profonde, de l’entrainement et la pratique, elle est capable de s’aligner avec sa vérité supérieure. A travers le récit de son propre vécu, Dr. Rosie enseigne les mécanismes de l’exercice et propose l’expérimentation de la saveur de la foi permettant ainsi à l’extraordinaire de se produire, aussi bien pour elle que pour vous.

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