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La magia de ser tú mismo: El despertar de tu propia conciencia (Authentic Living Series #Volumen)

by Osho

Las enseñanzas de Osho para seguir en nuestro camino de despertar y encontrarnos a nosotros mismos. Nadie puede decirnos quiénes somos realmente, pero todos buscamos una definición de nosotros mismos que venga de fuera. La magia de ser tú mismo es la respuesta que hallamos cuando empezamos a buscarnos y no encontramos objetividad, sino subjetividad# y este descubrimiento es como una bendición, como un éxtasis, que permite que dejemos de buscar el camino hacia el paraíso «allí fuera». Parte de nuestra experiencia cotidiana está moldeada por la religión y los condicionantes sociales y ni siquiera somos conscientes de ello. Osho nos explica que constantemente estamos siendo pulidos de la única naturaleza con la que cada uno de nosotros ha nacido. Esta única y original naturaleza es reemplazada por nuestro falso yo, el «ego», que toma las riendas y el control de nuestra creatividad, lo que significa para nosotros tener éxito, nuestras relaciones personales y la experiencia personal de quien somos. Al mismo tiempo la colección de «egos» conocida como sociedad da forma a nuestras instituciones políticas, educativas y religiosas, que siguen transmitiendo los mismos patrones a las nuevas generaciones de seres humanos inocentes. La vigilancia, la conciencia y la alerta nos ayudaran en este extraordinario y valiente viaje hacia nosotros mismos.

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! ¡Recupera tu vida y aprovecha mejor los espacios de tu casa! Transforma tu hogar en un espacio armónico y libre de desorden con el increíble Método KonMari. La autora, Marie Kondo, ha vendido más de 3 millones de copias de sus libros, que han sido traducidos a más de 30 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países. En 2015 fue nombrada por la revista Time como una de las 100 personas más influyentes del año. La magia del orden ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Marie Kondo, con su método inspirador, te ayudará a poner en orden tu casa de una vez por todas. Paso a paso te guiará para que en tu casa sólo tengas las cosas esencialesy tu vida mejore; increíblemente te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y con energía para crear lo que sea. A partir de este momento sólo tendrás que elegir qué conservar y qué desechar. Algunos de los consejos del método KonMari: - Ordena por categoría, no por localización. - No guardes nada en tu armario que no te dé alegría. - Lo que no necesitas tú, tampoco lo necesita nadie de tu familia. - Despídete de cada pieza que tires con gratitud por su servicio dado. - Ordena bien una vez y siempre permanecerá ordenado. - Las maratones de orden tienen efecto rebote. Créate un hábito diario. - Empieza por las cosas más fáciles. - Aprende a doblar bien la ropa y ahorrarás espacio. - No compres más cajas ni materiales de almacenaje pequeño. No lo necesitas La crítica ha opinado: "Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cinco años" The Times "Marie Kondo es una mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros" The Sunday Times

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa... y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! Marie Kondo, la experta en orden japonesa, te ayudará a acomodar tus espacios de una vez por todas con su sencillo método KonMari. La clave para mantener el orden exitosamente está en acomodar los objetos de tu casa, habitación, apartamento, estudio u oficina en forma correcta, manteniendo solo lo que realmente amas y limpiándolo todo a la vez.Este método increíblemente fácil no solo transformará tu espacio, también te cambiará a ti. Te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y motivado para crear la vida que quieres. ** La magia del orden ha sido traducida a cuarenta idiomas ha vendido más de 12.000.000 de ejemplares todo el mundo. ** Se ha traducido a más de 24 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países.** Ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Reseñas:«Nunca poner a punto tu casa tuvo tanto que aportarte [...] No tardarás en descubrir que has vivido años rodeada de cosas que no necesitas».Cosmopolitan «Un método de organización con el que no solo transformarás un espacio sino que, también, te cambiará a ti».El Mundo «Si buscas soluciones para ordenar tu casa, aquí tienes el manual perfecto».ELLE«Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cincos años».The Times «Marie Kondo es una sola mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros».The Sunday Times «¿El desorden preside tu vida? Sigue las reglas del método Marie Kondo, la reina del orden, y sé feliz» En los blogs...«Sin duda es un libro que se lee en un momento, que engancha porque cuenta con ejemplos que ha vivido Marie Kondo con clientes... Es un libro que te ayuda a darte cuenta de que es mejor tener poco que te guste y te haga feliz, que mucho que no uses. Fíjate en tu ropa, estoy segura que aunque tengas el armario lleno, siempre terminas vistiendo igual. Un libro cuyo enfoque me ha gustado, aunque hay que adaptarlo a cada persona».Blog Historias contadas

La magia del orden: Herramientas para ordenar tu casa... y tu vida (La magia del orden #Volumen 1)

by Marie Kondo

Transforma tu hogar en un espacio limpio y ordenado de manera permanente, ¡y sorpréndete de cómo cambia tu vida! Marie Kondo, la experta en orden japonesa, te ayudará a acomodar tus espacios de una vez por todas con su sencillo método KonMari. La clave para mantener el orden exitosamente está en acomodar los objetos de tu casa, habitación, apartamento, estudio u oficina en forma correcta, manteniendo solo lo que realmente amas y limpiándolo todo a la vez.Este método increíblemente fácil no solo transformará tu espacio, también te cambiará a ti. Te sentirás más seguro, exitoso y motivado para crear la vida que quieres. ** La magia del orden ha sido traducida a cuarenta idiomas ha vendido más de 12.000.000 de ejemplares todo el mundo. ** Se ha traducido a más de 24 lenguas y publicado en más de 30 países.** Ha conquistado el número 1 en la lista de más vendidos de The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Publishers Weekly y The Wall Street Journal, entre otras publicaciones. Reseñas:«Nunca poner a punto tu casa tuvo tanto que aportarte [...] No tardarás en descubrir que has vivido años rodeada de cosas que no necesitas».Cosmopolitan «Un método de organización con el que no solo transformarás un espacio sino que, también, te cambiará a ti».El Mundo «Si buscas soluciones para ordenar tu casa, aquí tienes el manual perfecto».ELLE«Marie Kondo se define como una gurú del orden, una princesa guerrera que lucha contra el caos. Algo que lleva haciendo desde los cincos años».The Times «Marie Kondo es una sola mujer con una única misión: limpiar el mundo habitación por habitación. Sus libros se han convertido en un fenómeno de ventas en Japón, su país natal. Su método es una actitud ante la vida, una filosofía del orden. Kondo sostiene que son muchos los efectos positivos que podemos tener en nuestras vidas gracias al orden: suerte, amor y éxito, entre otros».The Sunday Times «¿El desorden preside tu vida? Sigue las reglas del método Marie Kondo, la reina del orden, y sé feliz» En los blogs...«Sin duda es un libro que se lee en un momento, que engancha porque cuenta con ejemplos que ha vivido Marie Kondo con clientes... Es un libro que te ayuda a darte cuenta de que es mejor tener poco que te guste y te haga feliz, que mucho que no uses. Fíjate en tu ropa, estoy segura que aunque tengas el armario lleno, siempre terminas vistiendo igual. Un libro cuyo enfoque me ha gustado, aunque hay que adaptarlo a cada persona».Blog Historias contadas

Magia para ligar (Manuales de Seducción)

by Txema Gicó

El libro con el que podrás empezar a ligar de manera original y divertida diez minutos después de comprarlo. En Magia para ligar encontrarás técnicas, herramientas y prácticas detalladas que te audarán a conocer la teoría profunda de la magia, además de juegos impactantes, técnicamente muy sencillos de hacer y horas de diversión. Seerás capaz de realizar algunos de los trucos más sorprendentes que siempre quisiste aprender a hacer y lo lograrás de una forma rápida y fácil. Pero, sobre todo, conseguirás el éxito total en el verdadero arte de la seducción.

The Magic (The Secret Ser. #3)

by Rhonda Byrne

ONE WORD CHANGES EVERYTHINGFor more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle--once you uncover the mystery--a new world will appear before your eyes. In The Magic, Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, The Magic is going to change your entire life!

The Magic (The\secret Library #3)

by Rhonda Byrne

In The Magica great mystery from a sacred text is revealed, and with this knowledge Rhonda Byrne takes the reader on a life-changing journey for 28 days. Step by step, day-by-day, secret teachings, revelations, and scientific law are brought together to form 28 simple practices that open the reader's eyes to a new world, and lead them to a dream life.

Magic and Witchcraft

by Anonymous

This book of the worthy Church-Counsellor is rather a singular one: it is not a history of Magic, but a sort of spiritual periodical, or magazine of infernal science, supported in a great measure by contributions from persons of a ghostly turn of mind, who, although they affect occasionally to write in a Sadducee vein, are many of them half-believers at heart, and would not walk through a churchyard at night, except for a consideration larger than we should like to pay. The field over which it travels is too extensive, for us to attempt to follow the author throughout his elaborate subdivisions. Dante divided hell, like Germany, into circles; and Mr. Horst, adopting something of a similar arrangement, has parcelled out the territory of the Prince of the Air into sundry regular divisions, by which its whole bearings and distances are made plain enough for the use of infant schools. It is only at one of the provinces of the Inferno, however, that we can at present afford to glance; though for those who are inclined to make the grand tour, the Counsellor may be taken as an intelligent travelling companion, well acquainted with the road. In fact his work is so methodical and distinct, and the geography of the infernal regions so clearly laid down, according to the best authorities, from Jamblichus and Porphyry down to Glanvil and the Abbé Fiard, that the whole district is now about as well known as the course of the Niger; and it must be the traveller’s own fault if he does not find his exit from Avernus as easy as its entrance has proverbially been since the days of Virgil...

Magic Carpet Flying: The Ride of Your Life

by Pamela Ryan

Magic Carpet Flying traces psychologist Pamela Ryan’s journey through her life’s adventures, from the rapture of achievement to the personal anguish of loss. Drawing on childhood lessons in rural Australia and later work in the Australian outback, Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world where she travelled to help others tackle the darkness of mental illness, suicide, and large-scale tragedy arising from terrorist attacks and natural disasters, Ryan reveals how she not only survived trauma but turned her journey into a "magic carpet ride." Exploring what it is to "live truth," to "make ourselves up as we go along," to aim for the stars, and to become the "pilot in command" of our own destiny, Pamela Ryan’s unforgettable journey in Magic Carpet Flying reveals what it means to be fully alive.

The Magic Cup: A Business Parable About a Leader, a Team, and the Power of Putting People and Values First

by Howard Behar Jeffrey Brotman

We all love the fairy tales we grew up on, creating a world in which good always wins over evil, where those whose hearts are true and who do the right thing come out on top. But, grown-up competition for success is rough, even cutthroat, and we've often heard that nice guys finish last. Not according to Howard Behar, whose career as one of the three leaders who built the Starbucks organization most definitely proves that nice guys finish first. In THE MAGIC CUP, Behar spins an engaging corporate tale to teach us exactly how we can do the same thing. The story revolves around Vince Steadfast, the newly named CEO of imaginary manufacturer Verity Glassworks, which has fallen on difficult times. Vince is hired to help the once iconic company return to its glory days, and he brings with him a parting gift from his mentor and former boss: a stunning crystal coffee cup from Verity's halcyon days. The cup turns out to be magic - truly - and helps him come to understand and reinvigorate the values that Verity has misplaced along the way. As Vince and his new team make their way to (and through) many challenges, including the aptly named Worthy Way, Perilous Passage and Arduous Stair, the cup fills with a gold elixir and the universal truths that they learn to embrace - such as Responsibility, Forgiveness and Courage - magically become engraved in the glass. In the tradition of great parable writers throughout history, Behar quickly involves us in an engrossing fantasy, continually challenging us to compare each situation with our own real-life experiences. The story of THE MAGIC CUP helps each of us discover that only by acting on sound moral principles can we fill our own cups with the personal and professional success and satisfaction we seek.

Magic Days: Your Journey Through the Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot of Every Day of the Year

by Nadine Jane

From celebrated astrologer Nadine Jane, a guide to the journey of every day and birthday of the year, revealing how the current astrological season, along with the wisdom of tarot and numerology, can help you lead a happier and more fulfilled lifeFans and celebrities alike flock to Nadine Jane for custom astrological readings that focus on self-understanding, self-empowerment, and self-care. Now, for the first time, readers have access to her insights in this comprehensive guide to the inherent magic of every day of the year, unveiling the daily inspirations, challenges, and guides that will help you take care of yourself every day. For each day of the year, you&’ll discover guidance for the day&’s particular journey based on the astrology, tarot, and numerology, along with a mantra, a ritual, and a journaling prompt, so you can home in on the lessons and wisdom that come from that particular moment in time, whether it's Capricorn or Aries season. You&’ll also find special information if it&’s your birthday, so you can take the day&’s celestial wisdom to heart when it comes to your personal journey, relationships, goals, and dreams. Whether you&’re a novice looking for your first introduction to spiritual practices, a lost soul who could use some direction in life, a jaded expert looking for a bird's-eye view of the topics you know far too well, an empathic people-reader who loves to understand others, or a complete skeptic who considers this &“spiritual nonsense&” while secretly delighting in the inexplicable accuracy of it all, you&’ll find something for every day of your luminous life in Magic Days.

The Magic Diamond: Jung's 8 Paths For Self-Coaching

by Dario Nardi

Who are you really? That is, how do you operate? And what is your best route to up your level in life? A century ago, the famous Swiss psychiatrist Dr. C.G. Jung described eight ways people function. Like right versus left handedness, we develop preferences—our gifts. But what’s next? First, we can nurture our gifts. We can also deal with our shadowy blind-spots and chart a path that continually completes the pattern of who we are. Jung predicted how the brain works: We start largely undifferentiated and grow with biases, then conflicts and crises arise inevitably, and we can retreat from those opportunities or we can choose to reinvent ourselves. What is your choice? Based on the work of C.G. Jung’s 8 Psychological Types, with over thirty pages of quotations and analysis. Starts with a brain-based introduction to 8 cognitive processes. Takes you to the next level, focusing on development. Explores the problem of one-sidedness, “tension of opposites”, and the Transcendent function. For each process, features a 30-page coaching packet based on 14 years of hands-on neuroscience of 350+ people from all walks of life. Presents over 40 case studies and over 200 personalized tips for you to develop keener perception and wiser judgment. Puts personality within a social context. Includes two chapters of activities for teams and coaches. Introduces The Magic Diamond, a powerful new metaphor to chart your path to personal and professional growth. Award-winning instructor and world-renowned personality and neuroscience researcher, Dario Nardi, brings Jung’s incredible work into the 21st century. His other books include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-Leadership, Jung on Yoga, and 16 Personality Types.

The Magic In Your Hands: How to See Auras and Use Them for Diagnosis and Healing

by Brian Snellgrove

In this book Brian Snellgrove will provide you with a method for seeing and tuning into other peoples' auras - their problems, their needs and understanding them, without a requirement for words.The author, who had an international practice in South Africa, Australia, Finland, Ireland and the UK, shares his experience of benign and non-invasive method of analysis.Of use to counsellors, therapists, healers, sensitives - in fact anyone having to do with human nature in all its aspects - this technique is a well-tested and accurate way of determining how clients can be most effectively helped to understand and face their circumstances.

The Magic in Your Mind

by U. S. Andersen

A perennial self-help favorite, updated to speak powerfully to contemporary readers and with a foreword by Eckhart Tolle Before there was The Law of Attraction or The Secret, there was The Magic in Your Mind by U. S. Andersen. Eckhart Tolle recognized the brilliance of this self-empowerment classic and here presents it anew as the latest volume in his imprint. In clear, crisp, invigorating language, Andersen offers a liberating message for anyone seeking to improve and understand their life. He shows how to: • free your “Secret Self” and experience self-mastery • use mental visualization • understand the concept of “mind over matter” • fully employ your power of choice • overcome opposition with tools such as the innate sixth sense Andersen outlines a “mental magic” that makes it possible to attain goals in any field — one made evident by his own many successes in a variety of enterprises. “Here,” he promises, “you will learn the secret way in which your mind is tied to the source of all power; you will learn how you are capable of becoming anything and doing anything you can visualize.” An essential addition to any spirituality/self-help bookshelf or night table, The Magic in Your Mind invites you to experience your innate creative mental power that’s just waiting to be unleashed. “Open randomly to any page, start reading, and you most likely won’t want to put it down. As with all spiritual classics, this will be the case even if you have already read the book several times.” — from the foreword by Eckhart Tolle, bestselling author of The Power of Now

The Magic Ladder to Success

by Napoleon Hill

Leaders are not born, declares self-help guru Napoleon Hill, they are molded by their practice of remarkably similar, simple, and dynamic habits. In this volume he distills the 17 factors that constitute his famous Law of Success philosophy. These key principles define the ethics and actions that empower individuals to assume leadership.

The Magic Ladder to Success

by Napoleon Hill

A primer in success-building, The Magic Ladder to Success is Hill's compact distillation of his lifetime of learning. The Magic Ladder to Success is the volume in which Napoleon Hill first distilled the seventeen factors that make up his "Law of Success" philosophy. These key principles capture the ethics and actions that empower all who harness them to become leaders in the field of their choice. Leaders are not born, Hill argues, they are molded by a remarkably similar, simple, and dynamic set of habits. The Magic Ladder to Success is Napoleon Hill's lost classic-long out of print, it is newly available as a stand-alone edition, revised and updated for the twenty-first century. .

The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting for People who Hate Setting Goals

by Keith Ellis

Do you have trouble setting goals? Would you like to have greater focus, stronger follow-through, and achieve dramatically better results? Would you like to learn how to get anything you want from life--more money, a new home, a promotion, better relationships, a greater sense of fulfillment, or anything else you can imagine? If so, then readThe Magic Lamp. This remarkable book describes a simple yet unforgettable process for how to obtain whatever you want from both your personal life and your career. What's the Secret? The Magic Lampis the first goal-setting guide for people who hate setting goals. Goals can take you anywhere you want to go, but they rarely give you the inspiration you need to get there. Wishes are different. They have emotional impact. They give you the freedom to dream and the power to make your dreams come true. The Magic Lamptransforms the process of setting goals from a dull routine into an exciting adventure because it's the first book to combine the methods of goal setting with the magic of making your wishes come true. From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Magic of Believing

by Claude M. Bristol

In this bestselling self-help book, a successful businessman reveals the secrets behind harnessing the unlimited energies of the subconscious. Millions have benefited from these visualization techniques, which show how to turn your thoughts and dreams into effective actions that can lead to enhanced income, happier relationships, increased effectiveness, heightened influence and improved peace of mind.

The Magic of Believing: The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind (Tarcher Success Classics Ser.)

by Claude M. Bristol

"One of the greatest inspirational and motivational books ever written." — Norman Vincent PealeIn this bestselling self-help book, a successful businessman reveals the secrets behind harnessing the unlimited energies of the subconscious. Millions of readers have benefited from these visualization techniques, which show you how to turn your thoughts and dreams into actions that can lead to enhanced income, happier relationships, increased effectiveness, heightened influence, and improved peace of mind.World War I veteran Claude M. Bristol (1891–1951) wrote The Magic of Believing to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life. A pioneer of the New Thought movement and a popular motivational speaker, Bristol addressed those in all walks of life, from politicians and leaders to performers and salespeople. His timeless message of the powers of focused thinking and self-affirmation remains a vital source of inspiration and a practical path to achievement.

The Magic of Believing: The Immortal Program to unlocking the Success Power of Your Mind

by Mitch Horowitz Claude Bristol

Your Mind Is a Storehouse of Amazing Possibilities Start Using Them Right Now for Success and Achievement In 1948, journalist Claude M. Bristol produced a book that has touched generations of readers: The Magic of Believing. Artists and businesspeople, athletes and entrepreneurs, have sworn by Bristol's program for harnessing the higher energies of the mind for peak performance. Now, this condensed edition of The Magic of Believing allows you - within the space of a lunch hour or morning commute - to discover:How to transfer your thoughts to other people.Why a focused aim leads to achievement.How to project confidence. What your outer appearance reveals about you. The one great mental secret to success. Abridged and introduced by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz, The Magic of Believing is at once the most grounded and the boldest work of self-development you will ever encounter. The Condensed Classics Library "40 Minutes to a New You"

Magic of Conflict

by Thomas Crum

This set of simple techniques, including meditation, breathing exercises, openness, and play--Aiki--leads gently to a reordered state of mind. From overcoming apathy to understanding how conflict doesn't have to mean contest, Aiki turns mind-body integration principles into powerful tools.

The Magic of Forgiveness: Emotional Freedom and Transformation at Midlife, A Book for Women

by Dr. Tian Dayton

Forgiveness is not an event, it is a process. Forgiveness is most powerful when a woman reaches midlife: a natural time for reflection when she stands at a biological and emotional crossroads. In this groundbreaking book—the first of its kind for women—acclaimed therapist Tian Dayton shows women how assessing their lives and forgiving old wounds is as essential to their well-being as proper nutrition and retirement planning. In forgiving, we must work through layers of issues, pain and resentment. Because of this, the process is of great psychological, emotional and spiritual benefit. Left unresolved, past hurts wield their power from within and can contribute to depression and anxiety, undermining the immune system and ultimately opening the door to a multitude of diseases. And harboring resentment prevents us from engaging in deep, meaningful relationships. Through solid research, poignant case studies and personal examples, Dr. Dayton guides women through the sometimes painful but healing process to provide the comfort that may have eluded them for years. This beautifully written book will open women's eyes to the liberating power of forgiveness and provide the ability to find true joy.

The Magic of Mental Diagrams: Expand Your Memory, Enhance Your Concentration, and Learn to Apply Logic

by Claudio Aros

When Einstein said we only use 10 percent of our brain, he was inviting us to explore all those capabilities that are waiting to be awakened. This book finally explains how to do just that. Mental diagrams are a simple, efficient means of activating all our potential. Upon sketching a mental diagram, we create a blueprint with shapes, colors, and figures to process information faster and to increase our ability to synthesize. This excellent, creative system of thinking allows us to obtain a joint vision of life’s daily problems in addition to strengthening all the areas in which our mind operates, like memory, concentration, logic, or intuition. In the pages of this book, you will discover: * The function of the human brain * How to create mental diagrams * Exercises to strengthen memory * Intelligence regarding personal decisions * Tests to develop intuition and creativity * Secrets of the great lecturers

Magic of Pockets, The: Why Your Clothes Don't Have Good Pockets and How to Fix That

by Jess Driscoll

Transform your wardrobe with this step-by-step guide to sewing pockets into your favorite clothes. With simple instructions and line drawings, this book teaches six basic pockets, with suggested alterations to customize each pocket to your wardrobe needs, while learning the history of what pockets looked like and why they remain a political tool today. All the projects are designed for beginner sewists, and most can be made by hand, with no specialty tools or machine required.For every pair of pants with the pockets sewn shut, for every skirt with nowhere to put your hands, for every jacket missing a place to put your cash, there is one dress with pockets big enough to hold your entire world. Finding that one feels like finding a lucky clover among the grass. But clothes with pockets should not be so rare. There are reasons why (spoiler alert: it&’s about patriarchy and capitalism!), and this book will teach you some of the history of fashion and politics, but more importantly, this book will teach you how to fix the problem yourself. With the skills in this book, you can make your old clothes useful again. This book is for sewists who don&’t always have the time and energy to make a whole garment, and it&’s also for those beginners who have never used a needle and thread. This book is for people who aren&’t satisfied with clothes as they are and want to make a change. Most of all, this book is for everyone, because everyone deserves pockets.

The Magic of Self-Respect

by Osho Osho International Foundation

So much of the experience of everyday life, says Osho in this insightful guide, is shaped by religious and social conditioning - and we are not even aware of the fact. We are constantly being pulled away from the unique nature that is our birthright. In place of that original and unique self, a false self called the "ego" is constructed that eventually gains control of our creativity, our ideas about what it means to be successful, our relationships, and our very experience of who we are. At the same time, he argues, the collection of egos known as "society" shapes our political, educational, and religious institutions, which in turn combine to force the same old patterns onto new generations. In this book, Osho shows how to discard these old patterns in favor of a new and nurturing trinity of watchfulness, awareness, and alertness. The bundled DVD lets readers directly experience the insights of this important modern mystic.

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