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Showing 20,801 through 20,825 of 36,812 results

Main Character Energy: Romanticise Your Life and Put Yourself First

by Jordan Paramor

"You have to start romanticising your life, you have to start thinking of yourself as the main character" Inspired by the viral TIK TOK trend, MAIN CHARACTER ENERGY is the essential guide to unlocking your greatness and practising self-love.It's time to harness your main character energy!Stop overthinking and start living with this step-by-step guide to becoming that girl. You know her. The one who is confident, assertive and always the leading lady in her life. You already are her; you just need to unlock your potential and remind yourself of your self-worth.This book will take you on a journey of self-development with tips on how to be a #cottagecorequeen - from creating your dream home aesthetic to finding your unique style, #romanticseyourlife - from spending more time in nature to planning the perfect day, and harnessing your #maincharacterenergy by learning how to be more confident and saying yes to adventure.This book will give you the tools you need to put yourself first.

Main hi Kyun: मैं ही क्यूँ

by Dr Krishna Shrivastava

'मैं ही क्यों' में विभिन्न भावनात्मक कहानियों का समावेश है, जिसमें मन की विविध भावनाओं को स्वर दिया गया है। परिस्थितियों के वश कितनी मजबूर होती है स्त्री, मन की गहन गुफाओं में कितने सपने पलते हैं, अधूरे रह जाते टूट जाते हैं? स्त्री टूटती है परिस्थितियों से, दुगनी ऊर्जावान हो खड़ी होती है अपनी पूरी जिजीविषा के साथ। 'मैं ही क्यों', 'वारिस' जैसी कहानियों का कथ्य है, तो खर्रा पुरुष विमर्श पर आधारित है। युवाओं के गुस्से, उनकी मजबूरी पर आधारित कथाएँ हैं तथा करोना काल की स्थितियों पर रणबांकुरे दस्तकें जैसी भावनात्मक कहानियों का समावेश है। इस समय ने मानव की मजबूरियों और उसकी जिजीविषा को परखा है। यह सिद्ध किया है परिस्थिति कितनी भी भयावह क्यों न हो मानव की जिजीविषा सर्वोपरि है विभिन्न स्थितियों, सामाजिक ऐतिहासिक कहानियों का मेल है यह संग्रह।

Main Samay Hoon: मैं समय हूँ

by Deep Trivedi

‘मैं समय हूँ’ यह पुस्तक बेस्टसेलर्स ‘मैं मन हूँ’, ‘मैं कृष्ण हूँ’ और ‘101 सदाबहार कहानियां’ के लेखक तथा स्पीरिच्युअल सायको-डाइनैमिक्स के पायनियर दीप त्रिवेदी ने लिखी है। मनुष्यजीवन को गहराई से समझने और समझाने वाले दीप त्रिवेदी ने विश्व की अंतिम और निर्णायक सत्ता समय के रहस्यों का अपनी किताब ‘मैं समय हूँ’ में रहस्योद्घाटन किया है। इस किताब में दीप त्रिवेदी ने घड़ी की सूइयों से परे समय के कई स्वरूपों का खुलासा किया है। यही नहीं, उन्होंने न सिर्फ इन सभी स्वरूपों की विस्तार से चर्चा की है, बल्कि उनके प्रभावों को भी समझाया है। इस किताब की सबसे विशेष बात यह कि लेखक ने इसमें इतनी सरल भाषा का उपयोग किया है जिससे कि एक सामान्य मनुष्य भी समय जैसी महासत्ता की पूरी कार्यप्रणाली आसानी से समझ सके। इस किताब में यह स्पष्ट होता है कि एक समय ही है जिस कारण न सिर्फ मनुष्य बल्कि यह पूरा ब्रह्मांड भी चलायमान है तथा मनुष्य के जीवन में घटने वाली तमाम ऊंच-नीच भी समय के ही अधीन है। अतः चाहे मनुष्यजीवन सरल बनाना हो या फिर ब्रह्मांड के गहरे रहस्य समझने हों, समय के गहरे स्वरूपों को समझे बिना इनमें से कुछ भी शक्य नहीं है। इसीलिए इस बात पर विशेष ध्यान देते हुए लेखक ने मनुष्यों को उनका बिगड़ा समय संवारने के कई सरल उपाय भी दिये हैं। यह बात तय है कि जो भी समय की ताल-से-ताल मिला लेगा, एक सुखी और सफल जीवन गुजारना उसका भाग्य हो जाएगा।

Main Street Vegan: Everything You Need to Know to Eat Healthfully and Live Compassionately in the Real World

by Victoria Moran Adair Moran

Hollywood celebrities are doing it. Corporate moguls are doing it. But what about those of us living in the real world—and on a real budget? Author and holistic health practitioner Victoria Moran started eating only plants nearly thirty years ago, raised her daughter, Adair, vegan from birth, and maintains a sixty-pound weight loss. In Main Street Vegan, Moran offers a complete guide to making this dietary and lifestyle shift with an emphasis on practical "baby steps," proving that you don’t have to have a personal chef or lifestyle coach on speed dial to experience the physical and spiritual benefits of being a vegan. This book provides practical advice and inspiration for everyone—from Main Street to Wall Street, and everywhere between. "Finally, a book that isn't preaching to the vegan choir, but to the people in the pews—and the ones who can’t fit in those pews. This is a book for the Main Street majority who aren’t vegans. Once you read this, you'll know it's possible to get healthy and enjoy doing it—even if you live in Paramus or Peoria. "—Michael Moore "A great read for vegans and aspiring vegans. "—Russell Simmons "Yet another divine gift from Victoria Moran. Main Street Vegan covers it all—inspiration, information, and out of this world recipes. This book is a gem. "—Rory Freedman, co-author Skinny Bitch "Main Street Vegan is exactly the guide you need to make changing the menu effortless. Victoria Moran covers every aspect of plant-based eating and cruelty-free living, with everything you need to make healthy changes stick. "—Neal Barnard, MD, president, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and NY Times bestselling author of 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart "A great book for anyone who's curious about veganism. It shows that not all vegans are weirdos like me. "—Moby .

Maintain Your Gear: Surefire Strategies to Dominate, Execute, and Scale in Business and Life

by Joe McCabe

Get a &“safe&” job. Work nine-to-five. Take out a mortgage. Invest in your 401(k). Then, forty years later, maybe you can retire at about that same mediocre standard of living. And then, you die. Most people call this the American dream. Joseph McCabe calls it the middle-class trap. But it&’s a trap you can escape—if you&’re willing to go to war for your success. Maintain your gear is a military saying that defines a way of life. It is the practice of owning everything in your world to an extreme degree. It means you are solely responsible for everything that could possibly make your mission successful. This concept can be daunting at first, but it is ultimately empowering. Once you accept that everything that happens does so because of you, you realize you have ultimate control over your success!This book is for leaders, salespeople, employees, students, soldiers, and all others who want to own every part of their lives. If you can't figure out what is holding you back, this book will help you realize that you are holding yourselfback. There are no secrets, gimmicks, or tricks in this book, nor is there a hidden agenda. The only goal is your success.

Major in Success: Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams, and Get a Great Job! (5th edition)

by Patrick Combs

For students, Combs describes how to have a successful life and career and increase quality of life by following one's enjoyment. He provides a plan that suggests going to college, finding a passion, and acquiring knowledge and experience to qualify for a dream job. He uses examples of famous people like Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey to show how success can happen, as well as others who succeeded in their careers. Combs is an inspirational speaker, comedic theater performer, and success coach.

Major Religions of the World

by Dr Marcus Bach Henry M. Bullock

Written for the average reader, Major Religions of the World, which was first published in 1959, is a compact survey of the founders, the holy writings, the worship, and the basic beliefs of the major religions of the world—Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism and Taoism, Shinto, Island, and Christianity.Dr. Marcus Bach’s approach is one of understanding and appreciation. He looks at each religion first through the eyes of a believer of that faith and then as an impartial observer pointing out the parallels in that religion and Christianity. The result is an unusually sensitive and provocative account.Included at the beginning of each study is a helpful glossary of terms.And informative and thought-provoking read!

Make a Home Out of You: A Memoir

by Ginelle Testa

For readers of Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp comes an unflinching coming-of-age addiction memoir about one woman&’s journey to overcome her destructive roots to discover her road to recovery.Born to an abusive mother and a drug-dealer father, Ginelle Testa is not exactly set up for success—and her early years are just as troubled as one might expect. By the end of her thirteenth year, she&’s started experimenting with alcohol and drugs, has fallen prey to anorexia, and has been sexually assaulted. And that&’s only the beginning of her spiral down into addiction and disordered eating. As Ginelle progresses into young adulthood, she hits several substance-related bottoms. In her senior year of college, after blacking out and ending up naked in her dorm&’s community shower, she goes to Alcoholics Anonymous and gets sober. But steering clear of drugs and alcohol, she discovers, is not a cure-all—she still has a long way to go before she can truly heal. Raw, relatable, and powerful, Testa&’s is a riveting tale of climbing up from rock bottom—and learning to make a home in oneself instead of in substances and other people.

Make a List: How a Simple Practice Can Change Our Lives and Open Our Hearts

by Marilyn McEntyre

What if writing a list could literally change your life?From the ancient book of Numbers to the latest clickbait listicle, list-writing has been a routine feature of human experience. Shopping lists. To-do lists. Guest lists. Bucket lists. Lists are everywhere you look.But what if our lists did more than just remind us to buy milk and take out the trash? What if the practice of list-making could help us discover who we truly are and even point us to our deepest joys, hopes, and desires?In Make a List teacher, writer, and wordsmith Marilyn McEntyre shows readers how the simple act of writing a list can open doors to personal discovery and spiritual growth. Deepening her reflections with abundant writing prompts and real-life examples, McEntyre turns the humble list into a work of art—one that has the power to clear minds, open hearts, and change lives.

Make a List: How a Simple Practice Can Change Our Lives and Open Our Hearts

by Marilyn McEntyre

What if writing a list could literally change your life?​From the ancient book of Numbers to the latest clickbait listicle, list-writing has been a routine feature of human experience. Shopping lists. To-do lists. Guest lists. Bucket lists. Lists are everywhere you look.​But what if our lists did more than just remind us to buy milk and take out the trash? What if the practice of list-making could help us discover who we truly are and even point us to our deepest joys, hopes, and desires?​In Make a List teacher, writer, and wordsmith Marilyn McEntyre shows readers how the simple act of writing a list can open doors to personal discovery and spiritual growth. Deepening her reflections with abundant writing prompts and real-life examples, McEntyre turns the humble list into a work of art—one that has the power to clear minds, open hearts, and change lives.

Make a Living Living: Be Successful Doing What You Love

by Nina Karnikowski

Make a Living Living is for anyone who has ever wished they could build a successful career doing something they love.Structured around 26 case studies of globetrotting individuals, including – a vegan chocolatier, a tiny-house builder, a woodcarver, a tea company founder, and a horticulturalist – Make a Living Living explains how they achieved their ideal existence and offers tips and advice for how others can, too. The book also offers the tools to craft a creatively fulfilling life, one you don’t need a vacation to escape from. Including a carefully considered set of exercises peppered throughout the book, readers will learn how to focus their vision, stay disciplined, trust themselves, take risks, see the lessons in their failures, and monetize their passions so they, too, can enjoy a more flexible, independent lifestyle. Advice from artists featured in Make a Living Living:• Make your passion your job, and it will never feel like work again.• Simple living, keep things simple and you’ll save money and have more time to enjoy life.• Sustainability, there is a large community of people who make things and care about the way they make them.• Nomadic living, keep your eyes fresh and your brain engaged by living creatively in different spaces.This isn’t a book for people looking to find fame or get rich quick. Instead, it’s for those wishing to take more pleasure in the simple things and minimize stress, to take control of their time and energy, to travel, cultivate inspiring relationships, and build a successful purpose-driven career doing what they love.

Make a Living Living: Be Successful Doing What You Love

by Nina Karnikowski

Make a Living Living is for anyone who has ever wished they could build a successful career doing something they love.Structured around 26 case studies of globetrotting individuals, including – a vegan chocolatier, a tiny-house builder, a woodcarver, a tea company founder, and a horticulturalist – Make a Living Living explains how they achieved their ideal existence and offers tips and advice for how others can, too. The book also offers the tools to craft a creatively fulfilling life, one you don’t need a vacation to escape from. Including a carefully considered set of exercises peppered throughout the book, readers will learn how to focus their vision, stay disciplined, trust themselves, take risks, see the lessons in their failures, and monetize their passions so they, too, can enjoy a more flexible, independent lifestyle. Advice from artists featured in Make a Living Living:• Make your passion your job, and it will never feel like work again.• Simple living, keep things simple and you’ll save money and have more time to enjoy life.• Sustainability, there is a large community of people who make things and care about the way they make them.• Nomadic living, keep your eyes fresh and your brain engaged by living creatively in different spaces.This isn’t a book for people looking to find fame or get rich quick. Instead, it’s for those wishing to take more pleasure in the simple things and minimize stress, to take control of their time and energy, to travel, cultivate inspiring relationships, and build a successful purpose-driven career doing what they love.

Make a Name for Yourself

by Robin Fisher Roffer

One of America’s leading brand strategists shares her step-by-step program for creating an unforgettable identity in today’s marketplace. For any woman who has ever gone to work in the morning and thought "there must be more," branding expert Robin Fisher Roffer reveals the eight surefire steps for developing a unique, personal brand strategy for success by identifying your extraordinary attributes, thinking about your values and passions, and learning how to use them to build a successful and fulfilling professional life. Whether you’re starting out in the workforce, beginning your own business, changing careers, or tying to make it in the corporate world, Roffer will help you to uncover a focused direction for your career that celebrates you.

Make a Zine: When Words and Graphics Collide

by Joe Biel

In Microcosm's DIY guide to zine-making, editors Bill Brent, Joe Biel, and a cast of contributors take you from the dreaming and scheming stages onto printing, publication and beyond! Covering all the bases for beginners, Make a Zine! hits on more advanced topics like Creative Commons licenses, legality, and sustainability.<P><P> Illustrated by an army of notable and soon-to-be-notable artists and cartoonists, Make a Zine! also takes a look at the burgeoning indie comix scene, with a solid and comprehensive chapter by punk illustrator Fly (Slug and Lettuce, Peops.) Part history lesson, part how-to guide, Make a Zine! is a call to arms, an ecstatic, positive rally cry in the face of TV show book clubs and bestsellers by celebrity chefs. As says Biel in the book's intro, "Let's go!"

Make Any Divorce Better!: Specific Steps to Make Things Smoother, Faster, Less Painful, and Save You a Lot of Money

by Warren Farrell Ed Sherman

Divorce is a difficult passage, but there are practical things any couple can do, individually or together, to make the transition as painless as possible. <P><P>Every divorcing couple needs the guidance in this book because, without it, the process will not go smoothly. Author Ed Sherman, an attorney with 35 years of experience and over 45,000 successful cases, shows how most divorces fit one of five profiles. He helps readers discover their profile then leads them through the process, step by step, of overcoming what can otherwise turn into major mental and monetary roadblocks. Through its communication, organizational, and negotiation tools, Make Any Divorce Better! not only saves readers money, but puts them - not lawyers or the courts - in charge of the process, allowing them to get it done faster, with a minimum of emotional and financial expense, and move on with their lives.

Make Anything Happen: A Creative Guide to Vision Boards, Goal Setting, and Achieving the Life of Your Dreams

by Carrie Lindsey

Everyone wants to accomplish their goals and live the life of which they dream. But in today’s busy age, how do we make that happen? This interactive book helps readers live an intentional life by determining their priorities and tapping into their creativity to create beautiful and functional vision boards and manageable action plans to achieve their goals. Through guided worksheets, vision board templates and samples, and planning pages, author Carrie Lindsey inspires readers to get clear on what they really want and then make it happen. Getting your life in order has never been so much fun! What would happen if you set aside a little time to write down what makes you excited and what drags you down? What if you took it a step further and set specific goals for living your best life? What if that process could be creative, exciting, and lead to actual change?Use the guided worksheets to establish your priorities Create vision boards that make your goals concrete and attainable Discover strategies to manifest the life of your dreams Change is hard, but it’s worth it. And with this book, it’s also a heck of a lot of fun. Readers also have access to a private Facebook group full of members who are working towards living their dreams.

Make Art Where You Are Guidebook

by Courtney Cerruti

Explore mindfulness and self-expression with this guide to sketching your surroundings on long weekends, vacations, or wherever you happen to be. In this guidebook, artist Courtney Cerruti provides her tool kit for capturing the essence of a place and your personal impression of everything you see. From a five-minute blind contour of a cup of coffee to an hour-long sketch of a cityscape, the guidebook is filled with ideas for finding opportunities to draw, make marks, and paint while you are on the move. Each activity includes the estimated time needed to finish, a unique feature that helps you find a moment for art-making in your travel itinerary or your daily life. Whether you are an experienced artist looking for a new perspective or an aspiring creative who needs some guidance, Make Art Where You Are empowers you to enjoy the mindful practice of observing and recording your experiences.

Make Better Pictures: Truth, Opinions, and Practical Advice

by Henry Horenstein

Henry Horenstein may be the world's bestselling photography teacher, with more than 700,000 copies of his photography manuals sold. Now, in this easily digestible book of wisdom, he distills a career's worth of instruction into one hundred memorable pieces of advice. Photography has never been a bigger part of our lives. But how do you transform everyday snapshots into enduring images -- or merely upgrade your Instagram game? With images illustrating the impact of each tip, and with examples drawn from iconic artists, Horenstein shows casual and expert photographers alike how to take the best photographs on every device--from a DSLR to an iPhone.

Make Better Strategic Decisions: How to Develop Robust Decision-making to Avoid Organisational Disasters

by Jeremy N. White

Every day we hear of serious errors of judgement that result in organisational disaster. Why do seemingly successful businesses, NGOs, or even political parties fall prey to irrevocable governance breakdowns or, worse still, criminal malpractice? By prompting readers to think deeply about strategic decision-making, human behaviour, and cognitive biases, this book offers a disciplined, objective, and thoughtful approach to making better decisions. Every strategic problem is fundamentally a journey into the unknown, which involves a unique combination of duration, scale, external and internal dynamics, and personal motivations. Rarely is a strategic decision solved by saying, ‘If a situation is A, then the solution is B.’ The book explores how to develop a strong foundation for problem resolving – rather than simplistic problem-solving – by strengthening competence so that decisions are made wisely. The case of Carillion plc, the second-largest construction group in the United Kingdom that went bankrupt in January 2018, is used to explore how a large and profitable company collapsed so dramatically when it was run by an experienced board and advised by three of the Big Four accounting firms. Professor Jeremy N. White presents a clear strategic toolkit for better strategic decision-making. This book will appeal to senior managers who are interested in techniques for making better strategic decisions. The lessons from the failure of Carillion plc are applicable to corporate leaders in addition to politicians and those who run not-for-profit organisations.

Make Change!

by Chronicle Books

A joyful testament to our ability to rise to new challenges and shape the world for the better, Make Change! collects art celebrating inclusivity, love, and civic engagement in one compelling, petite hardcover volume. Filled to the brim with artwork from a diverse roster of celebrated illustrators and designers, this book is a font of encouragement for aspiring activists, artists, teachers, graduates, and movers and shakers. Whether fighting for social justice or striving towards personal growth, Make Change! will inspire readers to face each new hurdle with grace and perseverance.A portion of the proceeds from each sale of this book will be donated to the ACLU.

Make Change Work for You: 10 Ways to Innovate Fearlessly and Future-Proof Yourself for Success

by Scott Steinberg

Business, culture, and competitive landscapes have fundamentally changed, but the basic principles and best practices for succeeding and future-proofing both yourself and your organisation haven't. With a mix of compelling stories, research from the social sciences and psychology, and real-world insights, Make Change Work for You shows how to reignite your career, rekindle creativity, and fearlessly innovate your way to success by providing the tools needed to master uncertainty and conquer every challenge in life or business.Using a simple, four-part model, Steinberg helps you understand and better respond to the challenges that change can bring:1. Focus: Define the problem and come to understand it objectively.2. Engage: Interact with the challenge and try a range of solutions.3. Assess: Review the response(s) generated by your tactics.4. React: Adjust your strategy accordingly.And finally, the book shows how to develop the vital personal and professional skills required to triumph in the 'new normal' by understanding and engaging in the 10 new habits that highly successful people share:1. Play the Odds2. Embrace Tomorrow Today3. Seek Constant Motion4. Lead, Don't Follow5. Never Stop Learning6. Create Competitive Advantage7. Connect the Dots8. Pick Your Battles9. Set and Align Your Priorities10. Always Create Value

Make Change Work for You

by Scott Steinberg

Finding the courage to embrace change and take chances is the only way to succeed. Business, culture, and competitive landscapes have fundamentally changed, but basic principles and best practices for succeeding and future-proofing both yourself and your organization haven't. With a mix of compelling stories, research from the social sciences and psychology, and real-world insights, Make Change Work for You shows how to reignite your career, rekindle creativity, and fearlessly innovate your way to success by providing the tools needed to master uncertainty and conquer every challenge in life or business. Make Change Work for You opens with a comprehensive overview of the most common factors that lead to self-defeating behaviors, including fear of failure, embarrassment, underperformance, rejection, confrontation, isolation, and change itself. Using a simple, four-part model, Steinberg helps you understand and better respond to the challenges that change can bring: Focus: Define the problem and come to understand it objectively. Engage: Interact with the challenge and try a range of solutions. Assess: Review the response(s) generated by your tactics. React: Adjust your strategy accordingly. And finally, the book shows how to develop the vital personal and professional skills required to triumph in the "new normal" by understanding and engaging in the 10 new habits that highly successful people share: 1. Play the Odds 2. Embrace Tomorrow Today 3. Seek Constant Motion 4. Lead, Don't Follow 5. Never Stop Learning 6. Create Competitive Advantage 7. Connect the Dots 8. Pick Your Battles 9. Set and Align Your Priorities 10. Always Create Value

Make Confident Decisions: Teach Yourself

by Karen Mannering

Make Confident Decisions takes the very latest research in management science and sets out a step by step process for making major life changes. Unlike most titles on decision making, it looks not just at the process in a professional context but also helps you, in a focused, goal orientated manner to cope with the impact of major decisions on areas outside your professional life. It is ideal for you if you are among the many thousands of individuals recently made redundant or forced into a career change in the last 18 months, and is written in a dynamic manner that reflects the level of guidance given by a career coach or mentor. Each chapter contains a diagnostic test, case studies, practical exercises and Aide Memoire boxes. Each chapter concludes with a reminder of the key points of the chapter (Focus Points) and a round-up of what to expect in the next (Next Step) will whet your appetite for what's coming and how it relates to what you've just read.

Make Confident Decisions: Teach Yourself

by Karen Mannering

Make Confident Decisions takes the very latest research in management science and sets out a step by step process for making major life changes. Unlike most titles on decision making, it looks not just at the process in a professional context but also helps you, in a focused, goal orientated manner to cope with the impact of major decisions on areas outside your professional life. It is ideal for you if you are among the many thousands of individuals recently made redundant or forced into a career change in the last 18 months, and is written in a dynamic manner that reflects the level of guidance given by a career coach or mentor. Each chapter contains a diagnostic test, case studies, practical exercises and Aide Memoire boxes. Each chapter concludes with a reminder of the key points of the chapter (Focus Points) and a round-up of what to expect in the next (Next Step) will whet your appetite for what's coming and how it relates to what you've just read.

Make Do and Mend

by Summersdale Publishers

Don’t let being cash-strapped hold you back from having a house and garden to be proud of! This little book offers advice on how to use your time, energy and money effectively to make a cosy, happy home. With tips on mending, upcycling, cleaning and gardening interspersed with witty quotations, this is an essential addition to every household.

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