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Manifesto for a Moral Revolution: Practices to Build a Better World

by Jacqueline Novogratz

An essential shortlist of leadership ideas for everyone who wants to do good in this world, from Jacqueline Novogratz, author of the New York Times bestseller The Blue Sweater and founder and CEO of Acumen. <p><p> In 2001, when Jacqueline Novogratz founded Acumen, a global community of socially and environmentally responsible partners dedicated to changing the way the world tackles poverty, few had heard of impact investing—Acumen’s practice of “doing well by doing good.” Nineteen years later, there’s been a seismic shift in how corporate boards and other stakeholders evaluate businesses: impact investment is not only morally defensible but now also economically advantageous, even necessary. <p> Still, it isn’t easy to reach a success that includes profits as well as mutually favorable relationships with workers and the communities in which they live. So how can today’s leaders, who often kick off their enterprises with high hopes and short timetables, navigate the challenges of poverty and war, of egos and impatience, which have stymied generations of investors who came before? <p> Drawing on inspiring stories from change-makers around the world and on memories of her own most difficult experiences, Jacqueline divulges the most common leadership mistakes and the mind-sets needed to rise above them. The culmination of thirty years of work developing sustainable solutions for the problems of the poor, Manifesto for a Moral Revolution offers the perspectives necessary for all those—whether ascending the corporate ladder or bringing solar light to rural villages—who seek to leave this world better off than they found it.

El manifiesto de la reforma: Su función en el plan divino para transformar las naciones hoy día

by Cindy Jacobs

Un llamado urgente para el cambio en los individuos y la sociedad Cindy Jacobs, autora de best-sellers y maestra, llama a los creyentes a tomar posesión de su destino bíblico y a discipular a las naciones. A medida que descubra lo que significa experimentar la reforma a nivel personal, comenzará a comprender cómo sería un mundo reformado y cómo sería el reino de los cielos si se manifestara en la tierra. El movimiento de oración ha estado sentando las bases para el cambio durante muchos años, y ahora es el momento para que los creyentes den un paso de fe y se transformen en reformadores. Este movimiento de Dios en la iglesia es tan importante como lo fue el llamado a la reforma de Martín Lutero, despertando a la iglesia dormida para escuchar la voz de Dios y ver vidas, iglesias e incluso naciones cambiadas.

Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día: Activa tu positivismo, maximiza tu productividad, sirve al mundo

by Robin Sharma

AHORA ES TU MOMENTO / ESTA ES TU GUÍA Durante más de veinticinco años, Robin Sharma, el legendario experto en liderazgo y en excelencia, ha enseñado discretamente a titanes de los negocios, a grandes del deporte profesional y a superestrellas del mundo del espectáculo un revolucionario sistema que los ha ayudado a convertir sus máximas aspiraciones en resultados palpables a diario. Ahora, en Manifiesto para los héroes de cada día -su obra maestra-, el innovador Robin Sharma ha destilado los principios fundamentales, los protocolos y las tácticas de su método de mentoring y ha creado una obra valiosísima que es al mismo tiempo un compendio de estrategias para alcanzar una productividad inagotable, un manual para llevar una vida incomparable, y una guía universal para llegar a ser un líder espiritual capaz de cargar con el mundo sobre los hombros. En las páginas de este libro absolutamente único descubrirás: - Pautas reales sobre cómo las personas más creativas, productivas y prósperas del planeta adquieren hábitos insuperables, controlan sus días y organizan su vida al más alto nivel. - Prácticas poderosas para mejorar la energía, aumentar la vitalidad y prolongar la longevidad a fin de dar forma al genio que eres. - Un modelo demostrado para realizar trabajos excepcionales que lideren tu sector e iluminen a futuras generaciones. - Técnicas basadas en la neurociencia para convertir problemas en triunfos, temores en acicates y sufrimientos del pasado en heroísmo cotidiano. - Una sabiduría inusual (y alcanzada con esfuerzo) para mejorar tu vivacidad, incubar una serenidad sublime y dignificar la libertad espiritual que crea una vida hermosa. Reseñas:«La estrella del rock del liderazgo.»The Globe and Mail «A pesar de que Robin Sharma rechace la etiqueta de gurú, resulta difícil no referirse a él con ese término.»Publishers Weekly «Rivaliza en seguidores con el Dalai Lama.»The Times of India

The Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation: Create, Edit, Re-edit and Present

by Alison Attrill

This book explores psychological theories around the ways in which people present themselves online. The role of dispositional and situational factors along with the motivations that drive self-presentation across diverse Internet arenas are considered.


by Chris Salgardo

Chris Salgardo, the charismatic president of cult-favorite skin-care line Kiehl's, delivers the definitive guide to grooming every man needs--and was afraid to ask for. Manmade is the first grooming and skin-care guide created with a 21st-century man in mind. Rather than dispense one-size-fits-all advice, style icon and Kiehl's prez Chris Salgardo tailors his guidance to a man's lifestyle and interest level, devoting chapters to the specific grooming needs of the polished gentleman; the extreme sports enthusiast; the bad boy/rebel; the artistic renaissance man; and the DIY hipster. From battling the effects of aging to hair concerns--whether too much or not enough--Chris offers insiders' secrets for looking impeccably (but not obviously) groomed.

Mann ki Shakti: मन की शक्ति

by Maxwell Maltz

साइको साइबरनेटिक्स में 31 नुस्खे और मानसिक प्रशिक्षण अभ्यास शामिल हैं, जो डॉ. मॉल्ट्ज़ की सिखार्इ बातों पर अमल करने में आपकी मदद करेंगे। इससे आपको लगभग किसी भी लक्ष्य को जल्दी और आसानी से हासिल करने में मदद मिलेगी।

Manners That Matter Most

by Norah Lawlor June Eding

Etiquette is one of the most valuable assets a person can have: knowing how best to present yourself, and how to deal with others in a direct, effective manner, is paramount in all personal, professional, and social relationships. Manners That Matter Most seeks to resurrect the bygone customs of good manners and graceful style; all while updating and applying them to the modern age. Covering topics from introductions, greetings and thank-you's, to the etiquette of modern technology (including appropriate places and times to call and text), Manners That Matter Most is a valuable resource and a much-needed guide in our fast-paced world. Suitable for all readers in all social situations, Manners That Matter Most contains both the information and the support you need to gain and give more consideration in your social encounters. With an emphasis on graciousness and chivalry that lends the book its authoritative tone, Manners That Matter Most is the essential companion for anyone looking to put their best foot forward in any situation. Manners That Matter Most also includes: * Inspirational quotes on the importance of courtesy, respect and dignity * The 25 essential lessons everyone should learn to cultivate better manners * Tips for more effective communication with family, friends and co-workers Manners That Matter Most takes an old subject and presents it in a fresh and accessible way, as it reminds us why good practice in etiquette not only makes the practitioner look good, but enhances society as a whole. With Manners That Matter Most, the world opens up--and you know just what to say.From the Hardcover edition.

Manopause: Your Guide To Surviving His Changing Life

by Lisa Friedman Bloch Kathy Silverman

There are countless books about menopause on the market. We’ve all accepted that women change at midlife. However, there is another much ignored change that affects hundreds of millions of women across the globe: manopause—the changes that all men go through starting at about age 40. <P><P>In this groundbreaking book, Lisa Friedman Bloch and Kathy Kirtland Silverman look at men’s changes from a new and uplifting perspective. Aimed at women, Manopause explores how biological and psychological factors collide with the societal pressures men face, and provides advice on how women can help themselves and their men move through and enjoy this sometimes challenging phase. <P><P>Laying out the commonly accepted rules of what it means to "be a man"—rules like "Your worth is only as great as your power, money, and status," "Push down your emotions," and "Always be aggressive and strong"—the authors explore how men strive to live up to these expectations, and how shouldering this burden becomes harder at midlife. Both physical changes and emotional realizations play in to men’s fear that they are losing their grip. And yet, as the authors explain, it is these very changes that can open the door to a far richer and more fulfilling life. <P><P>With a goal of creating greater understanding and compassion for the subject of manopause, Bloch and Silverman solidly ground readers with information about men’s changes before guiding them through a practical discussion of how to handle the outward effects they experience. They address emotional reactions, behavioral issues, hormone loss, sex and intimacy, and family and work relationships with an eye to how all can be immeasurably improved. By bringing this topic more into the public eye, they hope to help women and men everywhere learn to better alleviate the confusion, misunderstanding, and discontent of manopause.

¡Manos a la obra!: Recupera el control de tu tiempo y tu vida

by Brian Tracy

En ¡Manos a la obra!, Brian Tracy, autor bestseller de The New York Times, aborda el desafío de la distracción y muestra con prácticos consejos cómo concentrarnos en las tareas más importantes para realizarlas de inmediato Hoy en día contamos con todas las herramientas para hacer cada vez más sencillas nuestras tareas, no obstante, y de manera paradójica, el desafío de mantener una productividad óptima nunca ha sido mayor. Vivimos el periodo más avanzado tecnológicamente de la historia, tenemos teléfonos móviles y aplicaciones increíbles para cada cosa; todo tipo de productos y soluciones están a un clic de distancia. Entonces, ¿cómo es posible que ser productivos sea un desafío tan grande para tantos? En una palabra: DISTRACCIÓN. Gastamos demasiada atención en correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto, redes sociales, notificaciones y demás, pensando que esas actividades son importantes y urgentes. La realidad es que no lo son, sólo complican nuestras vidas y nos alejan de nuestras metas.

A Man's Guide to Oral Sex: Your guide to incredible, exhilarating, sensational sex (The Secrets of Great Sex)

by Adams Media

Oral sex can add a much-needed spice to your relationship! The Secrets of Great Sex: A Man's Guide To Oral Sex answers all the questions men have ever had about performing this delicate act. With creative and exciting ways to enhance intimacy, you'll never want it to end.

The Man's Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want

by Rachel Carlton Abrams Doug Abrams Julie Schwartz Gottman John Gottman

Results from world-renowned relationship expert John Gottman’s famous Love Lab have proven an incredible truth: Men make or break relationships. Based on 40 years of research, The Man’s Guide to Women unlocks the mystery of how to attract, satisfy, and succeed with a woman for a lifetime. For the first time ever, there is a science-based answer to the age-old question: What do women really want in a man?Dr. Gottman, author of the New York Times bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and his wife and collaborator, clinical psychologist Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD, have pored over the research along with bestselling coauthors Douglas Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD. Together, they have written this definitive guide for men, providing answers on everything from how to approach a woman and build a connection with her to how to truly satisfy her in bed and know when the relationship is on the right track. The Man’s Guide to Women is a must-have playbook for how to play—and win—the game of love.

A Man's Journey to Simple Abundance

by Sarah Ban Breathnach Michael Segell

The Authentic Journey Continues -- for Women to Understand Men, and for Men to Understand Themselves.

A Man’s Reach: The Autobiography of Glenn Clark

by Glenn Clark

Clark was a man who, without being himself a recognized "New Thought" leader, has been highly influential in introducing "New Thought" ideas and techniques into the churches. Clark was deeply religious and something of a mystic, a great believer in prayer. He first came into prominence through an article in the "Atlantic Monthly" titled "The Soul's Sincere Desire." He began to be much in demand as a speaker in the churches and in summer camps. In 1930 he organized a summer camp of his own in Koronis, Minnesota to which he gave the name "Camp Farthest Out." Here for a period, amidst pleasant surroundings, a group of congenial and serious-minded people met for a season of fellowship, relaxation, and spiritual renewal, under the direction of Dr. Clark and others of somewhat similar views. In 1942 he resigned from his position at the College to give all his time to helping others discover this integration of body, mind and spirit in God. Through a series of experiences told in his autobiography, "A Man's Reach," he had been brought to an unusual interest in prayer, and it became his major concern and emphasis. It set him to reading especially the works of the mystics and about them and their approach to God. Among the books he read was "Life Understood" by Frank Rawson, a onetime Christian Scientist who had been expelled from the church, and went on to become an influential leader of "New Thought" in England. The thing that attracted Clark to Rawson, he says, was that "he believed one's prayers could be just as scientifically infallible as the laws of physics and chemistry.".-Print ed.

A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse: The Insiders

by Robert Blackburn Knight Mark Falstein

This is the author's detailed account of a series of therapies which helped him heal the effects of horrific childhood sexual abuse. During the course of his treatment he unlocks long-buried memories and discovers the presence of a host of internal personae or alters who have been created to absorb and cope with his pain. His personal story is interlaced with theoretical reflections drawn from the work of a variety of psychologists and psychotherapists.

Man's Search For Ultimate Meaning

by Viktor E Frankl

Viktor Frankl, bestselling author of Man's Search for Meaning, explains the psychological tools that enabled him to survive the HolocaustViktor Frankl is known to millions as the author of Man's Search for Meaning, his harrowing Holocaust memoir. In this book, he goes more deeply into the ways of thinking that enabled him to survive imprisonment in a concentration camp and to find meaning in life in spite of all the odds. He expands upon his groundbreaking ideas and searches for answers about life, death, faith and suffering. Believing that there is much more to our existence than meets the eye, he says: 'No one will be able to make us believe that man is a sublimated animal once we can show that within him there is a repressed angel.'In Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning, Frankl explores our sometimes unconscious desire for inspiration or revelation. He explains how we can create meaning for ourselves and, ultimately, he reveals how life has more to offer us than we could ever imagine.

A Man's Way through Relationships

by Dan Griffin

An essential guide that centers on three core areas of men's relationships: self, others, and higher power/God, and offers readers the opportunity to complete exercises pertaining to each area.Dan Griffin, MA, is the author of A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps and co-author of Helping Men Recover. With two decades of experience in the mental health and addiction field, he is an international speaker and trainer and leads men's retreats throughout the country for treatment programs and in the twelve-step community.

A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps

by Dan Griffin

A fresh interpretation of the healing process established by the Twelve Steps, with an eye toward the social, cultural, and psychological factors that affect men--and thus their recovery from addiction.In A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps, author Dan Griffin uses interviews with men in various stages of recovery, excerpts from relevant Twelve Step literature, and his own experience to offer the first holistic approach to sobriety for men. Readers work through each of the Twelve Steps, learn to reexamine negative masculine scripts that have shaped who they are and how they approach recovery, and strengthen the positive and affirming aspects of manhood.This groundbreaking book offers the tools needed for men to work through key issues with which they commonly struggle, including difficulty admitting powerlessness, finding connection with a Higher Power, letting go of repressed anger and resentment, contending with sexual issues, and overcoming barriers to intimacy and meaningful relationships.A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps offers practical advice and inspiration for men to define their own sense of masculinity and thus heighten their potential for a lifetime of sobriety.

Mansfield's Book of Manly Men: An Utterly Invigorating Guide to Being Your Most Masculine Self

by Stephen Mansfield

Witty, compelling, and shrewd, Mansfield&’s Book of Manly Men is about resurrecting your inborn, timeless, essential, masculine self.The Western world is in a crisis of discarded honor, dubious integrity, and faux manliness. It is time to recover what we have lost. Stephen Mansfield shows us the way. Working with timeless maxims and stirring examples of manhood from ages past, Mansfield issues a trumpet call of manliness fit for our times. In Mansfield&’s Book of Manly Men, you&’ll see that:This book is about doing. It is about action.It is about knowing the deeds that comprise manhood and doing those deeds.Habits have to be formed, and actions have to be aligned with the grace received.&“My goal in this book is simple,&” Mansfield says. &“I want to identify what a genuine man does?the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood?and then call men to do it.&”


by Jeff Mac

THE ULTIMATE INTERPRETER OF GUY BEHAVIOR Why doesn't my man get me flowers? Easy - because flowers don't do anything cool. Will I scare him off if I call him first? No way. Well, not unless he's actually terrified of his phone, in which case you likely have bigger problems. Why can't he just talk to me about our relationship? Yeah . . . and how come a gazelle never waits around to see if that lion is friendly? Men sometimes seem impossible to understand. But it turns out they're about as easy to read as coloring books - if you know what you're looking for. Manslations answers all these questions and more in this hilarious - and honest - guide to what men say, who they are, and why they behave the way they do. "When that guy told you - within thirty seconds of introducing himself at the bar - that he drives a hybrid because he cares about the environment, the manslation is that he was trying to work his way into your bikini areas. "Manslations reveals the golden rule that helps you figure out what never to worry about (and what to lose sleep over), plus the two key questions that will help unlock the meaning behind even the most confusing male actions. Capped off by a man-to-woman phrasebook, this is the only relationship guide you'll ever need.

Manstopper: Training a Canine Guardian

by Joel Mcmains

In this, the second in the Dog Logic series, the author provides a book which is both educational and entertaining. "Manstopper" covers agitation techniques, agitator selection and training, requirements of the prospective personal protection dog as well as training methodology and technique. Training events are first presented then analyzed and examined from the perspective of the dog, the trainer as well as the agitator. Though the topic at hand is treated in a deservedly serious manner, the book

Mantén vivo tu sueño: Lecciones de la vida de José

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Através de este interesante estudio de la vida de José, el autor Erwin W. Lutzer muestra a los cristianos de hoy cómo pueden... * aceptar su sueño como dado por Dios y lleno de fe * entender cómo un sueño puede ser destruido por el pecado * fortalecer su sueño y vivirlo * manejar las pruebas y dificultades que surjan a lo largo del camino Este recurso inspirador anima a los creyentes a buscar la guía y dirección de Dios a fin de mantener vivo su sueño. Through this engaging study of the life of Joseph, author Erwin W. Lutzer shows today's Christians how to: * embrace their dream as God-given and faith-filled * understand how a dream can be shattered by sin * nurture their dream and live it out * handle the tests and trials along the way This inspiring resource encourages believers to look to God for guidance and direction to keep their dream alive.

The Mantram Handbook: A Practical Guide to Choosing Your Mantram and Calming Your Mind

by Eknath Easwaran

The mantram, or mantra, is a short, powerful, spiritual formula from the world's great traditions, repeated silently in the mind, anytime, anywhere. Examples of mantrams are Rama, Rama, used by Gandhi, or My God and My All, repeated by St. Francis of Assisi, or Om Mane Padme Hum. <P><P>Easwaran taught the use of the mantram for over forty years as part of his passage meditation program. He explains how the mantram works, and gives practical guidelines for using it to focus our thoughts and access deeper resources of strength, patience, and love. The mantram can help us replenish our energy, release creativity, and heal old conflicts. These resonant phrases work equally well for parents with young children, colleagues at work, couples in a relationship, in illness or depression, and even at the time of death. And Easwaran shows how repetition of the mantram can open the door to a life that is increasingly meaningful and fulfilling.

Mantras for Positive Ageing: from 50 Eminent Indians

by Dr V Mohini Giri Meera Khanna Dr V Giri

With a Foreword by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, this is an extraordinary collection of personal mantras by people over the age of 75 regarding what makes them productive and effective in old age. The post-pandemic world needs the productivity of the over-75s, who also want to be fulfilled beyond the age of 75.Would you like to be positive, productive, and graceful in your old age? If so, Mantras for Positive Ageing is for you.The first section has contributions by leading researchers. In the second section, eminent personalities share their mantra to ensure that age is not debilitating but positive and impactful: Dr Karan Singh (political leader, diplomat, writer, and scholar) Devaki Jain (economist and scholar) Fali Nariman (India's foremost constitutional lawyer) Margaret Alva (political leader and former governor) Sushma Seth (acclaimed theatre and film actor) Mani Shankar Aiyar (political leader and diplomat) Syeda Hameed (gender rights activist, writer, and speaker)

Mantras in Motion: Manifesting What You Want through Mindful Movement

by Erin Stutland

Mind-body wellness and fitness expert combines mantra, self-reflection, and movement into an accessible 14-day routine for manifesting your best self.Holistic wellness and fitness expert Erin Stutland harnesses all the body's mental, physical, and spiritual energy in her tri-fold approach to creating change. When you move your body while repeating mantras--speaking your desires aloud--manifesting is no longer a purely intellectual exercise or an occasional craft project. Instead, you are expressing your passion through your voice and your body, putting every ounce of your energy in service of what you want.Each chapter breaks down one mantra to use to focus on a key step to achieving your best self, including unearthing your desires, releasing resistance, and taking inspired action. Alongside each mantra, Stutland provides stories from her own life and those of her clients, a meditation or visualization, a journaling exercise, and an easy movement to accompany the mantra to help enhance its resonant power. And to put it all together, you are provided with a 14-day plan so you can design the life you want, infusing the power of movement, mantra, and self-reflection.

Mantras Made Easy: Mantras for Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, and More

by Sherianna Boyle

Discover the power of your words! Your cellphone rings--you automatically reach for it. Your child calls for you--your innate response is to go to him. Just like you are programmed for these responses, so too can you train your brain to manifest your life's goals and dreams. It is as amazing and powerful as it sounds--and it is entirely possible with the help of mantras. Simply put, mantras are syllables or phrases you repeat. The act of repeating these words can energize you, aiding you to manifest your ambitions. In Mantras Made Easy, you will learn how to positively influence your thinking as well those around you. Whether you hope to achieve happiness, forgiveness, peace, or wealth, there are mantras here to guide you. With coaching from professor and counselor Sherianna Boyle, you will tap into the power of this ancient practice and unlock your true potential. From overcoming challenges to starting a whole new chapter of your life, the 200 mantras in this book will allow you to achieve your highest potential and become a source of infinite love. If you're ready, just say the word.

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