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Manual de Achievers 1: Más de 100 claves inspiradoras para cumplir tu destino (serie de mejores guías de Achievers) (mejores libros de la serie Achievers #1)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Manual de Achievers 1 mejores libros de la serie Achievers Book One contiene más de cien claves inspiradoras ampliadas y pepitas de éxito que lo ayudarán a cumplir su Destino. Este libro le ayuda en el autodescubrimiento: primero desarrolla el Concepto dado al nacer, construye su contenido (a partir de interacciones educativas) y luego el contexto (desde el entorno), las estrategias de resolución de problemas, ¿Su fe o destino? Fortalecer su voz (vocal o escrita), etc. Este manual es una lectura obligada y excelente para cualquier persona

Manual de Achievers 5: Más de 100 claves inspiradoras para cumplir tu destino (Serie de mejores guías de Achievers #5)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Manual de Achievers 5 Serie de mejores guías de Achievers El libro cinco es una continuación del libro uno, dos, tres, cuatro y contiene más de cien claves inspiradas y motivacionales y pepitas de éxito que lo ayudarán a cumplir su Destino y aprovechar su potencial. Es una llamada de atención para cualquiera que quiera sobresalir en la vida. Este libro le ayudará en las estrategias de resolución de problemas, para descubrir y aprovechar sus potenciales. Este manual, manual de negocios y resúmenes de éxito es una lectura obligada y excelente para aquellos que desean cumplir sus. Es para gente de negocios, triunfadores, innovadores, consejeros, entrenadores de vida, líderes, trabajadores, pastores, etc.

El Manual de Depresión para Escritores

by Giselle Renarde Denisse Herrera

Si eres un escritor que vive con depresión, probablemente no sepas qué hacer. Hay días en los que la depresión devora tus palabras y te encuentras a ti mismo incapaz de trabajar. La gente te dice que no estás solo. Entonces, ¿por qué se siente como si lo estuvieras? Siendo una autora con depresión crónica, Giselle Renarde creó este libro como una manera de llegar a otros escritores con la esperanza en ellos. El Manual de Depresión para Escritores incluye: Actividades específicas para ayudarte en los días oscuros. Ideas practicas para ayudarte a avanzar en tu negocio de escritura aún cuando sientas que te es imposible escribir. Todo está escrito en un tono personal, accesible y cordial. El Manual de Depresión para Escritores fue escrito para ti, con amor, preocupación y aliento.

Manual de la Perfecta Cabrona: Consejos para estar segura de una misma y no dejarse pisotear

by Elizabeth Hilts

«Cásate conmigo. Tú puedes dejar tu trabajo para ayudarme. Fingiremos que te echo una mano con los niños... Y después podría abandonarte por una mujer más joven. Sería divertido, ¿no?» «Pues yo creo que NO.» A muchas mujeres las han educado para actuar siempre de la manera «correcta». Sin embargo, ese esfuerzo no solo no las hace felices, sino que incluso les impide alcanzar lo que desean. Pero en cada mujer existe una fuerza fundamental y poderosa que muchas veces preferimos ignorar. Es valiente, no se anda con paños calientes, no se deja pisar... Toda mujer lleva una «cabrona» dentro, conseguir que emerja para ayudarnos a vivir mejor es solo cuestión de que aprendamos a escucharla y seamos capaces de superar nuestros miedos. Con humor e ingenio, Elizabeth Hilts nos ofrece en este libro los consejos básicos para que, de una vez por todas, la cabrona tome el mando. La crítica ha dicho...«Soy enérgica, ambiciosa y sé exactamente lo que quiero. Si eso me convierte en una cabrona, pues vale.»Madonna «Cásate conmigo. Tú puedes dejar tu trabajo para ayudarme. Fingiremos que te echo una mano con los niños... Y después podría abandonarte por una mujer más joven. Sería divertido, ¿no?» «Pues yo creo que NO.» A muchas mujeres las han educado para actuar siempre de la manera «correcta». Sin embargo, ese esfuerzo no solo no las hace felices, sino que incluso les impide alcanzar lo que desean. Pero en cada mujer existe una fuerza fundamental y poderosa que muchas veces preferimos ignorar. Es valiente, no se anda con paños calientes, no se deja pisar... Toda mujer lleva una «cabrona» dentro, conseguir que emerja para ayudarnos a vivir mejor es solo cuestión de que aprendamos a escucharla y seamos capaces de superar nuestros miedos. Con humor e ingenio, Elizabeth Hilts nos ofrece en este libro los consejos básicos para que, de una vez por todas, la cabrona tome el mando. La crítica ha dicho...«Soy enérgica, ambiciosa y sé exactamente lo que quiero. Si eso me convierte en una cabrona, pues vale.»Madonna

El manual de las sustancias psicodélicas: Una guía práctica y revisión histórica, médica y farmacológica de las principales sustancias psicodélicas: PSILOCIBINA, LSD, KETAMINA, MDMA y DMT/AYAHUASCA (Guides to Psychedelics & More)

by Rick Strassman

Learn everything you need to know about psychedelics with this ultimate guide packed with information on popular psychedelic drugs like psilocybin, ketamine, MDMA, DMT and LSD—plus practical tips for microdosing and how to safely "trip"—from bestselling author Dr. Rick Strassman. Aprenda todo lo que necesita saber sobre las sustancias psicodélicas con esta guía definitiva repleta de información sobre drogas psicodélicas populares como la psilocibina, la ketamina, el MDMA, la DMT y el LSD—además de consejos prácticos para la microdosificación y cómo &“viajar&” de forma segura— del autor best-seller Dr. Rick Strassman, quien ha estado al frente de la investigación sobre psicodélicos desde los años 60.Entering the world of psychedelic drugs can be challenging, and many aren&’t sure where to start. As research continues to expand and legalization looms on the horizon for psychedelics like psilocybin, you may need a guide to navigate what psychedelics are, how they work, and their potential benefits and risks. The Psychedelic Handbook is a complete manual that is accessible to anyone with an interest in these &“mind-manifesting&” substances. Packed with information on psilocybin, LSD, DMT/ayahuasca, mescaline/peyote, ketamine, MDMA, ibogaine, 5-methoxy-DMT (&“the toad&”), and Salvia divinorum/salvinorin A, this book is your ultimate reference for understanding the science and history of psychedelics; discovering their potential to treat depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and other disorders, as well as to increase wellness, creativity, and meditation; learning how to safely trip and explaining what we know about microdosing; and recognizing and caring for negative reactions to psychedelics. Clinical research psychiatrist, founding figure of the American psychedelic research renaissance, and best-selling author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman shares his experience and perspectives as neither advocate nor foe of psychedelics in order to help readers understand the effects of these remarkable drugs.

Manual de oratória

by Ana Dias Miguel D'Addario

As pesquisas científicas concluíram que a maioria das pessoas tem mais medo de falar em público do que de qualquer outra coisa. Expor-se, falar em frente a outras pessoas, chega a provocar posturas incorretas ou atitudes quase patológicas que impedem milhares de pessoas de se manifestarem perante um auditório. A minha experiência enquanto docente e orador assim o comprova quando muitos dos alunos pedem param não terem de falar em frente aos restantes colegas. Mas quem costuma fazer discursos em público, conferências, dar aulas e todo o tipo de exposição verbal perante um determinado público de vários níveis, não adquiriu essa capacidade de forma inata, não; foi um conhecimento adquirido através de técnicas, práticas, desejo de fazê-lo e ousar falar em público.

Manual de Sobrevivência Para o Mundo Corporativo

by Joana Garoupa

Joana Garoupa foi eleita Marketeer do Ano em 2020, e considerada uma das melhores marketeers com quem trabalhar em Portugal (Scopen. O universo empresarial pode ser um lugar difícil. Os níveis de exigência são altos e o ritmo é imparável, cada decisão tem impacto no contexto em redor, e podemos perder o rumo - sejamos nós gestores, colaboradores ou estagiários. Joana Garoupa não é estranha a esse mundo. Iniciando-se cedo na vida corporativa, a sua experiência serviu-lhe para perceber o que é necessário para vingar nesse meio. «Joana é, sem dúvida, uma força que nos impele a ir mais além, e este livro espelha a sua força de acreditar, principalmente em nós próprios. E sei que este seu livro será um guia para muitos de nós.» — Sandra Anastácio, Presidente da Ajuda de Berço «Muito bem escrito, sobre temas relevantes.» — Fernando Neves de Almeida, Country President da Boyden Portugal «Gostei muito. Não sabia bem o que ia encontrar, mas acho que está bastante equilibrado: um conjunto de ferramentas alicerçado na experiência pessoal.» Hugo Figueiredo, Administrador da RTP «Um excelente compêndio prático.» — Carlos Gomes da Silva, Vice-presidente do MCA Group «Aprender com o erro, liderar com verdade, rodear-se de pessoas melhores, saber dizer não, agradecer e negociar — eis o que pode aprender neste livro com a rica experiência empresarial da Joana.» — Pedro Dionísio, Professor Catedrático na ISCTE Business School, coautor de Mercator e Publicitor «Certamente a ser lido, mais do que por quem quer sobreviver, pelos que dirigem as grandes organizações e companhias. Devem aprender também, pois só assim serão verdadeiros líderes» — Luís Mergulhão, CEO Omnicon Media Group Portugal «Um óptimo guia não só para os que estão a começar, mas também para os que precisam de relembrar estas temáticas» — Vera Curado, mentee PWN

Manual del Buen Comunicador: Cómo llegar a la excelencia en el arte de comunicarse

by Danilo H. Gomes

¿No te sabes comunicar bien? ¿Deseas mejorar tu capacidad de persuasión y tus habilidades verbales? Encuentra lo que necesitas en esta obra. La raza humana es la única de entre las demás creaturas en el planeta Tierra que es capaz de comunicarse a través de un lenguaje verbal. A pesar de ser una habilidad presente en los seres humanos, la mayoría de ellos encuentran enorme dificultad en expresarse satisfactoriamente. El poder de las palabras es inmesurable, aún más si se utilizan de forma correcta. Velocidad, gestos, respiración, armado de frases, todo cuenta a la hora de comunicarse. Un buen comunicador logra sus objetivos utilizando sus capacidades ligadas al lenguaje. Este libro te ofrecerá ayuda para que evoluciones efectivamente en tus poderes de comunicación verbal y no verbal.

Manual del Guerrero de la Luz

by Paulo Coelho

Manual del Guerrero de la Luz es uno de los libros m s esperados del autor de El Alquimista, el bestseller internacional que ha fascinado a millones de lectores en el mundo entero. Los textos que se re nen en este libro nos recuerdan que en cada uno de nosotros vive un guerrero de la luz, alguien capaz de escuchar el silencio de su coraz n. Nos invitan a vivir nuestros sue os, aceptar la incertidumbre, alzarnos ante nuestro propio destino y seguir el camino del guerrero, el camino de aquel que sabe valorar el milagro de la vida, aceptar las derrotas sin dejarse abatir por ellas y cuya b squeda lo lleva a convertirse en quien quiere ser. Paulo Coelho, con m s de 47 millones de libros vendidos, no es s lo uno de los autores m s le dos del mundo, sino tambi n uno de los escritores con mayor influencia de hoy en d a. Lectores de m s de 150 pa ses, sin distinci n de credos ni culturas, le han convertido en uno de los autores de referencia de nuestro tiempo.

Manual del guerrero de la luz

by Coelho Paulo

Todos los días libramos una guerra interior. Son batallas contra las inquietudes, las contradicciones, las dudas y las pérdidas. Pero en cada uno de nosotros vive un guerrero de la luz.Descubre en Paulo Coelho a un novelista irreverente y actual, cuya lectura siempre mueve a la acción. Adéntrate en la obra de un autor provocador y valiente que rompe con los esquemas preconcebidos de nuestra sociedad. Un fenómeno literario con millones de seguidores en las redes sociales.Un guerrero de la luz conserva el brillo en los ojos. No siempre es valiente y en ocasiones sufre por cosas inútiles y duda de sí mismo. Sin embargo, por eso precisamente es un guerrero de la luz. Porque se equivoca. Porque acepta las derrotas. Porque se cuestiona a sí mismo. Porque alimenta la esperanza en medio del cansancio y el desaliento. Porque busca una razón y no se detiene hasta encontrarla.


by Dr Sophie Mort

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Clear, accessible wise advice for modern minds.' Matt Haig'Dr Soph is the therapist and best friend that the world deserves. The world of therapy and professional help is still so inaccessible to so many people and this book is a crucial and life changing one that should be placed in everyone&’s mental health toolkit!' Scarlett Curtis 'A Manual for Being Human is the motherlode, enlightening on why you might feel and behave how you do.' The Times&‘A truly wonderful, warm and wise one-stop shop for any inquisitive human. Packed full of prompts, practical tips and pep talks that will guide you through any situation.&’ Emma Gannon&‘There is a damn good reason why people are struggling. We are not raised to understand ourselves. In fact, we are raised misunderstanding ourselves and fearing the very thing that makes us, us.&’ Dr Soph Do you want to believe in yourself and your ability to be content with who you are? If the answer is yes, then A Manual for Being Human is the book you need to read. Do you want to understand how your childhood affects who you are today? How it affects your relationship with yourself and others? How school, bullying, gender expectations and even the social media you consume each day affects your emotional wellbeing? Do you want to know what your emotions actually are, where they come from and how to manage them when they threaten to overwhelm you? In this practical and insightful guide, Dr Soph will help you to understand why we all feel anxious, stressed, insecure and down from time to time. Her three-step methodology, developed through years of experience supporting people to make genuine change in their lives, will help you to identify problems arising from past experiences and current life events, look at the patterns, bad habits and negative cycles that may be keeping you stuck, and then draws on established, proven therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness, journaling, self-compassion, grounding and breathing and relaxation techniques to provide a toolkit of go--to techniques to use any time. Reassuring, knowledgeable and kind, Dr Soph offers support to those feeling lost at sea in today&’s troubling times and gives you the tools you need to help get the most out of life.'Finally! A book which takes psychological wellbeing across the lifespan out of the therapy room and into the mainstream. Dr Soph&’s warm, reassuring and frank style will have you understanding yourself, your actions and your relationships without a hefty therapy price tag.' Dr Karen Gurney, author Mind the Gap

Manual of Psychomagic: The Practice of Shamanic Psychotherapy

by Alejandro Jodorowsky

A workbook for using symbolic acts to heal the unconscious mind• Provides several hundred successful psychomagic solutions for a wide range of specific psychological, sexual, emotional, and physical problems, from stuttering, eczema, and fears to repressed rage and hereditary illnesses• Details how practitioners can develop unique psychomagic solutions for their patients• Explains how psychomagic bypasses the rational mind to work directly with the unconscious for quicker and more enduring changeTraditional psychotherapy seeks to unburden the unconscious mind purely through talk and discussion. Psychomagic recognizes that it is difficult to reach the unconscious with rational thought. We should instead speak directly to the unconscious in its own language, that of dreams, poetry, and symbolic acts. By interacting on this deeper level, we can initiate quicker and more enduring change to resolve repressed childhood trauma, express buried emotions, and overcome deep-seated intimacy issues. Through the lens of psychomagic, illness can be seen as the physical dream of the unconscious, revealing unresolved issues, some passed from generation to generation.In this workbook of psychomagical spells, legendary filmmaker and creator of psychomagic Alejandro Jodorowsky provides several hundred successful psychomagic solutions for a wide range of psychological, sexual, emotional, and physical problems from stuttering, eczema, and fear of failure to repressed rage, hereditary illnesses, and domineering parents. Each solution takes the same elements associated with a negative emotional charge and recasts them into a series of theatrical symbolic actions that enable one to pay the psychological debts hindering their lives. Explaining the shamanic techniques at the foundation of psychomagic, the author offers methods for aspiring practitioners to develop solutions for their own unique patients. Jodorowsky explains how the surreal acts of psychomagic are intended to break apart the dysfunctional persona with whom the patient identifies in order to connect with a deeper, more authentic self. As he says in the book, “Health only finds itself in the authentic. There is no beauty without authenticity.”

Manual práctico de los mejores equipos: 60 estrategias eficaces para que tu equipo triunfe

by Daniel Coyle

La guía definitiva para estimular y fomentar la mejor cultura de equipo.Un libro que perfeccionará las habilidades de cualquier líder y fortalecerá la cohesión de cualquier grupo. ¿En qué consiste una buena mentalidad de equipo?¿Cómo podemos sacar lo mejor de un grupo o mejorar aquel que lo necesita? Daniel Coyle lleva años investigando a equipos de élite de todo el mundo, estudiando cómo se apoyan, cómo gestionan los conflictos y cómo avanzan hacia un objetivo común. Los que mejor funcionan, explica, se basan en tres ejes esenciales: seguridad, vulnerabilidad y propósito. Manual práctico de los mejores equipos ofrece 60 tácticas sencillas para construir un entorno fuerte, cohesionado y positivo. Coyle incluye en estas páginas ejercicios que pueden llevarse a cabo en cualquier situación, como, por ejemplo:* Programar reuniones para hablar explícitamente del funcionamiento del equipo con el fin de mejorar la dinámica interna.* Crear espacios para que los trabajadores remotos estén conectados con el resto del equipo y cultiven una mentalidad de equipo a pesar de la distancia.* Celebrar fiestas que sirvan como válvula de escape y como plataforma para que la gente conecte y resuelva problemas en equipo. Repleto de ilustraciones en blanco y negro y de consejos prácticos útiles para empresas, atletas e incluso familias, Manual práctico de los mejores equipos es una guía indispensable para lograr que cualquier grupo rinda al máximo. Reseñas:«Si eres un líder, o si trabajas con uno, y quieres comprender cómo generar seguridad, confianza y un sentido de propósito para tu equipo, necesitas este libro».Charles Duhigg, autor de Más agudo, más rápido y mejor y El poder de los hábitos «Tu cultura de equipo = tus acciones. Con esta simple frase, Dan Coyle descifra el elemento más importante y complejo para crear los mejores equipos y ofrece acciones concretas para construir una cohesión increíble todos los días».Laszlo Bock, autor de La nueva fórmula del trabajo «Manual práctico de los mejores equipos ofrece un conjunto de ejercicios simples y efectivos para cualquiera que se plantee crear una cultura de equipo que permita prosperar y desempeñar el trabajo lo mejor posible. Marcadamente práctico, este es un libro de trabajo con un toque lúdico, y seguirlo ayudará a cualquier grupo a alcanzar el éxito».Amy C. Edmondson, docente en Harvard Business School

Manuale per la Consapevolezza Attraverso la Meditazione Quotidiana: Come Cambiare la Tua Vita per Ridurre lo Stress & Essere Felice

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Vorresti essere in grado di eliminare il malessere, avere meno ansia, e dormire meglio con una mente lucida? Per moltissimo tempo, la consapevolezza ottenuta attraverso tecniche di meditazione è stata usata per curare un gran numero di malanni, permettendoti di vivere una vita più felice e sana! Usare le tecniche di guarigione della meditazione consapevole ti aiuterà anche con malattie croniche, infiammazioni, migliorerà il tuo sistema immunitario, i tuoi livelli di energia, la concentrazione, la felicità generica, e molto altro! Prova emozioni più positive. Introduci nella tua vita i segreti delle cure naturali che i professionisti usano per sentirti più sano che mai! Con decenni di strategie testate, questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più rapido ed efficace per usare la meditazione per ottenere benefici per il tuo benessere! Questo manuale ti insegna tecniche comprovate senza dover ricorrere all'uso di supplementi o corsi costosi. Include: - Rimedi. - Combattere lo stress. - Ridurre ed eliminare l'ansia. - Avere più energia. - Dormire meglio. - Consapevolezza. - Superare i malanni. - Nutrizione. - Cosa dovresti sapere. + MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi essere più in salute, curare i malanni, o migliorare la tua concentrazione ed il tuo benessere, allora questo manuale è per te, --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per comprare immediatamente Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees in regards to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only. Please consult a professional before taking action on any of the contents found within.

Manuel de yoga pour tous

by Cristiano Pugno Sb

Manuel de yoga pour tous qui décrit de façon accessible les postures de base du yoga

Manufacturing Phobias: The Political Production of Fear in Theory and Practice

by Hisham Ramadan Jeff Shantz

Fear is a powerful emotion and a formidable spur to action, a source of worry and - when it is manipulated - a source of injustice. Manufacturing Phobias demonstrates how economic and political elites mobilize fears of terrorism, crime, migration, invasion, and infection to twist political and social policy and advance their own agendas. The contributors to the collection, experts in criminology, law, sociology, and politics, explain how and why social phobias are created by pundits, politicians, and the media, and how they target the most vulnerable in our society. Emphasizing how social phobias reflect the interests of those with political, economic, and cultural power, this work challenges the idea that society's anxieties are merely expressions of individual psychology. Manufacturing Phobias will be a clarion call for anyone concerned about the disturbing consequences of our culture of fear.

The Many Faces Of Bereavement: The Nature And Treatment Of Natural Traumatic And Stigmatized Grief

by Ginny Sprang John McNeil

First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Many Faces, One Voice: Secrets from The Anonymous People

by Bud Mikhitarian Greg Williams

Many Faces, One Voice is a must-read companion book to the award-winning film The Anonymous People.<P><P> Together with the film, this collection of insights, illuminated by vibrant faces and voices of recovery, takes the reader along a journey of individual growth and, potentially, to world change.A vital record of the lives and testimony of brave people who have come out of the shadows of anonymity to fight stigma and discrimination--people who now publicly advocate for the 23 million Americans suffering with addiction. Their inspiring stories, told in intimate detail, are essential to understanding the success, the hope, and the power of recovery.Bud Mikhitarian is an award-winning filmmaker and the producer of The Anonymous People film.Greg Williams is the director of The Anonymous People.

Many Lives, Many Masters: The true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patient and the past-life therapy that changed both their lives

by Dr. Brian Weiss

THE CLASSIC BESTSELLER ON A TRUE CASE OF PAST-LIFE TRAUMA AND PAST-LIFE THERAPY FROM AUTHOR AND PSYCHOTHERAPIST DR BRIAN WEISSPsychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss had been working with Catherine, a young patient, for eighteen months. Catherine was suffering from recurring nightmares and chronic anxiety attacks. When his traditional methods of therapy failed, Dr Weiss turned to hypnosis and was astonished and sceptical when Catherine began recalling past-life traumas which seemed to hold the key to her problems. Dr Weiss's scepticism was eroded when Catherine began to channel messages from 'the space between lives', which contained remarkable revelations about his own life. Acting as a channel for information from highly evolved spirit entities called the Masters, Catherine revealed many secrets of life and death. This fascinating case dramatically altered the lives of Catherine and Dr Weiss, and provides important information on the mysteries of the mind, the continuation of life after death and the influence of our past-life experiences on our present behaviour.

Many Wonderful Things

by Robert Huffman

“SOMETIMES GOD TAKES UNUSUAL METHODS TO ATTRACT ATTENTION TO HIMSELF…”This book brings you the amazing true story of one of the most unusual events of our day—proof through hypnosis that God has placed a part of Himself within you!In a series of hypnotic experiments carried out over a period of two years, the Boulder Fellowship Foundation has uncovered startling evidence that man has a “third mind—a God mind, a part of God within himself. While hypnotism is not the theme of this book, it was the tool used to show that the subconscious mind—as well as the conscious mind—can be stilled, thus allowing the God-part to speak without the intrusion of the ego. The result?—pure truth brought forth from the God part at the God level!The answers to questions put to the God-part of the subject used in these experiments are truly amazing. As you read them in this book, they will speak of many wonderful things, and point the way to your greatest adventure—partnership with God…adventure into Eternity!“Proving God within ourselves is an adventure, a challenge, a joy,” the God-part tells us. “Now is the time to claim this challenge, to step forth to this adventure. For this is our one requirement: to recognize God within, to express God from ourselves to all men; thus bringing forth the greatest, the most glorious adventure in all eternity!”THE GOD-PART SPEAKS TRUTH WITH NO CONFUSION!The hypnotic experiments reported in this book uncover some revealing answers to scores of perplexing questions. Here are just a few:Where can I find God?How can I get to God?What is God like?How can I truly contact Him?Is here really life after death?What is man’s destiny?How can I find true peace of mind?Does God punish us?Is there really a Hell?What is death?What is God’s will for me?What is the greatest power in the Universe?Can God heal me? Will He?Read the easy-to-understand answers to these and many more questions in this book.

The Map: Finding The Magic And Meaning In The Story Of Your Life

by Colette Baron-Reid

Intuitive counselor Colette Baron-Reid is renowned for helping people create the purposeful and authentic lives they desire. In this fascinating book, Colette hands you the "magic wand" of your own awareness so that you can begin to perceive your life as a wonderful adventure, and see yourself as an enchanted mapmaker. Enter a deep journey into your inner landscape and meet the imaginary beings that hold the keys to the wisdom hidden in your subconscious: the Wizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener, the Bone Collector, and the spirits of the psychological terrain you traverse, who know where to find the treasure in each experience. Discover how to tame the mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Each of these aspects of your psyche has lessons for you, and each responds to your directions, for you are in charge of your own map. You don’t have to feel lost or disoriented in this time of global transformation, or be at the mercy of the winds of change. The Map invites you to boldly claim your power to direct your journey so that you may find meaning, purpose, and joy. Step into the magic, and harness the extraordinary power within you to shape your destiny.

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential

by David R. Hawkins

An accessible exploration of best-selling author's most famous work, The Map of Consciousness, that helps readers experience healing and transcendence.We are all born with a level of consciousness, an energetic frequency within the vast field of consciousness. And with The Map of Consciousness, we can truly understand the total spectrum of human consciousness.Using a unique muscle-testing method, Dr. David R. Hawkins conducted more than 250,000 calibrations during 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness. This range of values-along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000-became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr. Hawkins first wrote about in his best-selling book, Power vs. Force.With the Map, Dr. David R. Hawkins laid out the entire spectrum of consciousness, from the lower levels of Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Fear, Anger, and Pride; to Courage, Acceptance, and Reason; all the way up to the more expanded levels of Love, Ecstasy, Peace, and Enlightenment. These "higher" energy fields are a carrier wave of immense life energy.An essential primer on the late Dr. David R. Hawkins's teachings on human consciousness and their associated energy fields, The Map of Consciousness Explained offers readers an introduction and deeper understandingof the Map, with visual charts and practical applications to help them heal, recover, and evolve to higher levels of consciousness and energy.This book is a light unto the path of any individual who wants to become more effective in any area of life.

The Map of Heaven: A neurosurgeon explores the mysteries of the afterlife and the truth about what lies beyond

by Dr Eben Alexander III Ptolemy Tompkins

When Dr Eben Alexander wrote about his own startling near-death experience in Proof of Heaven, he was contacted by countless people from all walks of life. His story had touched them personally and they in turn had their own miraculous experiences of the afterlife to share with Eben. In The Map of Heaven, Eben recounts the astonishing stories he has heard on his travels, from near-death experiences and encounters with angelic beings to inspiring messages from departed loved ones. Each account helps us to understand just how vast the universe really is. Drawing on these accounts and lessons from religious leaders, philosophers and scientific investigations into the role of consciousness, Eben explores our true place in the universe and what exactly exists beyond death.

The Map of Heaven: A neurosurgeon explores the mysteries of the afterlife and the truth about what lies beyond

by Dr Eben Alexander III Ptolemy Tompkins

When Dr Eben Alexander wrote about his own startling near-death experience in Proof of Heaven, he was contacted by countless people from all walks of life. His story had touched them personally and they in turn had their own miraculous experiences of the afterlife to share with Eben. In The Map of Heaven, Eben recounts the astonishing stories he has heard on his travels, from near-death experiences and encounters with angelic beings to inspiring messages from departed loved ones. Each account helps us to understand just how vast the universe really is. Drawing on these accounts and lessons from religious leaders, philosophers and scientific investigations into the role of consciousness, Eben explores our true place in the universe and what exactly exists beyond death.

The Map of Meaningful Work (2e): A Practical Guide to Sustaining our Humanity

by Marjolein Lips-Wiersma Lani Morris

This book introduces the Map of Meaning which provides a clear, simple and profound framework of the dimensions and process of living and working meaningfully. The Map of Meaning is based on over 20 years' research into the insights and practice of ordinary people as they search for, lose and find meaning. Incorporating the ideas of philosophers, psychologists and sociologists, this book describes how human beings wrestle with, and answer, questions such as, "What gives my life and work meaning?", "How can I balance inspiration and reality and maintain positive momentum?" and "How do we integrate meaningfulness into our workplaces?". Innate human knowledge is captured in a practical model that makes understanding and working with issues of meaning clear and accessible to everyone. At an individual level this book helps people to define and stay in contact with what is most important to them as they grapple with the real problems of daily life. It shows how they can stay in charge of keeping the human search for meaning alive, especially in the face of the challenges that exist in organizational life. Because the dimensions of meaning are shared, the second half of the book focuses on how we can bring an awareness of what creates meaningful work into our thinking about the practice and design of organisations. The authors recognize that in the current economic context a simple, yet profound guide for humanity is essential, precisely because organizational life has become so intensely directed towards a singular economic goal. They argue that it is vital that people have an easy, powerful way to reclaim the significance of meaning in their working lives both individually and at a whole of organization level. Updated with new chapter material and case studies, this second edition offers profound insights for anyone who is interested in creating more meaning and purpose in work and organizations – from a CEO to a blue-collar worker or consultant. It is for those searching for ways to re-energize their roles or change their careers. It is for anyone who firmly believes that it must be possible to align our deeper life purposes with our daily actions in the workplace. It is for anyone who is committed to creating workplaces that support and enable the experience of work that feels worth doing.

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