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The Map of Meaningful Work (2e): A Practical Guide to Sustaining our Humanity
by Marjolein Lips-Wiersma Lani MorrisThis book introduces the Map of Meaning which provides a clear, simple and profound framework of the dimensions and process of living and working meaningfully. The Map of Meaning is based on over 20 years' research into the insights and practice of ordinary people as they search for, lose and find meaning. Incorporating the ideas of philosophers, psychologists and sociologists, this book describes how human beings wrestle with, and answer, questions such as, "What gives my life and work meaning?", "How can I balance inspiration and reality and maintain positive momentum?" and "How do we integrate meaningfulness into our workplaces?". Innate human knowledge is captured in a practical model that makes understanding and working with issues of meaning clear and accessible to everyone. At an individual level this book helps people to define and stay in contact with what is most important to them as they grapple with the real problems of daily life. It shows how they can stay in charge of keeping the human search for meaning alive, especially in the face of the challenges that exist in organizational life. Because the dimensions of meaning are shared, the second half of the book focuses on how we can bring an awareness of what creates meaningful work into our thinking about the practice and design of organisations. The authors recognize that in the current economic context a simple, yet profound guide for humanity is essential, precisely because organizational life has become so intensely directed towards a singular economic goal. They argue that it is vital that people have an easy, powerful way to reclaim the significance of meaning in their working lives both individually and at a whole of organization level. Updated with new chapter material and case studies, this second edition offers profound insights for anyone who is interested in creating more meaning and purpose in work and organizations – from a CEO to a blue-collar worker or consultant. It is for those searching for ways to re-energize their roles or change their careers. It is for anyone who firmly believes that it must be possible to align our deeper life purposes with our daily actions in the workplace. It is for anyone who is committed to creating workplaces that support and enable the experience of work that feels worth doing.
The Map to Wholeness: Real-Life Stories of Crisis, Change, and Reinvention--Your Guide through the 13 Phases of Transformation
by Suzy RossThe Map to Wholeness is an evidence-based guide for discovering your life's true purpose, deepening your experience of transformation, and emerging healthier and happier from the journeyWhat is my purpose? Am I on the right track? How do I create meaning in my life? The seemingly random events that comprise our lives can be understood as serving a higher purpose when examined through the proper lens; they are in fact the critical steps that comprise our hero's journey. Those who choose to travel this path will emerge completely transformed--healthier, happier, and in touch with their life's purpose. In this book, Susan Ross draws on her extensive research to create a map for those ready to embark on their most important adventure. The Map to Wholeness identifies the thirteen phases of personal transformation (symbolized as an upright infinity symbol or a figure-8). Readers will learn how to identify their unique location on the journey, deepen their experience, and avoid the common pitfalls that block progress. Each step on the path brings us closer to our inherent state of wholeness (even when they feel painful or pointless). By understanding the larger meaning of our circumstances from a bird's eye perspective, we learn to rest in faith and confidence, freed from crippling judgment and self-blame. We will live more deliberately, consciously, and joyfully, while simultaneously heightening our experiences of change.At the heart of this book are the personal journeys of three ordinary individuals who have descended into the darkness of their psyches, integrating a personal life-changing event, and emerging transformed. Readers will find their own life stories reflected in these real-life accounts.
A Map to Your Soul: Using the Astrology of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water to Live Deeply and Fully (Goop Press)
by Jennifer FreedNurture yourself and live your potential with this practical and accessible guide to your unique blend of fire, earth, air, and water from goop's resident psychological astrologer&“Jennifer Freed is one of my favorite spiritual teachers.&”—GLENNON DOYLE&“Dr. Jen provides a clear map to realizing your innate gifts and how to best share them with the world.&”—MILA KUNISThere are four elements—fire, earth, air, and water—that exist in nature and within us all. Knowing your personal map of these four elements offers a way to personalize your self-care rituals and design your best life: one that fully expresses your special gifts.With a PhD in psychology in addition to her expertise as an astrologer, Dr. Jennifer Freed is here to show you to how to decode and tap into your gifts in this practical guide to life. She explains how your astrological birth chart can point you to the life you want and offers self-assessments to pinpoint your most effective strategies. A Map to Your Soul offers practical exercises for topics ranging from communication styles to creativity, home styles to psychic development, health habits to belief systems. Some of the advice is as simple as the color scheme that will make you feel most at peace in your bedroom. Other advice is as nuanced as how to better listen to your loved ones and how to fulfill your soul&’s purpose.To get a sense of how the four elements manifest for you, think of a time when you felt: • Mentally clear: that's air• Grounded and centered: that's earth• Flowing and feeling: that's water• Creative and Dynamic: that's fireWritten with the beginner in mind but offering insight to the experienced student of astrology, A Map to Your Soul is a 12-part journey through the way the elements express themselves in your life. By balancing and supporting the elements within us, we can finally truly flourish.
El mapa: Tú marcas el rumbo de tu vida
by Baron-Reid ColetteUn libro que ayudará al lector a desarrollar su conciencia plena, a percibir la vida como una aventura y a considerarse a sí mismo como el cartógrafo que diseña el mapa de su propia vida. El mundo es caótico y hostil, pero poseemos las herramientas necesarias para avanzar con firmeza y seguridad por él. Cada uno de nosotros poseemos una fuerza interior, una brújula, que nos guía a través de la vida. Con sensibilidad y perspicacia, Colette Baron-Reid nos enseña a sacar el máximo partido de esa brújula y nos invita a explorar los paisajes más recónditos de la personalidad humana. A través de acertadas y esclarecedoras metáforas cartográficas, como si de un mapa del tesoro se tratara, recorreremos nuestra geografía más íntima y aprenderemos a descubrirnos, entendernos y disfrutar de la maravillosa aventura que es nuestra existencia. Aprovecha el extraordinario poder que reside en ti define tu propio destino.
El mapa
by Baron-Reid ColetteEl mundo es caótico y hostil, pero poseemos las herramientas necesarias para avanzar con firmeza y seguridad por él. Cada uno de nosotros poseemos una fuerza interior, una brújula, que nos guía a través de la vida. Con sensibilidad y perspicacia, Colette Baron-Reid nos enseña a sacar el máximo partido de esa brújula y nos invita a explorar los paisajes más recónditos de la personalidad humana. A través de acertadas y esclarecedoras metáforas cartográficas, como si de un mapa del tesoro se tratara, recorreremos nuestra geografía más íntima y aprenderemos a descubrirnos, entendernos y disfrutar de la maravillosa aventura que es nuestra existencia.Aprovecha el extraordinario poder que reside en ti define tu propio destino.
El mapa de la abundancia
by Boni Lonnsburry¿Estás listo para cambiar tu realidad financiera... para siempre? Existen muchos malentendidos sobre el dinero. Algunos dicen que es el origen de todos los males. Otros lo ven como una panacea y piensan que tenerlo arreglará todo. Y hay quien cree las dos cosas al mismo tiempo. Pero ¿y si el dinero no fuera bueno ni malo? ¿Y si sólo fuera pura energía? Imagina que eres capaz de crear abundancia ilimitada en todas las áreas de tu vida. ¿Cómo sería? ¿Qué sueños y objetivos perseguirías? ¿Qué alegrías incluirías en tu vida diaria? El poder de crear cualquier cosa ya existe dentro de nosotros (y tú no eres la excepción), puedes aprender a trabajar con la energía para crear abundancia. El mapa de la abundancia te ayudará a llevar tus capacidades de creación innatas al siguiente nivel, ése donde el dinero fluye como agua y la felicidad es una realidad diaria. ¡Eshora de reclamar la vida abundante para la que naciste!
El mapa de la abundancia
by Boni Lonnsburry¿Estás listo para cambiar tu realidad financiera... para siempre? Existen muchos malentendidos sobre el dinero. Algunos dicen que es el origen de todos los males. Otros lo ven como una panacea y piensan que tenerlo arreglará todo. Y hay quien cree las dos cosas al mismo tiempo. Pero ¿y si el dinero no fuera bueno ni malo? ¿Y si sólo fuera pura energía? Imagina que eres capaz de crear abundancia ilimitada en todas las áreas de tu vida. ¿Cómo sería? ¿Qué sueños y objetivos perseguirías? ¿Qué alegrías incluirías en tu vida diaria? El poder de crear cualquier cosa ya existe dentro de nosotros (y tú no eres la excepción), puedes aprender a trabajar con la energía para crear abundancia. El mapa de la abundancia te ayudará a llevar tus capacidades de creación innatas al siguiente nivel, ése donde el dinero fluye como agua y la felicidad es una realidad diaria. ¡Eshora de reclamar la vida abundante para la que naciste!
El mapa para alcanzar el éxito
by John C. MaxwellDifícil tarea es definir el éxito. La mayoría de las personas lo hacen equivalente a la riqueza, el poder y la felicidad. Pero el verdadero éxito no es algo que uno adquiere o logra. Más bien es un viaje que se emprende y que dura toda la vida. En un estilo fresco, directo y lleno de buen humor, John C. Maxwell nos hace partícipes de sus ideas acerca de lo que significa ser exitoso. Revela una definición que pone el éxito genuino a su alcance, y le motiva para seguir luchando por sus sueños.
Mapa sentimental: Alcanza la estabilidad emocional conociendo tus sentimientos
by Javier UrraNunca es tarde para el cambio, no hay acción sin conciencia ni conducta sin elección previa. Hemos de conocer nuestros sentimientos para entendernos y para comprender al otro... para ser felices. «Al igual que en los puertos de carretera existe una zona de frenada ya dispuesta, a nivel emocional y sentimental es bueno preparar salidas de emergencia ante situaciones de riesgo. »No hay acción sin conciencia, no hay conducta sin elección previa. Podemos controlarnos y manejar nuestro diálogo interior para conducirnos en la incertidumbre, aceptar la frustración y controlar nuestros impulsos. El lenguaje que utilizamos crea nuestra realidad. Es necesario fomentar la habilidad relacional y aprender a reconocer las emociones ajenas. Que no nos suceda en la vida lo que nos puede ocurrir durante un viaje, que avanzamos kilómetros sin ser conscientes de por dónde hemos pasado. »Nuestra andadura emocional, sentimental se fundamenta en el simple hecho de sentir, de acumular pasiones. Esta es nuestra verdadera naturaleza. Es importante avanzar en la vida con pilares sólidos fraguados desde la inteligencia, el humor, los sentimientos y la voluntad. Solo si somos capaces de conocernos, de gestionar nuestros afectos, de aplacar nuestra ira y de vencer nuestros miedos podremos avanzar, cumplir nuestros objetivos. »La vida discurre acelerada y en medio del fluir del tiempo y de las obligaciones que nos asolan hemos de diseñar un mapa sentimental propio que nos acerque a los demás y que nos explique como individuos, pues somos lo que sentimos y es fundamental conocer y gestionar nuestros afectos para evitar que las emociones negativas nos aprisionen, para ser más libres. »Este libro nos propone diversos itinerarios para aprender a amar, a descubrir nuestras fortalezas, a atenuar nuestras debilidades... para conseguir alcanzar la estabilidad emocional». Javier Urra
Mapping Motivation for Coaching (The Complete Guide to Mapping Motivation)
by James Sale Bevis MoynanMapping Motivation for Coaching, co-written with Bevis Moynan, is the first of a series of six books that are all linked to the author's Motivational Map toolkit. Each book builds on a different aspect of personal, team, and organisational development. This book is a practical guide to understanding how personal and career development is underpinned by motivation, and how coaching and mapping are perfectly complementary activities. More specifically, it shows how using Motivational Maps within an accepted coaching framework can not only accelerate the process in order to achieve results for the client more quickly, but also go deeper, both in mutual understanding and also the possibility of facilitating a successful outcome; for the client not only needs to understand their issue more effectively through the coaching process, but also needs to be motivated to want to take significant action to deal with it. Understanding, then, is one thing, but having the energy for follow-through is another, and it is precisely in this area that combining Maps with coaching techniques is so powerful. This highly original approach will enable all coaches everywhere in the world to get into the heart of their clients’ issues faster, better, and be able to help them solve these issues more easily.
Mapping Motivation for Leadership (The Complete Guide to Mapping Motivation)
by James Sale Jane ThomasMapping Motivation for Leadership, co-written with Jane Thomas, is the fourth of a series of seven books that are all linked to the author’s Motivational Map toolkit. Each book builds on a different aspect of personal, team and organisational development. This is a practical guide to leadership in the 21st century and builds on the ‘4+1’ model outlined in the author's original book Mapping Motivation: Unlocking the Key to Employee Energy and Engagement. There is an increasing body of evidence, that the single most important aspect of being a leader relates to managing emotions effectively, and this management goes way beyond simply ‘understanding’ emotional intelligence; it is in fact a practice and one that is intimately connected with personal development and growth, and with energy. Energy, as Mapping Motivation made clear, is synonymous with motivation. The effective leaders of tomorrow will be those who understand their motivators, who regularly measure their motivators, sustain and replenish and maximise their motivators, and who do the same for their employees. Clearly, there is a link here with the book on engagement, for leaders who do so will engage their employees. However, this book not only covers the motivational side of leadership, but also explores in detail the skill sets necessary in the ‘4+1’ model: thinking skills, action skills, team skills and motivational skills plus that indefinable ‘something’ that is a commitment to personal development, so that we as leaders are not trying to solve today’s problems with yesterday’s training as our only internal resource.
Mapping Motivation for Top Performing Teams (The Complete Guide to Mapping Motivation)
by James SaleMapping Motivation for Top Performing Teams is the final volume in a series of books that are all linked to the author's Motivational Map toolkit. Each book builds on a different aspect of personal, team and organisational development. This book, using the Motivational Map, the Team Motivational Map, as well as the Organisation Motivational Map, is a practical guide to understanding how team dynamics and success are hugely influenced by motivational factors, which are not usually taken into account. The book is a deeper exploration of team mapping which occurs in Chapter 6 of Mapping Motivation (2015), Chapter 6 of Mapping Motivation for Engagement (with Steve Jones, 2019), and Chapter 6 of Mapping Motivation for Leadership (with Jane Thomas, 2020). But whereas these chapters only touched on specific aspects of team dynamics, this book covers the issues more comprehensively; it also attempts to avoid replication of materials, although there are bound to be small overlaps. It covers not only how motivations affect team productivity and how this can be boosted through targeted Reward Strategies, but also how ‘mapping’ provides profounder insights into the four key characteristics of top performing teams: the clear remit, vital interdependency, strong belief, and real accountability. How Motivational Maps covers these areas, we believe to be original, eye-opening and effective in the management of change. Further, as always with Motivational Maps, its language and metrics raise self-awareness at an individual and team level, and so can help resolve conflicts through its common and non-judgmental language. Managing teams is the key skill of managers: thus this book is a handbook for managers everywhere who wish to excel at management, for without bringing their teams on board (i.e. motivating their teams), they are not effectively managing.
Mapping the Darkness: The Visionary Scientists Who Unlocked the Mysteries of Sleep
by Kenneth Miller&‘Fascinating, magisterially researched, and brilliantly written.&’ Steve Silberman, author of Neurotribes Thirty-two days underground. No heat. No sunlight. 4 June 1938. Nathaniel Kleitman and his research student make their way down the seventy-one steps leading to the mouth of Mammoth Cave. They are about to embark on one of the most intrepid and bizarre experiments in medical history, one which will change our understanding of sleep forever. Undisturbed by natural light, they will investigate what happens when you overturn one of the fundamental rhythms of the human body. Together, they enter the darkness. When Kleitman first arrived in New York, a penniless twenty-year-old refugee, few would have guessed that in just a few decades he would revolutionise the field of sleep science. In Mapping the Darkness, Kenneth Miller weaves science and history to tell the story of the outsider scientists who took sleep science from the fringes to a mainstream obsession. Reliving the spectacular experiments, technological innovation, imaginative leaps and single-minded commitment of these early pioneers, Miller provides a tantalising glimpse into the most mysterious third of our lives.
Maps to the Other Side: Adventures of a Bipolar Cartographer
by Sascha Altman DubrulPart mad manifesto, part revolutionary love letter, part freight train adventure story-Maps to the Other Side is a self-reflective shattered mirror, a twist on the classic punk rock travel narrative that searches for authenticity and connection in the lives of strangers and the solidarity and limitations of underground community.<P><P> Beginning at the edge of the internet age, a time when radical zine culture prefigured social networking sites, these timely writings paint an illuminated trail through a complex labyrinth of undocumented migrants, anarchist community organizers, brilliant visionary artists, revolutionary seed savers, punk rock historians, social justice farmers, radical mental health activists, and iconoclastic bridge builders. This book is a document of one person's odyssey to transform his experiences navigating the psychiatric system by building community in the face of adversity; a set of maps for how rebels and dreamers can survive and thrive in a crazy world.
Marathon: Runner or not, the enemy is in your head.
by Jorge CuevasRed circle: #YourMarathon is what moves you, what gives you hope, and what makes you get out of bed every morning without an alarm clock. What´s your marathon? Are you already running it? Are you about to take off? Are you just receiving the calling? Marathon, the challenge that requires preparation, courage, passion, and guts so that you can face off with yourself. This is not a book about the advantages of running, nor does it contain tips to improve your scores. Rather, these pages get us closer to the war that as a Marathon runner every person fights in their head, which is the same battle that you deal with when you want to go beyond your limits and reach your own goals. The arena for this battle isn´t a track, it´s in the mind: that place where in some moments you´re a slave, an insurgent, a lover, a conquistador, a victim, a criminal, a gladiator, or even a Jedi Knight. Marathon is an intense book, intimate and original, in which you´ll tour Mexico City, Paris, Papantla, Houston, and Rome. You´ll visit the heart of the most emblematic competition in track and field and, between euphoria, frustration, searching, music, and revenge, you´ll run 42 kilometers of learning.
Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible
by John Van PayGOD WANTS TO FINISH WHAT HE STARTED IN YOU Surrendering your life to Jesus is the greatest decision you will ever make, but that's just the starting line. Many of us begin a journey of following Jesus without a realistic expectation of the price required to finish our spiritual race. As a result, we lose heart when the road becomes difficult. In Marathon Faith: Motivation from the Greatest Endurance Runners of the Bible, pastor and marathon runner John Van Pay offers help. Van Pay shows how the "endurance runners of the Bible" overcame obstacles on their faith journeys and how you too can finish your spiritual race through their example. By adding personal adventures, humorous mishaps, and grueling struggles from his own endurance races and life experiences, Van Pay shares in vulnerable ways how God helps when things get tough. You too can finish strong.
Maratón: Corredor o no, el enemigo está en tu cabeza
by Jorge Cuevas¿Cuál es tu maratón? ¿Ya lo estás corriendo? ¿Estás por arrancar? ¿Apenas estás recibiendo el llamado? Maratón, el desafío que requiere preparación, coraje, pasión y agallas para enfrentarte contigo mismo. Éste no es un libro sobre las ventajas de correr ni contiene tips para mejorar tus marcas. Estas páginas nos acercan, más bien, a la guerra que el maratonista libra en su cabeza, que es la misma batalla que toda persona enfrenta cuando quiere ir más allá de sus límites y alcanzar sus metas. La arena de esta batalla no es una pista, es la mente: el lugar donde por momentos eres esclavo, insurgente, amante, conquistador, víctima, criminal, gladiador y hasta guerrero Jedi. Maratón es un libro intenso, íntimo y original con el que recorrerás la Ciudad de México, París, Papantla, Houston y Roma. Visitarás el corazón de la más emblemática competencia del atletismo y, entre euforia, frustración, búsqueda, música y revancha, correrás 42 kilómetros de aprendizaje.
Maratones del infierno
by Jorge CuevasEl maratón es el marco en el que se sitúa esta historia sobre la adversidad y la reconciliación con uno mismo. Jorge está a punto de arrancar el maratón de Monterrey, con el sueño de romper su récord personal, pero lo que no sabe es que la carrera no lo llevará a ninguna gloria, sino al infierno de los corredores. En este libro recorrerás Barcelona, San Petersburgo, Monterrey, París y Atenas, mientras te adentras en los espejismos de la mente, demonios en forma de lesiones y hocicos voladores, kilómetros de melancolía, millas de resignación, senderos de trabajo ciego, faros imaginarios, mensajeros atemporales, batallas épicas y puentes de amistad. Será una travesía en la que descubrirás ciudades del mundo y lugares dentro de ti mismo, que te conducirá a hitos de tu propia historia, retará tus sueños y te mostrará caminos para vencer a los demonios que hoy enfrentas. Maratones del Infierno es un mapa de la noche oscura del alma, lo que convierte a este libro en un mensaje esencial para una época donde personas y humanidad estamos buscando respuestas en un territorio desconocido.
A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Aventuras Adicionais em Do Outro Lado da Vida: Volume Dois
by Richard MartiniEste é o volume dois de "A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte". Ele também alcançou o primeiro lugar de vendas na Amazon.com (em todos os seus gêneros no Kindle) depois de minha aparição no programa de rádio "Coast to Coast" com George Noory em 12 de dezembro de 2014. Há uma versão kindle de todos os três livros ("Do Outro lado," "It's a Wonderful Afterlife ", volume um), bem como brochura e audível. O livro acaba de ser escolhido para publicação na Índia. Tive vários pedidos para traduzir este material na Europa. Devo alertar o tradutor, entretanto, pois este material não é para todos. É sobre a vida após a morte, é sobre a morte, e é sobre o que milhares dizem sobre a vida após a morte sob hipnose profunda. O que eles dizem é consistente, e nos dois primeiros livros incluo cientistas e transcrições de sessões reais de hipnose, onde as pessoas dizem as mesmas coisas sobre a jornada da alma de todos - não apenas pela vida, mas após a morte também, e então no processo de retorno novamente. Também incluo no volume 2 um capítulo polêmico em que um médium psíquico afirma entrevistar uma das figuras religiosas mais famosas da história - usei esta entrevista para examinar o que essa pessoa estava dizendo não apenas sobre a vida após a morte, mas também sobre sua própria jornada durante a vida deles, e como essa informação se encaixou com tudo o que todo mundo está dizendo sobre nossa jornada aqui. Mas pode ofender algumas pessoas - e eu apenas sugiro que se você conhece alguém familiarizado com termos científicos sobre física quântica, psicologia, mas também sobre espiritualidade - sobre pessoas budistas e, além disso, o que as pessoas dizem sobre consciência - este livro pode ou não ser algo que você gostaria de enfrentar. No entanto, aprendi algo realmente básico nesta minha jornada - afinal, sou jornalista e cineasta e já tive muitas experiências - é que as pessoas que deveriam encontrar esse material o encontrarão.
A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Aventuras Adicionais em Do Outro Lado da Vida
by Richard Martini"A Maravilhosa Vida Após a Morte: Novas Aventuras do Outro Lado da Vida". Minhas aparições públicas sempre trazem um pico às vendas dos livros, enquanto falo não apenas da minha jornada ao material, mas também dos relatos consistentes de que pessoas sob hipnose profunda e durante experiências de quase morte relatam sobre a vida após a morte. Eu fiz minhas próprias versões em áudio dos livros, assim como as publiquei, e recebo e-mails de todo o mundo de pessoas me agradecendo por ajudá-las no sofrimento. Portanto, esse gênero não é para todos, e recomendo considerar o material antes de fazer uma tradução. Tudo o que posso dizer é que é uma alteração da mente e, talvez, dê uma olhada em algumas das palestras do meu livro no YouTube sob MartiniProds, se você puder, para ter uma ideia de como essa pesquisa surgiu. Ele aborda várias áreas diferentes, da ciência (entrevistas com cientistas, neurocientistas) a transcrições reais de pessoas sob hipnose profunda, a entrevistas com pessoas que nunca foram hipnotizadas, não pensavam que poderiam ser, e ainda falam clara e conscientemente da perspectiva de estar do outro lado do véu, por assim dizer. Existem três livros e todos, mas "A Maravilhosa Vida após a Morte" volumes um e dois juntos, então há bastante material aqui. Uma tarefa assustadora para dizer o mínimo! Mas, ao final das contas, esse é o tipo de material que muda a vida de quem o lê e, talvez, de quem o traduz. Obrigado pela sua consideração.
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir
by Ellen ForneyCartoonist Ellen Forney explores the relationship between &“crazy&” and &“creative&” in this graphic memoir of her bipolar disorder, woven with stories of famous bipolar artists and writers. Shortly before her thirtieth birthday, Forney was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Flagrantly manic and terrified that medications would cause her to lose creativity, she began a years-long struggle to find mental stability while retaining her passions and creativity. Searching to make sense of the popular concept of the crazy artist, she finds inspiration from the lives and work of other artists and writers who suffered from mood disorders, including Vincent van Gogh, Georgia O&’Keeffe, William Styron, and Sylvia Plath. She also researches the clinical aspects of bipolar disorder, including the strengths and limitations of various treatments and medications, and what studies tell us about the conundrum of attempting to &“cure&” an otherwise brilliant mind.Darkly funny and intensely personal, Forney&’s memoir provides a visceral glimpse into the effects of a mood disorder on an artist&’s work, as she shares her own story through bold black-and-white images and evocative prose.
The March Baby (Noel Streatfeild Baby Book Series)
by Noel StreatfeildA treasury of inspiration for every March baby...Find out why you might give your March baby a name to do with war, what is meant by a gift of a nosegay of crown imperials and a bunch of violets, and who your baby shares their birthday with - could it be Albert Einstein, Robert the Bruce, or Michelangelo?Much-loved author Noel Streatfeild originally launched this series of month-by-month baby books in 1959. Recently rediscovered in her publisher's archives, each little book arrives complete with gorgeous illustrations, and includes: - suggested names and games for babies born in each month - characteristics of your baby according to their zodiac sign- famous babies who share your baby's birthday- quotations and rhymes to fit every aspect of babyhood... and much more. With a warm, lively and charming introduction by Noel Streatfeild to every volume, each adorable book in this series is a pleasure to read, and an object to treasure.
Marea baja
by Dante GebelDante Gebel, el aclamado autor de El amor en los tiempos del Facebook vuelve con una antología acerca de la vida, la muerte, la niñez y los años perdidos.«Finalmente estoy en mi cabaña, frente al faro, en algún lugar del mundo», afirma el autor. «Es mi claro en la jungla, y ahora no hablo del follaje».En esta obra, como si fuera la continuación del exitoso libro El amor en los tiempos del Facebook, se despliega una recopilación de anécdotas —historias pequeñas del barrio, la familia, los amigos— que evocan aquellos valores que hoy damos por perdidos. Se trata de un libro repleto de nostalgia e historias de vida maravillosas que lograrán la empatía con el lector ávido de recordar, o que en el afán de vivir dio por sentado las huellas del pasado.«Ahora la marea está baja y se parece mucho a este momento único en que veo pasar mis días. Sentado en mi silla, a metros de la cabaña que no se cansa de oír los quejidos de las olas del mar, voy destejiendo la maraña de recuerdos que hoy necesitan aflorar», declara Dante. En resumen, tienes en tus manos una pequeña joya literaria repleta de crónicas sencillas, nuestras, pero que te llegarán al alma.Un libro que ofrece una nueva perspectiva de esas experiencias trascendentales de la vida que se graban en el alma.
Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives
by Richard A. SwensonThis book is for anyone who yearns for relief from the pressure of overload. Reevaluate your priorities, determine the value of rest and simplicity in your life, and see where your identity really comes from. The benefits can be good health, financial stability, fulfilling relationships, and availability for God's purpose.
Mariano en tu familia
by Mariano OsorioConsejos, ejercicios y reflexiones para ser mejores padres, excelentes amigos de tus hijos y también hijos considerados. Para Mariano Osorio, la familia debe rodearse de amor, amistad y lealtad. Este libro ofrece a los lectores profundas reflexiones sobre las relaciones de pareja, la necesidad de ser buenos padres y buenos hijos, y la importancia de brindar amor a nuestros seres queridos día con día y dar buen ejemplo mediante un comportamiento digno y honesto. Un libro escrito con la sencillez y la sabiduría que este hombre entrañable transmite diariamente a sus radioescuchas. Habla con amor del reconocimiento que debemos a las madres solteras, a nuestros padres cuando son personas de edad avanzada y de la importancia que tiene educar a nuestros hijos con buen ejemplo, afecto infinito y comprensión.