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Mindfulness Através do guia Diário da Meditação: Como mudar sua vida para reduzir o estresse e ser feliz
by Hiddenstuff EntertainmentVocê gostaria de ser capaz de eliminar o desconforto, ter menos ansiedade e dormir melhor com uma mente clara? Por muito tempo, a Mindfulness através de técnicas de meditação tem sido usada para tratar uma série de doenças, permitindo que você viva uma vida mais feliz e saudável! O uso de técnicas de cura pela meditação da Mindfulness também ajudará nas doenças crônicas, na inflamação, no sistema imunológico, nos níveis de energia, no foco, na felicidade geral e muito mais! Experimente mais emoções positivas. Apresentando os segredos que os profissionais de cura naturais usam para se sentirem mais saudáveis do que nunca! Com décadas de estratégias testadas, este ebook mostrará a maneira mais rápida e eficaz de usar a meditação para beneficiar o seu bem-estar! Este guia ensina técnicas comprovadas sem o uso de suplementos ou cursos caros. O que está incluído: - Remédios - Vencer o Stress. - Reduza e elimine a ansiedade. - Tem mais energia. - Durma melhor. - Mindfulness - Superar doenças. - Nutrição - O que você deveria saber. + MUITO MAIS! Se você quer ser mais saudável, curar doenças ou melhorar o foco e o bem-estar, então este guia é para você. -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar instantaneamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e / ou proprietário (s) de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias em relação à exatidão, integridade ou adequação do conteúdo deste livro, e expressamente se isenta da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Por favor, consulte um profissional antes de tomar medidas sobre qualquer um dos conteúdos encontrados dentro.
Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy Activities: Creative Techniques to Stay Present, Manage Difficult Feelings, and Find Balance
by Jennie Powe Runde MFT REATDiscover the healing power of art Painting a seascape or sculpting a clay pot is more than just a fun way to spend an hour—it can also be therapeutic. Explore art's healing potential with this compelling art therapy activity book. You'll pair mindfulness with different creative projects, using self-expression and introspection as tools to work through difficult emotions, stressful situations, and self-doubt. Rooted in mindfulness—From drawing to digital photography, explore a variety of relaxing and beginner-friendly activities designed to help you improve your focus, awareness, and self-compassion. Dive into different art projectsFind deeper meaning in God's Word with thoughtful commentary that speaks to issues all married couples face, from establishing good communication to remaining faithful. Reflect on your work—Every project concludes with thoughtful prompts that encourage you to view your art through the lens of mindfulness and connect it to the present moment. Find serenity through self-expression with Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy Activities.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition
by Zindel V. Segal J. Mark WilliamsThis bestselling work, now in a new edition, has introduced tens of thousands of clinicians to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for depression, an eight-week program with proven effectiveness. Step by step, the authors explain the "whys" and "how-tos" of conducting mindfulness practices and cognitive interventions that have been shown to bolster recovery from depression and prevent relapse. Clinicians are also guided to practice mindfulness themselves, an essential prerequisite to teaching others. More than 40 reproducible handouts are included. Book purchasers get access to a companion Web page featuring downloadable audio recordings of the guided mindfulness practices (meditations and mindful movement), plus all of the reproducibles, ready to download and print in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. A separate Web page for use by clients features the audio recordings only. New to This Edition Incorporates a decade's worth of developments in MBCT clinical practice and training. Chapters on additional treatment components the pre-course interview and optional full-day retreat. Chapters on self-compassion, the inquiry process, and the three-minute breathing space. Findings from multiple studies of MBCT's effectiveness and underlying mechanisms. Includes studies of adaptations for treating psychological and physical health problems other than depression. Audio files of the guided mindfulness practices, narrated by Dr. Segal, on two separate Web pages one for professionals, together with the reproducibles, and one just for clients. See also the related title for clients Many MBCT therapists recommend the bestselling self-help guide The Mindful Way through Depression (by Drs. Williams, Teasdale, Segal, and Kabat-Zinn) to their clients.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies
by Patrizia CollardStay in the present and build a happier future Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies takes you through the eight-week MBCT course, using the principles of mindfulness to complement established CBT techniques. You'll discover how using MBCT can help lower your risk of relapsing into depression and reduce the risk of other mental health disorders including anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem. Provides a solid foundation for positive mental health The downloadable audio files contain guided meditations, a core feature of the MBCT program MBCT works as an excellent supplement to therapy and may reduce the need for medication If you suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, or a host of other mental health disorders, let Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies keep you in the present and build a happier future.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: The MBSR Program for Enhancing Health and Vitality
by Linda Lehrhaupt Petra MeibertPracticing mindfulness helps us meet life’s challenges with gentleness and clarity. By fully engaging in the present moment as best we can, we nurture our capacity to approach difficulties with less judgment and water the seeds of wisdom and openheartedness in ourselves. This book offers a concise and thorough immersion in the eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. It features straightforward instruction in the main exercises of MBSR — sitting meditation, walking meditation, eating meditation, yoga, body scan, and informal, everyday practices. MBSR has been shown to help alleviate symptoms associated with chronic illness, anxiety, pain, burnout, cancer, and other stress-related conditions. The authors, two leading MBSR teacher trainers, provide step-by-step instructions as well as illustrative real-life examples. Readers embarking on a course in MBSR will find clear guidance, trainers will gain a valuable tool for their teaching, and anyone experiencing or receiving treatment for challenges of mind, body, or spirit will find practical, inspirational help.
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
by Bob Stahl Elisha GoldsteinStress and pain are nearly unavoidable in our daily lives; they are part of the human condition. This stress can often leave us feeling irritable, tense, overwhelmed, and burned-out. The key to maintaining balance is responding to stress not with frustration and self-criticism, but with mindful, nonjudgmental awareness of our bodies and minds. Impossible? Actually, it's easier than it seems. <p><p> In just weeks, you can learn mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a clinically proven program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living. MBSR is effective in alleviating stress, anxiety, panic, depression, chronic pain, and a wide range of medical conditions. Taught in classes and clinics worldwide, this powerful approach shows you how to focus on the present moment and permanently change the way you handle stress. <p><p> As you work through this Workbook, you'll learn how to replace stress-promoting habits with mindful ones-a skill that will last a lifetime. This groundbreaking, proven-effective program will help you relieve the symptoms of stress and identify its causes. This fully revised and updated second edition includes new audio downloads, new meditations, and extensive chapter revisions to help you manage stress and start living a healthier, happier life.
The Mindfulness Bible: The Complete Guide to Living in the Moment
by Dr. Patrizia CollardThe Mindfulness Bible teaches you how to switch off the stress button and live without unnecessary fear or anxiety. It demonstrates that problems relating to depression, addiction, procrastination and low mood can be overcome through the use of mindfulness techniques and cites key case study examples. Mindfulness can support positive communication, enhance relationships and lead to a better quality of life. Dr Patrizia Collard will show you how to start your journey along the path to mindfulness through the introduction of various techniques, including breathwork, meditation and postural development. Her expert tips on mindfulness and her Eight-Session Mindfulness Course to overcome destructive emotions will help you to practise these techniques on a day-to-day basis. This beautifully illustrated book will set you and your family along the road to mindfulness so that you can live a more attentive, peaceful and relaxed life. Find long-lasting happiness with The Mindfulness Bible.
The Mindfulness Breakthrough
by Sarah SilvertonThe first fully illustrated guide to a clinically proven, holistic approach to beating stress-related problems and restoring balance and well-being.
Mindfulness: Cambia Tus Pensamientos, Cambia Tu Realidad Para Principiantes
by Bruno JessenLa mayoría de la gente quiere vivir, idealmente, una vida gratificante en la cual se incluya el tener una relación saludable con ellos mismos y con los demás. Sin embargo, lo que impide que una gran cantidad de personas logre este éxito en su vida es el conflicto interno que los consume. Este conflicto interno conduce inevitablemente a la aflicción que afecta todo a su alrededor, tal como a las relaciones personales, familiares, laborales, etc. Este libro ofrece tanto a los profesionales de la psicología deportiva como a los atletas, un entendimiento claro de la atención plena para ayudar a los atletas a optimizar el rendimiento deportivo. Brinda una percepción clara de cómo los atletas pueden aprender a aumentar su capacidad de concentración, cómo estar completamente presentes durante las competencias de alta presión y cómo responder de una manera efectiva a los pensamientos y las emociones que distraen. También debemos reflexionar sobre nosotros mismos, en nuestro propósito de vida y en el efecto que nuestras identidades sociales tienen en nosotros y en los demás. Al deshacernos de nuestro condicionamiento social y de las injusticias sistémicas que enmarcan a la sociedad, nos permitirá descubrir lo que tal vez nos está alejando de poder alcanzar nuestro potencial de vida y de poder conectar profundamente con los demás. Si estás listo para actuar y mejorar tu vida, ¡este libro en definitiva te guiará en la dirección correcta!
Mindfulness: Come trovare il tuo Io Autentico attraverso la Meditazione Mindfulness (Mindfulness, Meditation, Present Moment Ser.)
by Jen SolisScopri il tuo io autentico con la meditazione Mindfulness OGGI! Ti ritrovi spesso a perdere la concentrazione? Stai cercando il vero scopo della tua vita? Sei così preso dalla tua routine quotidiana e dalle tue responsabilità che ti sembra di aver perso il tuo vero io? Qualsiasi sia il tuo caso, puoi esserne certo, la mindfulness può aiutarti. Con questo libro, imparerai come riscoprire il tuo io autentico attraverso la meditazione mindfulness. Imparerai come la mindfulness possa portarti dei benefici e come tu possa essere ogni giorno più motivato nel praticarla. Otterrai anche la conoscenza su come avere la giusta l’attitudine alla mindfulness, che è la chiave essenziale per poterla praticare con efficacia. Sarai guidato passo dopo passo su come praticare una varietà di tecniche di meditazione mindfulness, da quelle base (come la meditazione mindfulness seduta) alle più complesse (come per esempio applicare la mindfulness quando sei arrabbiato). E la cosa migliore di tutte è che ognuno può scegliere di praticare una qualsiasi di queste tecniche di meditazione in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Persone di tutto il mondo, per centinaia di anni, sono arrivate a comprendere l’importanza della pratica della mindfulness nella loro vita di ogni giorno. Anche tu dovresti iniziare il tuo viaggio per scoprire il tuo io autentico prima che la vita ti scorra via. In questo libro scoprirai: . la vita attraverso la mindfulness . comecoltivare una attitudine mindfulness . come avere fiducia nella mindfulness . tecniche base di meditazione mindfulness . gestione dello stress e della rabbia . come usare la mindfulness per avere sollievo da ansia e depressione . come usare la mindfulness per la produttività sul lavoro . e molto altro Scarica il libro oggi e troverai il tuo io autentico per una vita consapevole!
Mindfulness: Cómo encontrar su Ser Auténtico a través de la Meditación de Atención Plena (Mindfulness, Meditation, Present Moment Ser.)
by Jen Solis¡Descubra su Ser Auténtico a través de la Meditación de Atención Plena HOY MISMO! ¿Suele perder la concentración? ¿Está buscando su verdadero propósito en la vida? ¿Ha estado tan absorto en su rutina diaria y sus responsabilidades que parece haber perdido su Ser Auténtico? Cualquiera sea el caso, tenga la seguridad de que la atención plena puede ayudarlo. Con este libro, aprenderá a descubrir su Ser Auténtico a través de la meditación de atención plena. Aprenderá cómo la atención plena puede beneficiarlo y cómo puede sentirse verdaderamente motivado para practicarla todos los días. También obtendrá conocimiento sobre cómo nutrir una actitud consciente, que es una clave esencial para practicar la atención plena. Se ofrecen guías paso a paso sobre cómo practicar una amplia variedad de técnicas de meditación de atención plena, desde las más básicas (como la meditación sentada consciente) hasta las más complejas (por ejemplo, cómo aplicar la atención plena incluso cuando está enojado). Lo mejor de todo, es que puede elegir hacer estas técnicas de meditación en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento del día. Personas de todo el mundo, durante cientos de años, han llegado a comprender la importancia de practicar la atención plena en sus vidas cotidianas. Usted también debe comenzar su viaje hacia la búsqueda de su Ser Auténtico a través de la atención plena antes de que la vida se le pase. En este libro, descubrirá.. La vida a través de la atención plena Cómo nutrir una actitud consciente Cómo confiar en la atención plena Técnicas básicas de meditación con atención plena Estrés consciente y manejo de la ira Cómo usar la atención plena para aliviar la ansiedad y la depresión Cómo usar la atención plena para la productividad en el trabajo ¡Y mucho más! ¡Descargue el libro hoy y encuentre su Ser Aut�
Mindfulness: del sufrimiento al bien-estar
by Javier CandarleEn este nuevo libro Javier Cándarle, psicólogo, instructor y formador de instructores de MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) muestra cómo la práctica de la atención plena puede mejorar cada área de nuestras vidas y cómo sus beneficios irradian más allá de nosotros para impactar a los demás y al mundo en general. En el mundo vertiginoso e hiperconectado de hoy, vivimos muchas situaciones que nos abruman, nos tensan y nos agotan. Una tempestad de estresores y situaciones con impacto emocional amenaza con hundirnos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Acelerados y estresados buscamos refugio en satisfacciones inmediatas y evadimos cualquier experiencia desagradable. Pero eso nos dura muy poco tiempo, amplificando nuestra insatisfacción, malestar y sufrimiento. Giramos sobre nosotros mismos, como perros que se muerden la cola o huimos hacia adelante en una carrera alocada que pierde sus frenos. En este libro, Javier Cándarle, psicólogo, instructor y formador de instructores de MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), explora los orígenes de nuestro sufrimiento y comparte sabios consejos y caminos imprescindibles para acompañarnos en la liberación de estos sentimientos y acciones negativas ayudándonos a encontrar refugio verdadero en la paz y el bien-estar que tanto anhelamos.
The Mindfulness Diet: Eat in the 'now' and be the perfect weight for life – with mindfulness practices and 70 recipes
by Dr. Patrizia Collard Helen StephensonMindfulness is the new attitude to living. Taking an attitude of mindful awareness to eating will not only help you appreciate every mouthful, but reward you with a whole new way to eat that heals your food issues. If you've always wanted to eat better and manage your weight, The Mindful Diet is for you. There's no dieting, calorie-counting or fasting - by changing your approach to feeding yourself, you can tune in to your 'body wisdom' and begin to eat less of what you don't need, while filling up nourishing foods that help you reach the weight you'll be happy with for life. The recipes in this book are simple and nutritious, so you can cook fast, but eat slow, with appreciation and mindful awareness of every delicious bite. DISCOVER:* How to tune in to your body and eat the foods you really need and achieve your best weight* Freedom from cravings - how to beat emotional eating* Mindful eating plans to keep you ontrack* 70 quick and easy recipes - breakfasts,lunches, dinners and snacks * The essential Mindfulness techniques that will transform your eating habits foreverEat your way to your perfect weight!
Mindfulness Door Dagelijkse Meditatie: Een Handleiding om Stress te Verminderen en een Beter Humeur te Krijgen
by Hiddenstuff EntertainmentZou jij graag ongemakkelijke situaties verminderen, minder angst hebben en met een heldere geest gaan slapen? Sinds de oudheid wordt mindfulness door middel van meditatie gebruikt om allerlei kwalen te genezen. Hierdoor kunt u een gezonder en vrolijker leven leiden! Mindfulness meditatie technieken gebruiken kan ook helpen met chronische ziekten, ontstekingen, uw immuunsysteem, energieniveau, focus, blijdschap en zoveel meer. Ervaar meer positieve emoties. De geheime natuurlijke heling technieken die professionals gebruiken om zich beter dan ooit te voelen, worden geïntroduceerd. Met jarenlang geteste technieken zal dit eboek u de snelste, effectiefste manier laten zien om meditatie te gebruiken om uw leven te verbeteren. Deze handleiding leert u technieken zonder het gebruik van dure objecten of cursussen. Wat deze handleiding bevat: •Remedies. •Stress vermindering. •Verminderen en elimineren van angst. •Meer energie hebben. •Beter slapen. •Mindfulness. •Kwalen overkomen. •Voeding. •Wat je moet weten. •En nog veel meer! Als u gezonder wilt zijn, kwalen wilt overkomen of uw focus en gesteldheid wilt verbeteren is dit de juiste handleiding voor u!
The Mindfulness Edge
by Tim Gard Matt TenneyThe one habit that can improve almost every leadership skill There is a simple practice that can improve nearly every component of leadership excellence and it doesn't require adding anything to your busy schedule. In The Mindfulness Edge, you'll discover how a subtle inner shift, called mindfulness, can transform things that you already do every day into opportunities to become a better leader. Author Matt Tenney has trained leaders around the world in the practice of mindfulness. In this book, he partners with neuroscientist Tim Gard, PhD, to offer step-by-step, practical guidance for quickly and seamlessly integrating mindfulness training into your daily life--rewiring your brain in ways that improve both the 'hard' and 'soft' skills of leadership. In this book, you'll learn how mindfulness training helps you: Quickly improve business acumen and your impact on the bottom line Become more innovative and attract/retain innovative team members Develop the emotional intelligence essential for creating and sustaining a winning culture Realize the extraordinary leadership presence that inspires greatness in others The authors make a compelling case for why mindfulness training may be the 'ultimate success habit.' In addition to helping you improve the most essential elements of highly effective leadership, mindfulness training can help you discover unconditional happiness and realize incredible meaning--professionally and personally.
Mindfulness: ejercicios fáciles para alcanzar un estado constante de felicidad
by Robyn AltmanEstas meditaciones fáciles de seguir ayudarán al lector a sobrellevar el dolor de la pérdida y a embarcarse en un viaje de curación. Cada capítulo se enfoca en un aspecto diferente del duelo y las meditaciones guiadas calmarán la mente y aumentarán la claridad y el enfoque. El mindfulness y el dolor facilitarán a los lectores a comenzar el proceso de reconstrucción del ser destrozado que queda a raíz de cualquier pérdida importante. Si tiene ansiedad o sufre ataques de pánico, pequeños actos como conducir, estar en una fiesta donde no conoce a nadie o incluso ir al supermercado pueden parecer abrumadores. Sin embargo, estos son parte de la vida cotidiana y si intenta evitarlas, puede terminar sintiéndose enajenado, solo e insatisfecho. Además, simplemente evitar situaciones que le causen ansiedad no le ayudará a superarla. El mindfulness es la manera fácil de librarse poco a poco del estrés y estar conectado con el momento. Se ha convertido rápidamente en la forma lenta de administrar el mundo moderno, sin cantar mantras o reservar horas de tiempo para la meditación.
Mindfulness en el mundo moderno (Life Essentials #Volumen)
by Osho¿Cómo hago de la meditación parte de mi vida cotidiana? Cuando la mente y los pensamientos desaparecen, te vuelves consciente. ¿Qué es atención plena? Es la consciencia. Osho explora los obstáculos internos y externos que impiden llevar más consciencia a todas nuestras actividades diarias. Él enfatiza que, si bien las técnicas pueden ser útiles para señalar el camino, en sí mismas no son meditación. Por el contrario, la meditación es, en última instancia, un estado del ser en el que somos capaces tanto de acción como de quietud. Esta publicación pertenece a la serie Life Essentials, de la cual Vergara ha publicado nueve títulos más. Dicha serie se enfoca en las dudas existenciales más significativas para el hombre. Cada libro incluye discusiones atemporales para la búsqueda personal de significado y propósito en la vida.
Mindfulness Essencial
by Padraig O'MorainCom Mindfulness Essencial, vai aprender que é possível abrandar o ritmo, e que a Atenção Plena pode fazer parte da sua rotina sem ter de lhe reservar um momento ou espaço próprios. Aprenda a praticar mindfulness enquanto desempenha as tarefas comuns da sua vida diária, esteja onde estiver. Os seus dias são agitados e a tranquilidade parece inalcançável. Tem várias tarefas diárias a seu cargo e outras ainda em que pensar. Leu algures que a meditação seria a solução para o stress e a ansiedade, mas não tem tempo para mais um item na sua infindável lista de obrigações. Este livro apresenta-lhe um conjunto de dicas e exercícios breves que poderá facilmente pôr em prática: no trabalho, em casa ou em viagem, nas suas relações pessoais e profissionais, seja para o ajudarem em momentos de desgaste emocional ou para resolver situações pontuais, como insónias.Ao reorientar a sua atenção para o Aqui e o Agora aprenderá a controlara sua mente, reduzindo o stress e reencontrando a paz na sua vida. Exercícios simples para praticar em qualquer altura e em qualquer lugar.
Mindfulness - exercícios diários simples para praticar a atenção plena
by Jessica TorresA chave da felicidade é poder encontrar conforto neste momento, aqui e agora. Quando você está completamente presente e não se distrai com arrependimentos, preocupações e planos, mesmo que por pouco tempo, você começa a se sentir mais confiante e pode lidar mais facilmente com tudo o que você experimenta. Isto é mindfulness: prestar atenção a este momento, de propósito e sem julgamento - simplesmente estar presente com curiosidade. No entanto, os pais enfrentam um crise nos países de primeiro mundo. Nossos filhos estão ansiosos, distraídos, apáticos e sedentários. As crianças foram levadas para o buraco negro do mundo digital, onde a comunicação, o entretenimento, a aprendizagem e a auto-estima derivam do seu celular. Embora o termo seja muito usado, "mindfulness" geralmente não é bem entendido. Seja o que for, todo mundo quer mais do que isso, especialmente considerando os incríveis benefícios que ele pode trazer. Afinal, quem não gostaria de
Mindfulness: felicidad duradera, para principiantes hasta el poder de Mindfulness avanzado
by April C. RolandEn Mindfulness, te enseño cómo crear felicidad, ordenar tu mente y nutrir la conciencia espiritual para convertirte en la versión más poderosa de ti mismo. ¡No más estrés, ansiedad y confusión que lo agobien! Solo la claridad limpia y enfocada que ofrecen estas increíbles técnicas. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderá ... Conceptos básicos de la filosofía budista .Meditación de conciencia plena .Diferentes formas de práctica de meditación .Meditación de conciencia plena en la vida cotidiana ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Este libro presenta mi punto de vista sobre cómo preparar su mente y cuerpo para lidiar con la ansiedad, el estrés y la pérdida personal y cómo mejorar su salud mental a través de los beneficios de la meditación de atención plena. El objetivo de este libro es ayudarlo a crear su paz interior y mejorar su vida.
Mindfulness for a More Creative Life: Calm your busy mind, enhance your creativity and find a happier way of living
by Dr Danny PenmanWork deadlines, to-do lists, family commitments, pressure to perform... Our frantic lives demand so much from us that we can often feel locked into a cycle of frustration, anxiety and stress, unable to tackle the tasks before us or see a way out of our habitual ways of thinking and doing things. Yet there is a way out. The simple mindfulness techniques at the heart of this book can help us lead a more creative and productive life - one that is isn't governed by the chaotic pace of life. They also dissolve anxiety, stress and depression while enhancing mental resilience. The four week programme takes just 10-20 minutes per day.The easy-to-follow programme works by soothing and clearing your mind, allowing innovative ideas to take form and crystallise. This helps you to spontaneously 'see' the solution to a problem, to conjure up new ideas, or to create works that have true insight and flair. The programme helps build the courage necessary for you to follow your ideas wherever they should lead - and the resilience to cope with any setbacks. It will help your mind work more effectively so that you canlive more intuitively and have the inner confidence to drive your ideas forward. The accompanying download link contains 6 meditations that you can use to build an ongoing practice, mixing and matching meditations to suit your circumstances
Mindfulness for a More Creative Life: Calm your busy mind, enhance your creativity and find a happier way of living
by Dr Danny PenmanWork deadlines, to-do lists, family commitments, pressure to perform... Our frantic lives demand so much from us that we can often feel locked into a cycle of frustration, anxiety and stress, unable to tackle the tasks before us or see a way out of our habitual ways of thinking and doing things. Yet there is a way out. The simple mindfulness techniques at the heart of this book can help us lead a more creative and productive life - one that is isn't governed by the chaotic pace of life. They also dissolve anxiety, stress and depression while enhancing mental resilience. The four week programme takes just 10-20 minutes per day.The easy-to-follow programme works by soothing and clearing your mind, allowing innovative ideas to take form and crystallise. This helps you to spontaneously 'see' the solution to a problem, to conjure up new ideas, or to create works that have true insight and flair. The programme helps build the courage necessary for you to follow your ideas wherever they should lead - and the resilience to cope with any setbacks. It will help your mind work more effectively so that you canlive more intuitively and have the inner confidence to drive your ideas forward. The accompanying download link contains 6 meditations that you can use to build an ongoing practice, mixing and matching meditations to suit your circumstances
Mindfulness for Anger Management: Transformative Skills for Overcoming Anger and Managing Powerful Emotions
by Stephen Dansiger PsyD, MFTMindfulness for Anger Management puts mindfulness into action with transformative skills and real strategies for overcoming anger and taking control of powerful emotions. Mindfulness is more than a philosophy for anger management—it's a daily practice. Transforming wisdom into actionable exercises, Mindfulness for Anger Management equips you with concrete skills and strategies to overcome anger with mindfulness. Dr. Stephen Dansiger, a licensed therapist with 25 years of experience combining evidence-based therapeutic methods and spiritual practices, turns your gaze inward to understand anger triggers and address accompanying thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. With a focus on the real-life areas that anger impacts—home, work, and relationships—the self-reflective exercises and practical tactics in Mindfulness for Anger Management allow you to take control of your emotions and live every moment mindfully. Mindfulness for Anger Management helps you recycle angry energy, see it for what it is, and allow you to manage anger and other difficult emotions with: An introduction to anger management that defines different kinds of anger from frustration and annoyance to aggression and rage, and includes self-assessments to measure your personal anger level. Practical exercises that combine evidence-based emotion regulation techniques with mindfulness skills in self-assessments, checklists, and reflective prompts to equip you to handle anger when it strikes. Real-world applications that focus on how anger affects life, including work, relationships, and personal well-being. Anger is a natural component of our emotional experiences, but it can also consume us if left unchecked. Mindfulness for Anger Management gives you a skill set and mindset that will change your relationship to anger and empower you to run your own life.
Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment--and Your Life
by Jon Kabat-ZinnAt the heart of mindfulness is simplicity. Jon Kabat-Zinnu, who awakened western medicine to its powerful health benefits 32 years ago, has just made it even simpler and more inviting. This title is a new treasury of teachings and practices to inspire those new to meditation.
Mindfulness for Beginners: 4 Weeks to Peace, Gratitude, and Focus
by Ashley SharpA 4-week plan to feel more balanced, joyful, and at peace In our busy world, it can be challenging to slow down, focus, and experience gratitude for the present moment. Mindfulness for Beginners is a 4-week guide to mindfulness, with simple advice and accessible meditations to help you learn more about the practice—and put it into action. Find reflection, relaxation, and appreciation for your wild and wonderful life, and learn to bring awareness to your body, your home, your work, and the world around you. Explore mindfulness for beginners with: Easy to get started—These exercises are designed to be easy. The short time frame makes it simple and manageable to jump-start a lifelong mindfulness habit. More than mindful—Discover the additional benefits of mindfulness for beginners, like improved focus, less stress, expanded creativity, and deeper compassion. A richer, more present life—Explore a mindfulness plan that is effective and straightforward, along with foundational information about how mindfulness works. Discover inner calm and greater purpose in 4 weeks with Mindfulness for Beginners.