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Nice Girls Don't Change the World

by Lynne Hybels

Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” My version of that quote is: “Never doubt that a community of thoughtful, committed women, filled with the power and love of God, using gifts they have identified and developed, and pursuing passions planted in them by God—never doubt that these women can change the world.”—Lynne Hybels Nice Girls are taught early that serving God means earning God’s love and sacrificing oneself to meet the needs of others. Unfortunately, after living a life she thought was what God demanded, her husband wanted, her kids needed, and her church expected, Lynne Hybels felt utterly lost—both to herself and to God. In this wise and tender book, Hybels tells of her struggle to stop living someone else’s life and to reclaim the unique gifts, strengths, and passions God gave her. And she reveals how turning away from her false view of God as a harsh and demanding taskmaster enabled her to rest at last in God’s sustaining love. As she explains, it’s never too late to discover that who you really are is exactly what delights God and what the world needs.

Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers (A NICE GIRLS Book)

by Lois P. Frankel

<p><i>The New York Times</i> bestseller, which for 10 years has been a must-have for women in business, is now completely revised and updated. In this new edition, internationally recognized executive coach Lois P. Frankel reveals a distinctive set of behaviors-over 130 in all-that women learn in girlhood that ultimately sabotage them as adults. She teaches you how to eliminate these unconscious mistakes that could be holding you back and offers invaluable coaching tips that can easily be incorporated into your social and business skills. The results for hundreds of thousands of women have been career opportunities they never thought possible-at every stage of their career, from entry-level to the corner office! Stop making "nice girl" errors that can become career pitfalls, such as: <p> <li>Mistake #13: Avoiding office politics. If you don't play the game, you can't possibly win. <li>Mistake #21: Multi-tasking. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do it. <li>Mistake #54: Failure to negotiate. Don't equate negotiation with confrontation. <li>Mistake #70: Inappropriate use of social media. Once it's out there, it's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube. <li>Mistake #82: Asking permission. Children, not adults, ask for approval. Be direct, be confident.</li> </p>

Nice Girls Don't Speak Up or Stand Out: How to Make Your Voice Heard, Your Point Known, and Your Presence Felt

by Lois P. Frankel

Discover the "must-listen for every smart, capable woman who wants to succeed"-a guide on how to communicate with maximum impact in the workplace that's the new book in the New York Times bestselling Nice Girls Don't series (Anne Fisher, How many times have you asked yourself why you didn't speak up in a meeting? Or pushed for the raise you deserved? Or agreed to take on someone else's task because you didn't want to rock the boat? Whether the answer is once or ten times or more, the reason is the same: It's because you're a nice girl who goes along to get along. But staying quiet and being ignored are not paths to achievement.Now, in Nice Girls Don't Speak Up or Stand Out, Dr. Lois Frankel shows you how to be an effective communicator and advocate for yourself. From the basics of speaking up to navigating sticky situations and mastering the art of influencing others, this audiobook provides step-by-step advice using real-life examples and powerful tools such as:Be a broken recordChoose powerful wordNever say noEnlist advocatesAnd many more -- in bonus materials for extra tools in your pocketDr. Frankel chose the format of this new audio-first work carefully, with the mission of creating an interactive and impactful listen, interweaved with actionable recommendations, real-life anecdotes, and concrete examples of not only what to say in various scenarios, but how to say it. Nice Girls Don't Speak Up or Stand Out dives deeply into nearly one hundred everyday challenges women face related to communication.With Dr. Lois Frankel as your guide, you can learn how to express yourself confidently, courageously, and clearly -- and start taking charge of your career.

Nice Girls Finish Fat: Put Yourself First and Change Your Eating Forever

by Karen R. Koenig

From a therapist and expert in emotional eating, the first book to explore the link between weight gain and women who do too much, complete with proven techniques for dropping pounds. Many women put too much on their plates, both literally and figuratively. In Nice Girls Finish Fat, psychotherapist Karen R. Koenig explains the link between the two and gives overweight women detailed advice on how to lose their extra baggage—both emotional and physical—by becoming more assertive in every aspect of life. For the millions of overweight women in America, diet and exercise just aren’t cutting it. That’s because many of these women have emotional issues buried deep beneath those stubborn pounds, issues that must be dealt with first if weight loss plans are to succeed. In this illuminating book, based on decades of professional experience, Karen Koenig offers on-the-page psychotherapy to help readers attack the roots of their food problems. With her engaging personal style, she teaches women about the biological connections between repressed emotions and eating, revealing the ways many women use food to stuff their anger, control their aggression, and assuage their feelings of guilt—all in the pursuit of being “nice.” Giving “good girls” permission to love themselves first, Koenig offers thought-provoking quizzes and questions to help readers identify and overcome the habits that have been holding them back. Empowering readers to gain the confidence they need to lose weight, Nice Girls Finish Fat not only shows women how to stop obsessing about food and develop healthy eating habits, it teaches readers skills to improve every aspect of their lives.

The Nice Girl's Guide to Talking Dirty: Ignite Your Sex Life with Naughty Whispers, Hot Desires, and Screams of Passion

by Ruth Neustifter

IGNITE YOUR LOVER'S PASSION WITH EXCITING, ENTICING AND EROTIC TALKTalking dirty doesn't need to make you feel dirty. This sexy and fun guide shows how to wildly enhance your sexual experience without making you or your lover feel uncomfortable. The Nice Girl's Guide to Talking Dirty provides everything you need to spice up your sex life, including:*Tips for overcoming shyness*Tricks to becoming more confident*Sample scripts and spicy vocabulary*Arousing games for exploring fantasies*Exciting exercises for building intimacyMaster the three levels of dirty talk and go from shy girl to verbal seductress:1. Heighten desire with sensual descriptions2. Seduce with expressions of lust3. Explore fantasies with trust and openness

Nice Girls Just Don't Get It

by Lois P. Frankel Carol Frohlinger

Offering the same brand of practical, no-holds-barred, expert advice that made Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office an international million-copy bestseller, Nice Girls Just Don't Get It teaches us the skills we need to turn from a nice girl into a winning woman, not just in our careers but in our relationships, families, and everyday lives.Have you ever felt invisible? Taken advantage of? Reluctant (or unable) to articulate what you really want? If so, join the club. The nice girls club. Nice girls--that's right, girls--are those more concerned with pleasing others than with addressing their own needs and haven't yet learned how to overcome the childhood messages cultural stereotypes keeping them from getting their voices heard, their needs met, and the lives they want. This book will turn those nice girls into winning women. That is, women who factor their own needs in with those of others, confront those who treat them disrespectfully, maintain healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with appropriate boundaries-- and as a result, are happier and more successful in every area of their life. In 2004, Lois Frankel blew the lid off so many of our long-held ideas about gender and success with her bestselling Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, which went on to become such a huge phenomenon, the term "nice girls" has secured a place in our cultural lexicon. Here, Frankel teams up with negotiation expert Carol Frohlinger to bring this bestselling advice out of the workplace and provide a broader set of skills that any woman--whether a CEO or stay-at-home mom--can use to win anywhere, with anyone.Presented in the straightforward, digestible format that helped make Nice Girl's Don't Get the Corner Office an instant hit, Frankel and Frohlinger outline seven practical strategies and 99 supporting tactics that every winning woman should know. By the time you've finished reading this book, you'll be able to:* Get your husband to do his half of the household chores--without being made to feel like a nag. * Stop overextending yourself by taking on all the unpleasant tasks no one on your volunteer board, or your team at work will go near. * Win an argument with your mother in law about who will be hosting Christmas dinner. * Have the courage to send back a meal that isn't prepared the way you'd ordered it. * Confront a colleague who is shirking responsibility or taking credit for your work.* Convince a sales person to reduce a fee, waive a surcharge, or honor a store credit.* Question a doctor's course or treatment or request a second opinion, instead of simply going along in order to be a "good" patient.* Firmly but politely bow out of an extravagant vacation to celebrate a friend's birthday that you simply can't afford-without feeling guilty about it. And so much more. A must-read for anyone who's ever felt taken advantage of by a friend or family member, unappreciated by a spouse or partner, or exploited by a vindictive neighbor or co-worker, Nice Girls Just Don't Get It offers women the indispensable knowledge and skills to get the things they want, the respect they've earned, and the success they deserve.From the Hardcover edition.

The Nice Handbook

by Ruth Peterson

Small acts with great consequences! Fill your day with kindness! Whether you've been grumpy lately or just want to fall into someone's good graces, The Nice Handbook is packed with more than 600 thoughtful deeds that will earn you good karma. Each page is packed with multiple ways to not only brighten another person's day, but also keep them smiling all day long...after all, wouldn't you appreciate a little extra time on a expired meter or a big box of donuts on a Monday morning?

The Nice Handbook: Simple Instructions for Making a Big Difference

by Ruth Peterson

Small acts with great consequences!Fill your day with kindness! Whether you've been grumpy lately or just want to fall into someone's good graces, The Nice Handbook is packed with more than 600 thoughtful deeds that will earn you good karma. Each page is packed with multiple ways to not only brighten another person's day, but also keep them smiling all day long... after all, wouldn't you appreciate a little extra time on a expired meter or a big box of donuts on a Monday morning?

Nice Is Just a Place in France: How to Win at Basically Everything

by The Betches

LOOK, MAYBE YOU'RE A NICE GIRL, but we're guessing you're more like us or you probably wouldn't have picked up this book. Not that we have a problem with girls who are nice people. But being nice is just not the way to get what you want. And this book is about getting what you want. Not in like a finding happiness, giving back to the world, being grateful for what you have sort of way. But in a ruling your world, being the most desired, powerful badass in the room way, so you can come out on top of any situation: guys, career, friends, enemies, whatever. How does a betch make that happen? Here are some highlights: DON'T BE EASY. DON'T BE POOR. DON'T BE UGLY. We didn't come up with these life lessons. We're just the ones who wrote it all down. This is not self-help. Self-help is for fat people and divorcées. This is how to deal with your problems when you have no problems. You're welcome.

Nichecraft: Using Your Specialness to Focus Your Business, Corner Your Market and Make Customers Seek You Out

by Lynda Falkenstein

Author discusses how to develop a successful marketing niche for your business.

Nicht mehr rauchen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by David Brizer M.D.

Nichtraucher werden ist schon schwer, es zu bleiben umso mehr. »Nicht mehr rauchen für Dummies« hilft Ihnen, sich für das Aufhören zu motivieren, die erste Woche zu überstehen und auf Dauer standhaft zu bleiben. Dabei verrät der Autor Ihnen, auch wie Sie Hilfsmittel wie Nikotinkaugummis und -pflaster erfolgreich einsetzen und nicht mehr Gewicht zunehmen als unbedingt nötig. Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance, nutzen Sie dieses Buch, Ihre Gesundheit, Familie und Freunde werden es Ihnen danken.

Nicht mehr rauchen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliot

Sie sind bereit, mit dem Rauchen oder Vapen aufzuhören? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Laura Smith und Charles Elliott unterstützen Sie dabei. Nicht mit erhobenem Zeigefinger, sondern mit handfesten Tipps, wie Sie Ihren ganz persönlichen Ausstiegsplan zusammenstellen können, wie Sie Ihre Motivation aufrecht erhalten, wie Sie am Ball bleiben und wie Sie auch mit Rückschlägen umgehen. Falls Sie Angst haben zuzunehmenmm, zeigen Ihnen die Autoren, wie Sie mit ein wenig Achtsamkeit bei der Ernährung Ihr Gewicht im Zaum halten können. Dieses Buch macht Ihnen Mut, rauchfrei zu werden und zu bleiben.

Niente di personale: Vedere oltre l’illusione di un sé separato

by Nirmala

Niente di personale offre una guida delicata e chiara per scoprire la verità soggiacente della vostra natura definitiva. Gli insegnamenti non duali e dell’Advaita si prefiggono di scoprire la verità. Questa verità non è un dogma che si possa studiare: è una verità della vita, la verità di chi siete davvero. Questa verità si scopre, non si impara. Si scopre chiedendosi sinceramente: “Chi sono io?”. Rispondendo a questa domanda, scoprite che chi siete non ha niente a che fare con le vostre autoimmagini o i vostri ruoli e tutto ciò che fate delle esperienze che vivete. Ciò che scoprite è che chi pensate di essere è solo un pensiero! E oltre questo pensiero c’è un enorme mistero, un’esperienza del nulla, che è la vostra vera natura. “Niente di personale” vi conduce all’esperienza della vostra vera natura e vi aiuta ad esplorarne la profondità. Mediante esposizioni, domande e dialoghi, vi porta ad un luogo di realizzazione della verità: siete la consapevolezza spaziosa in cui tutto compare, compresi i vostri pensieri e i vostri sentimenti. I vostri pensieri e i vostri desideri non vi definiscono, ma compaiono semplicemente nella coscienza, insieme a tutto il resto. La coscienza è chi siete. “Niente di personale” vi offre una guida delicata e costante che vi aiuterà a vedere la verità soggiacente della vostra natura definitiva. In questa concise raccolta di conferenze e dialoghi satsang, siete invitati ad onorare l’amore illimitato che è la vostra vera natura e a godere della dolce ricchezza che viene rivelata quando concedete a questa verità la vostra assoluta attenzione. Dalla prefazione di Adyashanti, maestro spirituale e autore di “Emptiness Dancing”: “La bellezza di questa raccolta di conferenze e dialoghi di Nirmala risiede nel fatto che copre buona parte dello spettro del risveglio spirituale, dall’esperienza iniziale della vera natura di ognuno fino alle sfide pratiche che s

Nietzsche para estresados: 99 píldoras de filosofía radical contra las preocupaciones (Genios para la vida cotidiana #Volumen)

by Allan Percy

En Nietzsche para estresados, de la serie «Genios para la vida cotidiana», Allan Percy imparte un divertido y revelador curso de filosofía para el día a día basado en el pensamiento de Friedrich W. Nietzsche. Este libro práctico reúne 99 máximas del genio alemán y su aplicación práctica a todos los entornos y situaciones del día a día. Tanto para el mundo de la empresa como para el ámbito personal, la filosofía de Nietzsche es altamente efectiva para hallar salida a cualquier encrucijada. Cada capítulo se abre con un aforismo, seguido de una interpretación en clave práctica de Allan Percy, que servirá de ayuda para tomar decisiones, recuperar el aliento, enderezar el rumbo perdido y relativizar la importancia de las cosas que nos suceden durante la jornada. Los lectores han dicho...«Una obra para leer antes de dormir o cuando queremos relajarnos.» «Un libro muy bueno, ya estés habituado o no a leer filosofía. Está dividido en capítulos cortos con frases de Nietzsche para el día a día y se hace muy ameno de leer.»

Night Bloomers: 12 Principles for Thriving in Adversity

by Michelle Pearce

What if there are people, just like some flowers, who require the dark to bloom? When we are plunged into the dark and difficult times in life, one of three things can happen next: the darkness can destroy us; it can leave us relatively unchanged; or it can help to transform us. In this hope-inspiring guide, clinical psychologist, Michelle Pearce, PhD, provides practical tools and wisdom for transforming and thriving in adversity and loss. Just as some flowers require the dark to bloom, there are some people who do their best growing and becoming during dark and challenging times. With a compassionate voice, Pearce shares her clinical expertise, her own journey through the dark, and inspiring stories of other Night Bloomers to help individuals learn how to heal and transform their lives not in spite of their difficult times, but because of them. “Reading Night Bloomers is like having a dear friend right alongside you for support when most needed. Through stories, strategies, and writing prompts, Pearce provides powerful tools for building resilience, confidence, and joy. She reminds us that like plants, we don’t bloom just once, as she gently, masterfully paves a path for us to enjoy a lifetime of growing and blossoming. A ‘must-read’ for anyone seeking some light in the darkness.”--Caroline Welch, CEO and cofounder of the Mindsight Institute and author of The Gift of Presence “A gem of a book! Michelle Pearce has written an enlightening guide for anyone trying to find the path through a dark time in life. Through the wisdom gleaned from psychological research and practice and the lessons learned from her own personal encounter with pain and loss, Pearce points the way to growth and transformation when hope is in short supply. Down-to-earth, compassionate, and inspirational, Night Bloomers should be on everyone's bookshelf.”--Kenneth I. Pargament, Ph. D. author of Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy “Dr. Pearce’s Night Bloomers is an essential guide on how to shift your perspective to find meaning in the mess that accompanies the crises in our lives. Filled with practical wisdom and easy to follow exercises, this book is sure to serve as a roadmap through and out of the darkness for all who find themselves on the journey of transformation.”--Michelle Bailey, MD, author of Parenting Your Stressed Child “Michelle Pearce, Ph.D. is uniquely qualified to teach readers how to thrive in the face of grief in a way that captivates and illuminates. Night Bloomers is a therapeutic tool for healing based upon the transformative power of rewriting our stories of loss. Night Bloomers inspires readers to use sorrow as the soil in which to grow something beautiful.”--Laura J. Oliver, author of The Story Within “In Night Bloomers, Dr. Pearce offers a very practical, evidence based, journaling approach to productively cope with the challenges of adversity. She uses her own personal adversity story and professional experiences as a psychologist to clearly outline steps and strategies to transform difficulties into transformation towards healing and resilience. A must read for many trying to find a way out of the dark night of the soul and into some much needed light.”--Thomas G. Plante, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor and Director, Applied Spirituality Institute, Santa Clara University “Deeply insightful, heartfelt, practical, and wise. Night Bloomers is an indispensable resource for anyone who needs healing. Pearce does an eloquent and powerful job shifting our perspective on adversity and equipping us with the necessary tools to bloom in the dark. Anyone who has been through loss, grief, or times of adversity&#82

Night Driving: Notes from a Prodigal Soul

by Chad Bird

Journeys that begin in brokenness rarely follow a straight road to healing. There are twists and turns—and setbacks—on the path of repentance.Night Driving tells the story of a pastor and seminary professor whose moral failures destroyed his marriage and career, left his life in ruins, and sent him spiraling into a decade-long struggle against God. Forced to fight the demons of his past in the cab of the semi-truck he drove at night through the Texas oil fields, Chad Bird slowly began to limp toward grace and healing. Drawing on his expertise as an Old Testament scholar, Bird weaves together his own story, the biblical story, and the stories of fellow prodigals as he peels back the layers of denial, anger, addiction, and grief to help readers come face-to-face both with their own identities and with the God who alone can heal them.

Night Driving: Notes from a Prodigal Soul

by Mark Galli Chad Bird

Journeys that begin in brokenness rarely follow a straight road to healing. There are twists and turns—and setbacks—on the path of repentance.Night Driving tells the story of a pastor and seminary professor whose moral failures destroyed his marriage and career, left his life in ruins, and sent him spiraling into a decade-long struggle against God. Forced to fight the demons of his past in the cab of the semi-truck he drove at night through the Texas oil fields, Chad Bird slowly began to limp toward grace and healing. Drawing on his expertise as an Old Testament scholar, Bird weaves together his own story, the biblical story, and the stories of fellow prodigals as he peels back the layers of denial, anger, addiction, and grief to help readers come face-to-face both with their own identities and with the God who alone can heal them.

Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide

by Kay Redfield Jamison

From the author of the best-selling memoir An Unquiet Mind, comes the first major book in a quarter century on suicide, and its terrible pull on the young in particular. Night Falls Fast is tragically timely: suicide has become one of the most common killers of Americans between the ages of fifteen and forty-five.An internationally acknowledged authority on depressive illnesses, Dr. Jamison has also known suicide firsthand: after years of struggling with manic-depression, she tried at age twenty-eight to kill herself. Weaving together a historical and scientific exploration of the subject with personal essays on individual suicides, she brings not only her remarkable compassion and literary skill but also all of her knowledge and research to bear on this devastating problem. This is a book that helps us to understand the suicidal mind, to recognize and come to the aid of those at risk, and to comprehend the profound effects on those left behind. It is critical reading for parents, educators, and anyone wanting to understand this tragic epidemic.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide

by Kay Redfield Jamison

From the author of the best-selling memoir An Unquiet Mind, comes the first major book in a quarter century on suicide, and its terrible pull on the young in particular. Night Falls Fast is tragically timely: suicide has become one of the most common killers of Americans between the ages of fifteen and forty-five.An internationally acknowledged authority on depressive illnesses, Dr. Jamison has also known suicide firsthand: after years of struggling with manic-depression, she tried at age twenty-eight to kill herself. Weaving together a historical and scientific exploration of the subject with personal essays on individual suicides, she brings not only her remarkable compassion and literary skill but also all of her knowledge and research to bear on this devastating problem. This is a book that helps us to understand the suicidal mind, to recognize and come to the aid of those at risk, and to comprehend the profound effects on those left behind. It is critical reading for parents, educators, and anyone wanting to understand this tragic epidemic.

The Night Lake: A Young Priest Maps the Topography of Grief

by Liz Tichenor

Called "such a sad, tough story, but finally so life-affirming, filled with spirit and love" by Anne Lamott, this is a raw and intensely affecting memoir by a young priest about loss of a child, its grief and its aftermath, and the hard-won joy that can follow.Liz Tichenor has taken her newborn son, five weeks old, to the doctor, from a cabin on the shores of Lake Tahoe. She is sent home to her husband and two-year-old daughter with the baby, who is pronounced "fine" by an urgent care physician. Six hours later, the baby dies in their bed. Less than a year and a half before, Tichenor's mother jumped from a building and killed herself after a long struggle with alcoholism. As a very young Episcopal priest, Tichenor has to "preach the Good News," to find faith where there is no hope, but she realizes these terrible parts of her own life will join her in the pulpit. The Night Lake is the story of finding a way forward through tragedies that seem like they might be beyond surviving and of carving out space for the slow labor of learning to live again, in grief.

Night Light: A Book of Nighttime Meditations (Hazelden Meditations)

by Amy E Dean

Night Light's quotations, reflections, and simple prayers ease the loneliness, fear, and anxiety that can burden our nights so we can wake up and meet each new day refreshed and inspired.Remember how comforting it felt, as a child, to fall asleep with a night-light glowing in the dark? Our Night Light is a collection of meditations that helps us remember how our Higher Power is like a comforting, ever-present light in our lives. These nightly readings can help us learn to trust the spiritual light within us for strength, comfort, and guidance.

Night Shift

by Debi Gliori

&“Scottish author and illustrator Debi Gliori's small but mighty picture book, Night Shift, is an eye-opening look at depression.&”—BookPage"A poignant, empathetic and ultimately hopeful book."—School Library Journal "By giving depression physical dimension, Gliori diffuses some of its strange, persistent power.&“—Publishers Weekly"Debi Gliori has given us all a powerful, and beautiful, gift with Night Shift."—Jay Asher, author of Thirteen Reasons Why and Piper, his first graphic novel, which he coauthored"It's a masterpiece.&”—David Walliams, bestselling children's author From beloved author and illustrator Debi Gliori (No Matter What) comes Night Shift, a groundbreaking lushly illustrated picture book based on Gliori's own personal history with depression.Fighting dragons is one way of fighting depression. This book is another. Through stunning black and white illustration and deceptively simple text, author and illustrator Debi Gliori provides a fascinating and absorbing portrait of depression and hope in Night Shift, a moving picture book about a young girl haunted by dragons. The young girl battles the dragons using 'night skills': skills that give her both the ability to survive inside her own darkness and the knowledge that nothing—not even long, dark nights filled with monsters—will last forever. Drawn from Gliori's own experiences and struggles with depression, the book concludes with a moving author's note explaining how depression has affected her and how she continues to cope. Gliori hopes that by sharing her own experience she can help others who suffer from depression, and to find that subtle shift that will show the way out. A brave and powerful book, give Night Shift to dragon fighters young and old, and any reader who needs to know they're not alone.

The Night Side of Nature: Or Ghosts And Ghost Seers (The Paranormal)

by Catherine Crowe

Contents: dweller in the temple; waking and sleeping, and how the dweller in the temple sometimes looks abroad; allegorical dreams, presentiment, etc. ; warnings; double dreaming and trance; wraiths; dopplegangers or doubles; apparitions; future that awaits us; power of will; troubled spirits; haunted houses; spectral lights and apparitions attached to certain families; apparitions seeking the prayers of the living; the poltergeist of the Germans and possession; miscellaneous phenomena.

The Night Sky: An astronomers guide to the night sky and the universe (Usborne Spotter's Guides)

by Nigel Henbest

Discover the wonders of the Universe with this indispensable guide. The Night Sky is chock full of information explaining what, when and how to observe space and understanding the night sky.Not only accessible, but also invaluable, this is the perfect practical guide for both budding and seasoned astronomers, an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful resource for more experienced stargazers.

The Night Sky: An astronomers guide to the night sky and the universe (Usborne Spotter's Guides)

by Nigel Henbest

Discover the wonders of the Universe with this indispensable guide. The Night Sky is chock full of information explaining what, when and how to observe space and understanding the night sky.Not only accessible, but also invaluable, this is the perfect practical guide for both budding and seasoned astronomers, an easy introduction to astronomy and a useful resource for more experienced stargazers.

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