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Showing 24,101 through 24,125 of 36,881 results

Older, Faster, Stronger: What Women Runners Can Teach Us All About Living Younger, Longer

by Margaret Webb

One part personal quest to discover running greatness after age 50, one part investigation into what the women's running boom can teach athletes about becoming fitter, stronger, and faster as we age, Older, Faster, Stronger is an engrossing narrative sure to inspire women of all ages. A former overweight smoker turned marathoner, Margaret Webb runs with elite older women, follows a high-performance training plan devised by experts, and examines research that shows how endurance training can stall aging. She then tests herself against the world's best older runners at the world masters games in Torino, Italy. Millions of women have taken up running in recent decades—the first generation of women to train in great numbers. Women are qualifying for the Olympic marathon in their 50s, running 100-mile ultra marathons in their 60s, completing Ironmans in their 80s, competing for world masters records in their 90s. What are the secrets of these ageless wonders? How do they get stronger and faster long after their "athletic prime"? Is there an evolutionary reason women can maintain endurance into advanced years? Webb immerses herself in these questions as she as she trains to see just how fast she can get after 50.

Oli essenziali per gatti: Ricette, uso e sicurezza degli oli essenziali per il tuo gatto

by The Blokehead

Di certo avrai già avuto occasione di godere del piacere e dei vantaggi che i meravigliosi oli essenziali ci offrono, ma forse non sai che alcune specifiche essenze si prestano anche per efficaci preparazioni per il tuo gatto. Questo libro spiega quali oli puoi scegliere per calmare e rilassare il gatto, tenere alla larga pulci e zecche, mantenere la cute morbida, la pelliccia lucida, e far sì che le sue delicate orecchie e il suo naso si mantengano sani. Troverai anche alcune preparazioni ideali per eliminare gli odori sgradevoli. Che aspetti? Acquista il libro per scoprire di più.

Omeopatia per il raffreddore

by Dr Johannes Schön

Il raffreddore è un male fastidioso, ma può essere trattato bene con rimedi omeopatici. I bambini, in particolare, sono molto grati, per gli approcci terapeutici naturali. Con l'aiuto di adeguati rimedi omeopatici, l'organismo viene sostenuto nei suoi poteri di autoguarigione, invece di combattere i sintomi dell'influenza, come avviene nella medicina tradizionale con antidolorifici, antipiretici e antibiotici. In questo libro troverete tutto ciò che vi serve, per il trattamento di raffreddori e sintomi influenzali come febbre, rinite, tosse e mal di gola: una selezione dei più importanti rimedi omeopatici, sali di Schüssler e semplici rimedi casalinghi.

The OMG Effect: 60-Second Sermons to Live a Fuller Life

by Rev. Chris Lee

NOW AVAILABLE: Bite-sized wisdom and inspirational advice to lift your spirits and help you live a fuller life - from Instagram's answer to Fleabag's 'Hot Priest'. ______________________ One minute could change your life. Reverend Christopher Lee is a young vicar who has taken the internet by storm. With more Instagram followers than the Arch Bishop of Canterbury and the Church of England put together, Rev Chris helps and inspires hundreds of thousands of his followers everyday with his sixty-second sermons, full of bite-sized wisdom for busy people. From family to faith, career to community, self-care to self-worth, The OMG Effect encapsulates Rev Chris Lee's uplifting message of positivity and inclusivity, which has inspired millions of people globally regardless of their religious beliefs (or lack thereof) and, throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Rev. Chris Lee has been live-streaming prayer and faith sessions for those under lock-down, quarantine, or in self-isolation to help fight loneliness, give hope, and bring people together.Whether you're struggling with your self-esteem, trying to find your purpose, or dealing with disappointment, get ready to refresh your outlook, rediscover your self-worth, and start living a fuller life. 'You are loved. You are precious. You are of vital importance.' Rev Chris Lee __________________________________________________ What people on Instagram are saying about Rev Chris Lee: 'This is so universally applicable. Your sermons reach far and wide and are so healing. I needed to hear this today.' 'I've always been more spiritual than religious and veered away from the church, but you bring such love and light energy to the world.' 'I'm an atheist and I'd have a pint with Rev Chris. He has a good heart.' 'Rev Chris is the wholesome kind of positivity this world needs. I'm not even a religious person, and I'm over here nodding along like I know the good word.' 'You are the only Christian I can stand, tbh.' 'I'm not Christian but I always receive positive vibes from your account.' 'I'm not spiritual or anything. But I love your sermons because it still applies to life anyways.' 'Keep spreading those positive vibes, we need more people like you Rev Chris!!'

OMM Organizarte by Mela M.: Ordená tu casa y simplificá tu vida

by Melanie Melhem

Melanie Melhem, organizadora profesional, propone una guía práctica para llevar una existencia liviana, en la que el orden y la organización no se conviertan en una obsesión, sino en un hábito que nos brinde más calidad de vida, armonía y placer visual. La organización es el camino hacia una vida más simple, pero para ordenar es necesario soltar, y eso es algo que nos cuesta mucho. Hay personas que conservan guías telefónicas o volantes de deliveries con números que están a un par de clicks en internet. En los cajones de la cocina suele haber utensilios rotos. En los placares, demasiadas prendas de ropa que ya no usamos. Y los juguetes de los chicos se adueñan de la casa. Entonces el problema no es la falta de espacio, sino el exceso de cosas. ¿De qué sirve una biblioteca con libros que no vamos a leer? ¿Por cuánto tiempo hay que archivar las facturas de luz y de gas? ¿Por qué, de pronto, tenemos la alacena llena de productos vencidos? ¿Para qué guardamos cincuenta collares si siempre usamos los mismos tres? ¿Cómo conviene organizar el lugar de trabajo? ¿Y armar una valija? ¿Cómo inculcarles la costumbre del orden a los chicos sin volverlos locos? Hoy las casas son más chicas que hace cincuenta años, por eso debemos ser conscientes y responsables acerca de los elementos que acumulamos. La house planner argentina Melanie Melhem propone varios consejos aplicados al mundo occidental para llevar una existencia más liviana. Y para que el orden y la organización no se conviertan en una obsesión, sino en un hábito que nos brinde una mayor calidad de vida.

On a Hill Too Far Away: Putting the Cross Back into the Center of Our Lives

by John F. Fischer

The author seeks to bring the Cross of Christ back to contemporary worship.

On a Move: Philadelphia's Notorious Bombing and a Native Son's Lifelong Battle for Justice

by Mike Africa Jr.

The incredible story of MOVE, the revolutionary Black civil liberties group that Philadelphia police bombed in 1985, killing 11 civilians—by one of the few people born into the organization, raised during the bombing's tumultuous aftermath, and entrusted with repairing what was left of his family."As necessary and powerful as it is captivating." – Michael Harriot, New York Times bestselling author of Black AF History"Searing and urgent." – Bakari Sellers, New York Times bestselling author of My Vanishing Country and The MomentBefore police dropped a bomb on a residential neighborhood on May 13, 1985, few people outside Philadelphia were aware that a Black-led civil liberties organization had taken root there. Founded in 1972 by a charismatic ideologue called John Africa, MOVE’s mission was to protect all forms of life from systemic oppression. They drew their ideology from the Black Panther Party and pre-dated animal and environmental rights groups like PETA and Earth First. MOVE emerged in an era when Black Philadelphians suffered under devastating policies brought by the long, doomed war in Vietnam, Mayor Frank Rizzo’s overtly racist police surveillance, and, eventually, President Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs. MOVE members lived together in a collection of West Philadelphia row houses and took the surname Africa out of admiration for the group's founder.But in MOVE's lifestyle, city officials saw threats to their status quo. Their bombing of MOVE homes shocked the nation and made international news. Eleven people were killed, including five children. And the City of Brotherly Love became known as the City That Bombed Itself.Among the children most affected by the bombing was Mike Africa Jr. Born in jail following a police attack on MOVE that led to his parents’ decades-long incarcerations, Mike was six years old and living with his grandmother when MOVE was bombed. In the ensuing years, Mike sought purpose in the ashes left behind. He began learning about the law as a teenager and became adept at speaking and inspiring public support with the help of other MOVE members. In 2018, at age 40, he finally succeeded in getting his parents released from prison.On a Move is one of the most unimaginable stories of injustice and resilience in recent American history. But it is not only one of tragedy. It is about coming-of-age for a young activist, the strong ties of family, and, against all odds, learning how to take indignities on the chin and to work within the very system that created them. At once a harrowing personal account and an impassioned examination of racism and police violence, On a Move testifies to the power of love and hope, in the face of astonishing wrongdoing.

On a Spaceship with Beelzebub: By a Grandson of Gurdjieff

by David Kherdian

An award-winning author's uncompromising and brutally honest inside story of the powerful Gurdjieff Work of self-transformation. Offers a stirring account of spiritual transformation, as well as a warning of the real dangers inherent in being a member of any spiritual group Acclaimed author David Kherdian tells us the inside story of the powerful Gurdjieff Work of self-transformation. He describes his interaction with the hierarchy of various groups involved in the Work and tells the inspiring story of his own awakening that will resonate deeply with anyone involved in disciplined spiritual practice. Drawing on his own decades of intense study and application of Gurdjieff's philosophy, Kherdian offers us a stirring account of spiritual transformation, as well as a warning of the real dangers inherent in being a member of any spiritual group.

On Admiration: Heroes, Heroines, Role Models, and Mentors

by W. D. Wetherell

In a refreshing departure from today's celebrity worship cultivated by reality television, tabloid photos, and celebrity twittering, award-winning novelist W. D. Wetherell's On Admiration celebrates the heroes and heroines who have peopled his life from his earliest years. Writers, singers, presidents, athletes, cartoonists, artists, activists, and many more are examined here--from Henry David Thoreau to Willa Cather to Albert Camus to Dwight D. Eisenhower to Winston Churchill to Beverly Sills--in this humorous, insightful memoir that speaks powerfully about the state of fame, celebrity culture, and honest admiration. Wetherell skillfully reminds us of the magic and mystery that comes with slow discovery--of that first awareness of those figures who awoke something within us, that inspired us as children, teenagers, and adults--forever altering the landscape of ourselves. From visiting Herman Melville's study where Melville wrote Moby Dick to being a Rangers fan living in NYC--Wetherell examines the meaning of the American cultural landscape--and its remnants--in a candid and personal memoir like no other before him. With this lively and exacting series of pop culture essays, Wetherell joins the ranks of David Foster Wallace, Jonathan Franzen, and Chuck Klosterman.

On Adulting: How Millennials (And Any Human, Really) Can Work Less, Live More, And Bend The Rules For Good

by Katina Mountanos

The go-to guide for millennials who are confused about growing up—and need advice on how to do so in a mindful, happy way. If you feel like the moment you entered adulthood your entire life has become a negotiation rather than a choice, you're not alone. Millions of adults around the world feel like they're not living up to their potential. But, mindset coach and creative entrepreneur Katina Mountanos has a secret: it's possible to get off the work-gym-sleep hamster wheel—and never look back. In On Adulting: A Guide To Growing Up In A Mindful, Happy Way, Mountanos shares her exact formula for crafting an adult life that's full of choices. Through her wildly popular blog and community, she's helped thousands of millennials start telling the truth about what they actually want their life to look like. And now, she's helping readers everywhere escape the rat race, make bill-paying and laundry more fun, and live a life they're passionate about. You'll learn Mountanos's blueprint for being a mindful and happy grown-up, which includes: Why you're addicted to collecting praise and trophies from a scientific perspective - and how to put an end to itHow to stop following "the rules" even when it feels impossible because you're chained to your paycheckHow to figure out what your passion is in less than 24-hours using a little known creative exerciseLearning a mindset shift that you can apply to boring adulthood tasks such as paying off your loans or meal prepping on Sunday evenings How to navigate the shift in relationships—friendships, familial, romantic—as you grow, through advice from expertsDeveloping a clear personal mission statement that guides who you want to be when you grow up, not only what.On Adulting is packed with tactical tips, real-life stories, and expert advice in order to live a mindful, happy, and conscious life.

On Becoming a Leader: A Workbook On Becoming A Leader

by Warren Bennis

Deemed "the dean of leadership gurus" by Forbes magazine, Warren Bennis has for years persuasively argued that leaders are not born-they are made. Delving into the qualities that define leadership, the people who exemplify it, and the strategies that anyone can apply to achieve it, his classic work On Becoming a Leader has served as a source of essential insight for countless readers. In a world increasingly defined by turbulence and uncertainty, the call to leadership is more urgent than ever.Featuring a provocative new introduction, this new edition will inspire a fresh generation of potential leaders to excellence.

On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician

by Catherine Maccoun

Many regard alchemy as a metaphor for inner transformation. But this is only half the story. According to Catherine MacCoun, alchemy is no mere metaphor. It's real magic. Transforming the inner world is, for the alchemist, a way to transform the outer world. Through studying the principles of alchemy, we can achieve extraordinary effects from ordinary actions by understanding how the world really works. We can perceive the hidden connections between the spiritual and the material worlds. Knowledge of these connections enables us to influence external phenomena through the powers of heart and mind alone. Yet alchemy is not, like some forms of magic, the exercise of mind over matter. It is the art of taking what already exists--whatever presents itself--and transmuting the harmful into the helpful, the useless into the valuable.On Becoming an Alchemist initiates us into these secrets, showing us how to think, perceive, and operate as an alchemist. It offers practical advice and exercises that will help the modern magician to: * Understand and apply basic principles of alchemy * Transmute setbacks, failures, and losses into sources of magical power * Navigate one's inner world with poise, confidence, and common sense * Intuitively show up in the right place at the right time to benefit from magical coincidences * Discover the potentials latent in any situation by awakening subtle perceptionTo learn more about the author Catherine MacCoun go to

On Becoming Babywise, Book 2: Parenting Your Pretoddler Five to Fifteen Months

by Gary Ezzo Robert Bucknam

It's reality-check time! You are at least five months into your tour of parenting duty by now. The complexity of child-training has begun to come into focus. You have learned that as your baby matures both constant and variable factors continually influence his or her development. What behaviors can and should you expect from your pretoddler? Feeding time for your pretoddler, for example, is now more than a response controlled by a sucking reflex. For the pretoddler, mealtime is part of a very complex, conscious interaction between what the child does and what his parents expect him to do. Right and wrong conduct will be encouraged, discouraged, and guided when necessary. In fact, right and wrong patterns of behavior will now be part of your baby's entire day. That's why feeding time, waketime and sleeptime provide wonderful opportunities for training and Babywise Book II will guide you all the way, from the high chair to playpen, from the living room to the back yard. This series teaches the practical side of introducing solids food, managing mealtimes, nap transitions, traveling with your infant, setting reasonable limits while encourage healthy exploration and much more. You will learn how to teach your child to use sign language for basic needs, a tool proven to help stimulate cognitive growth and advance communication. Apply the principles and your friends and relatives will be amazed at the alertness, contentedness and happy disposition of your baby.

On Becoming Fearless ... in Love, Work, and Life: In Love, Work, And Life

by Arianna Huffington

Observing that her own teenage daughters were beginning to experience some of the same fears that had once burdened her--how attractive am I? do people like me? do I dare speak up?--Arianna Huffington began to examine the ways in which fear affects all our lives. In stories drawn from her own experiences and from the lives of other women, she points toward the moments of extraordinary strength, courage, and resilience that result from confronting and overcoming fear. And she outlines the steps anyone can take to conquer fear. Her book shows us how to become bold from the inside out--from feeling comfortable in our own skin to getting what we want in love and at work to changing the world.

On Becoming Toddlerwise: From First Steps to Potty Training

by Gary Ezzo Robert Bucknam

From First Steps to Potty Training There is no greater fulfillment a parent can receive than the upturned face of a toddler, eyes speaking wonders and a face of confidence in discovering a brand new world with Mom and Dad. In just over a year, the helpless infant emerges as a little moving, talking, walking, exploratory person marked by keen senses, clear memory, quick perceptions and unlimited energy. He emerges into a period of life know affectionately as the Toddler Years. How ready are you for this new experience?The toddler years are the learning fields and you need a trustworthy guide to take you through the unfolding maze of your child's developing world. On Becoming Toddlerwise is a tool chest of workable strategies and ideas that multiplies your child's learning opportunities in a loving and nurturing way. This resource is as practical as it is informative. With over two million homes to their credit, trusted parenting authors Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam bring their collective wisdom, experience, and insights to bear on this critical phase of growth and development. From first steps to potty training made easy and everything in between, it is all here for you.

On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person: A Guide To Boundaries, Joy, And Meaning

by Ilse Sand

In a culture that ranks sociability and extroversion above the introverted traits of deep thinking and being alone, Ilse Sand shows how to find joy and meaning as an introvert or highly sensitive person. She debates whether these traits are caused by nature or nurture, and shows how someone like this can organise their life to keep them content. What she says is appropriate for people who are temporarily, or for some other reason, in a sensitive situation - for example, because of stress, trauma or burn-out. It describes the introverted personality type and the highly sensitive trait, highlighting the strengths that come with it such as good listening skills and rich imagination, and suggests ways to overcome the negatives such as the need to avoid overstimulation and over-critical thinking. Including advice from other introverts or highly sensitive people, and two self-tests for sensitive and introverted traits, this book provides a deeper understanding of introversion and high sensitivity and gives those with these personality types greater faith and courage in their own talents.

On Being Awesome: A Unified Theory of How Not to Suck

by Nick Riggle

In this lively treatise, pro-skater-turned-philosopher Nick Riggle presents a theory of awesomeness (and its opposite, suckiness) that’s both sharply illuminating and more timely than ever “Nick Riggle’s fun book is ‘awesome’ by its own definition. But don’t miss its profound ambition, which is to show how philosophy unearths the structure of ordinary language, defines the meaning of life in routine business, and poses the question of how best to live.” —Aaron James, author of Assholes: A Theory We all know people who are awesome and people who suck, but what do we really mean by these terms? Have you ever been chill or game? Do you rock or rule? If so, then you’re tapped into the ethics of awesomeness. Awesome people excel at creating social openings that encourage expressions of individuality and create community. And if you’re a cheapskate, self-promoter, killjoy, or douchebag, you’re the type of person who shuts social openings down. Put more simply: You suck. From street art to folk singers, Proust to the great etiquette writer Emily Post, President Obama to former Los Angeles Dodger Glenn Burke, Riggle draws on pop culture, politics, history, and sports to explore the origins of awesome, and delves into the nuances of what it means to suck and why it’s so important to strive for awesomeness. An accessible and entertaining lens for navigating the ethics of our time, On Being Awesome provides a new and inspiring framework for understanding ourselves and creating meaningful connections in our everyday lives.

On Being Human: A Memoir of Waking Up, Living Real, and Listening Hard

by Jennifer Pastiloff

An inspirational memoir about how Jennifer Pastiloff's years of waitressing taught her to seek out unexpected beauty, how hearing loss taught her to listen fiercely, how being vulnerable allowed her to find love, and how imperfections can lead to a life full of wild happiness. Centered around the touchstone stories Jen tells in her popular workshops, On Being Human is the story of how a starved person grew into the exuberant woman she was meant to be all along by battling the demons within and winning. Jen did not intend to become a yoga teacher, but when she was given the opportunity to host her own retreats, she left her thirteen-year waitressing job and said “yes,” despite crippling fears of her inexperience and her own potential. After years of feeling depressed, anxious, and hopeless, in a life that seemed to have no escape, she healed her own heart by caring for others. She has learned to fiercely listen despite being nearly deaf, to banish shame attached to a body mass index, and to rebuild a family after the debilitating loss of her father when she was eight. Through her journey, Jen conveys the experience most of us are missing in our lives: being heard and being told, “I got you.” Exuberant, triumphantly messy, and brave, On Being Human is a celebration of happiness and self-realization over darkness and doubt. Her complicated yet imperfectly perfect life path is an inspiration to live outside the box and to reject the all-too-common belief of “I am not enough.” Jen will help readers find, accept, and embrace their own vulnerability, bravery, and humanness.

On Being Human: A Memoir of Waking Up, Living Real, and Listening Hard

by Jennifer Pastiloff

'Beautiful and tender, profound and absorbing. I never wanted to put it down', Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild'A gritty and passionate memoir', Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, LoveCentered around the touchstone stories Jen tells in her popular workshops, On Being Human is the story of how a starved person grew into the exuberant woman she was meant to be all along by battling the demons within and winning.Jen did not intend to become a yoga teacher, but when she was given the opportunity to host her own retreats, she left her thirteen-year waitressing job and said "yes," despite crippling fears of her inexperience and her own potential. After years of feeling depressed, anxious, and hopeless, in a life that seemed to have no escape, she healed her own heart by caring for others. She has learned to fiercely listen despite being nearly deaf, to banish shame attached to a body mass index, and to rebuild a family after the debilitating loss of her father when she was eight. Through her journey, Jen conveys the experience most of us are missing in our lives: being heard and being told, "I got you." Exuberant, triumphantly messy, and brave, On Being Human is a celebration of happiness and self-realization over darkness and doubt. Her complicated yet imperfectly perfect life path is an inspiration to live outside the box and to reject the all-too-common belief of "I am not enough." Jen will help readers find, accept, and embrace their own vulnerability, bravery, and humanness.

On Being Human: A Memoir of Waking Up, Living Real, and Listening Hard

by Jennifer Pastiloff

Centered around the touchstone stories Jen tells in her popular workshops, On Being Human is the story of how a starved person grew into the exuberant woman she was meant to be all along by battling the demons within and winning.Jen did not intend to become a yoga teacher, but when she was given the opportunity to host her own retreats, she left her thirteen-year waitressing job and said "yes," despite crippling fears of her inexperience and her own potential. After years of feeling depressed, anxious, and hopeless, in a life that seemed to have no escape, she healed her own heart by caring for others. She has learned to fiercely listen despite being nearly deaf, to banish shame attached to a body mass index, and to rebuild a family after the debilitating loss of her father when she was eight. Through her journey, Jen conveys the experience most of us are missing in our lives: being heard and being told, "I got you." Exuberant, triumphantly messy, and brave, On Being Human is a celebration of happiness and self-realization over darkness and doubt. Her complicated yet imperfectly perfect life path is an inspiration to live outside the box and to reject the all-too-common belief of "I am not enough." Jen will help readers find, accept, and embrace their own vulnerability, bravery, and humanness.(P)2019 Penguin Random House LLC

On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation

by Kim Samuel

In an age of social isolation, what does it mean to belong? “In this timely, warm, and persuasive book, [Kim Samuel] shares stories and solutions for reclaiming common purpose and authentic connection. On Belonging is essential reading for anyone who wants to imagine and build a more inclusive future.”—Timothy Shriver, chairman of Special Olympics Humanity is at an inflection point. Stress, disconnection, and increasing environmental degradation have people yearning for more than just material progress, personal freedom, or political stability. We are searching for deeper connection. We are longing to belong. On Belonging is an exploration of the crisis of social isolation and of the fundamental human need to belong. It considers belonging across four core dimensions: in our relationships with other people, in our rootedness in nature, in our ability to influence political and economic decision-making, and in our finding of meaning and purpose in our lives, with lessons on how to create communities centered on human connection. A trailblazing advocate and thought leader on questions of social connectedness, Kim Samuel introduces readers to leaders around the world who are doing the work to cultivate belonging. Whether through sports, medicine, music, business, culture, or advocacy, the people and programs in this book offer us meaningful lessons on building a world where we all feel at home.

On Birth: On Birth; On Marriage; On Death (How to Find God #1)

by Timothy Keller

From New York Times bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller, a book celebrating and exploring the spiritual meaning of birth and baptismSignificant events such as birth, marriage, and death are milestones in our lives in which we experience our greatest happiness and our deepest grief. And so it is profoundly important to understand how to approach and experience these occasions with grace, endurance, and joy.In On Birth, Timothy Keller--theologian and bestselling author--helps us understand both physical and spiritual birth, as well as how baptism connects the two. With wisdom, joy, and compassion, Keller draws on forty-five years as a pastor and a parent to consider what it means to receive a new birth as well as to be reborn.The perfect gift for someone who is about to become a parent or is searching for the true meaning of Christianity, On Birth is a short, powerful book that illuminates God's vision of life.

On Caring

by Milton Mayeroff

A noted philosopher explores the meaning and importance of caring

On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and Peace

by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Loren W. Christensen

The director of the Killology Research Group shares &“a thorough examination of the emotional and physical effects of deadly conflict&” (Kirkus Reviews).On Combat examines the stress resulting from engaging in deadly battle and its effects on the human body, from the heart and the nervous system to visual and auditory perception to memory. The historical perspective on the evolution of combat provided in this text further deepens our understanding of the brave men and women who train their minds and bodies to go to that place from which others flee. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a war veteran and former West Point psychology professor, presents combat coping strategies, demonstrating how one can train the mind to be inoculated against stress, fear, and even pain. This fresh and informative look at post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) details how to prevent it, how to survive it, how to come out of it stronger, and how to help others who are experiencing it. Grossman underscores the importance of post-combat debriefing, when warriors gather to share, learn from each other, and begin to heal from the horror. Based on extensive new research, Grossman&’s findings are supported by revealing quotes and anecdotes from combat veterans and other leaders in the warrior community.

On Consolation: Finding Solace in Dark Times

by Michael Ignatieff

Timely and profound philosophical meditations on how great figures in history, literature, music, and art searched for solace while facing tragedies and crises, from the internationally renowned historian of ideas and Booker Prize-finalist Michael Ignatieff.When someone we love dies, when we suffer loss or defeat, when catastrophe strikes--war, famine, pandemic--we go in search of consolation. Once the province of priests and philosophers, the language of consolation has largely vanished from our modern vocabulary, and the places where it was offered, houses of religion, are often empty. Rejecting the solace of ancient religious texts, humanity since the sixteenth century has increasingly placed its faith in science, ideology, and the therapeutic.How do we console each other and ourselves in an age of unbelief? In a series of lapidary meditations on writers, artists, musicians, and their works--from the books of Job and Psalms to Albert Camus, Anna Akhmatova, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Primo Levi--esteemed writer and historian Michael Ignatieff shows how men and women in extremity have looked to each other across time to recover hope and resilience. Recreating the moments when great figures found the courage to confront their fate and the determination to continue unafraid, On Consolation takes those stories into the present, movingly contending that we can revive these traditions of consolation to meet the anguish and uncertainties of our precarious twenty-first century.

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