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Pappyland: A Story of Family, Fine Bourbon, and the Things That Last

by Wright Thompson

The story of how Julian Van Winkle III, the caretaker of the most coveted cult Kentucky Bourbon whiskey in the world, fought to protect his family's heritage and preserve the taste of his forebears, in a world where authenticity, like his product, is in very short supply. <p><p> As a journalist said of Pappy Van Winkle, "You could call it bourbon, or you could call it a $5,000 bottle of liquified, barrel-aged unobtanium." Julian Van Winkle, the third-generation head of his family's business, is now thought of as something like the Buddha of Bourbon - Booze Yoda, as Wright Thompson calls him. He is swarmed wherever he goes, and people stand in long lines to get him to sign their bottles of Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve, the whiskey he created to honor his grandfather, the founder of the family concern. A bottle of the 23-year-old Pappy starts at $3000 on the internet. As Julian is the first to say, things have gone completely nuts. <p> Forty years ago, Julian would have laughed in astonishment if you'd told him what lay ahead. He'd just stepped in to try to save the business after his father had died, partly of heartbreak, having been forced to sell the old distillery in a brutal downturn in the market for whiskey. Julian's grandfather had presided over a magical kingdom of craft and connoisseurship, a genteel outfit whose family ethos generated good will throughout Kentucky and far beyond. There's always a certain amount of romance to the marketing of spirits, but Pappy's mission statement captured something real: "We make fine bourbon - at a profit if we can, at a loss if we must, but always fine bourbon." But now the business had hit the wilderness years, and Julian could only hang on for dear life, stubbornly committed to preserving his namesake's legacy or going down with the ship. <p> Then something like a miracle happened: it turned out that hundreds of very special barrels of whiskey from the Van Winkle family distillery had been saved by the multinational conglomerate that bought it. With no idea what they had, they offered to sell it to Julian, who scrambled to beg and borrow the funds. Now he could bottle a whiskey whose taste captured his family's legacy. The result would immediately be hailed as the greatest whiskey in the world - and would soon be the hardest to find. <p> But now, those old barrels were used up, and Julian Van Winkle faced the challenge of his lifetime: how to preserve the taste of Pappy, the taste of his family's heritage, in a new age? The amazing Wright Thompson was invited to be his wingman as he set about to try. The result is an extraordinary testimony to the challenge of living up to your legacy and the rewards that come from knowing and honoring your people and your craft. Wright learned those lessons from Julian as they applied to the honest work of making a great bourbon whiskey in Kentucky, but he couldn't help applying them to his own craft, writing, and his upbringing in Mississippi, as he and his wife contemplated the birth of their first child. May we all be lucky enough to find some of ourselves, as Wright Thompson did, in Julian Van Winkle, and in Pappyland. <p> <b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and Master Your Digital Life

by Tiago Forte

This accessible guide expands upon the &“well-written, cogent, and useful&” (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done) bestselling Building a Second Brain with actionable advice on how to improve your digital life in just a few minutes.Living a modern life requires juggling a ton of information. But we were never taught how to manage this information effectively so that we can find what we need when we need it. In The PARA Method, Tiago Forte outlines a simple and intuitive four-step system that will help us sort all the information flooding our brains into four major categories—Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives—allowing us to manage our commitments while achieving our goals and dreams. -Projects are specific, short-term efforts that you are actively working on with a certain goal in mind, such as completing a website or renovating your bathroom. -Areas are the larger, ongoing areas of responsibility (health, finances, etc.) that encompass those specific projects. -Resources include content on a range of topics you&’re interested in or that could be useful for your projects and areas. -Archives include anything from the previous three categories that is now inactive, but you want to save for future reference. With his easy-to-understand and engaging voice, Forte outlines his best practices and tips on how to successfully implement PARA, along with deep dives on everything from how to adopt habits to stay organized to how to use this system to enhance your focus. The PARA Method can be implemented in just seconds but has the power to transform the trajectory of your work and life using the power of digital organization.

Para Onde Quer Que Vás, Aí Estarás

by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Um livro fundamental para sintonizar a mente com o coração, da autoria da maior referência na ciência do mindfulness. «Seja o que for que lhe tenha acontecido, já aconteceu. E a pergunta importante é: como lidar com isso? Por outras palavras: “Então, e agora?”» Publicado originalmente há mais de vinte anos, este continua a ser um dos mais importantes livros sobre o coração da meditação budista: prestar atenção de uma forma especial e objetiva no momento presente e sem julgar. O Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn divide o livro em três partes: a conceptualização do mindfulness; a prática formal da meditação; e, finalmente, as aplicações na vida quotidiana.Nesta obra de referência são definidos mecanismos e exercícios de mindfulness que lhe permitirão gerir melhor comportamentos, pensamentos e emoções desafiantes no dia a dia. «Este livro brilha com uma requintada simplicidade e franqueza. Jon Kabat-Zinn é um dos melhores professores de mindfulness que alguma vez conhecerá.» Jack Kornfield, professor budista e autor bestseller internacional «Os historiadores do futuro podem bem concluir que a introdução da meditação no mundo ocidental é um dos acontecimentos mais importantes do século xx e que Jon Kabat-Zinn foi um dos seus mais eficazes apoiantes.» Roger Walsh, professor de Psiquiatria, Filosofia e Antropologia na Universidade da Califórnia em Irvine

Para Sempre ... E Mais Um Dia

by Ulrike Maria Elvira Sousa

A vida é eterna. Contudo, dia após dia, temos de viver os 365 dias do ano neste mundo de problemas e atribulações. Mas, ainda cá estamos – aqui e agora! Por vezes, o leitor vai notar que os capítulos diários saltam de uns assuntos para outros, mas é assim que a minha mente assimila novas ideias, e procura compreender conceitos diversificados e complexos. Sendo uma leitora ávida, procurei incorporar os meus pensamentos nas conclusões a que cheguei e partilhar o meu crescimento pessoal. Alunos, leitores e pessoas desconhecidas, todos contribuíram com os seus casos da vida real para que este livro se tornasse um documento vivo sobre o que acontece durante a busca de revelação e aperfeiçoamento espiritual estádio de desenvolvimento, uma jornada comum de partilha para todos aqueles que se interessam por este tema. Neste livro, vai conhecer os problemas de várias pessoas, todas elas em busca da Verdade, enfrentando os seus desafios pessoais, tudo contado numa linguagem simples e prática. Nós somos a “luz que brilha para toda a eternidade”… Aproveite o melhor que possa os 365 dias deste ano, e todos os outros que esperam por si enquanto viver neste mundo físico!

The Parable of Joy: Reflections on the Wisdom of the Book of Johns

by Michael Card

Christian singer/songwriter/author Michael Card brings to life the words of John, the thoughts and feelings of the last living contemporary disciple of Jesus.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins: In Six Discourses, And A Sermon On The Judgeship Of The Saints

by Joseph Augustus Seiss

Dive deep into the profound teachings of one of Jesus' most compelling parables with Joseph Augustus Seiss' insightful work, "The Parable of the Ten Virgins: In Six Discourses, and a Sermon on the Judgeship of the Saints." This comprehensive book explores the rich symbolism and spiritual lessons found in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, as well as the significant theme of the saints' future role in judgment.Joseph Augustus Seiss, a respected 19th-century theologian and preacher, masterfully unpacks the parable's meaning through six detailed discourses. He delves into each element of the story—the virgins, their lamps, the oil, and the bridegroom—illuminating their spiritual significance and relevance for Christians today. Seiss emphasizes the parable's call for readiness, vigilance, and faithful anticipation of Christ's return.In addition to the six discourses on the parable, Seiss includes a powerful sermon on the judgeship of the saints. He explores the biblical foundations for this future role, providing insights into how believers are called to live lives of holiness and responsibility in light of their ultimate destiny.Seiss' writing is characterized by deep scriptural insight, theological clarity, and pastoral sensitivity. His interpretations are grounded in a thorough understanding of biblical prophecy and eschatology, making complex theological concepts accessible and relevant to a broad audience. The book challenges readers to reflect on their spiritual preparedness and to live with a sense of urgency and purpose in their Christian walk.Joseph Augustus Seiss' "The Parable of the Ten Virgins: In Six Discourses, and a Sermon on the Judgeship of the Saints" offers profound insights into biblical prophecy and the call to faithful living, making it a valuable addition to the library of anyone serious about understanding and applying the teachings of Scripture.

The Parables of Jesus

by James Montgomery Boice

"Some sections of the Bible give us grand theology. Some move us to grateful responses to God. But the parables break through mere words and make us ask whether there has indeed been any real difference in our lives."In this beloved classic, James Boice takes us systematically through the parables of Jesus, grouping them into five categories: parables of the kingdom, salvation, wisdom and folly, the Christian life, and judgment. In each section Boice brings Jesus' words to bear on life today. Through his careful study and clear explanation of each parable—born from a sermon series he preached at the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, where he pastored for 32 years—he helps us understand just what Jesus meant, and how our hearts and lives ought to respond. Jesus' parables are memorable for a reason. Discover their power for yourself.

The Parables of Jesus

by James Montgomery Boice

"Some sections of the Bible give us grand theology. Some move us to grateful responses to God. But the parables break through mere words and make us ask whether there has indeed been any real difference in our lives."In this beloved classic, James Boice takes us systematically through the parables of Jesus, grouping them into five categories: parables of the kingdom, salvation, wisdom and folly, the Christian life, and judgment. In each section Boice brings Jesus' words to bear on life today. Through his careful study and clear explanation of each parable—born from a sermon series he preached at the Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, where he pastored for 32 years—he helps us understand just what Jesus meant, and how our hearts and lives ought to respond. Jesus' parables are memorable for a reason. Discover their power for yourself.

The Parables of Kryon (Kryon Ser.)

by Lee Carroll

The Parables of Kryon, by Lee Carroll, author of Kryon: Don't Think Like a Human!, Kryon: The End Times, Kryon: Alchemy Of The Human Spirit, and many other books, has written this book of parables that is filled with penetrating insights. As soon as you read one of these wonderful stories, you will be hooked as you recognize yourself, and your own situations in the parable.

Paradise in Plain Sight

by Karen Maezen Miller

Come See the Garden That Is Your Life When Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller and her family land in a house with a hundred-year-old Japanese garden, she uses the paradise in her backyard to glean the living wisdom of our natural world. Through her eyes, rocks convey faith, ponds preach stillness, flowers give love, and leaves express the effortless ease of letting go. The book welcomes readers into the garden for Zen lessons in fearlessness, forgiveness, presence, acceptance, and contentment. Miller gathers inspiration from the ground beneath her feet to remind us that paradise is always here and now.

The Paradise of Lucifer

by Pedro Marangoni

A fun trip to the so-called "Hell". This is a short "heretic" text - but with infinite lines - to make the mind of those who read it think, see the contradictions, the mental emptiness, the philosophical stagnation before our presence in the Universe, the irrational consumption of prefabricated ideas, the imposition of ridiculous dogmas and the misrepresentation of the Churches. Atheist and acidic humor... Illustrated with scenes from God's Hell on Earth, the Inquisition. Genre: RELIGION / Atheism Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Spiritual

The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less

by Barry Schwartz

A sociologist-psychologist studies the explosion of choices consumers face in western, particularly U.S., culture and the resulting stress and how individuals can respond.

Paradoxology: Why Christianity Was Never Meant to Be Simple

by Krish Kandiah

It seems that the God of the Christian faith is full of paradoxes: a compassionate God who sanctions genocide an all-powerful God who allows horrific suffering a God who owns everything yet demands so much from his followers a God who is distant and yet present at the same time Many of us have big questions about God that the Christian faith seems to leave unanswered, so we push them to the back of our minds for fear of destabilizing our beliefs. But leaving these questions unexamined is neither healthy for us nor honoring to God. Rather than shying away from the difficult questions, we need to face them head on. What if the tension between apparently opposing doctrines is exactly where faith comes alive? What if this ancient faith has survived so long not in spite of but precisely because of these apparent contradictions? What if it is in the difficult parts of the Bible that God is most clearly revealed? In his new book Paradoxology Krish Kandiah makes a bold new claim: that the paradoxes that seem like they ought to undermine belief are actually the heart of our vibrant faith, and it is only by continually wrestling with them—rather than trying to pin them down or push them away—that we can really move forward, individually and together.

El Paraíso de Lucifer

by Sebastián Rodolfo Peña P. A. Marangoni

Un divertido viaje al llamado “Infierno”. Un texto corto “hereje” - pero con infinitas entrelíneas- para hacer que la cabeza de quien lo lea funcione, observar las contradicciones, el vacío mental, el estancamiento filosófico ante nuestra presencia en el Universo, el consumo irracional de ideas prefabricadas, la imposición de dogmas ridículos y la extorsión de las Iglesias. Humor ateo y ácido... Ilustrado con escenas del Infierno de Dios en la Tierra, la Inquisición.

El paraíso es tu casa: Un manual para ser feliz de puertas adentro

by Diana Quan

No hay nada como el hogar. De nosotros depende que sea como queremos. Y si bien es cierto que inevitablemente acaba siendo una manifestación de nuestra personalidad, también lo es que con una preparación adecuada, una estrategia relativa a los objetivos claros, tenacidad, rigor y buena voluntad, podemos cambiar el estilo del lugar donde vivimos. Y, al mismo tiempo, nos cambiaremos también un poco a nosotros mismos. De hecho, no hay ninguna transformación que introduzcamos en nuestro entorno que no nos afecte de manera directa, así como a nuestras actividades cotidianas. Este libro habla precisamente de todo esto y de mucho más. Concebido como una guía, encontraremos en él información para saber qué dice de nosotros nuestro hogar; orientación sobre los cambios que podemos hacer para transformarlo a fin de obtener el mayor bienestar; las características de cada estancia para saber cuáles generan vitalidad, relax o concentración e inspiración; consejos para sanar o mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo a través del sitio en que vivimos, con elementos tan sencillos como la luz, las plantas y los colores; técnicas para conseguir llenar de positividad nuestra vivienda; detalles prácticos sobre los mejores materiales para crear un hogar saludable; ideas para conseguir que en él reinen siempre la armonía y la tranquilidad.

Parallel Justice for Victims of Crime

by Susan Herman

Focuses on justice served for both the offender and the crime. Most are the time where all our attention is directed towards the justice for the victim to the offendor; here it's our obligation to bring the offender to the bar to be questioned, determine whether as law was broken, and if so sanction him/her with the appropriate punishment in accordance of the law broken. What happens after all this is done? Parallel justice is rooted in Justice to the victims, true justice involves seeking to heal the wounds of those who have suffered and those that have violated the law.

The Paralyzing Truth: Finding Strength and Hope in the Midst of Tragedy and Grief

by Judith Sherwood

Although our hearts ached, our negative emotions demanded us to give up hope from this tragedy, but we couldn't let them dictate how the rest of this journey would end. We took back control. Romans 8:18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory, He will reveal to us later. We learned through this journey that we could rely on our faith each day, one day at a time, living beyond the lies we tell ourselves, and that we could find strength and hope and get through each day as it came, as long as we were willing to make the right choices over and above our feelings, God is always faithful to give us the strength we need. If you feel alone in the midst of a storm you're facing, looking to be inspired and hopeful through one's tragedy, even in Grief, this book is for you.

Parando a missão suicida: ... e de quem é a vida?

by Madhu Ronda

Este pequeno livro destina-se a servir um grande passo no sentido de capacitar uma pessoa (masculino/feminino). A vida é preciosa. É tão precioso que você só sabe o seu real valor antes de perdê-lo para sempre. Este livro tabula categoricamente fatos sobre o ato hediondo de suicídio em todo o mundo. É apontado que apenas os jovens ocupam maior porcentagem de casos propensos ao suicídio. Finalmente, o livro abre opções para não sucumbir ao ato de tirar a vida.

Paranoia & Power: Fear & Fame of Entertainment Icons

by Gene N. Landrum

Landrum's 13th book is a self-help work on the inhibiting inner fears that either motivate or debilitate. As a pundit once said, Hesitate and you are lost. Why do most people hesitate? Fear! The fear of not being good enough or the fear that comes from thinking too much. We are afraid of those things we don't understand but the true visionaries jump right into those fears and they magically disappear. Fear was the fuel of the passions of Elvis. In the case of director Steven Speilberg, he had a deep-seated fear of the dark. The only time he wasn't afraid when in a theater where he escaped into the fantasy of make-believe. What did that have to with his accumulating $2 billion? Plenty! He told the media, When I was in my 20's I would get sort of nauseous stage fright. My insecurities are the fuel for my stories.

The Paranoia Switch: How Terror Rewires Our Brains and Reshapes Our Behavior--and How We Can Reclaim Our Courage

by Martha Stout

On September 11, 2001, the "Fear Switch" in our brains got flicked. How do we turn it off and reclaim our lives? Five years after September 11, we're still scared. And why not? Terrorists could strike at any moment. Our country is at war. The polar caps are melting. Hurricanes loom. We struggle to control our fear so that we can go about our daily lives. Our national consciousness has been torqued by trauma, in the process transforming our behavior, our expectations, our legal system. In The Myth of Sanity, Martha Stout, who until recently taught at the Harvard Medical School, analyzed how we cope with personal trauma. In her national bestseller The Sociopath Next Door, she showed how to avoid suffering psychological damage at the hands of others. Now, in The Paranoia Switch,she offers a groundbreaking clinical, neuropsychological, and practical examination of what terror and fear politics have done to our minds, and to the very biology of our brains. In this timely and essential book, Stout assures us that we can interrupt the cycle of trauma and look forward to a future free of fear only by understanding our own paranoia--and what flips the paranoia switch.


by David J. Laporte William T. Carpenter

From the pathological killer who gunned down the innocents at Virginia Tech to the average citizen who suspects the government is monitoring phone calls, the signs of suspiciousness and paranoia are all around us. In this comprehensive overview of an increasingly serious problem, an experienced psychologist and researcher describes what paranoia is, how and why it manifests itself, and the many forms it takes, including stalking, pathological jealousy, as a reaction to post-traumatic stress disorder, and perhaps even militia movements. Using striking vignettes from the present and the past, each chapter illustrates specific manifestations of paranoia while also describing in layperson's terms the clinical analysis of the condition. Among the topics discussed are the evolutionary origins of our "suspiciousness system" and factors that can trigger it today, the connection between illicit drug usage and paranoid behavior, PTSD, violent expressions of paranoia, and options for treating various kinds of paranoia.The author emphasizes that life in post-9/11 America is a fertile environment for paranoia; in an era of computer hackers, omnipresent security cameras, NSA surveillance, and terrorism, "normal" people have good reasons to be suspicious as their sense of security and privacy is undermined. But in such an insecure atmosphere, everyday suspicion can easily be ratcheted up, resulting in paranoia and occasionally violent outbursts. He warns of a possible epidemic of paranoia and suggests public health measures that could be used to counteract this potentially dangerous trend.Whether you consider yourself susceptible to paranoia or know others who might be, this enlightening book will help you understand the many factors that can distort your mental outlook.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Maleja Restrepo

Con más de 150,000 suscriptores en su canal de YouTube, Maleja y Tatán son la pareja más famosa de Colombia. Todos quieren saber, ¿por qué son tan felices?, ¿cuál es el secreto? En este libro, narran detalles de su vida en pareja y a la vez comprueban por qué en el amor no vale ningún consejo. ¿Cuál es la clave para llevar una relación honesta, divertida y armoniosa? Para Maleja y Tatán, la pareja que se ha convertido en todo un fenómeno de las redes sociales al compartir los detalles de su matrimonio, no existe una. En este libro hacen un recuento de lo que han vivido hasta ahora y con mucho humor retratan cómo va transformándose una relación de pareja y los hábitos que pueden hacer que sea más duradera. Porque, señores, el amor es para valientes. Pero entonces, ¿por qué Maleja y Tatán son la pareja más popular de Colombia? ¿Por qué miles de personas siguen diariamente su canal de YouTube, sus redes sociales y creen que son la pareja ideal? Porque aquí lo que SÍ van a encontrar es eso: la inspiración para convertirse en la mejor compañía que su pareja pueda tener, ser su "parcero". No prometemos la devolución de su dinero, pero sí la certeza de que después de leer este libro, volverá a creer en que el amor y la felicidad van de la mano.

Pardon and Peace

by Alfred Wilson C.P.

Laymen's Guide to getting the full spiritual and mental benefits from Confession.Father Alfred Wilson, a pastor of souls and popular spiritual writer, wrote that the psychological benefits of Confession are of a piece with its moral benefits-and can only be fully enjoyed when the penitent approaches the sacrament in the proper spirit. In Pardon and Peace, originally published back in 1946, Father Wilson captivated audiences with insights like these:--Find yourself confessing the same sins over and over? Here's the reason--and helpful advice.--Types of inaccurate confession.--If your examination of conscience tends to be a lengthy ordeal then here's what you're doing wrong.--Two chief considerations for weighing the gravity of a sin.--Three conditions that must be present for a sin to be mortal.--Four guidelines for confessing venial sins.--Common excuses for avoiding Confession.--How to confess a sin of impurity.--"Nothing to tell"? You might not be searching properly."Answers all your questions, and not only that, any others you could possibly think of about Confession."--Caryll Houselander"A clear, sound, eminently sensible exposition of the why and how of one of Christ's often-neglected sacramental gifts. Both Catholics who seldom approach this sacrament and Catholics for whom it is an established part of their spiritual lives will find a lot that is helpful and inspiring here, as will priests and catechists."--Russell Shaw, Author, Why We Need Confession"An intelligent and compassionate explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of all aspects of penance and the forgiveness of sin. Very helpful for younger Catholics, for older Catholics, and questioning non-Catholics."--Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Author, Arise from Darkness

The Parent Gap: Tools to Keep Your Cool, Stay Connected & Change Unhealthy Patterns

by Randi Rubenstein

Bridge the gap between how you thought you’d parent and how you’re actually parenting now with the tools and inspiration found in this supportive guide. You swore you were going to raise your kids differently . . . so why are your parents’ words coming out of your mouth? We all want happiness and success for our children throughout their lives. The worry of screwing up the people you love the most is attached to the thought that your behavior will possibly hinder their future state of being. You want the world for them. The Parent Gap shows how to change the patterns from your own childhood you intended to bury—allowing you to access in the heat of the moment that file in your brain with all those parenting tools you took the time to learn. As you close the parenting gap, you will be able to show up as the level-headed adult you truly want to be in your life and especially with your kids. Your confidence and clarity will shine brightly on the fact that you will be sending them off into the world with a rock solid foundation. Using real life stories and practical depictions, The Parent Gap combines the teachings of Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Brené Brown, and Martha Beck with a real-life, down-in-the-trenches parent perspective to create a fun and insightful read.

Parent Talk

by Chick Moorman

THE RIGHT WORDS FOR EVERY SITUATION Do you find yourself in those maddening situations where you sound like a broken record when talking to your child? Your preschooler won't decide what she wants to wear, regardless of how many times you insist that she just choose; your struggling third grader says "I can't do math," and your "Sure you can!" reassurance falls like a dead weight; your daughter smears on black eyeliner just before the bus arrives, and your daily protests are muted by hers. WHAT'S LEFT TO SAY? LOTS. In Parent Talk, a must-have for every parent with a preschool to high school-age child, Chick Moorman tells you what to say so that you can communicate more effectively -- and peacefully -- with your child in every circumstance, including: The morning mad dash to dress, eat, and leave the house on time The nightly struggle to focus on homework The endless car ride of exhaustion-induced whining The meltdown in the mall For instance, Moorman's antidote to the "I can't" loop is "Act as if you've done this before." With Moorman's help, you'll learn the words to use and the words to avoid to end power struggles and the fruitless conversation loops you're stuck in.

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