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Psalms and Proverbs for Everyday Life: 100 Daily Devotions
by Joel Osteen#1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers readers daily encouragement from the Psalms and Proverbs through this uplifting 100-day devotional. For three thousand years the words of the books of Psalms and Proverbs have calmed anxious hearts, rekindled courage in the fearful, nourished souls with wisdom, and renewed worship and thanksgiving. In this 100-day devotional, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen provides daily encouragement from the psalms and proverbs that will inspire you on even the most difficult days. He shares how to live from a place of peace in the midst of life&’s everyday worries. You&’ll find the wisdom and insight to help you focus on what matters most in your life. There&’s no better way to start your day than with the God who leads you beside quiet waters and refreshes your soul.
The Psalms and Their Meaning for Today
by Samuel L. TerrienTHE vitality of the Hebrew Psalms in the worship life of the Western world is a noteworthy and almost enigmatic fact. No other book of hymns and prayers has been used for so long a time and by so many diverse men and women. Here is an anthology of religious poems composed and collected in a remote land many centuries ago. The Temple of Jerusalem, in whose shadow most of their poets lived, has remained destroyed for more than fifty generations. Its cultic pageantry and ritual, of which the Psalms were the theological expression and lyrical adornment, have gone the way of ancient Babel and Memphis. Yet this archaic hymnal has survived the cult for which it was created.Today the Hebrew Psalms are read, chanted, or sung by countless people, every day of the year and everywhere on the face of the earth. They constitute the core of personal prayer and corporate adoration for all forms of Judaism—Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed—and for all churches of Christendom—Greek, Roman, Protestant. Such an enduring and widespread power of survival may be claimed for no other book of poetry and song.
by Leslie F. Brandt"Psalm 23: The Lord is my constant companion. There is no need that He cannot fulfill. Whether His course for me points to the mountaintops of glorious ecstasy or to the valleys of human suffering, He is by my side, He is ever present with me. He is close beside me when I tread the dark streets of danger, and even when I flirt with death itself, He will not leave me. When the pain is severe, He is near to comfort. When the burden is heavy, He is there to lean upon. When depression darkens my soul, He touches me with eternal joy. When I feel empty and alone, He fills the aching vacuum with His power. My security is in His promise to be near to me always, and in the knowledge that He will never let me go." Brandt brings to the contemporary reader a rewriting of the Old Testament Psalms which is encouraging, devotional, inspiring, and majestic.
Psicohigiene: El cuidado de uno mismo y de los demás
by Javier UrraLa psicohigiene es una actitud vital positiva que aúna la capacidad de cuidar y usar a nuestro favor las reflexiones y los afectos para prevenir daños y reparar heridas internas. Es no querer llegar a todo pero llegar a todo con pasión. Es saber repartir las sonrisas y las lágrimas. Y es, ante todo, comprender que el mundo no gira en torno a nosotros, para bien y para mal. En Psicohigiene encontrarás una serie de pautas que cambiarán tu forma de ver la vida y que te invitarán a escribir tu propia psicohistoria, a tenerla en cuenta, pero también a imaginar, intuir, soñar y planificar con alegría un mañana prometedor que siempre te da la oportunidad de limpiar tu mente y reinventarte. Javier Urra nos brinda una vez más la esperanza como realidad, nos invita a usa más el amor, que nos protege en cuerpo y alma, a revitalizar nuestro vínculo con el mundo y a conquistar el bienestar con nosotros mismos. El doctor Urra insiste en que impregnarse de otros es fundamental para dar sentido a las cosas, a la existencia, para dinamizar nuestros sueños.
La Psicología de Dios: Una visión psicológica de los conceptos teológicos
by Dr Eric J. KolbEl Dr. Eric J. Kolb intenta responder las más profundas interrogantes que vinculan a la Psicología con la Religión, compartiendo su aprendizaje como científico y, sobre todo, las enseñanzas que pudo recoger a partir del diagnóstico de una enfermedad crónica que limitó sus capacidades físicas. Desde la óptica científica, plasma su conocimiento sobre los procesos emocionales, los modelos de desarrollo de diferentes autores como Freud y Piaget, para llegar al Modelo de desarrollo divino a partir del análisis del hombre bíblico en sus diferentes etapas. El rigor científico exhaustivo utilizado a través de toda la obra, no es obstáculo para mantener en todo momento un diálogo sincero, cálido y directo con el lector. Un libro para todos aquellos que busquen entender el propósito del sufrimiento y el sentido de la vida.
Psicología de ventas: Cómo vender más, más fácil y rápidamente de lo que alguna vez pensaste que fuese posible
by Brian TracyBrian Tracy, uno de los conferencistas profesionales e instructor de ventas más destacado del mundo hoy en día, se dio cuenta que su logro o adelanto más importante en las ventas fue el descubrimiento de que «la Psicología de Ventas» es más importante que las técnicas y los métodos de venta.El reconocido programa de Tracy, La Psicología de ventas, es el programa de entrenamiento en ventas más vendido de la historia. Los agentes de ventas aprenderán:El «juego interno» de las ventasCómo eliminar el temor al rechazoCómo construir una autoestima inquebrantableLos vendedores, dice Tracy, deben aprender a controlar sus pensamientos, sus sentimientos, y sus acciones si desean ser más efectivos.
Psicología punk: Contra el pensamiento positivo y naif
by Víctor Amat¿Quién dijo que para ser feliz hay que pensar en positivo?Por fin un libro de autoayuda que se atreve a hablar alto y claro. Parece que estamos en la época de la necesidad de que todos seamos felices. La terapia, la meditación, el yoga, la espiritualidad... cualquier camino parece bueno. La cuestión es que, si funcionaran bien, probablemente la gente en general sería más feliz y no necesitaría consumir todas esas cosas. Pero no es así. El pensamiento negativo aparece y permanece, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos para no pensar en él. Es ahí donde podemos cambiar. En este libro, el psicólogo Victor Amat desmonta uno a uno los mitos del pensamiento naif y nos muestra que podemos reivindicar nuestras capacidades mentales y aprovecharlas a nuestro favor, y que, a pesar de la paradoja, el hecho de permitirse ser negativo nos lleva a un estado de bienestar.
Psicomagia: El poder transformativo de la psicoterapia shamanica (Best Seller (debolsillo) Ser. #Vol. 180)
by Alejandro JodorowskyAlejandro Jodorowsky nos muestra el camino que le llevó a la psicomagia, desde sus primeros actos poéticos y teatrales hasta su aprendizaje para controlar el mundo onírico. Estos pasos imprescindibles, junto con el conocimiento que maestros, curanderos y chamanes le transmitieron, fue lo que dio origen a sus técnicas para sanar, conocidas como psicomagia y psicogenealogía. El libro ofrece también al lector una entrevista con Jodorowsky, en la que nos habla de la muerte, del destino, las religiones, su idea sobre el futuro de la humanidad o la necesidad de despertar nuestra mente. El volumen se cierra con una serie de ejercicios donde el autor nos muestra cómo es posible desarrollar nuestra creatividad y utilizarla para que nos libere de roles e ideas preconcebidas, y un apéndice con doce casos psiquiátricos reales cuyos pacientes fueron curados al serles prescritos actos de psicomagia.
The Psilocybin Connection: Psychedelics, the Transformation of Consciousness, and Evolution on the Planet-- An Integral Approach
by Jahan KhamsehzadehA comprehensive guide to psilocybin mushrooms and their impact on our psychology, biology, and social development.How—and why—do psychedelics exist? Did psilocybin catalyze our early human ancestors&’ social evolution? And how can an integral understanding of psychedelics quite literally change the world? In an ambitious and comprehensive look at psilocybin—and an inside look at how humanity co-evolved alongside "magic" mushrooms—Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD, explores our historical and ancestral relationship to psychedelics and presents new and exciting research about what psilocybin can mean for us today. Separated into three sections—Present, Past, and Future—The Psilocybin Connection advances our understanding of psychedelics in unexpected and original ways. Khamsehzadeh shares compelling research that suggests how naturally occurring psychedelics may have played an essential role in humanity's social, cultural, and linguistic evolution. Supported by archaeological evidence, neuroscience, and academic studies, he explores how mushrooms gave rise to art and expression, impacted spiritual experiences, and even spurred human brain development. Blending the most comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of psilocybin research with stories of his own and others' psychedelic awakenings, Khamsehzadeh moves our understanding of the psychedelic mushroom forward toward a fresh, hopeful, and exciting future.
Psionic Medicine: The Study and Treatment of the Causative Factors in Illness
by J H ReynerPsionic Medicine heralds the dawn of a new era in medical practice, with health-maintaining and curative potentials that are a significant addition to the repertory of treatment developed in biochemical medicine.In Psionic Medicine the critical factor is not chemistry and surgical intervention - though such methods remain indicated in some cases - but subtle 'informational' inputs that affect the patient's biofield.The book in the hands of the reader provides a remarkably clear and concise overview of what psionic medicine is, how it works, and why it deserves the kind of attention that presently only molecular and genetics-based breakthroughs are accorded. It merits serious and urgent attention by the general lay public and the medical professionals alike.
Psíquico: O Guia de Desenvolvimento de Psíquico para fortalecer suas Habilidades Psíquicas
by Jen Solis Thayller Weverton BarpDesbloqueie suas habilidades psíquicas hoje Você sabia que você nasceu com habilidades psíquicas? Sim, todos nós somos psíquicos, porém essas habilidades ficam suprimidas até a hora que conseguimos descobrir-las. Você gostaria de aprender os segredos para usar essas habilidades? Você pode chegar ao seu real potencial com a informação correta, guia, treinamento e experiência. Descubra todas suas forças e do que você é capaz com o treinamento psíquico apropriado. Todos nós temos potencial para sermos especiais. Esse livro contêm poderosas informações, dicas e conselhos que vão ajudar você a desenvolver habilidades psíquicas especiais. Nesse livro, eu irei mostrar como refinar sua intuição, como você pode escutar verdadeiramente o seu subconsciente ou o "eu interior", conectar com a natureza, aprimorar a consciência, como abrir o seu terceiro olho, como você pode chegar a uma consciência superior e muito mais. Eu contarei sobre a aura humana e como nós podemos lê-la, sobre o simbolismo, e irei lhe mostrar passos fáceis para fortalecer suas habilidades psíquicas. Descubra a felicidade de desbloquear suas habilidades psíquicas naturais. O desenvolvimento psíquico não é apenas sobre algumas habilidades especiais. Você irá aprender a acreditar no próprio julgamento, construir sua auto estima e auto consciência , maximizar sua habilidade criativa, aumentar a clareza, uma vida cheia de propósitos que você pode usar para ajudar os outros, e atingir um profundo senso de relaxamento e paz. Existem vários benefícios de aprender sobre o ser psíquico. Esse é o seu primeiro passo para uma nova vida, uma vida de muitas mudanças. Com as páginas desse livro, você encontrará a resposta para essas questões e mais. Algumas questões e tópicos discutidos: •Entenda suas habilidades psíquicas •Lista de todas as capacidades psíquicas •O Sub
Psyched Up: How the Science of Mental Preparation Can Help You Succeed
by Daniel McginnClosing the sale. Asking for a raise. Nailing the big presentation. Of the 2,000 hours you work every year, your success or failure is determined in the couple of dozen crucial hours when you need to bring your absolute best. Will you?The last few minutes before a major challenge can be terrifying. Ever wished you knew how to make sure you ace the make-or-break test, audition, or interview?We often feel the most powerless just before we’re expected to act powerful. As you’ll learn in this life-changing book, practice might make perfect, but perfection is useless if you can’t summon it when it counts. Pulling off a great speech or the pivotal at bat also requires the right kind of mental preparation.In Psyched Up, journalist Daniel McGinn dives into the latest psychological research and interviews athletes, soldiers, entertainers, and others who, despite years of practice and enviable track records, will ultimately be judged on their ability to delivera solid performance when it’s their turn to shine. For instance, he reveals...• How Jerry Seinfeld’s jacket and Stephen Colbert’s pen help them get laughs.• What General Stanley McChrystal said to Special Forces before they entered the battlefield.• Why the New England Patriots hired the DJ from the Red Sox to help them win.Among other counterintuitive insights, McGinn reveals why trying to calm your backstage jitters can be worse for your performance than channeling it into excitement; how meaningless rituals can do more to prepare you in the final moments than last-minute rehearsal; and how a prescription from your doctor could help you unleash your best skills.Whether you’re a sportsperson or a salesperson, an actor or an entrepreneur, one bad hour can throw away months of hard work. There’s so much conflicting popular advice that we often end up doing the wrong things. McGinn separates the facts from the old wives’ tales and shares new, research driven strategies for activating your talent, optimizing your emotions, and getting psyched up to take the spotlight.
The Psychedelic Handbook: A Practical Guide to Psilocybin, LSD, Ketamine, MDMA, and Ayahuasca
by Rick StrassmanLearn everything you need to know about psychedelics with this ultimate guide packed with information on popular psychedelic drugs like psilocybin, ketamine, MDMA, DMT and LSD—plus practical tips for microdosing and how to safely "trip"—from bestselling author Dr. Rick Strassman. Entering the world of psychedelic drugs can be challenging, and many aren&’t sure where to start. As research continues to expand and legalization looms on the horizon for psychedelics like psilocybin, you may need a guide to navigate what psychedelics are, how they work, and their potential benefits and risks. The Psychedelic Handbook is a complete manual that is accessible to anyone with an interest in these &“mind-manifesting&” substances. Packed with information on psilocybin, LSD, DMT/ayahuasca, mescaline/peyote, ketamine, MDMA, ibogaine, 5-methoxy-DMT (&“the toad&”), and Salvia divinorum/salvinorin A, this book is your ultimate reference for understanding the science and history of psychedelics; discovering their potential to treat depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and other disorders, as well as to increase wellness, creativity, and meditation; learning how to safely trip and explaining what we know about microdosing; and recognizing and caring for negative reactions to psychedelics. Clinical research psychiatrist, founding figure of the American psychedelic research renaissance, and best-selling author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman shares his experience and perspectives as neither advocate nor foe of psychedelics in order to help readers understand the effects of these remarkable drugs.
Psychedelic Shamanism, Updated Edition
by Jim DekornePsychedelic Shamanism presents the spiritual and shamanic properties of psychotropic plants and discusses how they can be used to understand the structure of human consciousness. Author Jim DeKorne offers authoritative information about the cultivation, processing, and correct dosages for various psychotropic plant substances including the belladonna alkaloids, d-lysergic acid amide, botanical analogues of LSD, mescaline, ayahuasca, DMT, and psilocybin. Opening with vivid descriptions of the author's personal experiences with psychedelic drugs, the book describes the parallels that exist among shamanic states of consciousness, the use of psychedelic catalysts, and the hidden structure of the human psyche. DeKorne suggests that psychedelic drugs allow us to examine the shamanic dimensions of reality. This worldview, he says, is ubiquitous across space, time, and culture, with individuals separated by race, distance, and culture routinely describing the same core reality that provides powerful evidence of the dimensional nature of consciousness itself. The book guides the reader through the imaginal realm underlying our awareness, a world in which spiritual entities exist to reconnect us with ourselves, humanity, and our planet. Accurate drawings of plants, including peyote, Salvia divinorum, and San Pedro, enhance the book's usefulness.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Psychiatric Polarities: Methodology and Practice
by Phillip R. Slavney Paul R. McHughA lively exploration of mind and brain, conscious and unconscious, patient and client.In this companion volume to their widely acclaimed Perspectives of Psychiatry, Phillip R. Slavney, M.D., and Paul R. McHugh, M.D., argue that the discontinuity of brain and mind is the source of much of psychiatry’s discord, for it leads psychiatrists to think about their discipline in terms of polar opposites: conscious or unconscious; explanation or understanding; paternalism or autonomy. Psychiatric Polarities brings together the history of ideas and such clinical issues as suicide and bipolar disorder to identify, describe, and debate these and other polar oppositions that arise from psychiatry’s inherent ambiguity.There is no single conceptual perspective that is sufficient for all of psychiatry’s concerns, Slavney and McHugh observe, yet it is both possible and necessary to transcend the denominational conflicts that plague the field. In Psychiatric Polarities, their examination of these conflicts demonstrates how a methodological approach can help to resolve disagreements rooted in partisan commitments.
The Psychiatric Study of Jesus: Exposition and Criticism
by Albert SchweitzerFor His Doctoral Thesis, Schweitzer Chose To Write On Recent Medical Treatises Which Showed, At Least To The Authors' Satisfaction, That Jesus Was Mentally Diseased. The Book Was Published In German In 1913.“Work of a major prophet....Dr. Schweitzer demolishes the published theories that Jesus was mentally abnormal....His uses of his sources are a delight to follow.”—St. Louis Star-Times“It is a monument to the many-sided genius of one of the truly great men of this century. English-speaking people throughout the world will be grateful for this translation.”—Quarterly Review of Biology“The very brevity of this small volume reflects the genius of Albert Schweitzer....At no point does the author appeal to the authority of revealed religion. He meets naturalists on their own grounds....The smooth translation and Introduction by Charles R. Joy and the instructive Preface by Dr. Winfred Overholser enrich the reader’s comprehension and enjoyment of this classic essay”—Dr. Gordon W. Allport, Harvard University“No one is better qualified to speak of the revolutionary personality of Jesus than Schweitzer.”—Boston Herald“Terse, lucid exposition.”—Washington Star
The Psychiatry of Stroke
by D. Peter BirkettTreating stroke requires attention not only to patients’ physical needs, but to their psychiatric needs as well. Unfortunately, there has been a considerable lack of literature that tackles this important facet of recovery. The Psychiatry of Stroke fills this void through a comprehensive examination that explores the mental and physical issues faced by stroke patients and offers up-to-date treatment options. Based on extensive clinical experience, the text offers practical advice for improving the treatment of stroke by increasing the attention paid to its mental aspects. Detailed and definitive, this unique text demonstrates how mental impairment sets limits to stroke treatment and rehabilitation and shows how to evaluate and treat these impairments. Accessible to a wide range of readers, this new edition presents detailed reviews of classical papers as well as more basic outlines that provide a general overview. Regardless of familiarity, readers will find comprehensive and authoritative guidance for improving treatment. Some of the topics covered include: background and causation risk factors and diagnosis of stroke localization of mental functions neuropsychopharmachology psychiatric syndromes apathy and failure to rehabilitate depression, anxiety, and dementia sex anger and violence outcome and effects the process of recovery family treatment team legal issues, money, and ethics and much more!The Psychiatry of Stroke also includes a wealth of informative tables and diagrams as well as a full glossary of terms. Extensively referenced, this important text also provides useful appendices that look at resources for caregivers and the anatomy and historical significance of stroke. Physicians and mental health professionals who treat stroke patients; staff of stroke units and rehabilitation hospitals and centers; fellows in geriatric psychiatry, geriatrics, and stroke programs; gerontology students and educators; and families of the victims of stroke or vascular dementia will find this book an invaluable day-to-day resource.
Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds
by Sylvia BrownePSYCHIC is the intimate, first-person, unapologetic, no-holds-barred story behind the story that Sylvia, at the age of 72, is finally ready to tell. In PSYCHIC, Sylvia will reveal the little known truths behind her three failed marriages, including the physical abuse, bankruptcy and legal troubles. While the press had a field day writing about it at the time, Sylvia remained quiet...until now. Sylvia will discuss her painful transitions and the financial and emotional damage inflicted by her husbands. And as an almost parenthetical lesson for all of us in forgiveness and compassion, she'll describe the experience of moving husband Dal Brown back into her house to take care of him when she learned that he was alone and in failing health. Then there are Sylvia's own physical challenges, from a series of painful hip surgeries to her relatively recent discovery that she'd suddenly gone blind in one eye, so that, at the age of 72, when she'd concluded that a limping, one-eyed woman was done when it came to romance, no one was more shocked than she when the real Mr. Right finally, impossibly showed up.
Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds
by Sylvia Browne“I have known Sylvia for twenty years, and I have the greatest respect for her. People seek her out for her much celebrated intuitive skills, however, I have sought her out for her friendship and kindness. I applaud her for the peace and solace that she has brought to so many.” — Montel Williams “An amazing woman, an amazing life, and a book I couldn’t put down. Sylvia is a true inspiration.” — Jeanne Cooper, star of The Young and the RestlessReaching deep beneath the surface of her life—then and now—renowned psychic and #1 New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Browne (The Other Side and Back) candidly discusses details of her professional and personal experiences that she’s never publically revealed before.
Psychic Ability, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)
by Ann CaulfieldA practical guide to unlocking your intuition and discovering the power of perception.Everyone is born with intuitive powers that range from normal to the intense. This book helps readers to discover and to expand their psychic abilities. Included here are examinations of:TelepathyDreamsChakrasDowsingAstral travelScryingMental mediumshipThis is a practical accessible guide that makes all things psychic easy to understand and practice.
Psychic Case Files: Solving the Psychic Mysteries Behind Unsolved Cases
by Tony StockwellMissing persons, mystery suicides, haunted houses and murder...Tony Stockwell is regularly asked by victims of crime and their families, to use his psychic powers to help investigate cases, often criminal, that have not yielded to conventional methods. In this fascinating collection, he opens his case files, including: "Suicide or Murder?" in which, at the request of a family, Tony investigates the death of a young boy who was killed in an apparent suicide, which Tony believes involved foul play. In "Missing Children", two children mysteriously disappear while their mother's back is turned. Years later, Tony reads for her and finds a clue to their whereabouts...And many more...This is a treasure trove for anyone who is interested in the realm beyond our own.
Psychic Case Files: Solving the Psychic Mysteries Behind Unsolved Cases
by Tony StockwellMissing persons, mystery suicides, haunted houses and murder...Tony Stockwell is regularly asked by victims of crime and their families, to use his psychic powers to help investigate cases, often criminal, that have not yielded to conventional methods. In this fascinating collection, he opens his case files, including: "Suicide or Murder?" in which, at the request of a family, Tony investigates the death of a young boy who was killed in an apparent suicide, which Tony believes involved foul play. In "Missing Children", two children mysteriously disappear while their mother's back is turned. Years later, Tony reads for her and finds a clue to their whereabouts...And many more...This is a treasure trove for anyone who is interested in the realm beyond our own.
Psychic Children
by Sylvia BrowneA child's world is filled with extraordinary things - vivid imagination, imaginary friends, simple, Zen-like naiveté, and a peculiar sense of right and wrong, good and evil. Sylvia Browne recognises these as signs that all children have extraordinary psychic gifts and abilities - including ourselves as children. PSYCHIC CHILDREN is written from Sylvia Browne's personal experience. After her own psychic abilities were revealed at the age of three, her mother tolerated but never encouraged her startling talent. Browne's own son would exhibit amazing abilities of his own as a toddler, which she fully embraced and supported. Over a lifetime, Sylvia Browne has learned that psychic gifts are present at an incredibly tender age. They are, in her view, special blessings from God. Some children learn to develop them while others are pressed to ignore them. In PSYCHIC CHILDREN she illuminates the phenomenon, issuing a call to society for more understanding and acceptance of these remarkable children.
Psychic Deborah Graham's Guide to Attracting and Keeping Your True Love
by Deborah GrahamFrom the Far East to the Mid-East to East L.A., love is the deepest desire of the human heart, yet often the most elusive. Throughout the centuries sages have sought a path to true love, but the host of SiriusXM Stars 109 Psychic Connection with Deborah Graham actually knows how to harness and hold onto it. Graham has shown many perpetual wayward daters how to navigate text messages and emojis to truly connect with their perfect match on a soul to soul level, and here she reveals how you can, too. As a gifted psychic, Graham is able to read auras: she doesn't look at you, she looks in you. She has spent decades helping people find true and lasting love, and through this book she will coach you to do the same—to look past the outward façades that people project to the world, and to look inward, starting with yourself. By stepping you through a "spiritual cleansing," she will teach you how to purge past issues and baggage so that you are open and ready for real love. Psychic Deborah Graham's Guide to Attracting and Keeping Your True Love includes her no-holds-barred advice and her tried-and-true relationship rules, including: How to tell a psychic match from a physical oneHow to expand your awareness to what you need energetically in a life partnerHow to use the 3s dating rule to see if there is a match How to avoid the biggest first date saboteurs How to listen to your intuition and stop missing the glaring red flagsAnd how to know when it's time to say good-bye (not every person is "the one")
Psychic Empowerment for Health and Fitness
by Joe H. SlateEveryone knows working out at the health club raises your level of physical fitness. But did you realize that exercise and diet are only the starting point for achieving peak bodily health? Studies and countless real-life cases have shown that our minds also hold an enormous power to directly affect our physical well-being. Finally, here's a guide to personal health centered around the mental and spiritual dimensions of physical well-being. Psychic Empowerment for Health and Fitness explains how you can use your inborn psychic power as a practical tool for improving your health. This book continues the work begun in Dr. Slate's previous book, Psychic Empowerment, by blending traditional health and fitness concepts with an innovative, psychic approach to well-being. You'll master astral projection, self-hypnosis, psychokinesis, and other powerful psychic techniques to boost your spiritual and mental "fitness." By exercising your inner potential, you will actually begin to transform your body from the inside out! Discover how to strengthen your immune system, accelerate healing, manage your weight-even reverse the aging process. There are no limits to the health benefits you'll experience when you tap the powers of your own mind!