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Rapture (No Limits)

by Christopher Hamilton

What is it like to experience rapture? For philosopher Christopher Hamilton, it is a loss of self that is also a return to self—an overflowing and emptying out of the self that also nourishes and fills the self. In this inviting book, he reflects on the nature of rapture and its crucial yet unacknowledged place in our lives.Hamilton explores moments of rapture in everyday existence and aesthetic experience, tracing its disruptive power and illuminating its philosophical significance. Rapture is found in sexual love and other forms of intense physical experience, such as Philippe Petit’s nerve-defying wire walk between the Twin Towers. Hamilton also locates it in quieter but equally joyous moments, such as contemplating a work of art or the natural world. He considers a range of examples in philosophy and culture—Nietzsche and Weil, Woolf and Chekhov, the extremes of experience in Werner Herzog’s films—as well as aspects of ordinary life, from illness to gardening. Conversational and evocative, this book calls on us to ask how we might make ourselves more open to experiences of rapturous joy and freedom.


by Raquel Welch

She didn’t hatch out of an eagle’s nest, circaOne Million Years B. C. , clad in a skimpy fur bikini. She didn’t aspire to fame as a sex symbol. Yet, for many years after making her Hollywood entrance as every man’s fantasy, Raquel Welch was best known for her beauty and sex appeal. A private person, she allowed people to draw their own conclusions from her public image. Now, Raquel Welch is ready to speak her mind. And, with the luxury of hindsight and the benefit of experience, she has plenty to share about the art of being a woman—even men will find it enlightening to read about what makes her tick. InBeyond the Cleavage, Raquel Welch talks, woman to woman, about her views on all that comes with being a member of the female sex—love, sex, style, health, body image, career, family, forgiveness, aging, and coming of age. Looking back on her life, she lets women in on her childhood, dominated by a volatile father; her first love, marriage, and divorce; her early struggles as a single working mother in Hollywood; her battles for roles and respect as an actress; and her daring decision never to lie about her age. Looking forward, she offers women a compass to guide them at every crossroad of life, from menopause through the empty nest years, to dating younger men and beyond. Along with bringing baby boomers into her confidence—she offers essential tips for staying motivated and positive past fifty, as well as divulging her secrets for fabulous hair and makeup—she even talks to today’s younger generation of women about the importance of carrying themselves with dignity and self-respect. With warmth, humor, conviction, and honesty, Raquel reveals her approach to preventative aging, her life-changing commitment to yoga, her recipe for eating right, her skincare regimen, her flair for fashion, and much more. Deeply personal (Welch wrote every word herself—no ghostwriter),Beyond the Cleavageis Raquel Welch’s gift to every woman who longs to look and feel her best, and be at peace with herself.

Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage

by Raquel Welch

She didn't hatch out of an eagle's nest, circa One Million Years B.C., clad in a skimpy fur bikini. She didn't aspire to fame as a sex symbol. Yet, for many years after making her Hollywood entrance as every man's fantasy, Raquel Welch was best known for her beauty and sex appeal. A private person, she allowed people to draw their own conclusions from her public image. Now, Raquel Welch is ready to speak her mind. And, with the luxury of hindsight and the benefit of experience, she has plenty to share about the art of being a woman--even men will find it enlightening to read about what makes her tick. In Beyond the Cleavage, Raquel Welch talks, woman to woman, about her views on all that comes with being a member of the female sex--love, sex, style, health, body image, career, family, forgiveness, aging, and coming of age. Looking back on her life, she lets women in on her childhood, dominated by a volatile father; her first love, marriage, and divorce; her early struggles as a single working mother in Hollywood; her battles for roles and respect as an actress; and her daring decision never to lie about her age. Looking forward, she offers women a compass to guide them at every crossroad of life, from menopause through the empty nest years, to dating younger men and beyond. Along with bringing baby boomers into her confidence--she offers essential tips for staying motivated and positive past fifty, as well as divulging her secrets for fabulous hair and makeup--she even talks to today's younger generation of women about the importance of carrying themselves with dignity and self-respect. With warmth, humor, conviction, and honesty, Raquel reveals her approach to preventative aging, her life-changing commitment to yoga, her recipe for eating right, her skincare regimen, her flair for fashion, and much more. Deeply personal (Welch wrote every word herself--no ghostwriter), Beyond the Cleavage is Raquel Welch's gift to every woman who longs to look and feel her best, and be at peace with herself.

Rare Breed: A Guide to Success for the Defiant, Dangerous, and Different

by Sunny Bonnell Ashleigh Hansberger

An unconventional business book for the rebels and misfits—the Rare Breeds—who don’t fit the traditional mold, offering an approach that’s anything but business as usual.There is an unofficial rule for success: you need to change who you are to achieve greatness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if you could leverage your so-called vices and shortcomings and make them your super powers? — Rebellious. Audacious. Obsessed. Hot-Blooded. Weird. Hypnotic. Emotional —These seven vices are what acclaimed leadership and brand experts Sunny Bonnell and Ashleigh Hansberger identify as keys to becoming a Rare Breed—those standout leaders and achievers—in any career. Rare Breed is an unorthodox business book for the rebels, outsiders, and provocateurs — anyone with the ambition to lead, create, inspire and provoke change on your own terms by owning all of who you are, not just the pretty parts. But be careful, each virtue has a seductive and dualistic nature that can lead to success or sabotage.Unique stories. Unconventional advice. Practical tools. Bonnell and Hansberger lay it all out to help fellow Rare Breeds understand, unlock, and direct the potential that’s been slumbering in them to rise above the ordinary, own who they are, and push things forward.

Rare Leadership: 4 Uncommon Habits For Increasing Trust, Joy, and Engagement in the People You Lead

by Marcus Warner Jim Wilder

Revive your leadership. Grow healthy teams. See great results. Healthy teams begin with healthy leaders, and at the heart of this dynamic is emotional maturity—the quality the greatest leaders possess. Combining solid theology, cutting-edge brain science, and decades of counseling and consulting experience, Rare Leadership shows you how to take your leadership and team to the next level. It will equip you to:Cultivate emotional maturity in yourself and othersDevelop the four habits of R.A.R.E. leadersPromote a strong group identity Keep relationships bigger than problemsIncrease productivity through trust, joy, and engagementWhether you are burnt out or just looking to improve, when you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity, you&’ll be amazed at the freedom you feel and the results you see. You can lead from a healthy place, respond rather than react, and build the team of your dreams.If you want to take your organization to the next level, it starts with you. Read Rare Leadership and be equipped to lead joy-filled, emotionally mature, relationally connected teams.

Rare Leadership: 4 Uncommon Habits For Increasing Trust, Joy, and Engagement in the People You Lead

by Marcus Warner Jim Wilder

Revive your leadership. Grow healthy teams. See great results. Healthy teams begin with healthy leaders, and at the heart of this dynamic is emotional maturity—the quality the greatest leaders possess. Combining solid theology, cutting-edge brain science, and decades of counseling and consulting experience, Rare Leadership shows you how to take your leadership and team to the next level. It will equip you to:Cultivate emotional maturity in yourself and othersDevelop the four habits of R.A.R.E. leadersPromote a strong group identity Keep relationships bigger than problemsIncrease productivity through trust, joy, and engagementWhether you are burnt out or just looking to improve, when you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity, you&’ll be amazed at the freedom you feel and the results you see. You can lead from a healthy place, respond rather than react, and build the team of your dreams.If you want to take your organization to the next level, it starts with you. Read Rare Leadership and be equipped to lead joy-filled, emotionally mature, relationally connected teams.

Rat Bastards: The Life and Times of South Boston's Most Honorable Irish Mobster, A Memoir

by John "Red" Shea

You've met the Italian mobin The Godfather, now welcometo the real-life world of IrishAmerica's own murderous clanof organized crime The man who has remained silent for more than a decade finally speaks, revealing the gritty true story of his life inside the infamous South Boston Irish mob led by the elusive, Machiavellian kingpin Whitey Bulger, who to this day remains on the lam as one of the world's Ten Most Wanted criminals, second only to Osama bin Laden.John "Red" Shea was a top lieutenant in the South Boston Irish mob, rising to this position at the age of twenty-one. Thus began his tutelage under the notorious Irish godfather James "Whitey" Bulger. An ice-cold enforcer with a legendary red-hot temper, Shea was a legend among his Southie peers in the 1980s. From the first delivery truck he robbed at thirteen to the start of his twelve-year federal sentence for drug trafficking at twenty-seven, Shea was a portrait in American crime -- a terror, brutal and ruthlessly ambitious. Drug dealer, loan shark, money launderer, and multimillion-dollar narcotics kingpin, Shea was at the pinnacle of power -- until the feds came knocking and eventually obliterated the legendary mob in a well-orchestrated sweep of arrests, fueled by insider tips to the FBI and DEA. While Bulger's other top men turned informant to save their own hides, Shea alone kept his code of honor and his mouth shut -- loyalty that earned him a dozen years of hard time even as the man he was protecting turned out to be, himself, a rat. For in the end, in a remarkable show of betrayal, Bulger turned out to be the FBI's "main man" and top informant -- tipping off the feds for decades while still managing to operate one of the most murderous and profitable organized crime outfits of all time.In Rat Bastards, Shea brings that mysterious world and gritty urban Irish American street culture into sharp focus by telling his own story -- of his fatherless upbringing, his apprenticeship on the tough streets of Southie, and his love affair with trouble, boxing, and then the gangster life. In prose that is refreshingly honest, personal, and surprisingly tender, Shea tells his harrowing, unflinching, and unapologetic story. A man who did the crime, did the time, and held fast to the Irish code of silence, which he was raised to follow at any cost, Shea remains a man of honor and in doing so has become a living legend. One of the last of a dying breed, a true stand-up guy.Shea expects no forgiveness and makes no excuses for the life he chose. His story is intense, compelling, and in your face.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: It Works for Me - It Can Work for You

by Albert Ellis

Ellis points out that when one is faced with a problem, we had better realize that we have a choice to think rationally or irrationally about the problem.

Rational Mysticism: Spirituality Meets Science in the Search for Enlightenment

by John Horgan

In Rational Mysticism, acclaimed journalist John Horgan embarks on an adventure of discovery, investigating the ways in which scientists, theologians, and philosophers are attempting to formulate an empirical explanation of spiritual enlightenment. Horgan visits and interviews a fascinating Who's Who of experts, including theologian Huston Smith; Andrew Newberg, explorer of the brain's "God module"; Ken Wilber, a transpersonal psychologist and Buddhist; psychedelic pharmacologist Alexander Shulgin; Oxford-educated psychologist and Zen practitioner Susan Blackmore; and postmodern shaman Terence McKenna. Horgan also explores the effects of reputed enlightenment-inducing techniques such as fasting, meditation, prayer, sensory deprivation, and drug trips. In his lively and thought-provoking inquiry, Horgan finds surprising connections among seemingly disparate disciplines, not the least of which is a shared awe of the nature of the universe.

Rationalizations for Women Who Do Too Much While Running with the Wolves

by Allison Mccune Tomye B. Spears

McCune, a television producer for ABC in Los Angeles, teams up with co-author Tomye Spears to provide readers with thousands of ready-to-use excuses--for everything from exercising to dealing with men--that help today's woman cope with life.

Rattled: Overcoming Postpartum Psychosis (Inspirational Series)

by Jen Wight

Parenthood brings sleepless nights, tears and tantrums, nappy changes from hell, and the firm belief that you’re Cameron Diaz … wait, what?!New mum, Jen Wight, definitely wasn’t expecting that. But after her son was born, her worldview shifted in strange and unexpected ways. Within weeks, Jen found herself living a very different life – working out the deeper connections underpinning existence, and discussing strategy with Barack Obama. The problem is, no one else could see what she saw. Not even her next-door neighbour, Renée Zellweger!Rattled tells the extraordinary story of how Jen overcame her manic episodes – caused by postpartum psychosis –and beat her postpartum depression to become the loving, caring, wonderful mother she is today.

Rauchfrei in 5 Wochen

by Ernest Groman Astrid Tröstl

Rauchen ist out - aber für viele Raucher nicht einfach abzustellen Gehören auch Sie zu den Menschen, die schon öfter darüber nachgedacht haben, etwas an Ihrem Rauchen zu verändern? Und fallen auch Ihnen Gründe ein, warum Sie es doch nicht tun? Oder können Sie - auf Ihr Rauchen angesprochen - etliche Geschichten über das Rauchen erzählen (,,Abruptes Aufhören in der Schwangerschaft wäre schlecht für das Kind"), die sich hartnäckig in der Bevölkerung halten? Nur in den seltensten Fällen sind diese Erzählungen wissenschaftlich fundiert. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches kennen Sie - humorvoll aufbereitet - fast 100 Ausreden weiter zu rauchen: In Summe sind sie ein guter Grund, es doch zu lassen. Rauchfrei in 5 Wochen: Ein Programm mit Selbsthilfe Die Autoren sind langjährige Veranstalter von Rauchentwöhnprogrammen und vermitteln verständlich und hilfreich ein Programm, in maximal 5 Wochen Nichtraucher zu werden. Als Leserin oder Leser werden Sie durch die einzelnen Stationen auf dem Weg zum Nichtrauchen begleitet. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen: - Selbsthilfe durch Lektüre - Erfahrung aus über 10. 000 Beratungsgesprächen - Erläuterungen zum Umgang mit Hilfsmitteln - Diskussion über Alternativen zur Zigarette (z. B. E-Zigarette) - Reduktion als Möglichkeit für alle, die nicht aufhören können oder wollen. Dieses Programm ist hilfreich - probieren Sie es selbst

Raven's Light: A Tale of Alaska's White Raven

by Marianne Schlegelmilch

Zak was a normal raven until a vacation to Prince William Sound changed his life forever. Caught in the aftermath of the greatest oil spill in Alaska's history, Zak's inner light was nearly smothered as he faced the enormity of the disaster. Unable to reconcile the overwhelming emotions wrought by witnessing the devastation on millions of birds, animals and people, Zak ceased to do little more than exist until meeting the white raven from the heart of Denali. Paired beautifully with the commanding splendor of Alaska and its people, Raven's Light is the tale of Zak's struggle. Set amongst the beauty and people of Alaska's Matanuska Valley, Raven's Light is an intimate glimpse at the journey within that leads to the ultimate serenity of inner peace.

The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss

by Natalia Rose

Nutritionist describes the benefits of detoxing through a diet of raw foods. Details how to transition slowly and provides recipes, diet tips, and cleansing methods.

The Raw Food Lifestyle: The Philosophy and Nutrition behind Raw and Live Foods

by Ruthann Russo

Finally, a book that provides a clear and comprehensive overview of what it means to "go raw. " If you're considering switching to raw food, or if you're already part of this healthy, vital movement, The Raw Food Lifestyle is the new "bible" that will show you how raw food can transform your life and outlook.

Raw Law

by Muhammad Ibn Bashir

A counterpoint to the Law and Order justice the public sees and believes in. This is the real criminal justice system, as told from someone inside, someone who fights it every day. This is not a manual for how to get off or how to be a better criminal. It is proof that the system will eat you up and spit you out if you dare to become involved or think you can beat it. Raw Law authoritatively addresses the legal issues faced by the hip hop generation, and offers a simple guide on how to avoid certain situations and how to learn and respond to others. Here readers will learn the truths and untruths of the justice system and how they can protect themselves from the worst of it. But most of all, they will learn how to follow the first rule of the criminal justice system: AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS.

The RBG Way: The Secrets of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Success (Women in Power)

by Rebecca Gibian

Understanding and applying the wisdom of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Given her incredible tenure as a Supreme Court justice as well as her monumental impact on the modern women&’s rights movement, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has become one of the most prominent political leaders of today. To complement her judicial significance, she has also become one of the most culturally popular political figures in US history. Not only has her workout routine gone viral (and been detailed in a book by her trainer), but RBG&’s story has been featured in multiple critically acclaimed films. Organized into three parts and then broken down into more specific chapters within each part, The RBG Way offers wisdom from Justice Ginsburg, based on comments she has made on particular topics of importance. Insight is offered on subjects such as women&’s rights, creating lasting partnerships, overcoming hardship, how to be brave, and how to create lasting change. Rebecca Gibian offers her seasoned journalistic perspective to shed light on beliefs that RBG holds strongly, in a manner that is both comprehensive and accessible.

(Re)Create Yourself: Embracing greater self-love to unleash your potential

by Dorota Stanczyk

'One of the best written works on self-awareness.' - Mo GawdatFOREWORD BY NEALE DONALD WALSH_____________The greatest relationship we have in life is with ourselves. On the journey to discovering our full potential, embracing self-love is the most powerful step to building self-esteem, confidence and finding happiness.Dorota is a Polish transformation artist, international speaker and wellbeing creator and in her first book she sets us on the path to greater self-awareness, by sharing her life story and her teachings.Full of insight, Dorota shows how we can recognise and unravel our limiting beliefs, dispel overthinking and release feelings of guilt and shame, all of which contribute to our sense of not being enough. Reading this book takes you on a journey of self-discovery, proving that with work, any trauma can be healed. Dorota's encouragement and warmth shines through on every page awakening you to the power of self-compassion, self-care and deep self-love.'Dorota is a talented creative who knows how to inspire. Whether its film, photography or video, she's amazing at creating beautiful art and speaking on the topic of creativity and inspiration.' - Vishen Lakhiani, NYT Bestselling author, Founder of Mindvalley

(Re)Create Yourself: Embracing greater self-love to unleash your potential

by Dorota Stanczyk

'This book is my own personal path of self-healing. It describes my path from a lonely, frightened, untrusting and co-dependent little girl, to a woman who taught herself to love herself unconditionally, and who then opened herself to love, and to be loved by others. Who gave herself all her power back.' - Dorota StanczykUsing Dorota's personal path of self-healing and what she learned along the way this book will guide you through the process of accepting yourself unconditionally. It will show you how self-love is the key to personal growth and fulfilment.Drawing on the teaching of some of the most well-respected teachers in the personal development space, and including tools for digging deep into ourselves and asking the key questions, this audiobook provides a clear pathway for personal growth and closing in on the elusive search for happiness.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

(Re)Create Yourself: Embracing greater self-love to unleash your potential

by Dorota Stanczyk

'One of the best written works on self-awareness.' - Mo GawdatFOREWORD BY NEALE DONALD WALSH_____________The greatest relationship we have in life is with ourselves. On the journey to discovering our full potential, embracing self-love is the most powerful step to building self-esteem, confidence and finding happiness.Dorota is a Polish transformation artist, international speaker and wellbeing creator and in her first book she sets us on the path to greater self-awareness, by sharing her life story and her teachings.Full of insight, Dorota shows how we can recognise and unravel our limiting beliefs, dispel overthinking and release feelings of guilt and shame, all of which contribute to our sense of not being enough. Reading this book takes you on a journey of self-discovery, proving that with work, any trauma can be healed. Dorota's encouragement and warmth shines through on every page awakening you to the power of self-compassion, self-care and deep self-love.'Dorota is a talented creative who knows how to inspire. Whether its film, photography or video, she's amazing at creating beautiful art and speaking on the topic of creativity and inspiration.' - Vishen Lakhiani, NYT Bestselling author, Founder of Mindvalley

The Re-Education of the Female

by Dante Moore

Finally a male point of view -- usually when it comes to breaking down relationships between men and women you hear advice from over-the-hill psychologists or unqualified doctors but not the average male, and never a masculine brother with any kind of urban flavor. The Re-Education of the Female changes that. For years, women have been the more communicative gender. Now women will have an idea of what the men in their lives may be thinking; and in some cases, why they think a certain way. Women will gain insight on some of the actions and behaviors portrayed by men, which once may have been deemed judgmental, insensitive, or just plain rude. Dante Moore has depicted the male psyche from many different angles on how a man not only perceives women, but how one relates and responds to them as well. It's written in black and white, with a no-holds-barred approach -- forcing women to take a step back and think a moment before engaging in conversations, relationships, affairs, sexual encounters, and more with the opposite sex. Keeping it real and delivering the all-out truth was undoubtedly Moore's main focus when writing this book. Although candid and direct, this book will prove to be very enlightening as it gives intimate details on what men are looking for physically, mentally, socially and emotionally versus what they're actually witnessing, experiencing and in some cases, tolerating. A mature and open-minded intellect will really understand and appreciate this representation of the male point of view. This book is the perfect starting point for women to evaluate themselves with a little more detail, before pointing fingers and tossing blame at the endless reasons surrounding why they can't find a "good man."

Re-evaluating Creativity: The Individual, Society and Education

by Lili Hernández-Romero

This book proposes a groundbreaking approach to the study of personal creativity, linking this to the analysis of the chakras, or centers of energy, of the subtle system suggested by the Eastern philosophy called Sahaja Yoga. It argues that creativity is to be re-learnt through a process of self-review, a self-examination which is underpinned by the author’s concept of the outsider to the self, a pervasive condition characterized by a tendency to be connected to the outer world at the expense of the inner world. The author analyses creativity from three different but interrelated aspects –the individual, society and education - and maps out a route that may take the individuals into an understanding of blockages in their creative process. It also examines aspects that have contributed to sustain the condition of the outsider to the self, hindering people’s creativity. It argues that the traditional education system is both constricting and releasing factor of creativity. Finally, through the use of auto-ethnography, the author reveals a process of blocked and unblocked creativity. This book is a key read for all those interested in psychology, sociology, education and cultural studies.

Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge , and Build Confidence

by Andy Molinsky

Do you feel comfortable delivering bad news? Do you look forward to speaking in public? Do you enjoy networking? Is it easy for you to speak your mind and be assertive with friends and colleagues? If you answered no to any of these questions, this book can help! What often sets successful people apart is their willingness to do things most of us fear. What’s more, we have the false notion that successful people like to do these things, when the truth is that successful people have simply found their own way to do them.According to Andy Molinsky, an expert on behavior in the business world, there are five key challenges underlying our avoidance tendencies: authenticity, competence, resentment, likability, and morality. Does the new behavior you’re attempting feel authentic to you? Is it the right thing to do? Answering these questions will help identify the “gap” in our behavioral style that we can then bridge by using the three C’s: Clarity, Conviction, and Customization. Perhaps most interesting, Molinsky has discovered that many people who confront what they were avoiding come to realize that they actually enjoy it, and can even be good at it.Short, prescriptive, and based not only on the author’s groundbreaking research but on his own quest to get out of his comfort zone, Reach will help you take the thing you are most afraid of doing and make it a proud part of your personal repertoire.

Reach Beyond: And Find Your Path To Success

by Lou Vickery

Do you believe there is a better you in you? Reach Beyond: And Find Your Path To Success is a resource book about how to discover the best you. Beneath life's beautiful wrapper lie the keys to making your life more meaningful and productive. While life isn't tied with a bow, it's still a gift. To enjoy the gift, it is crucial to continually search for ways to get better, to improve, to retrofit. Where are you in your life, right now? It's not unusual to be effective and efficient in some parts of life, but not in others. Maybe you already have enjoyed a high level of success, but have slipped a bit here and there. Then again, maybe you are one who is reaching out for the first time toward jump-starting either the personal or professional segments of your life-or both. The text of Reach Beyond wraps its tentacles around many areas of life that will help you discover the best you.

Reach for the Summit

by Pat Summitt

"I'm someone who will push you beyond all reasonable limits. Someone who will ask you not to just fulfill your potential but to exceed it. Someone who will expect more from you than you may believe you are capable of. So if you aren't ready to go to work, shut this book."--Pat SummittPat Summitt, head coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Vols, is a phenomenon in women's basketball. Her ferociously competitive teams won the NCAA championship in 1996 and 1997, and they've won five times in the last ten years. After twenty-four years as head coach at Tennessee, Summitt is well on her way to becoming the winningest coach in NCAA Division 1 women's history.Now Summitt has written the first motivational book by a high-achieving female coach. In Reach for the Summit, she presents her formula for success, which she calls the "Definite Dozen System." In each of the book's twelve chapters, Summitt talks about one of the system's principles--such as responsibility, discipline, and loyalty--and shows you how to apply it to your own situation.Pat Summitt uses her own remarkable story as a vehicle for explaining how anyone can transform herself through ambition. Through many amusing anecdotes and a few very painful memories, she reveals her mistakes and triumphs as a beginning basketball player, as an Olympic athlete, as a Division 1 coach, and as a mother. Although Summitt was not born to the easy life--she was born into a hard-working farm family in a remote corner of Tennessee--she has become one of the most successful and highest-paid coaches in the country. She candidly talks about how she turned her losses into wins and then shows you how you can do the same. Setting the example, she challenges you to embrace change while reaching for the brass ring.Wonderfully entertaining and brilliantly instructive, Reach for the Summit discloses the winning secret to building a principled system and making it to the top at whatever you do. Pat Summitt will motivate you to achieve in sports, business, and the most important game of all--life.From the Hardcover edition.

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