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Recovery Now: A Basic Text for Today

by Anonymous

An accessible basic text written in today’s language for anyone guided by the Twelve Steps in their recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs.For decades people from all over the world have found freedom from addiction--be it to alcohol, other drugs, gambling, or overeating--using the Twelve-Step recovery program first set forth in the seminal book Alcoholics Anonymous. Although the core principles and practices of this invaluable guide hold strong today, addiction science and societal norms have changed dramatically since it was first published in 1939. Recovery Now combines the most current research with the timeless wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other established Twelve-Step program guides to offer an accessible basic text written in today’s language for anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Marvin D. Seppala, MD, offers a “doctor’s opinion” in the foreword to Recovery Now, outlining the medical advances in addiction treatment, and updating the Big Book’s concept of addiction as an allergy to reveal how it is actually a brain disease. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, culture, age, or religious beliefs, this book can serve either as your guide for recovery, or as a companion and portal to the textbook of your chosen Twelve-Step Program.

Recovery of Your Self-Esteem: New Techniques & Understanding for Women Who Want to Feel Better About Themselves More of the Time

by Carolynn Hillman

Put a stop to feelings of inadequacy with these strategies, practices, and exercises. With warmth and encouragement, along with her original ten-step process, Carolynn Hillman puts self-esteem and the accomplishment and real satisfaction it engenders within the reach of every woman. Her straightforward approach to conquering feelings of inadequacy and self-defeating behavior include:Practicing six key ways of nurturing yourselfRecognizing and appreciating your good pointsSilencing the inner critic and heeding the inner childBreaking the self-imposed failure cycleOvercoming external obstacles that limit your progressRecovery of Your Self-Esteem: A Guide for Women supports readers with participatory exercises and inspiring examples that confirm feelings of increased self-respect and achievement. It offers invaluable advice and understanding that will pave the way toward feeling better more of the time.

Recovery Road Trip: Finding Purpose and Connection on the Journey Home

by Patti Clark

Part recovery journal, part travel log, Recovery Road Trip follows one woman's solo road trip through America after her alcoholic father&’s death. Through chance encounters, she creates inspiration for those seeking to overcome addiction and find their path.Meg thought giving up alcohol would lead her to a life of comfort, wisdom, and happiness. Years later, she still hasn&’t gotten there. What is it that she&’s missing? When her father—a raging alcoholic himself—dies, Meg, an only child, has to fly to California from her home in New Zealand to clean up the mess that was his life. Once done, left with her father&’s car and a few thousand dollars, she decides to take some time for herself—embark on a solo trip across the US that she dubs her Recovery Road Trip. She has no idea that this one decision will change her world forever. As Meg travels from state to state, making new friends and having meaningful encounters with strangers, she discovers the person she buried long ago, as well as the freedom and creativity she once found elusive—and finally begins to feel that sense of serenity and joy she&’s been seeking. Part recovery journal, part travel log, and part woman&’s search for self, Recovery Road Trip takes readers on an odyssey across America and into a recovering women&’s exploration for meaning.

Recovery A to Z

by The Editors of Central Recovery Press

Recovery A to Z (Second Edition) is the perfect reference for anyone in the twelve-step community. Contains useful and relevant meeting and fellowship etiquette. Loaded with FAQs and general facts regarding various twelve-step recovery programs. User-friendly format with definitions of words, phrases, and slogans common to the community. Updated resource listing appeals to an even broader audience.

Recovery - Twelve Simple Steps to a Life Beyond Addiction: A contemporary recovery handbook for users and practitioners

by Lynden Finlay

Are you sick and tired of being addicted? Do you want to recover but think the 12-Step programme is not for you because you don't believe in God? This book presents a new version of the Steps which is simple and do-able by everyone, whether they have a particular faith or not. Research now proves beyond doubt that the 12-Step programme is a way to long-term recovery, so if you are suffering from addiction, or are a GP who knows your addicted patient needs more support than you can provide, this book is for you. Lynden Finlay has over twenty years' experience both in addictions counselling and personally recovering from addictions herself, working closely with the Twelve Steps programme during that time. Over the years she has seen many residents benefit from this version which has at its heart not a focus on God, but on the healing power of one addict helping another.

Recovery - Twelve Simple Steps to a Life Beyond Addiction: A contemporary recovery handbook for users and practitioners (Addiction Recovery Series #6)

by Lynden Finlay

Are you sick and tired of being addicted? Do you want to recover but think the 12-Step programme is not for you because you don’t believe in God? This book presents a new version of the Steps which is simple and do-able by everyone, whether they have a particular faith or not. Research now proves beyond doubt that the 12-Step programme is a way to long-term recovery, so if you are suffering from addiction, or are a GP who knows your addicted patient needs more support than you can provide, this book is for you.Lynden Finlay has over twenty years’ experience both in addictions counselling and personally recovering from addictions herself, working closely with the Twelve Steps programme during that time. Over the years she has seen many residents benefit from this version which has at its heart not a focus on God, but on the healing power of one addict helping another.

Recovery - Twelve Simple Steps to a Life Beyond Addiction: A contemporary recovery handbook for users and practitioners (Addiction Recovery Ser. #6)

by Lynden Finlay

Are you sick and tired of being addicted? Do you want to recover but think the 12-Step programme is not for you because you don’t believe in God? This book presents a new version of the Steps which is simple and do-able by everyone, whether they have a particular faith or not. Research now proves beyond doubt that the 12-Step programme is a way to long-term recovery, so if you are suffering from addiction, or are a GP who knows your addicted patient needs more support than you can provide, this book is for you.Lynden Finlay has over twenty years’ experience both in addictions counselling and personally recovering from addictions herself, working closely with the Twelve Steps programme during that time. Over the years she has seen many residents benefit from this version which has at its heart not a focus on God, but on the healing power of one addict helping another.

Recovery with Yoga: Supportive Practices for Transcending Addiction

by Brian Hyman

​​Drawn from yoga philosophy and mindfulness, this collection of 30 potent, supportive tools will bolster, inspire, and assist those in addiction recovery. ​​This collection of 30 yoga and mindfulness tools will help support those in recovery from addiction of all kinds. Thirty accessible, pointed teachings offer inspiration, comfort, and solidarity in the moment, helping us cultivate a powerful and purposeful life in recovery and to create a new design for living. Each chapter focuses on a quality—such as vigilance, acceptance, accountability, among others—and delves into how to manifest it in your recovery journey. Brian Hyman, a yoga teacher and recovery activist, understands deeply what people need to maintain sobriety and strengthen recovery—and knows that those who struggle with addiction also often need support with other mental health challenges, like obsession, anxiety, depression. The practices—which include inquiry questions, meditations, awareness exercises, breathing practices, yoga nidra, among others—will quiet the mind in difficult moments, support us as we establish meaningful relationships, and reinforce the power that recovery offers us. He offers resources and additional reading suggestions in the back matter. ​​Hyman uses yogic philosophy, mindfulness teachings, personal anecdotes, and secular wisdom to illuminate each quality and the role it plays in helping us create the life we want.

RecoveryMind Training: A Neuroscientific Approach to Treating Addiction

by Paul H. Earley

An innovative guide for professionals that establishes an extraordinary approach to understanding the dynamics of addiction and the recovery process. RecoveryMind Training (RMT) includes state-of-the-art information on neuroscience and behavioral techniques. RMT challenges readers to see addiction from a different perspective and introduces a structured treatment model that will put order to the chaos typically found with addiction.

Recupera El Control De Tu Vida: Un Complemento Del Libro “Volver A Ser Yo”

by Dy Wakefield Esraa Osama / Cinthia Noemi Mascarell

Una vez que admites que es tu culpa entonces puedes liberarte de dar el control de tu vida a los demás Apuntando con el dedo hacia ti y mirándote en el espejo para ver dónde comienza el problema del control de tu vida. Una vez que admites que eres tú, entonces puedes liberarte de permitir que la gente te controle o de darles tu control.

Recupera tu felicidad: Un camino para cuestionar tus pensamientos

by Luz Navas Torres

Despierta a la maravilla de la realidad y redescubre la Felicidad/Verdad Me encanta pensar que este libro contribuye a que muchísimas personas redescubran la vida despertando de un plumazo y recuperando la sensación de paz y felicidad que siempre han estado ahí, quizás nubladas u ocultas, pero siempre presentes. <P><P>De la misma forma como cuando alguien tiene una pesadilla y con alivio se tranquiliza al despertarse y comprobar que sólo ha sido un mal sueño. Ese es mi deseo. Luz Navas Torres. En Recupera tu felicidad, la autora comparte numerosos ejemplos de casos reales donde todas las personas, en mayor o menor medida, se pueden sentir identificadas. <P><P> De esta manera tan amena y cercana, te invita a cuestionar las ideas que te generan sufrimiento o algún tipo de limitación para abrir tu mente y ver desde otra perspectiva, mucho más amable y verdadera. Tomar consciencia de que el sufrimiento se genera al creer en un pensamiento falso que se apodera de la persona es la clave para salir del tormentoso laberinto en el que todos caemos en algún momento. <P><P> A través de las preguntas y las anécdotas que la autora te cuenta en este libro, poco a poco, vas desgranando y soltando las limitaciones que te impiden disfrutar de la felicidad que ya eres y tienes. Una parte importantísima de esta joya en palabras, es el momento respira donde Luz te invita entre capítulo y capítulo a parar, respirar conscientemente y dejar que tu sabiduría interior emerja con semillas de conciencia en verso y prosa.

Recupera tu vida: Hábitos cotidianos para un mundo enloquecido

by John Eldredge

John Eldredge, el autor best seller del New York Times, ofrece un modelo práctico y engañosamente simple para retomar por completo el control de tu vida.Vivimos en tiempos que dejan el alma chamuscada. La avalancha 24-7 de la vida contemporánea, con su fuente interminable de tragedias globales y demandas exigentes de nuestra atención, por no hablar de las presiones ordinarias del trabajo, la familia, los amigos y la comunidad, nos han dejado desgarrados, agobiados y vacíos. Pero si ya no tenemos margen en nuestras vidas, ¿cómo encontramos espacio para cambiar las cosas?En su nuevo libro transformador, John Eldredge destila la sabiduría de toda una vida acerca de la sanidad en una serie de hábitos prácticos y listos para implementar para recuperar tu vida. Estos pasos sencillos te permitirán comenzar la recuperación, te ayudarán a enfocarte en lo que más importa, desconectarte de las tragedias de este mundo quebrantado y descubrir el poder restaurador de la belleza. Los hábitos incluyen:la pausa de un minuto,desprendimiento benevolente,practicar la bondad,salir, yretroceder de la tecnología.Los hábitos aquí explicados están listos para ser implementados. No necesitas abandonar tu vida para recuperarla. Puedes restaurarla aquí y ahora. Y nunca serás el mismo.Get Your Life BackJohn Eldredge, the New York Times best-selling author, offers a practical and deceptively simple model for taking full control of your life.We live in times that leave the soul scorched. The 24-7 avalanche of contemporary life, with its endless source of global tragedies and exacting demands on our attention, not to mention the ordinary pressures of work, family, friends, and community, have left us torn, overwhelmed, and empty. But if we no longer have any room in our lives, how do we find space to change things?In his new transformative book, John Eldredge distills the life-long wisdom about healing into a series of practical, ready-to-implement habits to get your life back on track. These simple steps will allow you to begin your recovery, help you focus on what matters most, disconnect from the tragedies of this broken world, and discover the restorative power of beauty. Habits include:The one-minute break,Benevolent detachment,Practice kindness,Go out, andTo back away from technology.The habits explained here are ready to be implemented. You don't need to give up your life to get it back. You can restore it here and now. And you will never be the same.

Recupera tu vida con una mente extendida: El método definitivo de efectividad personal

by José Miguel Bolivar Jordi Fortuny

Un método nuevo y disruptivo, un paso de gigante hacia la efectividad. Después de más de diez años ayudando a personas y organizaciones a ser más efectivas y lograr resultados, José Miguel Bolívar y Jordi Fortuny han creado OPTIMA3®, el método definitivo de efectividad personal. En este libro, los autores combinan todo su conocimiento y saber hacer con su experiencia como formadores certificados en GTD® de David Allen para diseñar una nueva metodología: un enfoque sencillo y flexible que elimina las complicaciones y se adapta a las necesidades y retos de los profesionales de hoy. Con OPTIMA3® aprenderás a: * vivir sin estrés y sin olvidos * recuperar la sensación de tener todos tus asuntos bajo control * priorizar qué hacer y qué no hacer en cada instante* aumentar tu productividad en un 40% Prepárate a descubrir una forma más sostenible de efectividad, basada en evidencias y centrada en el bienestar de las personas. Te cambiará la vida. Testimonios de lectores: «La explicación inicial de cómo trabajamos actualmente me resultó muy reveladora y me ayudó a no sentirme tan culpable de mi comportamiento a la hora de organizarme. Para mí, entender este punto ha sido clave para poder hacer borrón y cuenta nueva». «Poder llegar a vaciar la mente para ganar en efectividad, creatividad, tranquilidad y seguridad es extraordinario».«OPTIMA3® me ha permitido unificar todas mis listas anteriores y aprender un nuevo enfoque situacional, adaptando la lista a mí, no adaptándome yo a las listas». «Una herramienta capaz de aglutinar todas las actividades, tanto personales como laborales. En la parte laboral se agradece especialmente saber que es posible tener una bandeja de entrada limpia».«Este libro ayuda a entender por qué nos pasan las cosas y recordar la importancia de la efectividad, de la concentración, de la necesidad de poner foco, que a veces se nos olvida». «Me ha sido muy útil aprender a organizar todos los pensamientos "rumiantes" en listas. Completar listas es satisfactorio, pero nunca como hasta ahora me había permitido descargar por completo la mente».«Pensaba que aplicarlo en mi trabajo era imposible, pero me llevo una mente extendida y ganas de empezar a ponerlo en práctica desde ya». «Con el método OPTIMA3® ha cambiado mi percepción sobre cómo me organizaba hasta ahora, y espero sacar mayor partido de mi tiempo y mis decisiones a la hora de ejecutar actividades».

Récupération et Prévention : Covid-19 et autres Maladies

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Ce livre (Récupération et prévention : Covid-19 et autres maladies) vous apprend comment rester en sécurité et guérir du Covid-19 et d'autres maladies. Vous pouvez également aider les autres à rester en sécurité et à guérir en utilisant les pratiques suggérées dans ce livre. Puisque vous devenez spirituellement puissant en utilisant les pratiques de ce livre, il vous sera très facile de rester proche de Dieu afin d'obtenir Son aide et Sa coopération. Ce livre explique également pourquoi les êtres humains peuvent être infectés par les coronavirus.

Recupere A Su Ex: Guía Paso A Paso Para Recuperar A Su Ex

by Nancy Demarco

Este libro contiene pasos probados y estrategias para llegar al fondo de tus problemas, y formas transformadoras que podrás usar para cambiar el curso de tu relación para mejor. Este libro tratará algunos temas sobre rupturas interesantes, hablará de porque los caminos de las parejas se separan, y como acaban por desmoronarse las relaciones. Las soluciones que podrás explorar en este libro son sencillas, sensatas y sin complicaciones, pero son muy útiles cuando se emplean de forma estratégica y metódica. Te beneficiará estudiarte estas soluciones primero para examinarlas y aprendértelas para luego aplicarlas lo mejor que puedas. ¿Te gustaría dejar de preocuparte por recuperar a tu ex y aprender realmente los puntos de activación psicológica que te permitirán volver a tener una relación con tu antiguo amor? No pierdas más el tiempo y descarga el libro electrónico ahora para volver a ganarte a tu ex.

Recupero e Prevenzione: Covid-19 e altre Malattie

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Questo libro (Recupero e prevenzione: Covid-19 e altre malattie) vi insegna come mantenervi al sicuro e guarire dal Covid-19 e da altre malattie. Potete anche aiutare gli altri a rimanere al sicuro e a guarire utilizzando le pratiche suggerite in questo libro. Poiché con l'uso delle pratiche contenute in questo libro si diventa spiritualmente potenti, sarà molto facile rimanere vicini a Dio per ottenere il suo aiuto e la sua collaborazione. Questo libro spiega anche perché gli esseri umani possono essere infettati dai coronavirus.

Recycling For Dummies

by Sarah Winkler

Learn the facts about recycling and discover the best way to make an impact Recycling is a simple action we can take that has an immediate positive effect. It keeps waste out of landfills, conserves natural resources, prevents pollution, and saves energy. Who wouldn’t want to do this? But recycling isn’t always straightforward. With so many different rules, it can be tough to work out the right thing to do. If you’re worried that you’re not recycling properly, or wondering whether you could be recycling more, this is the book for you. Recycling For Dummies cuts through the confusion around what you can and can’t recycle. This easy-to-follow manual breaks down recycling codes, symbols, and rules in a straightforward way that anyone can understand and apply. You’ll gain insight into the recycling process (where does that stuff go, anyway?) and learn tons of tips on reusing items in your daily life to cut down on waste. It also guides you on how to make smarter choices as a consumer to help preserve the planet for generations to come. Figure out what common materials can and can’t be recycled Understand what the recycling symbols are telling you Explore the many specialist recycling services available Learn what happens to your recyclables after they get picked up Become a true recycler by switching to recycled productsCheck out this book if you want to make your efforts count and be part of the recycling solution.

The Red Bandanna: A Life. A Choice. A Legacy.

by Tom Rinaldi

What would you do in the last hour of your life?<P><P> The story of Welles Crowther, whose actions on 9/11 offer a lasting lesson on character, calling and courage<P> One Sunday morning before church, when Welles Crowther was a young boy, his father gave him a red handkerchief for his back pocket. Welles kept it with him that day, and just about every day to come; it became a fixture and his signature.<P> A standout athlete growing up in Upper Nyack, NY, Welles was also a volunteer at the local fire department, along with his father. He cherished the necessity and the camaraderie, the meaning of the role. Fresh from college, he took a Wall Street job on the 104th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, but the dream of becoming a firefighter with the FDNY remained.<P> When the Twin Towers fell, Welles’s parents had no idea what happened to him. In the unbearable days that followed, they came to accept that he would never come home. But the mystery of his final hours persisted. Eight months after the attacks, however, Welles’s mother read a news account from several survivors, badly hurt on the 78th floor of the South Tower, who said they and others had been led to safety by a stranger, carrying a woman on his back, down nearly twenty flights of stairs. After leading them down, the young man turned around. “I’m going back up,” was all he said. <P> The survivors didn’t know his name, but despite the smoke and panic, one of them remembered a single detail clearly: the man was wearing a red bandanna. <P> Tom Rinaldi’s The Red Bandanna is about a fearless choice, about a crucible of terror and the indomitable spirit to answer it. Examining one decision in the gravest situation, it celebrates the difference one life can make. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Red Book of Luck

by Chronicle Books

This auspiciously compiled book is packed full of details on luck and how to find it. For anyone who seeks to improve their lot in life (or at least find a way to avoid the bad) The Red Book of Luck explores lucky symbols, charms, talismans, names, colors, and stones as well as lucky practices from around the world and common superstitions about how to find luck in love and how to avoid bad luck. A follow-up to The Golden Book of Fortune Telling, this lucky charm of a book offers good omens to anyone fortunate enough to peruse its pages.

Red Carpet Ready: Secrets for Making the Most of Any Moment You’re in the Spotlight

by Melissa Rivers Tim Vandehey

Be ready the next time the spotlight is on you! She's interviewed "glamazons," watched stars shine (Sharon Stone in a Gap T-shirt at the Oscars) and bomb (Jennifer Aniston in dreadlocks, Cher in an Egyptian headdress), and witnessed many a celebrity rise to the top only to come crashing down a mere year later. And she's both reveled in kudos and despaired over criticism of herself. As the daughter of Joan Rivers and with years of face time with the Hollywood elite, Melissa has learned far more than your average person about what it takes to be a star-not just on the red carpet, but in life. For the first time, she shares the lessons she's learned along the way and teaches you how to embrace your big moments, be it a graduation, a first date, a job interview, a prom, or a wedding. Pulling from inspirational and humorous tales from her probing chats with red-carpet royalty and episodes in her own life, she lays out nine essential rules to seize momentous times with graciousness, fun, preparedness, confidence-and, of course, drop-dead gorgeous style that flatters you. (Hint: It's not always the top designer brand that'll scream stardom.) The walk down the red carpet, as Rivers so colorfully relates, can teach us all some basic but essential lessons in fashion and in life. With miles of red carpet under her belt, Melissa Rivers has seen it all, from the biggest oops! moments to those unforgettable times when a star truly did shine. She knows exactly what it takes to be a star-both on the red carpet and in life. Based on her insider knowledge and her personal experience under Hollywood's glare, Melissa shares tips and techniques for embracing your momentous times and being at your best when the focus is on you, including: * The simple trick to being the hit of every party * How to escape from a date that's become a train wreck * The celebrity secret to looking radiant, rain or shine * A success strate gy that beats pure talent every time * The one rule about people even the superstars are afraid to break * How to apologize or run into your ex and keep your cool.

Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality

by Graham Jones

Why we need a materialist spirituality for the secular left, and how to build one.The left commonly rejects religion and spirituality as counter-revolutionary forces, citing Marx&’s famous dictum that "religion is the opium of the people." Yet forms of spirituality have motivated struggles throughout history, ranging from medieval peasant uprisings and colonial slave revolts, to South American liberation theology and the US civil rights movement. And in a world where religion is growing, and political movements are ridden with conflict, burnout, and failure, what can the left learn from religion? Red Enlightenment argues not only for a deepened understanding of religious matters, but calls for the secular left to develop its own spiritual perspectives. It proposes a materialist spirituality built from socialist and scientific sources, finding points of contact with the global history of philosophy and religion. From cybernetics to liberation theology, from ancient Indian and Chinese philosophy to Marxist dialectical materialism, from traditional religious practices to contemporary art, music, and film, Red Enlightenment sets out a plausible secular spirituality, a new socialist praxis, and a utopian vision.

The Red Flag Rulebook: 50 Dating Rules to Know Whether to Keep Him or Kiss Him Good-Bye

by Cheryl Anne Meyer

This book will help you maintain your rightful position as the "Goddess of Your Universe!"-Sitara Hewitt, Actress, Little Mosque on the PrairieTired of dating losers? We were too! So we wrote the ultimate guide to weeding them out. Save time and energy by ditching the duds. In this book you'll find rules to follow to help you snag your dream-date along with hilarious real-life stories of what can happen when you don't kick the losers to the curb!The Red Flag Rulebook is a varied assortment of unsavoury male personality traits to "red flag" with candid testimonials.

Red Flags: How to Spot and Protect Yourself from Toxic People, Big Egos, and Walking Disasters

by Dr Ali Fenwick

‘A MODERN MANUAL FOR ACING ALL SOCIAL INTERACTIONS THAT WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO HANDLE THE TRICKIEST OF PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS' THOMAS ERIKSON, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS Discover the tools to identify healthy and toxic behaviours in all areas of life and separate the red flags from the green, from TikTok psychologist Dr Ali Fenwick---CRACK THE BEHAVIOURAL CODE BEHIND EVERYDAY DRAMAIs there a situation(ship) you can’t find your way out of?Do you wish you could spot toxic friendships from afar?Or maybe you feel like you’ve had enough of some people, but struggle to set boundaries?From gaslighting crushes and pushy parents to bosses that take credit for your work, Red Flags, Green Flags will transform how you interpret and handle any situation, leading you straight into a fuss-free existence.An internationally renowned psychologist and behavioural expert Dr Ali Fenwick is here to guide you through the most crucial red and green flags – unhealthy and healthy social conduct – and equip you with the psychological explanation behind each one. Improve your emotional intelligence and learn how to understand your own needs and expectations when it comes to relationship building.

The Red Hat Society: Fun and Friendship After Fifty

by Sue Ellen Cooper

Life begins at fifty! And the women of the Red Hat Society are proud of it. Inspired by the Jenny Joseph poem that begins:'When I am an old woman I shall wear purple / With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me,': Ellen Cooper bought herself a red hat. Soon it became her signature gift for friends turning 50. In 2000, Cooper and her friends formed The Red Hat Society, whose only rule is no rules-it's simply a play group encouraging women over 50 to have fun, support each other, and find kindred spirits. THE RED HAT SOCIETY is their official book, covering marriage, children, grandparenting, careers, retirement, physical, mental and spiritual aging, friendship, mothers, daughters, sisterhood in hard times, clothes, rituals, the genesis of the Red Hat Society, and of course, information on how listeners can start their own chapters.

The Red Hat Society's Laugh Lines: Stories of Inspiration and Hattitude

by Sue Ellen Cooper

The follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller The Red Hat Society is a collection of the RHS members' most memorably funny and touching stories. It's Chicken Soup for the Red Hat Soul. Life begins at 50! And the women of the Red Hat Society are proud of it. In THE RED HAT SOCIETY'S LAUGH LINES, Sue Ellen Cooper and the women of the RHS celebrate the life experiences that have made them who they are today. Over the years, they've accumulated well-earned laugh lines and cry-lines from wonderfully funny, incredibly touching stories that will warm readers' hearts and touch their souls. Just as there is so much more to each of these women than a purple outfit and a red hat, there's so much more to their lives than the RHS-from their husbands, children, and grandchildren to living life fabulously after 50. This book is a collection of some of the most touching and funniest stories that they want to share with their sisters, and is filled with sidebars recommending their favorite books and movies. With contributions from members across the country, this collection is bound to thrill all Red Hatters-and those who soon will be.

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