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The Redemptive Self: Stories Americans Live By

by Dan P. McAdams

Who are we as Americans? What is our deep identity? How do we make a good life? Renowned psychologist Dan P. McAdams suggests that the key to American identity lies in the stories we live by. And the most powerful life story in America today is the story of redemption. On a broad societal scale and in our own private lives, we want first and foremost to transform our suffering into a positive emotional state, to move from pain and peril to redemption. American identity is the redemptive self. Based on 10 years of research on the life stories of especially caring and productive American adults, The Redemptive Self explores the psychological and cultural dynamics of the stories Americans tell to make sense of who they are. Among the most eloquent tellers of redemptive stories are those midlife adults who are especially committed to their careers, their families, and making a positive difference in the world. These highly "generative" men and women embrace the negative things that happen to them, for it is by transforming the bad into good that they are able to move forward in life and ultimately leave something positive behind. Unconsciously, they find inspiration and sustenance in the rich store of redemptive tales that American culture offers - from the autobiographies of Massachusetts Puritans, Benjamin Franklin, and escaped African-American slaves to the stories of upward mobility, recovery, fulfillment, and release that come to us today from Hollywood, 12-step programs, self-help experts, religious stories, political speeches, business gurus, and Oprah. But can all American lives find redemption? Some people seem unable to make their lives into redemptive tales. Instead, their stories show contaminated plots and vicious cycles. Moreover, might there be a dark side to the redemptive stories Americans love? While these stories can sustain a productive and caring approach to life, they can also suggest a peculiarly American kind of arrogance and self-righteousness. For all their strengths, redemptive stories sometimes fail, and sometimes suggest important failings in the way Americans see themselves and the world. The Redemptive Self encourages us to examine our lives and our stories in full, to apprehend both the good and the bad in the stories we live by. By doing so, we may fashion better stories and better lives for the future.

Reden ist Silber, Machen ist Gold: 15 Impulse, mit denen Sie Ihre Vorhaben garantiert in Ergebnisse umsetzen

by Harald Psaridis

Sehr vielen Menschen geht es so – vielleicht auch Ihnen? Sie nehmen sich viel vor, planen und setzen es am Ende aber doch nicht um? Wenn Sie all Ihre Ziele – beruflich wie privat – erreichen wollen, dann trainieren Sie doch einfach Ihre Umsetzungskraft! Wie genau, zeigt Harald Psaridis in diesem mitreißend-motivierenden und entwaffnend ehrlichen Buch. Der Autor selbst kennt den Weg von unten nach ganz oben. Aufgewachsen in Wien als griechisches Gastarbeiterkind, hat er es mit Fleiß, positive Geist und Umsetzungskraft zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer und bekannten Leadership-Experten gebracht. Authentisch, emotional und inspirierend: Erfahren Sie in Reden ist Silber, Machen ist Gold, wie Sie Ihre Umsetzungskompetenz steigern, ins Handeln kommen und Routinen aufbauen, die Sie unweigerlich und einfacher erfolgreicher machen. Im Mittelpunkt des Businessratgebers stehen anschauliche Beispiele, zahlreiche Übungen und Umsetzungstools. Go for gold! Mit Illustrationen des bekannten Illustrators Timo Wuerz. »Gold ist für jeden vielleicht etwas anderes: ein Ziel erreichen, einen Plan verwirklichen oder eine Bestleistung erbringen. Harald Psaridis zeigt in seinem Buch jedenfalls einen klaren Weg zum Gold.« Christoph Baerfuss, Mitglied der Direktion, Zurich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG »Das vorliegende Buch ist die beste Praxisanleitung, die ich in den letzten 35 Jahren gelesen habe. Ein echtes Arbeitsbuch, das ich jedem empfehlen kann, der Leadership leben und nach oben will.« Otto Steiner-Lang, Präsident SVNM – Schweizerischer Verband Network Marketing,Trainer und Coach »Reden ist Silber, Machen ist Gold betrifft und macht betroffen. Es ist für jeden geschrieben, egal in welcher Gesellschaftsschicht er sich bewegt!« Harald Kraus, Verkaufsdirektor Österreich & CEE, Gesamtleitung Vertrieb / Prokurist,TUI Das Reisebüro, TUI Austria Holding GmbH

Redescubrir el Espíritu Santo: La presencia perfeccionadora de Dios en la creación, la redención y la vida diaria

by Michael Horton

El autor, pastor y teólogo Mike Horton les presenta a los lectores la persona olvidada del Espíritu Santo, demostrando que la obras del Espíritu de Dios son mucho más comunes de lo que pensamos. Horton sostiene que debemos dar un paso atrás para enfocarse en el Espíritu.

Redesign Your Mind: The Breakthrough Program for Real Cognitive Change

by Eric Maisel

&“Applying the metaphor of a complete &‘home rehab&’ to the mind, [Redesign Your Mind] presents an engaging series of visualization techniques.&” —Publishers Weekly Your mind is like a room that is yours to redesign—a space that you can declutter, air out, furnish, decorate, and turn into a truly congenial place. Today, cognitive-behavioral therapy and CBT techniques are the tools that help us do this. In this book, Dr. Eric Maisel, Ph.D. moves cognitive change a giant step forward by describing the room that is your mind and how human consciousness is experienced there. Packed with visualization exercises, this accessible guide makes redesigning your mind and changing what—and how—you think easy and simple, an upgrade to the CBT method that lets you promote cognitive growth, healing, and change. · Increase your creativity · Reduce your anxiety · Rid yourself of chronic depression · Recover from addiction · Heal from past trauma · Stop negativity, boredom, and self-sabotage · Overcome procrastination · Achieve emotional wellbeing

Redesigning 50

by Oz Garcia

When you reach middle age, what does it take to turn back the hands of time and regain the youthful vitality of your younger years? Top nutritionist and health authority Oz Garcia offers definitive guidance in his information-packed Redesigning 50. You'll discover what Oz calls "the New 50": a fitter, healthier, better-looking middle age than you ever imagined possible. Oz explains how to take advantage of the finest that science and artistry can offer--without going under the knife. Drawing on the foremost expert opinions in health and beauty, Oz offers the latest information about diet and nutrition, exercise, skin and body care, hormones, stress reduction, dental and cosmetic treatments, and the new nutraceuticals--giving readers the tools to look younger and feel better than they have in years. You'll learn how to implement "the New 50 Fusion Plan," Oz's simple yet powerful fusion of "efficiency foods" with the healthy dietary traditions of Japan and the Mediterranean. You'll learn safe detox plans from experts Adina Niemerow and Roni DeLuz, hair how-to from Joel Warren and Edward Tricomi of Warren-Tricomi and Frédéric Fekkai, culinary insights from renowned chef David Bouley, spa secrets from the Golden Door and others, beauty advice and makeup tips from Bruce Dean, skin-care savvy from Dr. Nicholas Perricone and rejuvenation techniques from Dr. Lisa Zdinak and Dr. Lisa Airan, exercise insights from David Barton of David Barton Gyms, and fitness assessments from Suzanne Meth of Equinox Fitness Clubs, among others. Oz pulls it all together with his decades of experience into an enlightened, effective approach to antiaging. Hundreds of Oz's clients--women and men from across the country--have found success under his supervision. The powerful results are documented in candid accounts, from the busy company executive to the harried parent. Their antiaging success stories inspire and motivate readers to begin their own journey. The result? Middle age has never looked or felt so good!

Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

by Matthew Kelly

At a Time When Many Catholics are Disillusioned, Questioning Their Faith, and Filled with Doubts About the Relevance of Catholicism in the Modern World, the Voice of One Man Cries Out to the World's Largest Faith Community With a Clarity That is Rare and Inspiring. The book will also be helpful to persons of any Christian faith who are interested in returning to their religious roots.

Rediscovering the Holy Spirit: God’s Perfecting Presence in Creation, Redemption, and Everyday Life

by Michael Horton

For the Spirit, being somewhat forgotten is an occupational hazard. The Holy Spirit is so actively involved in our lives that we can take his presence for granted. As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Just as we take breathing for granted, we can take the Holy Spirit for granted simply because we constantly depend on him. Like the cane that soon feels like an extension of the blind man&’s own body, we too easily begin to think of the Holy Spirit as an extension of ourselves.Yet the Spirit is at the center of the action in the divine drama from Genesis 1:2 all the way to Revelation 22:17. The Spirit&’s work is as essential as the Father&’s and the Son&’s, yet the Spirit&’s work is always directed to the person and work of Christ. In fact, the efficacy of the Holy Spirit&’s mission is measured by the extent to which we are focused on Christ. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who brings the work of the Father, in the Son, to completion. In everything that the Triune God performs, this perfecting work is characteristic of the Spirit.In Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, author, pastor, and theologian Mike Horton introduces readers to the neglected person of the Holy Spirit, showing that the work of God&’s Spirit is far more ordinary and common than we realize. Horton argues that we need to take a step back every now and again to focus on the Spirit himself—his person and work—in order to recognize him as someone other than Jesus or ourselves, much less something in creation. Through this contemplation we can gain a fresh dependence on the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives.

Rediseña tu vida

by Guillermo Ferrara

En este libro, Guillermo Ferrara ofrece útiles herramientas para tener cada día más energía positiva. Del autor del bestseller El secreto de Adán, Guillermo Ferrara. Más que una historia de amor, una historia de superación que nos demuestra que no hay sueños imposibles si las cosas que se desean se buscan con pasión, perseverancia y entrega infinita. En este libro, Guillermo Ferrara te brinda las herramientas para que el cambio y la renovación espiritual sean tu mejor arma para el futuro. Rediseña tu vida es un libro lleno de reflexiones y consejos prácticos que será una guía indispensable para efectuar cambios, potenciar tus habilidades y diseñar una realidad nueva, de armonía y equilibrio con el universo. Aquí encontrarás ejercicios de meditación y concentración que te ayudarán a encontrar tu centro y tener cada día más energía positiva que te permita ofrecer al mundo cosas mejores y así contribuir de manera enérgica al cambio de era que se avecina.

Reduce Craving: 20 Quick Techniques

by Katrin Schubert

Through twenty easy, calming techniques including acupressure, breathing exercises, and guided imagery, readers will learn how to control cravings in 5 minutes or less.Everyone experiences cravings. Most are harmless, but for some, cravings can become habitual and negatively impact health, well-being, and happiness. Sometimes cravings are signs that you may need professional help, but often, you can learn to manage and overcome your cravings.In this quick guide, you will learn twenty easy techniques, including acupressure, breathing exercises, and guided imagery, to help you control your cravings in five minutes or less. Illustrations show how to apply specific science-based techniques in situations where cravings often occur and how to effectively use these techniques in your daily life.

Reduced to Joy

by Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo is emerging as one of the truly significant writers and thinkers of today. Nepo has a singular way of distilling great truths down to their essence. Moreover, during his cancer journey, Nepo relied on the power of expression and the writing process to keep him tethered to life. In Reduced to Joy, Mark Nepo explores the places where pain and joy are stitched to resilience, uncovering them with deep wisdom, poetic passages and personal revelations. Nepo reminds us all of the secret and sacred places within, forgotten in the noise and chatter of our busy distracted 21st Century lives. Reduced to Joy is a lesson in stillness, in standing in the mystery and, above all, in the work of love.

Reduced to Joy

by Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo is emerging as one of the truly significant writers and thinkers of today. Nepo has a singular way of distilling great truths down to their essence. Moreover, during his cancer journey, Nepo relied on the power of expression and the writing process to keep him tethered to life. In Reduced to Joy, Mark Nepo explores the places where pain and joy are stitched to resilience, uncovering them with deep wisdom, poetic passages and personal revelations. Nepo reminds us all of the secret and sacred places within, forgotten in the noise and chatter of our busy distracted 21st Century lives. Reduced to Joy is a lesson in stillness, in standing in the mystery and, above all, in the work of love.

Reel Lessons in Leadership

by Ralph R. Disibio

This book is about studying leadership greatness through the unique and unparalleled platform of Hollywood films.

Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution

by Michael Hammer James Champy

The most successful business book of the last decade, Reengineering the Corporation is the pioneering work on the most important topic in business today: achieving dramatic performance improvements.

Refeathering the Empty Nest: Life After the Children Leave

by Wendy Aronsson

Many parents have demonstrated a desire to parent skillfully and artfully. They read the latest child development and parenting books, configure their schedules to accommodate the social and educational lives of their children, and focus like lasers on their childrens’ well-being. Many have made an enormous emotional and financial investment in raising their children. But children grow up, they move out, they create their own lives and their own homes. The role of the parent changes, diminishes, and evolves. The life phase that begins in preparation for an “empty nest” and continues until parents re-feather the nest has no official name, yet it represents a profound shift from the rigors of daily parenting to a period of self-reflection and reorientation. Here, Wendy Aronsson centers on that experience, capturing the realities of the emotions and life changes that come on gradually, and sometimes proceed in fits and starts. Refeathering the Empty Nest is for any parent preparing for the departure from

The Referral of a Lifetime: The Networking System That Produces Bottom-Line Results... Every Day!

by Timothy L. Templeton Lynda Rutledge Stephenson

In "The Referral of a Lifetime", author Tim Templeton frames a powerful plan for cultivating clients and customers in a fable about businesswoman Susie McCumber, who feels increasingly like a failure. A friend refers her to the mysterious Mr. Highground, who introduces her to four successful people. They show her how they transformed their businesses and their lives by determining how others view them and how they view themselves as both human beings and businesspeople. Each of the four represents a "type" in this schema -- from the "relational/business" type who puts the relationship first but thinks strategically when the talk turns to business, to the "business/business" type, who avoids relationships unless they work to a business advantage. Templeton shows how understanding one's type allows one to showcase strengths while improving weak areas in this simple, easy-to-use guide to success in business and in life.

Refine and Restore: Revive Your Heart, Release Your Purpose

by Rachel C. Swanson

It's time to revive your heart, release your purpose, and have an authentic relationship with God!Women want to live boldly and bravely in their faith, but many feel weighed down by... something. They pretend to live a full life, but wonder why life as a Christian lacks luster. To fill the aches, they feast unknowingly upon consumerism, self-worship, food obsession, seeking love in all the wrong places, and grasping for anything but Jesus.Rachel shows women that in order to renew passion, purpose, and unwavering faith, they must intentionally choose to refine and restore their mind, body, and soul, acknowledging their subtle sins before Jesus.In REFINE AND RESTORE, Rachel shares the process of refining sins out of her life, which separated her from deeper intimacy with God, and restoring her heart back to the truth of who God really is. Through personal stories of confession and conviction (refining moments), readers will discover how Rachel found an authentic, vibrant relationship with God (restored wholeness)-inspiring readers to do the same.


by Christene Barberich Piera Gelardi

THE COOLEST STREET STYLE CAPTURED BY REFINERY 29 Get set to build your best ever wardrobe featuring the hardest-working looks from around the globe with Refinery29--the world's leading style destination--as their editors break down the essentials of the everyday chic, straight from the street. What transforms a look from on-trend to trendsetting? Editor-in-Chief Christene Barberich and Executive Creative Director Piera Gelardi deconstruct their favorite outfits to reveal what trailblazing looks like on the real-life fashion front, including: * HOW TO WEAR modern metallics, mixed prints, everyday ladylike, tomboy chic, lots of layers, and more. * CLEVER TIPS such as wearing one piece in three fresh ways, building blocks for discovering your own signature style, and updating your closet each season. * AND A ZOOM LENS on all the details and accessories that totally make the look. Featuring the fashion world's coolest tastemakers, designers, stylists, and editors, these fearless iconoclasts challenge conventions and inspire a whole new generation of women to dress for themselves and discover their true inner style stars...just like YOU. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Refinery29 Money Diaries: Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Your Finances... And Everyone Else's

by Lindsey Stanberry

Does it feel like you’re NEVER going to finish paying back your student loans? Do you spend more on coffee per month than you put into your 401(k)? Do you avoid looking at your bank balance because it’s easier to live in denial? The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend.Money Diaries, the breakout series from Refinery29, offers readers a revealing and often surprising look at the personal finances of others: what they spend, how they save, and even the purchases they hide from their partners and friends. Featuring all-new Money Diaries, valuable advice on how to get rich (and afford life in the meantime) from a handpicked team of female financial advisers, and money challenges that will save you up to $500, Refinery29 Money Diaries will empower you to take immediate control of your own money, including: • Why budgets are bulls&!t and what to do instead • How to make repaying your loans as painless as possible • How to start an emergency fund even if you’re living paycheck to paycheck • How to effectively ask for a raise and make sure you’re being paid fairly • How to have fun without going broke • The joy of saving for future you With a vision of what your dream bank account balance looks like, some expert advice to help you achieve it, and the support of a powerful community with the same goal, you’ll be a step closer to taking control of not just your wallet, but your life.

Refire! Don't Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

by Ken Blanchard Morton Shaevitz

Refire! Don't Retire asks readers the all-important question: As you approach the remainder of your life, what are you going to do to make it joyful and meaningful? Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz point out that too many people see their later years as a time to endure rather than as an exciting opportunity. Both research and common sense confirm that people who embrace these years with gusto--rather than withdrawing or waiting for things to happen--consistently make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. In the trademark Ken Blanchard style, the authors tell the compelling story of Larry and Janice Sparks, who discover how to see each day as an opportunity to enhance their relationships, stimulate their minds, revitalize their bodies, and grow spiritually. As they learn to refire and open up to new experiences, Larry and Janice rekindle passion in every area of their lives. Readers will find humor, practical information, and profound wisdom in Refire! Don't Retire. Best of all, they will be inspired to make all the years ahead truly worth living.

Reflections: A Story of Hope, Healing, Facing Fears, and Finding Purpose

by Brian Hobbs Fia Hobbs

Reflections takes readers on an honest journey through dealing with fears, coming to term with illness, facing death, and acceptance.Reflections is a gripping story written from two perspectives: Brian Hobbs, a songwriter with a terminal cancer diagnosis with months to live, and Fia Hobbs, his caregiving wife as well as his therapist. They share with readers their journey through hope, despair, and finally to peace and acceptance. During Brian’s illness, he wrote down his thoughts and feelings in a blog that became a huge inspiration for people to let go of their own fears and to find purpose in their own lives. Reflections is a continuation of Brian’s blog and helps to inspire readers to make them realize what matters in life as they follow his last months.

Reflections: The Sunday Times bestselling book of life lessons from superstar presenter Holly Willoughby

by Holly Willoughby

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'From the heart. It feels so authentic . . . Encompassing and inclusive . . . Reads beautifully and fluidly and feels like having a chat with your best friend' - Elizabeth Day on HOW TO FAIL'The book is a accessible insight into the woman behind the brand' Grazia________________________Have you ever found yourself in that moment where you just wonder - what's next? I could carry on as I am but there's a yearning for something else. That's where this book started for me...Presenter. Fashion icon. Wife. Mother. Holly Willoughby lights up the nation's TV screens every day but, like all of us, she has struggled with moments of self-doubt, feelings of guilt, anger and detachment. Here she shares how she has learned to reconnect with herself in order to face her fears head on. With her trademark warmth, Holly shows how listening to her inner voice and celebrating life's little moments of beauty and joy - like looking up at the moon or finding the perfect red lipstick - helped her feel whole again. Reflections is an empathetic, encouraging book that will inspire you to live your most beautiful, authentic life.WHAT READERS ARE SAYING:-'I rarely read and read this book in two days! Much of what Holly wrote about resonated with me and I've taken so much practical advice away with me.'-'Like little snippets of therapy'-'This book is brilliant. Holly addresses many things that we all face in life and gives her best advice on how to overcome them. Fantastic for anyone but mostly anyone who suffers any kind of anxieties or self consciousness. -'Amazing . . . Holly is just fabulous and I can't put it down, so nice to know we aren't in this journey alone' -'So beautifully written and relatable in lots of ways. It will be a book that I am sure I will keep taking off of my book shelf to keep going back to read for a long time'

Reflections from Pope Francis

by Susan Stark Daniel J. Pierson

A journal-style book containing inspirational messages from Pope Francis--Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2013 Only a little over a year into his papacy, Pope Francis is being hailed by the news media, Christians, and non-Christians alike as a refreshing figure in the Vatican. His humility, piousness, and forward-thinking ideas have been celebrated around the world.Reflections from Pope Francis features brief excerpts for reflection from Pope Francis's homilies, speeches, and addresses--along with invitation to prayer, writing, and action in a unique "journal style" book with space on each page for the reader to write down their own reflections on the powerful messages contained within each page. Complete with a focusing statement and scripture passages that introduce and summarize the theme of that page's reflection, these excerpts highlight important themes for humanity--such as care for the poor, mercy, forgiveness, and brotherhood.

Reflections in the Light

by Shakti Gawain

This book gives readers an inspirational thought and a useful tool -- an original affirmation -- to be read each day. Each entry has a heading, a short message or meditation, and an affirmation. This new edition of a classic puts the timeless words of Shakti Gawain into a beautiful, fresh package.

Reflections of Grace: Finding Hope at Ground Zero

by Andrea Raynor

A moving, life-affirming collection of memories—some from the unforgettable The Voice That Calls You Home—and guidance from one of the chaplains who served at Ground Zero after 9/11.In the days after 9/11 at Ground Zero, Andrea Raynor saw firsthand the courage and strength among the first responders and other heroes who worked tirelessly during the recovery effort. Now, she shares with us the wisdom she gained to help us during our darkest days. Including excerpts from her acclaimed essay collection The Voice That Calls You Home, this stirring tribute to all those affected by the attacks eloquently explores the power of community, hope, and healing.

Reflections on a Mountain Lake: Teachings on Practical Buddhism

by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

&“Tenzin Palmo is one of the most genuine and accomplished of western practitioners. Her voice is simple and pure, wise and true.&” —Jack Kornfield, author of Path with a HeartThis sparkling collection of Dharma teachings by Tenzin Palmo addresses issues of common concern to Buddhist practitioners from all traditions. Personable, witty, and insightful, Tenzin Palmo presents an inspiring and no-nonsense view of Buddhist practice.

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