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Regesso ao Essencial

by Farhad Pourgolafshan

O mundo como o conhecíamos parou durante a noite, com o medo de um vírus mortal se espalhar rapidamente, causando uma pandemia. As pessoas foram forçadas a ficar confinadas em casas por um número imprevisto de semanas. Empresas foram fechadas. As consequências econômicas ainda não foram sentidas, mas as perspectivas eram mais mortais do que as do vírus. Todos começaram a aprender e a se preocupar com a higiene física. Essa reclusão forçada fez com que muitos repensassem suas vidas e o que consideravam normal, e tudo o que consideravam natural. Para muitos, o significado de suas vidas ficou em questão, e o foco começou a mudar para como poderíamos nos preparar para um evento como este ou pior. Tornou-se evidente para muitos que a fraqueza crucial tinha sido uma desnutrição espiritual e negligência; e a higiene espiritual? Este trabalho se concentra em como nos reviver espiritualmente para realizar e cumprir o verdadeiro significado de nossas vidas.

Regifted: An Adoptee's Memoir of True Belonging

by Candi Byrne

A raw, often wry, memoir of mothers, mysteries, and miracles. Surrendered at birth in a closed adoption, Candi Byrne’s biology and ethnicity is a secret. The impending arrival of her first grandchild ignites an urgency to identify potential genetic time bombs and confirm her ancestry. Due to arcane privacy laws, Candi is repeatedly denied access to the one person who could provide that information—her biological mother. After years of failed attempts, she resigns herself to never learning the truth about her roots; that is, until her ninety-year-old Aunt Delores has a vision and insists Candi resume efforts to find her birth family. Candi is gobsmacked when an internet search she’s performed thousands of times before suddenly reveals her birth mother’s identity. Within hours, she ends up on the doorstep of her birth mother—a place she’s sworn never to visit. After a series of guilt-driven interactions with “Those People,” as she refers to her maternal birth family, Candi terminates contact. Although the reunion proves disastrous, it opens her eyes to truths about her relationship with her adoptive mother, Delphine. Though their relationship was difficult and contentious during Delphine’s life, a series of miraculous experiences after her death guides Candi home to herself—where, she learns, she has belonged all along.

La regla de los tres minutos: Habla menos y convence más

by Brant Pinvidic


La Regla del 1%: Cómo Enamorarte del Proceso y Lograr Tus Más Grandes Sueños

by Tomas Baker

Nuestro sistema actual no está funcionado. Específicamente nuestro sistema para poner metas y mantenerse lo suficientemente motivado, no solo para cumplir las metas sino para constantemente estar subiendo de nivel, logros y satisfacción. Durante los últimos diez años me he dedicado a responder algunas de las preguntas básicas y me he adentrado en un viaje para explorar estas respuestas. Estas preguntas son simples y al mismo tiempo increíblemente complejas. Estas incluyen: ¿Por qué algunas personas alcanzan el éxito en todo lo que hacen mientras que otros no pueden dejar de sabotearse a sí mismos? ¿Qué es lo que separa a aquellos que se emocionan y se inspiran por una temporada, tres meses, un mes, una semana, de los que están inspirados todo el tiempo? ¿Cuáles son los principios base, formas de pensar, hábitos y rituales de los que ejecutan acciones descaradamente, y los de aquellos que se quedan en el borde meditando? Esto me llevó a una búsqueda personal de auto descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras viajaba por el mundo para aprender de los mejores. Invertí cientos de miles de dólares en seminarios, programas, cursos y mentores. Esto me llevó a lanzar mi propia plataforma de contenido, podcast, un negocio de consultoría y coaching, así como también a escribir mi primer libro y dirigir mis propias experiencias. Ahora he puesto todo en el material de La Regla del 1%!

Regresar a lo Esencial

by Farhad Pour-Golafshan

Descripción del libro: El mundo, tal como lo conocíamos, se detuvo de la noche a la mañana, por el miedo a que un virus mortal se propague rápidamente y provoque una pandemia. Las personas fueron obligadas a permanecer encerradas en sus hogares durante un número imprevisto de semanas. Se cerraron negocios. Las consecuencias económicas aún no se sintieron del todo, pero sus perspectivas eran más mortales que las del virus. Todos comenzaron a aprender y a prestar atención a la higiene física. Esta reclusión forzada hizo que muchos volvieran a pensar sus vidas y lo que consideraban normal, y todo lo que habían dado por sentado. Para muchos, el significado de sus vidas fue cuestionado, y el enfoque comenzó a cambiar a cómo podríamos prepararnos para un evento como este o peor. Para muchos se hizo evidente que la debilidad crucial había sido la desnutrición espiritual y la negligencia; ¿Qué pasa con la higiene espiritual? Este trabajo se enfoca en cómo revivirnos espiritualmente para darnos cuenta y cumplir el verdadero significado de nuestras vidas.

Regreso al hogar

by Maria José Flaqué

El nuevo libro de María José Flaqué autora de SOY UNA MUJER HOLÍSTICA y UNA NUEVA REALIDAD. Gracias al movimiento de Mujer Holística, la autora best seller María José Flaqué ha contribuido a transformar la vida de miles de mujeres alrededor del mundo, que hoy viven en sintonía y en armonía con su realidad. Pero el proceso no ha terminado. Estás a punto de iniciar un camino que Flaqué recorrió a lo largo de estos años y que ahora quiere compartir contigo. Ha llegado el momento de conocer el poder de la ascensión y de comprobar que en realidad está al alcance de todas. Pero ¿qué es la ascensión? ¿Por qué las líderes espirituales están integrando esta enseñanza en sus procesos de evolución? Descúbrelo en este libro a través de 21 activaciones energéticas, que te llevarán a alcanzar un bienestar máximo, desarrollar diferentes áreas de tu vida, aumentar tus niveles de protección y encontrar tu propósito divino.

Regreso al origen: Camino en la búsqueda de la paz y la felicidad

by Jorge Cantero

Jorge Cantero funge como una guía en su segundo libro Regreso al origen. Haciendo una reflexión, que más bien parece una conversación entre amigos, el autor nos lleva de la mano en la búsqueda de los principio y su trascendencia, compasión respeto, felicidad son algunos valores en los que se sumerge de manera profunda para explicarnos la importancia de volver a ellos y continuar, para así poder tener una vida equilibrada. Regresar a los básicos y reencontrar la esperanza es el mensaje que se queda en nuestro interior al concluir de leer este libro. Ser felices y vivir en paz es aquello a lo que debemos atrevernos. “Salgan y reclamen su vida”.

El regreso de los dioses

by Jonathan Cahn

"¡EL LIBRO MÁS EXPLOSIVO DE JONATHAN CAHN! ¿Será posible que tras lo que está sucediendo en Estados Unidos de América y el mundo se esconda un misterio oculto en las antiguas inscripciones de Medio Oriente? ¿Acaso están regresando a nuestro mundo las antiguas entidades conocidas como “dioses”? ¿Qué son esos seres misteriosos llamados shedim? ¿Qué es la trinidad oscura? ¿Y cuándo llegaron a Estados Unidos y al mundo? ¿Qué es la casa de los espíritus? Y ¿qué tiene que ver todo eso contigo? En El regreso de los dioses, Jonathan Cahn te llevará a lo más recóndito del mundo antiguo —Filistea, Sumeria, Asiria, Babilonia, etc.— para encontrar las piezas del rompecabezas que explican lo que está aconteciendo hoy ante la vista de todos. Más aun, Cahn revela el asombroso misterio que se extiende a lo largo de las edades —desde la antigua Akkad hasta la ciudad de Nueva York en nuestros días—, y que está cambiando al mundo. ¿Será posible que hallemos respuestas en la mitología de esos pueblos? Es más, ¿podría el misterio de los dioses haber determinado los días exactos en los que se han dictado algunas de las decisiones más trascendentales de la Corte Suprema de esta nación? Prepárate para un viaje fascinante, inolvidable y alucinante en el que la realidad es más extraña que la ficción y en el que verás al mundo como nunca antes lo viste."

Regrets of the Dying: Stories and Wisdom That Remind Us How to Live

by Georgina Scull

'A beautiful and moving reminder to appreciate life' Roxie Nafousi, author of Manifest'This book may on first glance appear to be about death and regrets, but is in reality about life and choices. It is warmly life-affirming ... A magnificent read that will inspire. I loved it' Sue Black 'So beautiful ... Perfectly written and judged ... A wonderful book that made me grasp life a little more firmly' Dr Chris van Tulleken A powerful, moving and hopeful book exploring what people regret most when they are dying and how this can help us lead a better life. If you were told you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret?Ten years ago, without time to think or prepare, Georgina Scull ruptured internally. The doctors told her she could have died and, as Georgina recovered, she began to consider the life she had led and what she would have left behind.Paralysed by a fear of wasting what seemed like precious time but also fully ready to learn how to spend her second chance, Georgina set out to meet others who had faced their own mortality or had the end in sight.

Regrets of the Dying: Stories and Wisdom That Remind Us How to Live

by Georgina Scull

'A beautiful and moving reminder to appreciate life' Roxie Nafousi, author of Manifest'This book may on first glance appear to be about death and regrets, but is in reality about life and choices. It is warmly life-affirming ... A magnificent read that will inspire. I loved it' Sue Black 'So beautiful ... Perfectly written and judged ... A wonderful book that made me grasp life a little more firmly' Dr Chris van Tulleken A powerful, moving and hopeful book exploring what people regret most when they are dying and how this can help us lead a better life. If you were told you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret?Ten years ago, without time to think or prepare, Georgina Scull ruptured internally. The doctors told her she could have died and, as Georgina recovered, she began to consider the life she had led and what she would have left behind.Paralysed by a fear of wasting what seemed like precious time but also fully ready to learn how to spend her second chance, Georgina set out to meet others who had faced their own mortality or had the end in sight.

Rehabilitation Teaching For Persons Experiencing Vision Loss

by Wilma Inkster Linda Newman Diane Storm-Weiss Anne Yeadon

This textbook intended for Rehab. Professionals outlines in sequential steps and objectives tasks of daily living and Independent completion of tasks from cooking and kitchen safety, to clothing care, to applying cosmetics.

The Reign of Grace: The Delights and Demands of God's Love

by Scotty Smith

Pastor Scotty Smith challenges readers humbly and honestly to consider what it means to be stewards of God's grace—to live a life of obedience and service in response to His wonderful love.With breakthrough understanding, this book reconciles the disconnection between God's faithfulness to Christians and their unfaithfulness to Him.

Reiki: The Essential Guide to Ancient Healing Art

by Chris Parkes Penny Parkes

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy. Drawing on ancient practices, which are said to have dated back to Buddha, Reiki balances the energy in the body, renewing vitality and bringing about a powerful feeling of serenity and relaxation through the laying on of hands. Reiki can be used to relieve the problems associated with stress, tension, chronic illness and post-operative pain. In this revised and updated edition Chris and Penny Parkes explain what to expect from a treatment, how it works and how it can be of benefit - and even show how you too can train (very easily) to practice Reiki. Written by one of the few Reiki masters in the UK and featuring the original Usui method, this practical and accessible book reveals the fascinating story behind the discovery of Reiki.

Reiki: la guía de sanación de Reiki para aumentar su energía, salud y bienestar

by Romina P. Piscione Jen Solis

Solemos ser conscientes de que nos sentimos desequilibrados de alguna manera, pero no podemos entender por qué. El dolor, por ejemplo, es una manifestación física del desequilibrio energético. La enfermedad también puede ser un efecto secundario de esto, ya que compromete el sistema inmune. La curación con Reiki es algo que se puede practicar de forma segura todos los días, y si no se siente bien, el Reiki puede ayudar a que se recupere y se sienta mejor más rápido. La Guía de sanación de Reiki puede ayudarle a lograr un mejor bienestar físico y mental a través de las técnicas que estamos a punto de mostrarle. Lo bueno del Reiki es que incluso cuando se enfoca en sanar una parte de su vida, sus esfuerzos afectarán todas las partes de su vida y las ayudará a regresar naturalmente a un equilibrio óptimo. Una vez que esté familiarizado con el proceso de equilibrio, también puede dar energía a otros mediante la utilización de técnicas de sintonización que manipulan el campo de energía y le permiten interactuar directamente con ella. Hay muchas técnicas orientales que dependen de la energía Qi, ¿por qué elegir Reiki? Descubrirá todo eso y más aquí. En este libro encontrará las respuestas a estas preguntas y más. Algunas de las preguntas y temas incluidos son: Los fundamentos del Reiki Curación con Reiki Energía Qi Chakras Claros y cristales Clarividencia Clarisentencia Clariaudiencia Claricognisencia Practicar Reiki El procedimiento de sintonización Nivel 2 Nivel 3 /Master Reiki Escaneos corporales Escaneo de aura Escaneo de péndulo ¡Y más! ¡No dude en recoger su copia hoy!

Reiki: O guia da cura reiki para desenvolver sua energia, saúde e bem-estar

by Jen Solis

Frequentemente temos consciência de que estamos desequilibrados de alguma forma mas não conseguimos entender porquê. Dor, por exemplo, é uma manifestação física de desequilíbrio energético. Doenças também podem ser um efeito colateral, já que o sistema imunológico é comprometido. A cura Reiki é algo que pode ser praticado com segurança no dia-a-dia e se você não se sente bem, o Reiki pode ajudá-lo a se recuperar mais rapidamente. O guia da cura reiki pode ajudá-lo a alcançar bem-estar físico e mental através de técnicas que vamos lhe mostrar. A melhor parte do Reiki é que mesmo que você esteja focado em curar uma parte de sua vida, os seus esforços irão afetar todas as partes de sua vida e naturalmente retornar para o equilíbrio. Uma vez que você estiver familiarizado com o processo de equilíbrio, você pode inclusive doar energia a outros usando as técnicas de sintonização que manipulam o campo energético e permitem que você interaja com a energia diretamente. Há muitas técnicas orientais que trabalham com a energia Qi, então por que escolher o Reiki? Você descobrirá isto e mais neste livro.Neste livro você encontrará as respostas para essas perguntas e mais. Algumas das questões e tópicos são: Reiki básico Cura com Reiki Energia Qi Chakras Claridades e cristais Clarividência Clarisciência Clariaudiência Claricognição Praticando Reiki O processo de sintonizaçãp Nível 2 Nível 3/Mestre Reiki Escaneamento do corpo (body scans) Escaneamento de Auras Escaneamento com pêndulos E mais!​

Reiki And The Seven Chakras: Your Essential Guide to the First Level

by Richard Ellis

Reiki is a unique system of healing that allows you to harness and transmit energy through your hands, restoring balance and harmony within the body and bringing relief to a wide range of physical and emotional problems. This book, by renowned Reiki teacher Richard Ellis, illustrates all the hand positions used for the first level of Reiki, but it goes much further and shows them in their relation to the seven chakras. Chakras are the main energy points of the body and provide the anatomy of energy healing. These are different for everyone, and so to practise Reiki effectively you need to understand a person's chakras, which will in turn explain the type of person they are and the health problems they are vulnerable to. For example, one person may have an excessive first chakra, making them prone to obesity or digestive problems, and to pessimism, while another may be deficient, making them vulnerable to anorexia and restlessness. You would therefore approach these two people differently. Reiki and the Seven Chakras captures the feeling of wonder that surrounds Reiki, but it is also an immensely practical guide. So many of the current books on Reiki are very dry, following a formula of detailing the history of Reiki healing and then showing you how to do it. This one breaks the mould and is written from a very personal point of view, which makes it incredibly interesting to read and also very accessible – essential if you are to understand the true nature and potential of Reiki.

Reiki and Your Intuition: A Union Of Healing And Wisdom (The\reiki Healing Ser.)

by Tina M. Zion

Reiki, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)

by Philip Jones

A pracitcal guide to opening and strengthening your reiki channels.Since originating in Japan in 1922, Reiki has been adapted to cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.Reiki is used for healing oneself and others and for spiritual development. It works by combining two things: initiations that awaken and open your energy channels and techniques for using your hands, eyes, and intention to direct this energy flow where needed. Anyone who wishes to do this work must prepare by following particular methods and steps, all wonderfully explained in this introductory guide.Discover why Reiki is so unique and learn about its origins, five precepts, attunements, basic hand positions, and special treatments created by Reiki's founder, Mikao Usui. All the spiritual practices here have been specifically chosen to guide readers on a path of love, light, healing, and self-knowledge.

The Reiki Teacher's Manual: A Guide for Teachers, Students, and Practitioners (The Reiki Healing Series #1)

by Tina M. Zion

This book is designed for students, practitioners, and teachers. It will enrich the classes that current teachers are giving and gives the new teacher confidence and pride when providing that very first class. Practitioners will have a greater understanding of how to apply Reiki and what is actually happening during a session. You will never again be afraid or even worried about teaching a Reiki class or giving the attunement. You will be pleased and your students will be grateful for the rich content in your classes. "The Reiki Teacher's Manual" is a precise step-by-step guide to instruct all three levels or degrees of Reiki. This manual and its format provide you with: A concise manual that is user friendly; A quick reference to answer student's questions; Consecutive steps with time approximations to make sure you teach all the information and still have plenty of time for the hands on practice sessions. How to get the most for your students during their hands on practice; How to increase the power of your attunement; How to teach the attunement to others; Goals for different segments of each class; Detailed descriptions and uses for the symbols; 15 handouts that are concise, informative, and can be copied from the book; Complete written explanations for each handout; A list of supplies for each level and suggestions for your classroom environment; Guidelines in opening your own Reiki practice; Information regarding state licensing needs; How to avoid issues with physicians and the medical community.

Reimagining Death: Stories and Practical Wisdom for Home Funerals and Green Burials

by David Spangler Lucinda Herring

Honor your loved ones and the earth by choosing practical, spiritual, and eco-friendly after-death careNatural, legal, and innovative after-death care options are transforming the paradigm of the existing funeral industry, helping families and communities recover their instinctive capacity to care for a loved one after death and do so in creative and healing ways. Reimagining Death offers stories and guidance for home funeral vigils, advance after-death care directives, green burials, and conscious dying. When we bring art and beauty, meaningful ritual, and joy to ease our loss and sorrow, we are greening the gateway of death and returning home to ourselves, to the wisdom of our bodies, and to the earth.

Reimagining Men's Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention (Reimagining Cancer)

by Michele Berman Mark Boguski David Tabatsky

America's fascination with celebrities never gets old. From People magazine, with a readership of 43 million to Internet sites like with over 80 million monthly views, celebrity information not only sells, it educates people about important issues––including cancer. Information is empowering and reading about a famous person coping with cancer can not only be inspiring, it can save a life. That's what Reimagining Cancer exemplifies through each of the books in the series Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence. About half of all cancers are preventable and can be avoided if current medical knowledge is better delivered*. Reimagining Men's Cancers—focusing on cancers of the prostate, penis, and testicles—provides readers with that critical information to help them manage, cope, and recover through a concise, easy-to-read style and format. Beginning with a view of basic anatomy and an overview of how we view a particular cancer today, chapters flow easily into an explanation of signs, symptoms, diagnosis, scientific information and guidelines, and include a comprehensive survey of treatments and prevention. Woven throughout are stories, both medical and anecdotal, from men such as Joe Torre, Robert De Niro, Sir Ian McKellen, and Scott Hamilton. Education is the key, and by using celebrity stories, Reimagining Men's Cancers can attract countless readers who might otherwise not pay attention to an epidemic that is likely to affect them or a loved one. * The recent World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization

Reimagining Women's Cancers: The Celebrity Diagnosis Guide to Personalized Treatment and Prevention (Reimagining Cancer)

by Michele Berman Mark Boguski David Tabatsky

America's fascination with celebrities never gets old. From People magazine, with a readership of 43 million to Internet sites like with over 80 million monthly views, celebrity information not only sells, it educates people about important issues––including cancer. Information is empowering and reading about a famous person coping with cancer can not only be inspiring, it can save a life. That's what Reimagining Cancer exemplifies through each of the books in the series Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence. About half of all cancers are preventable and can be avoided if current medical knowledge is better delivered*. This new series, beginning with Reimagining Women's Cancers—focusing on cancer of the breasts, ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva—provides readers with that critical information to help them manage, cope, and recover through a concise, easy-to-read style and format. Beginning with a view of basic anatomy and an overview of how we view a particular cancer today, chapters flow easily into an explanation of signs, symptoms, diagnosis, scientific information and guidelines, and include a comprehensive survey of treatments and prevention. Woven throughout are stories, both medical and anecdotal, from women such as Angelina Jolie, Joan Lunden, Melissa Etheridge, Sandra Lee, Rita Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Suzanne Somers. Education is the key, and by using celebrity stories, Reimagining Women's Cancers can attract countless readers who might otherwise not pay attention to an epidemic that is likely to affect them or a loved one. * The recent World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization

Reimagining Your Love Story: Biblical and Psychological Practices for Healthy Relationships

by Andrea Gurney

We’ve all grown up watching the fairy tales that promise happily ever after with our one true love. Whether we like it or not, whether we think we believe it or not, chances are we’ve internalized that story of love. And despite the technology to find connection with more people than ever before, somehow we are also lonelier than ever before—even when we’re in relationships.Although we were created for loving, intimate relationships, we’ve lost our understanding of how to find and maintain them. Andrea Gurney wants readers to discover more authentic connections that aren’t made of wishes, so she equips us with practices from psychology, biblical truths, and lessons from relationship science. She also helps us examine our developmental history, including how cultural and familial messages take root in our psyches. Together, these tools craft a solid foundation on which lasting love can be built, rather than a pumpkin carriage that disappears when the clock strikes midnight. If you are disillusioned by unattainable societal standards, in need of healing from damaged relationships, or simply want to improve at relating well with others, you’re ready for Reimagining Your Love Story.

Rein In Your Brain

by Ncac Cynthia Moreno Tuohy Bsw II Ncac Cynthia Moreno Tuohy Bsw Victoria Costello

Those in recovery learn to "rein in their brain," ending compulsive behaviors while fostering a more thoughtful lifestyle that ensures long term emotional sobriety.Addiction--whether to mood-altering substances, gambling, sex, or food-- stems in part from an over-reliance on the reward system of a primitive part of the brain that can push us to make poor choices based on an expectation of immediate gratification. Those of us in recovery often struggle with the compulsive thoughts and behaviors that are still programmed in our addictive brains well after the drinking and drugging has stopped. These often play out thoughtlessly in our interactions with others, damaging our relationships and growth as balanced human beings.Rein in Your Brain, by addiction expert Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, offers ten tools for breaking the cycle of impulsivity. These time-tested self-interventions include standing still in the moment, giving up control, not assuming the other person's intent, tolerating differences, accepting emotions without giving them free reign, and differentiating between immediate fear-driven reactions and measured thoughts. By incorporating these tools in your daily interactions, your relationships can move from those of conflict to mutual respect and understanding.

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