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Rein In Your Brain: From Impulsivity to Thoughtful Living in Recovery

by Victoria Costello Cynthia Moreno Tuohy

Those in recovery are often stuck in a dangerous loop of making poor choices based on instant feel-good payoffs. Rein in Your Brain offers 10 proven techniques for intervening on faulty impulsive thinking and actions that have a negative impact on our lives and relationships.Addiction--whether to mood-altering substances, gambling, sex, or food--stems in part from an over-reliance on the reward system of a primitive part of the brain that can push us to make poor choices based on an expectation of immediate gratification. Those of us in recovery often struggle with the compulsive thoughts and behaviors that are still programmed in our addictive brains well after the drinking and drugging has stopped. These often play out thoughtlessly in our interactions with others, damaging our relationships and growth as balanced human beings.Rein in Your Brain, by addiction expert Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, offers ten tools for breaking the cycle of impulsivity. These time-tested self-interventions include standing still in the moment, giving up control, not assuming the other person’s intent, tolerating differences, accepting emotions without giving them free reign, and differentiating between immediate fear-driven reactions and measured thoughts. By incorporating these tools in your daily interactions, your relationships can move from those of conflict to mutual respect and understanding.

La reina de la distracción: Sobre cómo las mujeres que padecen TDAH pueden conquistar el caos, enfocarse y ser más productivas

by Terry Matlen

Un libro sobre cómo las mujeres que padecen TDAH pueden conquistar el caos, enforcarse y ser más productivas. ¿Sientes que el mundo se te viene encima entre tus quehaceres de la casa y el trabajo? ¿Te cuesta demasiado concentrarte más de 20 minutos? ¿Con frecuencia olvidas lo que tenías que hacer? Si contestaste que sí, es muy probable que tengas Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). En este libro encontrarás valiosos consejos para que aquellas distracciones y olvidos que se interponen en tu día a día desaparezcan y tomes, de una vez por todas, el control de tu vida. Con este libro aprenderás que tener TDAH no es tan malo como creías, incluso lo puedes volver una de tus fortalezas.

Reincarnation, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)

by Jass Godly Krys Godly

A practical guide on how to access information about our previous lives.From ancient roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Greek philosophy to more modern conceptions of rebirth found in popular culture, the notion that the soul can be reborn is a prevalent belief that continues to fascinate. That fascination inevitably results in a number of questions, including: How does our day-to-day life impact our future existences? Who were we before we were born? How do we find out about our previous incarnations?This practical guide attempts to answer these questions and much more. The Godlys provide step-by-step instructions for accessing information about our previous lives and explore the four main methods of learning about past lives: · Recession· Psychic readings· Regression· Spontaneous recallThey also explore how reincarnation can help us to understand re-occurrences of relationships, lingering memories, and even health problems.This is a refreshing and simple introduction to a topic that has intrigued seers, sages, and mystics for centuries. It entertains, enlightens, and informs.

Reine Liebe

by Dada Bhagwan

Mit Liebe würde man in seinem ganzen Leben nie den Fehler bei der Frau oder den Kinder sehen. In Liebe sieht man niemals Fehler. Sieh nur, wie die Menschen Fehler aneinander finden: “Du bist so.“ “Nein, du bist so.“ Die Welt hat nicht einmal einen Hauch von Liebe gesehen. Es ist alles die Verliebtheit und die Anziehung der Illusion. Wahre Liebe nimmt weder zu noch ab. Wahre Liebe ist bedingungslos. In Liebe gibt es keine Erwartung. Liebe erwartet niemals etwas. In weltlichen Interaktionen siegt nur die Liebe über Kinder, Angestellte und jeden anderen. Alle anderen Mittel werden sich letztendlich als sinnlos erweisen. Selbst wenn du eine Pflanze hast, musst du sie mit Liebe nähren. Sie bloß mit Wasser zu begießen und sie anzuschreien, wird nicht helfen. Mit Liebe gepflegt, wenn du mit Liebe zu ihr sprichst, wird sie dir schöne große Blüten schenken! Stell dir vor, wie viel mehr Einfluss sie auf den Menschen haben kann! Wenn man die höchste Liebe erreichen will, eine Liebe, die diese Welt zuvor noch nicht gesehen, gehört, geglaubt oder erlebt hat, dann sollte man die lebendige Verkörperung der Liebe verehren, den Gnani Purush (Meister der spirituellen Wissenschaft). Lese weiter, um dein Leben mit Liebe und Glück zu erfüllen.

Reinicia: 10 fundamentos del éxito personal y profesional

by Gus Marcos

¿Un emprendedor nace o se hace? ¿Cuál es el arquetipo del emprendedor? ¿Qué significa el éxito para un emprendedor? ¿Qué habilidades son esenciales para alcanzar el éxito? ¿Se puede ir tras el sueño de un proyecto sin descuidar la salud y la familia? ¿Cómo capitalizar los aprendizajes de la vida personal para impulsar la profesional y viceversa? Emprender es una forma de vida. Construir un negocio y alcanzar el bienestar es una misión que exige lo mejor de nosotros. El camino nos pone a prueba y a la meta solo llegan aquellos dispuestos a enfrentar la incertidumbre y hacer los sacrificios necesarios para ver realizado su sueño. Gus Marcos, emprendedor serial y líder de negocios en México, responde en este libro todas estas preguntas a través de las anécdotas y los aprendizajes que ha acumulado como empresario durante más de una década. En estas páginas, escritas con la misma convicción con la que Gus afronta cada uno de sus proyectos, encontrarás lo que para él son los 10 fundamentosdel éxito tanto en la vida privada como en la laboral. Sus principios inspirarán tanto a emprendedores como a aquellos que aún no se deciden a seguir sus sueños y buscan motivación, y se basan en una idea clave: hay que reiniciar la vida con un nuevo mindset para llegar a los lugares más prósperos.

El Reino Sobrenatural

by Elisabeth Frias Bill Vincent

Bill vivió una época en la cual la presencia de Dios alcanzó su vida y le trajo favores sobrenaturales, poder, revelaciones, visiones abiertas y encuentros con el Cielo. A muchos les satisface un pequeño toque de cielo. Hay cosas escondidas esperando ser descubiertas para un momento como este. ¿Por qué esperar morir para vivir experiencias celestiales? Le encantará este libro, El Reino Sobrenatural.

Reinvent: Start Fresh and Love Life!

by Beth Jones

Reach your God-given potential and live a joyful life by finding your purpose in Christ with this inspiring guide from Beth Jones, host of Hillsong Channel's The Basics With Beth.The world around us is in a constant state of reinvention, from technology, to careers, to family. It's easy to struggle in the midst of change, and each season brings new challenges. But we need reinvention: the kind that leads us to new fulfillment and our calling in Christ. To REINVENT ourselves in Christ means a transformation in our hearts, souls, bodies, and minds. And we can achieve this by biblically exploring and answering the questions: What do you want? What do you have? What will you do? and Why will you do it?Let the baggage of the past become history today. Let God renew your hope, and you will experience the joy of living like never before. No matter what has happened, and no matter where you are on this journey, REINVENT will help you start fresh and love life!

Reinvent Me: How to Transform Your Life and Career

by Camilla Sacre-Dallerup

<p>In 2008, at the top of her game as a professional dancer, Camilla left <i>Strictly Come Dancing</i>. Today, although she still dances, she has undergone her own career reinvention. Having trained as a life coach, Camilla is now a motivational speaker, hypnotherapist and meditation teacher. <i>Reinvent Me</i> is a complete 8-part programme created by Camilla to help anyone who is considering reinventing any part of their life. In each part you will find exercises and tools, examples from Camilla’s own life, success stories from other people and a section on overcoming barriers. Each chapter ends with an affirmation for you to use as you complete each part of the programme. Work through the programme at your own pace and see your transformation unfold. <p>The Reinvent Me Programme in a Nutshell: <p> <li><b>R</b> = Recognize: work out where you are and where you need to be currently <li><b>E</b> = Ego: learn how to free yourself from ego-based decisions <li><b>I</b> = Innovation: plan what action you need to take to start turning your dream into a reality <li><b>N</b> = Now: stop procrastinating and start taking action <li><b>V</b> = Visualize: visualize your reinvented life and find the courage within to start your new adventure <li><b>E</b> = Evolve: learn to go with the flow of life and become more you <li><b>N</b> = Nurture: discover why it’s essential to nurture your talents and yourself as you go through the process of reinvention <li><b>T</b> = Transformation: commit to your reinvention and embrace your new you.</li> </p>

Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success

by Megan McNealy

The secret sauce of Reinvent the Wheel is a simple, yet powerful image, the Well Being Wheel, created by the author to reinforce her revolutionary process for achieving total well-being. Created to restore her own well-being and turbo-charge her success, The Well Being Wheel is used by thousands of business high-achievers as a tool for optimizing their health, happiness and work performance. Each succinct chapter highlights a spoke of the Wheel: 6 for BODY, 6 for MIND and 6 for SPIRIT along with instructions to readers for customizing the 18 spokes for themselves. Exclusive interviews and original content from well-being fueled "Exceptional Executives," including John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, and Kevin Johnson, CEO and President of Starbucks, who excel at a specific "spoke" of the wheel, reinforce the concepts and inspire readers. These extraordinary business leaders offer a fascinating look into the daily habits and strategies that fuel their lives, and in doing so, prove that well-being does drive success.

Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success

by Megan McNealy

In Reinvent the Wheel, McNealy takes on the mistaken belief, pervasive in our workplaces, that doing well is more important than being well. In executive summary style, with to-the-point research combined with poignant stories, McNealy shows that well-being, in fact, drives, promotes and accelerates success. The secret sauce of Reinvent the Wheel is a simple, yet powerful image, the Well Being Wheel, created by McNealy to reinforce her revolutionary process for achieving total well-being. Created to restore her own well-being and turbo-charge her success, the Well Being Wheel is used by thousands of business high-achievers as a tool for optimizing their health, happiness, and work performance. Each succinct chapter highlights a spoke of the Wheel: 6 for BODY 6 for MIND 6 for SPIRIT Along with instructions to readers for customizing the 18 spokes for themselves, the book features exclusive interviews and original content from 18 well-being fueled "Exceptional Executives," CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs who master and leverage these different aspects of well-being, and consistently show up in breakout mode. With surprising candor and openness, the Exceptional Executives share their secrets to well-being, and include, among others: John Mackey, Co-founder of Whole Foods Market, Steven Rice, Chief Human Resources Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Kara Goldin, Founder and CEO of Hint, Inc., Chip Conley, Founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels, Gopi Kallayil, Chief Evangelist of Brand Marketing at Google, and Robyn Denholm, CFO Telstra Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Tesla. Their behind-the-scenes strategies inspire the reader to up-level their belief in what level of success, in business and life, is possible.

Reinvent Your Personal Safety: 3 Keys to Successful Self-Protection for Women

by Matt Tamas

In Reinvent Your Personal Safety, Matt Tamas takes women through a proactive approach to personal safety, one that isn’t about honing technical moves or perfecting technique, but more about showing them how to work with their own body and mind, considering realistic scenarios, and training them to take appropriate action. Matt’s job, as a personal safety coach, is to not only give women the tools to fight back during an assault, but also to help them prevent themselves from being assaulted in the first place. The right action to take is often in advance of a likely violent encounter in order to avoid it altogether. The best way to protect one’s self is avoiding the situation in which she is forced to defend herself. Reinvent Your Personal Safety talks about the different ways this is possible, as well as about the best way to handle one’s self when violent confrontation simply cannot be avoided. This is for the high-school girl, for the grandmother, for the young professional, for the working mother – anyone who is willing to overcome their limiting beliefs about what they’re capable of and key into what self-protection is really about. In reality, knowledge of the appropriate action to take in any given situation is worth scores more than athleticism.

Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma: Como Crear Un Nuevo Tu (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by Deepak Chopra

TRASCIENDE LOS OBSTÁCULOS QUE AFECTAN A TU CUERPO Y A TU ESPÍRITU 15 años después de su gran clásico Cuerpos sin edad, mentes sin tiempo, Deepak Chopra revisa el milagro olvidadola capacidad infinita de renovación y cambio del ser humano. Tu cuerpo físico es una ficción nos dice Chopra. Cada célula está compuesta de dos elementos básicos: conciencia y energía. Aquí aprenderás a aprovechar esos elementos para cambiar los patrones de energía distorsionados que son la causa de las enfermedades y el envejecimiento. Pero la transformación no trata solo del cuerpo; debe incorporar también el alma. El alma aparentemente invisible, distante, y apartada del mundo material en realidad crea al cuerpo. Y solo al llegar a ella alcanzarás tu máximo potencial, y conseguirás mayor percepción, inteligencia y creatividad en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Reinventar el cuerpo, resucitar el alma ofrece 10 pasos cinco para el cuerpo y cinco para el alma que nos llevarána la auto transformación. Con su estilo claro y accesible, Chopra nos invita a vivir con él los milagros que suceden cuando conectamos el cuerpo directamente a los maravillosos misterios que dan sentido y significado a la vida directamente al alma.

Reinvéntate: 10 herramientas para renovar tu vida y la de tu empresa

by Wendy Wunder

Un ebook para afrontar el gran reto de transformarse y redefinirse ante la adversidad La pandemia que asola nuestro país es una clara muestra de que las crisis pueden provenir en los momentos más inesperados. Así, en tiempos de incertidumbre y caos, muchos sentimos la necesidad de reinventarnos. El mundo lo exige. Reivéntate. 10 herramientas para renovar tu vida y la de tu empresa es un e-book que ofrece claves para sobrevivir al necesario cambio. Al abordar temas como el miedo, el coraje, la incertidumbre y la concentración, entre otros, propone algunas pautas para que logres plantearte nuevos objetivos y alcanzar el éxito a nivel profesional o personal. Para transformar una crisis en una verdadera oportunidad.

Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection

by Ed Frauenheim Ed Adams

"A wonderful book for thinking about how to release ourselves from crippling processes. It's time for men—and for all of us—to stand up and say, ‘Give us back our full humanity, give us back our dignity.'"—Paul Gilbert, PhD, author of The Compassionate Mind In a recent FiveThirtyEight poll, 60 percent of men surveyed said society puts pressure on men to behave in a way that is unhealthy or bad. Men account for 80 percent of suicides in the United States, and three in ten American men have suffered from depression. Ed Adams and Ed Frauenheim say a big part of the problem is a model of masculinity that's become outmoded and even dangerous, to both men and women. The conventional notion of what it means to be a man—what Adams and Frauenheim call "Confined Masculinity"—traps men in an emotional straitjacket; steers them toward selfishness, misogyny, and violence; and severely limits their possibilities. As an antidote, they propose a new paradigm: Liberating Masculinity. It builds on traditional masculine roles like the protector and provider, expanding men's options to include caring, collaboration, emotional expressivity, an inclusive spirit, and environmental stewardship. Through hopeful stories of men who have freed themselves from the strictures of Confined Masculinity, interviews with both leaders and everyday men, and practical exercises, this book shows the power of a masculinity defined by what the authors call the five Cs: curiosity, courage, compassion, connection, and commitment. Men will discover a way of being that fosters healthy, harmonious relationships at home, at work, and in the world.

Reinventing You

by Dorie Clark

A step-by-step guide to reinventing youAre you where you want to be professionally?Whether you want to advance faster at your present company, change jobs, or make the jump to a new field entirely, the goal is clear: to build a career that thrives on your unique passions and talents. But to achieve this in today's competitive job market, it's almost certain that at some point you'll need to reinvent yourself professionally. Consider this book your road map for the next phase of your career journey.In Reinventing You, branding expert Dorie Clark provides a step-by-step guide to help you assess your unique strengths, develop a compelling personal brand, and ensure that others recognize the powerful contribution you can make.Mixing personal stories with engaging interviews and examples from well-known personalities-Mark Zuckerberg, Al Gore, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and others-Reinventing You shows how to think big about your professional goals, take control of your career, build a reputation that opens doors for you, and finally live the life you want.

Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthough Program to End Negative Behavior...and Feel Great Again

by Aaron T. Beck Jeffrey E. Young Janet S. Klosko

Two of America's leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D., show readers how to free themselves from negative life patterns. Written with compassion as well as clinical insight, this thought-provoking book guides readers through the process of identifying "life traps." For example, "Do you put the needs of others before your own? Are you drawn into relationships with people who are self-centered, cold to you, misunderstand you, or use you? Do you feel inadequate compared to people around you?" Followed by an engaging discussion that makes use of case studies, this book can help people change their lives by stopping the cycle of self-destruction.

Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthough Program to End Negative Behavior... And Feel Great Again

by Jeffrey E. Young Janet S. Klosko

Two of America's leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph. D. , and Janet S. Klosko, Ph. D. , show readers how to free themselves from negative life patterns. Written with compassion as well as clinical insight, this thought-provoking book guides readers through the process of identifying "life traps. " For example, "Do you put the needs of others before your own? Are you drawn into relationships with people who are self-centered, cold to you, misunderstand you, or use you? Do you feel inadequate compared to people around you?" Followed by an engaging discussion that makes use of case studies, this book can help people change their lives by stopping the cycle of self-destruction.

Reinventing Yourself with The Duchess of York: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Changing Your Weight and Your Life

by Sarah, The Duchess of York Weight Watchers

Are you ready to change your life? Join Sarah, The Duchess of York on an inspiring journey to help you rediscover -- and achieve -- your true goals.Today, The Duchess of York is a confident, single working mother of two girls. But, as most of the world knows, that wasn't always the case. Once targeted by the international press, The Duchess has learned one of life's great lessons: how to uncover what you want out of life and get it. She reveals how the ups and downs of her life -- including her divorce, her financial problems, and the deaths of those close to her -- have made her a stronger, wiser person and a better mother.In the first chapter, "Transforming My Life," The Duchess explores how, when and why she decided to take charge and reinvent her life. In the chapters that follow, readers will discover how they, too, can change their own lives. The book provides a series of self-assessment quizzes and questionnaires, as well as concrete steps you can take to initiate change. Throughout, The Duchess offers her insights, including how each chapter topic relates to her life and what she has learned from others.Reinventing Yourself with The Duchess of York supplies a blueprint for action for anyone seeking to change her life. In an easy-to-follow format, the book provides concrete information and advice on how to use an eight-step plan to achieve your goals -- whether it's losing weight, getting fit, or simply improving your health. Reinventing Yourself also explains how to apply the plan to other areas of life, including changing careers, starting over after divorce, and more.To help inspire you toward your goals, Reinventing Yourself also includes heartwarming and motivating profiles of women who have redefined their lives: Weight Watchers Leaders, real women who have lost weight and transformed their lives in countless ways. In interviews with The Duchess and profiles throughout, these women explore how to make the best of your circumstances, live a happier, healthier life, and change your destiny.

Reinvention: Changing Your Life, Your Career, Your Future

by Arlene Dickinson

Do you want or need to change your life, but aren’t sure where to start—or whether you have what it takes?At fifty-seven, Arlene Dickinson’s life was turned upside down. Her company was on the brink of disaster. Her sense of herself as a strong, confident leader was in tatters. She was overwhelmed by feelings of loss, fear, and shame. Five years later, her business is booming, she’s never been happier or more excited about the future, and she’s raised tens of millions of dollars and built a whole ecosystem to help other entrepreneurs.How did she turn things around? By following the process she’s always used to transform underperforming companies—only this time, she used it to transform her own life. Applying business principles to her personal life helped her figure out very quickly where she wanted to go and how to get there. Having a clear set of practical steps to follow kept her on track when emotions threatened to derail her progress. In Reinvention, Dickinson shares this blueprint for locating your sense of purpose, realistically evaluating your strengths, assessing opportunities outside your comfort zone, and charting a bold new path. Whether you have a big career dream to achieve, or you need to rebuild after a personal setback, this step-by-step plan for reinvention will help you change your own life—for the better.

Reinvention: How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

by Brian Tracy

"Just the person to give us that much needed motivational kick in the pants I think reinvention would be a worthy New Year's resolution. " - Soundview Executive Summaries "This unique, life-altering book gives readers an interactive series of exercises they can use to focus on what they really want for themselves. " - Retirement Business "Comes at an ideal time for those forced into a new direction, or those who want to take advantage of the economic upheaval to remake themselves. " - Accounting Today "A powerful key to job fulfillment and reinvention overall and comes from a success expert with an international reputation here's how to evaluate, form a game plan for, and implement change. " - The Midwest Book Review "Part motivational, part instructional, and part do-it-yourself, Reinvention promotes self reflection and thinking about what is possible. This book is a must read. " - Graziadio Business ReportFrom success expert Brian Tracy . . . a guide for anyone looking for success, fulfillment and a fresh start. If you knew you couldn't fail, what is the greatest thing you would dare to dream? Is the job you now have the one you've always wanted? Do you work with the kind of people you'd like to work with? As personal success expert Brian Tracy can attest, it's not until you deal with the dissatisfactions of the present that you can move onward and upward to create the wonderful future that is possible for you. And it is possible. In Reinvention, Brian Tracy reveals how every one of us is engineered for success, and with the right focus, can remake ourselves and put an end to the chronic stress, unhappiness and dissatisfaction we might feel in our careers and lives. This unique, life-altering book gives readers an interactive series of exercises they can use to focus on what they really want for themselves, and: * take control of their careers * turn unexpected shakeups and turbulence into positive occasions for growth * dramatically improve their earning ability * develop the self-confidence to take the kind of risks that lead to rapid advancement * decide on and get the job they really want * set clear goals for their lives * write resumes that get results * determine their own salary rangeWe live in a time of rapid change. . . but also of unprecedented opportunity. This book supplies readers with a proven system they can use to turn their greatest dreams into reality.

The Reinvention Formula: How to Unlock a Bulletproof Mindset to Upgrade Your Life

by Craig Siegel

Reinvention is ready when you areIn The Reinvention Formula: How to Unlock a Bulletproof Mindset to Upgrade Your Life, accomplished speaker and performance coach Craig Siegel walks you through the exciting process of fundamentally redefining your identity and how you choose to show up in the world. In the book, you’ll find a new level of clarity, feel more worthy, learn to grow from failure and pivot successfully, find what sets your soul on fire, and commit to changing the course of your life and finding the fulfilment you’ve been missing. The author explores lasting lessons, stories, and strategies drawn from his popular The CLS Experience podcast where he has interviewed countless celebrities, athletes, thought leaders, and bestselling authors. The material within is raw, real, and relatable to anyone, from any background, and in any industry. You’ll also find: Strategies for eliminating negative, unproductive thoughts and replacing them with constructive new beliefs that drive incredible results in your personal and professional lives Ways to balance making an impact, earning a lucrative living, and cultivating a new mindset Methods for reimagining how you present yourself to other people The Reinvention Formula is a step-by-step walkthrough for anyone ready to put in the effort to completely reimagine how they relate to the world around them.

Reinvention Roadmap: Break the Rules to Get the Job You Want and Career You Deserve

by Liz Ryan

<p>Break the rules and take charge of your career! <p>The traditional job-search approaches just don’t work anymore, and the days of trusting your career to your employer are long over. The new-millennium workplace requires all of us to rewrite the rules and start treating our careers like we’re running a business—which means understanding the markets for our talents, knowing our value, and looking out over the horizon to plot our paths going forward. <p>Liz Ryan is a former Fortune 500 HR SVP and the world’s most widely read workplace thought leader. She understands the recruiting system as only an insider can, and she shows you how to stay focused on your goals and distinguish yourself from masses of job seekers. In <i>Reinvention Roadmap</i>, you’ll discover new tools, such as a “Pain Letter” and your “Human-Voiced Resume” to land not just any job, but a job that celebrates your unique talents and takes you to the level where you want to be. <p>Whether you’re entering the workplace or looking to switch careers, you can get the perfect job if you step off the beaten path and follow the approaches insiders use to gain access to the best positions. <i>Reinvention Roadmap</i> is the colorful, fun, irreverent, and deeply practical guide to getting the job you want and building the career of your dreams.</p>

Reinventores: Descubra creatividad y nuevos modelos de negocio con los mejores cocineros

by Marta Fernández Guadaño

Lo que todos podemos aprender del éxito de los grandes cocineros españoles. La transformación de la cocina española en las últimas décadas ha supuesto un fenómeno de dimensiones mundiales y ha dado a conocer a una serie de cocineros que se han convertido en referente social y empresarial. Reinventores explica las claves de este fenómeno, y ofrece una serie de lecciones que todos podemos aplicar en nuestro trabajo, por muy alejado que este se encuentre de la gastronomía. Partiendo de los casos de los cocineros más conocidos y de otros que no lo son tanto, comprenderemos gracias a este libro la importancia de la creatividad, la relación con el cliente y la exploración constante de nuevos modelos de negocio, a veces visionarios, y aprenderemos a aplicar estas lecciones en nuestra propia empresa. Marta Fernández Guadaño nos adentra en el mundo de los fogones de una forma amena, directa y de primera mano para explicarnos qué se esconde en realidad detrás del éxito de la cocina española, y que ha convertido a este sector en puntero y en un referente en todo el mundo. Reseña:«Un estudio profundo, preciso y directo de las claves empresariales de los restaurantes que han conducido la revolución gastronómica española.»Joan, Josep y Jordi Roca, propietarios de El Celler de Can Roca (Girona) «Es la obra imprescindible para entender las claves del éxito profesional y empresarial de la mejor cocina española de todos los tiempos.»Andoni Luis Aduriz, cocinero y propietario de Mugaritz (Rentería, Guipúzcoa) «Reinventores es una referencia única, el primer libro de management con la gastronomía y sus diferentes modelos de negocio como hilo conductor.»Diego Guerrero, cocinero y director gastronómico de El Club Allard (Madrid) «No es fácil condensar en un solo libro tantas enseñanzas prácticas. Una herramienta básica para reflexionar en el camino del éxito.»José Carlos Capel, crítico gastronómico y creador de Madrid Fusión «Estamos condenados a innovar para crecer. La cocina se volverá a reinventar con internet y con los modelos disruptivos como los que cuenta Marta.»Pablo Rodríguez, director de Investigación de Telefónica I+D y del Proyecto de Telefónica I+D con el Bullifoundation

Reír, crecer, vivir: Reflexiones que pintarán tu sonrisa y encenderán tu corazón

by José Luis Navajo

Reír, crecer, vivir es un viaje transformador de fe y alegría escrito por el respetado autor y pastor, José Luis Navajo. En este singular diario devocional, Navajo invita a los lectores a embarcarse en una exploración de cuarenta días de las enseñanzas de la Biblia a través de la lente de eventos reales y humorísticos dentro de la comunidad evangélica.En Reír, crecer, vivir, Navajo entrelaza magistralmente lo placentero y lo profundo, infundiendo cada reflexión diaria con humor y perspicacia espiritual. La risa diaria proporcionada por los eventos de la vida real sirve como recordatorio de que la alegría es una parte esencial de nuestro viaje espiritual. Mientras te ríes, también creces, tanto en tu comprensión de las Escrituras como en tu relación personal con Cristo.Este libro:Fomentará una reflexión personal profunda e inspirará a los lectores a aplicar la sabiduría de la Biblia en su vida diaria.Ofrecerá razones diarias para reír, proporcionando un necesario respiro de las ansiedades y cargas de la vida moderna.Facilitará que los lectores se identifiquen y se sumerjan en las narrativas con historias extraídas de eventos reales en todo el mundo.Además, el formato de este diario devocional está diseñado para que sea accesible a lectores de todas las edades, géneros y nacionalidades.Requiriendo tan solo quince minutos al día, este devocional es perfecto para personas que quizás no tienen el hábito regular de la lectura. Así que, embarquémonos en este viaje encantador y enriquecedor, y permitamos que Reír, crecer, vivir traiga alegría, sabiduría bíblica e inspire una reflexión personal profunda en nuestra vida diaria.Laughing, Growing, LivingLaughing, Growing, Living is a transformative journey of faith and joy penned by the esteemed author and Pastor, José Luis Navajo. In this unique devotional journal, Navajo invites readers to embark on a forty-day exploration of the Bible's teachings through the lens of real-life, humorous events within the evangelical community. In Laughing, Growing, Living, Navajo masterfully intertwines the playful and profound, infusing each day's reflection with humor and spiritual insight. The daily laughter provided by the real-life events serves as a reminder that joy is an essential part of one's spiritual journey. As you laugh, you also grow—both in your understanding of the Scriptures and in your personal relationship with Christ.This book:Encourage deep personal reflection and inspire readers to apply the wisdom of the Bible to their daily lives.Offers daily reasons to laugh, providing a much-needed respite from the anxieties and burdens of modern life.Make it easy for readers to identify with and immerse themselves in the narratives with stories drawn from real events worldwide.What's more, this devotional journal format is designed to be accessible to readers of all ages, genders, and nationalities.Requiring just fifteen minutes a day, this devotional is perfect for individuals who may not have a regular reading habit. So, embark on this delightful and enriching journey, and let Laughing, Growing, Living bring joy, biblical wisdom, and encourage deep personal reflection into your daily life.

Rejection Proof

by Jia Jiang

An entertaining and inspiring account of conquering his fear of rejection, offering a completely new perspective on how to turn a no into a yes. Jia Jiang came to the United States with the dream of being the next Bill Gates. But despite early success in the corporate world, his first attempt to pursue his entrepreneurial dream ended in rejection. Jia was crushed, and spiraled into a period of deep self doubt. But he realized that his fear of rejection was a bigger obstacle than any single rejection would ever be, and he needed to find a way to cope with being told no without letting it destroy him. Thus was born his "100 days of rejection" experiment, during which he willfully sought rejection on a daily basis--from requesting a lesson in sales from a car salesman (no) to asking a flight attendant if he could make an announcement on the loud speaker (yes) to his famous request to get Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the shape of Olympic rings (yes, with a viral video to prove it). Jia learned that even the most preposterous wish may be granted if you ask in the right way, and shares the secret of successful asking, how to pick targets, and how to tell when an initial no can be converted into something positive. But more important, he learned techniques for steeling himself against rejection and ways to develop his own confidence--a plan that can't be derailed by a single setback. Filled with great stories and valuable insight, Rejection Proof is a fun and thoughtful examination of how to overcome fear and dare to live more boldly.From the Hardcover edition.

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