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Showing 27,451 through 27,475 of 36,883 results

The Rejection That Changed My Life: 25+ Powerful Women on Being Let Down, Turning It Around, and Burning It Up at Work

by Jessica Bacal

From the groundbreaking author of Mistakes I Made at Work, comes the perfect book for anyone who needs inspiration after dealing with rejection, failure, or is searching for a new beginning in the workplace. Featuring fascinating interviews with more than twenty-five women, including Keri Smith, Angela Duckworth, and Roz Chast, The Rejection That Changed My Life provides an exciting new way to think about career challenges, changes, and triumphs. Rejections don't go on your résumé, but they are part of every successful person's career. All of us will apply for jobs that we don't get and have ambitions that aren't fulfilled, because that is part of being a working person, part of pushing oneself to the next step professionally. While everyone deserves feel-better stories, women are more likely to ruminate, more likely to overthink rejection until it becomes even more painful—a situation that the women in this collection are determined to change, and in so doing, normalize rejection and encourage others to talk about it. Empowering and full of heart, the stories in this collection are diverse in every sense, by top women from many cultural backgrounds and in a wide variety of fields; many of their hard-earned lessons are universal. There are stories from engineers, entrepreneurs, activists, comedians, professors, lawyers, chefs, and more on how they coped with rejection and even experienced it as a catalyst for their own personal professional growth. Powerful, motivating, and endlessly quotable and shareable, The Rejection That Changed My Life will become the go-to book for women at any stage of their career learning to navigate the workforce.


by Tonya Bolden Eartha Kitt

The purr-fect guide to staying mentally and physically healthy and vital from the legendary star who defines longevity. From her hit songs in the 1950s and television stardom as Catwoman on Batman in the 1960s to her sold-out shows at New York's Café Carlyle in the 1990s, her Tony-nominated role on Broadway in 1999, and her hilarious performance as Yzma, the villainess in Disney's The Emperor's New Groove in 2000, Eartha Kitt is one of America's most versatile and enduring performers. Now, at seventy-four and still going strong, Kitt reveals her secrets of vitality in Rejuvenate!, an elegant and inspiring book. Seductive, provocative, amusing, and calming, she combines the lessons of her life -- from a difficult childhood in the South and in Harlem to the joys and challenges of her life in the public eye -- to offer this wise window into her incredible mental and physical vigor and an open invitation to the joys of aging in style. Rejuvenate! is a simple, user-friendly guide that doesn't require a gym, a personal trainer, or even exercise equipment. Each of the nine chapters, with titles such as "Bend," "Stretch," and "Rock-and-Roll," features one basic exercise for the body with easy-to-follow instructions and an entertaining, inspiring message for the mind.

Rejuvenecer y vivir más: Diez pasos para revertir el envejecimiento

by Deepak Chopra David Simon

Deepak Chopra y David Simon, dos de los más reconocidos médicos pensadores de nuestro tiempo, desvelan en este libro los secretos para renovarse y revertir los efectos del envejecimiento. Un maravilloso viaje a través del milagro del rejuvenecimiento. Este libro nos brinda todas las herramientas necesarias para revertir nuestra edad biológica a través de diez pasos, explicados de forma clara y sencilla, que nos permitirán mantener la mente joven, cultivar la flexibilidad, reavivar la energía sexual, fortalecer nuestro sistema inmunológico y cambiar nuestras percepciones. Deja a un lado el escepticismo y observa los efectos rejuvenecedores de este milagroso programa.

Relacionamentos Tóxicos: Reconhecendo & Aprendendo A Consertá-Los Ou Descartá-Los

by Ana Claudia Antunes Sarah Goldberg

Relacionamentos tóxicos o destroem mentalmente. Leia este livro para saber se você está em um e o que fazer para corrigir tanto o relacionamento tóxico ou deixá-lo completamenteÉ um fato triste que homens e mulheres em todos os lugares estão envolvidos em relacionamentos tóxicos e alguns deles podem até mesmo levar à violência doméstica. É um fato triste que as pessoas abusadas nessas relações permaneçam nelas e continuem a se machucar. Muitas vezes a pessoa abusada nem sequer percebe que se encontra em um relacionamento tóxico!Este livro vai lhe ensinar como reconhecer um relacionamento tóxico e se você estiver em um relacionamento tóxico ele vai ensiná-lo a "corrigi-lo ou esquecê-lo"!Neste livro, você vai aprender:1. Os fatores que conduzem ao desenvolvimento de uma relação tóxica2. As repercussões negativas de ficar em um relacionamento tóxico3. Como "consertar ou esquecer" um relacionamento tóxico4. Como se recuperar de estar em um relacionamento tóxico, uma vez que você está fora dele5. E muito maisNinguém precisa ficar em um relacionamento tóxico. Se você pensa que pode estar em um relacionamento tóxico, compre este livro hoje e comece a se libertar da dor desse relacionamento tóxico.

Relaciones 101

by John C. Maxwell

Trata sobre cómo conectarse con otros, cómo alentar a los que nos rodean y cómo ser mejores oidores. Relaciones 101 es el instrumento perfecto para quien desee mejorar sus relaciones con los demás.

Relaciones emocionalmente sanas - Día a día: Una jornada de 40 días para cambiar profundamente tus relaciones

by Peter Scazzero

En este revolucionario libro devocional, Peter Scazzero reintroduce y desarrolla la antigua disciplina espiritual del Oficio Diario. La premisa básica es simple: los cristianos deben pausar intencionalmente dos veces al día para estar con Dios, de modo que la práctica de la presencia de Dios sea una realidad en sus vidas.Con el mismo ritmo poderoso que el devocional Espiritualidad emocionalmente sana, cada día presenta dos oficios: mañana/mediodía y mediodía/noche, donde cada devocional reflexionará sobre temas de relaciones emocionalmente sanas, como clarificar las expectativas, escuchar con empatía y jugar limpio. Los lectores serán guiados a una práctica de transformación que profundizará su caminar diario con Jesús.

Relaciones que funcionan: Cómo entenderte hasta con tu peor enemigo

by Alex Galofré Ferran Ramón-Cortes

Una herramienta para conocer mejor a los demás, ajustar nuestra relación con ellos y, de esta forma, evitar malentendidos y conflictos. Las personas tenemos estilos diferentes, y esto hace que recibamos la comunicación de forma diferente. Adaptar nuestra comunicación al estilo de la persona a la que nos dirigimos hace que nos podamos entender mejor. Para conseguir una relación positiva entre distintos estilos, necesitamos tender puentes de comprensión y aceptación. Necesitamos entender qué necesita cada estilo y qué debemos evitar. Solo así podremos vencer malentendidos y conflictos. Relaciones que funcionan parte de la idea de que cada persona posee un estilo de relación con los otros diferente, y que esos estilos se pueden agrupar en cuatro grandes tipologías. A partir de estas tipologías, los autores proponen una metodología para conocer a nuestros interlocutores y adaptar nuestra comunicación a ellos, de forma que sea más persuasiva. El libro también introduce una reflexión sobre cómo nos podemos relacionar con personas que son aparentemente antagónicas a nosotros, dando explicación a incomprensiones y conflictos a los que a veces nos enfrentamos sin comprender cómo se han originado, y menos aún, cómo resolverlos.

Relaciones tóxicas

by Magui Block

Un método simple y probado para detectar, transformar y soltar las relaciones negativas. Las relaciones son para nutrirnos y para hacernos felices. Una cuando ocurre lo contrario y la relación te succiona, haciéndote infeliz. Esta distinción parece muy simple, pero en la práctica se complica y no es tan obvio. La mayoría de las personas que están en relaciones tóxicas ¡ni siquiera se dan cuenta! A través de su método de tres pasos —reconocer lo que causa tu problema, identificar lo que te hace falta y transformar tu situación—, Magui te ayudará a reconstruir tus relaciones con amor y a soltar las que no te benefician. En Relaciones tóxicas aprenderás a: • Identificar cómo es una relación tóxica y distinguir cuáles de tus relaciones no son saludables. • Conocer las razones que han hecho que te involucres en las relaciones tóxicas de tu vida y resolver los asuntos que hay detrás. • Detectar por qué sigues bloqueado en tus relaciones tóxicas actuales y cómo transformarlas. • Evaluar las relaciones con tu familia y contigo mismo. • Soltar las dinámicas tóxicas.

Relaciones Tóxicas - Reconócelas Y Aprende A Solucionarlas O A Olvidarlas

by Sara Del Cueto Sarah Goldberg

Las relaciones tóxicas pueden destrozarte mentalmente. Lee este libro para descubrir si estás inmersa en una y qué debes hacer para poder solucionarla o bien, para dejarla atrás para siempre.Es muy triste saber que hombres y mujeres de todo el mundo viven relaciones tóxicas, y que algunas de estas desembocarán en violencia doméstica. Y es aún más triste saber que las víctimas de los abusos de estas relaciones, siguen viviéndolas desde dentro y siguen sufriendo. Lo peor es que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la persona que sufre los abusos ni siquiera es consciente de que vive atrapada en una relación tóxica.Este libro te enseñará a reconocer una relación tóxica y, si la tuya lo es, te explicará cómo arreglarla u olvidarla.En este libro descubrirás:1. Factores que llevan al desarrollo de una relación tóxica.2. Repercusiones negativas de verse inmerso en una relación tóxica.3. Cómo arreglar u olvidar una relación tóxica.4. Cómo sobreponerse a una relación tóxica una vez la has dejado atrás.5. Y mucho más.Nadie necesita una relación tóxica en su vida. Si crees que puedes estar viviendo una, compra este libro hoy mismo y empieza a liberarte del dolor de esa relación tóxica.

Relájate Para Perder Peso

by Vanesa Alvarez Ortiz Melissa Martin

Cómo perder libras sin dietas exigentes, trucos ni píldoras peligrosas, usando el poder de la alimentación razonable, el agua, el oxígeno y la psicología de la imagen personal Ya contaste calorías. Te atiborraste de proteínas y después de carbohidratos. Hiciste la dieta del pomelo, la del chocolate y la de la banana. Corriste horas alrededor de la manzana. Fuiste a reuniones semanales. Gastaste dinero en costosas máquinas de ejercicios. Bebiste galones de batidos. Consumiste miles de píldoras. Comiste cientos de barras de reemplazo de comidas. Mantuviste un registro diario o un blog sobre tu pérdida de peso. Compraste platos pequeños para que tus porciones parezcan grandes. Desperdiciaste miles de dólares en alimentos especiales. Te engrapaste las orejas. Sin embargo, sigues teniendo sobrepeso. Quizás perdiste algunas libras, pero las recuperaste y engordaste más. Este es el momento para dejar de esforzarte tanto para perder peso y adelgazar de una manera más fácil. Relájate para perder peso. Es la única forma de hacerlo. Sin correr cientos de millas. Sin saltar todo el día con un DVD aeróbico. Sin dietas tediosas. Sin comprar alimentos especiales. Sin contar calorías. Sin pelear contra tus antojos. Ya no te estreses por tu peso. Relájate y deja que tu cuerpo delgado sea libre.

relatable: How to Connect with Anyone, Anywhere (Even If It Scares You)

by Rachel DeAlto

From media personality and communication expert Rachel DeAlto, learn how to connect with anyone, anywhere with this helpful guide for improving your social skills in every setting, including networking events, interviews, dates, and more.We all have the desire to belong, to connect. And in the age of social media, making personal connections has been more challenging than ever. Millennials and Zoomers tend to have high anxiety at the thought of meeting new people and often fumble during in-person relationships. They struggle to connect, don&’t know how to make friends, and subsequently flounder in workplace relationships. Sound familiar? But relationship expert and media personality Rachel DeAlto knows that it doesn&’t have to be that way. Everyone can be likable. Everyone can be confident. And anyone can achieve this authentically. With a fresh, fun, and humorous tone, relatable provides a step-by-step guide that will take you from socially awkward to awesome. You will finally feel more comfortable in social and professional settings so you can let your true character shine as you form lasting, authentic, and meaningful connections with everyone in the room.

The Relate Guide to Finding Love

by Barbara Bloomfield Relate

Why are you looking for love right now? What kind of relationship do you want? How will you know if you find 'The One'? The Relate Guide to Finding Love will answer all these questions, and more.From the UK's leading relationship counsellor, The Relate Guide to Finding Love offers common sense help and advice on all aspects of dating and relationships. Short, snappy chapters, each containing a thought-provoking exercise, plus personal case histories, combine to make this a fun and interesting read to help you to:- Discover your needs and what you expect from a relationship- Get yourself into the right frame of mind to meet someone new- Make the most of online dating and singles events- Identify whether your new love is really the one for youWhether you are looking for a long-term relationship or just a quick fling, this practical, accessible guide is perfect for you.

Relational Feedback: Why Feedback Fails and How to Make It Meaningful

by Lise Lewis

People are increasingly disenchanted with performance improvement techniques that fail to deliver. This book offers a new and refreshing way of engaging in authentic feedback that is willingly given and well-received. It demonstrates that focusing on the quality of relationship improves the activity of feedback. The Relational Leadership WAY© that is the core of this book was created from a thematic analysis of a doctoral research study. The framework encourages effective relationships and works through perfecting a ‘way of being’ that is generative and productive in interactions with others; especially in feedback conversations, whether we are the giver or the receiver. The 10 themes integral to the framework are organised into 3 parts that relate to pivotal points in a conversation and that when given focused attention will improve relationships: What needs preparing to establish relationships that stimulate constructive conversations Active engagement in co-creating generative conversations through adopting relational behaviours You both noticing and reacting to what emerges and impacts on sustaining the quality of the relationship. This book will appeal to those seeking an innovative approach to performance management and who welcome a reprieve from the relentless pursuit of a universal feedback tool. It is essential reading for: Business managers and leaders expected to motivate teams to become high performing work units Organisational and independent coaches, mentors and practice supervisors developing trust by building effective relationships that encourage disclosure through engaging and authentic feedback Managers, leaders, HR and OD specialists to use as a business text for performance management programmes Training organisations to use as a core text for delegates.

Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need for the Life of Purpose You Want

by Dharius Daniels

Considering Jesus's relational model for choosing the twelve disciples, Relational Intelligence will walk you through how to assess your relationships, define them, discern them, align them, and finally activate your relationships to unlock your greatest potential.Years of ministry leadership experience and personal experience have convinced Dr. Dharius Daniels: there's no such thing as a casual relationship. All relationships are catalytic - either pushing us forward into our God-given purposes or holding us back. Our spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, and professional progress is greatly impacted by who we allow to be a part of our lives and what part we allow them to play. With our destiny on the line, relationships are too consequential to nonchalantly roll the dice in managing them.Relational Intelligence is your action plan for getting smart about your purpose partners. Relationships were God's idea, writes Daniels, and when we understand and apply what God has to say about them we end up avoiding unnecessary relational turmoil, advancing in all areas of our life, and accomplishing our God-given purpose.When your purpose is on the line, the cost of relational unintelligence is too great to pay. In this book, you will explore and learn how to activate the relational intelligence you need for the life of purpose you want.

Relational Mindfulness: A Handbook for Deepening Our Connections with Ourselves, Each Other, and the Planet

by Deborah Eden Tull

A guidebook on how to embody compassionate awareness in all of our relationships —with self, one another, our planet, in an age of global uncertainty.We all struggle at times with how to bring meditation off the cushion and into the beautiful, dynamic, and messy realm of relationship. At a time when humanity seems to have forgotten our inherent interrelatedness, this book offers an inspiring set of principles and practices for deepening intimacy and remembering the interconnection that is our birthright. Eden Tull interweaves heartfelt personal stories, sharing her journey from seven years as a monastic in a silent Zen Monastery to living and teaching in the megatropolis of Los Angeles and beyond, with teachings and mindful inquiry to help the reader connect personally with the principles of Relational Mindfulness. In a voice that is transparent, vulnerable, and brave, Tull shares possibilities for integrating mindfulness In gentle yet powerful tone, she covers topics ranging from balance and personal sustainability to sexuality to conscious consumerism. Relational Mindfulness is based on the simple understanding that the most subtle form of love is attention. While a revolution usually means to evolve and change, this shift is actually a return to a simple and sacred understanding we seem to have forgotten—one we can only remember when we are present.

Relational Reset: Unlearning the Habits that Hold You Back

by Dr. Laurel Shaler

Are your relationships all that you want them to be?Do rough patches ever catch you by surprise, causing you to think Why is it so hard right now? Why is there tension? Was it something I did? Despite our best intentions, we all have blind spots—bad relational habits that are keeping us from enjoying our relationships fully. And since relationships stand at the center of all we do, if we can learn to do relationships even fractionally better, every aspect of our lives improves. Whether you struggle to overcome past wounds, insecurity, blame, or envy, it&’s time to reflect on your relational habits and reset. An experienced counselor, Dr. Laurel Shaler is passionate about helping women thrive in all of their relationships. Relational Reset will reveal unhealthy patterns that may be holding you back, give you practical steps for improving your relationships, and help you find your ultimate security and identity in Jesus Christ. When you reset your relationships, you honor God, yourself, and the ones you love. What are you waiting for? Get started today.

Relational Reset: Unlearning the Habits that Hold You Back

by Dr. Laurel Shaler

Are your relationships all that you want them to be?Do rough patches ever catch you by surprise, causing you to think Why is it so hard right now? Why is there tension? Was it something I did? Despite our best intentions, we all have blind spots—bad relational habits that are keeping us from enjoying our relationships fully. And since relationships stand at the center of all we do, if we can learn to do relationships even fractionally better, every aspect of our lives improves. Whether you struggle to overcome past wounds, insecurity, blame, or envy, it&’s time to reflect on your relational habits and reset. An experienced counselor, Dr. Laurel Shaler is passionate about helping women thrive in all of their relationships. Relational Reset will reveal unhealthy patterns that may be holding you back, give you practical steps for improving your relationships, and help you find your ultimate security and identity in Jesus Christ. When you reset your relationships, you honor God, yourself, and the ones you love. What are you waiting for? Get started today.

Relationshift: Unleash the Surprising Power of Relationships to Change Yourself, Remake Your Life, and Achieve Any Business Goal

by Justin Blaney

Learn to leverage your relationships so you can dream bigger, achieve whatever you want, and build a life that makes you happier with each passing day.No greater force for change exists than the people we surround ourselves with. Relationshift explores how the people in your life have colored your worldview, how this limits or expands your options, and what to do about it. Through the stories of British explorer Gertrude Bell, abolitionist hero Frederick Douglass, music icons the Beastie Boys, and many others, this book will help you: Learn how to connect with high-caliber people who can help you go further in life.Understand the rules of life as handed down through countless generations—then learn how to recognize which ones can be bent.Grow in happiness, thankfulness, peace, and contentment while eliminating the power of negative emotions.Explore how our minds reject new concepts like our bodies reject viruses.Build a personal tribe that can help you achieve any goal in work, health, or relationships.Make better choices by learning to see your options more clearly and honing your ability to move quickly with less information.Identify relationships that have the most impact on your wellbeing, for better or worse.Discover and refine the direction of your life by exploring wisdom from twenty experts on purpose. With dozens of illustrations and practical examples, Relationshift will help you take greater control of your life and uncover a path to your best possible future.

Relationship Breakthrough: How to Create Outstanding Relationships in Every Area of Your Life

by Cloe Madanes

<p>Everyone faces the challenges of making relationships work. Whether with spouses, family members, friends, lovers, or colleagues, relationships have the power to make one feel happy, frustrated, or miserable. <p>In Relationship Breakthrough, Cloe Madanes—an expert in creating healing, empowering relationships—gives readers vital tools to transform their relationships and their lives. Madanes's cutting-edge methods produce real results and create rewarding, sustainable relationships. <p>Using simple, step-by-step exercises and drawing on the examples of clients who have benefited from this technique, Relationship Breakthrough teaches readers how to: - overcome life's inevitable losses - resolve long-standing family conflicts - synchronize their needs with those of others - create outstanding relationships in every area of their lives This is the only book that ties the guiding principles of Tony Robbins's work with Cloe Madanes's revolutionary approach to relationship therapy. <p>Our connections with the people in our lives have the capacity to bring us great joy, if only we understood the fundamental needs we all have, but sometimes express differently. Drawing on her trademark wisdom, empathy, and extensive clinical experience, Madanes shows readers how to better understand their own needs and those of others, bringing clarity and insight into any relationship.

The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships

by John Gottman

A groundbreaking, practical program for transforming troubled relationships into positive ones“This is the best book on relationships I have ever read. . . . John Gottman has decoded the subtle secrets that can either enrich or destroy the quality of our ties with others.” Daniel B. Wile, Ph.D., author of After the Fight: Using Your Disagreements to Build a Stronger Relationship“John Gottman is our leading explorer of the inner world of relationships. In The Relationship Cure, he has found gold once again.”William J. Doherty, Ph.D., author of Take Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World That Pulls Us Apart“When he says his five steps will help you build better connections with the people you care about, you know that they have been demonstrated to work.” E. Mavis Heatherington, Ph.D., professor of psychology, University of VirginiaFrom the country’s foremost relationship expert and New York Times bestselling author Dr. John M. Gottman comes a powerful, simple five-step program, based on twenty years of innovative research, for greatly improving all of the relationships in your life—with spouses and lovers, children, siblings, and even your colleagues at work. In The Relationship Cure, Dr. Gottman:* Reveals the key elements of healthy relationships, emphasizing the importance of what he calls “emotional connection”* Introduces the powerful new concept of the emotional “bid,” the fundamental unit of emotional connection* Provides remarkably empowering tools for improving the way you bid for emotional connection and how you respond to others’ bids

The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships

by John Gottman Joan Declaire

A groundbreaking, practical program for transforming troubled relationships into positive ones "This is the best book on relationships I have ever read. . . . John Gottman has decoded the subtle secrets that can either enrich or destroy the quality of our ties with others. " Daniel B. Wile, Ph. D. , author ofAfter the Fight: Using Your Disagreements to Build a Stronger Relationship "John Gottman is our leading explorer of the inner world of relationships. InThe Relationship Cure, he has found gold once again. "William J. Doherty, Ph. D. , author ofTake Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World That Pulls Us Apart "When he says his five steps will help you build better connections with the people you care about, you know that they have been demonstrated to work. " E. Mavis Heatherington, Ph. D. , professor of psychology, University of Virginia From the country's foremost relationship expert andNew York Timesbestselling author Dr. John M. Gottman comes a powerful, simple five-step program, based on twenty years of innovative research, for greatly improving all of the relationships in your life--with spouses and lovers, children, siblings, and even your colleagues at work. In The Relationship Cure, Dr. Gottman: * Reveals the key elements of healthy relationships, emphasizing the importance of what he calls "emotional connection" * Introduces the powerful new concept of the emotional "bid," the fundamental unit of emotional connection * Provides remarkably empowering tools for improving the way you bid for emotional connection and how you respond to others' bids

Relationship Detox: 7 Steps to Prepare for Your Ideal Relationship

by Jodi Schuelke

What if you could experience a unique detoxification that would rid you of those unhealthy dating patterns and bad habits that continually leave you feeling disappointed and lonely? And what if the result was confi-dence, purpose, joy, and better relationships? This is what Relationship Detox is all about.Relationship Detox is the smart woman’s guide to cleansing yourself of the dysfunctional relationships and dating habits that prevent you from finding the man of your dreams. Relationship expert and best-selling author of I Just Want Out, Jodi Schuelke lays out seven practical steps in her FORWARD Framework™ process so you can claim or reclaim self-confidence and happiness.

Relationship Economics: Transform Your Most Valuable Business Contacts Into Personal and Professional Success

by David Nour

Fuel your growth through some of your most valuable and strategic contacts Building sustainable relationships, both professionally and personally, is the biggest competitive advantage in a world where automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are eliminating the human experience, which is what creates emotional connections. In the newly revised and completely re-written third edition of Relationship Economics: Transform Your Most Valuable Business Contacts into Personal and Professional Success, renowned growth strategist, innovation consultant, and international speaker David Nour delivers an eye-opening discussion of how to prioritize and maximize your return on strategic relationships to fuel unprecedented professional and personal growth. Drawing on the author’s extensive experience consulting with leaders of Fortune 500 clients, the book demonstrates how to invest in people for extraordinary returns. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the global pandemic and its onslaught of disruptive forces are impacting every facet of digital, in-person, and global relationships. You’ll also find: Actionable tactics to employ in relationship management, like Relationship Currency® and Relationship Capital® Deep discussion of the fundamental measures of business relationships Impactful strategies for turning your contacts into better executions, performance, and resultsA must-read for executives, managers, and other business leaders, the third edition of Relationship Economics will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals seeking to improve their ability to attract, retain, and convert clients.

Relationship Essentials: Skills to Feel Heard, Fight Fair, and Set Boundaries in All Areas of Life

by Lauren Reitsema Joneen Mackenzie

Build life-enhancing relationships, restore damaged ones, and prevent communication breakdowns before they happenUsing real-world examples, illustrations from their own lives, and a research-based approach, dynamic daughter-mother duo Lauren Reitsema and Joneen Mackenzie guide you through familiar relationship situations. Their suggestions can be used with your partner, coworkers, children, extended family members, and friends. Drawing from their experience teaching thousands through The Center for Relationship Education, they introduce practical, easy-to-use strategies that will help you communicate more effectively and work through relationship challenges with confidence. When applied in any area of your life, these tools can have seemingly miraculous love- and life-enhancing results.

Relationship Grit: A True Story with Lessons to Stay Together, Grow Together, and Thrive Together

by Jon Gordon Kathryn Gordon

Great relationships don’t happen by accident—they take commitment, hard work, and grit Bestselling author Jon Gordon is back with another life-affirming book. This time, he teams up with Kathryn Gordon, his wife of 23 years, for a look at what it takes to build strong relationships. In Relationship Grit, the Gordons reveal what brought them together, what kept them together through difficult times, and what continues to sustain their love and passion for one another to this day. They candidly share their mistakes, decisions that almost destroyed their marriage, and successes so you can learn from their experiences and make your relationship stronger. If you’re a fan of Jon Gordon’s work, you will enjoy learning about the man behind the message, as he and Kathryn share the intimate details of their life together. The direct, transparent, and personal style will draw you in and help you see that, if you are dealing with a challenge in your life and relationship, you are not alone. Working, writing, and raising children hasn’t always been easy for the Gordons, but by committing to one another and embracing the principles of G. R. I. T., they emerged from their darkest moments and built a deep and lasting love. In Relationship Grit, they speak candidly about what they have learned and how you can develop the grit to build beautiful relationships. Discover—in their own words—what Jon and Kathryn have learned about staying together during their 23-year marriage Learn the four principles of G. R. I. T. that you can embrace today to build the high quality relationships you want and deserve Find the strength you need to confront your past, overcome your flaws, and change for the better to improve you and your relationship Embrace the Gordons’ practical advice including 22 quick tips for a great relationship—11 from Kathryn and 11 from Jon—and start making your relationship the best it can be Relationships—particularly marriages—are about imperfect people coming together to work on their individual flaws and emerge stronger together. Relationship Grit will inspire and motivate you to engage in this remarkable and rewarding process.

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