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Rituales de hábitos

by Lucía Jiménez Vida

La guía que te ayudará a lograr lo que te propongas sin depender de tu motivación diaria. ¿Por qué nunca consigues tener el estado de ánimo que necesitas para afrontar los retos del día a día? ¿Cómo lo hacen las personas que se levantan pronto y que parecen tener energía a todas horas? ¿Qué ocurriría si tú también pudieras situarte en el estado emocional que requieres en cada momento? Los rituales de hábitos nos ayudan a condicionar nuestra mente para lograr la emoción que nos hace falta en cada instante: energía para empezar por las mañanas, relajación para tener un sueño reparador cada noche, concentración para sacar adelante una tarea exigente o calma para hablar en público. En este libro, Lucía Jiménez Vida te enseña a crear tu propio ritual desde cero y comparte contigo algunos creados para objetivos específicos que te servirán de inspiración y que podrás seguir paso a paso o adaptar a tus circunstancias fácilmente. Crea tu ritual, repítelo con frecuencia y prepara tu mente para afrontar cualquier reto que se presente. Tú decides en qué estado de ánimo deseas situar tu energía. Los lectores comentan...«Lucía Jiménez Vida te da las claves para construir buenos hábitos y mantenerlos en el tiempo.»Carlos Ríos, creador del movimiento Realfooding

Rituales de Liberación: como hacer espacio para tu nueva vida (1 #1)

by Rachel S. Heslin

Cómo hacer espacio para tu nueva vida aprende a soltar lo que te ha estado reteniendo. Conoces el sentimiento: abrumado y tal vez incluso atrapado. Quieres cambiar tu vida, pero nada parece funcionar. Tal vez es hora de dejar ir lo que te ha estado reteniendo. Como una taza de té que ya está repleta, no podemos perseguir nuevos sueños u objetivos cuando nos ahogamos en viejos patrones y proyectos. En este libro, aprenderá los elementos necesarios para crear un ritual, cuatro tipos diferentes de liberación y técnicas específicas para honrar con amor y soltar aquellas cosas que no apoyan su nuevo camino, liberándolo para extender sus alas. Rituals of Release es el primero de una serie de libros diseñados para ayudarlo a hacer las paces con su pasado para que pueda abrazar su futuro con todo su corazón. Los libros futuros incluyen Afligirse por el futuro perdido: conciliar lo que ES con lo que debería haber sido y permiso para continuar: el poder del perdón de uno mismo.

The Rituals: Simple Practices to Cultivate Well-Being, Deepen Relationships, and Discover Your True Purpose

by Natalie MacNeil

This stirring collection presents spiritual rituals from around the world and offers guidance on bringing the powerful practices into modern life. Filled with fascinating details on the history and meaning behind a wide range of sacred rituals for love, awareness, joy, and so much more, this timeless handbook guides readers through more than 40 empowering practices—including a candlelight ritual for renewal, a soothing ritual for unwinding, and a tea ceremony for fostering connection and gratitude. With evocative watercolors throughout, this book is a lovely invitation to nourish the mind, body, and soul through enduring rituals for well-being.


by Dorothy Mcrae Mcmahon

Rituals provides spiritual rituals and meditations for the modern world, for times of celebration and grief. Dorothy McRae-McMahon, who is internationally renowned for her knowledge of rituals, has created meaningful ceremonies for everyone, regardless of their faith. From naming a child and blessing a home to the sadness of ending a marriage and a simple funeral, Rituals gives us the words and symbols we need to make the everyday sacred.

Rituals for Every Day: Simple Tips and Calming Quotes to Refresh Your Mind, Body and Spirit

by Summersdale Publishers

Including wise words, simple ideas and easy-to-follow advice, this soothing book will help you master the art of daily rituals A daily ritual is more than a routine: it’s an act of self-care that’s carried out mindfully, and with reverence. You could use a ritual to set an intention for your morning, to help you process difficult emotions, or to manifest your goals – but whichever kind you choose, a ritual will always bring focus to the present moment and imbue your life with a sense of calm and purpose.Within these pages you will find a raft of simple but effective rituals to try as well as tips to help you on your journey, including:Fitting rituals into a busy scheduleHow daily practice can improve your physical and mental well-beingInspiration for creating your own ritualsWhether you use them to empower, energize, calm or inspire, daily rituals will help you to live fully and intentionally, and this beautiful book will guide you on your way.

Rituals for Every Day: Simple Tips and Calming Quotes to Refresh Your Mind, Body and Spirit

by Summersdale Publishers

Including wise words, simple ideas and easy-to-follow advice, this soothing book will help you master the art of daily rituals A daily ritual is more than a routine: it’s an act of self-care that’s carried out mindfully, and with reverence. You could use a ritual to set an intention for your morning, to help you process difficult emotions, or to manifest your goals – but whichever kind you choose, a ritual will always bring focus to the present moment and imbue your life with a sense of calm and purpose.Within these pages you will find a raft of simple but effective rituals to try as well as tips to help you on your journey, including:Fitting rituals into a busy scheduleHow daily practice can improve your physical and mental well-beingInspiration for creating your own ritualsWhether you use them to empower, energize, calm or inspire, daily rituals will help you to live fully and intentionally, and this beautiful book will guide you on your way.

Rituals for Life: Find Meaning in Your Everyday Moments

by Meera Lester

This beautiful, inspiring book features 160 impactful, practical ways to transform everyday tasks into enjoyable, indulgent moments that reduce stress and leave you feeling balanced, connected, and ready to take on the day.In Rituals for Life, you’ll discover how to transform everyday activities such as waking, bathing, eating, and walking into mindfulness exercises. With 160 rituals throughout, you’ll learn how to infuse meaning into your daily life and improve your sense of health, empowerment, peace, prosperity, gratitude, intentionality, groundedness, and renewal. Examples of rituals include: -Greet the dawn -Walk through green space to reflect, refresh, and restore healthy well-being -Heat or cool your body with Ayurvedic spices -Use your breath to find bliss -Create a personal ceremony to bless your healthy body and creative mind Within each chapter, you’ll find suggested ritual sequences to further guide and structure your days. You’ll also discover how to select rituals from the book to create your own unique routines that fit your mood, needs, interests, and desires. With Rituals for Life, you’ll transform mundane tasks into inspiring, enriching ways to savor life and enhance your overall well-being.

Rituals for Life: A guide to creating meaningful rituals inspired by nature

by Isla Macleod

Rituals are among the most powerful tools we have to create meaning and cultivate wellbeing in our lives. In Rituals for Life, you can learn to live a more intentional life, enriched by your connection with nature. The book explores the essential components of ritual and how to use them to bring happiness and inner peace into your every day life. Includes instructions for twenty rituals, some for every day and others for specific moments and occasions, that you can adapt for your own needs, as well as an exploration of the roots and purposes of ritual. Beautifully illustrated by Luisa Rivera, this inspiring book is a guide more authentic and soulful way of living.

Rituals for Life: A guide to creating meaningful rituals inspired by nature

by Isla Macleod

Rituals are among the most powerful tools we have to create meaning and cultivate wellbeing in our lives. In Rituals for Life, you can learn to live a more intentional life, enriched by your connection with nature. The book explores the essential components of ritual and how to use them to bring happiness and inner peace into your every day life. Includes instructions for twenty rituals, some for every day and others for specific moments and occasions, that you can adapt for your own needs, as well as an exploration of the roots and purposes of ritual. Beautifully illustrated by Luisa Rivera, this inspiring book is a guide more authentic and soulful way of living.

Rituals of the Soul: Using the 8 Ancient Principles of Yoga to Create a Modern & Meaningful Life

by Kori Hahn

Prepare for a Great Adventure: Your Daily Life Kori Hahn has always done life her way — living off the grid as a young woman in Alaska; studying with spiritual teachers and soul guides in Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Morocco; surfing around the world. Yet her primary, perennial quest has been an inner one. To that end, she evolved the practices she shares in this book, simple daily steps grounded in sacred yogic texts that will help you live your life your way, with maximum meaning and joy. Timeless principles of awareness, intuition, self-knowledge, and manifestation become contemporary practices incorporating visualization, breath work, journaling affirmations, and meditation. These habits of being grow the soul, enable our bravest and best selves, and, as Hahn shows, can take you wherever you most want to be.

Rituels de libération: Comment libérer plus de place pour ta nouvelle vie (Handbooks for Healing #1)

by Rachel S. Heslin

Tu sais ce que c'est, ce sentiment accablant, voire paralysant. Tu veux changer ta vie, mais rien ne semble fonctionner. Peut-être est-il temps de te libérer de ce qui te retient. À l'image d'une tasse de thé remplie à ras bord, nous ne pouvons pas poursuivre nos rêves ou nos objectifs si nous nous noyons dans nos vieux projets et nos vieilles habitudes. Dans ce livre, tu découvriras quels sont les éléments à inclure dans un rituel efficace, quatre types de libérations différentes et des techniques précises pour honorer et libérer avec amour ces choses qui ne te soutiennent plus dans la nouvelle voie que tu te traces et ainsi te permettre de déployer tes ailes.


by Baron Alexander Deschauer Debora Mazzuca

Questo libro svela il segreto per essere felici e soddisfatti, il suo fine è quello di mostrare il vero significato della vita, le infinite possibilità esistenti a nostra disposizione. La sua scrittura è semplice e può essere facilmente compreso da chiunque: senza riferimenti a persone vive o morte e senza aver bisogno di anni di studi teologici o filosofici. Presenta delle idee che trascendono le barriere sociali, economiche e accademiche. Come uno specchio che riflette l'immagine dell'osservatore, questo libro riflette i pensieri e le esperienze del lettore. L'obiettivo è quello di ampliare la comprensione del lettore di sé stesso e della connessione esistente tra tutte le forme di vita presenti. Per un effetto migliore si consiglia di leggerlo ad alta voce.

The River in Me: Verses of Transformation

by Sister Dang Nghiem

Find refuge and wisdom with a student of Thich Nhat Hanh in the pages of this poignant poetry collection that speaks to the heart of overcoming life&’s adversities, Zen styleThis profound poetry collection, written by a disciple of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, charts a journey from turmoil to tranquility. In this deeply personal work, Sister Dang Nghiem, known for her insightful and compassionate teachings, unveils a journey of transformation and healing that bridges two pivotal phases of her life: the years prior to her monastic ordination and the profound insights gained thereafter. This unique compilation, divided into two distinct parts, illustrates Sister Dang Nghiem's evolution not just as a poet but as a spiritual practitioner. The first half, spanning 1989-1999, offers a glimpse into her pre-monastic life, filled with yearnings for reconciliation and liberation yet entangled in suffering and attachments. The latter half, encompassing her writings from 2000 to 2023, reflects a stark transformation, imbued with the wisdom and tranquility of her Zen practice. Not just a display of poetic prowess, but also a testament to Sister Dang Nghiem's resilience and spiritual growth, these poems resonate with honesty and vulnerability, providing readers with a candid testament to the life-altering power of healing through mindfulness and deep community. The River in Me offers a path toward inner peace and wholeness for those navigating the complexities of life and is an essential read for anyone seeking solace and understanding.Includes 17 black and white photographs prior to and after monastic ordination.

River of Fire, River of Water: An Introduction to the Pure Land Tradition of Shin Buddhism

by Taitetsu Unno

With great spiritual insight and unparalleled scholarship, Dr. Taitetsu Unno--the foremost authority in the United States on Shin or Pure Land Buddhism--introduces us to the most popular form of Buddhism in Japan. Unique among the various practices of Buddhism, this "new" form of spiritual practice is certain to enrich the growing practice of Buddhism in the United States, which is already quite familiar with Zen and Tibetan traditions. River of Fire, River of Water is the first introduction to the practice of Pure Land Buddhism from a trade publisher and is written for readers with or without prior experience with it. The Pure Land tradition dates back to the sixth century c.e., when Buddhism was first introduced in Japan. Unlike Zen, its counterpart which flourished in remote monasteries, the Pure Land tradition was the form of Buddhism practiced by common people. Consequently, its practice is harmonious with the workings of daily life, making it easily adaptable for seekers today. Despite the difference in method, though, the goal of Pure Land is the same as other schools--the awakening of the true self. Certain to take its place alongside great works such as Three Pillars of Zen, The Miracle of Mindfulness, and Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind--River of Fire, River of Water is an important step forward for American Buddhism.From the Trade Paperback edition.

River of Offerings

by Jennifer Prugh

How does a deeper understanding of the ancient spiritual traditions of India shed new light on our contemporary yoga practice? And what can India&’s River Ganges teach us about how to live in a meaningful way? Through photography and personal narrative, Jennifer Prugh documents a series of pilgrimages over the last ten years to spiritually significant locations along India&’s Ganges River. The Ganges is India&’s most sacred river, winding some 1550 miles from its source, high in the western Himalayas, traveling eastward across the subcontinent to empty out at Sagar Island near Kolkata. The river is also known among Hindus as Mother Ganga, the Goddess. She dissolves sins, drinking her waters cures those who are sick, and dying on her banks ensures freedom from the cycle of life and death. She is a perpetual offering to all who inhabit the Ganges River Valley. What began for the author as simply a trip to India in 2007 to deepen her understanding of her yoga practice became a passionate pursuit to broaden her understanding of the ancient spiritual culture of India, from which modern yoga practice evolved and changed her life. By plane, train, automobile, rickshaw, and on foot, she traveled with camera in tow to many of India&’s sacred destinations along the Ganges, from high in the Himalayas at the river&’s source at Gangotri, to the great Kumbha Mela festival held in Allahabad, to the cremation ghats in Varanasi. Prugh explores the stories from the heroic epics that provide the backbone for contemporary yoga philosophy, as well as the sacred wisdom that animates India&’s spiritual legacy. Part history, part mythology, and part travel narrative, this is a visual and written account of the trials, tribulations, and personal discoveries of an American female yoga practitioner. River of Offerings serves to broaden our understanding of how to live our lives meaningfully, with passion and purpose. A visually compelling and beautiful journey from cover to cover, this book will be a cherished source of inspiration for years to come.

River of Time: My Descent into Depression and How I Emerged with Hope

by Marcia Wilkie Naomi Judd

Naomi Judd's life as a country music superstar has been nonstop success. But offstage, she has battled incredible adversity. Struggling through a childhood of harsh family secrets, the death of a young sibling, and absent emotional support, Naomi found herself reluctantly married and an expectant mother at age seventeen. Four years later, she was a single mom of two, who survived being beaten and raped, and was abandoned without any financial support and nowhere to turn in Hollywood, CA. Naomi has always been a survivor: She put herself through nursing school to support her young daughters, then took a courageous chance by moving to Nashville to pursue their fantastic dream of careers in country music. Her leap of faith paid off, and Naomi and her daughter Wynonna became The Judds, soon ranking with country music's biggest stars, selling more than 20 million records and winning six Grammys. At the height of the singing duo's popularity, Naomi was given three years to live after being diagnosed with the previously incurable Hepatitis C. Miraculously, she overcame that too and was pronounced completely cured five years later. But Naomi was still to face her most desperate fight yet. After finishing a tour with Wynonna in 2011, she began a three-year battle with Severe Treatment Resistant Depression and anxiety. She suffered through frustrating and dangerous roller-coaster effects with antidepressants and other drugs, often terrifying therapies and, at her absolute lowest points, thoughts of suicide. But Naomi persevered once again. RIVER OF TIME is her poignant message of hope to anyone whose life has been scarred by trauma.

A River Runs Again: India's Natural World in Crisis, from the Barren Cliffs of Rajasthan to the Farmlands of Karnataka

by Meera Subramanian

Crowded, hot, subject to violent swings in climate, with a government unable or unwilling to face the most vital challenges, the rich and poor increasingly living in worlds a∂ for most of the world, this picture is of a possible future. For India, it is the very real present. In this lyrical exploration of life, loss, and survival, Meera Subramanian travels in search of the ordinary people and microenterprises determined to revive India’s ravaged natural world: an engineer-turned-farmer brings organic food to Indian plates; villagers resuscitate a river run dry; cook stove designers persist on the quest for a smokeless fire; biologists bring vultures back from the brink of extinction; and in Bihar, one of India’s most impoverished states, a bold young woman teaches adolescents the fundamentals of sexual health. While investigating these five environmental challenges, Subramanian discovers the stories that renew hope for a nation with the potential to lead India and the planet into a sustainable and prosperous future.

Riverman: An American Odyssey

by Ben McGrath

The riveting true story of Dick Conant, an American folk hero who, over the course of more than twenty years, canoed solo thousands of miles of American rivers—and then disappeared near the Outer Banks of North Carolina. <p><p> For decades, Dick Conant paddled the rivers of America, covering the Mississippi, Yellowstone, Ohio, Hudson, as well as innumerable smaller tributaries. These solo excursions were epic feats of planning, perseverance, and physical courage. At the same time, Conant collected people wherever he went, creating a vast network of friends and acquaintances who would forever remember this brilliant and charming man even after a single meeting. <p><p> Ben McGrath, a staff writer at The New Yorker, was one of those people. In 2014 he met Conant by chance just north of New York City as Conant paddled down the Hudson, headed for Florida. McGrath wrote a widely read article about their encounter, and when Conant's canoe washed up a few months later, without any sign of his body, McGrath set out to find the people whose lives Conant had touched--to capture a remarkable life lived far outside the staid confines of modern existence. <p><p> Riverman is a moving portrait of a complex and fascinating man who was as troubled as he was charismatic, who struggled with mental illness and self-doubt, and was ultimately unable to fashion a stable life for himself; who traveled alone and yet thrived on connection and brought countless people together in his wake. It is also a portrait of an America we rarely see: a nation of unconventional characters, small river towns, and long-forgotten waterways.

Rivers of Divine Truth: Daily Words to Sustain Your Faith

by Rabbi Kirt Schneider

Revelations received from the Spirit of God always change lives. This 100-day devotional will inspire me to grow in my relationship with God, experience His power and have a life of victory. When you find true revelation from the Spirit of God, you are no longer the same. In today&’s culture, many people think truth is relative. But the Bible tells us that truth isn&’t a matter of opinion. Truth is found in God&’s Word. In Rivers of Divine Truth, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, host of the popular TV broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus, takes you on a journey through God&’s Word to discover the living truth revealed in its pages. The Bible speaks to every aspect of our lives, and only when we are grounded in the truth of God&’s Word we are able to walk in the strength, peace, and victory of God&’s promises.

Rivers of Revelation: Daily Moments to Sustain Your Faith

by Rabbi Kirt Schneider

Revelation isn't just for biblical figures. It's for you too. This book will give you fresh revelations from God and help you develop a more real and practical faith. Revelation received from the Spirit of God always changes lives, because true faith is built on revelation. In Rivers of Revelation, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, host of the popular TV broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus, takes readers on a one hundred-day journey through God&’s Word to gain a deeper revelation of who God is, who they are in Him, and the authority they have been given as the children of God. Revelation is supernatural, and it is always transformational. Featuring Scripture, teaching, and a prayer for each day, this devotional will empower readers to grow in their relationship with Christ, experience more of God&’s power in their lives, and come to know Him in a deeper, more intimate way. FEATURES AND BENEFITS:Each day features a scripture, a prayer, and insightful Bible teaching from a respected Messianic voiceHelps readers grow in intimacy with God as it serves as a resource for their daily quiet timeOTHER BOOKS BY RABBI KIRT A. SCHNEIDER:The Lion of Judah (2019) ISBN: 978-1629995397The Book of Revelation Decoded (2017) ISBN: 978-1629991092

Rivers of Thought

by Martin Buxbaum

Rivers of Thought, first published in 1959, is a small book of verses and poems written by the late Martin Buxbaum, who was best known for his publication of ‘Table Talk’ with the Marriott Hot Shoppes restaurants.When the world has become so stressful, sometimes thoughts forever stand to give us comfort. Rivers of Thought is a book that can easily be put in a pocket or a purse, to draw some peace from. Almost sixty years after his thoughts were written, they remain a river of comfort to all who read them.

The Road Back: A Journey of Grace and Grit

by Michael Vitez

In his new book, The Road Back, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Michael Vitez writes about Matthew Miller, 20, a member of the University of Virginia triathlon club. Matt had just pedaled up a mountain pass and was on top of the world in so many ways, in love, with dreams of attending medical school, so fit his resting pulse was 42! And then, cycling along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia, he was hit by a Porsche, face first, at 45 miles per hour. He broke every bone in his face and suffered severe brain injury. He stopped breathing. The real story is not what happened, but what happened after. The Road Back is the incredible, humbling, miraculous story of Matt's survival and recovery, all the way to an Ironman, and medical school. It is a story, truly, of grace and grit. Vitez first wrote about Matt for his newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer. The response was so overwhelming, and the recovery continued to be so exceptional that Vitez took a leave, immersed himself in Matt's life and wrote the book. Matt Miller's story really is The Perfect Storm in reverse -- everything had to go flawlessly for him to have any chance of survival. And it did! This is a story in which America shines. THE ROAD BACK is not only about a young man's drive to reclaim his life, but about the people who rode with him, rescued him, helped him heal, and saw up close his amazing comeback.

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery

by Suzanne Stabile Ian Cron

Ignorance is bliss―except in self-awareness. What you don't know about yourself can hurt you and your relationships―and even keep you in the shallows with God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you're stuck in the same ruts? The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, both positively and negatively. In The Road Back to You Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile forge a unique approach―a practical, comprehensive way of accessing Enneagram wisdom and exploring its connections with Christian spirituality for a deeper knowledge of ourselves, compassion for others, and love for God. Witty and filled with stories, this book allows you to peek inside each of the nine Enneagram types, keeping you turning the pages long after you have read the chapter about your own number. Not only will you learn more about yourself, but you will also start to see the world through other people's eyes, understanding how and why people think, feel, and act the way they do. Beginning with changes you can start making today, the wisdom of the Enneagram can help take you further along into who you really are―leading you into places of spiritual discovery you would never have found on your own, and paving the way to the wiser, more compassionate person you want to become.

The Road Back to You Study Guide: An Enneagram Journey To Self-discovery

by Ian Morgan Cron Suzanne Stabile

The Road Back to YouAn overview of the Enneagram with new material about TriadsSNAP: a helpful tool for growthFive sessions with questions appropriate for personal growth or group discussion, with space to writeReflections from individuals of each type about what it's like to be their number

The Road Home

by Denise Jackson

God is with us every step of the road. God can write a beautiful story out of the worst mistakes and tragedies. Even when we wander away, He is always waiting to lead us home, one step at a time. Amid the highs and lows of life, we sometimes forget that God is at work and that He desires to be our all in all. Denise Jackson shares from her heart to encourage readers to leave their lives in God's hands and discover His power to redeem even the worst of circumstances.

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