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Showing 31,201 through 31,225 of 36,810 results

Superando el Poder de la Lujuria: El Camino a la Victoria

by Bill Vincent

Este libro ha sido escrito para ayudar al Cuerpo de Cristo a descubrir su Camino a la Victoria concerniente al poder de la lujuria. Bill Vincent ha ayudado personalmente a cientos de personas a liberarse de esta poderosa batalla espiritual. La lujuria también está vinculada a los malos deseos de la gente y la codicia relacionada con el materialismo y la auto-gratificación. Superar el poder de la lujuria es una lectura fácil de una estrategia basada en la Biblia para encontrar la victoria. La lujuria no solo está deslizando sus caminos de perversión hacia la casa del Señor, sino también hacia la sociedad en todas partes. La pornografía está destruyendo vidas, hogares y matrimonios, que se están desmoronando cada minuto. Usted está seguro de VENCER EL PODER DE LA LUJURIA al encontrar su camino a la victoria.

Superando Flashbacks Emocionais: Como acabar com o Trauma e o Estresse Pós Traumático

by Kimberly Brian

Você ou um ente querido está estressado a ponto de ter flashbacks, pesadelos, crises de ansiedade, preocupações constantes etc. por causa de uma experiência traumática? Este guia irá fornecer alívio e estratégias passo a passo de como diminuir para sempre lembranças dolorosas, pesadelos recorrentes, insônia e outros sinais e sintomas associados ao TEPT que você por ventura esteja experimentando. Estão incluídos também neste guia alguns tratamentos e métodos efetivos e comprovados que irão ajudar você a se olhar de modo diferente, mudar suas emoções e começar a sua jornada rumo à recuperação completa. Um pouco do que você aprenderá neste livro: Como o TEPT afeta o seu cérebro Sinais e sintomas do TEPT Como cuidar da sua respiração Como ajudar veteranos com TEPT Como evitar as crises de TEPT (PAP) E muito mais!

Superándote mes a mes: Una Guía de superación personal

by Alexander Caraballo Castañeda

¿Buscas convertirte en la Fuente del éxito y de la felicidad para tu vida? <P><P>Aquí encontrarás un conocimiento de superación solo accesible al 1% de la población. En Superándote mes a mes, Alexander reúne y organiza con facilidad elementos cargados de espiritualidad, ciencia y fuerza milenaria. <P><P>Desvela desde una visión holística la energía presente en cada uno de los meses del año, su influencia sobre nuestra vida y las técnicas para trabajarla y conseguir alcanzar el control de nuestro propio destino. <P><P>Marzo es el mes para trabajar en la libertad, abril en la sanación, mayo en el progreso, junio en la visión correcta, julio en el liderazgo, agosto en la acción, septiembre en la rectificación y el equilibrio, octubre en despertar el potencial interior, noviembre en la manifestación de milagros, diciembre en la bendición y la abundancia, enero en la correcta alimentación y febrero en la alegría de vivir. <P><P>Superándote mes a mes, es una guía de crecimiento personal, que te propone y enseña en profundidad, y al mismo tiempo con sencillez, un auténtico camino de superación para lograr que tu vida sea más exitosa, satisfactoria y feliz.

Superar las crisis de panico: Sentir, pensar y hacer: Como hacer frente a la ansiedad en el nuevo milenio

by Susana Acquarone

Dirigido a quienes padecen de ansiedad y a los profesionales que ayudana sus pacientes a manejarla, Superar las crisis de pánico es un manuallleno de información rigurosa que incluye técnicas específicas parasuperar el problema, fáciles de aplicar y de probada eficacia.Un excelente complemento del proceso terapéutico El número de personas que sufren en la actualidad de crisis de pánicoson alarmantes. Aunque este trastorno ha existido a lo largo del tiempoy en muchas culturales, distintos aspectos de nuestro estilo de vida: elritmo acelerado y grandes dosis de autoexigencia, han hecho que suprevalencia vaya en aumento.Así, las crisis de pánico, que se manifiestan sin previo aviso yproducen sensaciones "negativas" de gran intensidad, ponen de manifiestodos cosas: cómo el medio determina en gran medida los problemas quepadecemos, y cómo lo orgánico y lo psicológico forman un todo.Dirigido a quienes padecen de ansiedad y a los profesionales que ayudana sus pacientes a manejarla, Superar las crisis de pánico es un manuallleno de información rigurosa que incluye técnicas específicas parasuperar el problema, fáciles de aplicar y de probada eficacia.Un excelente complemento del proceso terapéutico.

SUPERAR O LUTO para mulheres: Aprender a lidar com a morte de um ente querido, transformar a dor para fortalecida receber a vida

by Cosima Weise

Um livro de auto-ajuda para superar o luto da mulher, para aprender a lidar com a morte de um ente querido, transformar a dor e voltar a receber a vida com alegria.

Superare la depressione con facilità (include estratti di Brahma Kumaris Murli con spiegazioni)

by Brahma Kumari Pari

Questo libro è basato sulla conoscenza della Brahma Kumaris. Usa le conoscenze e le pratiche contenute in questo libro per rimanere libero dalla depressione e rimuovere i difetti fisici che sono la causa della tua depressione. Anche se non soffri di depressione, puoi utilizzare le conoscenze contenute in questo libro per superare i tuoi stati d'animo depressivi e rimanere felice. Chiunque può usare questo libro come guida per liberarsi dalla depressione.


by Jane Mcgonigal

An innovative guide to living gamefully, based on the program that has already helped nearly half a million people achieve remarkable personal growthIn 2009, internationally renowned game designer Jane McGonigal suffered a severe concussion. Unable to think clearly or work or even get out of bed, she became anxious and depressed, even suicidal. But rather than let herself sink further, she decided to get better by doing what she does best: she turned her recovery process into a resilience-building game. What started as a simple motivational exercise quickly became a set of rules for "post-traumatic growth" that she shared on her blog. These rules led to a digital game and a major research study with the National Institutes of Health. Today nearly half a million people have played SuperBetter to get stronger, happier, and healthier.But the life-changing ideas behind SuperBetter are much bigger than just one game. In this book, McGonigal reveals a decade's worth of scientific research into the ways all games--including videogames, sports, and puzzles--change how we respond to stress, challenge, and pain. She explains how we can cultivate new powers of recovery and resilience in everyday life simply by adopting a more "gameful" mind-set. Being gameful means bringing the same psychological strengths we naturally display when we play games--such as optimism, creativity, courage, and determination--to real-world goals.Drawing on hundreds of studies, McGonigal shows that getting superbetter is as simple as tapping into the three core psychological strengths that games help you build: * Your ability to control your attention, and therefore your thoughts and feelings * Your power to turn anyone into a potential ally, and to strengthen your existing relationships * Your natural capacity to motivate yourself and super-charge your heroic qualities, like willpower, compassion, and determination SuperBetter contains nearly 100 playful challenges anyone can undertake in order to build these gameful strengths. It includes stories and data from people who have used the SuperBetter method to get stronger in the face of illness, injury, and other major setbacks, as well as to achieve goals like losing weight, running a marathon, and finding a new job.As inspiring as it is down to earth, and grounded in rigorous research, SuperBetter is a proven game plan for a better life. You'll never say that something is "just a game" again.From the Hardcover edition.

SuperBetter: The Power of Living Gamefully Resilient--Powered by the Science of Games

by Jane Mcgonigal

An innovative guide to living gamefully, based on the program that has already helped nearly half a million people achieve remarkable personal growthIn 2009, internationally renowned game designer Jane McGonigal suffered a severe concussion. Unable to think clearly or work or even get out of bed, she became anxious and depressed, even suicidal. But rather than let herself sink further, she decided to get better by doing what she does best: she turned her recovery process into a resilience-building game. What started as a simple motivational exercise quickly became a set of rules for “post-traumatic growth” that she shared on her blog. These rules led to a digital game and a major research study with the National Institutes of Health. Today nearly half a million people have played SuperBetter to get stronger, happier, and healthier.But the life-changing ideas behind SuperBetter are much bigger than just one game. In this book, McGonigal reveals a decade’s worth of scientific research into the ways all games—including videogames, sports, and puzzles—change how we respond to stress, challenge, and pain. She explains how we can cultivate new powers of recovery and resilience in everyday life simply by adopting a more “gameful” mind-set. Being gameful means bringing the same psychological strengths we naturally display when we play games—such as optimism, creativity, courage, and determination—to real-world goals.Drawing on hundreds of studies, McGonigal shows that getting superbetter is as simple as tapping into the three core psychological strengths that games help you build: • Your ability to control your attention, and therefore your thoughts and feelings • Your power to turn anyone into a potential ally, and to strengthen your existing relationships • Your natural capacity to motivate yourself and super-charge your heroic qualities, like willpower, compassion, and determination SuperBetter contains nearly 100 playful challenges anyone can undertake in order to build these gameful strengths. It includes stories and data from people who have used the SuperBetter method to get stronger in the face of illness, injury, and other major setbacks, as well as to achieve goals like losing weight, running a marathon, and finding a new job.As inspiring as it is down to earth, and grounded in rigorous research, SuperBetter is a proven game plan for a better life. You’ll never say that something is “just a game” again.From the Hardcover edition.


by Deepak Chopra

Este revolucionario y novedoso manual le mostrará cómo usar su cerebro como portal hacia la salud, la felicidad y el crecimiento espiritual. En contraste con el cerebro estándar, que sólo desempeña tareas cotidianas, Chopra y Tanzi proponen que el cerebro puede aprender a superar sus limitaciones actuales. Supercerebro le explica cómo hacerlo a través de los descubrimientos científicos de vanguardia y la percepción espiritual, del derrumbamiento de los cinco mitos más comunes sobre el cerebro que limitan su potencial y de la implementación de métodos para: Usar su cerebro, en vez de permitir que él lo use a usted. Desarrollar el estilo de vida ideal para tener un cerebro saludable. Reducir los riesgos del envejecimiento. Fomentar la felicidad y el bienestar por medio de la conexión entre mente y cuerpo. Acceder al cerebro iluminado, que es el portal para la libertad y la dicha. Sobreponerse a los retos más comunes, como la pérdida de memoria, la depresión,la ansiedad y la obesidad. Su cerebro es capaz de sanar de forma extraordinaria y de reconfigurarse de forma constante. Si establece una nueva relación con él, transformará su vida. En Supercerebro, Chopra y Tanzi lo guiarán a través de un fascinante viaje que pronostica un salto en la evolución humana. El cerebro no es sólo el don más increíble que nos ha dado la naturaleza, sino que también es el portal para un futuro ilimitado que puede comenzar a vivir hoy mismo.


by Deepak Chopra

Este revolucionario y novedoso manual le mostrará cómo usar su cerebro como portal hacia la salud, la felicidad y el crecimiento espiritual. En contraste con el cerebro estándar, que sólo desempeña tareas cotidianas, Chopra y Tanzi proponen que el cerebro puede aprender a superar sus limitaciones actuales. Supercerebro le explica cómo hacerlo a través de los descubrimientos científicos de vanguardia y la percepción espiritual, del derrumbamiento de los cinco mitos más comunes sobre el cerebro que limitan su potencial y de la implementación de métodos para: * Usar su cerebro, en vez de permitir que él lo use a usted. * Desarrollar el estilo de vida ideal para tener un cerebro saludable. * Reducir los riesgos del envejecimiento. * Fomentar la felicidad y el bienestar por medio de la conexión entre mente y cuerpo. * Acceder al cerebro iluminado, que es el portal para la libertad y la dicha. * Sobreponerse a los retos más comunes, como la pérdida de memoria, la depresión, la ansiedad y la obesidad. Su cerebro es capaz de sanar de forma extraordinaria y de reconfigurarse de forma constante. Si establece una nueva relación con él, transformará su vida. En Supercerebro, Chopra y Tanzi lo guiarán a través de un fascinante viaje que pronostica un salto en la evolución humana. El cerebro no es sólo el don más increíble que nos ha dado la naturaleza, sino que también es el portal para un futuro ilimitado que puede comenzar a vivir hoy mismo.

Supercharge Your Brain: How to Maintain a Healthy Brain Throughout Your Life

by James Goodwin

The definitive guide to keeping your brain healthy for a long and lucid life, by one of the world's leading scientists in the field of brain health and ageing.The brain is our most vital and complex organ. It controls and coordinates our actions, thoughts and interactions with the world around us. It is the source of personality, of our sense of self, and it shapes every aspect of our human experience. Yet most of us know precious little about how our brains actually work, or what we can do to optimise their performance. Whilst cognitive decline is the biggest long-term health worry for many of us, practical knowledge of how to look after our brain is thin on the ground. In this ground-breaking new book, leading expert Professor James Goodwin explains how simple strategies concerning exercise, diet, social life, and sleep can transform your brain health paradigm, and shows how you can keep your brain youthful and stay sharp across your life. Combining the latest scientific research with insightful storytelling and practical advice, Supercharge Your Brain reveals everything you need to know about how your brain functions, and what you can do to keep it in peak condition.

Supercharge Your Intelligence Today!

by Paul McKenna

You are smarter than you think!In this book, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., uses a groundbreaking system to teach you how to apply the strategies of some of history’s greatest geniuses and the latest research into the science of the brain so that you can live an extraordinarily effective and creative life.By the time you have finished this book, practiced the techniques, and listened to the hypnotic trances, you will be using far more of your mind’s potential than you are right now. You will find learning easier, more relaxed, and more enjoyable than you’ve ever dreamed possible. And when you are called on to put your knowledge to the test, you will do so with greater confidence and success than ever before.Scientists have now discovered that the limitations on human potential are not set by genetics —they depend on our ability to unlock the full, rich capacity of our mind and brain. As you become smarter, you will surprise yourself with what you are able to learn and understand. You will notice that you are able to adapt more quickly to a wide variety of situations. You will demonstrate greater flexibility in your thinking and gain greater control over your environment and over your world.

Supercharged Selling

by Warren Greshes

This comprehensive, powerful book for sales managers and sales people is guaranteed to end any sales force motivation problems. Supercharged Selling is the high-octane kick you need to re-energize the pursuit of your dreams. Warren Greshes shoots straight from the lip and straight at the heart of the matter. No abstract theories here, just plain talk and career-boosting truths.Announcing a powerful new system guaranteed to end your sales motivation problems. The Winning Attitude Customers Vote with Their Feet The Power of Commitment The True Definition of Success Do Whatever It Takes See Yourself Successful Make Your Goal A Reality A Blueprint for Your Life and Career Working your Plan Persistence: Sustaining the EffortAchieve these Key Program Results: Increased sales Comprehensive and lasting motivational training Saves sales time Saves your time Saves training and sales dollars Improves retention and application of training

Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone's Life

by Michael Neill

IF SUPERMAN NEEDED A COACH, HE’D HIRE MICHAEL NEILL!In this fun, easy-to-read book, best-selling author and internationally renowned success coach Michael Neill shares the secrets of transforming your life and the lives of the people you care about most —your family, friends, colleagues, and clients. Whether you want to powerfully impact the lives of the people around you or simply wish to create a deeper, more meaningful experience of being alive, this book is your essential guide to helping yourself and assisting others.

Supercoach: 10 Secrets To Transform Anyone's Life - 10th Anniversary Edition

by Michael Neill

IF SUPERMAN NEEDED A COACH,HE’D HIRE MICHAEL NEILL! In this fun, easy-to-read book, best-selling author and internationally renowned success coach Michael Neill shares the secrets of transforming your life and the lives of the people you care about most—your family, friends, colleagues, and clients.Inside, you will learn:• How to stop thinking like a victim• The secret to financial security in any economy• Proven techniques to produce dramatic changes in yourself and others• Simple ways to create lasting relationships• The key to lifelong happiness• Strategies for increasing productivity, energy, well-being . . . and more!Whether you want to powerfully impact the lives of the people around you or simply wish to create a deeper, more meaningful experience of being alive, this book is your essential guide to helping yourself and assisting others.

Supercoaching: Para cambiar de vida

by Raimon Samsó

Convierte tus sueños imposibles en resultados predecibles con las 75 estrategias del supercoaching Quizá lo peor que le puede ocurrir a una persona no sea morir, sino descubrir al final de su vida que no ha vivido como le hubiera gustado. Con el paso del tiempo, vamos abandonando nuestros sueños y proyectos para situarnos en un espacio en el que prima lo aparentemente seguro y lo rutinario. Y con frecuencia, a pesar de nuestro malestar interior y de nuestra infelicidad, nos negamos a abandonar esa zona cómoda por miedo a lo desconocido y lo incierto. Y así llega un día en el que descubrimos que nuestros sueños han quedado arrinconados y olvidados. Sin embargo, nuestro deseo de un cambio radical de vida sigue creciendo. Raimon Samsó emplea una metodología de rápido impacto para conquistar los sueños, que parte desde el cambio interior. Con Supercoaching para cambiar de vida aprenderás que para alcanzar un resultado satisfactorio es imprescindible primero cambiar de percepción. Este libro te enseñará las estrategias necesarias para: 1. cambiar el rumbo en tu vida 2. desarrollar un plan de acción 3. ponerlo en práctica Casi todo el cambio que necesitas se producirá en tu interior, gracias al autoconocimiento y a la revelación de tu «yo esencial». Y en este proceso, descubrirás que, una vez anuladas las excusas y el autosabotaje, dispones de los recursos necesarios para movilizar, desde tu conciencia, los cambios que buscas en tu vida. Aplica las estrategias de este libro y consigue la vida que deseas

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

by Charles Duhigg

From the Globe and Mail and New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Habit, an investigation of what makes conversations work, and how we can all learn to be supercommunicators at work and in our lives.We all know people who seem capable of connecting with almost anyone. They are the ones we turn to for advice, the ones who ask deep questions but who also seem to hear what we are trying to say. What do they know about conversation that makes them so special? And what can they tell us about how communication really works?Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg argues, understand—some by intuition, some by hard-won experience—that there is a science to how human beings connect through words. They understand that whenever we speak, we're actually participating in three distinct conversations: What is this really about? How do we feel? And who are we? They know the importance of recognizing—and then matching—each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations and hidden beliefs that color and inform everything we say. Our pasts, our values, our affiliations—our identities—shape every discussion we have, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work.With his trademark insight and clarity, Duhigg shows readers how to recognize these three conversations—and teaches us the skills we need to navigate them more successfully. Communication, he argues, is a superpower. By bringing readers into jury deliberations and fraught CIA recruitments, into Netflix's company-wide conversations about equity and the writers' room of The Big Bang Theory, we learn why some people are able to make themselves heard—and to hear others—so clearly. We learn how to recognize and leverage the hidden layers that lurk beneath every conversation. In the end, we learn a simple but powerful lesson: We can connect with anyone, as long as we understand how conversations work.

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

by Charles Duhigg

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The Power of Habit, a fascinating exploration of what makes conversations work—and how we can all learn to be supercommunicators at work and in life&“A winning combination of stories, studies, and guidance that might well transform the worst communicators you know into some of the best.&”—Adam Grant, author of Think Again and Hidden PotentialCome inside a jury room as one juror leads a starkly divided room to consensus. Join a young CIA officer as he recruits a reluctant foreign agent. And sit with an accomplished surgeon as he tries, and fails, to convince yet another cancer patient to opt for the less risky course of treatment. In Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg blends deep research and his trademark storytelling skills to show how we can all learn to identify and leverage the hidden layers that lurk beneath every conversation.Communication is a superpower and the best communicators understand that whenever we speak, we&’re actually participating in one of three conversations: practical (What&’s this really about?), emotional (How do we feel?), and social (Who are we?). If you don&’t know what kind of conversation you&’re having, you&’re unlikely to connect. Supercommunicators know the importance of recognizing—and then matching—each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deeply held beliefs that color so much of what we say and how we listen. Our experiences, our values, our emotional lives—and how we see ourselves, and others—shape every discussion, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work. In this book, you will learn why some people are able to make themselves heard, and to hear others, so clearly.With his storytelling that takes us from the writers&’ room of The Big Bang Theory to the couches of leading marriage counselors, Duhigg shows readers how to recognize these three conversations—and teaches us the tips and skills we need to navigate them more successfully.In the end, he delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone.

Superconductors: Revolutionize Your Career and Make Big Things Happen

by Derek Loudermilk

The steady career path is a thing of the past: disruption is here to stay. You need to be able to keep learning, growing and reinventing yourself to stay valuable in the midst of this change. Those who succeed in this new world will be the ones who have skills that are always in demand and cannot be replaced. Creativity, charisma, confidence, constant learning, storytelling, adaptability and tribe building are the keys to having a thriving professional life and turning ideas into reality. Superconductors is your treasure trove of exclusive interviews and hands-on self-development exercises to inspire you and push you into action. Derek Loudermilk brings together some of the best minds to coach you on every skill, including entrepreneurs, podcasters, venture capitalist experts, human behaviour hackers, journalists and digital storytellers. Michael Margolis, Vanessa Van Edwards, Derek Muller, Jason Zook, Linda Rottenburg are just some of the people giving you original insights and advice to help you form your own path. If you're ambitious and you want to carve your place in this chaotic, but exciting, new world of work then you need to be a superconductor: you need to have the creative energy, the ability to build great networks and the charisma to make big things happen. Whether you want to live as a digital nomad, an entrepreneur or be a formidable force in your chosen industry, Superconductors gives you the unique insight and hands-on tools to be the best you can be.

Superficially Civilized

by Osho Osho International Foundation

Osho describes humanity as "superficially civilized'. Underneath of our so-called civilization we are still animals but our cultures cannot accept this fact.This Osho talk is about about unconsciousness, repression and expression of emotions. In responding to two personal questions Osho describes unconsciousness as the basement of our minds in which many things are buried which find expression through your conscious. Like, millions of people watch boxing or football matches and their enjoyment is the expression of hidden violence.


by Henry Osal Martina Ullrich

SUPERFOODS ist ein kleiner Ratgeber über eine Reihe von Nahrungsmitteln, die wir leicht in jedem Supermarkt finden und die uns dabei helfen, einen gesunderen Lebensstil zu bewahren und dabei auch die geistige Fitness zu verbessern. In ihm finden sich auch Anregungen zur Verwendung dieser Nahrungsmittel, sei es durch einfache Rezepte oder in Kombination mit anderen, vergleichbar gesunden Produkten. Diese Superfoods, aufgenommen in unsere alltägliche Ernährung und ergänzt durch moderate sportliche Betätigung, verschaffen uns ein erfüllteres Leben und positivere Perspektiven durch die maximale Ausschöpfung der Möglichkeiten von Körper und Geist. Es war noch nie so angenehm und einfach, auf seine Gesundheit zu achten.

Supergirl Guide to Peer Pressure: An Action Plan to Create Your Own Safe and Fabulous Place in the World

by The Severson Sisters

The Super Girl Program was created to help girls &“Connect to their Inner Super Girl.&” The program give girls&’ self-esteem enhancing tools, tips on how to develop and maintain healthy relationships with their peers and action plans on gossip, peer pressure and bullying. Peer Pressure is an element of growing up that girls may face and the "Super Girl Guide to Peer Pressure" provides tools and tips to help girls move through that part of life easier. Severson Sisters strives to teach girls the importance of building self-esteem as a fundamental tool that will help develop, enhance and deepen their relationships with other females.

Supergirls Speak Out

by Liz Funk

Some girls seem to have it all... The top grades The best clothes A great body A cute boyfriend But they may also have... Exhaustion Anxiety Eating disorders Crippling insecurity From grammar school girls to working women, the pressure to be perfect is spreading like a disease. These Supergirls feel the unrelenting need to succeed -- sometimes at the cost of their own happiness and sanity. A recovering Supergirl herself, Liz Funk exposes the dangerous consequences that can come from striving for perfection. By closely following five girls and interviewing nearly one hundred more, she takes us inside the Supergirl psyche, explaining the causes of this phenomenon and showing how Supergirls can let their (sleek and shiny) hair down and find some time to relax and enjoy life! With practical advice, biting humor, and the sensitivity of someone who's been through it all, Funk's Supergirls Speak Out is the absolutely necessary companion for any girl who thinks 100 percent just isn't enough.

Superhábitos: Construye una Red de Hábitos duraderos que trabajen para ti

by Berto Pena

Un método práctico para construir Hábitos transformadores con los que pilotar tu vida. Organizarnos mejor, evitar distracciones, dejar de fumar, aprender un idioma, hacer ejercicio o comer sano son algunos de los muchos propósitos que nos hacemos todos los años. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estas buenas intenciones se quedan solo en eso. ¿Abandonamos por falta de motivación? ¿O tal vez por falta de disciplina? Para Berto Pena, experto en productividad y gestión del tiempo, la respuesta está en la manera de construir esos Hábitos, porque la fuerza de voluntad no funciona. Este libro explica, paso a paso, cómo conseguir que nuestros Hábitos, sean grandes o pequeños, se asienten, y cómo conectarlos y crear una red de Superhábitos con la que lograr el cambio que tanto buscamos. Con un enfoque claramente práctico, estas páginas contienen constantes llamadas a la acción, decenas de ejemplos reales, propuestas de ejercicios y revisiones regulares para que evalúes tu progreso, corrijas errores y consolides cada avance. Reseñas: «Superhábitos es un libro claro, sencillo, en el que Berto comparte cómo la incorporación paulatina de hábitos nos pone en el camino de una transformación permanente que nos reportará grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida, tanto profesionales como personales». LOURDES LÓPEZ BRAVO, directora ejecutiva de Investigación Clínica de MSD España y Portugal «Desarrollar una red de hábitos nos permite vivir de forma más plena. Berto nos invita, desde su experiencia, a ponernos en camino». CARLES FARRÉ, vicepresidente global y director general de HP PageWide Industria «Con esta maravilla de libro, Berto me ha ayudado a entender el poder de los hábitos duraderos y a hacer cambios en lo que es importante. ¡Ahora estoy disfrutando poniéndolos en marcha!». PABLO GION FANJUL, director global en SAP para Habilidadesde Venta en Midmarket

Superhealth: 6 Simple Steps, 6 Easy Weeks, 1 Longer, Healthier Life

by Steven Pratt Sharyn Kolberg

New York Times bestselling author of SuperFoods RX Dr. Steven Pratt explains how readers can achieve SuperHealth by adding the 25 SuperFoods and 15 SuperNutrients-including the newest SuperLongevity Nutrient, Vitamin D-to their diet. <P><P>Readers will be able to eat more sumptuously than ever before-chocolate, red wine, fresh nut butters, gourmet tea-with so much variety that bad, disease-causing eating and lifestyle habits will be edged out of their lives forever.

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