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The Tax Lady's Guide to Beating the IRS and Saving Big Bucks on Your Taxes
by Roni Lynn DeutchRoni Deutch is taking her message to the street, teaching people how to fight the IRS and win. <i>The Tax Lady's Guide to Beating the IRS and Saving Big Bucks on Your Taxes</i> frees the long-suffering American tax-paying public by giving them the insights they need to fight back and keep more of what they earn in their own pockets-and out of the pockets of Uncle Sam. Roni Deutch explains basic tax principles and strategies that have meaning across every stage of life, translating tax code so it makes sense. She gives the American public the tools they need to develop a plan for their money so they wind up with a bigger slice of their own pie.
Taylor Swift Lines To Live By: Shake it off and never go out of style with Tay Tay
by Pop Press'Just be yourself, there is no one better'Taylor Swift has been a global superstar for well over a decade. Her pop hits and iconic music videos constantly deliver empowering messages of self-love and resilience.Shaking off personal challenges and clapping back at misogyny since day one, Tay Tay has emerged as the defining voice of her generation. Featuring all her best wisdom on confidence, careers, beauty, relationships, and more, this collection of quotes will motivate Swifties of all ages to live a more creative and confident life.
Taylor Swift Lines to Live By Volume II: Empowering Wisdom for Every Era
by Pop Press‘You should celebrate who you are now, where you’re going, and where you’ve been’Despite facing media scrutiny, sexist backlash and a battle to take ownership of her own music, Taylor Swift has shown her fans how to rise above the haters.Organised into ten life lessons that have shaped Taylor’s eras, this collection of quotes will inspire swifties to be creative, emotional and rebellious.This is Taylor’s precious wisdom, and the ultimate celebration of every era of Taylor’s life so far.
by Abdur Rashid SiddiquiTazkiyah, self-development, lies at the core of Islamic life. Success in this life and the next depends very much on it. There are many works in Islamic literature on the subject of self-development, written from a variety of angles. This anthology has been compiled to meet the need for self-development from an authentic Islamic perspective.
The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance
by Tom BradyThe #1 New York Times bestseller by the 7-time Super Bowl champion The first book by NFL legend Tom Brady, former quarterback with the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who reached unimaginable heights of excellence into his forties—a gorgeously illustrated and deeply practical &“athlete&’s bible&” that reveals Brady&’s revolutionary approach to sustained peak performance for athletes of all kinds and all ages.In this new edition of The TB12 Method, Tom Brady further explains and details the revolutionary training, conditioning, and wellness system that has kept him atop the NFL at an age when most players are deep into retirement. Brady—along with the expert Body Coaches at TB12, the performance lifestyle brand he cofounded in 2013 with Alex Guerrero—explain the principles and philosophies of pliability, a paradigm-shifting fitness concept that focuses on a more natural, healthier way of exercising, training, and living. Filled with lessons from Brady&’s own training regimen, The TB12 Method provides step-by-step guidance on how develop and maintain one&’s own peak performance while dramatically decreasing injury risks. This illustrated, highly visual manual also offers more effective approaches to functional strength & conditioning, proper hydration, supplementation, cognitive fitness, restorative sleep, and nutritious, easy-to-execute recipes to help readers fuel-up and recover. Brady steadfastly believes that the TB12 approach has kept him competitive while extending his career, and that it can make any athlete, male or female, in any sport and at any level achieve his or her own peak performance and do what they love, better and for longer. With instructions, drills, photos, in-depth case studies that Brady himself has used, along with personal anecdotes and experiences from his legendary career, The TB12 Method gives you a better way to train and get results with Tom Brady himself as living proof.
TDAH: Un cazador en un mundo de agricultores
by Thom Hartmann• Explica que las personas con TDAH no tienen trastornos, sino que son &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”; es decir, poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas que les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores • Ofrece métodos y prácticas concretas y sin fármacos para ayudar a los &“cazadores&”, y a sus padres, maestros y administradores, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, el trabajo y el hogar • Revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores con TDAH, incluidos Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison y Andrew CarnegieCon un 10% de los niños del mundo occidental que muestra indicios de tener trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, o TDAH, y un número creciente de adultos autodiagnosticándose, después de décadas de lucha, debemos plantear la pregunta: ¿cómo pudo cometer tal &“error&” la naturaleza? En este libro, Thom Hartmann explica que las personas con TDAH no son anormales, desordenadas o disfuncionales, sino simplemente &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”. A menudo muy creativos y resueltos en la búsqueda de un objetivo elegido por ellos mismos, las personas con síntomas de TDAH poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas, las cuales les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores. Como cazadores, habrían estado constantemente escaneando su entorno, buscando comida o amenazas (distracción); habrían tenido que actuar sin vacilación (impulsividad) y amado el entorno de alta estimulación y lleno de riesgos del campo de caza. Con nuestras escuelas públicas, lugares de trabajo de oficina y fábricas estructuradas, aquellos que heredan un excedente de &“habilidades de cazador&” a menudo se sienten frustrados en un mundo que no los comprende ni los apoya. Como muestra Hartmann, al reformular nuestra visión del TDAH, podemos comenzar a verlo no como un trastorno, sino como una diferencia y, en cierto modo, una ventaja. El autor revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores de TDAH, aparte de proporcionar prácticas y métodos concretos, sin fármacos, para ayudar a los cazadores, y a sus padres, maestros y gerentes, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, en el trabajo y en casa. Además de ofrecer una guía de &“supervivencia&” para ayudar a afinar sus habilidades naturales, en lugar de suprimirlas, Hartmann muestra que cada mente, ya sea cazadora, agricultora o en algún punto intermedia, tiene valor y un gran potencial a la espera de ser aprovechado.
TDAH en Adultos. Cómo Reconocer y Tratar a un Adulto con TDAH en 30 Fáciles Pasos
by Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo The BlokeheadEl Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) Siempre se ha asociado a problemas de desarrollo infantil. Sin embargo, en los Estados Unidos, simplemente, WebMD afirma que hay alrededor de 8 millones de adultos con este problema y algunos de ellos aún siguen sin ser diagnosticados y, por ende, sin tratar. La sintomatología del TDAH Adulto puede haber comenzado en la infancia. Alrededor de 60% de niños con TDAH llevan los síntomas hasta la edad adulta. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, los síntomas solamente se manifiestan durante la adultez y no tan prominente como durante la niñez. O puede ser que los síntomas nunca fueron diagnosticados durante la infancia.
Te deseo la sonrisa: Para recuperar la alegría
by Papa FranciscoEn estas páginas, el Papa Francisco aborda uno de los temas más importantes de su mensaje: la alegría.Porque la verdadera dicha proviene de una esperanza que nada ni nadie puede arrebatarnos. «Sonreír es acariciar con el corazón». La alegría es un tema central de las enseñanzas del Papa Francisco, aún más necesario en estos tiempos que corren. En unas páginas que son un mensaje para todos los hombres y mujeres del mundo, el pontífice afirma que Dios es dicha y la misericordia es la manifestación más profunda de la felicidad de Dios y el núcleo del mensaje cristiano. Las palabras del Papa Francisco son una invitación a abrazar la verdadera belleza; a abrirse, encontrarse y compartir; a cambiar actitudes personales y sociales que fomentan la exclusión; a desenmascarar el descontento que se produce cuando nos encerramos en nosotros mismos; y a afrontar la vida con valentía y confianza, sin dejarse vencer por la tristeza y el pesimismo. Los ocho capítulos de este libro abarcan el tema de la felicidad de manera humana y profunda, conscientes de que la verdadera alegría no es un sentimiento efímero ni ilusorio ni un antídoto para quienes ignoran el sufrimiento: proviene de una esperanza concreta, que nada ni nadie nos podrá arrebatar. Es una alegría que tiene la última palabra, siempre. Y el deseo de compartir una sonrisa es el primer pequeño gran paso para vivirla, para renovarnos, para renacer.
Te mereces ser feliz: Aprende a construir tu felicidad en 12 semanas
by Isabel Pinillos Antonio FusterNo hay ningún libro, por mágico que sea, que pueda cambiar la vida de nadie. Éste tampoco. Pero lo que sí puede hacer, si cae en manos receptivas, es ayudar a cambiar algunos aspectos de la vida; mejorar facetas desfavorables de la personalidad o del comportamiento, y acompañar en la adaptación a una sociedad como la nuestra, en muchas ocasiones difícil de entender y de sobrellevar.A través de 84 aforismos, los autores te ofrecen la información necesaria para que seas capaz de enfrentarte a las dificultades que la vida te plantea y responsabilizarte de ti mismo. Para ello, cuentan con la ayuda de algunos ejemplos y las explicaciones posteriores que nos ofrece la psicología moderna.En este programa de 12 semanas, aprenderás sobre conducta (por el poder que tiene para sacar adelante numerosas facetas del ser humano), sobre el propio cuerpo (repleto de recursos útiles y utilizables), sobre tus emociones (como reacciones psicofisiológicas que te ayudan a la adaptación a ciertos estímulos); sobre pensamientos (con los que te obsequia tu mente, sobre habilidades (para hacer y deshacer entuertos), sobre relaciones (que puedes mantener y que juegan un papel esencial en tu crecimiento como ser humano), y finalmente sobre el desarrollo personal (que no es otra cosa que la respuesta que debes dar al hecho de ser una persona, de estar vivo).Vivir felizmente no es tan difícil como nos puede parecer, solo se necesitan 10 minutos al día y nuestro compromiso.
Te necesita aunque no lo parezca: Recursos para acompañar a adolescentes y potenciar su autoestima
by Sara Desirée RuizAumenta y refuerza tus recursos mientras acompañas a las personas adolescentes de tu vida en el emocionante camino de convertirse en ellas mismas. La vida de las personas adolescentes está llena de situaciones y momentos que nos sacan de quicio; la mayoría de esas circunstancias tienen que ver con la necesidad de encontrar un sentido a su vida, de alzar la voz y que se las reconozca y acepte como personas singulares. Buscan sin cesar nuevas experiencias para crear una definición de sí mismas que les permita encajar en el mundo y llegar a la vida adulta sabiendo cuál es su lugar. En ese proceso de desarrollo del autoconcepto, la autoestima y la identidad, es primordial que sientan el apoyo de quienes más les importan. Y para eso las personas que las rodean tienen una misión importante: darles espacio, estimularlas y sostenerlas. Acompañar a adolescentes a descubrirse y construir su identidad no es tarea sencilla y tu papel es esencial. En este libro aprenderás pautas prácticas para cuando no sepas cómo actuar; encontrarás consejos sencillos y efectivos para que las personas adolescentes de tu vida aumenten su autoestima y la confianza en ellas mismas de forma progresiva, y entenderás el importante papel de sus amistades y cómo afecta el malestar emocional en su desarrollo. Aunque no siempre comprendas lo que hacen, podrás aprovechar el potencial de esa etapa y disfrutar de ella aprendiendo a darles lo que necesitan: comprensión y seguridad. Reseñas:«Sara Desirée es una de las grandes referentes que tenemos en nuestro país sobre la etapa adolescente».Rafa Guerrero Darwin, psicoterapeuta. «Hablar sobre la adolescencia con naturalidad, sin dramas y con una mirada positiva, como hace Sara, es imprescindible para que las familias afrontemos esta etapa con optimismo y sin sufrir por anticipado.»Mónica de la fuente, directora de Madresfera
Te voy a contar una historia: La mía y la de mi hijo, cuando fue atrapado por las drogas
by Martha Alicia ChávezUna impactante historia personal sobre la lucha de una madre por vencer su codependencia y desarrollar la fortaleza necesaria para liberar a su hijo de las drogas. Te voy a contar una historia, que me pide ser contada. Una historia verdadera sobre drogas, sufrimiento y redención. Sobre el infierno y el cielo; sobre el tormento y la culpa; sobre la fe y los milagros; sobre el poder del amor. Una historia en la que el "¿por qué a mí?" se convirtió en "Gracias porque a mí". Un gracias que te puede parecer absurdo si no ves más allá, si no ves con los ojos del alma que encuentra en todo un para qué. El protagonista es mi hijo Francisco (Paco). Él me ha dado su permiso para contarte su historia, que es también la mía y se parece a la de millones. Las historias superadas ameritan ser contadas, porque pueden servir a otros. Hay cosas que tienen que suceder; que están escritas así para que abran, para que empujen, para que hagan crecer. Las piezas y los actores se van poco a poco entrelazando, a veces durante años, para que suceda eso que ya es.
Tea Cup Reading, Orion Plain and Simple (Plain and Simple)
by VariousA practical guide on the revealing art of tea cup reading.The art of reading tea leaves has been practised for centuries by everyone from Buddhist monks to Bedouins to Gypsies. Once very popular in Britain and Ireland and all the countries they settled, the practice has all but faded away. Now, this concise book provides quick, easy, and fun instructions for practising tasseography today. The book includes everything needed to become an accomplished practitioner:* a brief history of tea and coffee* advice on brewing and serving* basic rules of tea leaf and cup reading* handy tips for instant readings* an illustrated dictionary of 361 symbols with precise definitionsTea Cup Reading is an essential reference for this fascinating interpretive art.
Tea-spiration: Inspirational Words for Tea Lovers
by Lu Ann Pannunzio“Pannunzio approaches the topic of tea drinking as a state of meditation . . . a great gift for any tea lover.” —Emily Slonina, author of Anywhere, Anytime, Any Body Yoga Tea-spiration aims to create a quiet movement where one can experience devotions, comfort, inspiration, and the simple joys of life. Tea drinkers know that tea, the wonderful drink, can help them slow down and savor life’s moments. In her debut book, Lu Ann Pannunzio uplifts and inspires readers in a way that does more than just telling them a story about tea and its history. As in life, tea is about the little things we need to experience (devotions, inspiration, reflection, comfort). Each page of Tea-spiration is filled with feelings and moments (big or small) that tea enhances; simple joys that not everyone may notice or take the time to savor. Sometimes all you really need is a cup, water, and some leaves to create your own wonderful cup of tea experience. So, take pleasure in this tea lover’s book, along with that special cup of tea, and stop and appreciate the simple joys of life! “Where will your next cup of tea take you? A trip down memory lane? Or, swept away to another region of the world? Allow yourself to experience tea as described within and you just may find Tea-spiration to live a more meaningful life thanks to this healthful, delicious beverage (tea) and our affini-tea for it.” —Gail Gastelu, publisher, The Tea House Times
Teach like Your Hair's on Fire: The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56
by Rafe EsquithThis book is an inspiring guide to transforming every child's education. In a Los Angeles neighborhood plagued by guns, gangs, and drugs, there is an exceptional classroom known as Room 56.
Teach Me To Pray
by Andrew Murray Nancy RenichIn 31 short, readable chapters, the Christian is led through a study of prayer which is designed to develop, strengthen, and maintain a rich prayer life. The book also includes a chapter about the life and work of George Muller, a well-known 19th century preacher.
Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing
by Gerald G. JampolskyDr. Jampolsky believes there is another way of looking at life that makes it possible for us to walk through this world in love, at peace and without fear. This other way requires no external battles, but only that we heal ourselves. It is a process he calls “attitudinal healing,” because it is an internal and primarily mental process. Jampolsky believes that attitudinal healing, when properly practiced, will allow anyone, regardless of her circumstances, to begin experiencing the joy and harmony that each moment holds, and to start her journey on a path of love and hope.The mind can be retrained. Within this fact lies our freedom. Our attitudes determine whether we experience peace or fear, whether we are well or sick, free or imprisoned. Love, in its true meaning, is the attitude that this book is about. Love is total acceptance and total giving—with no boundaries and no exceptions. Love, being the only reality, cannot be transformed. It can only extend and expand. It unfolds endlessly and beautifully upon itself. Love sees everyone as blameless, for it recognizes the light within each one of us is. Love is the total absence of fear and the basis for all attitudinal healing.The principles of attitudinal healing have been expanded since Teach Only Love was first published in 1983. There are now twelve principles, which are used in the 150 Centers for Attitudinal Healing around the world. Dr. Jampolsky believes that these principles have a universal appeal that crosses cultural and religious barriers. He has repeatedly seen how people’s lives have transformed when these principles became their heartbeat and their way of communicating with others.
Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing
by Gerald G. JampolskyIn 1975, Jerry Jampolsky cofounded the Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, California, where people with life-threatening illnesses practice peace of mind as an instrument of transformation. Based on the healing power of love and forgiveness, the 12 principles developed at the center, and explained in this book, embrace the idea that total giving and total acceptance are crucial to the healing process and that attitudinal healing can lead to harmony, joy, and life without fear.
Teach Us to Pray
by Gordon T. SmithOne of the most basic and vital dimensions of the Christian life is the practice of prayer. Frequently our prayers begin with a petition or request, so the content of our prayers is informed by our circumstances. But what if the opposite were true? What if we allowed our prayers to inform our lives? What would our lives be like if prayer altered our living and began to shape the contours and content of our daily experiences? Gordon Smith invites us to learn three movements of prayer—thanksgiving, confession, and discernment—in order to be formed and transformed by prayers that seek God's kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven." Whether you are a beginner in the life of prayer or further along, this small book is a resource for deepening your prayer practice.
Teach Yourself Basic Guitar
by Simon Pitt Simon TroupThe core information that you will learn in this book will be useful to you whichever styles of popular music you may later choose to specialize in. Whether you want to play rock, pop, blues, reggae, funk, folk or jazz, you'll need to start developing good left- and right-hand technique, and learn the chords and scales that are the building blocks of almost all western popular music. While this book doesn't go into any depth on classical guitar technique, there is a great deal of information and advice that will be of benefit to anyone who may decide that they wish to specialize in classical guitar playing in the future.
Teach Yourself Buddhism
by Clive ErrickerDiscover Buddhism and its role in our world .Covering all aspects of this fascinating religion from the life of the Buddha and his teaching to the different Buddhist schools and the practicalities of pursuing a Buddhist way of life,Teach Yourself Buddhismis a comprehensive and informative guide. It explores the diversity of Buddhism and how it has adapted to its growing global presence and new cultural environments as well as the relevance of Buddhist teachings in our world today. This fully updated new edition also considers what is undoubtedly the greatest challenge facing the faith--how Buddhism is to be transmitted to a new generation. .
Teach Yourself Desktop Publishing
by Christopher LumgairDesktop publishing has become the industry standard for publishers and freelancers alike. Teach Yourself Desktop Publishing is a practical course in desktop publishing that includes up-to-date information on the latest software and techniques.
Teach Yourself Digital Home Movie Making
by Peter Cope'Digital' is a term that is bandied around often by marketeers who see it as a synonym for 'cutting edge' and it now appears in almost every walk of life: digital radio, digital phones, digital cameras. Digital, in its most common, if clinical, meaning describes the way in which real world information -- such as sound, colour and light -- are converted into numeric form. When we talk about digital video the key distinguishing feature is its quality. A digital video signal -- such as that produced by a sensor in a digital camera -- doesn't suffer degradation in the same way as an analogue signal. A single frame of video will be more sharply defined than that from an equivalent analogue camera. Digital video really comes into its own when we start thinking about editing. The book teaches you everything related to Digital Home Movie Making.
Teach Yourself Emotional Intelligence
by Christine WildingUnderstanding emotional intelligence and applying it to your life.
Teach Yourself Entrepreneurship
by Alex McmillanLearn to be your own boss and be a success at it Teach Yourself Entrepreneurship promises to help you develop your entrepreneurial skills and succeed in business. Complete with firsthand accounts from successful entrepreneurs, it covers the many different types of opportunities and instructs you on how best to compete in this arena. The book also includes a chapter on female entrepreneurship.
Teach Yourself Ethics
by Mel ThompsonDo you need an introduction to the main ethical theories? Would you like to understand current ethical issues? Do you want to develop your own moral awareness? From altruism to utilitarianism and Nietzsche to Marx, Ethics is a jargon-free introduction to key ethical theories and thinkers. It covers both the contribution of the major world religions to this fascinating subject as well as clear, thought-provoking discussions of applied ethics. The contemporary examples and issues in this latest edition ensure that this book challenges and engages you. Why not try, Philosophy, Psychology, Globalization, Philosophy of Mind, or visit www.books.mcgraw-hill.com? Book jacket.