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Showing 326 through 350 of 36,882 results

The 12 Week Mind Workout: Focused Training for Mental Strength and Balance

by Wouter de Jong

Although not all of us do it all the time, we all know the things we need to do to take care of our body - hit the gym or the running track and eat our greens. But are we so clear on what to do if it is our mental rather than physical condition that needs attention? This amazingly practical book will take your mind to the gym and show you how, in 12 weeks, to live more mindfully, rid yourself of worry, clear your head, strive for happiness and get more done. The book is structured exactly like a progressive exercise program; every week (or chapter) starts with a 'warm-up' - a theoretical part - followed by a concrete training and concluding with a 'cool down '. In between, the reader receives useful tips, examples, directions and concerns, coupled with inspiring quotes. The reader chooses the level of daily exercise, from 'light' to intensive, with a free audio track providing the accompaniment.You have 12 weeks to improve your outlook, habits and happiness - starting now.

The 12 Week Mind Workout: Focused Training for Mental Strength and Balance

by Wouter de Jong

Although not all of us do it all the time, we all know the things we need to do to take care of our body - hit the gym or the running track and eat our greens. But are we so clear on what to do if it is our mental rather than physical condition that needs attention? This amazingly practical book will take your mind to the gym and show you how, in 12 weeks, to live more mindfully, rid yourself of worry, clear your head, strive for happiness and get more done. The book is structured exactly like a progressive exercise program; every week (or chapter) starts with a 'warm-up' - a theoretical part - followed by a concrete training and concluding with a 'cool down '. In between, the reader receives useful tips, examples, directions and concerns, coupled with inspiring quotes. The reader chooses the level of daily exercise, from 'light' to intensive, with a free audio track providing the accompaniment.You have 12 weeks to improve your outlook, habits and happiness - starting now.

The 12 Week Mind Workout: Focused Training for Mental Strength and Balance

by Wouter de Jong

This is a self-help audiobook for people who want to stay sharp - focused mental training for a healthy and happy mind.Although not all of us do it all the time, we all know the things we need to do to take care of our body - hit the gym or the running track and eat our greens. But are we so clear on what to do if it is our mental rather than physical condition that needs attention? This amazingly practical audiobook will take your mind to the gym and show you how, in 12 weeks, to live more mindfully, rid yourself of worry, clear your head, strive for happiness and get more done. The audiobook is structured exactly like a progressive exercise program; every week (or chapter) starts with a 'warm-up' - a theoretical part - followed by a concrete training and concluding with a 'cool down '. In between, the listener receives useful tips, examples, directions and concerns, coupled with inspiring quotes. The listener chooses the level of daily exercise, from 'light' to intensive, with a audio track accompaniment.You have 12 weeks to improve your outlook, habits and happiness - starting now.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

12 Weeks to a Sharper You: A Guided Program

by Sanjay Gupta

Keep your brain young and healthy at any age with this practical workbook through the 12-week program from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Keep Sharp. Chief CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta helped countless readers keep their brains sharp and effortlessly productive with KEEP SHARP. In 12 Weeks to a Sharper You, he now provides a step-by-step 12-week program to help you put his transformational ideas into daily practice. He writes, &“Change is a challenge, and changing long-established habits takes effort.&” But this workbook makes it easy to apply Gupta&’s groundbreaking tips and research to establish healthy behaviors for life. The 12-week program will help you feel less anxious, sleep better, improve energy, think more clearly, and become more resilient to daily stress. Full of tips, quotations, and prompts, 12 Weeks to a Sharper You is the only guide you&’ll need to keep your brain young and healthy at any age!

12 Words: Think It, Feel It, Do It

by Shirley Palmer

Are you ready to change your life? Today is the day to take your life into your own hands, the time to make empowering decisions, the time to effect your own happiness. With 12 Words, life coach and mentor Shirley Palmer shows you how to make happy, confident, and successful life choices that are easily within your reach. Based on twelve simple yet enlightening words, Shirley’s motivational work creates an atmosphere of belief and self-confidence that will propel you to personal and professional success. Using fun yet challenging exercises, Shirley teaches you how to maximize your potential and grow into the person you are meant to become. It takes courage to undergo significant personal change. In 12 Words, Shirley Palmer provides the keys to bring out that winner inside of you. Think it. Feel it. Do it!

121 First Dates: How to Succeed at Online Dating, Fall in Love, and Live Happily Ever After (Really!)

by Wendy Newman

Based on years of research and 121 real-life first dates, relationship expert Wendy Newman dishes up practical wisdom for navigating the online dating trenches with grace, efficiency, and a strong dose of humor.Wendy Newman has made every imaginable dating mistake so you don’t have to. Part guidebook, part personal tell-all, 121 First Dates chronicles Wendy’s funny, real-life misadventures and the practical wisdom she gained from them. Her dating tales will find you laughing, commiserating, and nodding your head as you learn how to stay in the dating game until you find the right man, just like Wendy did.This book busts myths, answers age-old questions, and examines pitfalls that make you want to give up on dating altogether. Just when you’re about to submit to a lifetime at home with a pint of Haagen-Dazs and sitcom reruns, 121 First Dates will inspire you to keep stepping out. Wendy discusses how to date successfully and efficiently, avoid the most common dating pitfalls, have an amazing first date with anyone, end uncomfortable situations with grace, and much, much more. She offers up realistic Dos and Don’ts as well as tips for making the most of any situation you find yourself in—whether you want to run or you think he’s the one.Brimming with humor, hope, and authenticity, 121 First Dates will give every woman the tools, confidence, and determination to be and stay real when dating. How else will you find the best match for you?

13 Almas

by Sara De Miguel Júlio Machado

O meu nome é Sara. Quando tinha 13 anos diagnosticaram-me um pequeno tumor benigno no úmero. Os médicos não lhe deram muita importância, disseram que, como estava em idade de crescimento, com certeza que se reabsorveria por si mesmo. Eu continuei, com certa inconsciência própria da idade, com a minha vida de adolescente. Terminei o liceu com boas notas, sobrevivi a uma situação familiar muito difícil, e tive as minhas primeiras experiências como pessoa adulta. Decidi estudar psicologia porque gosto das pessoas, mas não gosto de as ver sofrer, e pensava poder ajudar os meus semelhantes a sentirem-se melhor consigo mesmos e com aquilo que os rodeia. O tumor estabilizou até que, quando tinha 19 anos, cresceu de forma súbita e rápida. Invadiu toda a zona do úmero e tive de ser operada com caráter de urgência. Removeram-me o tumor e fizeram-me um excerto de ósseo da anca com osso artificial. Precisei de mais de um ano e meio para recuperar parte da mobilidade. Foi um processo lento e doloroso, sobretudo a nível emocional, já que implicou ter uma vida de pessoa doente enquanto todos os meus amigos tinham uma vida "normal". Foi uma experiência que me afetou muito a todos os níveis. Fez-me repensar as minhas prioridades e valorizar os pequenos momentos e as relações com as pessoas da minha vida. Esta experiência precoce de doença e a presença da possibilidade (ainda que longínqua, de não podermos evitar de pensar nela) de morrer, fez com que aprofundasse na área da psicologia que trabalha com as pessoas doentes. Queria ouvi-las, partilhar a sua dor física e emocional e poder ajudá-las em tudo o que me fosse possível. O meu primeiro trabalho enquanto psicóloga foi na área da saúde mental, e, paralelamente, durante aqueles sete anos a trabalhar com os doentes com problemas graves de psiquiatria, formei-me e especializei-me em psicologia dos cuidados paliativos. �


by Sara De Miguel

C'est curieux car chaque fois qu’une personne me demande ce que je fais, je réponds que je suis psychologue en soins palliatifs, et automatiquement, elle change de sujet. Presque personne ne m'interroge sur mon travail, presque personne ne veut entendre parler de la maladie, et encore moins de la mort, alors que la seule chose certaine dans notre vie, c'est que nous allons mourir. Nous ne savons pas quand ni comment ; mais quand ce moment se produira, nous voulons tous « bien mourir », sans même se demander en quoi consiste « bien mourir ». Heureusement, j'ai l'immense plaisir d‘exercer au sein d'une équipe de médecins et d'infirmiers très professionnelle, mais surtout très humaine, avec qui j’ai partagé l'expérience extraordinaire d'aider de nombreuses personnes à mourir du mieux possible. Et si c'est ainsi, c’est parce que chaque personne malade rencontrée possède une histoire et un présent qui sont le fruit de son unique passé. Ils nous lisent les pages de leur biographie, nous enseignent à voir avec nos yeux et à sentir avec notre cœur ; ils nous font part de leurs peurs et de leurs inquiétudes, laissent exprimer leurs émotions pour que le moment venu ils puissent mourir avec le moins de souffrance possible. Mon plus grand apprentissage au fil des années a été le suivant : si nous écoutions davantage les personnes proches de la mort, nous les aiderions à mourir mieux. Et surtout, si nous écoutions davantage les personnes qui s'approchent de la mort, nous apprendrions à vivre mieux.

13 Anime

by Jessica Catani Sara De Miguel

Se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, impareremmo a vivere meglio. È curioso come, ogni volta che qualcuno mi chiede cosa faccio ed io rispondo che sono psicologa di cure palliative, automaticamente si cambi discorso. Quasi nessuno mi chiede del mio lavoro, quasi nessuno vuole sentir parlare di malattia, né tantomeno di morte, quando l’unica cosa certa nella nostra vita è che moriremo. Mi chiamo Sara e il mio più grande insegnamento in questi anni è stato che se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, le aiuteremmo a morire meglio. E, soprattutto, che se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, impareremmo a vivere meglio.

13 cosas que las mujeres mentalmente fuertes no hacen

by Amy Morin

Autora del bestseller 13 cosas que las personas mentalmente fuertes no hacen. RECONOCE TU PODER, CANALIZA TU CONFIANZA Y ENCUENTRA TU VOZ PARA UNA VIDA LLENA DE SIGNIFICADO Y ALEGRÍA. ¿Qué significa ser una mujer mentalmente fuerte? La aparición de los movimientos #MeToo y #TimesUp ha despertado a la sociedad y ha alentado a las mujeres a encontrar su voz y reclamar su poder. Pero para hacer esto, las mujeres deben aprender a mejorar su propia fuerza mental. Contender con una serie de problemas difíciles, desde la igualdad salarial hasta la agresión sexual, exige dureza psicológica. En este libro crucial, la reconocida psicoterapeuta Amy Morin les enseña a las mujeres cómo fortalecerse y enfrentar los desafíos a través de 13 hábitos y estados mentales que las mujeres deben evitar para dominar su fuerza mental. Estos 13 principios probados les muestran a las mujeres cómo enfrentar problemas y situaciones difíciles para vivir sus mejores y más poderosas vidas. Con base en evidencias científicas y estudios de casos de sus propios pacientes, Amy muestra cómo la fortaleza mental puede provenir de cualquier parte, independientemente de tu carrera, tu situación social, tu matrimonio o tu vida familiar. ¡Alcanza tu fortaleza mental para crear una vida de auténtico significado y alegría!

13 cosas que las mujeres mentalmente fuertes no hacen

by Amy Morin

Autora del bestseller 13 cosas que las personas mentalmente fuertes no hacen. RECONOCE TU PODER, CANALIZA TU CONFIANZA Y ENCUENTRA TU VOZ PARA UNA VIDA LLENA DE SIGNIFICADO Y ALEGRÍA. ¿Qué significa ser una mujer mentalmente fuerte? La aparición de los movimientos #MeToo y #TimesUp ha despertado a la sociedad y ha alentado a las mujeres a encontrar su voz y reclamar su poder. Pero para hacer esto, las mujeres deben aprender a mejorar su propia fuerza mental. Contender con una serie de problemas difíciles, desde la igualdad salarial hasta la agresión sexual, exige dureza psicológica. En este libro crucial, la reconocida psicoterapeuta Amy Morin les enseña a las mujeres cómo fortalecerse y enfrentar los desafíos a través de 13 hábitos y estados mentales que las mujeres deben evitar para dominar su fuerza mental. Estos 13 principios probados les muestran a las mujeres cómo enfrentar problemas y situaciones difíciles para vivir sus mejores y más poderosas vidas. Con base en evidencias científicas y estudios de casos de sus propios pacientes, Amy muestra cómo la fortaleza mental puede provenir de cualquier parte, independientemente de tu carrera, tu situación social, tu matrimonio o tu vida familiar. ¡Alcanza tu fortaleza mental para crear una vida de auténtico significado y alegría!

13 cosas que los padres mentalmente fuertes no hacen

by Amy Morin

Descubre cómo criar niños seguros y con autoestima entrenando sus cerebros para una vida de felicidad, significado y éxito. ¿Evitas que tu hijo cometa errores? ¿Le das a tu hijo poder sobre ti? ¿Eres padre por culpa? Si es así, no estás solo. Todos los padres quieren brindar a sus hijos el mejor y más seguro futuro. Pero en un mundo cada vez más complicado, muchos padres han llevado las cosas demasiado lejos, creyendo erróneamente que darles a sus hijos la mejor oportunidad de una vida exitosa implica tratar de protegerlos del dolor y la realidad. Muchas de las prácticas de crianza populares de hoy en día no permiten que los padres enseñen a los niños las habilidades que necesitan para convertirse en adultos mentalmente fuertes. Como psicoterapeuta, experta en terapia familiar y para adolescentes, y madre adoptiva, Amy ha sido testigo de primera mano de qué funciona. Cuando los niños tienen las habilidades que necesitan para enfrentar los desafíos en su vida cotidiana, prosperan social, emocional, conductual y académicamente. Amy combina estudios de casos, consejos prácticos, estrategias específicas y ejercicios probados para ayudar a niños de todas las edades; desde preescolares hasta adolescentes, a construir mentes fuertes para convertirse en adultos sanos. Padres mentalmente fuertes crían hijos mentalmente fuertes.

13 Souls

by Sara De Miguel Jesus M. Gonzalez

It is curious that every time someone asks me what I do for a living, and I answer that I am a palliative care psychologist, they automatically change the subject. Almost no one asks me about my work, almost nobody wants to hear about illness, much less death, when the only thing certain in our life is that we will die. My name is Sara, and my greatest learning these years has been that if we listened more to the people who are nearing death, we would help them to die better. And above all, that if we listen more to the people who are nearing death, we would learn to live better.

13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do: Fix What's Broken, Develop Healthier Patterns, and Grow Stronger Together

by Amy Morin

From the author of the internationally bestselling 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do series and preeminent psychotherapist Amy Morin, comes a guide for couples looking to develop mental strength together and sustain happier and healthier relationships. When psychotherapist Amy Morin first introduced the world to the concept of mental strength with her internationally bestselling book, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, she showed millions of people how to be the strongest, best version of themselves. Now, Morin turns her expert eye to how couples can work together to grow stronger and have better relationships. Relationships play a key role in mental strength, and partners have the ability to help one another build the mental muscle they need to reach their greatest potential—with hard work and the right tools.With her signature framework, Morin identifies the 13 key mistakes couples should avoid to heal their relationships and develop their mental muscles. Providing resources, original research, and advice for couples looking to grow stronger together, Morin gives readers life-changing steps they can do to improve their own mental strength and work better together as a team. Looking closely at modern-day issues, from social media to the COVID pandemic, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don’t Do provides easy-to-implement solutions that can help readers deal with the real-world problems that are distressing today’s couples. Readers will learn how to accept, experience, and express love by implementing Morin’s concrete strategies to thrive as individuals as well as a team.Each chapter features specific, effective mental strength strategies that can be practiced separate or apart to create positive change. Outlining how to proceed whether or not your partner is on board, Morin will give readers conversation starters, troubleshooting strategies, patient stories, quizzes, and the latest research to develop a better understanding of how they contribute to their relationship and resolve problems as they arise. From managing conflict to maintaining healthy communication to addressing underlying issue, readers will learn how to kick bad habits and become a resilient couple.A necessary and powerful guide to healthy and secure relationships, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don’t Do give partners the tools to work together to build mental strength, and a love that lasts.

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do: Raising Self-Assured Children and Training Their Brains for a Life of Happiness, Meaning, and Success

by Amy Morin

The author of the international bestseller 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do turns her focus to parents, teaching them how to raise mentally strong and resilient children.Do today’s children lack the flexibility and mental strength they need to cope with life’s challenges in an increasingly complicated and scary world? With safe spaces and trigger warnings designed to "protect" kids, many adults worry that children don’t have the resilience to reach their greatest potential. Amy Morin, the author who identified the characteristics that mentally strong people share, now gives adults—parents, teachers, and other mentors—the tools they need to become mental strength trainers. While other books tell parents what to do, Amy teaches parents what "not to do," which she says is equally important in raising mentally strong youngsters.As a foster parent, psychotherapist, and expert in family and teen therapy, Amy has witnessed first-hand what works. When children have the skills they need to deal with challenges in their everyday lives, they can flourish socially, emotionally, behaviorally, and academically. With appropriate support, encouragement, and guidance from adults, kids grow stronger and become better. Drawing on her experiences and insight, 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do combines case studies, practical tips, specific strategies, and concrete and proven exercises to help children of all ages—from preschoolers to teenagers—build mental muscle and develop into healthy, strong adults.

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success

by Amy Morin

"Kick bad mental habits and toughen yourself up."—Inc.Master your mental strength—revolutionary new strategies that work for everyone from homemakers to soldiers and teachers to CEOs.Everyone knows that regular exercise and weight training lead to physical strength. But how do we strengthen ourselves mentally for the truly tough times? And what should we do when we face these challenges? Or as psychotherapist Amy Morin asks, what should we avoid when we encounter adversity? Through her years counseling others and her own experiences navigating personal loss, Morin realized it is often the habits we cannot break that are holding us back from true success and happiness. Indulging in self-pity, agonizing over things beyond our control, obsessing over past events, resenting the achievements of others, or expecting immediate positive results holds us back. This list of things mentally strong people don't do resonated so much with readers that when it was picked up by it received ten million views.Now, for the first time, Morin expands upon the thirteen things from her viral post and shares her tried-and-true practices for increasing mental strength. Morin writes with searing honesty, incorporating anecdotes from her work as a college psychology instructor and psychotherapist as well as personal stories about how she bolstered her own mental strength when tragedy threatened to consume her.Increasing your mental strength can change your entire attitude. It takes practice and hard work, but with Morin's specific tips, exercises, and troubleshooting advice, it is possible to not only fortify your mental muscle but also drastically improve the quality of your life.

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meaning and Joy

by Amy Morin

In the time of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, international bestselling author and leading global expert on mental strength Amy Morin turns her focus to feminism, explaining what it means—and what it takes—to be a mentally strong woman.The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim their power. But to do this, women must learn to improve their own mental strength. Contending with a host of difficult issues—from sexual assault on college campuses, to equal pay and pay gaps, to mastering different negotiation styles—demands psychological toughness. In this crucial book, prominent psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin gives women the techniques to build mental muscle—and just as important, she teaches them what not to do. What does it mean to be a mentally strong woman? Delving into critical issues like sexism, social media, social comparison, and social pressure, Amy addresses this question and offers thoughtful, intelligent advice, practical tips, and specific strategies and combines them with personal experiences, stories from former patients, and both well-known and untold examples from women from across industries and pop culture. Throughout, she explores the areas women—and society at large—must focus on to become (and remain) mentally strong. Amy reveals that healthy, mentally tough women don’t insist on perfection; they don’t compare themselves to other people; they don’t see vulnerability as a weakness; they don’t let self-doubt stop them from reaching their goals. Wise, grounded, and essential, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do can help every woman flourish—and ultimately improve our society as well.

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice

by Amy Morin

The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim back their power. Contending with a host of difficult issues that demand psychological strength - in this crucial book, prominent psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin gives women the techniques to build mental muscle in 13 steps.Delving into critical issues like sexism, social media, social comparison, and social pressure, Amy offers thoughtful, intelligent advice, practical tips, and specific strategies; combining them with her personal experiences, stories from former patients, and both well-known and untold examples from women from across industries and pop culture. Throughout, she explores the areas women - and society at large - must focus on to become (and remain) mentally strong.Amy reveals that healthy, mentally tough women don't insist on perfection; they don't compare themselves to other people; they don't see vulnerability as a weakness; they don't let self-doubt stop them from reaching their goals. Insightful, grounded, and extremely timely, 13 THINGS MENTALLY STRONG WOMEN DON'T DO can help every woman flourish - and Amy will take readers on this journey with her, every step of the way.

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice

by Amy Morin

The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim back their power. Contending with a host of difficult issues that demand psychological strength - in this crucial book, international bestselling author, prominent psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin gives women the techniques to build mental muscle in 13 steps.Delving into critical issues like sexism, social media, social comparison, and social pressure, Amy offers thoughtful, intelligent advice, practical tips, and specific strategies; combining them with her personal experiences, stories from former patients, and both well-known and untold examples from women from across industries and pop culture. Throughout, she explores the areas women - and society at large - must focus on to become (and remain) mentally strong.Amy reveals that healthy, mentally tough women don't insist on perfection; they don't compare themselves to other people; they don't see vulnerability as a weakness; they don't let self-doubt stop them from reaching their goals. Insightful, grounded, and extremely timely, 13 THINGS MENTALLY STRONG WOMEN DON'T DO can help every woman flourish - and Amy will take readers on this journey with her, every step of the way.(P)2019 Harper Audio

13 Things Rich People Won't Tell You

by Jennifer Merritt

Did you read about the janitor who donated $1 million dollars to his local library? Do you ever watch in amazement as your well-off boss haggles over the price of a tuna fish sandwich? Is it possible to find an advisor to help you invest your money--without losing it all to a Bernie Madoff-like con man?In the same spirit of Reader's Digest magazine's popular 13 Things They Won't Tell You series, the editors at America's Most Trusted Magazine have developed the ultimate roadmap for making the most of your money and avoiding the wallet-sucking scams that are keeping you off Easy Street. We talked to everyday and not-so-everyday rich folks, and to the experts who helped make them rich, to learn their secrets on what to save for, how much to save--and where to stash cash so that it grows (hint: not that bank savings account). We also got their tips for developing "rich guy vision": The uncanny ability to make financial goals and reach them in five, ten even 20 years--while smartly navigating economic pitfalls and surprises.You'll learn what services you should be getting for free, how to ask the right questions to get behind-the-scenes deals, and how to "live rich" even on an everyday budget. You'll stop wasting money, blowing your budget (or flying blind without one), and getting scammed. This book will enlighten you, horrify you, and give you a whole new perspective on when to spend and when to stash it deep in your pockets. Inside you'll discover countless eye-opening strategies for: Saving and investing. The savvy tricks you need to know to grow your money wisely--from branching out beyond your 401K to getting tax breaks you didn't know you deserved. Plus: what the IRS, stockbrokers, and bankers won't tell you. House

The 13th Disciple

by Deepak Chopra

From Deepak Chopra comes a spiritual adventure story about Christ's forgotten disciple, an ancient mystery school, and the timeless power of faith.Before suddenly disappearing from her cloister, Sister Margaret Thomas McGeary leaves behind a solid gold reliquary, which her niece Mare dis-covers tucked away among Sister Margaret's belongings. "This is from the thirteenth disciple," a handwritten note says, "follow it where it leads," setting into motion a millennia-old mystery about the final--and truest--disciple of Christ. As Mare searches for her lost aunt, she begins to realize that the reliquary contains a secret that could very well change the history of Christianity and forever redefine what it means to be a person of faith.Joining Mare in her quest is a ragtag and reluctant group of sinners and skeptics--Frank, a journalist eager to break the story; Lilith, an eccentric mother of two who knows more than she's letting on; Galen, a misanthrope with a hidden past; and Jimmy, a hospital orderly whose faith sustains him even in the darkest hours. Together, they try to make sense of the reliquary and its mysterious contents. But are they ready for what they learn about the reliquary--or themselves?Weaving together masterful storytelling, page-turning intrigue, and biblical and religious scholarship, Deepak Chopra reveals illuminating truths about Jesus, his followers, and, ultimately, belief itself. Like his previous New York Times bestselling novels Buddha and Jesus, The 13th Disciple invites readers to know and experience religion in a new and breathtaking way.

14,000 Things to Be Happy About.: Newly Revised and Updated

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

With more than 1.5 million copies in print, 14,000 Things to Be Happy About is the iconic impulse gift book that celebrates all the little things that make life worth living. Now it is even more of a mood-altering pick-me-up, with the use of cheerful watercolors throughout plus redesigned pages, all of which give this new edition a fresh, joyous feeling. At the heart, though, is its unique list of thousands of items, places, thoughts, and moments that make us happy. No opinions, no explanations, no asides or footnotes. It&’s mesmerizing. And as an antidote to the all-too-many things to be unhappy about, it could not be more welcome. a sweet tooth twirling a baton driving as you wish your kids would artistic license an express lane reaching a compromise ripe peaches on a summer's eve dinner rolls playing in autumn leaves A unique way to unplug, relax, reminisce, practice gratitude, and change your mood to an upbeat and happy one!

14 Keys to Lasting Love: How to Have the Marriage You've Always Wanted

by Kim Kimberling

Discover the 14 secrets to a lasting and loving marriage.In this fresh, insightful marriage book, Dr. Kim talks directly to couples, showing you that marriage isn't just meant to make you happy but to make you holy. Over the years, through his ministry, he's conducted countless couples surveys. He knows what you struggle with and what areas of marriage scare you. He knows what you want and what you don't want. By looking at 14 major areas of marriage, Dr. Kim shows couples how to stay on the right track. Through chapters on empathy, personal health, conflict behavior, talking, intimacy, sex, and more, you'll learn how to have the happy, connected marriage you've dreamed of.This book will change your marriage, and it will most certainly change you. If you want to know God and love more deeply in this life, 14 KEYS TO LASTING LOVE will show you how to do that.

15 incredibili trucchi mentali: semplificati la vita cambiando idea

by Danilo H. Gomes

Impara in modo semplice e senza deviazioni 15 incredibili trucchi mentali per facilitarti la vita ed esserti d'aiuto nei problemi giornalieri. Attraverso spiegazioni concise e facili da capire, potrai usuifruire di molte tecniche riconosciute dalla psicologia e dimostrate dalla PNL o programmazione neurolinguistica.

15 Increíbles Trucos Mentales: Facilita tu vida cambiando tu mente

by Danilo H. Gomes

Aprende de forma simple y sin devaneos 15 increíbles trucos mentales para facilitar tu vida y auxiliarte en tu día a día. Con explicaciones resumidas y de fácil comprensión, usa varias técnicas reconocidas por la psicología y comprobadas por la PNL.

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