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Tolstoy in Search of Truth and Meaning: Wisdom from His Letters, Novels, Essays and Conversations

by Leo Tolstoy

This collection of inspirational thoughts represents Tolstoy's lifelong quest to find meaning and understand life's purpose. Chronicled as a biographical arrangement of his philosophical views, featuring quotations from his earliest diaries, stories, religious writings, political tracts, conversations, and letters collected throughout his lifetime, Tolstoy tackles subjects such as self-improvement, education, marriage and family, good and evil, peace, war, and civil disobedience with his own unique perspective. These selections reveal Tolstoy as a sage fully immersed in and challenged by life: an intense person, writer, father, and husband. Providing an inspirational and spiritual journey of a man's existential pursuit, Tolstoy in Search of Truth and Meaning features the fullest expression of his ideals for readers seeking insight and wisdom from one of the greatest literary geniuses of all time.

The Toltec Art of Life and Death: A Story of Discovery

by Don Miguel Ruiz Barbara Emrys

A HarperElixir BookThe beloved teacher of spiritual wisdom and author of the phenomenal New York Times and international bestseller The Four Agreements takes readers on a mystical Toltec-inspired personal journey, introducing us to a deeper level of spiritual teaching and awareness.In 2002, Don Miguel Ruiz suffered a near fatal heart attack that left him in a nine-weeks-long coma. The spiritual journey he undertook while suspended between this world and the next forms the heart of The Toltec Art of Life and Death, a profound and mystical tale of spiritual struggle. As his body lies unconscious, Ruiz’s spirit encounters the people, ideas, and events that have shaped him, illuminating the eternal struggle between life—unending energy and truth—and death—matter and subjective knowledge—in which we are all called to engage.Over ten years in the making, The Toltec Art of Life and Death invites readers into the mind of a master of spiritual seeking, offering an unparalleled and intimate glimpse into the development of a soul. In this culmination of a lifetime's learning, Ruiz shares with readers the innermost workings of his singular heart and mind, and summons us to grapple with timeless insights, drawn from ancient Toltec wisdom, that are the essence of transformation.

Toltec Dreaming: Don Juan's Teachings on the Energy Body

by Ken Eagle Feather

A metaphysical instruction manual on the role of dreaming in the Toltec tradition • Describes the energy body, its modes of perception, and how it produces dreaming • Provides an outline of the dream gates showing how they correspond to the chakras • Includes detailed instructions for awakening dreaming potential and for exercising and expanding the dreaming body--what to expect and how to respond Toltec Dreaming explores the many aspects and levels of the dream-state, distinguishing ordinary dreaming from “dreaming awake,” a condition of heightened awareness through which the active dreamer ascends to the Dream of Transcendence. In this book, Ken Eagle Feather presents the history of dreaming’s place within the Toltec tradition and provides a practical how-to manual for achieving and maximizing dreaming potential. The Toltec Way superimposes on the waking world the subtle physics of the dream world in order to create a conscious dreaming body, often referred to as an “out-of-body experience,” that can allow anyone to use dreaming as a vehicle to higher consciousness. Once the dreaming energies are fully awakened, unbounded conscious perception can come alive, whether one is in the world of dreams or in daily life. The author shows how to communicate while in the dreaming body and indicates what one may encounter in the dream. He also identifies barriers to dreaming and includes instructions for detaching the dream body from the waking ego. Filled with techniques that stimulate dreaming and the development of the dreaming body, this book will guide practitioners along the Toltec Way of the Dream.

The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations (Vintage Original Ser.)

by Tom Peters

This volume brings together the best of the Tom Peters seminars, complete with visual materials. The Tom Peters Seminar demonstrates Peters' unconventional analysis that challenges outdated corporate structures and demonstrates that in the 1990s, "imagination is the source of value in the economy." Peters' bold ideas vault business thinking beyond change--toward invention and revolution.

Tom Sawyer: His Extraordinary Life and Near-Death Experiences

by Rev. Daniel Chesbro

• Shares Tom&’s profound teachings on life, death, and unconditional love gained through his near-death experiences and direct encounter with the Light • Includes more than 160 true and remarkable stories about Tom completing his mission to spread God&’s Unconditional Love • Details Tom&’s death experiences and how in 2007, when he felt he had fulfilled his mission from God, he consciously left life on Earth In the early evening of May 23, 1978, while making repairs under his pick-up truck full of firewood, the heavy truck crashed down on Tom Sawyer, crushing his chest flat. A 33-year-old Olympic-trained bike racer and mechanic, Tom was clinically dead. Fifteen minutes later, he came back to life, recounting his strange experience of going through a tunnel, having his life review, and meeting the Light. Spiritually energized by this experience and endowed with supernatural abilities, Tom demonstrated repeatedly that the reality we believe in is an illusion, that walls are not necessarily barriers, severe health challenges can be healed in a moment, and it is possible to walk on water. During his death experience, Tom was charged by God with a three-part mission: teach that death does not exist, prevent nuclear war, and promote the Order of Melchizedek, in which he became a highly respected teacher. Through more than 160 remarkable stories, Rev. Daniel Chesbro and Rev. James B. Erickson share Tom&’s profound and enlightening insights on life, death, and Unconditional Love. The most complete and in-depth account of the life and teachings of Tom Sawyer, this book reveals Tom as a modern-day messenger of God who returned to life a powerful conduit of Unconditional Love, compelled to create positive change for humanity.

Toma el control: Pequeña guía del desarrollo personal

by Alix Eze

Este libro tiene como objetivo servir de diario de a bordo detallado sobre la manera de sobrellevar con éxito las pruebas cotidianas, los malos hábitos como la procrastinación. Seguir los consejos de este libro te permitirá, estoy convencida, vivir de manera más relajada y comprender más eficazmente los diversos obstáculos que se presenten en tu camino. Con este libro deseo ayudarte a trabajar la confianza en ti mismo, superar la ansiedad, combatir la procrastinación y cultivar la felicidad.

Toma un café contigo mismo

by Walter Dresel

Una invitación a comenzar un diálogo interno conducente a tomarconciencia sobre cómo nuestras expectativas y autoimagen se venvulneradas por estas experiencias a las que el consenso social y unavisión restringida del ser humano llaman «fracasos». ¿Qué significa un fracaso? ¿Cuál es su impacto? ¿Qué sentimientosprovoca en nosotros? ¿Qué lugar le damos al juicio de los demás respectode nosotros y nuestras decisiones? ¿Somos capaces de desprendernos deaquellas autodefiniciones que nos impiden cambiar y adaptarnos a losnuevos desafíos que se nos presentan a lo largo de la vida o estamospresos de una imagen que en vez de impulsarnos cercena nuestrasposibilidades de desarrollo personal? ¿Cómo acceder al conocimiento denuestras propias vulnerabilidades y fortalezas?La lucha por sobrevivir nos obliga diariamente a tomar decisionesdifíciles. Pero en ciertas ocasiones también hay momentos cruciales,situaciones críticas, encrucijadas cuya superación nos demanda mucho másque el esfuerzo habitual, ya que conmueven nuestras estructuras deapreciación y acción, y nos obligan a revisar hasta los principioséticos y morales que guían nuestra existencia.

Toma un segundo café contigo mismo: El valor de la autoestima

by Walter Dresel

Hace casi dos décadas Walter Dresel invitaba a sus lectores a hacer una pausa y mirar en su interior, con el libro Toma un café contigo mismo, que se convirtió en un éxito singular no solo en ventas, sino también en repercusión por la manera en que logró conectarse con su público. Hoy, este Toma un segundo café contigo mismo es una invitación a retomar el trascendente rol de la autoestima en el desempeño y gratificación que podamos recoger en nuestra vida, pero con la perspectiva de los años transcurridos. El mundo cambia y nosotros también lo hacemos. ¿Cómo nos ha ido en los últimos años? ¿Cuánto confiamos en nosotros mismos? ¿Qué ángulos debemos tener en cuenta en estos días para abordar con eficacia el auto-respeto? El autor nos ofrece bucear en lo más profundo de la autoestima mediante recursos prácticos para avanzar con pasos concretos en ser exitosos en aquello que de verdad nos proponemos.

Tómale una selfie a tu alma: Cómo mirar dentro de ti y ser tú mismo

by Marcelo Rittner

Si pudieras verte desde fuera, sin filtros, ¿te reconocerías? En una sociedad que prioriza las apariencias sobre la espiritualidad, donde se valora más el éxito económico que el bienestar emocional, cada vez estamos más lejos de saber quiénes somos realmente. Cuando no alcanzamos los estándares, cuando no obtenemos los likes que tanto deseamos, esto nos causa angustia y pesar, que poco a poco destruyen nuestra autoestima y dañan la forma en la que nos relacionamos con la gente a la que amamos y con nosotros mismos. Pero no todo está perdido. En este libro aprenderás a verte con tus propios ojos, los más amorosos que encontrarás, y descubrirás que todo lo que te hace diferente no es un defecto, sino la prueba de que eres una persona única e irremplazable. Este libro ofrece una serie de reflexiones necesarias y urgentes sobre la forma en que priorizamos los distintos aspectos de nuestra vida cuando atendemos más las apariencias externas que las necesidades internas. Descubre por qué debemos procurar nuestra dimensión espiritual tanto como la física; por qué es importante estar en buenos términos con nuestro ser interior antes de preocuparnos por agradar a los demás, y cómo encontrar nuestro propósito en la vida, en vez de imitar los que otras personas intentan imponernos. Prólogo de Alejandra Llamas

Tómalo con filosofía

by Thomas Nelson

Siguiendo el ejemplo de las escuelas más antiguas, este ensayo multifacético nos muestra cómo la filosofía todavía puede impactar poderosamente nuestras vidas como un juego serio conducido sobre nuestra existencia y nuestro camino. La filosofía es un arte de vivir en armonía, una educación y entrenamiento de uno mismo, para florecer en nuestro ser más compuesto y verdadero, para encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo.Following the example of the oldest schools, this multifaceted essay shows us how philosophy can still powerfully impact our lives as a serious game played on our existence and our path. Philosophy is an art of living in harmony, an education and training of oneself, to flourish in our most serene and true being, to find our place in the world.

Tómese el día libre: Reciba el regalo del descanso de Dios

by Robert Morris

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital--you must take the day off. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

Tomorrow I'll Be Slim: The Psychology of Dieting (Psychology Revivals)

by Sara Gilbert

Why do so many people try dieting, only to fail? What distinguishes those who succeed from those who do not? Are fat people really any different from thin people? What makes us eat, and how do we stop eating? And how can dieting trigger problems with eating normally? Originally published in 1989, Sara Gilbert discusses these questions in Tomorrow I’ll Be Slim, and draws on what is known about the psychology of eating, overeating, and weight control to dispel a number of popular myths about dieting. She shows how unsuccessful dieting can lead to new problems with eating and weight control. She points out that long-term success in slimming has more to do with individual factors such as a dieter’s expectations, self-confidence, or social and family circumstances than with ‘will-power’; and as much to do with how a diet is managed as with the content of a diet sheet. She suggests ways in which people who want to be slimmer can make a realistic assessment of their need to diet. She explains how individuals who seriously need to lose weight or change the way they eat might draw up effective strategies for themselves and prepare for the inevitable difficulties we all face whenever we try to change old habits. Finally, she addresses the problems of taking the emphasis off dieting and examining our attitudes to a slim figure as the key to happiness itself.

Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection—Now and in an Uncertain Future

by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman Martin E. Seligman

Thrive in your career with this radical, future-proofed approach to work in a world where automation, globalization, and downsizing are an urgent and threatening reality—from experts in workplace mental health, Gabriella Kellerman, CPO of BetterUp, and world-renowned psychologist Martin Seligman.In recent years, workplace toxicity, industry volatility, and technology-driven turnover have threatened the psychological well-being of employees. When we can&’t flourish at work, both personal success and corporate productivity suffer. As we sit on the cusp of some of the most turbulent economic changes in history, many of us wonder how we can not only survive but flourish in our careers. Now, Tomorrowmind provides essential plans and actionable advice for facing the uncertain future of work. With in-depth and clear-eyed evidence, it offers key skills on everything from resilience and innovation to social connection and foresight. Cultivate a workplace that fosters connection and meaning for yourself or your employees with this timely and crucial guide that is destined to inspire generations of workers.

Tone It Up: 5-Day Reset for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

by Katrina Scott Karena Dawn

Hey, Gorgeous! Welcome to Tone It Up, a worldwide community of amazing girlfriends who support and encourage each other to live our happiest, healthiest, and most confident lives. We’re so happy you’re here! Balanced and Beautiful is a 5-day plan to Refresh, Motivate, Inspire, Energize, and Relax so you can focus on you—you deserve it! Each day, you’ll find tips and advice for every aspect of your journey, including:Amazing workouts—beach yoga, ab and booty sculpting, and energizing cardioDelicious recipes that you’re going to love! Pancakes, Strawberry-Avo Toast, Blueberry Chia Muffins, and easy dinners for hostingGuides to fun workouts, girlfriend get- togethers, DIY face masks, essential oils, meditation, and advice for living your best lifeThroughout these pages, you’ll feel empowered, uplifted, and connected, with the entire Tone It Up community beside you cheering you on.Ready to reset and refresh? Feeling balanced and beautiful is only 5 days away!

Tongue Fu! How to Deflect, Disarm and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict

by Sam Horn

From the book cover: "Looking for just the right words to cut your opponents off at the knees? Ms. Horn will probably convince you there's a better way. She teaches tactics for handling bullies, complainers, rude children, and angry people of every stripe. Her weapons are kindness, empathy, and a bit of detachment. Her anecdotes get to the bottom of conflicts with the same humor she urges on her readers."-The Dallas Morning News "If you use the strategies outlined by Horn, Tongue Fu! will change your attitude and the attitude of others. It will also change the way others treat you. This book is filled with diplomatic ways to deflect conflicts." -Foreign Service Journal "Sam Horn is a verbal black belt who knows how to counter oral attacks . . . her new book Tongue Fu! doesn't explain how to defeat opponents with linguistic karate chops. Instead, it teaches how to kill conflict with kindness."-The Seattle Times "This self-help book focuses on communication-specifically, how to see through your anger, embarrassment, and frustration to deal constructively with other people. Anecdotes and action plans . . . enliven the book."-Honolulu Star Bulletin "By focusing on real-life responses to verbal challenges instead of theories and platitudes, the author has delivered a convenient handbook for the mental martial art of verbal self-protection. Horn's book is a lively, positive guide that can be returned to time and again. A popular title for all public library collections."-Library Journal

Tongue Pierced

by Nelson Searcy

Words. They can seem tiny and insignificant, but they have tremendous power. They create our atmosphere, ignite psychological connections, shape our thinking, determine our actions, and ultimately construct our reality. Our words can strengthen relationships or tear people down, lead to success or ruin a lifetime's legacy. Words can truly change our world. It's up to you to determine whether that change will be for better or for worse. The words you allow to flow from your mouth will shape your circumstances. This practical guide will show you how to choose your words wisely in order to create the life you want.Includes the "30-Day No Cursing Challenge."

Toning: The Creative Power of the Voice

by Laurel Elizabeth Keyes

Toning is an ancient method of healing, which I hope will be recognized and used with new understanding now that we have more scientific explanations for it. It does not depend upon faith, nor belief in the method, any more than these are necessary to our use of electricity to provide light and energy in our daily living. There appear to be certain natural flows of energy in our bodies and if we recognize them and cooperate with them, they benefit us. Toning is not limited to one's religion, or lack of it. It does not require one's belief. Apparently it is not a "gift" but something available to anyone who goes through the mechanics of letting the voice express itself in a natural way. Anyone who can groan can Tone and experience its benefits. There is no mystery about Toning. It can be understood through material science, physiology and psychology as well as the most ancient concepts of man's relationship to his God. Please try it.

Toning for Teens: The 20 Minute Workout That Makes You Look Good and Feel Great

by Joyce L. Vedral

In the first total-body weight training book for teens, fitness guru Joyce Vedral teaches girls how to use weights to build strong, fit bodies. Targeting specific problems faced by teens-from what to eat in the cafeteria to how to stay healthy at summer camp--Vedral coaches girls through her diet and highly effective weight training workouts with her signature frankness. She discusses the body image issues which often begin in these formative years and teaches girls how to break self-sabotaging habits and establish a healthy mindset. Using her comprehensive diet, with menus included, and an exercise regimen illustrated in black and white photographs, Vedral shows adolescent girls how to use total-body weight training as the key to better health.

Tony Evans Speaks Out on Gambling and the Lottery (Tony Evans Speaks Out On...)

by Tony Evans

Morality. Relativity. Right and Wrong. These are the complicated issues we face today. Everyone has an opinion, but who has the answer? Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd.

Tony Evans Speaks Out on Gambling and the Lottery (Tony Evans Speaks Out On...)

by Tony Evans

Morality. Relativity. Right and Wrong. These are the complicated issues we face today. Everyone has an opinion, but who has the answer? Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd.

Tony Soprano On Management: Leadership Lessons Inspired By America's Favorite Mobster

by Anthony Schneider

Economic uncertainty. Employee loyalty. Power struggles. Conflict resolution. Tony Soprano has to deal with leadership problems just like any CEO. Aside from "whacking" people (a definite no-no in most corporate environments), his strategies and tactics can work for you. He’s direct, he’s fast… and he’s successful. Learn what makes him such an effective leader in this offbeat management guide, including advice you can you use on:<P> - Busting Balls and Building Teams <P> - Behind the Bada Bing: Making Decisions <P> - Sit Downs, Stand-Ups and Other Meetings <P> - What Carmela Knows: Managing Up <P> - And more…<P> With case studies, worksheets, tips on managing up and delegating—and a special chapter on what Tony does wrong—this is a business book like none you’ve ever read. Use it to gain insight—and find street-smart ways to manage your own workplace family.

Too Busy Not to Pray

by Bill Hybels

For over two decades Too Busy Not to Pray has stood as a classic on prayer, helping Christians all over the world slow down to draw near to God.During those years, the world certainly hasn't slowed down. If anything, the pace, intensity and number of distractions have only increased. Brokenness and pain seem to have increased as well, with news of civil war, poverty, broken families and sex-trafficking touching us daily. The urgent need for prayer is clear, but busyness still keeps many of us from finding time to pray.Two truths haven't changed in all these years: God is the same powerful, just, holy God he's always been; and true prayer—prayer that changes us and allows us to participate in God's work in the world—can't happen on the fly. So Bill Hybels once again offers us his practical, time-tested ideas on slowing down to pray. Revised throughout and including a new introduction and new chapter on prayer and compassion for the world, this twentieth-anniversary edition of Too Busy Not to Pray calls both young and old to make prayer a priority, and broadens our vision for what our eternal, powerful God does when his people slow down to pray.

Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to be with God

by Bill Hybels Lavonne Neff

Most of us have trouble finding time to pray. There's church and school and neighborhood and job and friends and recreation. And then the crises hit! Time for prayer seems an impossible luxury. As a pastor, Bill Hybels knows hundreds of people with schedules like this. Yet in his own life he has made the hard discovery that prayer doesn't happen on the run. He decided he was too busy not to pray. Hybels's accessible introduction to prayer has already helped over 400,000 readers develop a rich and regular prayer life in the midst of life's busyness. Now, in this revised and expanded 10th anniversary edition, he includes new insights from his years of ministry and his own spiritual journey. He shows how to slow down to pray, listen to God, respond to what we hear, practice the presence of God and overcome prayer barriers. His fun and practical book offers the resources we need for growing, ongoing experiences in prayer. About the Author Bill Hybels is pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in the Chicago suburbs, where over 15,000 attend each weekend. Willow Creek's "seeker sensitive" approach to worship has influenced many churches across the U.S. and throughout the world. Hybels has written a number of books, including Honest to God, Becoming a Contagious Christian, Making Life Work and Too Busy Not to Pray.

Too Close For Comfort: Exploring The Risks Of Intimacy

by Geraldine K. Piorkowski

Countless experts offer us advice on how to create the "perfect relationship," fostering the unrealistic expectation that forming an intimate bond will be a painless experience. Unfortunately, few experts are willing to confront the powerful challenges and emotions inherent within close relationships today. In contrast to other intimacy books, Too Close for Comfort vividly describes the surprising dangers, damage to self-esteem, inadequacies, and immaturities that characterize the contemporary state of romantic intimacy. Too Close for Comfort compassionately explores the risks and misunderstandings that occur within many intimate relationships. Romantic partners tend to hurt each other not only by insensitivity and neglect, but also by criticism, abuse, and betrayal - most of which spring from insecurity. Dr. Piorkowski, a noted consulting psychologist and educator, focuses on the vulnerability both partners experience in intimacy due to the emergence of strong, unrealistic needs that are almost impossible to satisfy. The author contends that people avoid the perils of intimacy by donning one or more defensive "masks" - ranging from acting superior to mysterious, comical to withdrawn, self-sufficient to dependent - in an effort to protect themselves from emotional exposure. Presenting a fascinating range of clinical examples, she sensitively depicts the fears of intimacy that limit contact, namely psychological concerns about loss of control or autonomy, feelings of disappointment and abandonment, or of being attacked and made to feel guilty. Depicting women's reliance on verbal expression to achieve an emotional connection versus men's dependence on physical contact, Dr. Piorkowski brilliantly elucidates the complex barriers to intimacy, especially the chasms of misunderstanding created by vast sexual differences and attitudes. While this book is unique in its exposition of the dangers in intimacy, its message is not pessimistic.

Too Close to the Flame

by Ann Mcmurray Gregg Jantz

"Our world is aflame with sex," warns counselor and author Dr. Gregg Jantz. We live in a society where sex is practiced openly, talked about freely, engaged in creatively, and flaunted shamelessly. Cultural stigmas that once kept sex within definable boundaries have all but disappeared. Anyone can fall prey to sexual temptation or become the target of a sexual aggressor. Any man or woman who has contact with the opposite sex -- whether at church, in the workplace, or at play -- needs the vital information contained in these pages. Would you recognize a sexually charged relationship soon enough to avoid falling into an affair? Would you be able to help a friend, loved one, or someone you're counseling avoid such a relationship? Basing each section on gripping case studies, this must-read book for the new millennium will help you recognize the danger signs of a sexualized relationship and show you how to keep your future with your family, your friends, your coworkers, and your God secure. In this informative volume, Dr. Jantz offers expert guidance in: identifying sexual manipulators and climbers; spotting danger signals in friendships about to turn sexual; protecting family members from relatives or acquaintances who are sexual predators; knowing how to avoid sexual traps when advising church members; avoiding sexual pitfalls in professional and pastoral counseling.

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