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Showing 32,651 through 32,675 of 37,715 results

That's Not What I Meant!: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships

by Deborah Tannen

The bestselling linguistics professor examines how we communicate with each other and how you can maintain an effective conversation.At home, on the job, in a personal relationship, it’s often not what you say but how you say it that counts.Deborah Tannen revolutionized our thinking about relationships between women and men in her #1 bestseller You Just Don’t Understand. In That’s Not What I Meant!, the internationally renowned sociolinguist and expert on communication demonstrates how our conversational signals—voice level, pitch and intonation, rhythm and timing, even the simple turns of phrase we choose—are powerful factors in the success or failure of any relationship. Regional speech characteristics, ethnic and class backgrounds, age, and individual personality all contribute to diverse conversational styles that can lead to frustration and misplaced blame if ignored—but provide tools to improve relationships if they are understood.At once eye-opening, astute, and vastly entertaining, Tannen’s classic work on interpersonal communication will help you to hear what isn’t said and to recognize how your personal conversational style meshes or clashes with others. It will give you a new understanding of communication that will enable you to make the adjustments that can save a conversation . . . or a relationship.“Tannen combines a novelist’s ear for the way people speak with a rare power of original analysis. . . . Fascinating.” —Oliver Sacks“We are, all of us, foreigners to each other: editor and writer, man and woman, Californian and New Yorker, friend and friend. Dr. Tannen shows us how different we are, and how to speak the same language.” —Jack Rosenthal, Pulitzer Prize winner and editor, The New York Times“Tannen has a marvelous ear for the way real people express themselves and a scientist’s command of the inner structures of speech and human relationships.” —Los Angeles Times

That's Outside My Boat: Letting Go of What You Can't Control

by Charlie Jones Kim Doren

The sportscaster and New York Times–bestselling author shares a mantra for success that changed his life—and can change your business.When veteran television announcer Charlie Jones got assigned to the hinterlands of Olympic broadcasting to cover rowing, canoeing, and kayaking, he serendipitously discovered a powerful philosophy for focused living: That’s Outside My Boat. He learned that Olympic rowers never let anything outside their boat prevent them from achieving their goals. Wind, rain, sun, lane assignments, and broken oars were outside their boat, and therefore, simply did not exist. Here, Jones, with coauthor Kim Doren, shows how the world of business—and all aspects of life—can greatly benefit when this same perspective is applied. The book uses the power of the personal example to show how deciding what’s important and focusing on it fosters success. Bob Wright, vice chairman of General Electric; Terry Bradshaw, NFL broadcaster and TV personality; Jack Kemp, codirector of Empower America; Liz Dolan, former Nike corporate vice president; and many other business leaders apply this philosophy to their own experience in That’s Outside My Boat—a powerful tool for business and for life.“A veteran TV announcer finds in Olympic rowing a metaphor for focused living and working.” —Publishers Weekly“An Olympic-size lesson in focus.” —Inc.


by Stephan Schiffman

Now you can join the hundreds of thousands of salespeople who have followed Stephen Schiffman's advice and watch your performance soar.

The Feel Good Book: Un libro para mejorar la relación con nuestro cuerpo, la comida y nosotras mismas

by Claudia Fernández

Descubre The Feel Good Book, un libro para hacer las paces con tu cuerpo y con tu relación con la comida. ¿Te sientes culpable al comer ciertos alimentos? ¿Comparas tu cuerpo con el de otras personas? Cuando te miras al espejo, ¿lo primero que ves es lo que no te gusta? La relación con nuestro cuerpo no siempre es fácil, y muchas veces llegamos a obsesionarnos, haciendo que nuestra relación con el deporte, con la comida y con nosotras mismas se vuelva complicada. Sin embargo, es algo en lo que podemos trabajar para conseguir que habitar nuestro cuerpo deje de ser una tortura. El objetivo de este libro es animarte a dar el paso de conocerte, escucharte y priorizarte (porque eso de quererte es difícil y empezar por priorizarte es mucho más sencillo). De la mano de Clau Fernández, divulgadora y creadora de contenidos, que promueve en sus redes un estilo de vida saludable que nos haga sentir felices y una relación sana con la comida y con nuestros cuerpos a través de la alimentación intuitiva y de escuchar nuestro cuerpo y sus necesidades. Un libro para aprender a sentirte bien contigo misma, con teoría, ejercicios y propuestas que te ayudarán a cuidarte y a disfrutar más de la vida, porque, querida: ¡es el momento de dejar de sufrir! The Feel Good Book te ayudará a: -Dar el paso para conocerte a ti misma.-Aprender a escuchar a tu cuerpo y priorizarte.-Desarrollar una relación sana con la comida y con tu cuerpo.

The Girl with the Self-Esteem Issues \La latina con baja (Spanish edition): Memorias

by Rosie Mercado

«Cada vez que una mujer se atreve a contar su verdadera historia y a mostrar en carne viva sus heridas permite que otras cicatricen las suyas. Estoy segura de que este libro sanará muchas heridas. Y que las vidas de muchas tendrán un final feliz tras leerlo. ¡Gracias, Rosie!» — Luz María Doria, autora de La mujer de mis sueños y Tu momento estelarLa vida de Rosie Mercado ha sido todo menos fácil: ¿cómo es posible que haya tenido tres relaciones fallidas y dado a luz a tres hijos a solas? ¿Qué había hecho ella para merecerlo? En su peor momento, llegó a pesar más de ciento ochenta kilos tras toda una vida con baja autoestima y de comer emocionalmente. Pero Rosie decidió cambiarla por completo y dejar de ser la víctima. Ideó un plan, aceptó sus «defectos», y descubrió el tipo de amor más importante y esencial: el amor propio.Estas revelaciones no sólo la llevaron a alcanzar sus sueños como maquillista, empresaria, modelo de talla grande y presentadora de televisión, sino a mejorar su calidad de vida por ella y sus hijos. La latina con baja autoestima son las inspiradoras memorias de una mexicoamericana de talla grande que se dejó finalmente guiar por su intuición, fe y ambición. Rosie nos cuenta los jugosos detalles de cómo llegó a convertirse en la superestrella y life coach que es hoy, regalándonos importantes y poderosos consejos de vida en el camino.ROSIE MERCADO es modelo mexicoamericana y una de Las 25 mujeres más poderosas del 2019 de People en Español. Además de haber participado como copresentadora del programa Face The Truth, producido por el célebre Dr. Phil, es una life coach cuyo propósito es inspirar, motivar y abogar por el amor propio y la aceptación corporal tras sus propias vivencias como empresaria y modelo de talla grande. Rosie ha abierto camino a las latinas de talla grande en la televisión hispana como presentadora ocasional para Telemundo y Univisión. Vive en Los Ángeles con su esposo y sus cuatro hermosos hijos.

The Greatest Secret \ El Secreto Más Grande (Spanish edition)

by Rhonda Byrne

Author of the worldwide bestseller The Secret, Rhonda Byrne’s long-awaited major new book offers readers a path to end pain and suffering endured, and shines a light on a future without anxiety or fear.The Greatest Secret, the long-awaited major work by Rhonda Byrne, lays out the next quantum leap in a journey that will take the reader beyond the material world and into the spiritual realm, where all possibilities exist. The book reflects Rhonda’s own journey, and shares the most direct way out for those experiencing hardship and the path to end pain and suffering endured by so many, and shines a light on a future without anxiety or fear. Filled with accessible practices that can be immediately put to use and profound revelations that take the reader on an incomparable journey, Rhonda’s discovery is reinforced throughout by the revelatory words of sages from around the world, past and present.


by Rhonda Byrne

For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle—once you uncover the mystery—a new world will appear before your eyes.

THE NO F**KS GIVEN GUIDE OMNIBUS: The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Calm the F**k Down and Get Your Sh*t Together

by Sarah Knight

An omnibus edition of the bestselling No F**ks Given Guides brought to you by internationally bestselling anti-guru Sarah Knight. The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Calm the F**k Down and Get Your Sh*t Together.Are you stressed out, overbooked and underwhelmed by life? Fed up with pleasing everyone else before you please yourself? Finding it hard working from home? Then it's time to stop giving a f**k. Sarah Knight will help you deal with panic, anxiety, problems with time-management and prioritization with her trademark humour and straightforward advice.

The plan Daniel: 40 días hacia una vida más saludable (The Daniel Plan)

by Rick Warren Dr Mark Hyman Dr Daniel Amen

El plan Daniel: Cuarenta días hacia una vida más saludable, por Rick Warren, el Dr. Daniel Amen y el Dr. Mark Hyman, es un enfoque innovador para lograr un estilo de vida saludable, en el cual las personas mejoran juntas su calidad de vida al llevar al grado óptimo su salud, combinando aspectos clave como la fe, la alimentación, el ejercicio físico, el enfoque mental y las amistades. Dentro de estos cinco aspectos clave de la vida, se le ofrece al lector una multitud de recursos, así como los fundamentos para recuperar la salud. En última instancia, El plan de Daniel no tiene que ver con privaciones, sino con abundancia, y por eso este plan, al mismo tiempo que transforma a la persona, es sostenible a largo plazo. El plan Daniel enseña formas sencillas de incorporar decisiones saludables a su estilo actual de vida, al mismo tiempo que le anima a confiar en el poder de Dios por medio de un conjunto de principios bíblicos. En él se anima al lector a llevar a cabo el Plan con otra persona, o con un grupo, a fin de acelerar sus resultados y disfrutar de un sistema integrado de apoyo. Se le ofrece aplicaciones realistas y novedosas que son fáciles de llevar a la práctica y producen unos resultados tangibles.

The Unexpected Gift of Trauma \ El insospechado regalo del trauma (Sp.): Una guía para el crecimiento postraumático

by Dr. Edith Shiro

Un revolucionario libro sobre el trauma, que ofrece a los lectores un esquema de cinco etapas para alcanzar el crecimiento postraumático.El trauma siempre ha sido parte de la experiencia humana, y los eventos traumáticos —tanto físicos como emocionales— pueden trastornar todo nuestro ser y cambiarnos para siempre. Aunque sabemos más que hace diez años acerca de los efectos neurológicos y físicos a largo plazo que deja el trauma, pocos se dan cuenta de que la experiencia del trauma no tiene que condenarlos a una vida de sufrimiento y duelo.En este libro único, la renombrada psicóloga Edtih Shiro comparte un poderos esquema de cinco pasos para el crecimiento postraumático, un proceso terapéutico que ayuda no solo a recuperarse, sino a experimentar crecimiento y renovación después del trauma. Inspirada por sus abuelos, que fueron refugiados y sobrevivientes del Holocausto, la Dra. Shiro ha dedicado su vida a estudiar el trauma y sus secuelas. Desarrolladas a lo largo de más de tres décadas de investigación y práctica, las etapas que propone Shiro —conciencia, despertar, llegar a ser, ser y transformarse— explican cómo el trauma puede ser un catalizador para el cambio positivo y transformador. Fundado en la ciencia y lleno de herramientas prácticas y enseñanzas, El inesperado regalo del trauma revela una nueva y revolucionaria forma de ver el trauma y recuperarse de sus efectos. A groundbreaking book on trauma that offers readers a five-stage framework for achieving posttraumatic growth.Trauma has always been part of the human experience, and traumatic events – both physical and emotional –can shake our very foundation and leave us forever changed. While we know more about the lasting neurological and physical effects of trauma than we did a decade ago, few people realize that experiencing trauma doesn’t have to sentence you to a lifetime of suffering and grief.In this first book of its kind, renowned psychologist Dr. Edith Shiro shares a powerful, five-stage framework for posttraumatic growth, a therapeutic process that helps you not just recover, but experience growth and renewal in wake of trauma. Inspired by her grandparents, who were refugees and Holocaust survivors, Dr. Edith Shiro has dedicated her life to the study of trauma and its aftereffects. Developed over more than three decades of research and practice, Shiro’s stages – Awareness, Awakening, Becoming, Being, and Transforming – outline how trauma can be a catalyst for positive, transformative change.Grounded in science and filled with practical tools and takeaways, The Unexpected Gift of Trauma reveals a groundbreaking new way to think about and heal from trauma.

A Theatre Geek's Guide to Disney, Google, & the NFL: What It Takes to Land a Job with the World's Most Sought-After Companies

by Brett N. Axler

Ever wonder what it takes to land a job with the world’s most sought after companies? In A Theatre Geek’s Guide to Disney, Google, and the NFL, Brett Axler pulls back the curtain to reveal the steps from his journey and the lessons he learned along the way. From his early years in community and regional theater to landing his first job with an NFL-team, Axler shares the simple and normally overlooked steps applicants can take to land their dream job. He busts the classic experience and education requirement myths and outlines the powerful alternatives that make applicants stand out from the crowd. Using his own personal victories and defeats along with stories from the dozens of students and young professionals that he’s mentored, Axler shares the step-by-step do’s and don’ts of navigating a young career. Through his years at Comcast and Disney to his recent adventures that led him to Google, Axler shares his insights about education, professional networking, job searching, applying for the job, getting a resume to the top of the pile, and nailing an interview. With A Theatre Geek’s Guide to Disney, Google, and the NFL, buckle up for a wild story full of priceless know-how from a theatre geek that accidentally found himself in professional sports and corporate America.

Then Came Life

by Geralyn Lucas

The author of Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy dares all women who have had a stumble in life to harness their fighting spirit and stand back up with courage and optimism. One mastectomy, two C-sections, three pant's sizes, and lots of red lipstick later, Geralyn Lucas is dealing with the same issues as other women her age. Her miracle babies have grown into a typical tween with a fierce eye-roll for her mom's failings and a tornado of a little boy who won't play by his preschool's rules. Her storybook romance with her husband has spiraled into couples therapy and her perfect-if-demanding corporate job as a TV producer has abandoned her for L.A. When she looks in the mirror at her hard-won wrinkles, all she wants is . . . Botox. Celebrating her sweet sixteen cancerversary she's thankful for her second chance and ready to be daring--but can she survive life's new ups and downs with the same courage she's always had? With an infectiously hilarious voice and a true sense of empowerment, Geralyn harnesses her fighting spirit to live life loudly and lustily, and to grab on to all the moments that might never have happened. Knowing she can only pedal forward, she mines every day for boldness, joy, and gratitude, and eventually falls in love with life again. Then Came Life is not just for cancer survivors; it's for life survivors--a call to rediscover the resilience and optimism it takes to reinvent yourself at any age.

Then Sings My Soul: 52 Hymns that Inspire Joyous Prayer

by Robert J. Morgan

A year of journaling inspiration through the most beloved hymns, based the bestselling Then Sings My Soul series.Pastor Rob Morgan's inimitable style will help people reacquaint themselves with the hymns of the faithful. His goal is to keep these traditional hymns vital and meaningful to all generations. Hymns speak to our soul and add depth and meaning as we worship God through song.This year-long devotional journal shares the emotion behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history — not only the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful hymns but also the people whose faith has been transformed by reading, hearing, and singing the songs. Designed to be personally reflective and inspire prayer, each week-long experience allows readers to experience the hymn through:reflection questionsprayer promptsjournaling spacehistoric quotesthe actual hymn with music and lyricsits historical backgroundDraw near to God and deepen your prayer life as you make your way through these 52 hymns that center around the theme of joyous prayer in the Then Sings My Soul Prayer Journal.

Thendral: Vol 10, Issue 09, August 2010

by Madhurabharathi

This issue features interviews of Hema Rajagopalan and Dr.Ira.Nagasamy, Coriander Dosai by Kala Gnanasambhandam, Anbulla Snehitiye by Chithra Vaitheeswaran, Valam Tharum Varalakshmi by Sita Durairaj etc.

Thendral Aug 2009

by Chitra Vaitheeswaran Radha Mohan

Thendral is a monthly magazine for Tamilians. It has an interesting collection of articles featuring a health column, a cooking column, religion, etc

Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

by Andrew P. Napolitano

&“Either the Constitution means what it says, or it doesn&’t.&”America&’s founding fathers saw freedom as a part of our nature to be protected—not to be usurped by the federal government—and so enshrined separation of powers and guarantees of freedom in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But a little over a hundred years after America&’s founding, those God-given rights were laid siege by two presidents caring more about the advancement of progressive, redistributionist ideology than the principles on which America was founded.Theodore and Woodrow is Judge Andrew P. Napolitano&’s shocking historical account of how a Republican and a Democratic president oversaw the greatest shift in power in American history, from a land built on the belief that authority should be left to the individuals and the states to a bloated, far-reaching federal bureaucracy, continuing to grow and consume power each day.With lessons rooted in history, Judge Napolitano shows the intellectually arrogant, anti-personal freedom, even racist progressive philosophy driving these men to poison the American system of government. And Americans still pay for their legacy—in the federal income, in state-prescribed compulsory education, in the Federal Reserve, in perpetual wars, and in the constant encroachment of a government that coddles special interests and discourages true competition in the marketplace.With his attention to detail, deep constitutional knowledge, and unwavering adherence to truth telling, Judge Napolitano moves through the history of these men and their times in office to show how American values and the Constitution were sadly set aside, leaving personal freedom as a shadow of its former self, in the grip of an insidious, Nanny state, progressive ideology.

Theological Perspectives For Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness

by Ada María Isasi-díaz Mary Mcclintock Fulkerson Rosemary P. Carbine

Rather than wield religion as a weapon or a ruse in irrational appeals, the book attempts to reimagine a shared American mythos and ethos, by reminding us of our shared stake in creating an America committed to the life of all peoples and species and to the full developments of our capabilities as an exercise of liberty.

A Theology of Love: Reimagining Christianity through A Course in Miracles

by Richard Smoley

A spirituality based on love, not fear • Shares key, inspiring teachings from A Course in Miracles as well as Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and the Sefer Yetzirah, the oldest known Kabbalistic text • Cites philosophical wisdom from Kant, Blake, Jung, and Gurdjieff, alongside cognitive science, to reveal how the world is not difficult and flawed, but our fear-based mind-sets lead us to see it that way • Offers a path to help you regenerate from the &“fallen&” state and experience God as infinite love and light In the West, theology has almost always meant Christian theology--a hodgepodge of beliefs that are hard to make sense of. Why, for example, should an all-loving, merciful God have gotten mad at the human race because someone ate a piece of fruit six thousand years ago? And why would he send part of himself down to earth to be tortured to death? These beliefs, stated baldly, are nonsensical. Millions of people are realizing this and losing their faith. The time has come to reenvision Christian theology without contradictory teachings laced with fear. It is time for a theology of love and miracles. Richard Smoley reframes Christian theology using logical, consistent, and easy-to-understand teachings of unconditional love and forgiveness. He draws inspiration not only from the Bible, but also from Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and from esoteric and mystical teachings, such as A Course in Miracles and the Sefer Yetzirah, the oldest known Kabbalistic text. He explains how the &“fallen&” state of the human condition, not one of sin but of oblivion, leads us to experience the world as flawed and problematic--not wholly evil, but not wholly good. Citing philosophical wisdom from Kant, Blake, Jung, and Gurdjieff, alongside cognitive science, Smoley reveals how it is not the world that is flawed, but the way we see the world. Sharing key teachings from A Course in Miracles, he shows that our fear-based mind-sets--often filled with anxiety, suffering, and shame--lead us to feel separated from God when, in fact, we are all extensions of a God of infinite love and light. Offering a path to help you regenerate from the &“fallen&” state and see the real spiritual world and loving God that lies behind it, the author provides ways for each of us to craft our own self-consistent theology. He also lays out a vision for the future of spirituality, a path for present-day religion to transform into something higher and more universal.

The Theology of Prayer

by Joseph Clifford Fenton

The Theology of Prayer, written by one of the twentieth century’s foremost theologians, distills the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, Thomas a Vallgornera, and Joseph a Spiritu Sancto, among other great scholastic theologians, on the nature of Christian prayer, whose writings hold such treasures on praying effectively that their loss would be a tragedy for the people of God.In these pages, Monsignor Fenton clearly and concisely presents to the contemporary reader the scholastics’ works and their insights on Sacred Scripture and Tradition. With The Theology of Prayer, Fenton revitalizes the work of those theologians, preserving their insights and presenting plainly what God has revealed about prayer and how the Church has preserved and expounded that revelation for the good and the salvation of all who believe. “Prayer is something, then, which is instituted, and which is commanded, for our benefit. It tends to make us love God more fully, hope in Him with greater confidence, and serve Him with greater devotion. (Joseph C. Fenton)

The Theory of Leadership: A Moral Construct of Biblical Leaders Whose Character Caused the Rise and Fall of a Nation

by McKinley Johnson

Can you imagine hearing a newly elected official taking the following oath of office: &“Do you solemnly swear that if you are not here to help us you at least won't hurt us?&” That may sound far-fetched, but it isn&’t. For the strength of any nation is directly related to the overall well-being of its citizens. In God&’s eyes, how well a nation's leaders treat those who have been marginalized by the larger society has more to do with the country&’s rise or fall than its political, military, or intellectual might. If you are concerned for the plight of humanity, this book is for you. Though written from a leader&’s perspective, its biblical principles and practices are universal. You will see which personal characteristics cause a leader to rise or fall. From that, you will gain valuable leadership tools for yourself by learning how other leaders have been able to garner the favor of God during difficult leadership situations.

Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges

by C. Otto Scharmer

In this ground-breaking book, C. Otto Scharmer invites us to see the world in new ways. What we pay attention to, and how we pay attention are the keys to what we create. What often prevents us from 'being present' is what Scharmer calls our blind spot, the inner place from which each of us operates. Becoming aware of our blind spot is critical to bringing forth the profound systemic changes so needed in business and society today. The U methodology of leading profound change is expanded and deepened in Theory U. By moving through the "U" process, we learn to connect to our essential Self in the realm of 'presencing' - a term coined by Scharmer. When 'presencing' we are able to see our own blind spot and pay attention in a way that allows us to experience the opening of our minds, our hearts, and our wills. Through this process we are able to shift our awareness to allow us to connect with our best future possibility--and to realize it.

Therapeutic Journal Writing: An Introduction for Professionals

by Kate Thompson Kathleen Adams

Writing a journal is not just about keeping a record of daily events - journal writing provides a unique therapeutic opportunity for facilitating healing and growth. The author of this book guides the reader through developing journal writing to use as a therapeutic tool. Keeping a journal can help the writer to develop a better understanding of themselves, their relationships and the world around them, as well as improve skills of problem-solving, decision-making and planning. As such, journal writing can be a powerful complement to verbal therapy, offering an effective and affordable way of extending support to troubled clients. The book includes advice on working with individuals, facilitating a therapeutic writing group, proposed clinical applications, practical techniques, useful journal prompts, exercises and case vignettes. This clear guide to the basics of journaling and its development as a therapeutic medium will be a valuable handbook for therapists, health and social care practitioners, teachers, life coaches, writing facilitators and any professional seeking personal development in themselves or their clients.

The Therapist's Guide to Addiction Medicine

by Barry Solof

This book spotlights the essential biological and medical knowledge that a therapist or counselor must have in order to work effectively in addiction treatment. The author uses his expertise, developed over thirty-five years of addiction medicine practice, to give therapists and counselors the information and tools needed to help their clients recover from addiction, a chronic, progressive, and incurable disease.

A Therapist’s Guide to Private Practice: Building a Values-based Business

by Sarah Rees

This book is a comprehensive guide to setting up, running and growing a successful private therapy practice that resonates with your values and professional goals.Guiding you through every detail, from making the initial decision to set up your own private therapy practice to scaling your practice, this guide will support you in overcoming the common challenges you may encounter. It is filled with practical exercises, templates and checklists, including business planning actions at the end of each chapter so you can craft your first business plan. Ensuring you have a solid foundation and can shape a private therapy practice that meets your financial and personal needs while reflecting the passion that led you to your profession.A motivational and inspiring read for therapists, psychotherapists, coaches, and counselors. Get ready to turn your dream into reality and create something profoundly impactful and uniquely yours.

The Therapist's Notebook for Integrating Spirituality in Counseling I: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy

by Karen B. Helmeke Catherine Ford Sori

Learn to initiate the integration of your clients’ spirituality as an effective practical intervention. A client’s spiritual and religious beliefs can be an effective springboard for productive therapy. How can a therapist sensitively prepare for the task? The Therapist’s Notebook for Integrating Spirituality in Counseling is the first volume of a comprehensive two-volume resource that provides practical interventions from a wide range of backgrounds and theoretical perspectives. This volume helps prepare clinicians to undertake and initiate the integration of spirituality in therapy with clients and provides easy-to-follow examples. The book provides a helpful starting point to address a broad range of topics and problems. The chapters of The Therapist’s Notebook for Integrating Spirituality in Counseling are grouped into five sections: Therapist Preparation and Professional Development; Assessment of Spirituality; Integrating Spirituality in Couples Therapy; Specific Techniques and/or Topics Used in Integrating Spirituality; and Use of Scripture, Prayer, and Other Spiritual Practices. Designed to be clinician-friendly, each chapter also includes sections on resources where counselors can learn more about the topic or technique used in the chapter—as well as suggested books, articles, chapters, videos, and Web sites to recommend to clients. Each chapter utilizes similar formatting to remain clear and easy-to-follow that includes objectives, rationale for use, instructions, brief vignette, suggestions for follow-up, contraindications, references, professional readings and resources, and bibliotherapy sources for the client. The first volume of The Therapist’s Notebook for Integrating Spirituality in Counseling helps set a solid foundation and provides comprehensive instruction on: ethically incorporating spirituality into the therapeutic setting professional disclosure building a spiritual referral source through local clergy assessment of spirituality the spirituality-focused genogram using spirituality in couples therapy helping couples face career transitions dealing with shame addiction recovery the use of scripture and prayer overcoming trauma in Christian clients and much more! The Therapist’s Notebook for Integrating Spirituality in Counseling is a stimulating, creative resource appropriate for any clinician or counselor, from novices to experienced mental health professionals. This first volume is perfect for pastoral counselors, clergy, social workers, marriage and family therapists, counselors, psychologists, Christian counselors, educators who teach professional issues, ethics, counseling, and multicultural issues, and students.

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