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Showing 33,476 through 33,500 of 37,691 results

Transform Your Life: A step-by-step programme for change

by Diana Cooper

Diana Cooper believes we can all transform our lives if we really want to. This inspiring book will help you to be who you want to be and do what you want to do. It will help you to bring hidden blockages to the surface, establish new positive belief patterns, and make your dreams come true.

Transform Your Life with Alchemy: A Practical Guide to Dissolve Self-Doubt, Balance Your Mind, and Center Yourself

by Karen Frazier

Move toward the greatest, most golden version of you With an easy-to-follow, step-by-step road map to physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation, this book puts you on a clear and direct path to finding your centered self—a more polished, purified, and authentic version of you, in body, mind, and spirit. Or, to put it into alchemical terms, your golden self. Transform Your Life With Alchemy lays it all out with new insights, simple tools, and easy exercises for self-examination, personal transformation, and lasting metamorphosis: Engage easy-to-use, reflective exercises—Get centered and achieve control, recalibrate and restart, and balance life and self perceptions with chakra work, meditation, and journaling. Learn and apply alchemy's 7 stages—Reform and recast your outlook to create lasting growth and change in your life with comprehensive breakdowns of the 7 stages of alchemy. Navigate roadblock strategies—Learn tips on how to tweak and realign to achieve your goals. Find support when you feel progress stalling or you encounter obstacles. Meet your inner alchemist and start the empowering process of metamorphosis using Transform Your Life With Alchemy.

Transform Your Life With NLP: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself General)

by Paul Jenner

Transform Your Life with NLP gives you the motivation and the tools you need to change any, or every, aspect of your life. Use the NLP mindset to program your subconscious, and you will be able to improve anything from sporting success to work performance. You can also use NLP to boost your self-esteem and to find resilience at times of stress or pressure. You don't need to be an expert or even to have any experience of NLP, and a tailored 2-week program at the end of the book will ensure you reach all your goals and help you to set new ones. Featuring self-assessment exercises, write-in review areas and other learning materials that really work, this book has the power to change your life.

Transforma las heridas de tu infancia: Rechazo, abandono, humullación, traición, injusticia

by Anamar Orihuela

Con claridad y comprensión Anamar Orihuela define las heridas que nos mortifican y agobian mientras crecemos. También nos enseña a sanarlas, tener seguridad y vivir en confianza y armonía. De Anamar Orihuela, autora del bestseller Hambre de hombre. Un libro que despeja el camino para lograr una vida feliz, plena, sin culpas ni complejos. La clave: aliviar el dolor de nuestro niño interior y sanar las heridas que nuestros padres y las circunstancias dejaron en nuestra vida.A veces crecemos con inseguridades, temores, dudas y un carácter marcado por el dolor, el miedo y el abandono. Llegamos a la edad adulta vigorosos y con el éxito en nuestras manos, o amargados porquela vida es cruel e injusta. Entonces reflexionamos: lo tenemos todo para ser felices pero algo nos pasa, una nube negra nos persigue, no somos capaces de tomar la mejor decisión, ¿por qué? Con claridad, comprensión y una cercanía terapéutica amorosa, Anamar Orihuela define esas heridas que nos mortifican y agobian mientras crecemos: Rechazo, Abandono, Humillación, Traición e Injusticia. Explica cómose manifiestan, en qué etapa de nuestra vida afectan nuestros sentimientos, qué antídotos son efectivos para sanar las heridas y cómo trascender las relaciones padre-niño para aliviar, tener seguridad y vivir en confianza y armonía. Además, Transforma las heridas de tu infancia ofrece invaluables ejercicios de sanación de las heridas de la personalidad, una Meditación sanadora que aclare nuestras inquietudes y un bello Decreto de sanación de las heridas de la infancia que, sin duda, cambiará positivamente nuestra vida.

Transforma tu tiempo en rendimiento: Estrategias eficientes para eliminar la procrastinación

by Danilo H. Gomes

Un libro sobre cómo vencer la procrastinación. La procrastinación es la realidad de innumerables personas, especialmente en nuestros tiempos. Estamos acostumbrados a vivir en un sistema más cómodo como consecuencia de los avances tecnológicos. La procrastinación consume la vida y los sueños de una persona. Pero el cambio de vida es posible y se puede lograr. TRANSFORMA TU TIEMPO EN RENDIMIENTO enseña al lector la manera correcta y efectiva de vencer la procrastinación y evitar las tentaciones de esta maldición. Aporta estrategias prácticas que se pueden incluir fácilmente en la vida cotidiana. Abandona la procrastinación y disfruta de una vida más activa y placentera.

Transformación profunda/Deep transformation: Una vida plena es el arte de SER, HACER y LOGRAR

by Stephanie Campos

Fortalece tu ser interior. Identifica tu propósito. Alcanza tu destino. Dios tiene un futuro extraordinario para ti. En Transformación profunda la autora Stephanie Campos presenta un proceso de crecimiento enfocado en tres partes: ser, hacer y lograr, el cual nos lleva a descubrir quiénes somos, cuál es nuestro llamado y cómo llevar a cabo nuestra misión. Stephanie utiliza su experiencia como entrenadora de vida y sus más de quince años de trabajar de forma cercana con diferentes poblaciones, para desarrollar cada paso y herramienta necesaria para encontrar el valor, la identidad y la plenitud interna. Su meta a través de estas páginas es equiparte para que seas una influencia positiva en todo lugar y que juntos construyamos un mundo mejor en el cual dejemos un legado saludable. Algunas de las beneficiosas enseñanzas que encontrarás en Transformación profunda son:Descubrir tu potencial y propósitoConstruir un futuro integralmente exitosoSuperar la adversidad y tener un corazón sanoEncontrarnos con Dios, con nosotros mismos y con los demás¡Y mucho más!

La transformación total de su dinero Actualizada y Ampliada: Un plan efectivo para alcanzar paz financiera

by Dave Ramsey

¿Quieres elaborar un presupuesto que realmente funcione para ti? ¿Estás preparado para transformar tu relación con el dinero? Este best seller del New York Times ha ayudado a millones de personas como tú a desarrollar hábitos cotidianos de ahorro con la ayuda del experto en finanzas personales favorito de Estados Unidos, Dave Ramsey.A estas alturas, ya has oído hablar de todos los esquemas absurdos para hacerse rico rápidamente y de las modas de dietas fiscales que te dejan con un montón de ideas extravagantes, pero ni un céntimo en el bolsillo. Si estás cansado de las mentiras y harto de falsas promesas, Dave está aquí para proporcionarte ayuda práctica y a largo plazo. Esta edición actualizada y ampliada es el plan de juego más sencillo y directo para cambiar por completo tus finanzas y, lo mejor de todo, estos principios se basan en resultados, no en fantasías. Este es el cambio financiero que estabas buscando.Este libro te dará las herramientas y el estímulo que necesitas para:Diseñar un plan infalible para saldar todas tus deudas, desde el auto hasta la casa y todo lo demás, utilizando el método de deudas de la bola de nieve.Romper con los malos hábitos y hacer cambios duraderos en tu relación con el dineroReconocer los 10 mitos más peligrosos sobre el dineroReservar dinero suficiente para gastos imprevistos y emergenciasAhorrar suficiente dinero para tu jubilación¡Vive como nadie, para que luego puedas VIVIR (y DAR) como nadie!Esta edición incluye nuevo contenido que te ayudará a abordar conflictos matrimoniales, deudas universitarias y mucho más. Cada ejemplar incluye nuevos recursos al final del libro para convertir la transformación total de su dinero en tu nueva realidad.The Total Money Makeover Updated and ExpandedDo you want to build a budget that actually works for you? Are you ready to transform your relationship with money? This New York Times bestseller has already helped millions of people just like you learn how to develop everyday money-saving habits with the help of America's favorite personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey.By now, you've already heard all of the nutty get-rich-quick schemes and the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of quirky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. If you're tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, Dave is here to provide practical, long-term help. This updated edition is the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely changing your finances. And, best of all, these principles are based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. This is the financial reset you've been looking for.This book will give you the tools and the encouragement you need to:Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt--from your cars to your home and everything in between using the debt snowball methodBreak bad habits and make lasting changes when it comes to your relationship with moneyRecognize the 10 most dangerous money mythsSet aside enough money to pay for unexpected expenses and emergenciesSave enough money for your retirementLive like no one else, so later you can LIVE (and GIVE) like no one else!This edition includes new content that will help you tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more. Each copy also includes brand new back-of-the-book resources to help you make Total Money Makeover your new reality.

Transformando la Intimidad: Cristo "en" Ti te Transforma

by Pensacola Helene Jefferson

Me gusta empezar mis libros pensando en algo. Si estás leyendo este libro, asumí que deseas experimentar una intimidad más profunda con Dios y con otros seres amados en tu vida. ¿Qué es esta intimidad? Saquemos el sexo del camino. El sexo no es la intimidad que más dura o importa. Es un acto de intimidad; que estaba destinado a expresar la relación que ya ha tenido lugar; entre dos corazones. El amor verdadero permite que la intimidad se desarrolle primero en el corazón y es por eso que los verdaderos amantes esperan el momento adecuado para tener relaciones sexuales. Cuando la intimidad se desarrolla en el corazón, primero, el amor será más fácil de mantener en el largo plazo de la relación. La Biblia no te sostiene del placer sexual, antes del matrimonio, como castigo, pero para que no te pierdas lo que realmente importa en el área de la intimidad: dos corazones que se convierten en uno, no dos simples cuerpos físicos. Si configura su experiencia de intimidad en torno al acto; encontrará la intimidad limitada a ese acto. Sin embargo, si configura su intimidad en torno al coito de dos corazones, durará más que el acto, que eventualmente cambiará con la edad de todos modos. No importa quién sea, no importa lo bueno que sea sexualmente, no importa cuán liberal sea al participar en el acto sexual, vendrá en busca de una intimidad real algún día.

Transformando sus Recursos: A la Única Fuente Verdadera

by Pensacola Helene Jefferson

Pensé que había terminado de escribir mi serie de libros transformadores, pero el Espíritu Santo me impulsó a escribir otro. Dios me inspiró cuando estaba en una celebración de cumpleaños con algunos amigos de la iglesia. Estaba sentado en una mesa con otras tres mujeres. Una dama era de una naturaleza particularmente alegre y divertida, recordándome a mí misma. Un hermano, que acababa de llegar a la fiesta, me preguntó si era mi hermana. Dije en broma: "Sí, ella es mi hermana-en-el-Señor ..." Me preguntaba por qué preguntó, porque no creía que nos pareciéramos físicamente, pero sí favorecíamos espiritualmente, así que algo me preguntó: ¿cuál era la semejanza? ? Por supuesto que mi mente espiritual se volvió loca. Lo pensé por el resto de la noche, soñé, me desperté pensando en eso, y ahora estoy escribiendo otro libro de dag burn. LOL. Ya expliqué en un libro anterior que mi libro TRANSFORMANDO EL AMOR trataba sobre la realidad del amor de Dios; mi libro TRANSFORMANDO LA INTIMIDAD trataba sobre la PRUEBA del amor de Dios; mi libro, TRANSFORMANDO EL SUFRIMIENTO trata sobre la PRUEBA de su amor por Dios y este libro TRANSFORMANDO SUS RECURSOS trata sobre la PRUEBA de su relación con Dios a través de Cristo.

Transformar el dolor

by Jimena Hoyos

"Cada fotografía que Jimena ha enmarcado o cada perro que Jimena ha alimentado con sus dispensadores me hace percibir un profundo sentido de vida y luz, uno que es equivalente a la esencia misma de Jimena". Elizabeth Lo Activista y directora del documental Stray. El duelo, una de las experiencias humanas más sobrecogedoras, se convierte en ocasiones en una oportunidad para iniciar un nuevo camino lleno de sentido. Jimena Hoyos enfrentó la muerte de Zico, su mejor amigo, un fila brasilero, y esto la impulsó a crear Gozques, una fundación con la que ha querido revelar, y resolver, lo que antes parecía invisible: los miles de perros que deambulan por las calles sin la posibilidad de llevar una vida digna. Esta es una deslumbrante historia que contiene muchas otras historias: las de esos gozques que habitan en Colombia, pero también en India, en Egipto, y las de otros animales que han sido víctimas de maltrato y a quienes se les ha negado el cariño y la libertad. Es también un testimonio conmovedor de una mujer que dedica sus días a darles una voz a todos los que no la tienen; a protegerlos, a evidenciar su dolor y a transformarlo en un testimonio de esperanza, de amor y de reconciliación con la naturaleza.

The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma

by James S. Gordon M.D.

A world-recognized authority and acclaimed mind-body medicine pioneer presents the first evidence-based program to reverse the psychological and biological damage caused by trauma.In his role as the founder and director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM), the worlds largest and most effective program for healing population-wide trauma, Harvard-trained psychiatrist James Gordon has taught a curriculum that has alleviated trauma to populations as diverse as refugees and survivors of war in Bosnia, Kosovo, Israel, Gaza, and Syria, as well as Native Americans on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, New York city firefighters and their families, and members of the U. S. military. Dr. Gordon and his team have also used their work to help middle class professionals, stay-at-home mothers, inner city children of color, White House officials, medical students, and people struggling with severe emotional and physical illnesses. The Transformation represents the culmination of Dr. Gordon’s fifty years as a mind-body medicine pioneer and an advocate of integrative approaches to overcoming psychological trauma and stress. Offering inspirational stories, eye-opening research, and innovative prescriptive support, The Transformation makes accessible for the first time the methods that Dr. Gordon—with the help of his faculty of 160, and 6,000 trained clinicians, educators, and community leaders—has developed and used to relieve the suffering of hundreds of thousands of adults and children around the world.


by Robert A. Johnson

Presenting an original and vital model for psychological development, the brilliant and pioneering author of He, She, and We offers a new understanding of the stages of personal growth through which maturity and wholeness can be achieved. Using quintessential figures from classical literature--Don Quixote, Hamlet, and Faust--Robert Johnson shows us three clearly defined stages of consciousness development. He demonstrates how the true work of maturity is to grow through these levels to the self-realized state of completion and harmony. In Johnson's view, we all reach the stages depicted by Don Quixote, Hamlet, and Faust at various times of our lives. The three represent levels of consciousness within us, each vying for dominance. Don Quixote portrays the innocent child, while Hamlet stands for our self-conscious need to act and feel in control though we have no real connection to our inner selves. Faust embodies the master of the true self, who has gained awareness by working through the stages.

Transformational Coaching for Effective Leadership: Implementing Sustainable Change through Shifting Paradigms

by Behnam Bakhshandeh William J. Rothwell Sohel M. Imroz

The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of transformational coaching and to educate professional business coaches or mangers-as-coaches in their organizations on the influential and relevant elements of Transformational Coaching for Effective Leadership designed for coaching individuals, teams, and businesses or applying such elements in any level of organization development intervention, either toward individuals, teams, groups, departments, or the organization itself. Given the power and long-lasting influence of transformational coaching, it also could be beneficial to professionals in the fields of human resource development (HRD), workplace learning and performance (WLP), human performance enhancement (HPE), and, overall, in the domain of workforce education and development (WFED). This book will start by reviewing the background and presence of transformational coaching in businesses and organizations, along with the general concepts, perceptions, and understanding of coaching. _ is book will examine the uses of transformational coaching in management and leadership development, human resource development for talent development and retention, and for developing managerial coaching skills and competencies. Additionally, this book will review the presence and use of transformational coaching concepts, theories, and practices, including transformational learning for human resources (HR) and HRD professionals to influence a workforce’s attitude, behavior, and productivity. Features Builds individuals’ self-awareness, self-realization, and self-confidence Offers personal and professional development Teaches the concept of transformational learning and its use in transformational coaching Teaches rituals, skills, and strategies for individuals and teams to increase their productivity Offers an approach to building healthy and strong relationships with oneself and others Includes change management strategies for redirecting poor job performance Helps readers implement effective transformational coaching practices by offering many tools, such as forms, checklists, and worksheets

Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists, and Clients: A Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing

by Lynda Monk; Eric Maisel

In Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists, and Clients: A Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing, more than 50 coaches, therapists, and journaling experts from around the world share their best practices and explain in detail how they use journaling to improve their work with clients. This edited collection brings together the leading voices of the journaling world into one ground-breaking volume, providing practical techniques and tools to use with clients. Applicable and accessible, over 50 journaling luminaries share their experiences and insights across eight sections, including the logic of journaling, techniques and applications, using journaling with clients, journaling in groups, journaling for mental health and wellness, growth and healing, spirituality, creativity, and more. Through theoretical and practical applications, it illustrates the transformational process of journaling in helping clients grow, heal, and achieve their goals. This book is essential reading for coaches, therapists, and other mental health professionals, as well as those interested in using personal writing for growth and self-awareness.

The Transformational Leader: How the World's Best Leaders Build Teams, Inspire Action, and Achieve Lasting Success

by Matt Mayberry

Lead teams and organizations to unparalleled excellence through transformational leadership As we face a global leadership crisis, the decade of real-world experience and research from best-selling author and renowned thought leader Matt Mayberry in The Transformational Leader has never been more timely. Mayberry shares his experience working with hundreds of corporate leadership teams, transforming underperforming teams into top performers, and coaching executives to become the leaders their organizations need through transformational leadership's four core attributes: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. This book is more than just a guide to a proven approach to achieving leadership success; it's a call to action that challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and create a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and inspired. In this book, readers will learn about: Confronting the reality of the leadership crisis, and realizing that the actions that got us here won't get us to where we want to go How our dependence on technology has left leaders unprepared for disruption after disruption, including the arrival of AI Leadership principles grounded in robust research, empirical data, and proven success, such as agility, coaching, and influence The importance of inspirational leadership and how to become an inspirational leader yourself How to start influencing and impacting others regardless of rank, title, or position The Transformational Leader earns a well deserved spot on the bookshelves of executives, managers, and anyone seeking to make a bigger impact and influence others, adapt to changes in modern leadership and promote positive change in themselves and throughout their organizations.

Transformational Life Coaching: Creating Limitless Opportunities for Yourself and Others

by Cherie Carter-Scott

Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D., has been seen on “Oprah,” “The Today Show,” “Regis and Kelly”, “CNN”, “The O’Reilly Factor”, “Montel,” and dozens of national shows. She is known as the “original life coach.” Now, Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott---the founder of the renowned MMS Institute share her rules for coaching to aspiring coaches around the globe. In the first book following the trail of a series of nationwide bestsellers, Dr. Carter Scott passes on the knowledge to readers and shows them how to become a brilliant coach using her time-proven strategies that include: • Marketing yourself and creating a support community • Creating a pro-client coaching environment • Being accountable and becoming “at one” with yourself before leading and teaching others • Bringing solid, positive change to your clients’ lives • Mapping an action plan to get your objectives realized • Empowering your client to face individual challenges • Assessing your preferences, talents, capabilities and formulating your goals Transformational Life Coaching is the ultimate teaching guide especially designed for those who want to make difference in the field and is filled with tangible methods and tactics for optimum achievement in coaching others.

Transformational NLP

by Cissi Williams

Neuro-Linguistic Programming--or NLP--is a popular and effective approach to therapy and self-realization. Now a leading practitioner reveals the spiritual dimension that makes NLP an even more powerful tool for freeing ourselves from egoism and unlocking our full potential. With practical exercises based on the author's many years of coaching, Transformational NLP can help readers access their wise inner self, attain freedom from self-limiting negative beliefs, and experience extraordinary new levels of awareness.

The Transformational Power of Dreaming: Discovering the Wishes of the Soul

by Stephen Larsen Tom Verner

An exploration of dreaming history, science, traditions, and practices from prehistory to today• Examines ancient dream traditions from around the world, shamanic dreaming, and the profound role of dreaming in Native American and African-American cultures• Investigates dream psychology and the neuroscience of the dreaming brain• Explores the practice of dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and telepathic dreaming with tips on remembering your dreams and working with themWe have been dreaming for all of our 3 million or more years of existence. Dreams provide an extraordinary way to process the day’s events and uncover new perspectives. Many cultural creatives credit their world-changing creations to their dreams, and science now believes that dreams helped evolve the very process of thought itself.In this book, Stephen Larsen and Tom Verner examine dream traditions from around the world, beginning with the oldest records from ancient Egypt, India, Greece, and Australia and expanding to shamanic and indigenous societies. The authors investigate the psychology of dreaming, the neuroscience behind the dreaming brain, the Jungian perspective, and the intersections of yoga and modern dream research. They show how dreams and myth are related in the timeless world of the Archetypal Imagination and how dreams often reveal the wishes of the soul. They explore the practice of dream incubation, an age-old tradition for seeding the unconscious mind to help solve problems and gain deep insights. They examine the profound role that dreams have played in the survival of exploited and persecuted cultures, such as the Native Americans, African slaves, and the Jews during the Holocaust, and share inspirational dream stories from exceptional woman dreamers such as Hildegard von Bingen, Joan of Arc, and Harriet Tubman.Drawing on their more than 50 years’ experience keeping dream journals, the authors offer techniques to help you remember your dreams and begin to work with them. They also explore the clairvoyant and telepathic dimensions of dreaming and the practices of lucid dreaming and shamanic dreaming. Revealing how the alchemical cauldron of dreaming can bring inspiration, healing, and discovery, the authors show how dreams unite us with each other and the past and future dreamers of our world.

Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story

by Gail Larsen

You can change the world--one audience at a time! Today's challenging times call for passionate visionaries who are authentic and articulate communicators. Speaking coach and consultant Gail Larsen presents a proven program that liberates the "speaker within" and transforms even the reluctant orator into an agent of change. While most books on public speaking focus on polishing your presentation and overcoming fear, Larsen's holistic blend of spirit and logic goes far beyond the standard format, making TRANSFORMATIONAL SPEAKING a must-read for even the most seasoned speechmakers. With her uniquely inspirational approach, Larsen reaches out to those who want to make a genuine difference in our world by changing minds through touching hearts. TRANSFORMATIONAL SPEAKING offers insightful advice on everything from defining your message and refining your delivery, to managing the dynamics of a room, handling logistics like a pro, and building a connection with an audience of any size. Larsen has helped business executives and entrepreneurs, community and social change leaders, and healers and life coaches become active movers and shakers through the power of effective communication.

Transformations: A Guided Journal

by Zoe-Anne Fields

Transformations -- A Guided Journal is a guide suitable for anyone wanting to discover their innermost thoughts and beliefs. If you work through this guided journal you will discover who you truly are. You will develop your own insights about your world and you will be transformed. Your choices will become mindful and your own eternal wisdom will guide you. You will feel reborn.

Transformative Grief: An Ancient Ritual of Healing for Modern Times

by Tracee Dunblazier

A book that reveals the clarity in any situation and empowers your ability to make informed decisionsWritten for those who have been taught to conceal their emotion by a culture conditioned toward politeness over honestyReveals refreshing truths about everyday grief and its value in living an honest, empowered, satisfying, and magical life

The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences: How the Messages of NDEs Can Positively Impact the World

by Penny Sartori Kelly Walsh

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are often transformative, not only on an individual level, but on a collective level too. This book contains a selection of inspiring stories from ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences that have changed the course and direction of their lives and opened each and every one of them to the power of divine love. Recent years have seen a dramatic change of attitude towards NDEs. Unfortunately, the ongoing debates about NDEs have detracted greatly from the very important transformational effects that NDEs have and how empowering they can be for the whole of mankind. The NDE instils knowledge in those who experience it that we are all interconnected and part of one great whole.This book aims to inspire people from all walks of life, creeds, cultures and faiths to the transformational power of the message of NDEs and show how the love experienced during the NDE has the capacity to heal minds, bodies and souls.

Transforme seu hábito Transforme sua vida

by John S. Lawson Maíra Soccol Pereira

Pilote seu próprio navio, retome o controle e elimine a procrastinação que o impediu de alcançar seus objetivos - um hábito de cada vez. A sua vida é um ciclo constante de decisões ruins que você não consegue mudar? Seja com exercícios, consumo de comida, limpeza ou objetivos gerais? Você tem problemas com procrastinação e em executar as tarefas exigidas de você todos os dias? E se eu te dissesse que há uma maneira simples de substituir seus hábitos ruins por hábitos saudáveis que irá te levar 10 passos mais próximo dos seus objetivos em questão de minutos? Há uma maneira de executar tarefas sem muito esforço? Uma maneira simples de superar a procrastinação e transformar isso em um momento positivo? Em "Transforme Seus Hábitos, Transforme Sua Vida", isso é exatamente o que você vai aprender. Você nunca mais terá sentimentos de remorso, procrastinação e culpa com esses passos que o levarão aonde você quiser! Neste guia comprovado, você aprenderá: estratégias sobre como criar hábitos novos, positivos e poderosos em sua vida, como fortalecer sua força de vontade para superar as tentações, como quebrar um hábito ruim de forma eficaz e decisiva, saberá mais sobre hábitos ruins e como lidar com eles, como conseguir um parceiro responsável para ajudar a mantê-lo sob controle. Irá aprender e entender o mecanismo por trás do que causa um hábito, o que fazer e o que não fazer na hora de quebrar um hábito ruim e aprender os problemas relacionados com as resoluções de ano novo que dificultam a quebra de um hábito e por que elas não funcionam. Dê o passo final em direção ao seu sucesso clicando no botão "Compre Agora" no topo da página hoje mesmo!

Transformed: A Navy SEAL’s Unlikely Journey from the Throne of Africa, to the Streets of the Bronx, to Defying All Odds

by Remi Adeleke

What are the odds? Statistics tell us that African American males who grow up in a single-parent household are nine times more likely to drop out of high school and twenty times more likely to end up in prison than any other demographic. But what would it take for one young man not only to rise above those statistics but also become a Navy SEAL, actor, entrepreneur, writer, and successful husband and father?In Transformed, Remi Adeleke takes you back to stories from his childhood, from living as Nigerian royalty to losing his father early in life and being stripped financially of everything by the Nigerian government. He delves into being raised by a single mother in the Bronx and doesn’t shy away from his illegal activities as a young man that threatened to derail his future. At every turn, including throughout his naval career, Adeleke found a way to overcome the odds, even when it didn’t make sense. His is an inspiring story of true personal transformation.

Transformed: A New Way of Being Christian

by Caesar Kalinowski

What if Christianity were less about doing and more about being? In Transformed, author Caesar Kalinowski shows you that when you became a Christian everything about you changed in an instant. You received a new identity based on who Jesus is, not on who you were. As a believer, you literally become part of God’s family of missionary servants. This is who you are—not what you do. Drawing on stories from Caesar’s own journey and life in community, Transformed looks realistically at the identity you have been given in Christ and how it reshapes everything about you. Set free from performance-driven spirituality and guilt, you will draw closer to God, allowing him to radically change the well-worn rhythms and patterns of your every day life and transform your relationships from the inside out. Transformed is for those who yearn for a deeper, more authentic faith, one that empowers you to live out of the truth of who God now says you are. “Caesar Kalinowski is such a wise teacher. Finally, a book on the Christian experience that actually leads its readers towards a new way of living. Transformed is a book that every skeptic, seeker, and Christian should read.” —Jen Hatmaker, Author of 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess "If there was ever a legitimate time to offer a new pathway for being a Christ-follower it is now. Thank you Caesar for blowing the dust off of the relics of religious life and opening up the window to a God-breathed life." —Hugh Halter, Author of FLESH, The Tangible Kingdom, & Sacrilege

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