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The User's Guide to Being Human: The Art and Science of Self

by Scott Edmund Miller

Every human being is born with an extraordinary set of inner resources, including intelligence, attention, mind, imagination, consciousness, willpower, love, and emotion. Strangely, most people pass through young-adulthood and 13+ years of schooling without ever formally learning about any one of these innate capacities. As a result, a vast majority of folks spend their days harnessing only a small fraction of the great potential that is freely available within them.The User's Guide to Being Human is the first owner's manual to comprehensively examine the inner tools with which people shape their lives. Merging art with science, this book illuminates 16 core capacities that enable people to bring out the best in themselves, their activities and relations. It offers step-by-step coaching for all who wish to master the ongoing art of personal development. A companion workbook provides additional support for the exercises and Personal Growth Project.

The User's Guide to Spiritual Teachers

by Scott Edelstein

A wise and practical quickstart guide for anyone who wants—or already has—a spiritual teacher. The User’s Guide to Spiritual Teachers is a necessary book for anyone who has, or wants to have, a spiritual teacher—regardless of faith or tradition. This book addresses concerns that many of us have on the spiritual path, including how to find a spiritual teacher, how to manage expectations about what they can do, and what to do when you realize you’re in a dangerous relationship with one. Spiritual teachers of all traditions will themselves find this book incredibly useful as they reflect on how they benefit their students or may be overstepping their boundaries and actually creating harm. This is your place to look for information, inspiration, sanity, and words of caution.

The Uses of Knowledge Selections from the Idea of a University

by John Henry Newman

This insightful selection, features four discourses from The Idea of a University: Knowledge Its Own End; Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Learning; Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill; and Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Religion. Also included are excerpts from the "Preface" and the following appendices: Discipline of Mind; Literature and Science; and Style. Edited by Leo L. Ward, this volume also contains an introduction, a list of principal dates in Newman's life, and a bibliography.

Using People and Getting Rich: How I Made Millions Using Seven Kinds of People

by Asanji Michael Njeck

Everything on earth revolves around people. Your success or your failure revolves around people. Those who have made the most out of their life understood the key and secret of using people. Now think about the top billionaires around the world, the keywo

Using Positive Psychology Every Day: Learning How to Flourish

by Ernst Bohlmeijer Monique Hulsbergen

We are all looking to flourish, to experience joy, feel engaged with the world, and experience meaningful lives. But the stresses and strains of our daily lives makes this a challenge. Using Positive Psychology Every Day: Learning How to Flourish is about (re)finding the art of living, enabling you to flourish. Bringing together the best of positive psychology, this book introduces eight evidence-based resources of well-being and flourishing: positive emotions, the discovering and use of strengths, optimism, compassion, post-traumatic growth, positive relationships and spirituality. Each chapter has a concise, simple theoretical introduction and several evidence-based, easy-to-apply exercises. This book is for anyone experiencing stress, distress or lower well-being, as well as coaches and therapists who can use the book for clients in the context of guided self-help.

¡Usted es el líder!

by Pílula Digital

¿Cómo convertirse en un líder exitoso? ¿Cómo convertirse en un líder capaz de orientar, organizar y distribuir tareas para su grupo alrededor, de forma que, -- con cada miembro cooperando en aquello que posee habilidad -- el equipo pueda alcanzar los mejores resultados? En este libro usted aprenderá a desarrollar importantes habilidades de liderazgo que, una vez puestas en práctica en los negocios -- y también en la vida – le traerán resultados increíbles, no solamente para usted, sino para todos aquellos que trabajan con el mismo objetivo.

Usted es el próximo / You're Next: Destruya lo que le ha paralizado y nunca más vuelva a perder su momento

by Samuel Rodriguez

NO VUELVA A PERDER SU TURNO Por medio del pasaje en el que Jesucristo sana al paralítico de Betesda el Rev. Samuel Rodríguez ilustra de manera poderosa cómo su "tendencia hacia la dependencia" podría estar estorbando su milagro. Usted es el próximo le muestra cómo: Dejar ir las etiquetas que usted permitió que lo definieran.Avanzar más allá de las barreras que lo limitan.Descartar las cualificaciones que usted le ha añadido a la orden de Jesucristo de levantarse y andar.Dejar de verse cono víctima de sus circunstancias.Ver sus circunstancias como sujetas a la autoridad y el poder de Jesucristo. Su futuro no está controlado por los "y si...". Descansa en las manos de Aquél que lo ama, lo sana, y lo redime. Deje ir sus excusas, avance más allá de la vida condicional y rompa su ciclo de dependencia.Most people never seize their moment because they are paralyzed by their own thinking.This book will teach you to let go of your excuses and never miss your moment again. It&’s time for a change! It&’s time to hear the voice of Jesus asking, &“Do you want to get well?&” And it&’s time to answer Him with your obedience. Your destiny, future, and family are not controlled by &“if only&”; they rest in the hands of the One who loves you, saves you, redeems you, and heals you. Let go of your excuses, move beyond your conditional living, and break your cycle of dependency. It&’s time to stand! Have you convinced yourself the abundant life Jesus came to bring is out of reach? Have you developed an &“if only&” mentality, waiting for something or someone to turn things around? While you become more and more dependent on your excuses, you watch others get what you want to have, go where you want to go, and experience what you long to feel. It seems it&’s never your turn to experience the joy that comes from attaining all God has for you. In You Are Next, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez uses the story of Jesus healing the paralytic to powerfully illustrate that your &“tendency for dependency&” could be standing in the way of your miracle. He challenges you to do what&’s necessary to receive it and shows you how to: Let go of old labels you&’ve allowed to define youMove beyond barriers that limit youStop seeing yourself as a victim and start seeing your circumstances as subject to the authority and power of Jesus ChristLet go of the qualifications you think are tacked on to Jesus&’ command to get up and walk It&’s time to step out in faith! You are next!

¡Usted nació original, no muera como una copia!

by John L. Mason

Enseñanzas para cada semana que le permitirá conocer el plan de Dios para su vida.

Usted Puede Comenzar de Nuevo: No Importa lo que Sea, Nunca es Demasiado Tarde

by Joyce Meyer

Nunca es demasiado tarde para un nuevo comienzo. Observe detenidamente y verá ese tema expuesto a lo largo de toda la Biblia. Página tras página, Dios se deleita en convertir finales trágicos en nuevos comienzos. Una mujer estéril concibe en su vejez, un temeroso y tímido pastor de ovejas se convierte en un líder de millones, y una prostituta se convierte en esposa y madre en el linaje de Cristo. Cada nuevo comienzo en la Biblia revela la maravillosa e inspiradora esperanza que tenemos en nuestros propios nuevos comienzos en el plan de Dios para nuestras vidas. En USTED PUEDE COMENZAR DE NUEVO, la autora de éxitos de librería Joyce Meyer explora la belleza y el carácter inagotable del amor y la gracia de Dios. A través de historias inspiradoras, principios bíblicos y su típico enfoque práctico, Joyce demuestra fuertemente que Dios no ha terminado aún con usted. Si usted está atascado en un bache, decepcionado por los resultados, dolido por una herida, fracasando en el intento, luchando en una relación, o no está seguro sobre el futuro. . . no se rinda. No renuncie a usted mismo ni renuncie del Dios que le ama y le ofrece un nuevo comienzo hoy. "Dios siempre ofrece una nueva oportunidad. Una nueva posibilidad. Una nueva vida. Esa vida puede ser suya hoy. ¡Usted puede comenzar de nuevo!"

Usted puede sanar su vida

by Louise Hay

Louise L. Hay, best selling author, is an internationally known leader, her key message is, "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." The author has a great deal of experience and first hand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after having been diagnosed as being terminally ill with cancer. By reading this book and doing the exercises and repeating the affirmations and beneficial thought patterns, YOU CAN CREATE THE LIFE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED.

Usted puede, y lo hará: 8 atributos indiscutibles de un ganador

by Joel Osteen

In YOU CAN, YOU WILL, Joel Osteen shares eight undeniable qualities of winners that can help you to reach your potential and achieve new levels of success in your life. You are created to be a winner. Get these eight principles deep down on the inside and boldly go in the direction of your destiny. Keep Your Vision in Front of You - Dare to dream big dreams. Run Your Race - Focus on your unique course and goals. Expect Good Things - Anticipate great opportunities. Have a Positive Mind-set - Take control of your thoughts and attitudes. Commit to Excellence - Do your best and maintain high standards. Keep Growing - Be proactive, be intentional, build on your gifts, and continually improve. Serve Others - Invest yourself in others. Stay Passionate - Light the fire within and approach life with enthusiasm. is the control center for your life.

Usted tiene la unción: Camine con confianza, denuedo y autoridad

by Judy Jacobs

Dios desea hacer cosas extraordinarias a través de ti Dios ha bendecido a cada uno de sus hijos con sus dones, y Él quiere que los utilice para hacer avanzar su Reino y ver vidas cambiadas. No importa el don que tenga, y adónde Dios lo haya llamadao, ¡necesita saber que usted tiene la unción! · Posiblemente esté pasando por una dura temporada en este momento. ¡Necesita saber que USTED TIENE LA UNCION! · Probablemente haya recibido un mal informe de su médico. ¡Necesita saber que USTED TIENE LA UNCION! . Quizás se encuentre en la lucha de su vida por su matrimonio, sus hijos, su hogar... crea solamente esto: USTED TIENE LA UNCION! . Quizás haya sido llamado para servir a otros, aquellos menos afortunados, o de otros país. ¡Necesita saber que USTED TIENE LA UNCION! Prepárese a conocer una unción que usted nunca se imaginó que fuera posible, simplemente porque usted es capaz de reconocer y declarar: "Oye, ¿sabes qué El Espíritu del Señor Dios ESTA sobre MI, ¡y yo tento la unción para esto!".

A Uterus Is a Feature, Not a Bug: The Working Woman's Guide to Overthrowing the Patriarchy

by Sarah Lacy

A rallying cry for working mothers everywhere that demolishes the "distracted, emotional, weak" stereotype and definitively shows that these professionals are more focused, decisive, and stronger than any other force.Working mothers aren’t a liability. They are assets you—and every manager and executive—want in your company, in your investment portfolio, and in your corner. There is copious academic research showing the benefits of working mothers on families and the benefits to companies who give women longer and more flexible parental leave. There are even findings that demonstrate women with multiple children actually perform better at work than those with none or one. Yet despite this concrete proof that working mothers are a lucrative asset, they still face the "Maternal Wall"—widespread unconscious bias about their abilities, contributions, and commitment. Nearly eighty percent of women are less likely to be hired if they have children—and are half as likely to be promoted. Mothers earn an average $11,000 less in salary and are held to higher punctuality and performance standards. Forty percent of Silicon Valley women said they felt the need to speak less about their family to be taken more seriously. Many have been told that having a second child would cost them a promotion. Fortunately, this prejudice is slowly giving way to new attitudes, thanks to more women starting their own businesses, and companies like Netflix, Facebook, Apple, and Google implementing more parent-friendly policies. But the most important barrier to change isn’t about men. Women must rethink the way they see themselves after giving birth. As entrepreneur Sarah Lacy makes clear in this cogent, persuasive analysis and clarion cry, the strongest, most lucrative, and most ambitious time of a woman’s career may easily be after she sees a plus sign on a pregnancy test.

Utilice el estrés para ser feliz

by Isabelle Filiozat

Nuestra vida cotidiana es tan estresante que a veces olvidamos ser felices. Pero, ¿qué es la felicidad? ¿Y si precisamente la felicidad se encontrase en el estrés, es un estrés controlado que, en lugar de debilitarnos, nos ayudase a ser más fuertes y nos liberase de la presión diaria? Con este libro aprenderemos a realizar el diagnóstico de nuestro estrés y superarlo, para después aprender a valorarnos y saborear la vida. Ser feliz es saber disfrutar el momento y vivirlo con intensidad; se trata de saber aceptar, con la misma sonrisa interior, tanto el fracaso como el éxito, de saber enfrentarse a la vida, que, mediante la alquimia de la felicidad, puede llegar a ser más sencilla y bella. Licenciada en Psicología clínica y diplomada en Análisis transaccional, Isabelle Filliozat es psicotearpeuta desde 1982. Organiza numerosos cursos de relaciones humanas en empresas y hospitales, lo que le ha permitido enfrentarse al estrés, tanto en su vida profesional como privada.

The Utimate Glow Up Guide: A Guide to Self Growth, Self Care, and Becoming the Best Version of You

by Elicia Goguen

Glow Up Into A New, Empowered You#1 New Release in New ThoughtFind a deep understanding of how to have a glow up and what that truly means for women. Empowerment books like this are hard to find—become the best version of yourself today.How to have a glow up—made easy. Author Elicia Goguen, creator of The Glow Up Secrets YouTube channel, shares her personal glow-up journey and how to have a glow up yourself, giving tips on changing thoughts of self-hate or sabotage into self improvement for real women. No more indulging in body shaming or unhealthy diet culture while focusing on your outer appearance with this women’s empowerment book.Glow up from within. This shadow work book guides women back to their unique selves, healing their inner child along the way. Break unhealthy habits and relationships by connecting with your authentic self. Women can glow up with this self growth book for lasting change. It’s your time to start creating your story from a place of self acceptance and self love.In The Ultimate Glow Up Guide, discover:Ways to stop self hate, self criticism, and self limiting beliefs in this self confidence bookAn inner child healing book full of self care for womenHow to have a glow up on your way to achieving your dream lifeIf you liked books for women and empowerment books such as Badass Affirmations, Help Me, I'm Stuck, or How to Do the Work, you will love The Ultimate Glow Up Guide!

Utmost Living: Creating and Savoring Your Best Life Now

by Tim Storey

Our promise: By the time you're finished reading this book, you will be well on your way to true freedom-living your utmost life. So say good-bye to regrets and wishes. It's time to start living your dreams. Is your life everything you want it to be? Are you fulfilling your dreams and accomplishing your goals? Do you feel energized, motivated, and eager for the new opportunities each day brings? If you didn't answer yes to all of these questions, Tim Storey can help. The man USA Today has called "the pastor to the stars," Tim Storey has served as a life coach to top athletes, business executives, and entertainers from Lee Iacocca and Quincy Jones to Deion Sanders and Dog the Bounty Hunter. He works with giants of industry and Hollywood heavyweights. Now, he's bringing his wisdom and inspiration to you. Utmost Livingis a complete guide to preparing, planning, and enjoying the most rewarding and successful life you can imagine. It includes all the tools and ideas you'll need to understand and focus on what you really want, set goals, and accomplish them. It will show you how to: * Envision the life that will truly satisfy and reward you-and make it a reality * Take control of your life and make decisions that will empower you * Overcome the challenges and fears that are holding you back * Expand the limits of your potential so that no dream is ever out of your reach With wit, understanding, and solid guidance developed through years of study and experience, Tim Storey will inspire and uplift you. It's time to take charge of the life you're living! From the Hardcover edition.

Utopian Frontiers

by Drew Tapley

What if there was a secret city at work on finding answers to the survival of humanity? Technologies beyond your imagination. A city expanding, recruiting and evolving. There is no government, no money, no bosses, institutions, cars or roads; and age takes on new meaning. This "facity" is one big research product in and of itself, and nothing else quite like it exists on this Earth. This is the city that Erwin Sharp and his family are drawn into on the fringes of a national park. They fall headfirst down the rabbit hole into a world of space probes, cancer cures, and a core myth that defies belief. They soon realize that some doors are only meant to swing one way. This is a parable of trust and hope-a flashing beacon of hope in a world hell-bent on destroying itself. It is ultimately a story of ambition, of owning up to life, showing up and trading up. In a story that is as controversial as it is reassuring, sometimes it is possible to find something you always hoped existed, and in finding it, you confront our own truth as much as that of the world you live in. What is inside the mysterious Hall 8, and what does that have to do with Erwin? And how is water the mechanism of peace or destruction? Thick with adventure, revelations and twists, this story shows how what we accept is only that which we've been conditioned to accept, and why an ancient Mayan prophesy doesn't actually mean what you think.

The Utter Relief of Holiness

by John Eldredge

What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible? John Eldredge believes it is, and in THE UTTER RELIEF OF HOLINESS, he shows readers how they can be that free, though the healing work of Christ in their lives. It begins when we discover what the salvation of Jesus Christ means for our own restoration and find that holiness is an expression of the healing of our humanity.Here is a book that explores the beauty of the genuine goodness available to us in Jesus Christ, and guides the reader through the process whereby God makes us whole and holy by his love. Readers will be relieved. Utterly.

The V Zone: A Woman's Guide to Intimate Health Care

by Colette Bouchez

The V Zone answers those difficult and embarrassing questions women often are unable to ask their own doctor. Colette Bouchez, an award winning medical journalist, explains important health information in easy-to-understand language, and offers women a clear, concise plan for dealing with the most common gynecological complaints. In addition to describing currently available medical treatments, The V Zone reports on natural and alternative solutions, and helps navigate the wide array of over-the-counter products, including menstrual aids, home test kits, and feminine hygiene products. Know instantly what's safe to use, what's not, when it's okay to self-treat, and when it's time to seek professional care. Also included is the latest information on: vaginitis, painful sex urinary tract infections, yeast infections, STDs, and much more! With advice from over two dozen medical experts, The V Zone is the definitive guide women can turn to and rely on, today and for years to come.

Va Va Learns To Be a Bringer of Light: Vava Learns To Be A Bringer Of Light

by Renee Duane

It was while sitting on Katie's lap that I understood what it is to be a Bringer of Light. It's not hard, it's just... Book V of The Vava Lessons series, reveals how Vasishta, now a mature cat, learn to actualize the true meaning of his name. Vava's discovery will encourage readers to share their Light.

Va Va Learns to be with His Feelings: Va Va Learns To Be With His Feelings

by Renee Duane

I'm feeling sad and I don't like it. With this awareness, Vava, the cat begins his quest to understand and accept his feelings. This fourth book in the Va Va Lessons series helps little ones to feel whatever it is they're feeling and allow those feelings to move so they can return to the causeless joy that resides within them.

Vaani No Siddhant (Granth): વાણીનો સિધ્ધાંત(ગ્રંથ)

by Dada Bhagwan

સવારે જાગ્યા ત્યાંથી સૂતાં સુધી અવિરત વાણીનો વ્યવહાર દરેકને ચાલતો જ હોય છે ! અરે ઊંઘમાં ય કેટલાંક બબડતા હોય છે !!! વાણીનો વ્યવહાર બે રીતે પરિણમતો હોય છે. કડવો યા તો મીઠો ! ઘણી વખત, આપણાથી એવું બોલાઈ જાય છે જે આપણે ઈચ્છતા નહોતા અને પછી તેનો પસ્તાવો કરીએ છીએ. પ્રસ્તુત પુસ્તકમાં જ્ઞાની પુરુષ, દાદાશ્રીએ વાણીના સૂક્ષ્મમાં સૂક્ષ્મ અને સૈદ્ધાંતિક ફોડની જબરદસ્ત સમજણ આપી છે. દાદાશ્રી વાણીના સૂક્ષ્મમાં સૂક્ષ્મ સૈદ્ધાંતિક ફોડથી માંડીને દૈનિક વ્યવહાર જીવનમાં પતિ-પત્ની વચ્ચે, મા-બાપ છોકરાં વચ્ચે, નોકર- શેઠ વચ્ચે, જે વાણી વપરાય છે, તે કેવી સમ્યક્ પ્રકારે હોવી જોઈએ કે કોઈને દુઃખ ન થાય, તેના પ્રેક્ટીકલ દાખલાઓ આપી સુંદર સમાધાન કરાવે છે. સાથે સાથે દાદાશ્રી કોઈના તરફથી આવતી કડવી (કટુ) વાણી સામે સમતાથી કેવીરીતે વર્તવું તેનો ઉકેલ આપે છે. પ્રસ્તુત પુસ્તક વાચકને વાણીથી ઉત્પન્ન થતી અથડામણો અને એમાં કઈ રીતે સમાધાનકારી ઉકેલ લાવવાં? તેમ જ પોતાની કડવી વાણી, આઘાતી વાણી હોય, તો તેને કઈ સમજણે ફેરફાર કરવો? તેનું માર્ગદર્શન આપે છે. (પ્રસ્તુત પુસ્તકનું વાંચન) વાચક ઘર અને બહારનાં બધાં જ વ્યવહારોમાં (સંબંધોમાં) પોતે કેવીરીતે કલેશ રહિત બનવું તે શીખી શકે છે.

Vaani Vyvahaar Me (Sanxipt): वाणी व्यवहार मॅ

by Dada Bhagwan

‘वाणी,व्यवहार में’, यह पुस्तक में हमें वाणी से संबंधित कई सारे मौलिक सिद्धांतों की जानकारी प्राप्त होती है| वाणी मुख्यतः निर्जीव है, यह सिर्फ एक टेप रिकॉर्ड है, जिसकी पूरी रिकॉर्डिंग हमारे पिछले जन्मो में हुई है| वाणी, एक बहुत ही अमूल्य वस्तु है जिसकी कीमत समझना बहुत ज़रूरी है| हमारी वाणी ऐसी होनी चाहिए कि जिससे किसीको भी दुःख ना हो| दादाश्री इस किताब में हमें वाणी कि महत्वता, हमारे रोजिंदा जीवन में होने वाले व्यवहार को लक्ष में रखकर, बहुत सारे उदाहरणों के साथ बताते है जिससे हमें यह समझ में आता है कि हम हमारी वाणी को किस तरह कोमल और मधुर बना सकते है| जिस तरह किसी टेप को बजाने से पहले उसमें रिकॉर्डिंग करनी होती है उसी तरह हमारे मुँह से जो वाणी निकलती है वह सब पिछले जन्मो में की हुई रिकॉर्डिंग का ही परिणाम है| वाणी के सिद्धांतों को और अधिक गहराई में समझने के लिए यह किताब अवश्य पढ़े|

Vacaciones para el Alma: Dedicándote Tiempo para Sanarte el Alma

by Dy Wakefield Alissa Theresa Diego

Una guia practica y sencilla de como eliminarte el estres que se encuentra en tu alma. Al librarte tu alma de las ansias y dolores que se recibe en la vida, tendrás la paz que tanto te hace falta y volverás a soñar sueños de prosperidad y bendición. ¡Basta Ya de Sufrir y Tomate Unas Vacaciones, Amiga!

Vacation Planning: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Barry B.  Velasquez

The family vacation has been portrayed in many ways. From National Lampoon's "Vacation" showing the trials and tribulations of the Griswold family trying to get to "Wally World" to "The Great Outdoors" with John Candy and his family renting out a cabin in the woods only to encounter a meddling bear. Family vacations in the media seem to be one thing going wrong after another. But in real life, the family vacation is a time to bond together as a family unit and enjoy newfound times of closeness while exploring new adventures and locales. The memories you can make on these vacations will stay with you for years and give your children special moments they'll treasure forever. You can choose to drive cross country and see the quirky roadside attractions such as the largest ball of yarn or the corn museum. Some don't look at this as a true vacation. After all, being stuck in a car for the majority of the trip can breed some real family strife! You could also book a family cruise or fly to Mexico to spend time at a resort, but this can get pricey, and with all the activities they have for children, some parents fear the bonding they were looking forward to won't happen. For the family on a budget, the notion of a memorable and fun-filled vacation may seem out of reach. That's simply not true, however. There are many, many ways you can have a terrific family vacation while on a budget. You don't have to sacrifice fun because of lack of money. There are all kinds of vacations that can be had within almost every budget. While traveling is good for the economy and for your soul, it can be hard on your wallet. In fact, AAA estimates that a family of four should budget at least $244 per day for meals, lodging and automobile travel costs. And that figure doesn't include the staple of family vacations' entertainment. As usual, the best way to keep the costs down is to plan ahead and make informed decisions. But how do you start? You start with family input, a survey of your resources, and a well-thought out plan. We'll not only show you how to do that easily, but we'll also give you all kinds of ideas for family vacations and ways that you can make them affordable and fun! Always dreamed of going to Disney World? You can! Think the Caribbean is out of reach? It's not! We've compiled the advice and suggestions from many vacation experts and added some of our own experiences as well to give you this comprehensive guide to taking a family vacation on a budget! We'll show you different ways to save money on airfare, hotels, transportation, and eating. We'll also give you some great specific ideas for family vacations that won't break the bank along with some suggestions to help you save money and time in general while on your family getaway. Whether it's a summer trip, spring break jaunt, or wintering in the tropics, you'll be able to plan your dream vacation without breaking the bank. You'll get maximum fun without sacrificing every penny of your hard earned dollars and you may even come back with a little extra to save for that next vacation! What are you waiting for? Read on and enjoy your ebook "VACATION PLANNING (ON A BUDGET)"!

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