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La Vida Es Corta
by Loretta LarocheLoretta La Roche has helped millions of people find ways to lighten up and overcome stress. Now, in Life Is Short—Wear Your Party Pants, she gives you the tools you need to not only reduce feelings of tension, but also to bring joy, passion, and gusto into your life. <P><P>Her techniques are a brilliant blend of old-world common sense and the most contemporary research in brain chemistry, psychology, and mind-body studies. Loretta gives you dozens of proven techniques for recognizing the ten simple truths that will lead you to an intense, happy, successful life: resilience, living in the moment, optimism, acceptance, humor, creativity, moderation, responsibility, meaning, and connection. <P><P>In her work, Loretta has seen tens of thousands of people who live their lives as if they’re sitting in a waiting room, hoping that their turn comes up next. This book will show you that life is not something to be endured, but is something to be truly appreciated. We need to remember how to access our inner abundance, which allows us to be heart-centered, joy-filled human beings.
La vida es una piñata
by Ismael Cala«La vida es una piñata te abrirá los ojos para valorar lo que realmente importa en esta celebración llamada vida, incluyendo la gran diferencia entre los valores materiales y los espirituales». —Dr. César Lozano Seguramente guardas recuerdos divertidos en los que una piñata juega un papel protagónico, momentos en los que nada es más importante que recoger caramelos y obsequios, pero ¿recuerdas cuál era tu actitud? Ismael Cala utiliza la metáfora de la piñata para abordar las actitudes que tomamos ante los acontecimientos que han marcado nuestra vida, tanto positivos como negativos. Este libro cambiará tu manera de ver la vida, tu mundo, tus ideales, tus paradigmas y tu sentido de propósito. La piñata, como la vida, está llena de situaciones impredecibles, pero tú decides cómo reaccionar ante ellas. Nunca más verás una piñata sin pensar en las grandes metáforas creadas en esta obra.
Vida imparable / Unstoppable Life: Personas significativas construyendo futuros relevantes
by Jhon M. Rodríguez¿Qué te detiene de llegar a la cima? Muchos caminan por la vida sin un rumbo o propósito definido. Piensan que las oportunidades solo surgen por accidente por lo que descansan en esperar que sucedan sin salir a buscarlas. Sin embargo, otros han entendido la importancia de luchar por alcanzar los sueños y lograr su máximo potencial.Vida imparable contiene un conjunto de principios que te impulsarán a mejorar tu calidad de vida mientras descubres nuevas oportunidades y fortaleces tu relación con Dios. En este libro aprenderás a identificar virtudes y descartar malos hábitos que puedan poner en riesgo tu crecimiento. Descubre cómo: Pelear por tu destinoDesarrollar una vida relevanteAsociarte correctamente¡Y mucho más!Sal de tu zona de confort y descubre tu nueva Vida Imparable.
La vida integral
by Eric Dupont Christine Michaud Diane BilodeauDescubre las claves de la salud global para transformar tu vida y alcanzar una existencia plena. La esperanza de vida aumenta sin cesar, pero ¿significa eso que vivimos nuestras últimas décadas en plena forma? Nada menos cierto. <P><P>A la luz de los más recientes estudios sobre la longevidad, Éric Dupont se ha rodeado de diversos especialistas para proponer un enfoque preventivo y global de la salud, es decir, un conjunto de elementos que favorecen la salud física y estimulan los mecanismos fisiológicos beneficiosos del cuerpo, a la vez que pone de relieve los factores emotivos y psicológicos que participan en el bienestar y dan sentido a la vida. <P><P>Nutrición, microbiota, actividad física, estrés, sueño, suplementos alimenticios, relaciones y realización son algunos de los temas de esta obra exhaustiva, profusamente ilustrada y rebosante de consejos prácticos, que permitirá a todo aquel que lo desee alcanzar la venerable edad de cien años+ dichoso y en plena posesión de sus facultades.
Una vida mejor: Lecciones que transforman vidas
by Christy MullerEn Una vida mejor, Christy Muller invita a los lectores a tomar un camino hacia la sanidad emocional y la madurez espiritual. A través de estudios profundos y principios bíblicos, este libro es una extraordinaria herramienta que te permitirá evaluar tu propia vida y te guiará paso a paso para que puedas crear una vida mejor con tu obediencia.El libro incluye una colección de 30 estudios bíblicos enfocados en vivir «una vida mejor» de acuerdo con la sabiduría bíblica.Una vida mejor en el ámbito emocionalUna vida mejor en el ámbito espiritualUna vida mejor en el ámbito de las relaciones… entre otrosChristy no duda en presentarnos con candor su propia experiencia de vida, además de enseñarnos cómo relacionarnos íntimamente con el Dios Todopoderoso y lleno de amor, quien está dispuesto a guiarnos hacia una vida completamente diferente y renovada.Este libro es reflexivo y práctico al mismo tiempo, una combinación que no es fácil encontrar en la literatura contemporánea. Cada meditación abre con un pensamiento inspiracional (una cita) de la autora, diseñado artísticamente.Descubrirás la raíz de muchos de los sentimientos que te afectan y no te permiten avanzar.Obtendrás las herramientas que necesitas para convertirte en una persona emocionalmente sana y estable.Aprenderás a relacionarte mejor contigo mismo, tu Creador, tu entorno y quienes te rodean.Tendrás una guía extraordinaria para tomar las decisiones sabias que te permitirán construir una vida mejor.A Better LifeIn A Better Life, Christy Muller invites readers to walk the path of emotional healing and spiritual maturity. Through in-depth study and biblical principles, this book is an extraordinary tool that will allow you to evaluate your own life and guide you step by step so that you can build a better life through your obedience.The book includes a collection of 30 bible studies focused on living "a better life" according to biblical wisdom.A better life in the emotional realmA better life in the spiritual realmA better life in relationships... among othersChristy does not hesitate to present us with candor her own life experience, as well as to teach us how to relate intimately with the Almighty and loving God, who is willing to lead us to a completely different and renewed life.This book is both thoughtful and practical — a combination that is not easy to find in contemporary literature. Each meditation opens with an inspirational thought (a quote) from the author that is artistically designed.You will discover the root of many of the feelings that affect you and do not allow you to move forward.You will obtain the tools you need to become an emotionally healthy and stable person.You will learn how to better relate to yourself, your Creator, your environment and those around you.You will have extraordinary guidance in making wise decisions that will enable you to build a better life.
La Vida Minimalista: Simplifica, Organiza y Ordena tu Vida
by Joshua Michaels Carolina Yazigi WaissbluthSimplifica tu Vida, Reduce el Estrés e Incrementa tu Felicidad Este libro lo introducirá al estilo de vida minimalista y le dará estrategias aplicables para su vida. No sólo aprenderá cómo simplificar, organizar y limpiar su mundo físico y externo, también aprenderá varias técnicas para simplificar, organizar y limpiar aspectos internos de su vida. Consejos prácticos para la organización En los siguientes capítulos le daré pasos específicos para ayudarle a tomar control sobre su espacio y posesiones. No se preocupe, este no es uno de esos libros que dan sermones del tipo "debe regalar todo lo que tiene excepto 50 artículos". Este libro existe para recordarle cosas que ya sabe, darle algunos consejos específicos que lo sitúen en la dirección correcta y lo incentiven en el proceso. Es más importante que empiece a cosechar los beneficios de un estilo de vida minimalista a que trate de vivir según un conjunto de reglas rígidas y arbitrarias. El minimalismo no se trata sólo de las cosas, ¡sino que de vivir! Si se siente sobrecogido, caótico o estresado, sepa que hay esperanza. Cuando decida simplificar su vida significativamente, descubrirá que le queda un viaje más grato, más feliz y más enriquecedor. Sí, efectivamente tiene un costo, aun cuando es temporal. Debe estar dispuesto a tomar los pasos necesarios para despejar su vida de lo que le ha estado retrasando y causando estrés. Sin importar cuán maravillosa sea su vida hoy, la puede mejorar sólo con un poco de esfuerzo consciente - y verá que valdrá la pena. Sinceramente espero que este libro le recuerde que la felicidad no consiste en cosas. Ciertamente, todos necesitamos algunas cosas sólo para sobrevivir, pero la felicidad verdadera y perdurable surge de nuestras profundidades internas y no de algo externo. No puede comprarse o coleccionarse. El sentimiento de euforia temporal al comprar cosas que creía que necesita
Una vida ordenada: 7 pasos para disfrutar tu tiempo, tu hogar y tu vida
by Marietta VitaleUna vida ordenada, el nuevo libro de la interior planner Marietta Vitale, tiene como objetivo sumar la organización personal y hacer foco en nuestra primera casa, es decir, nuestro cuerpo. ¿Cómo hacer para que nos rindan las 24 horas del día, que parecen no alcanzar nunca para todo lo que debemos -y queremos- hacer? El fin de este libro es articular el orden de los espacios con la organización personal. Lograr un día a día más simple es posible. ¡Basta de "no tengo tiempo para nada"! En siete pasos, Marietta Vitale propone aprovechar el tiempo de la mejor manera. La autora ha ayudado a centenares de personas a cambiar su vida a partir del orden. Sin embargo, a veces otros aspectos de la vida siguen desorganizados. Para estar en equilibrio, este es el momento de centrarte en tus tiempos y tu cuerpo. La creadora de Terapia del orden ahora va un paso más allá con una guía pensada para que, a través del orden, hagas todo lo que querés, maximizando tu bienestar y el de quienes te rodean.
La vida que quiero: Una hoja de ruta hacia tu felicidad
by Laura RibasUn manual de vida que te ayudará a conocerte mejor, a realizar tus sueños, a alcanzar tus objetivos, y a navegar hacia tu mejor destino. Realizarse en la vida es como navegar. El deseo de una vida mejor es el destino que marcas en el mapa, las coordenadas hacia las que apuntas. Las corrientes, las tempestades y los vientos en contra son los problemas y los retos que surgen inevitablemente. El timón es tu voluntad, la brújula es la voz de tu ser esencial, y las técnicas de navegación son tus recursos internos y externos para sortear los problemas hasta llegar al puerto elegido. Laura Ribas te invita a soñar con una vida que realmente te haga feliz, te ayuda a marcar el rumbo hacia tu mejor destino, a escuchar las señales de tu ser esencial para tomar las decisiones adecuadas, y a permanecer firme en tu propósito, venciendo los obstáculos que surjan durante el viaje. Este libro te desencallará, te motivará y te enseñará exactamente cómo trazar la ruta hacia tu mejor vida. Reseñas:«Laura Ribas es una brillante excepción, destaca por tu integridad, fuerza e inteligencia. Es algo que percibes desde el minuto cero y sabes que su intervención marcará un antes y un después. Si vas a trabajar con ella, estás en muy buenas manos».Raimon Samsó, autor «Laura es un tipo de mentora que ve en ti lo que tú aún no eres capaz de ver. Laura es una empresaria exitosa, es mentora de mentores, generosa, inspiradora y una visionaria y estratega innata. Si estás buscando inspiración, motivación y un claro plan de acción sin relleno no busques más porque Laura es la persona indicada».Vilma Núñez, CEO de Grupo Convierte Más «Lo tienes todo para vivir la vida que quieres, y este libro está aquí para recordártelo y también para ayudarte a conseguirlo. Es un libro brillante, honesto, y no cesa de desafiarte a que crees tu mejor vida. Me cuesta imaginar que alguien que lo lea y complete los ejercicios siga viendo todo de la misma forma. Es imposible».Maïder Tomasena, empresaria y CEO de La Escuela de Copywriting «Laura Ribas te invita a convertirte en capitán de tu propia vida, a dejar atrás la insatisfacción y a realizarte en el mayor sentido de la palabra: hacer realidad la vida que quieres. Este es un libro fundamental para navegar los desafíos actuales y lograr vivir en tus propios términos. Si estás listo para iniciar el viaje de tu vida, llévate este libro a casa y ponte manos a la obra con su lectura y sus ejercicios prácticos. La vida que quieres te espera».Lea Kaufman, autora de Apodérate de tu cuerpo y El puente a la consciencia
Una vida sin límites: Un camino a la serenidad del Tao
by Alejandra LlamasA diez años de haber sido publicado por primera vez, Una vida sin límites se reedita para que los lectores de Alejandra Llamas, los seguidores del Tao Te Ching y los interesados en tener una vida plena encuentren las herramientas clave para eliminar los miedos y los obstáculos que les impiden vivir en equilibrio emocional. El libro incluye declaraciones diarias y una app en la que podrán descargar información extra para enriquecer su experiencia. En este libro, Alejandra Llamas realiza un profundo análisis sobre la conexión que debe tener todo ser humano con su mundo interno para lograr alejarse del miedo y acercarse a la unión y al amor. A través de 45 versos fundamentales del Tao Te Ching, texto ancestral clásico chino atribuido al filósofo Lao Tsé, Una vida sin límites se constituye como una herramienta para entender y ver de manera positiva nuestro entorno y lograr nuestra paz interior. Este inigualable libro nos invita a dejarnos llevar por el camino del Tao para reflexionar y alcanzar la serenidad.
Una vida sin límites: Un camino a la serenidad del Tao
by Alejandra LlamasA diez años de haber sido publicado por primera vez, Una vida sin límites se reedita para que los lectores de Alejandra Llamas, los seguidores del Tao Te Ching y los interesados en tener una vida plena encuentren las herramientas clave para eliminar los miedos y los obstáculos que les impiden vivir en equilibrio emocional. El libro incluye declaraciones diarias y una app en la que podrán descargar información extra para enriquecer su experiencia. En este libro, Alejandra Llamas realiza un profundo análisis sobre la conexión que debe tener todo ser humano con su mundo interno para lograr alejarse del miedo y acercarse a la unión y al amor. A través de 45 versos fundamentales del Tao Te Ching, texto ancestral clásico chino atribuido al filósofo Lao Tsé, Una vida sin límites se constituye como una herramienta para entender y ver de manera positiva nuestro entorno y lograr nuestra paz interior. Este inigualable libro nos invita a dejarnos llevar por el camino del Tao para reflexionar y alcanzar la serenidad.
Una vida sin límites
by Nick VujicicNick Vujicic cuenta su vida: desde sus discapacidades hasta cómo fue que alcanzó una vida plena. Este bestseller es un libro inspirador sobre un hombre extraordinario, un camino para vivir completamente feliz. Nick Vujicic nos cuenta la historia de sus discapacidades físicas y de la batalla emocional que ha librado para enfrentarlas como niño, adolescente y ahora, como adulto. Nick Vujicic nació sin brazos ni piernas pero logró vencer su discapacidad con una vida independiente, rica y llena de satisfacciones, convirtiéndose en un modelo de vida para quien busca la felicidad verdadera. Ahora, Nick es un conferencista motivacional a nivel internacional que se dedica a difundir su mensaje: la meta más importante de cualquier ser humano es encontrar el significado de su vida, sin importar los obstáculos o dificultades que se interpongan en su camino. Nick nos cuenta la historia de sus discapacidades físicas y de la batalla emocional que ha librado para enfrentarlas como niño, adolescente y, ahora, como adulto. También nos comparte cómo su fe en Dios ha sido una fuente central de fuerza y explica que una vez que encontró su propósito -inspirar a los demás para hacer de su vida y el mundo algo mejor-, descubrió la confianza suficiente para construir una existencia productiva y provechosa: ¡sin límites! Nick ofrece consejos prácticos para, cada día, tener momentos de satisfacción y felicidad confiando en los demás, construyendo relaciones benéficas y encontrando fuerza en el camino. Motiva al lector a través de su experiencia, demostrando cómo aprendió a aceptar aquello que no podía controlar y enfocándose en lo que sí podía transformar para tener una vida plena.
Vidas en positivo
by Ana AsensioPRECIO ESPECIAL DE PREVENTA DEL EBOOK: 3,99 EUROS HASTA EL 10 DE SEPTIEMBRE «El mejor encuentro es con uno mismo. ¿Te animas a descubrir toda tu capacidad para ser feliz?» Ana Asensio, psicóloga y doctora en neurociencia ¿Has pensado ya cómo quieres vivir? ¿Has invertido lo suficiente en ti, en conocerte, en descubrir las actitudes que solo dependen de ti? Ana Asensio, doctora en neurociencia y psicóloga con más de veinte años de experiencia, te descubre en este libro todo lo necesario para entender mejor cómo funcionan nuestro cerebro, nuestras emociones y nuestros genes. Con él podrás conocer y desarrollar las mejores técnicas psicológicas para superar momentos difíciles, gestionar el estrés y la ansiedad, mejorar la confianza en ti mismo, controlar la auto exigencia o aprender a tomar las mejores decisiones en tu camino hacia una verdadera inteligencia de vida. «Me encantaría ser tu psicóloga de cabecera, que me sientas cerca y que pueda ayudarte siempre. Este es mi propósito de vida: invitarte a vivir la vida en positivo, más amable y dicho sa. ¿Qué me dices? ¿Te animas?»
by Sissel Johanne Drag Bernard LevineOrdene til Bernard Levine har inspirert, oppmuntret og gledet tusener av dedikerte lesere. 'Vidunderlig kjærlighet' har blitt en vakker og inspirerende klassiker.
Viento: La travesía de mi vida
by Nicolás Cassese Santiago LangeSantiago Lange, uno de los más grandes regatistas mundiales, recorre en detalle su vida; desde su infancia en San Isidro, donde dio sus primeros pasos como navegante, hasta los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro, en los que ganó su primera medalla de oro luego de haberse sometido a una operación de cáncer de pulmón. La medalla de oro de Río representa la conquista de un sueño que perseguí durante mucho tiempo. Ese podio olímpico no solo marca el punto más alto de mi carrera, sino que está ligado a las elecciones más importantes de mi vida. Sin que lo advirtiera, la línea que dividía mis días en el agua y mis días en tierra se fue borrando. Por eso, cuando me colgaron la medalla sentí que toda mi historia confluía en ese momento. Este libro cuenta la vida de uno de los más grandes regatistas, una leyenda deportiva mundial. Y cuenta también qué hay detrás de su glorioso regreso tras superar un cáncer de pulmón nueve meses antes de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016. La de Santiago Lange es una historia de resiliencia y tenacidad; la de un hombre que enfrentó las adversidades para seguir persiguiendo sus sueños.
The View From Nowhere
by Thomas NagelHuman beings have the unique ability to view the world in a detached way: We can think about the world in terms that transcend our own experience or interest, and consider the world from a vantage point that is, in Nagel's words, "nowhere in particular". At the same time, each of us is aparticular person in a particular place, each with his own "personal" view of the world, a view that we can recognize as just one aspect of the whole. How do we reconcile these two standpoints--intellectually, morally, and practically? To what extent are they irreconcilable and to what extent canthey be integrated? Thomas Nagel's ambitious and lively book tackles this fundamental issue, arguing that our divided nature is the root of a whole range of philosophical problems, touching, as it does, every aspect of human life. He deals with its manifestations in such fields of philosophy as:the mind-body problem, personal identity, knowledge and skepticism, thought and reality, free will, ethics, the relation between moral and other values, the meaning of life, and death. Excessive objectification has been a malady of recent analytic philosophy, claims Nagel, it has led to implausibleforms of reductionism in the philosophy of mind and elsewhere. The solution is not to inhibit the objectifying impulse, but to insist that it learn to live alongside the internal perspectives that cannot be either discarded or objectified. Reconciliation between the two standpoints, in the end, isnot always possible.
The View From The Studio Door
by Ted OrlandIn the perennial best-seller Art & Fear, Ted Orland (with David Bayles) examined the obstacles that artists encounter each time they enter their studio and stand before a new blank canvas. Now, in The View From The Studio Door, Orland turns his attention to broader issues that stand to either side of that artistic moment of truth.In a text marked by grace, brevity and humor, Orland argues that when it comes to art making, theory and practice are always intertwined. There are timeless philosophical questions (How do we make sense of the world?) that address the very nature of art making, as well as gritty real-world questions (Is there art after graduation?) that artists encounter the moment they're off the starting blocks and producing work on a regular basis.Simply put, this is a book of practical philosophy. As a teacher and working artist himself, Orland brings authentic insight and encouragement to all those who face the challenge of making art in an uncertain world. The breadth of material covered is reflected in chapters that include Making Sense of the World, Art & Society, The Education of the Artist, Surviving Graduation, Making Art That Matters, The Artistic Community, and more.The View From The Studio Door is the perfect companion piece to Art & Fear, and will appeal to a similar (and already-established) audience of students, working artists, teachers and professionals. For students' benefit, The View is also modestly priced, with wide page margins for easy note-taking and annotation.
Vij: A Chef's One-Way Ticket to Canada with Indian Spices in His Suitcase
by Vikram VijVikram Vij, one of Canada’s great chefs, shares his story of the trials and triumphs in building a world-renowned food empire Fragrant with the smells of cumin, turmeric, fennel, and cloves, Vij reveals the story of Vikram Vij, one of Canada’s most celebrated chefs and entrepreneurs. Co-owner of the world-famous Vij’s Restaurant in Vancouver, his story is a true rags-to-riches tale of a college dropout from northern India who made it to Europe’s temples of high cuisine, then with a one-way ticket bound for Canada, found fame serving some of the world’s most transcendent Indian cuisine. Vij’s Restaurant, originally a fourteen-seat establishment known for its extraordinary flavours and spice blends, along with a firm no-reservation policy, received accolades from restaurant critics and patrons alike. A culinary journey that began in India as a boy enjoying the praise of visitors for his chai and biscuits, Vikram’s passion for Indian cooking and his lifelong mission to bring awareness to the culture he left behind have fueled his tireless drive in building a world-renowned food empire. Driven to succeed, Vikram realized his dream to launch five major initiatives under the Vij’s brand by age fifty, but with challenges and sacrifices along the way. For the first time, Vikram opens up about his struggles with prejudice, his mentors’ lasting lessons, and the painful demise of his marriage—both the successes and the failures that have shaped and sharpened one of Canada’s most unique and revered culinary talents.
The Viking Code
by Vicente CuencaLike sunshine reflected on snow, the purpose of this small book of wisdom is an invitation to optimism, to self-confidence. “More men are good due to habits than due to nature,” says the Greek philosopher Critias. This book came to me from Denmark as an embryo of an idea that can be counted among didactic literature and self-help. Its voice is conciliatory, sincere, generous, and effective, with a camaraderie that the author uses to encourage young adults, for whom this book is intended, to trust in their abilities, to become a Kierkegaard or a Bjork, according to each one’s desire to choose the direction they want their lives to take. The Viking Code is more than a simple title. It is fitting because once the reader begins the journey through its pages, they find what Spanish writer Vicente Cuenca, who now lives in a Norse country, has found. He is “lucky to live in a Viking nation, in a culture that is based on work, honesty, integrity, and respect.” Vicente Cuenca’s cultural, literary, human, social, and spiritual trajectory has been full of movement, changes, and constant, positive evolution. Vicente Cuenca has the advantage of experience and wisdom of vocational paternity, brought together with the daily practice of love and responsibility – love and discipline, in that order, as a moral educational norm. Thinking about the man and the writer, those who know him can’t help but to recall the Greek axiom “the person who reflects on themselves thinks upon what has brought them to be.” Vicente Cuenca knows how to take us (especially teenagers and young adults) to the central thought that will eventually bring us to success, even though many of our first attempts may leave us waiting, wanting, or even frustrated and disillusioned. The Viking Code is a book about “inner success” intended for a young audience that is forging its way in life, a life that is freely decided. All our lives, young and not so young, belong to us by the right
The Viking Code: The Art and Science of Norwegian Success
by Anders IndsetHarness the power of Norwegian cultural wisdom to improve your life and change the world In The Viking Code: The Art and Science of Norwegian Success, economic philosopher, entrepreneur, investor, and former competitive athlete Anders Indset reveals how Norwegian performance athletes and other successful figures use ingrained cultural values to achieve outsized influence on the world stage, as well as how we all can learn from and apply this cultural wisdom to create a better world in the future. Moving far past stories of barbaric conquests and historical comparisons, this book explores concepts like Hvis du tror du er ferdig utlært, er du ikke utlært, men ferdig—a common trap where you assume you've learned everything there is to know and therefore make failure a near certainty. The author builds on classic sustainability concepts to explore the intersection of progress and capitalism, redefining growth to realize a future worth living. You'll learn to make conscious decisions to achieve the kind of realistic future you want to live in and experience a level of personal progress that is the essence of true success. Finally, you'll discover why and how the Viking Code teaches us all valuable lessons about business, politics, and education, and sheds light on why performance is both important and enjoyable. Backed by modern scientific research throughout, some of the concepts explored in this book include: Structured play in finite games, versus infinite games with no definitive beginning or end The power of tapping into an innate sense of wonder to remove inhibitions and fears Success as a voluntary act and how diverse talent is found in every corner of the world Most importantly, this is ultimately an optimistic book as it predicts a powerful and positive outcome as a period of cooperation, something now inconceivable, develops as it always does during crises and the future is enhanced by amazing new technologies and fabulous opportunities on the near horizon. Centered around the idea of healthy and balanced ambition and tact, The Viking Code is an essential read for all individuals seeking to learn from the age-old wisdom of Norwegian culture and apply what they learn to better themselves and others.
Vincere attraverso la fede
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres Giovanni BocchieriOpera dedicata a coloro i quali camminano disperati o senza speranza attraverso i tempi bui della vita. Questo libro mira a incoraggiare e supportare i disperati o i senza speranza a ricostruire una carriera solida e vincente avvalendosi della fede.
Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions
by Mark Driscoll Gerry BreshearsSome two thousand years after he walked the earth, Jesus Christ is still a hot topic. And for all the ridiculous, twisted, Da Vinci Code-esque conspiracy theories and lies about Jesus that have permeated popular culture and even the academy over the years, the truth about his character, nature, and work has not changed. So what exactly is the truth about Jesus Christ? That's the question the authors of Vintage Jesus seek to answer by breaking it down into a number of sub-questions about Jesus, including Is Jesus the only God? Why did Jesus come to earth? Did Jesus rise from death? Why should we worship Jesus? and others. Nonbelievers and new Christians looking to sit down and delve into the topic of Jesus, asking the toughest, most confounding questions they can think of, will find solid, biblical answers presented in a relevant, accessible way. "In a society where the Nicene Creed doesn't hold as much water as a tall Americano, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears take an unabashed stance on biblical theology that comes as a refreshing yet timeless hyssop in response to a Christian sociological breakdown of truth." Brandon Ebel, President, Tooth & Nail Records. "Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears combine profound understanding of modern culture with weighty Christian doctrine that is faithful to the Bible. It's written in such an interesting style that it's hard to put down. I strongly recommend it!" Wayne Grudem, Research Professor of Bible and Theology, Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, Arizona. "A great book about Jesus--yesterday, today, and forever relevant. The answers provided are right on and meaningful to everyone." Allen R. Weiss, President, Worldwide Operations, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. "This book reveals Mark Driscoll as a highly powerful, colorful, down-to-earth catechist, targeting teens and twenty-somethings with the old, old story told in modern street-cred style. And Professor Breshears ballasts a sometimes lurid but consistently vivid presentation of basic truth about the Lord Jesus Christ." J. I. Packer, Board of Governors, Professor of Theology, Regent College. "Wow! This is a powerful book. It's edgy and, frankly, it made me uncomfortable at certain points but for the right reasons. We need light, not polish, over the story of Jesus, and that's exactly what this well-written and provocative work provides. It may make you squirm, but the strong biblical orientation and the crisp historic perspectives give you a context for that squirming!" Dan Wolgemuth, President, Youth for Christ/USA, Inc. "This book presents an honest view of Jesus without giving in to the pressure to soften him up. I had to grapple with the real vintage Jesus. This is a Savior worth fighting for." Matt Lindland, 2000 Olympic silver medalist in wrestling; top-ranked middleweight mixed martial arts fighter. "This new book by Driscoll, one of the most promising young pastors I've met, and his theological partner Gerry Breshears, tells the old, old story in a contemporary, exciting, in-your-face manner. Though written to appeal to today's younger seekers, nothing of classic Christian theology is omitted. Those of my generation may bridle at some aspects of the book--but it's good if we do. This book is just what's needed for us to understand how to reach the postmoderns and a great tool to help all of us connect with young seekers. This is both bold and uncompromising. I can highly recommend it." Chuck Colson, Founder, Prison Fellowship.
Violence And Suicidality: Clinical And Experimental Psychiatry
by Herman M. van Praag Robert Plutchik Alan ApterFirst published in 1990. This monograph series, published under the auspices of the Department of Psychiatry of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, is meant to keep track of important developments in the profession pf psychiatry, to summarize what has been achieved in particular fields, and to bring together the viewpoints obtained from disparate vantage points-in short, to capture some of the excitement ongoing in modern psychiatry, both in its clinical and experimental dimensions. Violence and suicidality have always been major public health issues, but it is only fairly recently that they have become the focus of some major clinical and biological research efforts. This is due partly to a large increase in suicide and homicide rates in the young and partly to a realization that effective management of psychiatric patients cannot be based on categorical diagnosis alone, but requires an understanding of the patient's entire behavioral profile. This volume attempts to describe some of the most important advances in the psychobiological understanding of the behavioral dimensions of suicide and violence that have been made over the last 10 years. It is comprised of papers presented at two symposia held under the auspices of the department of psychiatry of Albert Einstein College of Medicine that were devoted to the topics of violence and suicide.
Violent No More: Helping Men End Domestic Abuse
by Michael Paymar Anne Ganley<p>Violent No More is for men who have struggled with or are currently being violent in an intimate relationship. Filled with real stories of men who have harmed the ones they love and found the courage to change, this highly acclaimed book has helped thousands acknowledge and reform their abusive behavior. Author Michael Paymar doesn't sidestep the unpleasant reality of domestic violence—included here are the sometimes shocking first-person accounts of violent men, along with those of battered women. More importantly, many of these stories illustrate the ways in which men were able to stop their use of violence and control. <p>This edition contains four new chapters which address the challenges faced by practitioners who work with domestic violence offenders or victims, and the particular struggles faced by combat veterans returning from war, many of whom come home with PTSD and other mental health issues. With group exercises and individual goal-setting plans to help men find healthy ways of responding to conflict, change the cultural conditioning that condones violence, and avoid reverting to old patterns, Violent No More is an essential guide for men dealing with violence issues, as well as for the professionals who assist in their efforts to improve.</p>
Vipassan?: The Journey of a Thousand Steps
by Pooja Lamba CheemaSurrender to the supreme knowledge that everything is impermanent, you will find true miracle in life… Pooja Lamba Cheema's book on her experience of Vipassana meditation and the self realization that follows is an astonishing work. Her writing is superb: spare, powerful,evocative and highly effective. An uplifting virtuoso performance that will reward the engaged reader. – Dr. Shashi Tharoor, author and Member of Parliament Tired of battling melancholy and regret and wanting to find a purpose in her directionless life, the author decides to go away to a Vipassana ashram to explore the depths of her mind and come away free of the emotional baggage that she knows is impeding her life. Aware of the rigours of this form of meditation, she is nevertheless unprepared for the frightening loneliness and solitude of the ashram, where one is required to meditate for ten and a half hours every day for ten days in complete silence. Battling the demons from her past and trying valiantly to achieve the miracles she is hoping for – including writing her very first book based on her experiences in the ashram – she unfortunately encounters defeat and severe disillusionment. It is only when she surrenders to the knowledge that everything is impermanent in life, that the true miracle of life is revealed to her. Vipassana: The Journey of a Thousand Steps is a beautiful, moving soliloquy of suffering, hardship, sorrow and surrender, set in the cradle of the mystical Aravali hills near Delhi, and shows the beauty and poignancy of pain and the futility of struggle. It is a story that all readers can identify with as a microcosm of their own lives of defeat and triumph, trials and tribulations. It is a story of strength and courage and hope and ends with the author emerging from the ashes of her dreams like the proverbial phoenix.
Viral Hero: How to build viral products, turn customers into marketers, and achieve superhuman growth
by Travis SteffenIn Viral Hero, serial entrepreneur and growth engineer Travis Steffen reveals his comprehensive, battle-tested strategy for building products capable of true viral growth. If you think “viral marketing” only refers to making videos or memes to get shares on social media, there’s a reason you’ve found it difficult to grow your business. In Viral Hero, serial entrepreneur and growth engineer Travis Steffen reveals his comprehensive, battle-tested strategy for building products capable of true viral growth. Developed over years of research and more than a decade of starting, growing, and selling startups, Viral Hero includes a detailed breakdown of the many types of viral marketing, their various techniques and strategies, clear explanations of abstract and often misunderstood theories, simple tactics for measuring and predicting your viral growth, and actionable steps for making your product spread like wildfire. Using detailed examples from real high-growth companies, Viral Hero is a comprehensive, approachable resource that gives you all the tools you’ll need on your journey toward becoming a viral hero for your business.