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Vocabulary Power Plus for the Act - Book Three
by Daniel A. ReedCovering critical reading passages, essays, and questions based on testing format, each book focuses on crucial practice with sentence completion, reading comprehension, inference, root practice, and more to give your students the edge on test day.
Você é um robô
by Manuel TrigueroGuia de autoajuda e desenvolvimento pessoal Livro de autoajuda Dentro de nós existe um mundo em contínua ebulição, composto por toda uma treliça de circuitos, conexões e estruturas que dão origem a uma torrente permanente de pensamentos e emoções, que gradualmente circulam em nossas mentes em muitas ocasiões sem nós os provoquemos de forma voluntária; isso acontece diariamente ao longo de todas as horas do dia. É um espaço apaixonante de imagens que surgem de maneira acelerada e se repetem e desaparecem com o passar do tempo. É como um universo caótico e desorganizado, sobre o qual se faz necessário estabelecer uma ordem, uma classificação de prioridades, uma lógica e uma nova estrutura. É o nosso mundo interior. É como outra vida oculta que deveríamos tirar para fora e tentar analisá-la, em vez de continuarmos no filme diário em que às vezes estamos imersos e não nos reconhecemos, de forma que chegamor a nos sentir vazios quando verificamos que em muitas ocasiões não estamos nós mesmos.
Você pode Manifestar Seus Sonhos Assim como Eu - Parte Cinco
by D. S. Pais1. Técnica de Manifestação - Ciclo de Gratidão 2. Técnica de Manifestação - Divirta-se 3. Técnica de Manifestação - Alinhamento continuo 4. Técnica de Manifestação - Medite e Aja 5. Técnica de Manifestação - Sendo novo 6. Técnica de Manifestação - Sinta-se bem 7. Técnica de Manifestação - Sonhando acordado 8. Técnica de Manifestação - Sentimentos 9. Técnica de Manifestação - Pensamento não resistente 10. Técnica de Manifestação - Jogos 11. Técnica de Manifestação - Esteja na sensação da Manifestação
Você Sabe Que Está Se Transformando Quando...
by Dr Rosie Kuhn Makoto YamamotoA transformação é um grande negócio nos dias de hoje. Ela está em toda parte. Está nas universidades e corporações; nos livros de autoajuda, nas igrejas e nas organizações comunitárias. Mas o que é isso, e como você sabe se já aconteceu com você? A maioria das pessoas acredita que será fácil transformar sua vida. O dinheiro aparece de repente, a carreira se torna satisfatória e todos vivem felizes para sempre com o amor dos seus sonhos. A verdade é; essa é a melhor hipótese. A transformação não é tudo isso que falam. E falo isso como especialista na área de treinamento e liderança transformacional. E incentivo todos os meus clientes e estagiários a pensarem cuidadosamente antes de embarcar nesta jornada de transformação. Isso não é moleza e definitivamente não é para maricas ou fracos de coração. Para se transformar, é preciso cultivar a consciência do que se escolhe fazer e pensar, para que se possa escolher de forma diferente - apenas para agir de acordo com que se quer. Temos que mudar nossas intenções, percepções e orientação e, em muitos casos, alterar nossos compromissos. É preciso muito esforço, e minha experiência diz que a maioria das pessoas simplesmente não está disposta a isso. Ao mesmo tempo, sei que cada um de nós tem a capacidade de ser a expressão máxima de nossa natureza essencial e única. Este livro capacita você para vivenciar seus desejos de experimentar o deleite de sua plena potencialidade, seja lá o que isso significa a você. Você Sabe Que Está Se Transformando... dá algumas orientações, sinais e indicadores que o ajudarão ao longo desta jornada de transformação. Eles talvez o inspirem a seguir passar por seus turbilhões transformacionais ou confirmar que você tem realmente a ousadia necessária para fazer essa viagem. De qualquer forma, acho que você perceberá que já andou muito mais por esta estrada do que jamais imaginou.<br/
Você Também, Poliglota
by Roberto Coppola João Batista Esteves AlvesVocê Também Poliglota, de Roberto Coppola Você Também Poliglota. Como aprender línguas estrangeiras. Este livro recolhe as indicações de grandes poliglotas e examina os métodos que, na minha experiência como formador e tradutor, são os mais eficazes para a auto-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. Um capítulo inteiro é dedicado ao desenvolvimento de uma abordagem pessoal "perfeita" para atingir a meta de aprender em dois anos a falar, ler e escrever em quatro línguas.
Você Viveu? Amou? Foi Importante?
by Bernard LevineHá uma história que diz que toda manhã, Deus envia dois anjos dos céus para nos visitar. Quem são estes anjos? Vamos conhecê-los... O nome do primeiro anjo é 'Pedir'... e o segundo anjo se chama 'Louvar'. Os dois anjos carregam cestas. Quando olhamos o que há dentro da cesta do primeiro anjo, vemos que está cheia, até o topo, transbordando com nossos pedidos de orações para Deus, como 'quero uma casa grande, quero um carro novo, quero um emprego melhor e quero muito dinheiro'. Mas, quando olhamos para o que há dentro da cesta do segundo anjo, vemos que está vazia... dizem que, somente às vezes, no fundo da cesta há uma ou duas palavras de louvor. Pense em Deus... todo dia, Deus tem muitos pedidos para suprir, mais e mais dos nossos 'desejos' e 'vontades'. Algum dia estaremos satisfeitos e gratos com o que já temos? Diga-me, temos orado todo este tempo, implorando para Deus nos suprir, e ainda assim, dificilmente arranjamos tempo para agradecer a Deus por estarmos vivos, e louvá-Lo por cada batimento do coração e cada respiração. Não seria maravilhoso se buscássemos e direcionássemos nossas orações para louvar e glorificar ao 'Provedor' primeiro, antes de focarmos tanto do nosso tempo de oração em buscar os 'Presentes' e o que mais possamos conseguir de Deus. Façamos de Deus nosso prazer... pois Deus é tudo o que precisamos!
"La vocecita"
by Blair Singer"The "Little Voice" lives in that short six inch span between your right ear and your left ear. What's awesome is you can master it in 30 seconds or less and have an extraordinary life. " "This book de-bunks much of the popular thought about personal growth and gets you down and dirty with real-world, right-now techniques that will help you make profound changes in your life immediately. " -Blair Singer "Little Voice" mastery will give you the ability to: -Maintain your power in any pressure situation. -Stop the debilitating chatter in your brain so you can attract what you want now. -Uncover and realize your lifelong dreams. -Break through self sabotaging habits. -Build powerful lasting confidence. -Resurrect the hero inside of you. -Embody 21 proven techniques to re-programming the Little Voice in your brain in 30 seconds.
Las voces del Universo: Dios es. Está. Siempre está
by Almadre¡Detente! Reflexiona cada día con una nueva espiritualidad. Cuando buscamos lo que necesitamos y ponemos el esfuerzo en obtenerlo, el resultado será acorde al trabajo realizado. Las voces del universo son guías que nos muestran caminos. Tomar decisiones nos ayudará a escoger un camino. Tener sabiduría al hacerlo nos guiará por nuestro camino.
Vodka Is Vegan: A Vegan Bros Manifesto for Better Living and Not Being an A**hole
by Phil Letten Matt LettenMeet the bros who are making vegan sexy (and making eating animals weird) Think you could never go vegan? Think again. As this smart, funny and persuasive manifesto makes clear, you're already 90% vegan anyway. That's right--you already love animals and are slowly but surely eating less meat than you used to. With the insider tips and inspiring stories in this book, you'll be ready to go whole hog (see what we did there?) and eat vegan for good. Topics include: * How eating meat hurts your health and the planet (and is pretty close to eating your beloved pet for dinner) * A simple action plan for getting started * Don't Be an A**hole to Your Server, and other secrets for eating out * Who Cares If Honey Is Vegan?: Getting over perfectionism and purity by eating as cruelty-free as you can With a loyal online following that’s growing fast, the Bros are the new face of veganism--loud, proud, and fighting for a better world, one plate at a time.
by Scott DamianFor thirty-three years, Scott Damian fought an arduous battle for freedom from stuttering. He was imprisoned by the terror of being unable to utter a single word, until he transformed into a highly successful actor and writer. Scott speaks to the heart and soul of a stutterer, and addresses healing, help, and hope for the millions who are similarly afflicted.
A Voice Becoming: A Yearlong Mother-Daughter Journey into Passionate, Purposed Living
by Beth BrunoIn A VOICE BECOMING, Beth Bruno helps mothers cast a Godly vision for their daughters and chart a course that will prepare their daughters for womanhood. What if you as a mother concentrated on your daughter for one year? Who might she become? A VOICE BECOMING is for moms who want to usher their daughters into womanhood but know they need more than tips, techniques, and programs. This is for moms who to desire to chart a course for their daughters that helps them know the story of God they are entering and the global sisterhood of women they are joining. A VOICE BECOMING is written by a fellow sojourner, still in the middle of the journey, processing her own story as she casts a vision for her daughter to discover hers. Sometimes road maps are too restrictive and a friend is needed who has made the journey already. Beth Bruno seeks to activate moms by infusing them with hope and vision. Readers will join Beth in a yearlong journey of teaching their daughters that women lead, women love, women fight, women sacrifice, and women create. Moms learn how to use film and books, tangible experiences, volunteering, interviewing other women, traveling, and more in a creative and life-altering way to help solidify these important concepts in the mind and life of their young teen.
The Voice Coach's Toolkit (The Focal Press Toolkit Series)
by Pamela PratherThe Voice Coach's Toolkit identifies the primary professional vocal coaching opportunities and the avenues by which a student or early career coach can navigate the vocation. For purposes of this book, the Voice Coach is defined as someone who coaches the spoken voice in three precise areas: the teaching artist, the professional film/TV/theatre coach, and the professional voice-user coach. These three coaching worlds are broadly defined and each area includes in-depth interviews and practical advice from top coaches along with the author’s personal expertise. The book can be read in sections or as a whole, making it as useful for early career coaches as it is for those looking to expand their vocal coaching career or vocal pedagogy students who need a broad survey of all three areas.
The Voice Dialogue Facilitator's Handbook, Part 16
by Miriam DyakThe first textbook written for learning Voice Dialogue facilitation, a method for working with consciousness created by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, authors of "Embracing Our Selves," "Embracing Each Other," "Embracing Your Inner Critic," and "The Shadow King." This Handbook is designed to make Voice Dialogue facilitation easy and rewarding. Every part of a Voice Dialogue session is described in detail with lots of sample facilitations that explore the energetic dynamics between a facilitator and his/her client.
A Voice in the Wilderness: God's Presence in Your Desert Places
by Charles H. Dyer'The Bible is not a sterile Book immaculately conceived in some sort of mystical, holy vacuum. Though God is the ultimate Author, He used human writers as His instruments. And to interpret properly His Word we must enter their world. The bleating of sheep on barren hills, the mournful wail of a ram's horn trumpet on the temple steps, the harsh clang of sword hitting sword in epic battle hang like tapestries in the background of every page.' - Excerpt from A Voice in the Wilderness. Life's struggles can make us feel as if we're wandering in the desert, thirsty for hope and healing. Using Isaiah 40 as a backdrop, best-selling author Charles Dyer takes us on a journey through ancient Judea for a vivid reminder that others before us have known suffering - and, just as God was present for them in their pain, He will walk with us through our wilderness.
A Voice in the Wilderness: God's Presence in Your Desert Places
by Charles H. Dyer'The Bible is not a sterile Book immaculately conceived in some sort of mystical, holy vacuum. Though God is the ultimate Author, He used human writers as His instruments. And to interpret properly His Word we must enter their world. The bleating of sheep on barren hills, the mournful wail of a ram's horn trumpet on the temple steps, the harsh clang of sword hitting sword in epic battle hang like tapestries in the background of every page.' - Excerpt from A Voice in the Wilderness. Life's struggles can make us feel as if we're wandering in the desert, thirsty for hope and healing. Using Isaiah 40 as a backdrop, best-selling author Charles Dyer takes us on a journey through ancient Judea for a vivid reminder that others before us have known suffering - and, just as God was present for them in their pain, He will walk with us through our wilderness.
Voice Lessons: How a Couple of Ninja Turtles, Pinky, and an Animaniac Saved My Life
by Rob PaulsenRob Paulsen is one of Hollywood’s busiest, most talented, and most passionate performers. If you don’t know him by name, you will know him by the many characters he has brought to life: Pinky from Pinky and the Brain, Yakko from Animaniacs, the tough but loveable Raphael from the original animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and many more. So you can imagine how terrifying it must have been when Rob was diagnosed with throat cancer, putting his entire livelihood in jeopardy and threatening to rob the world of all his loveable characters that filled our youths and adulthoods with humor and delight. Voice Lessons tells the heartwarming and life-affirming story of Rob’s experience with an aggressive cancer treatment and recovery regimen, which luckily led to a full recovery. Rob quickly returned to doing what he loves most, but with a much deeper appreciation of what he came so close to losing. His new lease on life inspired him to rededicate himself to his fans, particularly the new friends he made along the way: hundreds of sick children and their families. Rob said it best himself: “I can not only continue to make a living, but make a difference, and I can’t wait to use that on the biggest scale that I can.”
Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Listen
by Wendy MogelRenowned speaker, parenting expert, and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Wendy Mogel offers an essential guide to the new art of talking to children, showing how a change in tone and demeanor can transform the relationship between parent and child.Most parents are perfectly fine communicators—unless they’re talking to their children. Then, too often, their pitch rises and they come across as pleading, indignant, wounded, outraged. In tone and body language they signal, I can’t handle it when you act like a child. Dr. Wendy Mogel saw this pattern time and again in her clinical practice. In response, she developed a remarkably effective series of “voice lessons,” which she shared with parents who were struggling with their kids. The results were immediate: a shift in vocal style led to children who were calmer, listened more attentively, and communicated with more warmth, respect, and sincerity. In Voice Lessons for Parents, Mogel elaborates on her novel clinical approach, revealing how each age and stage of a child’s life brings new opportunities to connect through language. Drawing from sources as diverse as neuroscience, fairy tales, and anthropology, Mogel offers specific guidance for talking to children across the expanse of childhood and adolescence. She also explains the best ways to talk about your child to partners, exes, and grandparents, as well as to teachers, coaches, and caretakers. Throughout the book, Mogel addresses an obstacle that bedevils even the most seasoned and confident parent: the distraction of digital devices, how they impact our connection with our families, and what we can do about it. Mogel’s now classic book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, is a beloved resource for a generation of parents. Voice Lessons for Parents brings her unique brand of practical wisdom to harried parents eager to deepen their relationships with their kids. “Children will lead you on an incredible journey,” writes Mogel, “if they trust you, if you take the time, and if you’re willing to follow.”
Voice of Business: The Man Who Transformed the United States Chamber of Commerce
by Dave Scheiber Richard LesherFrom small-town life to the world stage, Richard Lesher’s inspiring tale is one of dogged determination. The son of an alcoholic and violent father in Depression-era Pennsylvania, Lesher worked his way through school, eventually overseeing NASA’s vital technological transfer program during the race to the moon. His greatest achievement, however, was serving as president of the US Chamber of Commerce from the Ford through the Clinton administrations. Working closely with the presidents—especially Reagan—he modernized the Chamber over 22 years and dramatically expanded its national and international outreach. Believing strongly in the power of the free enterprise system, Lesher became a key voice and agent of economic change in former communist countries in the 1990s. Respected and admired by presidents, officials, and world leaders on both the left and right, Lesher has lived a hopeful and uniquely American story, a remarkable testament to personal perseverance and the ever-present opportunities in a free society.
The Voice Of Knowledge: A Practical Guide To Inner Peace (Toltec Wisdom)
by Don Miguel Ruiz Janet MillsA spiritual guide to overcoming negative emotions offers advice on saying what one means, refusing to speak against oneself, and ending self-deprecating thoughts and attitudes as part of realizing true knowledge and being true to oneself.
The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
by null Don Miguel Ruiz null Janet MillsFrom the bestselling author of The Four AgreementsIn The Voice of Knowledge, Miguel Ruiz reminds us of a profound and simple truth: The only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joy in living is to stop believing in lies — mainly about ourselves. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, this breakthrough book shows us how to recover our faith in the truth and return to our own common sense. Ruiz changes the way we perceive ourselves, and the way we perceive other people. Then he opens the door to a reality that we once perceived when we were one and two years old — a reality of truth, love, and joy."We are born in truth, but we grow up believing in lies. . . . One of the biggest lies in the story of humanity is the lie of our imperfection." — don Miguel Ruiz
The Voice of Rolling Thunder: A Medicine Man’s Wisdom for Walking the Red Road
by Sidian Morning Jones Stanley KrippnerRolling Thunder’s life and wisdom in his own words and from interviews with those who knew him well • Contains never-before-released talks by Rolling Thunder preserved by the Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart as well as accounts of remarkable healings and weather magic from famous personalities who knew him • Explains that in order to heal Nature’s afflictions we must first restore balance and unity in ourselves Intertribal medicine man Rolling Thunder (1916-1997) was a healer, teacher, visionary, and activist who rose to popularity in the 1960s and ’70s through his friendship with artists such as Bob Dylan and as the inspiration for the Billy Jack films. Eyewitness accounts of his remarkable healings are legion, as are those of his ability to call forth the forces of nature, typically in the form of thunder clouds. Yet it was his equally uncommon gift as a prophet and living representative of Native American wisdom that truly set him apart from other spiritual teachers of that era. Thirty years before most people had ever heard of global warming, Rolling Thunder described in graphic detail the signs of encroaching planetary doom and campaigned for environmental harmony. The key to healing nature’s afflictions, he maintained, is to first restore balance and unity in ourselves. Containing never-before-released talks preserved by the Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart, this book shares the teachings of Rolling Thunder in his own words and through inspiring interviews with psychologist Alberto Villoldo and other famous personalities who knew him. Collected and edited by his grandson Sidian Morning Star Jones and longtime friend Stanley Krippner, this book allows you to incorporate Rolling Thunder’s wisdom into your own life.
The Voice of the Heart
by Chip DoddIn his first volume of the Spiritual Root System CM series, Dr. Chip Dodd sheds light on the emotional and spiritual roles that feelings play in our lives. This book is a groundbreaking introduction to the timeless truths of the heart.
Voice-over Voice Actor: What It's Like Behind The Mic
by Yuri Lowenthal Tara PlattA PEEK INTO THE SECRET WORLD OF THE VOICE ACTOR for those curious, daring or obsessed enough to look....This book offers a comprehensive look at what it takes, what goes on, and what it's like behind the mic from two working pros. In this book, you will discover: * The ins and outs of auditioning * Vocal warm-ups and exercises * Tips for reading copy to maximum effect * Hints to help you stand out * Keys to marketing yourself: demo to agent to job * What to expect when you book the job! Filled with anecdotes from 20 VO professionals (actors, writers, casting, directors, engineers, agents) the book is a fun and comprehensive look inside voice-over.
Voice & Speaking Skills For Dummies
by Judy AppsFind your voice, and communicate with confidence Ever wondered why nobody hears you in meetings, or wished people would take you more seriously? Or maybe you're unhappy with your accent, or you feel insecure about your high-pitched or monotonous voice? Voice and Speaking Skills For Dummies will help you to discover the power of your voice, understand how it works, and use your voice like a professional whether in meetings, addressing an audience, or standing in front of a classroom. Take a deep breath, relax those vocal cords, and make your speech sparkle! We're not all planning to become politicians, or likely to address large audiences on a regular basis, but we all need to be able to communicate well to achieve success. Certain professions require a high level of vocal confidence, notably teachers and business leaders. As well as using body language effectively, we also rely on our voice to convey passion, exude enthusiasm, and command attention--and that's before we've considered the content of our words! A clear understanding of how your voice works, how to maximize its effectiveness, and ways to overcome voice 'gremlins' such as speaking too fast, stuttering, or sounding childish, is pivotal to enabling you to succeed, whatever the situation. Highlights the importance of your voice, explains how to use it effectively Gives you confidence in public speaking Helps you use your voice to make a great first impression in all aspects of your life Includes a CD with vocal exercises to help you communicate with confidence. Whether you're looking to improve your speaking skills for work or personal gain--or both--Voice and Speaking Skills For Dummies gives you everything you need to find your voice and communicate with confidence. Note: CD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
The Voice That Calls You Home
by Andrea RaynorA positive, affirming collection of essays that teaches how to understand and accept life's darkest hours -- The Voice That Calls You Home will improve the way readers live each and every day. As a hospice chaplain, cancer survivor, and a chaplain at Ground Zero following September 11, Andrea Raynor has gained a keen perspective on the meaning of life and death, comfort and grief. Through her own experiences, Raynor reminds readers that even in the most dire of circumstances, we still have the opportunity to recognize beauty, to be inspired by the tenacity of the human spirit, and to feel connected to something greater. Raynor acknowledges that we may not be able to prevent the difficulties that come in life, but we can always choose the way in which we face them. She urges us not to "live with our heads down, our eyes closed, and our hands in our pockets." Instead, she prompts us to remain open to the blessings that are all around us and to face life's challenges head-on -- "to increase our courage, re-new our hope, and unite us in the knowledge that we are not alone." In the tradition of Anne Lamott and Kate Braestrup, The Voice That Calls You Home is a warm, personal, and practical guide to appreciating the wondrous world we live in, offering perspective on how we can bear the sorrows that are sure to come with a steady eye and a sense of hope, and find the connection between the spiritual and the everyday.