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by Jason Wachob

In his first book, mindbodygreen founder Jason Wachob, redefines successful living and offers readers a new life currency to build on, one that is steeped in wellbeing...Wellth. "Many of us aren't satisfied with just trying to accumulate the most money and toys. The good life is no longer just about the material--instead, it can be found in a lifestyle that is devoted to mental, physical, and emotional health. A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount, and daily living is about abundance. It's a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful; and there's a daily sense of richness or overflowing joy. But since there's no one-size-fits all definition for a wellthy existence, I hope this book will serve as a guide to help you embark on your own personal journey that is both unique and meaningful." Eat. Move. Work. Believe. Explore. Breathe. Connect. Love. Heal. Thank. Ground. Live. Laugh. These are the building blocks of Wellth...and in this blend of memoir and prescriptive advice Jason Wachob shows us all how to enjoy truly 'wellthy' lives--lives that are deeply rich in every conceivable way. Through his experience and personal story, as well as in exclusive material from popular expert contributors (including Dr. Frank Lipman, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Joe Cross, Charlie Knoles, Kathryn Budig, Dr. Aviva Romm, and Dr. Sue Johnson), we learn how we too can embrace this new movement and develop richer, fuller, happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives. What will make your life more wellthy? Come and explore it.From the Hardcover edition.

Wellth: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Résumé

by Jason Wachob

In his first book, mindbodygreen founder Jason Wachob, redefines successful living and offers readers a new life currency to build on, one that is steeped in wellbeing…Wellth. “Many of us aren’t satisfied with just trying to accumulate the most money and toys. The good life is no longer just about the material—instead, it can be found in a lifestyle that is devoted to mental, physical, and emotional health. A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount, and daily living is about abundance. It’s a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful; and there’s a daily sense of richness or overflowing joy. But since there’s no one-size-fits all definition for a wellthy existence, I hope this book will serve as a guide to help you embark on your own personal journey that is both unique and meaningful.” Eat. Move. Work. Believe. Explore. Breathe. Connect. Love. Heal. Thank. Ground. Live. Laugh. These are the building blocks of Wellth…and in this blend of memoir and prescriptive advice Jason Wachob shows us all how to enjoy truly ‘wellthy’ lives—lives that are deeply rich in every conceivable way. Through his experience and personal story, as well as in exclusive material from popular expert contributors (including Dr. Frank Lipman, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Joe Cross, Charlie Knoles, Kathryn Budig, Dr. Aviva Romm, and Dr. Sue Johnson), we learn how we too can embrace this new movement and develop richer, fuller, happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives. What will make your life more wellthy? Come and explore it.From the Hardcover edition.

Wenn Mir Meine Mutter Doch Nur Gesagt Hätte… (Oder Vielleicht Habe Ich Einfach Nicht Zugehört)

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Es ist nicht so, dass wir uns entscheiden, Kinder zu haben, um bei ihrer Erziehung zu versagen, ihnen das Leben schwer zu machen und jegliche Aussicht auf Glück zunichte zu machen. Und, es ist nicht so, dass wir unseren Kindern das Schlimmste vom Schlimmsten wünschen, wie ein dunkler Fluch, ausgespuckt in einen Kessel. Es ist einfach nicht so. Fakt ist vielmehr, dass die Mehrheit von uns im Namen der Liebe von unseren Eltern gezeugt wurde. Die Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben als das, welches jedes Elternteil selbst durchgemacht hat, ist das, was sie für uns, ihre kleinen Wonneproppen, im Sinn haben. Fakt ist jedoch auch, dass das Beste, das jedes Elternteil zu seiner Rolle als Elternteil beitragen kann, selten den Ansprüchen eines jeden Kindes genügt. Das Leben ist so groß. Schon die Komplexität eines einzelnen Menschenlebens ist so groß, dass man mit ihr erst fertig werden muss. Wie können wir wirklich wissen, was unsere Kinder von uns brauchen oder wollen? Möge dieses kleine Buch Sie an die vielen Weisheiten erinnern, diejenigen, die Sie vielleicht bereits gehört haben, von Eltern, Großeltern, Lehrern, Geschwistern, und diejenigen, die Sie für sich selbst entdeckt haben. Und möglicherweise werden einige dabei sein, die Sie Ihren Kindern gerne weitergeben, falls sie zuhören.

Wer bin Ich?

by Dada Bhagwan

Es gibt mehr im Leben als nur zu leben. Es muss mehr im Leben geben, als nur zu leben. Es sollte ein höheres Ziel im Leben geben. Das Ziel im Leben ist es, die wirkliche Antwort auf “Wer bin ich?“ zu finden. Es ist die unbeantwortete Frage aus unendlich vielen früheren Leben. Die fehlenden Verbindungen auf der Suche nach “Wer bin ich?“ werden nun durch die Worte des Gnani Purush (Der Eine, der vollkommen Selbst-realisiert ist) zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Worte wurden zum besseren Verständnis editiert. Wer bin ich? Was bin ich nicht? Wer ist das Selbst? Was gehört zu mir? Was gehört nicht zu mir? Was ist Unfreiheit? Was ist Befreiung (Moksha)? Gibt es einen Gott? Was ist Gott? Wer ist der ’Handelnde’ in dieser Welt? Ist Gott der ’Handelnde’ oder nicht? Was ist die wahre Natur von Gott? Was ist die Natur des wirklich ’Handelnden’ in dieser Welt? Wer regiert die Welt? Wie funktioniert sie? Was ist die wahre Natur der Illusion? Ist alles, was man weiß, wahr oder ist es eine Illusion? Wird man mit dem Wissen, das man hat, frei werden oder unfrei bleiben? Dieses Buch wird das präzise Verstehen der Wahrheit hinter diesen Fragen vermitteln.

We're All Climate Hypocrites Now: How Embracing Our Limitations Can Unlock the Power of a Movement

by Sami Grover

A useful — and sprightly! — effort to get at the choice between individual and systemic action on the greatest problem we've ever faced. — Bill McKibben, author, The End of NatureTaking a tongue-in-cheek approach, self-confessed eco-hypocrite Sami Grover says we should do what we can in our own lives to minimize our climate impacts and we need to target those actions so they create systemic change. We're All Climate Hypocrites Now helps you decide what are the most important climate actions to take for your own personal situation.Our culture tells us that personal responsibility is central to tackling the climate emergency, yet the choices we make are often governed by the systems in which we live. Whether it's activists facing criticism for eating meat or climate scientists catching flack for flying, accusations of hypocrisy are rampant. And they come from both inside and outside the movement.Sami Grover skewers those pointing fingers, celebrates those who are trying, and offers practical pathways to start making a difference. We're All Climate Hypocrites Now covers:How environmentalism lost its grooveWhy big polluters want to talk about your carbon footprintThe psychology of shamingHow businesses can find their activist voiceThe true power of individuals to spark widespread change.By understanding where our greatest leverage lies, we can prioritize our actions, maximize our impact, and join forces with the millions of other imperfect individuals who are ready to do their part and actually change the system.

We're All Freaking Out (and Why We Don't Need To): Finding Freedom from Your Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

by David Marvin

Free yourself from anxiety by discovering and applying principles given by God to lead us away from panic and toward peace. &“These pages will feel like a lifeline for the anxious, overwhelmed, and burned out.&”—Jennie Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your HeadIf you&’ve ever felt overwhelmed by panic, fear, worry, or anxiety, you&’re not alone. A part of the human experience often involves anxious feelings that paralyze us, keep us up at night, rob us of our ability to live in the moment, and pretty much suck the life out of us. But this doesn&’t have to be the case. You can stop freaking out. Sound too good to be true? It is true. In fact, it&’s a promise from God himself. At least 366 times, the Bible commands us to not fear. God loves us and doesn&’t want us to be ruled by anxiety. Not surprisingly, most people don&’t understand what the Bible actually teaches about anxiety, fear, and worry.Consider this book a practical resource to help you connect the dots between your anxiety and what God has to say about defeating it. As you are about to discover, you really can stop freaking out.

We're All in This Together: Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging

by Mike Robbins

What makes a great team? Author, leadership expert, and corporate consultant looks at how businesses can build trust and achieve high performance.Have you ever been on a team where the talent was strong, but the team wasn't very good? On the flip side, have you ever been on a team where not every single member was a rock star, but something about the team just worked?We've all had these types of experiences. And yet, it can be difficult to understand what makes one team successful and another one not.In this book, Mike Robbins dives deep into the ways great businesses build trust, collaborate, and operate at their peak level. As an expert in teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence, Mike draws on more than 20 years of experience working with top companies like Google and Microsoft, as well as his baseball career with the Kansas City Royals. And, while each team and organization have their own unique challenges, goals, and dynamics, there are some universal qualities that allow teams to truly come together and thrive.The book's core principles include fostering an environment of psychological safety, fostering inclusion and belonging, addressing and navigating conflict, and maintaining a healthy balance of high expectations and empathy. Throughout, Mike shares powerful exercises and tools he's successfully utilized in the keynote speeches, group sessions and corporate retreats that he delivers, so that you and your team can communicate more authentically, give and receive feedback with skill, and create deeper connections.We're All in This Together also features personal stories and interviews with high-level business leaders and thought leaders to provide insights into an ever-changing workplace culture. ***"For us to do our best work, have the kind of impact we truly want to have, and unlock our full potential, we can't do it alone; we must to do it together. If you and your team are willing to do what it takes, you can build and sustain an incredibly strong culture of trust and performance, and accomplish remarkable things." -Mike Robbins

We're All Mad Here: The No-Nonsense Guide to Living with Social Anxiety

by Natasha Devon Claire Eastham

Anxiety is a crafty shapeshifter that can take on many forms: the tiger that sinks its claws in with physical symptoms and distressing thoughts, the cruel and belittling bully creating insecurity and self-doubt and, worst of all, the frenemy rewarding avoidance of social situations with no physical symptoms, no cruel thoughts... and no life beyond your sofa! This no-nonsense guide to beating social anxiety covers everything from surviving university and the workplace, through to social media and making it through parties and dates (whilst actually enjoying them!) With honest insights about her own social anxiety and a healthy dose of humour, award-winning blogger Claire Eastham describes what social anxiety is, why it happens, and how you can lessen its effects with lifestyle choices, talking therapies or even a hug from your favourite canine friend!

We're All Mad Here: The No-Nonsense Guide to Living with Social Anxiety

by Claire Eastham

Anxiety is a crafty shapeshifter that can take on many forms: the tiger that sinks its claws in with physical symptoms and distressing thoughts, the cruel and belittling bully creating insecurity and self-doubt and, worst of all, the frenemy rewarding avoidance of social situations with no physical symptoms, no cruel thoughts... and no life beyond your sofa!This no-nonsense guide to beating social anxiety covers everything from surviving university and the workplace, through to social media and making it through parties and dates (whilst actually enjoying them!) With honest insights about her own social anxiety and a healthy dose of humour, award-winning blogger Claire Eastham describes what social anxiety is, why it happens, and how you can lessen its effects with lifestyle choices, talking therapies or even a hug from your favourite canine friend!

"We're Just Friends" and Other Dating Lies

by Chuck Milian

Safely Navigating the Dating MinefieldHurt feelings, unmet expectations, dashed hopes, misplaced trust - these are just some of the potential time bombs that explode in dating relationships leaving a trail of broken hearts. Does it have to be this way? Do you have to stop dating to protect yourself and others from deep hurt?As a pastor of a large congregation and former singles pastor, author Chuck Milian has seen firsthand the broken relationships that occur when men and women don't move with proactive care in and through their dating relationships. With pastoral wisdom and insight, Milian educates readers about defining expectations before they start dating, and he outlines a specific five-step dating plan that will help limit relational damage as they look for someone to share their lives with. The author encourages, challenges, and instructs believers in this comprehensive how-to-date handbook. He gives practical advice on wisely forming relationships with the opposite sex while still having fun, avoiding unnecessary hurts, making lifelong friends, and knowing "where they are" each step of the way. Filled with personal reflections and insights, singles will take a look back at their past relational mishaps and move forward into a biblically healthy and romantically fulfilling relationship as God intended it to be. This book remedies and reduces the casualties of the current dating minefield where hearts get broken daily and sometimes never recover.

We're Never Alone

by Eileen L. Guder

A HEALTHY WOMAN IN A SICK CULTURE... Who is she? What keeps her going? This one well-adjusted woman uses scripture to tell what the feminine role is--or should be. She faces the questions of every woman... her frustrations, her captive existence, her personal, emotional and spiritual feelings--and how she can harness and direct her characteristics into a meaningful lifestyle.

We're Speaking: The Life Lessons of Kamala Harris: How to Use Your Voice, Be Assertive, and Own Your Story

by Hitha Palepu

&“Authoritative and authentic&” (Elizabeth Holmes), We&’re Speaking provides inspirational lessons about life, work, and overcoming adversity—drawn from Kamala Harris's norm-shattering ascent to Vice President of the United States.​Kamala Harris is one of our country's most awe-inspiring political figures, dawning on a new age as the first—but not last—Black and Asian-American female Vice President. Having spent her entire career smashing glass ceilings and influencing the next generation of young women, Harris has completely redefined what it means to be a woman in politics.In We&’re Speaking, Palepu connects illuminating stories from Harris&’ unique biography with tactical advice that will teach you to :Own the power of your multitudesAct on and embrace your ambitionDevelop your unique voice and styleFind your North Star to guide your decisionsBest of all, We're Speaking will leave you feeling empowered to follow in Harris's footsteps — shattering glass ceilings of your own as you live the life of your dreams!

We're Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents' Divorce

by Constance Ahrons

What is the real legacy of divorce? To answer this question, Constance Ahrons, Ph.D., interviewed one hundred and seventy-three grown children whose divorcing parents she had interviewed twenty years earlier for her landmark study, the basis of which was the highly acclaimed book The Good Divorce. What she has learned is both heartening and significant.Challenging the stereotype that children of divorce are emotionally troubled, drug abusing, academically challenged, and otherwise failing, Dr. Ahrons reveals that most children can and do adapt, and that many even thrive in the face of family change. Although divorce is never easy for any family, she shows that it does not have to destroy children's lives or lead to a family breakdown. With the insight of these grown children and the advice of this gifted family therapist, divorcing parents will find helpful road maps identifying both the benefits and the harms to which postdivorce children are exposed and, ultimately, what they can do to maintain family bonds.

Werkboek - Klim die Leer van Sukses: Beginsels wat jou sal onderskei

by Daphney Mashamaite

Nadat ek die boek "Climbing the ladder of success" gepubliseer het, het daar versoeke van verskeie organisasies gekom om ‘n werkboek te ontwikkel. Hierdie werkboek is ontwerp om jou te help om te oefen en te dink oor die sukseslesse en om jou aksiestappe neer te skryf. In "Climbing the ladder of success" deel ek uit my navorsing en studies sowel as my ervaring van meer as ‘n dekade as ‘n kenner in besigheidsontwikkeling, en my werk met klein tot medium grootte besighede. My begeerte met hierdie werkboek is om almal te help slyp aan belangrike areas in die bestuur van ‘n suksesvolle besigheid in ‘n poging om ware sukses te behaal. Die werkboek verseker dat jou besluite op papier geplaas word vir onmiddellike implementering op ‘n deurlopende basis.   

The Western Guide to Feng Shui: Creating Balance, Harmony, And Prosperity In Your Environment

by Terah Kathryn Collins

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used the principles of Feng Shui to enhance their lives. At last, these powerful techniques have been translated into this practical and thought provoking book for people in the western world, called The Western Guide to Feng Shui, Creating Balance, Harmony and Prosperity in Your Environment. In this comprehensive guide, acclaimed Feng Shui teacher Terah Kathryn Collins explains why the arrangement of your home and workplace affects every aspect of your life, including your relationships, your health, and your finances. This informative book takes you on a step by step journey through your home and office, opening your "Feng Shui eyes" to see the problems and the solutions in your environment. Alive, connected and dynamic...Feng Shui views your home or workplace as a living entity that you are either in harmony with or in discordant partnership with. When you honor its aliveness, recognize its vital connection with the quality of your entire life, and make the changes that keep it fresh and alive, it remains a delightful place to be. It nurtures, protects and supports your growth and movement through life.

Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World

by Paul Levy

• Explores how wetiko covertly operates both out in the world and within our minds and how it underlies every form of self-destruction, both individual and collective • Reveals how wetiko&’s power lies in our blindness to it and examines how people across the ages have symbolized wetiko to help see it and heal it • Examines the concept of wetiko as it appears in the teachings of the Kabbalah, Hawaiian Kahuna shamanism, mystical Christianity, and the work of C. G. Jung In its Native American meaning, wetiko is an evil cannibalistic spirit that can take over people&’s minds, leading to selfishness, insatiable greed, and consumption as an end in itself, destructively turning our intrinsic creative genius against our own humanity. Revealing the presence of wetiko in our modern world behind every form of destruction our species is carrying out, both individual and collective, Paul Levy shows how this mind-virus is so embedded in our psyches that it is almost undetectable--and it is our blindness to it that gives wetiko its power. Yet, as Levy reveals in striking detail, by recognizing this highly contagious mind parasite, by seeing wetiko, we can break free from its hold and realize the vast creative powers of the human mind. Levy explores how artists, philosophers, and spiritual traditions across the ages have been creatively symbolizing this deadly pathogen of the psyche so as to help us see it and heal it. He examines the concept of wetiko as it appears in the teachings of the Kabbalah, Hawaiian Kahuna shamanism, Buddhism, and mystical Christianity and through esoteric concepts like egregores, demons, counterfeiting spirits, and psychic vampires. He reveals how visionary thinkers such as C. G. Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Philip K. Dick, Colin Wilson, Nicolas Berdyaev, and Rene Girard each point to wetiko in their own unique and creative way. He explores how the projection of the shadow self--scapegoating--is the underlying psychological mechanism fueling wetiko and examines wetiko in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, showing that we can reframe the pandemic so as to receive the lessons and opportunities embedded in it. Revealing how the power of imagination can cure the wetiko mind-virus, Levy underscores how important it is for each of us to bring forth the creative spirit within us, which helps shed the light of consciousness on wetiko, taking away its power over us while simultaneously empowering ourselves.

We've Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America's Soul and Sanity

by Phillip C. McGraw

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and beloved television host comes We&’ve Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America&’s Soul and Sanity, a new book on how to come home to our core values, fortify our families, and re-embrace self-determination and self-governance. Do you think mainstream America needs to find its voice? If so, you&’re not alone. The country is under attack by extremists at the fringes who put ideology before sanity and stoke division for their own gain. They are trying to rob America of its common sense and deny empirical truths, and we&’re all suffering the consequences. In We&’ve Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America&’s Soul and Sanity, Dr. Phil employs his signature no-nonsense approach to analyze America&’s cultural crisis and offers practical, empirically based, action-oriented strategies to restore and support our country&’s collective mental health. This compelling work combines a brutally honest look at the sustained attack on the core values that have defined America at its best and offers prescriptive guidance on what you can do in your own life to stop the madness. With his ten working principles for a healthy society, Dr. Phil provides the tools for mainstream America to fight back against the forces of division with sensible and urgently needed advice supported by the latest social, medical, and psychological findings. Dr. Phil demystifies the &“tyranny of the fringe&” and deconstructs their assault on the principles that made our nation prosperous, free, and powerful. With the hard-earned wisdom of years spent working with Americans of all backgrounds, Dr. Phil charts a course from cancel culture to counsel culture, from fear to acceptance, from victimhood to community, and from the tyranny of the fringe to a more civil society where we heal our divides and every one of us decides to be who we are on purpose. Dr. Phil is here to show us how.

We've Got This: Unlocking the Beauty of Belonging

by Ritu Bhasin

Many of us feel constant pressure to mask and curate who we are—to perform as someone we&’re not rather than be who we are. And it hurts us. But we don't need to live this way.With We've Got This, award-winning and globally recognized DEI and empowerment expert Ritu Bhasin delivers a much-needed guidebook on how to heal, thrive, and stand in your power in the face of hate and hardships. She reveals how to unlock belonging—for yourself and for others.Ritu knows firsthand that the path to belonging can be both beautiful and hard. As a child of working-class immigrants of color, she experienced relentless struggles with racist bullying and cultural confusion growing up. Even as a successful lawyer and business leader, Ritu grappled with knowing, embracing, and being her authentic self—until she realized the freedom that comes with claiming belonging, which she passionately shares in these pages.Combining empathy, humor, and research with life-changing wisdom and savvy, We've Got This is the guide for finding belonging and joy that readers from across backgrounds have been waiting for.

WFH (Working From Home): How to build a career you love when you're not in the office

by Harriet Minter

'Harriet Minter offers a one-stop resource for those working from home or those who want to work from home but are still sceptical.' - The Financial Times' . . . a must-read for post-Covid times.' - People Management MagazineThe no bullsh*t guide to getting your work and life on track in the new flexible workplace.Virtually every industry is making lasting changes that will open doors to a more flexible working week. So how do we adjust, thrive and excel in an environment where glitchy daily video conferences are the norm?By turns fierce, funny and highly practical, Harriet Minter will show you the skills to be effective and creative during the day-to-day. Harriet breaks down how to be an inspiring and energising manager (either remotely or to a flexibly working team), how to create and thrive in a high-trust culture (on a small and large scale) and most importantly how to achieve your ambition and propel your career forwards.Packed full of hard-won tricks, tips and tools, Harriet Minter draws on her own experience as a careers coach and adviser to companies on their flexible working culture to help you bring your best self to work - from your living room.

WFH (Working From Home): How to build a career you love when you’re not in the office

by Harriet Minter

The no bullsh*t guide to getting your work and life on track in the new flexible workplace.Virtually every industry is making lasting changes that will open doors to a more flexible working week. So how do we adjust, thrive and excel in an environment where glitchy daily video conferences are the norm?By turns fierce, funny and highly practical, Harriet Minter will show you the skills to be effective and creative during the day-to-day. Harriet breaks down how to be an inspiring and energising manager (either remotely or to a flexibly working team), how to create and thrive in a high-trust culture (on a small and large scale) and most importantly how to achieve your ambition and propel your career forwards.Packed full of hard-won tricks, tips and tools, Harriet Minter draws on her own experience as a careers coach and adviser to companies on their flexible working culture to help you bring your best self to work - from your living room.

WFH (Working From Home): How to build a career you love when you're not in the office

by Harriet Minter

The no bullsh*t guide to getting your work and life on track in the new flexible workplace.Virtually every industry is making lasting changes that will open doors to a more flexible working week. So how do we adjust, thrive and excel in an environment where glitchy daily video conferences are the norm?By turns fierce, funny and highly practical, Harriet Minter will show you the skills to be effective and creative during the day-to-day. Harriet breaks down how to be an inspiring and energising manager (either remotely or to a flexibly working team), how to create and thrive in a high-trust culture (on a small and large scale) and most importantly how to achieve your ambition and propel your career forwards.Packed full of hard-won tricks, tips and tools, Harriet Minter draws on her own experience as a careers coach and adviser to companies on their flexible working culture to help you bring your best self to work - from your living room.(P)2021 Quercus Editions Limited

A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative

by Roger von Oech

The hugely bestselling creativity classic with &“lasting appeal,&” A Whack on the Side of the Head is now available in an updated and revised edition, inspiring readers to unlock their creative thinking with thought-provoking examples, famous historical anecdotes, mind-bending puzzles, and so much more (New York Times)! For more than four decades, A Whack on the Side of the Head has been a consistent leader in stimulating creativity and innovation. Translated into over twenty languages, Roger von Oech&’s bestselling classic is back—and better than ever! Completely revised, enlarged, and supercharged with new ideas, this definitive edition offers more stories and exercises to bring its famous innovation boosters to a new generation. Learn how to overcome the ten biggest mental locks and unleash your full creative potential. Use the four roles of the creative process—Explorer, Artist, Judge, and Warrior—to generate and apply new ideas. Exploit the power of discontinuity, constraints, and &“playing the Wise Fool&” to find the &“second right answer&”!

Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships

by Kenneth Blanchard Thad Lacinak Chuck Tompkins Jim Ballard

A compendium of straightforward techniques on how to accentuate the positive and redirect the negative, increasing productivity at work and at home.What do your people at work and your spouse and kids at home have in common with a five-ton killer whale? Probably a whole lot more than you think, according to top business consultant and mega-bestselling author Ken Blanchard and his coauthors from SeaWorld. In this moving and inspirational new book, Blanchard explains that both whales and people perform better when you accentuate the positive. He shows how using the techniques of animal trainers -- specifically those responsible for the killer whales of SeaWorld -- can supercharge your effectiveness at work and at home. When gruff business manager and family man Wes Kingsley visited SeaWorld, he marveled at the ability of the trainers to get these huge killer whales, among the most feared predators in the ocean, to perform amazing acrobatic leaps and dives. Later, talking to the chief trainer, he learned their techniques of building trust, accentuating the positive, and redirecting negative behavior -- all of which make these extraordinary performances possible. Kingsley took a hard look at his own often accusatory management style and recognized how some of his shortcomings as a manager, spouse, and father actually diminish trust and damage relationships. He began to see the difference between "GOTcha" (catching people doing things wrong) and "Whale Done!" (catching people doing things right). In Whale Done!, Ken Blanchard shows how to make accentuating the positive and redirecting the negative the best tools to increase productivity, instead of creating situations that demoralize people. These techniques are remarkably easy to master and can be applied equally well at home, allowing readers to become better parents and more committed spouses in their happier and more successful personal lives.

What a Great Word!: A Year of Daily Devotions

by Karen Moore

WHAT A GREAT WORD! is a new kind of devotional. With Scripture and fresh insights from author Karen Moore, readers are able to focus on one word each day to strengthen their faith and see God's hand at work.These are simple words, words we use every day that we often gloss over when reading God's Word. If, for example, the word for the day is "protect," the reading from Psalm 121:6-8 declares: "The Lord will protect you from all dangers; He will guard your life." Readers will then see how the Lord protects our lives. He is the One who defends us, guards us, and keeps us safe. With one simple word, readers will move from hoping the Lord will protect us, to believing He will act on our behalf. Now that's a Great Word!"What a Great Word! is a beautiful way to spend a few minutes each day focusing on what is really important and growing into the person God created us to become." -- Jean Ziglar, wife of Zig Ziglar

What a Great Word for Grads: A Devotional

by Karen Moore

WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR GRADS is a unique gift book that offers inspiring devotional thoughts, literary quotes, Scriptures and prayers, all built around key Bible words. Each word is intended to encourage, challenge, and bless those who are graduating from high school and college, as well as those who may be graduating into different arenas of life, or simply moving forward in a new direction. Readers will discover words meant to be pondered and digested, each one offering a fresh, new perspective on a biblical word as it applies to the milestone of graduation. Each word will inspire graduates' hearts to remember that God is with them wherever they may be. WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR GRADS offers graduates encouragement for the next steps they take in life, and an opportunity to draw closer to God.

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