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You, Unstuck

by Seth Adam Smith

What's holding you back? Seth Allen Smith says look in the mirror. It's who, not what. All of us feel trapped, stuck, or unable to move forward in life at some point. But ultimately, the greatest obstacle to achieving your full potential is you. But the good news is you can find the solution in the mirror too.This book combats a destructive mindset that we all sometimes fall into : I can't change. I am the victim of my circumstances and confined by my personal limitations. This philosophy, intangible though it is, destroys more dreams and limits more lives than any actual, physical obstacle. It is a philosophy of stagnation and damnation.Drawing on literature, history, and his personal experiences with chronic depression, as well as on encounters with remarkable "ordinary" people who've beaten the odds, Smith inspires us to see that no matter how dire our circumstances there is always some positive step you can take, however small it might be. He doesn't sugarcoat the difficulties or offer promises of overnight success. But he does promise that if you continue to see yourself as a victim you'll remain frozen and fearful. Nobody wants that. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react. We all have the power to lift ourselves out of the abyss and into the light.

You Want Me to Work with Who?: Eleven Keys to a Stress-Free, Satisfying, and Successful Work Life . . . No Matter Who You Work With

by Julie Jansen

In I Don’t Know What I Want . . . But I Know It’s Not This, career consultant Julie Jansen won over readers with the same comforting, clear headed approach that she brings to her many Fortune 500 clients. Now she tackles a problem that affects every working person, regardless of occupation: difficult people. Whether the problem is an "abusive" boss, "toxic" coworker, or "difficult" assistant, Jansen shows how to master the eleven keys to getting along with even the most dysfunctional colleagues. Featuring self-assessment exercises designed to identify the root causes of problem behavior and smart, viable solutions and tips for managing different kinds of difficult people—from subordinates to superiors—this invaluable resource is a savvy, humane guide to reducing stress, establishing workplace harmony, and making sure that no one stands in the way of your career goals. .

You Were Always There: Notes and Recipes for Living a Life You Love

by Danielle Kartes

"In ten years of tender lessons, I have learned to hear this message: You were always there. You never left. You were never not you. Now walk with me a while and uncover that girl again. She's not far."When we face setbacks and obstacles, it's easy to feel alone and unsure of who we are. At some point, we've all felt like we have lost our identities entirely. Drawing from her own life-changing disasters and surprising blessings, former restaurateur and up-and-coming cooking maven Danielle Kartes serves up perfectly portioned stories to remind us we are never truly lost.With the decadent warmth of a Brown Butter Chocolate Bundt Cake, You Were Always There assures us that our even most challenging moments have their own glory. Mixing anecdotes of motherhood, cooking, and chasing your dreams with delicious, comforting recipes, You Were Always There is a devotional memoir that will inspire love, faith, and patience through the growing seasons of life. Take a little time each day to indulge in this conversation, reflect as you cook something delicious, and love yourself exactly where you are.Here, the sweet is always generously folded into the sour, great joy shares space with great sorrow, and we learn that every single moment in our lives is worth savoring. You Were Always There is an uplifting, life-affirming book that will become a new favorite for readers of bestselling authors like Joanna Gaines, Shauna Niequist, and Brené Brown.

You Were Born Again to Be Together: Fascinating True Stories of Reincarnation That Prove Love Is Immortal

by Dick Sutphen

Discover the classic guide to past-life regression that reveals how soulmates are reunited across the ages, from renowned psychic researcher Dick Sutphen."There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that romantic partners, together in this lifetime, have been together before . . ."After being hypnotized and shown his own past lives, Dick Sutphen went on to become a practitioner of hypnosis and past-life regressions. Over the years, he worked with many people and discovered the importance of karma: that we have lessons to learn, and if we do not do so in one lifetime, we will encounter them in another lifetime. Other people are instrumental in our learning these karmic lessons, and we can be tied to certain individuals in life after life.In this book, Sutphen shares regressions with several clients and includes transcripts of their sessions. In hearing their stories, we discover what these people came to understand about the challenges in their present lives after they looked to the past.Originally written in 1976, You Were Born Again to Be Together remains a useful primer in shining a light on metaphysics and the amazing power of the human spirit.Discover the classic guide to past-life regression that reveals how souls are reunited across the ages.

You Were Born For This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance

by Chani Nicholas

*THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER*Chani Nicholas has amassed hundreds of thousands of loyal devotees for her radical approach to astrology for the real world - her first book is a modern day guide for using everyday astrology as a route to self-discovery, growth and finding purpose. Gone are the whimsical musings of 'On Tuesday you will meet your prince charming' horoscopes - Nicholas is spearheading an empowering new approach. Challenging readers to take control, confront their emotions, supercharge their intentions and use the power of the stars to reach their true potential. In an era when growing numbers of people are feeling a sense of meaninglessness and a desire to learn more about themselves, You Were Born for This teaches you how to harness the zodiac to become in tune with yourself and able to contextualise in an overwhelming world of confusing experiences and chaos.With journal prompts, reflection questions and affirmations personal to your astrological make-up, this book guides you along the path your chart has laid out for you.

You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance

by Chani Nicholas

From beloved astrologer Chani Nicholas comes an essential guide for radical self-acceptance.Your weekly horoscope is merely one crumb of astrology’s cake. <P><P>In her first book You Were Born For This, Chani shows how your birth chart—a snapshot of the sky at the moment you took your first breath—reveals your unique talents, challenges, and opportunities. Fortified with this knowledge, you can live out the life you were born to. Marrying the historic traditions of astrology with a modern approach, You Were Born for This explains the key components of your birth chart in an easy to use, choose your own adventure style. With journal prompts, reflection questions, and affirmations personal to your astrological makeup, this book guides you along the path your chart has laid out for you. <P><P>Chani makes the wisdom of your birth chart accessible with three foundational keys: <br>The First Key: Your Sun (Your Life’s Purpose) <br>The Second Key: Your Moon (Your Physical and Emotional Needs) <br>The Third Key: Your Ascendant and <br>Its Ruler (Your Motivation for Life and the Steersperson of Your Ship) <P><P>Astrology is not therapy, but it is therapeutic. In a world in which we are taught to look outside of ourselves for validation, You Were Born for This brings us inward to commit to ourselves and our life’s purpose.

You Were Born For This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance

by Chani Nicholas

Chani Nicholas has amassed hundreds of thousands of loyal devotees for her radical approach to astrology for the real world - her first book is a modern day guide for using everyday astrology as a route to self-discovery, growth and finding purpose. Gone are the whimsical musings of 'On Tuesday you will meet your prince charming' horoscopes - Nicholas is spearheading an empowering new approach. Challenging readers to take control, confront their emotions, supercharge their intentions and use the power of the stars to reach their true potential. In an era when growing numbers of people are feeling a sense of meaninglessness and a desire to learn more about themselves, You Were Born for This teaches you how to harness the zodiac to become in tune with yourself and able to contextualise in an overwhelming world of confusing experiences and chaos.With journal prompts, reflection questions and affirmations personal to your astrological make-up, this book guides you along the path your chart has laid out for you.(P) 2020 HarperCollins Audio

You Were Born for This \ Has nacido para esto (Spanish edition): Astrología para la autoaceptación radical

by Chani Nicholas

La guía perfecta para entender tu carta natal y aceptarte por quién eres.En este manual revolucionario, Chani Nicholas te enseña a utilizar la astrología como herramienta de autodescubrimiento, éxito y cuidado personal. Con ella, aprenderás que los astros no son una excusa para aceptar pasivamente tu destino, sino una oportunidad para entrar en acción y autoaceptarte radicalmente, es decir: descubrir que eres exactamente como debes ser.Aquí, el horóscopo no dictará tu futuro: tu carta natal es una instantánea del cielo en el momento exacto en que naciste y encierra las claves para vivir una vida llena de sentido. Cada signo, planeta y punto del cielo guarda para ti un poder infinito que define quién eres, cómo te mueves en el mundo y cuál es tu propósito de vida.Has nacido para esto es una guía feminista y comprometida con la justicia social que, a través de preguntas de reflexión, gráficas y afirmaciones basadas en tu carta natal, te hará mirar hacia adentro para encontrar tu valía. Levántate contra lo que la sociedad te ha enseñado a ser y desbloquea todo tu potencial. Tu signo solar no es más que el principio.CHANI NICHOLAS es una reconocidísima astróloga y activista basada en Los Ángeles. Lleva más de veinte años compartiendo su talento a través de sus cursos, artículos, página web y, ahora, de Has nacido para esto. Más de un millón de lectoras han aprendido de su carta natal y descubierto su propósito de vida gracias a ella. Chani mezcla su conocimiento del lenguaje de los astros con una perspectiva progresista que alude a las comunidades marginadas y oprimidas para convertir la astrología en una fuerza de cambio. Entre otros, ha colaborado con The New York Times, Rolling Stone, y Netflix. Visítala en:

You Were Made for More: The Life You Have, The Life God Wants You To Have

by Jim Cymbala Dean Merrill

Jim Cymbala knows something a lot of us miss--that a comfortable, secure life won't produce the satisfaction we long for. How could we feel fulfilled by missing out on the life God has for us?Whether life seems good or not right now, Jim Cymbala believes that God has more for you. In this new book, he'll help you find out how to access the "more" God intends--more peace, real joy, and a deep sense of purpose. As you open yourself to the "more" of God, you will also discover your unique work assignment--the one thing God is calling you--and no one else--to accomplish for the sake of his work in the world.You Were Made for More draws a compelling picture of people just like you who are finding that "more of God" means more influence, more energy, and ultimately more happiness. It will help you picture what your own "land of milk and honey" might look like--the fuller, richer spiritual place you long to be.Using examples from the Bible, contemporary stories, and experiences from his own life, Jim Cymbala points the way to a richer, deeper life, helping you take hold of everything God wants to give.

You Were Made for This Moment: Courage for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

by Max Lucado

Are you weary from your challenges, wounded by your battles, or worried your world is spinning out of control? Have the struggles pilfered the life out of your life? If so, the book of Esther brings welcome news: Relief will come!Queen Esther concealed her Jewish identity. As far as anyone knew, she was pure Persian. But then came the royal decree that would annihilate her people. She had to make some tough choices. Would she remain silent or would she speak up? Would she blend in or would she stand out? Esther could have refused. She could have cowered in fear. But she spoke up. She stood out. And God used her to save the nation. It&’s not hyperbole to say that her courage changed the course of history. Nor is it an overstatement to say that God can do the same with you.Like Esther, you may be staring down a seemingly impossible situation. And what&’s true for Esther is true for you: deliverance will come. God will have his victory. He will rescue his people. He will right the wrongs of this world. The question is not, Will God prevail? The question is, Will you be part of the team?In You Were Made for This Moment, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will help youreclaim your eternal identity as a citizen of heaven,put your hope in the God of grand reversals,cultivate courage for your challenging times, anddiscover your role in God&’s story.You don&’t need to become undone by tough times, you can become unleashed by our triumphant God. You, friend, were made for this moment.

You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence and Peace

by Blake Bauer

In this life-changing book Blake D Bauer explains why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying your life purpose and living in fear. Having already helped thousands of people around the world find lasting solutions that conventional medicine, psychiatry or religion couldn't offer, You Were Not Born to Suffer will show you how to free yourself from the destructive thoughts, habits and situations that are stopping you from being happy and well. In simple practical steps you'll learn how to slow down and create a healthier relationship to yourself that is based on acceptance, kindness, honesty and self-worth. You'll also find out how to transform the stress, anxiety and insecurity that result from constantly trying to please others into lasting confidence, self-respect and inner peace. Whether it's negative thinking, financial worry, loneliness, guilt or self-doubt that's holding you back, Blake Bauer's words will move you to take better care of yourself, heal old pain and courageously move forward. If you're ready to enjoy your life, feel passionate about your work and create fulfilling relationships, this book will support you to live authentically, love wholeheartedly and finally value yourself enough to put everyday health and happiness at the centre of your life.

You Will Get Through This Night

by Daniel Howell

A practical guide to taking control of your mental health for today, tomorrow, and the days after, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author and beloved entertainer. ‘There’s a moment at the end of every day, where the world falls away and you are left alone with your thoughts. A reckoning, when the things you have been pushing to the background, come forward and demand your attention.’ Written by Daniel Howell, in consultation with a qualified psychologist, in an entertaining and personal way from the perspective of someone who has been through it all—this no-nonsense book gives you the tools to understand your mind so you can be in control and really live. Split into three chapters for each stage of the journey: This Night - how to get through your toughest moments and be prepared to face anything. Tomorrow - small steps to change your thoughts and actions with a big impact on your life. The Days After - help to look after yourself in the long term and not just survive, but thrive. You will laugh and learn—but most of all, this book will assure you that even in your darkest times, there is always hope. You will get through this night.

You Will Leave a Trail of Stars: Words of Inspiration for Blazing Your Own Path

by Lisa Congdon

This book provides all the advice you need for taking the world by storm, from the inimitable Lisa Congdon.In this illustrated guide to life—perfect for graduates and other seekers—acclaimed artist and educator Lisa Congdon offers up wisdom and insights for living. Each inspirational quote, lesson, and piece of advice is brought to life by Congdon's signature illustration style, making the book a beautiful gift or keepsake. Whether you're starting a new chapter of your own story, or simply searching for ways to live with more intention, curiosity, and joy, this book will inspire you to connect with yourself and prepare for any adventure life might have in store.• GREAT FOR GRADS: Everyone needs some extra guidance post-graduation, and this book—packed with colorfully illustrated, down-to-earth advice—makes a thoughtful gift for someone embarking on a new phase in life.• BELOVED AUTHOR: Lisa Congdon's bestselling books, online classes, and Instagram feed (beloved by 375,000 fans) have inspired so many people to follow their creative passions. In this book Condon does what she does best—bring bold and colorful flair to smart, creative, down-to-earth advice and inspiration.Perfect for:• Grads and grad-gift givers• Inspiration seekers• Fans of Lisa Congdon's art and writing

You Win in the Locker Room First: The 7 C's to Build a Winning Team in Business, Sports, and Life

by Jon Gordon Mike Smith

Winning Strategies Practiced on the Field, Practicable Everywhere The Atlanta Falcons had a 4-12 record without back to back winning seasons. Under Mike Smith's leadership, the Falcons earned an 11-5 record and perennial playoff and Super Bowl contention. The wins from his first five seasons as head coach of the Atlanta Falcons were only surpassed by Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots. And when Mike left, the Atlanta Falcons only won ten games in the two following seasons. You Win in the Locker Room First combines the extraordinary experiences of Mike Smith and Jon Gordon--consultant to numerous college and professional teams--to bring you seven powerful principles to revitalize your business, school, organization, or sports team. You Win in the Locker Room First provides leaders of all fields with a practical framework and real world examples to build a great culture, lead with the right mindset and approach, create strong relationships, improve teamwork, execute at a higher level, and avoid the pitfalls that sabotage far too many leaders and organizations. You Win in the Locker Room First candidly shares tales of striving for success--what went right, what went wrong, and what leaders can learn from these experiences in order to build a winning team.

You Won't F*ck It Up: Buying property is easier than you think

by Domenic Nesci

THE BEAUTIFUL THING ABOUT INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE IS THAT IT IS ACTUALLY PRETTY SIMPLE.Investing in property can bring you financial security that you can only otherwise dream of. Whether it is your own home or an investment, the hardest part is taking the first step. The goal of this book is to help you buy that first property and then go on to build a portfolio that will create wealth and set you free financially.You Won' t F*ck It Up is an easy-to-read guide that gives you the tools to set out on your property journey in any economic climate. Packed with practical information, it takes a top-down approach, starting with a big-picture discussion on what drives property value, then going into the detail of how to find and secure the right property that best fits your investing strategy.Most importantly, this book will give you the confidence to become a successful real estate investor. It' s not that difficult, you just have to not f*ck it up!

You'd Be So Pretty If . . .: Teaching Our Daughters to Love Their Bodies--Even When We Don't Love Our Own

by Dara Chadwick

From You'd Be So Pretty If...I grew up listening to my mom bemoan everything from the size of her thighs to the shape of her eyes. So you can imagine my dismay the first time someone exclaimed, "You look just like your mother!"Every mom wants her daughter to feel confident in her own skin, but may often unconsciously impose her own "body image blueprint." Dara Chadwick's You'd Be So Pretty If... reveals: What girls learn when Mom diets How to talk to your daughter about healthy eating and exercise habits The trigger words that set off a body image crisis How to recognize a budding eating disorderWith humor and compassion, You'd Be So Pretty If... offers parents fresh and useful strategies for conveying that success isn't negated by carrying extra pounds-or guaranteed by keeping them off.

You'll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life's ups and downs

by Rachel Kelly

Words can be a way to unlock our feelings. Poetry allows us to be in touch with our emotions and helps us unlock and explore our vulnerability.You'll Never Walk Alone is a collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful. Comprising 52 poems, with analysis by Rachel, You'll Never Walk Alone introduces a poem for each week of the year plus tips on bringing poetry into your life. This book will show you how to bring poetry into your everyday emotional reality, where it can be a new tool for wellbeing. And one that means you'll never walk alone.'Like Rachel Kelly, I passionately believe in the power of poetry to reach the soul. In times of heartache and joy, this wonderful anthology will help and delight all through the year. Kelly's brilliant introduction and explanations of each choice make this an indispensable companion, always.'- Bel Mooney, writer, journalist and broadcaster

You'll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life's ups and downs

by Rachel Kelly

A wise and soulful poetry prescription for every season and every mood.Words can be a way to unlock our feelings. Poetry allows us to be in touch with our emotions and helps us unlock and explore our vulnerability.You'll Never Walk Alone is a collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful. Comprising 52 poems, with analysis by Rachel, You'll Never Walk Alone introduces a poem for each week of the year plus tips on bringing poetry into your life. This audiobook will show you how to bring poetry into your everyday emotional reality, where it can be a new tool for wellbeing. And one that means you'll never walk alone.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation

by Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, psychotherapist, lecturer, and world-famous author of the phenomenal bestseller, Your Erroneous Zones, now takes us to new plateaus of self-awareness in his most powerful book yet. You'll See It When You Believe It will show you how, by tapping the truly amazing power that lies within you, you can direct the course of your own destiny. Using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Wayne Dyer will convince you that, with his proven techniques, you can make your most impossible dreams come true. Believe that you have the power to: Make your life anything you wish it to be; Set real goals and achieve them; Turn obstacles into opportunities; Rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; Develop a strong inner-confidence; Dramatically improve relationships; Choose a life of abundance; Spend every day doing the things you love to do.

Young at Heart: The Mature Woman's Guide to Finding and Keeping Romance

by Rachelle Zukerman

This insightful guide is written for mature women (40+) who are having trouble finding a compatible man to date or who are already in relationships, but have burning questions about sexuality, body image, money, or communication.

The Young Autistic Adult's Independence Handbook

by Haley Moss

Are you living away from home for the first time, graduating from school or perhaps getting a new job? These transitions can be especially overwhelming to deal with as a young autistic adult. This survival guide is bursting with neurodivergent-friendly advice from autistic people themselves (and a few neurotypicals too) for young adults embarking on their own journeys of self-discovery and independence. From guidance on organising your own money, looking after your home and organising your social life to tips on self-advocacy and important life skills such as driving, voting and volunteering, Haley Moss has you covered.Using personal stories, interviews with experts and tips from other young people, this book gives you tips and tools to boost your confidence, ready to make your mark on the world!

The Young Entrepreneur: How to Start A Business While You’re Still a Student

by Swish Goswami Quinn Underwood

If you have a great start-up idea and know how to think like an entrepreneur, but are still at college or university, then this book will show you how to run your business without having to drop out. Research shows that Generation Z are the most entrepreneurial generation yet. If you don't want to wait until you graduate before launching the next big thing, then this book - written by successful young entrepreneurs Swish Goswami and Quinn Underwood - is for you. Packed with practical and realistic advice The Young Entrepreneur really cuts through the noise surrounding business innovation and makes a clear case for starting your own company while you're young. Featuring inspiring examples and invaluable resources to give you the tools you need, this book is your one-stop guide to jump-start your entrepreneurial journey.


by Mark Hyman

Dr Mark Hyman's secrets to living your longest and healthiest life - the definitive guide for reversing disease, easing pain and living longer.hAging has long been considered a normal process. We think disease, frailty, and gradual decline are inevitable parts of life. But they're not.Science today sees aging as a treatable disease. By addressing the root causes of aging we can not only increase our health span and live longer but prevent and reverse the diseases of aging-including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.In Young Forever, Dr Mark Hyman challenges us to reimagine our biology, health, and the process of aging. To uncover the secrets to longevity, he explores the biological hallmarks of aging, its causes, and its consequences-then shows us how to overcome them with simple dietary, lifestyle, and emerging longevity strategies.You will learn:·How to optimize your body's Key Longevity Switches·How to reduce inflammation and support the health of your immune system·How to exercise, sleep, and de-stress for healthy aging·How to eat your way to a long life, featuring Dr Hyman's Pegan Diet·Which supplements are right for you ·Where the research on aging is headedWith dozens of tips as well as an age-defying diet and lifestyle plan and Dr Hyman's Healthy Aging Shake recipe, Young Forever is a revolutionary, practical guide to creating and sustaining health - for life."Anyone pursuing a long life of health and happiness must read this book. Young Forever, by my friend Dr Hyman, will change how you view aging. It will give you hope for living your best life for a very long time."- Wim Hof, New York Times bestselling author of The Wim Hof Method"Dr Hyman is one of our leading Functional Medicine practitioners and teachers. In this vital new book, he integrates the latest science with his personal healing experience and decades of deep clinical insights, outlining a path towards growing older while staying young in body, mind, and spirit. An invigorating, illuminating, and innovative work that will enrich the lives of many."- Gabor Maté, MD, author of The Myth of Normal"Young Forever implores you to contemplate the value of your years on earth and what you'd do with infinite health. Dr Hyman presents a radical new approach to aging, extending your health, and more importantly, increasing the quality of your life. This book will teach you how to live better, for longer."- Tony Robbins, global entrepreneur, investor, #1 New York Times bestselling author, philanthropist, and life and business strategist'The science of aging says you can get even better as you get older! Dr Mark Hyman's Young Forever delivers this message as a clarion call to anyone who wants to combine quantity and quality of life as they age. With clear and cutting-edge explanations about the biology of aging and an easy-to-follow program based on the principles of functional medicine, Dr Hyman knocks it out of the park once again in this blockbuster book. It's time to make room for more candles on your birthday cake if you want to feel young forever.'- William W Li, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Beat Disease and President and Medical Director of The Angiogenesis Foundation(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life

by Mark Hyman

Aging has long been considered a normal process. We think disease, frailty, and gradual decline are inevitable parts of life. But they're not.Science today sees aging as a treatable disease. By addressing the root causes of aging we can not only increase our health span and live longer but prevent and reverse the diseases of aging-including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.In Young Forever, Dr Mark Hyman challenges us to reimagine our biology, health, and the process of aging. To uncover the secrets to longevity, he explores the biological hallmarks of aging, its causes, and its consequences-then shows us how to overcome them with simple dietary, lifestyle, and emerging longevity strategies.You will learn:·How to optimize your body's Key Longevity Switches·How to reduce inflammation and support the health of your immune system·How to exercise, sleep, and de-stress for healthy aging·How to eat your way to a long life, featuring Dr Hyman's Pegan Diet·Which supplements are right for you ·Where the research on aging is headedWith dozens of tips as well as 30 delicious, age-defying recipes, Young Forever is a revolutionary, practical guide to creating and sustaining health - for life.

The Young Forever Cookbook: More than 100 Delicious Recipes for Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life

by Mark Hyman

The companion cookbook to the Sunday Times bestselling Young Forever with more than 100 delicious recipes to help reverse the symptoms of aging and support a long, youthful life. In Young Forever, Dr Mark Hyman challenged us to reimagine the process of aging as he uncovered the secrets to longevity with simple lifestyle tips and cutting-edge strategies. Now he's feeding us with more than 100 satisfying recipes to keep us youthful.Science today says aging is not a normal process. In this radical new Young Forever Cookbook, Dr Hyman supplies an age-defying diet so that you can eat to treat disease and live longer.

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