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Zig Zag

by Keith Sawyer

A science-backed method to maximize creative potential in any sphere of lifeWith the prevalence of computer technology and outsourcing, new jobs and fulfilling lives will rely heavily on creativity and innovation. Keith Sawyer draws from his expansive research of the creative journey, exceptional creators, creative abilities, and world-changing innovations to create an accessible, eight-step program to increasing anyone's creative potential. Sawyer reveals the surprising secrets of highly creative people (such as learning to ask better questions when faced with a problem), demonstrates how to come up with better ideas, and explains how to carry those ideas to fruition most effectively. This science-backed, step-by step method can maximize our creative potential in any sphere of life.Offers a proven method for developing new ideas and creative problem-solving no matter what your profession Includes an eight-step method, 30 practices, and more than 100 techniques that can be launched at any point in a creative journeyPsychologist, jazz pianist, and author Keith Sawyer studied with world-famous creativity expert Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiSawyer's book offers a wealth of easy to apply strategies and ideas for anyone who wants to tap into their creative power.

Zig-Zag Boy: A Memoir of Madness and Motherhood

by Tanya Frank

“By turns an eloquent meditation on the power of nature and a terrifying exposé of…parenting a mentally ill child into adulthood.” —New York Times Book Review, Editors’ Choice A compassionate, heartrending memoir of a mother’s quest to accept her son’s journey through psychosis. One night in 2009, Tanya Frank finds her nineteen-year-old son, Zach—gentle and full of promise—in the grip of what the psychiatrists would label a psychotic break. Suddenly and inexplicably, Tanya is thrown into a parallel universe: Zach’s world, where the phones are bugged, his friends have joined the Mafia, and helicopters are spying on his family. In the years following Zach’s shifting psychiatric diagnoses, Tanya goes to war for her son, desperate to find the right answer, the right drug, the right doctor to bring him back to reality. She struggles to navigate archaic mental healthcare systems, first in California and then in her native London during lockdown. Meanwhile, the boy she raised—the chatty, precocious dog-lover, the teenager who spent summers surfing with his big brother, the UCLA student—suffers the effects of multiple hospitalizations, powerful drugs that blunt his emotions, therapies that don’t work, and torturous nights on the streets. Holding on to startling moments of hope and seeking solace in nature and community, Tanya learns how to abandon her fears for the future and accept the mysteries of her son’s altered states. With tenderness, lyricism, and generous candor, this compelling story conveys the power of a mother’s love. Zig-Zag Boy is both a moving lamentation for things lost and a brave testament to the people we become in difficult circumstances.

Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge

by Karen Ehman

Zip It empowers readers to put into action the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue. The New York Times bestselling book Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are more than 3,500 verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface of these issues. Karen Ehman now takes a deeper look and offers practical how-to’s that will inspire you use your words to build, to bless, to encourage, and to praise.Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Each entry ends with both a challenge that will help you carry out the directive in the verse and a prayer prompt. Rather than a traditional devotional,the entries in Zip It build upon each other, equipping you with new habits in how to, or not to, use words.

The Zippered Heart

by Marilyn Meberg

"Why did I say that? Why did I do that? Where on earth did those mean thoughts and motivations come from? I'm so glad no one can read my mind." We all get whiplashed and sometimes broadsided by the "dark" side of our nature, which produces thoughts and behaviors that cause us to feel ashamed. many of us deny that part of ourselves, and kick it off somewhere in the shadowy recesses of the heart, where we hope it will stay put, not cause us any more trouble, and hopefully not be noticed.In The Zippered Heart, Marilyn does a gentle exploration of those secrets and issues which, if denied, can rob us of the abundant life we are promised in Christ. God means for us to be whole. This book is an encouragement in that process."This book will change lives, because it requires that we look precisely at both the dark and the light sides of ourselves. Then it brings an overflowing grace and forgiveness. As a psychologist with thirty-five years of clinical experience, I can say that this is one of the best books I have read." -Neil Clark Warren, author of Finding the Love of Your Life"Step into liberty through the rapscallion brilliance of Marilyn Meberg." -Patsy Clairmont, author of Mending Your Heart in a Broken World"For thirty years Marilyn's compassionate exploration of the human heart has amazed me. Now, with skill and tenderness she opens that heart for all of us to see how fearfully and wonderfully we are made." -Luci Swindoll, author, speaker, Women of Faith"The Zippered Heart is a perceptive and sensitive examination of the 'war within' between our two natures." -Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary

Zodiaction: Fat-burning Fitness Tailored to Your Personal Star Quality

by Ellen Barrett Barrie Dolnick

Millions of us turn to horoscopes for guidance in our personal lives--but what about our physical lives? Now, for the first time, a fitness maverick and an acclaimed astrologer combine their expertise to show you how the wisdom of the stars can help you achieve a strong, healthy, heavenly body. Ever wonder why you dread spinning class while your best friend loves it, or why that yoga DVD is languishing on your shelf? Or why you have trouble getting yourself to the gym? It's not you--it's your fitness plan. But your search for the perfect exercise practice ends here. This amazingly insightful book examines what makes your zodiac sign tick--and provides twelve customized diet and fitness regimens based on the strengths and quirks of each one. Discover: * The top-three foods Aries should stock up on * Why a Taurus will get good mileage out of a treadmill * Why Gemini should steer clear of candy * Why Cancer should stick to noncompetitive workout buddies * What makes Leo queen of the gym * What type of massage will send Virgo straight to heaven * How Libra can achieve inner peace * The peak hours for Scorpio to exercise * Why Sagittarius's legs are her most important feature * Why Capricorn is a cardio all-star * What kind of personal trainer makes Aquarius jump for joy * Why Pisces prefers swimming and self-defense Plus tips to keep your mind and spirit soaring along with your body. Drawing from a variety of disciplines, Zodiaction will have you breaking a sweat in no time--and loving every minute of it.

Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams

by Zolar

The completely revised and updated edition of the classic, best-selling guide to dream interpretation In the first major revision of the encyclopedia that has sold half a million copies worldwide, Zolar, the acclaimed "Dean of Astrology" (The New Yorker), has created the indispensable bedside reference for today's dreamers, reflecting the changes that have affected our waking hours and inevitably influence the content and significance of the messages we receive while we sleep. Looking at new cultural trends, work and social patterns, technologies and means of communication, Zolar reveals the meanings of dreams about cell phones, computers, cyberspace, beepers and much more. His concise and incisive explanations of such classic dreams as meeting a redheaded stranger, flying without wings and trying to comfort a crying baby are here as well, while obsolete subjects -- like girdles, gleaners and grenadiers -- have been eliminated. To complement each dream category a lucky number has been added for this new edition. With interpretations for more than 20,000 dreams, Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams offers you the opportunity to uncover the secrets hidden in your dreams and to act on the wisdom -- or respond to the warnings -- they contain.

Zolar's Magick of Color: Use the Power of Color to Transform Your Luck, Prosperity, or Romance

by Zolar

Color has long been associated with influencing emotions and wellness. This engaging guide introduces readers to the rules of color magic and the natural influences of color that can be harnessed to bring about change and improvements in any area of life.

Zooburbia: Meditations on the Wild Animals Among Us

by Dave Buchen Tai Moses

To be alienated from animals is to live a life that is not quite whole, contends nature writer Tai Moses in Zooburbia: Meditations On The Wild Animals Among Us. Urban and suburban residents share their environment with many types of wildlife: squirrels, birds, spiders, and increasingly lizards, deer, and coyote. Many of us crave more contact with wild creatures, and recognize the small and large ways animals enrich our lives, yet don't notice the animals already around us.Zooburbia reveals the reverence that can be felt in the presence of animals and shows how that reverence connects us to a deeper, better part of ourselves. A lively blend of memoir, natural history, and mindfulness practices, Zooburbia makes the case for being mindful and compassionate stewards--and students--of the wildlife with whom we coexist. With lessons on industriousness, perseverance, presence, exuberance, gratitude, aging, how to let go, and much more, Tai's vignettes share the happy fact that none of us is alone and separate, and that our teachers are right in front of us. We need only go outdoors with our eyes and ears open to find a rapport with the animal kingdom. Zooburbia is a magnifying lens turned to our everyday environment, reminding us that we, as individuals and as a species, are not alone.Illustrated by Dave Buchen with original black and white wildlife linocuts.

The Zookeeper's Secret: Finding Your Calling in Life

by J. Stuart Thompson Jeffery A. Bunderson

Perhaps your professional and other life ambitions are simply a means to an end—a way to pay the bills or pursue a lifestyle. But what if there was something more? What if you could have success and fulfillment in equal measure? In response to these fundamental questions, Professors Jeff Thompson and Stuart Bunderson draw on research, personal experience, and gospel truths to dispel common myths that can stand in the way of seeking your true calling, the work that brings the greatest meaning and satisfaction to your life. Is there only one true calling for you? Can you still find your calling if you choose to stay at home? What if your calling doesn’t pay enough to live on? Discover the answers to these questions and many more as you learn to tap into the spiritual gifts of God and realize how your talents can bring gratification to your life and blessings to those around you. Brimming with practical activities and applications, this guidebook to pursuing your ideal life’s work will inspire the confidence you need to translate aspiration into action.

Zwänge meistern für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

Zwangsstörungen sind verbreiteter als man meinen sollte. Wenn Sie glauben, entsprechende Symptome bei sich beobachtet zu haben oder befürchten, dass jemand, der Ihnen am Herzen liegt, unter Zwangsstörungen leidet, ist dies das richtige Buch für Sie. Es erklärt, was eine Zwangserkrankung ausmacht und welche typischen Symptome und Formen es gibt. Außerdem stellt es verschiedene Behandlungsansätze vor, darunter die Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, Exposition mit Reaktionsmanagement und die medikamentöse Therapie. Vor allem aber zeigt es Betroffenen und Angehörigen, wie sie Unterstützung finden und ihre Situation verbessern können.

Zwischenstopp Burnout: Praktische Hilfe für den geordneten Aus- und Wiedereinstieg - Recht, Finanzen, Versicherungen

by Iris Riffelt

Viele Menschen arbeiten sich regelrecht krank. Das Problem einfach nicht Nein sagen zu können, dem täglichen Stress nicht mehr gewachsen zu sein, ständige Überforderung und Druck führen bei mehr und mehr Personen zum Burnout. Erste Anzeichen der Krankheit werden nicht erkannt und aus Angst, nicht zu wissen, wie man sich denn wirklich zurücknehmen soll und wie man seine eigene Situation lösen soll, ignoriert und übergangen - bis gar nichts mehr geht. Genau bei dieser Angst setzt Iris Riffelt in ihrem Buch an. Sie beleuchtet, was jemanden erwartet, der sich auf dem Weg in das Burnout-Syndrom befindet, erste Anzeichen hat und nun die Notbremse ziehen muss. Besonders wichtig und deshalb einer der Schwerpunkte des Buches sind dabei die arbeitsrechtlichen Gesichtspunkte und die Abklärung finanzieller Fragen (Versicherung, Krankenkasse, Lohnfortzahlung usw.). Damit zeigt sie konkret Wege, dass und wie man aus dem Berufsleben aussteigen kann und welche Auswirkungen das auf das Einkommen hat. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist der berufliche Wiedereinstieg für alle, die sich auf dem Weg der Besserung befinden und sich zutrauen, ihre Arbeit Stück für Stück wieder aufzunehmen. Genauso richtet sich die Autorin auch an die Angehörigen von Burnout-Opfern, denn sie sind bei akuten Fällen oftmals diejenigen, die sich um alles kümmern und die Familie zusammenhalten müssen. Die 2., erweiterte Ausgabe enthält ein zusätzliches Kapitel zum Thema Krankheit. Auch die Änderungen bei der Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung und die neuen Entscheidungen zum Betrieblichen Wiedereingliederungsmanagements (BEM) sind mit aufgenommen. Das Buch ist äußerst pragmatisch und von klarer, übersichtlicher Struktur. Es bietet Tabellen, Checklisten, Kurzzusammenfassungen und soll mit kurzen und schnell lesbaren Textteilen (sie benötigen nicht mehr als 20 Minuten jeweils an Zeit) nicht noch zusätzlich überfordern. "Zwischenstopp Burnout" ist Mutmacher und soll Existenzängste nehmen. Die 2., überarbeitete Auflage beinhaltet u. a. die neuen Entscheidungen zum Betrieblichen Wiedereingliederungsmanagement (BEM) und Informationen zum Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz (EntgFG).

ZZZ... El libro del sueño: La solución a todos tus problemas de descanso

by Chris Winter

Una noche de descanso reparador no tiene por qué ser un sueño. ¡Puede ser una realidad! Incluye tips, consejos, ejercicios e ilustraciones. Si deseas solucionar tus problemas de sueño, los trucos y consejos de Internet no serán de mucha ayuda. Necesitas realmente entender lo que está pasando con tu descanso: cuáles son tus problemas y cómo resolverlos. ZZZ... El libro del sueño es un emocionante viaje de autodescubrimiento y comprensión del sueño que te ayudará a personalizar intervenciones específicas para tu estilo de vida. Basado en sus veinticuatro años de experiencia en el campo del sueño, el neurólogo y experto en descanso W. Chris Winter te ayudará a: - Entender cómo funciona el sueño y la forma en que la comida, la luz y otros factores actúan para ayudar o perjudicar el proceso. - Aprender por qué las pastillas para dormir son frecuentemente malentendidas y utilizadas incorrectamente, y cómo puedes alcanzar tu mejor descanso sin ellas. - Incorporar el sueño y las siestas a tu rutina diaria, sin importar que trabajes en horarios de oficina, seas estudiante o padre de tiempo completo. - Entender mejor cómo tratar infinidad de condiciones desde insomnio y apnea de sueño hasta síndrome de piernas inquietas y trastornos circadianos del sueño. - Navegar a través del mar siempre cambiante de la tecnología del sueño y entender su valor, pues se relaciona con tus propios problemas de sueño. La crítica ha opinado: "Una mirada fresca e integral a la naturaleza vital del buen sueño y su relación con nuestro bienestar" Herm Schneider, entrenador atlético principal de los Medias Blancas de Chicago. "Hasta que conocí a Chris Winter, dormía como un bebé: me despertaba cada dos horas y lloraba. Luego, el doctor Winter me ayudó a desarrollar rituales de sueño que me permitieron recuperar mi descanso. Él fue mi solución para dormir y este libro será la tuya" Peter Moore, coautor del bestseller del New York Times, The Eight-Hour Diet y exeditor de Men's Health. "El doctor Winter ha pasado su carrera enfocado en los beneficios del sueño y, por primera vez, este libro reúne todos sus conocimientos. Ha escrito un libro importante para quienes estamos en el campo de los deportes profesionales, así como para la gente común que no experimenta todos los beneficios del sueño. Sus experiencias profesionales y su investigación han revelado el impacto que el sueño tiene en nuestros atletas profesionales" Ben Potenziano, ayudante de entrenador atlético de los Piratas de Pittsburgh y excoordinador de Fuerza y Acondicionamiento de los Gigantes de San Francisco.

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