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365 Days of Inspiration: Daily Guidance for a More Motivated You
by Robyn MartinStimulate your mind 365 days of the year with this little book of tips and quotes. It’ll supercharge you with a new lease of life, helping you to get the most out of every day. Inspiration is everywhere, but it’s difficult to get creative sparks flying when you don’t know where to begin. This little book is here to help you try out new experiences, look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and feel passionate about the things you love. Within these pages are simple but effective tips on how to:Break from the ordinary and widen your perspectiveSay “yes” to new possibilitiesBe mindful of your surroundings and experiencesAs well as its many practical ideas, 365 Days of Inspiration includes a range of rousing quotes, from Oprah Winfrey to David Attenborough, to spark creativity.Discovering what motivates you will boost your well-being, mental health and inner strength, helping you to become more energized and positive every day of the year.
365 Days of Inspiration: Daily Guidance for a More Motivated You
by Robyn MartinStimulate your mind 365 days of the year with this little book of tips and quotes. It’ll supercharge you with a new lease of life, helping you to get the most out of every day. Inspiration is everywhere, but it’s difficult to get creative sparks flying when you don’t know where to begin. This little book is here to help you try out new experiences, look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and feel passionate about the things you love. Within these pages are simple but effective tips on how to:Break from the ordinary and widen your perspectiveSay “yes” to new possibilitiesBe mindful of your surroundings and experiencesAs well as its many practical ideas, 365 Days of Inspiration includes a range of rousing quotes, from Oprah Winfrey to David Attenborough, to spark creativity.Discovering what motivates you will boost your well-being, mental health and inner strength, helping you to become more energized and positive every day of the year.
365 Days of Kindness: Daily Guidance for Happiness and Gratitude
by Vicki VrintChoose kindness This little book will help you find time every day for small acts of kindness and love. With innovative tips and a collection of inspiring quotations, it will be your guide to spreading goodwill and gratitude all year round.
365 Days of Kindness: Daily Guidance for Happiness and Gratitude
by Vicki VrintChoose kindness This little book will help you find time every day for small acts of kindness and love. With innovative tips and a collection of inspiring quotations, it will be your guide to spreading goodwill and gratitude all year round.
365 Days of Love
by Daphne Rose KingmaIn 365 Days of Love, best-selling author Daphne Rose Kingma writes with startling insight and clarity on the meaning and magic of love, offering readers a welcome opportunity to reflect each day on the love in their lives. With her characteristic poetic prose and warmhearted style, Kingma explores the elements and expressions of love, helping the reader to see clearly its many-faceted possibilities. Designed to be read daily to inspire, affirm, remind, encourage, support, and comfort, this little book is the perfect companion for lovers of all ages. "Read it, one day at a time, to yourself or with someone you love, contemplate what it says, try to do what it asks of you, and your capacity to love (and be loved) will grow." -Daphne Rose Kingma
365 Days of Mindful Meditations: Daily Guidance for a Calmer, Happier You
by Karen EdwardsAll we have is now Find time for mindfulness every day with this calming little book. With a raft of inspiring quotations and simple ideas to help you savour each moment and find joy in little things, it will help you to live well all year round.
365 Days of Mindful Meditations: Daily Guidance for a Calmer, Happier You
by Karen EdwardsAll we have is now Find time for mindfulness every day with this calming little book. With a raft of inspiring quotations and simple ideas to help you savour each moment and find joy in little things, it will help you to live well all year round.
365 Days of Positivity: Daily Guidance for a Happier You
by Debbi MarcoThere’s joy in every day This little book will help you find everyday moments of happiness. With uplifting quotations and simple tips to brighten your mood, it will inspire you to stay positive all year round.
365 Days of Positivity: Daily Guidance for a Happier You
by Debbi MarcoThere’s joy in every day This little book will help you find everyday moments of happiness. With uplifting quotations and simple tips to brighten your mood, it will inspire you to stay positive all year round.
365 Days of Self-Care: A Journal
by Jayne HardyIt's one thing to understand how important self-care is, but how many of us actually manage to make the time do it?In 365 Days of Self-Care, CEO and founder of The Blurt Foundation, Jayne Hardy encourages you to take some time each and every day to be mindful, to check-in and prioritise the things that are truly important to you. This ebook edition contains: 365 daily prompts and trackers to note your moods, sleep and more; thoughtful mini-essays to prompt some deeper work; and check-in pages to help you see your progress - everything you need to get started on your self-care journey. Examples of daily prompts include:· Day 1: Boost· Day 52: Appreciate· Day 142: Rebel· Day 209: Thankful· Day 327: CourageWith the flexibility of choosing to start the journal anytime; on any day, in any year, this is the essential companion for bringing more self-care into your life.
365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums: Advice for Surviving (and Thriving) in Baby’s First Year
by Zeena MoollaSelf-care for new mums is a necessity, not a luxury, so make sure you factor in me-time throughout baby’s first year with the help and advice in this bookMotherhood is a life-changing, magical experience, but it’s also a time in your life that’s emotionally charged and physically exhausting. Not only that, but you’re trying to care for a tiny human being who needs you 24/7. Self-care couldn’t be more important to you than it is right now.As you experience your first year of motherhood, let this little book be your helping hand from the early days to your child’s first birthday. Packed with tips and quotes, it offers quick, simple ways to help you look after yourself, covering a number of topics such as: Recovering from birthFeelings and relationshipsSleep deprivationConfidence and self-kindnessHealthy living for you and babyAvoiding the comparison trapYou deserve as much love and attention as you give, so let the advice in this book help you boost your well-being and feel like a fully functioning, confident new mum.
365 Days of Self-Care: A Journal
by Jayne HardyIt's one thing to understand how important self-care is, but how many of us actually manage to make the time do it?In 365 Days of Self-Care, CEO and founder of The Blurt Foundation, Jayne Hardy encourages you to take some time each and every day to be mindful, to check-in and prioritise the things that are truly important to you. This ebook edition contains: 365 daily prompts and trackers to note your moods, sleep and more; thoughtful mini-essays to prompt some deeper work; and check-in pages to help you see your progress - everything you need to get started on your self-care journey. Examples of daily prompts include:· Day 1: Boost· Day 52: Appreciate· Day 142: Rebel· Day 209: Thankful· Day 327: CourageWith the flexibility of choosing to start the journal anytime; on any day, in any year, this is the essential companion for bringing more self-care into your life.
365 Days of Yoga: Daily Guidance for a Healthier, Happier You
by Summersdale PublishersInhale calm, exhale your cares…Find inspiration for your yoga practice every day with this book of uplifting quotations, mindfulness techniques and step-by-step guidance on the best-loved yoga poses to engage and energize both mind and body all year round.
365 Days of Yoga: Daily Guidance for a Healthier, Happier You
by Summersdale PublishersInhale calm, exhale your cares…Find inspiration for your yoga practice every day with this book of uplifting quotations, mindfulness techniques and step-by-step guidance on the best-loved yoga poses to engage and energize both mind and body all year round.
365 días para la Prosperidad Personal: Afirmaciones Positivas y Para Cambiar tu Estado Mental
by Arianna Corsino¿Estás buscando sentirte bien, elevar tu vibración y comenzar a manifestar la vida que deseas? Esta es una guía sobre cómo ser más positivo y expandir su mente con estas 365 afirmaciones. Cuando se habla de la idea de prosperidad, muchos la igualan solo al dinero. Sin embargo, hay mucho más que es posible cuando invitamos a la prosperidad a nuestras vidas. Estos 365 días de pensamiento positivo están destinados a guiarte diariamente a un lugar en el que encontrar confianza en ti mismo y recibir mensajes divinos del ser superior. Con el conocimiento de que eres un ser infinito ilimitado, puedes convertirte en un guerrero del autodominio y crear la vida que deseas. ¿Quiere sentirte más abundante o necesitas claridad sobre una situación actual? Simplemente recurre a una de las 365 afirmaciones para elevar tu vibración y tomar conciencia de los mensajes que el universo te está dando. Cada afirmación, cuando se lee, emite maravillosas vibraciones positivas destinadas a hacerte sentir bien. Este libro sirve como una herramienta maravillosa para tu desarrollo personal y una guía diaria de despertar espiritual.
365 formas de atraer la buena suerte
by Richard WebsterWhat is good luck and how can you attract it into your life? Bestselling author Richard Webster demystifies this age-old concept and shares 365 easy ideas anyone can use to increase their good fortune in every area of life. From acting on your hunches to using lucky charms, from carrying a badger's tooth to random acts of kindness, the techniques presented in this entertaining and informative book are sure to tip the odds in your favor. With tried-and-true advice, unexpected tips, and everything you need to know about lucky days, numbers, months, and more, this easy-to-use guide is brimming with wise counsel for increasing your good luck.
365 frases de amor
by Xabier K. FernaoSin amor, estaríamos muertos. Sigue leyendo. Psychology Today dice que los “bebés a los que no cargan, acarician ni abrazan lo suficiente literalmente dejarán de crecer y –si la situación dura lo suficiente, aunque estén recibiendo nutrición adecuada – mueren”. ¿No es fascinante? Lo que es verdaderamente fascinante es la percepción que tenemos del “amor” ahora. El amor no es solamente sexo, aunque puede incluirlo. El amor no es solamente contacto y abrazos, aunque puede incluirlos. El amor es una emoción. Todos saben eso. Pero aunque todos lo sepan, ¿todos dan todo su amor todos los días? Piénsalo un segundo. ¿Vivimos en un mundo que se preocupa y quiere abiertamente o el temor a ser juzgado por otros inmoviliza a muchas personas cariñosas? Cuando el azúcar no se usa, se vuelve grasa. Cuando la energía no se usa, se agota. Cuando el amor no se usa, disminuye. Este libro no es tanto sobre los “estudios” e “investigaciones que se han hecho sobre el amor. Este libro es un atajo. Son las frases más sabias que dicen hombres y mujeres sobre este término ambiguo, aparentemente esotérico llamado “amor”.
365 Frases de Autodisciplina: Frases Diárias de Autodisciplina para Hábitos Duradouros, Força Mental e Atingir os Objetivos
by Xabier K. Fernao“Somos aquilo que fazemos repetidamente. A Excelência não é um ato, mas sim um hábito” – Aristóteles Qual é o fator delimitador #1 entre pobres e ricos, os bem-sucedidos e os fracassados, as pessoas felizes e infelizes? Autodisciplina. Pense nisso. Quando não é disciplinado em relação ao seu trabalho/emprego, acumula trabalho e eventualmente enerva-se e fica esgotado. Quando não é disciplinado com as suas finanças, irá acumular despesas e dívidas desnecessárias e irá eventualmente enervar-se e ficar esgotado a nível económico. Já percebeu a ideia. Contudo, o que se passa com o livro “365 Dias de Frases de Autodisciplina”? Concorda que a mentalidade é 80%, e as estratégias e mecânicas são apenas 20% no que toca a atingir o sucesso? Já entendeu a ideia geral. As pessoas estão sempre a perseguir os 20%, as coisas vistosas, e pensam que UMA boa ideia vai discipliná-las. São, contudo, todos os lembretes diários, influência e ambiente que fazem com que as pessoas se disciplinem e comprometam todos os dias. Não sei o que está a tentar alcançar. Talvez seja o seu corpo de sonho, ter aqueles abdominais que sempre quis. Talvez seja uma inovação no seu negócio, acrescentando mais um zero no final do rendimento anual deste ano. Não importa. Aquilo que sei sobre si, ainda assim, é que é alguém que quer mais. E isso já é espetacular. Quer mais dinheiro, mais saúde, mais felicidade, mais sexo, mais prazer, mais conhecimento e mais liberdade… e não existe nada de errado com isso. A vida é sobre crescer e expandir o nosso ‘eu’. Ou crescemos um pouco a cada dia ou morremos um pouco a cada dia. Expresso-lhe o meu mais profundo respeito por querer escolher o caminho ascendente, o caminho do crescimento e da autodisciplina.
365 Frases de Buda: Frases Diárias de Buda para Paz Interior, Felicidade e Iluminação
by Xabier K. FernaoE se tudo o que sempre quisemos já estiver dentro de nós? Pense nisso. Porque queremos carros, casas, malas e relógios caros? Porque queremos uma relação perfeita com as pessoas que amamos? Porque queremos ser saudáveis? Emoção. Queremos o que queremos por causa do que achamos que iremos sentir ao atingir isso. Não é o carro(s) que interessa… é o sentimento que pensamos que o carro nos vai dar. Gautama Buddha nasceu um Príncipe. Contudo, ao ver o sofrimento das pessoas no exterior do seu castelo, decidiu procurar respostas. Depois de uma longa busca espiritual, descobriu o estado de iluminação… ou de outro modo conhecido como Budismo. Este livro não é sobre a história de vida de Buda. É, no entanto, acerca dos ensinamentos de vida de Buda. As frases são tão especiais porque nos dão uma base para ensinar, analisar e relacionar… e ainda assim… não nos dizem o que pensar e como pensar. Está absolutamente dependente da sua vontade o que cada frase significa para nós.
365 frases para hombres: Frases diarias para hombres para ser más masculino, seguro y carismático
by Xabier K. FernaoHay algunas cosas que los hombres experimentan que las mujeres nunca entenderían, ¿no es así? No estoy diciendo cosas como la dificultad que tienes cuando te afeitas o el dolor que sientes cuando algo te golpea las pelotas... con fuerza. En fin... Este libro trata sobre empoderar y motivar a los hombres para que se conviertan en su mejor versión. Las citas presentadas son algunas de las cosas que las mujeres nunca realmente sentirán y entenderán. La belleza también se encuentra en la diferencia y la singularidad. Hombres y Mujeres. No buscamos ser iguales, sino ser especiales a nuestra manera y complementarnos mutuamente de manera poderosa.
365 Frases para la Vida: Frases Diarias Para Ser Más Feliz, Más Sano y Más Sabio
by Xabier K. FernaoImagina esto por un segundo. Tienes 80 años, estás sentado en una silla mecedora. Conforme vas reflexionando tu vida, ¿qué ves? ¿Qué hiciste los últimos 80 años? ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿Qué ves exactamente? ¿A quién ves? Qué es lo que sobresale? ¡Ahora, vuelve! No tienes 80 años… TODAVÍA (bueno, la mayoría) y no estás en una silla mecedora reflexionando sobre tu vida… Sin embargo, cuando imaginaste estar en la silla hace unos minutos, ¿cómo te sentías? ¿Estabas satisfecho y feliz? ¿Te sentías completo, enojado, solo, triste, insatisfecho? El mundo en el que vivimos está loco, abarrotado. Abarrotado de oportunidades, gente desquiciada, tecnología desquiciada, cantidades insanas de trabajo y cantidades todavía más ridículas de estrés. ¿Cuándo tu vida termine, por qué quieres ser conocido? ¿Quién quieres que esté en tu funeral? ¿Quién te amo? ¿A quién amaste? ¿Cómo contribuiste? Si estas preguntas te intrigan… Sigue Leyendo. En éstas 365 Frases para la vida, encontrarás un atajo… un consejo para que puedas empoderar tu vida y llenarla de propósito AHORA. Un atajo a las mentes más influyentes, filósofos y algunos de las enseñanzas más importantes de la vida.
365 Frases para Mulheres: Frases Diárias de Fortalecimento para Mulheres para Ganhar Mais Autoconfiança, Ser Mais Produtiva e Atingir os Seus Mais Loucos Objetivos (365 Inspirational Quotes - Portuguese Edition)
by Xabier K. FernaoA luta das mulheres pelas mulheres percorreu um longo caminho, e ainda há muito para caminhar. Não lhe incomoda que as mulheres em tempos tenham sido consideradas “inferiores”? E o facto de que as mulheres foram privadas de educação e consideradas um “fardo” para a família.? É uma treta. Não Podemos mudar o passado (ainda não, talvez um dia) mas temos DEFINITIVAMENTE o poder de moldar o presente e elaborar um amanhã melhor. Neste livro irá encontrar 365 das mais poderosas frases para mulheres. As páginas que se seguem são uma coleção e compilação das minhas frases favoritas que uso, adoro e colo à minha volta em pequenos post-its. Estas frases são provocantes, fascinantes e intrigantes. Estas frases, sem sobra de dúvidas, vão dar-lhe coragem, energia e inspiração que irão servir de apoio no seu dia-a-dia. Este livro é seu para ler como mais gostar, mas recomendo vivamente que mergulhe profundamente em cada frase e não apenas passar os olhos por elas e pensar: ‘Boa, já vi isto nalgum lado, próxima…” Com isto dito, encorajo a ler uma frase por dia para lhe permitir pensar e relacioná-la com a sua própria vida, para que possa libertar o potencial total da frase e usá-la como combustível para o seu dia com sabedoria, motivação e energia. Obrigado, Xabier K. Fernao
365 Goddess: A Daily Guide To the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess
by Patricia TelescoGoddess wisdom for every day of the yearBring life-affirming magic and empowerment into every day of your life with this unique and useful guide to the goddess. Through the ages, people have celebrated the role of goddesses in maintaining the fl
365 Gratefuls: Celebrating Treasures, Big and Small
by Hailey Bartholomew Andrew BartholomewWhat are you grateful for?That is precisely the question that Hailey Bartholomew asked herself every day for a year. Struggling with depression, she reached out for help and received life-changing advice: Find something every day that you are grateful for.Embracing her assignment, Hailey used her talents as a photographer to put a twist on the exercise, taking pictures of her “gratefuls” and becoming more aware that her depression was lifting in the process. 365 Gratefuls is a collection of photographs recounting Hailey’s transformation from depression to an unhindered appreciation of the world around her, combined with stories and images from many others who have encountered the effects of gratitude. This uplifting book will inspire you to look at the world with new eyes, emphasizing gratitude over anxiety in everyday moments.
365 Health and Happiness Boosters
by M. J. RyanWe all want to be happy, but according to research, two-thirds of us don't know how to be happy. Most of us think happiness resides in the things we don't have: the dream house, the perfect mate, the ideal job, the supermodel's body. As proof that possessions don't, in fact, increase the happiness quotient, a study conducted in 1957 and 1992 asked people whether they were happy with what they had in life. In both polls, roughly 30 percent said yes, despite the fact that the standard of living had increased dramatically over the years. This book rests on the assumption that you can be happier, no matter who you are or what your challenges. Rather than delivering abstract theory, it offers 365 concrete things to do, to try, or to reflect on, in order to experience happiness. Some are attitudes that we can change to create more happiness overall in our lives; others are specific things we can do to lift our spirits in the moment; still others are behaviorial modifications or nutritional supplements we can try. And while some are lighthearted and others quite serious, they all will have a positive effect on your mind, body, and spirit.