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200 Words to Help you Talk about Sexuality & Gender

by Kate Sloan

If you have ever felt at a disadvantage when joining in a conversation on a subject that you aren't confident about, this new series is for you. Each book features definitions of two hundred words frequently used to describe and discuss a smart subject. Gender and Sexuality can seem like a big subject to decode. Let Kate Sloan guide you through it.

200 Words to Help you Talk about Sexuality & Gender

by Kate Sloan

If you have ever felt at a disadvantage when joining in a conversation on a subject that you aren't confident about, this new series is for you. Each book features definitions of two hundred words frequently used to describe and discuss a smart subject. Gender and Sexuality can seem like a big subject to decode. Let Kate Sloan guide you through it.

The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture

by Grace Perry

From The Onion and Reductress contributor, this collection of essays is a hilarious nostalgic trip through beloved 2000s media, interweaving cultural criticism and personal narrative to examine how a very straight decade forged a very queer woman"Honest, funny, smart, and illuminating.” —Anna Drezen, co-head writer of SNL"If you came of age at the intersection of Mean Girls and The L Word: Read this book.” —Sarah Pappalardo, editor in chief and co-founder of Reductress Today’s gay youth have dozens of queer peer heroes, both fictional and real, but former gay teenager Grace Perry did not have that luxury. Instead, she had to search for queerness in the (largely straight) teen cultural phenomena the aughts had to offer: in Lindsay Lohan’s fall from grace, Gossip Girl, Katy Perry’s “I Kissed A Girl,” country-era Taylor Swift, and Seth Cohen jumping on a coffee cart. And, for better or worse, these touch points shaped her adult identity. She came out on the other side like many millennials did: in her words, gay as hell.Throw on your Von Dutch hats and join Grace on a journey back through the pop culture moments of the aughts, before the cataclysmic shift in LGBTQ representation and acceptance—a time not so long ago, which many seem to forget.

2001 - 2021. La historia no contada de la gran crisis - Cómo acordar un camino para el desarrollo argentino

by José Ignacio de Mendiguren

2001: la historia no contada de la gran crisis, la debacle de la convertibilidad y la lucha contra el impulso dolarizador que puso en peligro la soberanía nacional.2021: veinte años después, la revalorización del presente y un llamado a acordar el camino al desarrollo y al progreso argentinos. Este libro revela la historia no contada del proceso que desemboca y estalla en la gran crisis de 2001. Protagonista insoslayable de aquellos días, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, por entonces presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina, y al poco tiempo primer ministro de Producción de la Nación, traza aquí la crónica de una muerte anunciada mucho antes que lo había encontrado batallando primero contra el modelo de la convertibilidad de los 90 y después contra la fenomenal presión en favor de la dolarización del 2000. Releer el 2001 a la luz de su mirada sirve para completar la comprensión del drama pasado, pero sobre todo para revalorizar el potencial del presente y plantear los desafíos del futuro. En efecto, a veinte años de ese punto de inflexión en la historia argentina contemporánea, Mendiguren propone consensuar un rumbo que permita al país reencontrar su destino soberano y encaminarse al desarrollo inclusivo por el que ha venido bregando a lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria tanto en el ámbito privado como en el público.

The 2006 Crisis in East Timor: Lessons for Contemporary Peacebuilding (Routledge Research on Asian Development)

by Rebecca E. Engel

This book argues that the international community must share responsibility for contributing to the conditions that resulted in violent conflict in Timor-Leste, four years after it declared independence from Indonesia. Its failure to tailor interventions to Timor-Leste’s specific political economy and conflict dynamics distanced the state from its citizens and undermined its capacity to forge a political settlement founded on a robust social contract. At a time in which conflict-affected states are receiving unprecedented attention and peacekeeping operations and humanitarian emergencies are becoming increasingly complex, this book argues that radical changes are urgently required in the way the international community operates in these environments. The findings are rooted in an examination of the mechanisms used by international development actors in Timor-Leste between 1998 and 2006. In bringing together wide-ranging perspectives, the author shows that international actions cannot be separated from the local political and socio-economic context, demonstrating that interventions are never ‘apolitical’ and that peacebuilding must be intentional. Indeed, political settlements premised on a robust social contract should not be taken for granted anywhere. The impact of increasing disenfranchisement, mistrust in institutions and structural inequalities evident in the global North suggest that lessons from peacebuilding in Timor-Leste are relevant far beyond its shores. This book is essential for students and researchers in the fields of development studies, international political economy, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, and for practitioners and policymakers striving to advance peace.

The 2006 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies (Madaba Plains Project #10)

by Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, Lawrence T. Geraty and Monique D. Vincent

This volume is the tenth in a series of technical seasonal reports on the excavations of Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan, part of the Madaba Plains Project. It covers artifactual finds and related research from excavation fields active during the 2006 season: Field A, the western citadel with Early Iron Age domestic structures; Field B, the western defenses and northwestern domestic quarters showcasing a rare Late Bronze Age temple/palace complex; Field H, the southwestern acropolis boasting a Late Iron I courtyard sanctuary; and Field L, the southern edge with Iron I remains, limited Late Iron II architecture, and the now fully exposed area of a Late Hellenistic agricultural complex. This volume includes an important synthesis of the long-term data on repeating cycles of abatement and intensification of settlement population patterns, and the chapters are supplemented by an article on sherds with incised marks and another on coins found at ʿUmayri in 2006.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Robert D. Bates, David R. Berge, John W. Betlyon, Kent V. Bramlett, David C. Hopkins, and Gloria A. London.

The 2006 Season at Tall al-‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies (Madaba Plains Project)

by Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, Lawrence T. Geraty and Monique D. Vincent

This volume is the tenth in a series of technical seasonal reports on the excavations of Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan, part of the Madaba Plains Project. It covers artifactual finds and related research from excavation fields active during the 2006 season: Field A, the western citadel with Early Iron Age domestic structures; Field B, the western defenses and northwestern domestic quarters showcasing a rare Late Bronze Age temple/palace complex; Field H, the southwestern acropolis boasting a Late Iron I courtyard sanctuary; and Field L, the southern edge with Iron I remains, limited Late Iron II architecture, and the now fully exposed area of a Late Hellenistic agricultural complex. This volume includes an important synthesis of the long-term data on repeating cycles of abatement and intensification of settlement population patterns, and the chapters are supplemented by an article on sherds with incised marks and another on coins found at ʿUmayri in 2006.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Robert D. Bates, David R. Berge, John W. Betlyon, Kent V. Bramlett, David C. Hopkins, and Gloria A. London.

2011 The Little Data Book On Information And Communication Technology

by World Bank

This Little Data Book presents tables for over 213 economies showing the most recent national data on key indicators of information and communications technology (ICT), including access, quality, affordability, efficiency,sustainability, and applications.

2011 National Gang Threat Assessment: Emerging Trends

by Federal Bureau of Investigation

Gangs continue to commit criminal activity, recruit new members in urban, suburban, and rural regions across the United States, and develop criminal associations that expand their influence over criminal enterprises, particularly street-level drug sales. The most notable trends for 2011 have been the overall increase in gang membership, and the expansion of criminal street gangs' control of street-level drug sales and collaboration with rival gangs and other criminal organizations.


by Laura Castellanos

Se dice que hace cinco mil años los mayas profetizaron un hecho extraordinario de destrucción o regeneración en 2012. Pero ¿cómo y de dónde surgieron las llamadas "profecías mayas"? 2012. Las profecías del fin del mundo es la primera investigación periodística que aborda su origen, pone nombre a sus principales precursores y detractores, y expone las pugnas y contradicciones entre sí. Este libro integra igualmente las tesis más relevantes, afines y opuestas, generadas desde terrenos tan contrastantes como el new age, la astrología mundana, la arqueología y la ciencia. Reúne algunos de los proyectos asombrosos y extravagantes que la fecha ya detonó. Y recapitula sobre la necesidad ancestral por conocer el futuro, la historia del pensamiento del eterno retorno y el Apocalipsis, de los fines del mundo fallidos, y de los más célebres profetas y clarividentes. ¿Estamos ante un cataclismo o un cambio de conciencia? Aquí encontrarás claves para comprender los tiempos venideros. 2012. Las profecías del fin del mundo es un libro serio y apasionante que recoge la urgencia por mirar el horizonte a través de nuevas utopías. Acusaciones contra el principal profeta de 2012 por consumo de cocaína y una predicción fallida de fin del mundo en 1994. En Venezuela desarrollaron el proyecto de un centro comercial búnker. El máximo solar no ocurrirá en 2012 lo que descarta las profecías de catástrofes: astrofísico de la UNAM. Incluye predicciones políticas mundiales y de las elecciones presidenciales mexicanas en 2012.

2012: In The Courts Of The Sun

by Brian D'Amato

Los mayas previeron el fin del mundo.¿Podrá uno de sus descendientes, un matemático prodigioso, salvar el planeta? 21 de diciembre de 2012.El día en que el tiempo se detendrá. Jed DeLanda, descendiente de los mayas, tiene una mente prodigiosa para las matemáticas y pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo jugando al go contra su ordenador mientras vive de los beneficios que le dan sus negocios en la red. ¿Su arma secreta? El juego de adivinación maya utilizado antiguamente para predecir acontecimientos del futuro. Pero el fin del mundo se acerca. Comienza la cuenta atrás. Jed deberá averiguar por qué los mayas predijeron el fin de los tiempos en esa fecha e iniciar la búsqueda de la clave que le ayude a evitar el Armagedón. ¿Podrá un solo hombre salvar al planeta? Reseña:«Brian D'Amato conjuga la historia maya, la ciencia moderna, la teoría del juego y el inminente Apocalipsis maya en un mismo relato, consiguiendo como resultado una lectura absorbente y emocionante.»Douglas Preston

2012: The year of the Mayan prophecy

by Daniel Pinchbeck

2012 is a literary and metaphysical epic that binds together the cosmological phenomena of our time, ranging from crop circles to quantum theory to the worldwide resurgence of shamanism, supporting the Mayan prophecy that the year 2012 will bring an unprecedented global shift. In tracing the meaning of the prophetic Mayan 'end date' of 2012 to our present society, Daniel Pinchbeck draws together alien abductions, psychedelic visions, the current ecological crisis and other peculiar aspects of 21st century life into a new vision for our time. 2012 heralds the end of one way of existence and the return of another, in which the Mesoamerican God Quetzalcoatl returns, bringing with him an ancient - yet to us, wholly new - way of living. There are many hints, both in quantum theory and elsewhere, that humanity is precariously balanced between greater self-potential and environmental disaster. Pinchbeck's journey, which takes us from the endangered rainforests of the Amazon to Stonehenge in England, tells the story of a man in whose trials we recognise our own hopes and anxieties about modern life.

2013 | The Little Data Book

by World Bank

This pocket-sized reference on key development data for over 200 countries provides profiles of each country with 54 development indicators about people, environment, economy, technology and infrastructure, trade, and finance.

The 2017 Gulf Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Gulf Studies #3)

by Mahjoob Zweiri Md Mizanur Rahman Arwa Kamal

This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it. The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary rift when, on 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut all diplomatic ties and imposed a siege on the State of Qatar following the hacking of the Qatar News Agency website. This book approaches the Gulf crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective by bringing together a group of top scholars from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise to engage in a nuanced debate on the current crisis. With the pressing role of media in general and social media in particular, new political realities have been created in the region. The book addresses the role that cyber and information security play on politics, as well as the shift of alliances in the region as a result of the crisis. It scrutinizes the role of media and information technology in creating political cultures as well as conflicts. The book also explores the long-term economic implications of the siege imposed on Qatar and identifies how the country's economy is adjusting to the impact of the siege. Thus, the book considers the extent of social and economic changes that the crisis has brought to the region. This book invites in-depth understanding of the regional crisis and its implications on nation building and the reconfiguration of political and economic alliances across the region. It will appeal to a broad interdisciplinary readership in the area of Gulf studies.

The 2018 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab (Digital Ethics Lab Yearbook #1)

by Carl Öhman David Watson

This book explores a wide range of topics in digital ethics. It features 11 chapters that analyze the opportunities and the ethical challenges posed by digital innovation, delineate new approaches to solve them, and offer concrete guidance to harness the potential for good of digital technologies. The contributors are all members of the Digital Ethics Lab (the DELab), a research environment that draws on a wide range of academic traditions.The chapters highlight the inherently multidisciplinary nature of the subject, which cannot be separated from the epistemological foundations of the technologies themselves or the political implications of the requisite reforms. Coverage illustrates the importance of expert knowledge in the project of designing new reforms and political systems for the digital age. The contributions also show how this task requires a deep self-understanding of who we are as individuals and as a species.The questions raised here have ancient -- perhaps even timeless -- roots. The phenomena they address may be new. But, the contributors examine the fundamental concepts that undergird them: good and evil, justice and truth. Indeed, every epoch has its great challenges. The role of philosophy must be to redefine the meaning of these concepts in light of the particular challenges it faces. This is true also for the digital age. This book takes an important step towards redefining and re-implementing fundamental ethical concepts to this new era.

The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the Time of Populism and Social Media

by Dominic Wring Bengt Johansson Edoardo Novelli

The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the Time of Populism and Social Media examines political advertising during the 2019 elections to the European Parliament, which has become the largest supranational campaign of its kind in the world. Based on a research project funded by the European Parliament, and an archive of more than 11,000 campaign items, the book draws on results from a major content analysis covering every one of the 28 member states involved. The 2019 European Electoral Campaign delivers a unique comparative assessment on the state of political communication within a European Union convulsed by momentous change. This book will be of interest to scholars, researchers and students of political communication, media, political science, history, European (Union) studies as well as a wider readership including politicians, political strategists, and journalists.

2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Media, Fandom, and Soccer’s Biggest Stage

by Molly Yanity Danielle Sarver Coombs

This book examines the most prolific international women’s football tournament—the FIFA Women’s World Cup—through media, fandom and how mediated women’s soccer can improve on a global scale. Women’s soccer has exploded in terms of media exposure, television audiences and live spectatorship. This book explores those macro-level issues, while also digging into micro-level topics such as Megan Rapinoe’s celebrations and political activism, VAR reviews, LGBTQ imagery, and cultural obstacles for women’s football in Central-Eastern Europe and Nigeria. Using an interdisciplinary approach, scholars look at issues through the lenses of feminist theory, cultural studies, rhetorical criticism, political economy, performative sport fandom, autoethnography, and more. Thus, the book is important reading for students, researchers and media practitioners with interests in women’s soccer, gender in sports media, coverage of women’s sport, and sport fandom.

The 2019 Parliamentary Elections in India: Democracy at the Crossroads?

by Subrata K. Mitra Rekha Saxena Pampa Mukherjee

This book presents a comprehensive overview of India’s electoral democracy and political system. It provides an in-depth analysis of the 2019 parliamentary elections to explore three crucial facts of India’s political life: the legitimacy of political competition as the only basis of power; elections as the only legitimate basis of political competition; and political parties as the only legitimate agency to conduct political competition. The book argues that the vitality and resilience of India’s electoral democracy remain high owing to large mass participation in elections that are competitive and relatively free and fair. The volume includes key theoretical, empirical, and comparative perspectives on parties and elections from experts, and covers all major political parties of India, along with the performance of many representative regional parties. It discusses themes such as elections and party competition in India; ideology, interest, religion, and gender as they affect social mobilisation and political transaction; economic and politial change, and multiparty democracy; the dynamics of the Muslim vote; fluctuating electoral fortunes; and electoral campaigns and role of social media. This book will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of political science, political sociology, election studies, Indian politics, South Asian politics, and South Asian studies. It will also interest those in politics, public policy and governance, civil society organisations, media and journalism, and the general reader.

2020: One City, Seven People, and the Year Everything Changed

by Eric Klinenberg

A meticulously reported, character-driven, unforgettable investigation of a time when nothing was certain and everything was at stake, by the acclaimed sociologist and best-selling author Eric Klinenberg&“A gripping, deeply moving account of a signal year in modern history, told through the stories of seven ordinary people. Klinenberg&’s narrative shows how the legacy of that year continues to shape us, our politics and our personal lives.&”—Siddhartha Mukherjee, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies2020 will go down alongside 1914, 1929, and 1968 as one of the most consequential years in history. This riveting and affecting book is the first attempt to capture the full human experience of that fateful time.At the heart of 2020 are seven vivid profiles of ordinary New Yorkers—including an elementary school principal, a bar manager, a subway custodian, and a local political aide—whose experiences illuminate how Americans, and people across the globe, reckoned with 2020. Through these poignant stories, we revisit our own moments of hope and fear, the profound tragedies and losses in our communities, the mutual aid networks that brought us together, and the social movements that hinted at the possibilities of a better world.Eric Klinenberg vividly captures these stories, casting them against the backdrop of a high-stakes presidential election, a surge of misinformation, rising distrust, and raging protests. We move from the epicenter in New York City to Washington and London, where political leaders made the crisis so much more lethal than it had to be. We bear witness to epidemiological battles in Wuhan and Beijing, along with the initiatives of scientists, citizens, and policy makers in Australia, Japan, and Taiwan, who worked together to save lives.Klinenberg allows us to see 2020—and, ultimately, ourselves—with unprecedented clarity and empathy. His book not only helps us reckon with what we lived through, but also with the challenges we face before the next crisis arrives.

2020 Vision: Turbocharge Your Business Today to Thrive in Tomorrow's Economy

by Stan Davis Bill Davidson

Information management and biotechnology are reshaping the basic structure of American enterprise. In this bold and innovative analysis, Davis and Davidson explain what these changes mean and how entrepreneurs and executives can prepare challenges of tomorrow.

2030: A Day In The Life Of Tomorrow's Kids

by Amy Zuckerman James Daly

Global events and new technology change how we live from moment to moment. So, what will our world be like in twenty years? Come take a look as futurists Amy Zuckerman and James Daly examine what a kid?s daily life might be like in the year 2030. Inspired and informed by trends and scientifi c and technological research, 2030 is not only a peek at some cool future gadgets (talking dog collars, cars that drive themselves), but also a thoughtful examination of how our lives might be impacted as we adjust to environmental change.

2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids

by Amy Zuckerman James Daly

Winner of the 2012 Grand Canyon Reader Award for a Non-fiction bookGlobal events and new technology change how we live from moment to moment. So, what will our world be like in twenty years? Come take a look as futurists Amy Zuckerman and James Daly examine what a kid?s daily life might be like in the year 2030. Inspired and informed by trends and scientifi c and technological research, 2030 is not only a peek at some cool future gadgets (talking dog collars, cars that drive themselves), but also a thoughtful examination of how our lives might be impacted as we adjust to environmental change.

2030: How Today's Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything

by Mauro F. Guillén

AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERWall Street Journal BestsellerA Porchlight Book BestsellerFinancial Times Best Books of 2020Yahoo Finance Favorite Business Books of 2020 JP Morgan NextList 2021 selection"Bold, provocative...illuminates why we’re having fewer babies, the middle class is stagnating, unemployment is shifting, and new powers are rising.” —ADAM GRANTThe world is changing drastically before our eyes—will you be prepared for what comes next? A groundbreaking analysis from one of the world's foremost experts on global trends, including analysis on how COVID-19 will amplify and accelerate each of these changes. Once upon a time, the world was neatly divided into prosperous and backward economies. Babies were plentiful, workers outnumbered retirees, and people aspiring towards the middle class yearned to own homes and cars. Companies didn't need to see any further than Europe and the United States to do well. Printed money was legal tender for all debts, public and private. We grew up learning how to "play the game," and we expected the rules to remain the same as we took our first job, started a family, saw our children grow up, and went into retirement with our finances secure.That world—and those rules—are over.By 2030, a new reality will take hold, and before you know it:- There will be more grandparents than grandchildren- The middle-class in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa will outnumber the US and Europe combined- The global economy will be driven by the non-Western consumer for the first time in modern history- There will be more global wealth owned by women than men- There will be more robots than workers- There will be more computers than human brains- There will be more currencies than countriesAll these trends, currently underway, will converge in the year 2030 and change everything you know about culture, the economy, and the world.According to Mauro F. Guillen, the only way to truly understand the global transformations underway—and their impacts—is to think laterally. That is, using “peripheral vision,” or approaching problems creatively and from unorthodox points of view. Rather than focusing on a single trend—climate-change or the rise of illiberal regimes, for example—Guillen encourages us to consider the dynamic inter-play between a range of forces that will converge on a single tipping point—2030—that will be, for better or worse, the point of no return.2030 is both a remarkable guide to the coming changes and an exercise in the power of “lateral thinking,” thereby revolutionizing the way you think about cataclysmic change and its consequences.

2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country (Understanding Xi Jinping’s Governance)

by Angang Hu Yilong Yan Xiao Tang Shenglong Liu

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.This book is arranged and developed around the theme of “2050 China,” it analyzes the factors and advantages of the Chinese road to socialist modernization, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist modernization of China, and further shows the general basis of the primary stage of socialism. According to the report delivered at the 19th Party Congress, and according to the “two-stage” strategic plan, this book looks ahead in detail to the overarching objective and sub-objectives of essentially achieving socialist modernization by 2035, discusses the building of a great modern socialist country in all respects from the perspective of the Party’s six-sphere integrated plan of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization, and national defense construction, and provides policy proposals. This book also analyzes the influence and the effect of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics on the world and it further presents the third centenary goal. In conclusion, this book is an elaboration of the work of the Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University. It reflects the intellectual innovation in the authors’ research on contemporary China, as well as the authors’ foresight and predictions about China’s future development.

2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

by Jorgen Randers

Forty years ago,The Limits to Growthstudy addressed the grand question of how humans would adapt to the physical limitations of planet Earth. It predicted that during the first half of the 21st century the ongoing growth in the human ecological footprint would stop-either through catastrophic "overshoot and collapse"-or through well-managed "peak and decline. "So, where are we now? And what does our future look like? In the book2052, Jorgen Randers, one of the co-authors ofLimits to Growth, issues a progress report and makes a forecast for the next forty years. To do this, he asked dozens of experts to weigh in with their best predictions on how our economies, energy supplies, natural resources, climate, food, fisheries, militaries, political divisions, cities, psyches, and more will take shape in the coming decades. He then synthesized those scenarios into a global forecast of life as we will most likely know it in the years ahead. The good news: we will see impressive advances in resource efficiency, and an increasing focus on human well-being rather than on per capita income growth. But this change might not come as we expect. Future growth in population and GDP, for instance, will be constrained in surprising ways-by rapid fertility decline as result of increased urbanization, productivity decline as a result of social unrest, and continuing poverty among the poorest 2 billion world citizens. Runaway global warming, too, is likely. So, how do we prepare for the years ahead? With heart, fact, and wisdom, Randers guides us along a realistic path into the future and discusses what readers can do to ensure a better life for themselves and their children during the increasing turmoil of the next forty years.

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