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The Emerging Middle East-East Asia Nexus (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

by Anoushiravan Ehteshami Yukiko Miyagi

As the economies of East Asia grow ever stronger, their need for energy resources increases, which in turn compels closer relations with the countries of the Middle East. This book examines the developing relations between the countries of East Asia, especially China and Japan, with the countries of the Middle East. It looks at various key bilateral relationships, including with Iran and Syria, discusses the impact on the United States’ hegemony in both regions, considers whether the new relations represent a contribution to, or a threat to, peace and stability, and assesses the implications of the changes for patterns of regional and global international relations systems.

An Emerging Non-Regular Labour Force in Japan: The Dignity of Dispatched Workers (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)

by Huiyan Fu

Like many industrialised nations, the current employment trend in Japan centres on diversification of the labour market with an increased use of temporary labour. Among a wide range of non-regular labour arrangements, haken are a newly legalised category of non-regular workers who are typically employed by the employment agency while working at the facilities of and being under the authority of the client firm. They have recently expanded exponentially under the state’s deregulation policy and assumed considerable significance in political debate, especially with regard to the nation’s ‘widening gaps’ known as kakusa. This is the first anthropological study of haken and temporary agency work (TAW) in Japan which combines both macro- and micro level analyses. At the macro level, haken are explored from a historical perspective with a view to showing the changing state policy and public perception of haken. At the micro level, how TAW is experienced by real people in concrete situations is extremely varied and complex, often depending on intersecting structural variables including gender, age and class. The book therefore provides insight into the gap between powerful discourses and everyday life, as well as a better understanding of personhood in Japan’s shifting landscape of employment. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Japanese Studies, Japanese Business, Asian Business and Asian Anthropology.

The Emerging Pacific Community: A

by Bruce J. Dickson Robert L Downen

As the nations of the Pacific Ocean region experience rapid economic growth, they have begun to recognize the vast potential benefits of regional interdependence. Recent threats of economic nationalism, according to many specialists, have only strengthened the need for organized regional cooperation. The relative success of the Association of South

Emerging Perspectives On Disability Studies

by Matthew Wappett Katrina Arndt

Emerging Perspectives on Disability Studies brings together up-and-coming scholars whose works expand disability studies into new interdisciplinary contexts. This includes new perspectives on disability identity; historical constructions of (dis)ability; the geography of disability; the spiritual nature of disability; governmentality and disability rights; neurodiversity and challenges to medicalized constructions of autism; and questions of citizenship and participation in political and sexual economies. In sum, this volume uses disability studies as an innovative framework for its investigation into what it means to be human.

Emerging Powers, Development Cooperation and South-South Relations (International Political Economy Series)

by Chithra Purushothaman

This book analyses the role of emerging powers as a development assistance providers and the nature of their development cooperation, their behaviour, motives and markedly their changing identities in international relations. With their growing economic and political clout, emerging powers are using economic instruments like foreign aid to ensure their position in the international system that is going through power shifts. By comparing three major emerging economies of the Global South- Brazil, India and China- this book would explore how emerging powers are changing the international aid architecture that is created and dominated by the traditional donors.

Emerging Powers, Emerging Markets, Emerging Societies: Global Responses (International Political Economy Series)

by Li Xing Steen Christensen

The rise of emerging or new powers has recently become one of the most researched areas in International Relations. While most studies focus on relations between traditional and emerging powers, this edited collection turns the focus 180 degrees and asks how countries outside these two power sets have reacted to the emerging new world order. Are emerging powers creating a united front in a struggle to change the global order, or are they more concerned with national interests? Are we seeing major changes in the global order, or simply an adjustment by the traditional powers to the emergence of new contenders? In order to the answer these questions, the authors take a broad thematic approach in analyzing recent trends in the interplay between states, markets and societies, concentrating in particular on Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and on the three major emerging powers: China, India and Brazil.

Emerging Powers in the WTO

by Constantine Michalopoulos

The most important dimension of globalization in the last thirty years and especially since 2000 has been the dramatic increase of developing country participation in world trade and the emergence of a number of powers such as Brazil, China and India that are playing an important role in the global economy and in the WTO. But many other developing countries continue to struggle to transform their economies, handicapped by institutional constraints and protection against their exports both in developed and developing country markets. This volume examines the main factors for developing country trade performance in the last thirty years, their own trade policies, market access issues they face, and their increasingly more effective participation in the WTO and the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations. The last part addresses the future role of the WTO in the international trade system in connection with the challenges it faces from the multitude of preferential trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the EU; and recommends an action program for the more effective participation of developing countries in the world trade.

The Emerging South

by Thomas D. Clark

“In 1961 when I entitled this book The Emerging South I realized, of course, that it could not be said positively that the South had emerged to the extent that its efforts in most categories equaled the national achievement. I meant nevertheless to express the belief that the region was undergoing enormous change and that much of the change promised to be for the better. In the passage of three-quarters of a decade, several aspects of modern southern development have come more fully into focus. For better or worse, the South in the years since 1945 has lost many of its traditional regional characteristics. In the field of economic change, there has been marked advancement. More and more the regional thrust has become that of industrial and commercial America in general. The South has been engaged in a relentless crusade to claim a greater share of the national industry, and to raise the level of personal incomes. This is gradually accomplishing. By 1961 it was self-evident that the old southern agricultural system of the yeoman farmer had all but vanished. There remained islands where men still struggled in their clumsy and inefficient way to survive socially and economically. They, however, carried on a losing battle. Toward the close of the decade, it was clear that much southern farming had become a capital business. Farms continued to grow in size and become more highly mechanized. Never in the history of the region was so little human energy engaged in crop production. By the same token, there was never so much human displacement in the South from the old areas of employment. There are reasons to share the views of the 1967 study of the Twentieth Century Fund that the South has gained much momentum. The region has emerged from many of the dark recesses of its past, and it promises to revise its history further in the immediate future."

Emerging Sports as Social Movements: Disc Golf and the Rise of an Unknown Sport

by Joshua Woods

This volume examines the rise of an emerging sport as a grassroots effort (or “new social movement”), arguing that the growth of non-normative sports movements occurs through two social processes: one driven primarily by product development, commercialization, and consumption, and another that relies upon public resources and grassroots efforts. Through the lens of disc golf, informed by the author’s experience both playing and researching the sport, Joshua Woods here explores how non-normative sports development depends on the consistency of insider culture and ideology, as well as on how the movement navigates a broad field of market competition, government regulation, community characteristics, public opinion, traditional media, social media and technological change. Throughout, the author probes why some sports grow faster than others, examining cultural tendencies toward sport, individual choices to participate, and the various institutional forces at play.

Emerging States at Crossroads (Emerging-Economy State and International Policy Studies)

by Keiichi Tsunekawa Yasuyuki Todo

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND license.This volume analyzes the economic, social, and political challenges that emerging states confront today. Notwithstanding the growing importance of the ‘emerging states’ in global affairs and governance, many problems requiring immediate solutions have emerged at home largely as a consequence of the rapid economic development and associated sociopolitical changes. The middle-income trap is a major economic challenge faced by emerging states. This volume regards interest coordination for technological upgrading as crucial to avoid the trap and examines how various emerging states are grappling with this challenge by fostering public-private cooperation, voluntary associations of market players, and/or social networks. Social disparity is another serious problem. It is deeply rooted in history in the emerging states such as South Africa and many Latin American countries. However, income distribution is recently deteriorating even in East Asia that was once praised for its high economic growth with equity. Increasing pressure for political opening is another challenge for emerging states. This volume argues that the economic, social, and political problems are interwoven in the sense that the emerging states need to build political consensus in order to tackle the economic and social difficulties. Democratic institutions have not always been successful in this respect.

Emerging Stronger: Pedagogical Lessons from the Pandemic

by Jeffrey Chin and Michele Lee Kozimor

Responding to the sudden and far-reaching implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in college classrooms and on campus, Emerging Stronger assembles an original compilation of chapters that revisit, reframe, and refine the practice of teaching in a fundamentally altered landscape. Cultivated from a wide array of different fields, from sociology and political science to literature and secondary education, expert contributors to this volume extend their scholarship on teaching and learning and offer thoughtful pieces about curricular innovation, teaching tools and techniques, and evidence-based approaches that will interest dedicated faculty in any discipline. The chapters fall into three categories—Modalities of Teaching and Learning, Pedagogical Strategies, and Student Engagement—each of which carry an all-important focus on what readers should know about best practices now and for the foreseeable future. Whether experienced faculty, scholars just starting out in their teaching careers, or aspiring graduate students, readers of this volume will come away with great techniques and strategies, but also community, hope, and opportunity to strengthen their teaching and provide better learning environments in their classrooms.

Emerging Techniques in Applied Demography

by M. Nazrul Hoque Lloyd B. Potter

By bringing together top-notch demographers, sociologists, economists, statisticians and public health specialists from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America to examine a wide variety of public and private issues in applied demography, this book spans a wide range of topics. It evaluates population estimates and projections against actual census counts and suggests further improvement of estimates and projection techniques and evaluation procedures; new techniques are proposed for estimating families and households and particular attention is paid to the much-discussed topic of access to health care. Coverage extends to factors influencing health status and elder abuse, child bearing and labor market analysis and the effects of education on labor market outcomes of native white American and immigrant European populations. Methodologically rigorous and pragmatically useful, Emerging Techniques in Applied Demography also examines a wide variety of public and private issues under the field of applied demography. It provides a broad overview of research topics and also reflects substantial development in the field of applied demography. It also bridges the gap between theory and research by providing several examples of work of distinguished applied demographic.

Emerging Technologies and Museums: Mediating Difficult Heritage

by Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Alexandra Bounia Antigone Heraclidou

How can emerging technologies display, reveal and negotiate difficult, dissonant, negative or undesirable heritage? Emerging technologies in museums have the potential to reveal unheard or silenced stories, challenge preconceptions, encourage emotional responses, introduce the unexpected, and overall provide alternative experiences. By examining varied theoretical approaches and case studies, authors demonstrate how “awkward”, contested, and rarely discussed subjects and stories are treated – or can be potentially treated - in a museum setting with the use of the latest technology.

Emerging Technologies for Disaster Resilience: Practical Cases and Theories (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Mihoko Sakurai Rajib Shaw

Technological advances have helped to enhance disaster resilience through better risk reduction, response, mitigation, rehabilitation and reconstruction. In former times, it was local and traditional knowledge that was mainly relied upon for disaster risk reduction. Much of this local knowledge is still valid in today’s world, even though possibly in different forms and contexts, and local knowledge remains a shared part of life within the communities. In contrast, with the advent of science and technology, scientists and engineers have become owners of advanced technologies, which have contributed significantly to reducing disaster risks across the globe. This book analyses emerging technologies and their effects in enhancing disaster resilience. It also evaluates the gaps, challenges, capacities required and the way forward for future disaster management. A wide variety of technologies are addressed, focusing specifically on new technologies such as cyber physical systems, geotechnology, drone, and virtual reality (VR)/ augmented reality (AR). Other sets of emerging advanced technologies including an early warning system and a decision support system are also reported on. Moreover, the book provides a variety of discussions regarding information management, communication, and community resilience at the time of a disaster. This book’s coverage of different aspects of new technologies makes it a valuable resource for students, researchers, academics, policymakers, and development practitioners.

Emerging Technologies for Emerging Markets

by John Vong Insu Song

This book introduces inclusive-cost-effective (ICE) approaches that have the potential to transform all aspects of daily lives of people at the base of the pyramid in the economic scale, who represent more than 75% of the world population. ICE means that the approaches must meet the affordability level at the base of the pyramid. This includes mobile banking and financial service technologies, mobile education, rural information and communication technologies, telemedicine, e-Health, and health social networks. This monograph is a compulsory reading for not only technology innovators, but also economists, social entrepreneurs, development specialists, health specialists, bankers and researchers and policy thinkers on technology and economic development.

Emerging Technologies for the Analysis of Forensic Traces (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Simona Francese

This book provides a line of communication between academia and end users/practitioners to advance forensic science and boost its contribution to criminal investigations and court cases. By covering the state of the art of promising technologies for the analysis of trace evidence using a controlled vocabulary, this book targets the forensics community as well as, crucially, informing the end users on novel and potential forensic opportunities for the fight against crime. By reporting end users commentaries at the end of each chapter, the relevant academic community is provided with clear indications on where to direct further technological developments in order to meet the law requirements for operational deployment, as well as the specific needs of the end users. Promising chemistry based technologies and analytical techniques as well as techniques that have already shown to various degrees an operational character are covered. The majority of the techniques covered have imaging capabilities, that is the ability to visualize the distribution of the target molecules within the trace evidence recovered. This feature enhances intelligibility of the information making it also accessible to a lay audience such as that typically found with a court jury. Trace evidence discussed in this book include fingermarks, bodily fluids, hair, gunshot residues, soil, ink and questioned documents thus covering a wide range of possible evidence recovered at crime scenes.

Emerging Technologies / Life at the Edge of the Future

by Sarah Pink

Emerging Technologies / Life at the Edge of the Future invites us to think forward from our present moment of planetary, public and everyday crisis, through the prism of emerging technologies. It calls for a new ethical, responsible and equitable path towards possible futures, curated through in-depth engagement with and across experiential, environmental and technological possibilities. It tackles three of the most significant challenges for contemporary society by asking: how emerging technologies are implicated in the sites of everyday lives; what place emerging technologies have in an evolving world in crisis; and how we might better imagine and shape ethical, equitable and responsible futures. The book interweaves three narratives, each of which advances three sets of concerns for our societal futures: ‘Emergence’, which addresses futures, trust and hope; ‘Worlds’, which addresses data, air and energy; and ‘Technologies’, which addresses the future of mobilities, homes and work. Not simply a critical study of emerging technologies, this book is also an approach to thinking and practice in times of global crisis that plays out a mode of future-focused scholarship and action for the first half of the twenty-first century.

Emerging Technology and Crisis Management in The Halal Industry: Issues and Recent Developments

by Nor Aida Abdul Rahman Mohd Helmi Ali

This book provides a comprehensive discussion on emerging technologies in the Halal industry including recent highlights on the cartel issue and market competition in the crises era. Readers are provided an understanding of both technology application from multi-perspective of technology pillars in the context of Halal industry and from different sub-halal sectors, such as Halal food, tourism, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, medical, logistics, retail, and many more. This enables readers to understand differences in technology applications, their strengths, and weaknesses through use cases and effectively plan subsequent technology applications in the management of a broad spectrum of Halal industries. The book serves as an important resource for the Halal industry players and Halal scholars.

Emerging Threats of Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology: Addressing Security and Resilience Issues (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)

by Benjamin D. Trump Marie-Valentine Florin Edward Perkins Igor Linkov

Synthetic biology is a field of biotechnology that is rapidly growing in various applications, such as in medicine, environmental sustainability, and energy production. However these technologies also have unforeseen risks and applications to humans and the environment. This open access book presents discussions on risks and mitigation strategies for these technologies including biosecurity, or the potential of synthetic biology technologies and processes to be deliberately misused for nefarious purposes. The book presents strategies to prevent, mitigate, and recover from ‘dual-use concern’ biosecurity challenges that may be raised by individuals, rogue states, or non-state actors. Several key topics are explored including opportunities to develop more coherent and scalable approaches to govern biosecurity from a laboratory perspective up to the international scale and strategies to prevent potential health and environmental hazards posed by deliberate misuse of synthetic biology without stifling innovation. The book brings together the expertise of top scholars in synthetic biology and biotechnology risk assessment, management, and communication to discuss potential biosecurity governing strategies and offer perspectives for collaboration in oversight and future regulatory guidance.

Emerging Topics on Father Attachment: Considerations in Theory, Context and Development

by Lisa A. Newland, Harry S. Freeman and Diana D. Coyl

This book is the first of its kind to focus specifically on children’s attachment to fathers, and explores the connections among fathering, family dynamics, and attachment relationships. It includes theoretical, methodological and research reports written by an interdisciplinary group of researchers from around the globe. The purpose of this book is to familiarize the reader with the conceptualization, measurement and provisions of the attachment bond between children and their fathers, from infancy through young adulthood and across diverse individual, family, community, and cultural systems. Recent empirical findings suggest that new methods of measuring child-father attachment are warranted, and that attachment to fathers may be unique from, but complementary to attachment to mothers. These findings also suggest that attachment to fathers uniquely predicts children’s healthy developmental outcomes, and these findings are robust across various contexts, but these predictive relationships are best understood within context.This book provides a summary of current scholarly knowledge of fathering and attachment, and describes future directions to be explored by professionals, policy makers and practitioners within family services, education, and social work settings. It is also of interest to the general public. This book was published as a special issue of Early Child Development and Care.

Emerging Trends in Drug Use and Distribution

by David N. Khey John Stogner Bryan Lee Miller

This Brief explores emerging trends in drug use and distribution. This timely Brief examines recent examples of emerging drugs including salvia (from the plant Salvia divinorum), bath salts (and other synthetic stimulants) and so-called research chemicals (primarily substituted phenethylamines, synthetic cousins of ecstasy), which have tended to receive brief levels of high intensity media coverage that may or may not reflect an actual increase in their usage. Over the past decade in particular, "new" substances being used recreationally seem to come out of obscurity and gain rapid popularity, particularly spurred on by discussion and distribution over the internet. While changing trends in the drug market have always presented a challenge for law enforcement and public health officials, online forums, media coverage and other recent trends discussed in this Brief allow them to gain popularity more quickly and change more frequently. These rapid shifts allow less time for researchers to understand the potential health consequences of these substances and for law enforcement to stay abreast of abuses of legal substances. This work includes: 1) review of relevant research and literature, 2) review the Internet sources in which many deem important in influencing the emerging drug market, 3) discussion of national and international trends in use, abuse and distribution of these substances and 4) examination of current drug policy and recommendations for the future. This brief will be useful for criminology and criminal justice, sociology and public health. It will also be useful for those that deal with youth and the problems that may develop during adolescence and early adulthood.

Emerging Trends in Indian Politics: The Fifteenth General Election

by Ajay K. Mehra

This study presents 13 articles interrogating themes likely to impinge on India’s 15th general elections in 2009. These were written following intense discussion between the contributors and use available data as well as original data and analysis. The significance of the analyses goes beyond how much these questions find place in the campaign, or how much they would impact the electoral results. These have and would continue to be essential themes in Indian politics for some time. They would influence the country’s politics, its leaders, parties and institutions and would be interrogated in political, policy and social science circles in the foreseeable future. They would in turn be impacted, redefined and perhaps transformed by political dynamics and social pressure. The first attempt of its kind to analyse the impact of certain emerging trends in politics on upcoming elections anywhere in the world, this book will be a useful addition to election studies and policy making in general.

Emerging Trends in Psychological Practice in Long-Term Care

by Suzann Ogland-Hand Margaret Norris Victor Molinari

Update your knowledge of mental health services delivery in long-term care settings! Authored by experts in the field of psychology practice in long-term care (LTC), this valuable book is designed to update psychologists and educators on developments in the evolving field of geriatric mental health in LTC settings. The editors and chapter authors are scientist-practitioners who use their expertise to cover applied topics while maintaining high scientific and scholarly standards. The first section of Emerging Trends in Psychological Practice in Long-Term Care examines modifications to traditional psychotherapy techniques that make them more appropriate for long-term care patients, with chapters reviewing: group therapy in long-term care brief psychotherapy for treating depression in patients with dementia the use of autobiographical memory techniques in cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression the treatment of disruptive behaviors in LTC residents The second section covers systematic therapy approaches in LTC settings, with chapters discussing: distinctive family therapy issues in LTC an LTC systems application of behavioral treatment for depression using pleasant events a comparison of patient and staff perceptions of characteristics that contribute to the quality of LTC facilities a multidisciplinary team approach to the treatment of dementia training LTC caregivers in behavioral techniques The third section of this remarkable volume addresses the thorny ethical and legal issues unique to LTC residents, including legal definitions, requirements for obtaining informed consent from LTC patients, and confidentiality dilemmas that are unique to clinical services in long-term care. With helpful charts, tables, and fascinating case studies that illustrate clinical issues, this user-friendly text belongs on the reference shelf of everyone involved in providing mental health services to people in long-term care settings!

Emerging Trends in Smart Societies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Worakamol Wisetsri Philip Clingan Rocky J. Dwyer Dilrabo Bakhronova

Emerging Trends in Smart Societies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” captures the essence of the groundbreaking initiative heralded by the inaugural International Conference on Humanities for Smart Societies 2023 (HMSS 23). This milestone event convenes a global cohort of scholars, policymakers, and thinkers, transcending geographical confines via a pioneering virtual platform.The book crystallizes the convergence of diverse disciplines – from humanities to management – fostering an exchange of innovative ideas vital for sustainable, digitally transformed societies. By orchestrating cross-disciplinary dialogues, this anthology unveils novel solutions and holistic approaches to contemporary challenges.

Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering Leadership: Practical Research from Women Leaders (Women in Engineering and Science)

by Marilee J. Wheaton Alice F. Squires Heather J. Feli

This book celebrates the efforts of women in the international systems engineering community. While there are dozens of books that tackle the topic of systems engineering and thousands of books that address leadership, this book is unique. Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering Leadership: Practical Research from Women Leaders presents personal, well-researched, hands-on perspectives of emerging trends in systems engineering leadership from industry, government, and academia, covering timely topics applicable across many domains – all under one cover. This book presents material for engineers, scientists, technologists, and others to help them tackle challenges in their everyday work dealing with complex socio-technical systems. The book provides guidance for leaders on shoring up essential (soft) skills to address the increasing demand for professional competencies; addresses diversity, equity, inclusion, and empowering women in the workforce; discusses broader facets of systems engineering leadership including systems thinking, ethics and utilitarianism; and investigates the impact of emerging technological change on systems resilience and the digital enterprise. This book provides a multi-perspective approach for leaders to navigate a changing world and develop and deliver optimal system solutions to global societal challenges that meet human needs. To this end, the authors extend beyond the solid technical base to encompass the human aspect of system behavior. This book is written by twenty-six female authors (three of whom also serve as the editors) from around the world at varying career stages who share their research, achievements, perspectives, and successes in emerging areas of systems engineering leadership.Testimonials:“As the systems that modern society depends on get more complicated and complex, we are in the midst of a renaissance with regard to research relating to systems engineering and science. A vast majority of this research is focused on the development of a modern toolkit for systems engineers today and into the future. This takes the form of new and improved methods, models, methodology, processes and tools. This research is critical but likely insufficient without a focus on the most valuable resource with regard to systems engineering within any organization – the human resource. Therein lies the focus of this textbook. It addresses systems engineering leadership from a variety of perspectives, while also addressing broad aspects relating to mentoring and the necessary evolving competencies that we need to address in today’s workforce. This emphasis makes this book unique. The icing on the cake is that all the chapters in this textbook are written by contemporary women leaders – this provides a necessary and unique perspective on the topic of leadership – that is long overdue! I highly recommend this textbook to all my colleagues in academia, industry, and government.”Dinesh Verma, Ph.D.Professor, Systems Engineering, School of Systems and EnterprisesExecutive Director, Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030“The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the number of women who are formally recognized in systems engineering technical, management and leadership positions in all sectors. With industry, academia, professional systems engineering societies and publishers enabling and illuminating the growing and substantial contributions of women in engineering, women have unprecedented opportunities today to contribute to systems engineering in both leadership and management positions. This volume, a compendium of chapters written by enterprising international women leaders at various stages in their career, addresses diverse topics such as leadership, management, empowerment, equity, diversity, inclusion, and mentoring. It is a valuable resource f

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